And conspiracy. The worlds biggest crypto Currency Bitcoin has plunged in value down almost twenty five percent within a week after a long period of remarkable gains trading the currency has been suspended in some exchanges those are your headlines do stay with us one on one east is next. On counting the cost of a robin hood in reverse quite frankly its the same plan to cut taxes for the rich do little for the poor the link between the electric cars. Possible resolving the crisis means for the gig economy counting the cost of this time. If there was ever a quintessential chinese comfort for one time new suit would be it. Once a meal reserved for emperors and describes the swallowing of clouds today it served in almost every street in china. One bowl with its noodles dumplings is supposed to contain all the nutrients you need. But recent scandals over poisonous toxic food have sickening killed thousands. In an undercover investigation we take a closer look at being greedy and go into one time soon and find a Food Industry serving up a cocktail of chemicals. From the vast farmland of the Worlds Largest food producing nation. To its markets and kitchens adulterated Food Products are putting lives at risk. And its troubling for the rest of the globe too as made in china food is increasingly being exploited to a table near you. On a speech out on this edition of one i want to use were chasing a toxic trail in the greedy instate in chinas food supply and were doing it by following the making of one of ages health iconic dishes a seemingly simple for a one time little soup. Long before others are up chef new jeanne moos is already starting his day. One of chinas most renowned one ton soup makers he spent every morning since you working up the perfect bowl its a labor of love. My family has done this for generations when the school was passed on to me to give it my one hundred percent so people can taste the same traditional bowl of noodles seafood central. With recent scandals in china over tainted food whos agreed to show us how real food should be made. The key to great taste he says is using Natural Ingredients nothing artificial. Another group is time. He stews his profit for hours. Only at sunrise turn his attention to other elements of the one ton dish. Flour and eggs are mixed needed and pounded into dough until it becomes the right consistency to be cut into his signature noodles. My noodles are made by hand and with lots of patients only the exact amount of time and ingredients will get a tasty soup a spoon. Who knows to many his methods seem slow and outdated especially in the fast paced world of the new modern china. Today the busy lives of a new generation has meant people want their food quickly the dangerous says they have little time to think about what theyre putting into their mouths that he says allows a profit hungry Food Industry to take advantage. Ive come to beijing the heart of the country to meet a man who promises to show me the dark and dirty secrets of the food trade. A watch i mean i know how you are so i need to retire want to. Know more how many of you are also have r. C. For more than twenty years chang has worked as a chef in a lot due to the restaurant and has made more than his fair share of one time noodles but as each year goes by he feels lives are increasingly being put at risk the mood around the law by Going Forward or the girl thing at the moment the public cant even fathom the scale of how much illegal additives are being used in food china safety problem has reached such Epic Proportions that it needs to be addressed the problem is so extreme. We come to a wholesale market which im told sells many illegal food additives. Filming with hidden cameras we make our way through the rows of shops they offer everything a modern restaurant needs all in large quantities. The first store one tasty too has wall stocked with bottles upon bottles of chemicals. Theyre additives and according to wong some of them are toxic. Harmful industrial solvents like melamine have on occasion been found inside these chemical mixes. Or. There was in ones that simulate the flavor of the meat in one time with them he says you dont have to use any real meat when cooking. Dot dot com at a second store long asked for a flavoring for his one ton soup one that will substitute for hours of stew and i dont feel. Very happy. Then suddenly he decides to put the shopkeeper on the spot on my own and out of our. Door here oh no dont go there you know the tigers. By her mouth. And you have to disassemble and unite and if youre going to hear youre going to have your ass should be introduced and you know youre going out there on your feet you know i believe that you get when you know you had a father which shes either misguided or outright line under chinese laws selling items without detailed list of ingredients is a crime with a shopkeeper getting suspicious we quickly buy the soup flavoring along with other additives and leave we head for ones kitchen. On how. One wants to show me how easy it is to make a fully artificial bowl of one ton noodles one he says many restaurants today serve he guarantees it will taste exactly like the real thing porto not. Master wu the authentic want to make or uses eggs to give his noodles texture and color. Wang adds a mysterious white powder to flour he says he has no idea what its made of but its a fraction of the cost of eggs and gives the dough its needed consistency coming out of pocket. Theres no need to spend hours working the dough in just a few minutes its ready to be cut into noodles. For the one times master wu uses real pork meat for the filling. But wong says many restaurants these days use an artificial filler its basically another powder but when water is added the transformation to meet begins again we have no idea what its made of some come almost half which im sure i shall. Share are a match. On them bach on the sound. One says the use of colored additives beyond the legal limits set by the government is a common practice well they are now some of them. Thanks to a range of unknown substances we see what started out as powder take on the smell taste and texture of real meat. But what can you know or draw the sorrow. One begins to cook the one tons a new tools what took master wu hours is ready in just a few minutes. On the. Floor so on my where you know me a Little Hollow while the thought is a bit disgusting its time for a taste test so master one says that this fake all of one time noodle soup tastes exactly like the real thing although its time to give it a try. Lots of flavor the texture may not be exactly right but if youre seeing in a restaurant slurping this down you probably can tell the difference the big question is what is this for doing to your body. But one says its profit not health that restaurants are concerned about this bowl cost just twenty cents to mean its five times cheaper than making it with real ingredients more than that theyd only use these vendors are blinded by greed the temptation of money has corroded the souls of many people they put profit above all other things. To find out just what toxins are lurking inside the sender additives along with their fake ball of one tons to a lab for testing. Meanwhile we decide to delve further into the issue and visit more Additives Markets around the country. We want to try to buy borax its a chemical once commonly used to bleach noodles but was banned last year in china. Borax is considered a poison its also a pesticide and fungicide. With getting cameras rolling my translator and i pose as a restaurant tools and visit this shark. I go. Back all right before you go wrong we. All want to go. Back. Home but. Were very clearly shopkeeper just now that we want to buy borax to use in noodles and still he was going to sell it to us five hundred grams or half a kilos going for about a dollar fifty us considering how cheap that is you have to suspect that its still being commonly used in your tools despite it being illegal to do so. In two thousand and eight unscrupulous Food Producers recalled targeting the most vulnerable hundreds of thousands of children were rushed to hospital after they were fed toxic melamine in their infant formula. Normally used to make plastics and tabletops investigators discovered producers are using it to artificially boost protein levels in milk powder once eaten it can cause kidney stones and kidney failure while twenty one Food Producers and all were found guilty the government sent only a handful of people to jail to direct you. To this day eight year old sheeny lynn has yet to recover from the melamine that poison terms her mother has invited us to join them on one of their regular visits to hospital. She lynn looks like any other energetic child but her mom says shes often very serious. Situation to couldnt do so shes extremely weak and constantly feels pain in her back near the kidneys and sometimes her face turns green and her lips get pale shes even paul stipe before. Today she knew lynne is going for an ultrasound our producer takes. As we film with hitting camerons shinee limbs mom says the state run hospital has been covering up how sick her daughter really is in order to downplay the melamine scandal. Inside the medical technician gets she even ready for the ultrasound which is supposed to determine if she has kidney stones right from the start the technician seems suspicious. Wall. Coming. In the first ultrasound before the melamine scandal became big news doctors discovered she had a number of stones another clinic confirmed that diagnosis. But in following tests after the scandal the state run hospital changed their tune and today is no different. But our producer sees white spots in the kidney scans and pushed the technician for answers. You. Know. Profit wrong. War. With the woman who. While denying theres anything seriously wrong doctors continue to give she needed in Chinese Herbal medicine to help clear the calcification unable to afford expensive private clinics her family has no choice but to come back to the state run hospitals from other scenes of what she sees as unjust us live had been in the mix what kind of thats the government hasnt done anything it only covers things up and evades responsibility officials from the provinces and village level have even warns me they will arrest me if i dont keep quiet without much money she knew lynn resorts to questionable. Remedies like jumping on a trampoline to try to shake the kidney stones out. The vegetables they eat come from their own garden and are pesticide free the family also goes to Great Lengths to ensure the rest of the food they eat is organic still whenever her mother sees her ill it breaks her heart why do you keep speaking out despite the threats despite the orders to stay so you are just possible simply yes shes all the time i have and theyve hurts my most beloved its not about money its more importantly because i cannot tolerate their treatment. Without public accountability a mother believes more children will be heard by tainted food since the melamine scandal there have been numerous other examples from the sale of oil recycled from the gutter to watermelons exploded due to being overly juiced with growth hormone. To read meat sold as pork was house only two hundred elmo bit cool earth i always say either we starve to death we die of toxic foods its just a matter of time were all in one cesspit. So about how to do all the fun comes in the middle. Policing the worlds most populous nation isnt easy. In two thousand and twelve more than half of all Food Producers failed government tests and even today in places like what markets many sellers remain unlicensed when you walk through a massive market writers to really get a sense of how large chinas your industry is at one time the Chinese Government gave the responsibility for ensuring food safety to ten different ministries in magic the publication that causes an overlapping jurisdictions now the Chinese Government is trying to change. Officials say they are now centralizing control under a few ministries and are also drafting what they hail as their toughest food law to date. But at this market in the capital food safety expert fan wrong play finds a lot of things still wrong including excessive growth hormones in fathers like bean sprouts and on the bad ones are likely something was used by plant growth regulation that can make the sprouts grow to the shape and size. At this stall the shopkeeper dodges our cameras that leads fan to inspect the cow tried. It smells of Industrial Chemicals. We ask him to buy the tripe and go to our next location for a fan to set up a portable food testing kit into. Your country. You know about your paddles he. Tripe is a popular ingredient in noodle soup in asia but fan says in china many vendors use Industrial Chemicals to make it appear fresher over the soda and then when. He applies the testing agent. War your opinion sir. Are afraid. So if there is a sense of things. That are orders from you and need evoke we as here. The color since fan indicates that industrial grade sodium hydroxide is present normally used in metal making in printing some music illegally to preserve food was being highly corrosive its not meant to be ingested me for much of the boy your money while hospitals now so crowded people are getting sick not due to natural reasons like getting old but because of the on say food. That makes us ill while in beijing were invited to an expo on food safety. It seems after the recent food scandals the government is abandoning its usual rhetoric the official here offers a realistic picture of the challenges they face should he actually come round to the sometimes im to have zero. Zero and hes. Afterwords i try to get in a word with your fish to ask him about the governments efforts i do not need to change it with him oh yeah. But he waves us off and prefers instead to rub elbows with Companies Marketing the latest in clean Food Technology i. Dont know you know the. Food safety is a big Business Opportunity in china these days and there are lots of vendors eager to share the limelight with unfortunate government officials. After chasing him around for quite some time he suddenly decides to leave. Well weve been trying to get a comment from this official but obviously hes not interested in talking with us a little bit frustrating because we came from all through this exhibition despite that hes leaving town to learn more about the governments efforts we speak to a researcher at a state funded institute. Says the food safety situation has changed over time well. Since two thousand and eight Government Departments have made many efforts and for its petition. For trying to improve the safety of the whole food supply system i can say food safety in china is now karen tede. But thats certainly not what we discover. Pork is a key ingredient to one ton noodles and so we decide to visit a pig farm. From. No ones around at this one but littering the ground are numerous packages that medicine. So we go in for a closer look. In two thousand and twelve china produced more than fifty Million Metric Tons of pork thats several times more than any other country on the planet and what we have here wow this is a shelf full of chemicals there are drugs meant to treat all sorts of livestock sicknesses some even advertise that they can help pigs grow faster and wow look at this. This is a box of general antibiotics you see the powder here the government has been trying to get tougher on the amount of and biopics as well as growth hormones being used for farm animals but as you can see here this whole shelf is full of it the other wonder what kind of chemical cocktail his pigs are being injected with studies show the overuse of antibiotics especially in livestock that are creating bacteria resistant to medicine and those bacteria can easily jump to humans when we consume the meat in there or. One of the owners suddenly appears we turn on our hidden cameras and poses tourists my translator joins be as we take a tour around the farm he admits no one controls how much medicine he uses. And i want to go back. To chile. But i dont want them. To also shows us the feast known often to contain growth hormones he says in just a few months his pigs gain more than one hundred kilos. On the anything. That goes through your heart. We then ask him about business cards found outside his gate offering to buy sick and dead pigs. For. A year. Suster selling sick in dead animals is illegal but its not the only problem we find in the area. Another issue is the over use of pesticides recent studies show that most farmland in china is today heavily contaminated by them scattered around this farm we find used pesticide packages one gene from greenpeace joins us here she spent years studying the impact of insecticides jellyfish for my health. Some of them have been banned since the one nine hundred eighty s. Greenpeaces own Research Found farmers in china on average use up to five times the amount of pesticides as elsewhere in the world. On one farm the group film has sized killing chicks on the spot. And the group says often times more than a dozen different toxins are used together. Today in the hina our addiction to pesticides and fertilizers is making food safety the most serious of issues not a single day passes where we feel safe and happy with our lives because this issue has yet to be addressed. As public alarm grows over the harm of toxins some in the Food Industry are stepping in to help. These arent shoppers theyre a team of inspectors walmart has hired to make surprise visits to their one hundred forty stores in china. After being caught in recent scandals over meat and other tainted products the grocery giant is now spending more than fifty Million Dollars to try to ensure their products are clean. The testers collect random samples which are then taken to a bank. Each item is run through a cycle of tests says if pesticides growth hormones or toxic industrial agents are found a supplier can be blacklisted. But walmarts lead food inspector admits the industry is often one step ahead introducing new harmful substances that test cant detect. This is really a tough battle by the saying goes when the priest climbs a post the devil climbs ten. To constantly testing capabilities to customers with seafood. The sheer volume of products walmart must inspect is another challenge this is one of their distribution centers. In many ways it offers a small window into the huge difficulties that lie in policing the countrys Food Supply Chain a difficulty that is becoming a global issue as china increasingly exports food worldwide still authorities argue theyre already doing their best imo well why not ill go out on our challenges question choose from the u. S. The e. U. The u. K. Or elsewhere to try and tackle the chinese market. I dont think they would at one time you know but our authority is trying to make excuses for a lack of trying in our undercover investigation following the trail of ingredients for one ton noodle soup we found food suppliers operating with very little supervision and oversight from the farms. To the markets. To the kitchens. As for the fake ball of one ton noodles are tests found a number of toxic substances in the flour used for noodles there was from mel the heart which is used to preserve dead bodies but when eaten it can cause liver cancer in the mysterious white powder which we used to give noodles their bouncy texture there were poisonous metals like lead cadmium and arsenic the lab also found borax the same illegal chemical we found for sale at the Additives Market its so toxic that just a teaspoon to kill a child. There are those who offer hope for chinas food system. Restaurant is packed daily with customers happy to have food they can trust you money to have the medals or the noodles in most other places too heavy a chemical taste the ones here though taste clean and sweet. In an industry thats become driven by profit who holds his individual stand will. Somehow improvements see. His mission to preserve a tradition of honest food making is truly alone me go back. In a country where parents often pick who you will marry following your love can have serious consequences one on one east meets the men risking their lives to protect indias young lover one is that this time on aljazeera kenyan elections intractable war in syria refugee crisis troubles in venezuela and tensions on the Korean Peninsula and aljazeera news special looks back on the biggest stories of twenty seventeen through the eyes of families who lived through them. Starting images from the niger delta through the unflinching eyes of a look up photographer. George also did an artist on a mission to demonstrates the good and the bad of his beloved homeland documents the effects of the black gold that both succeeds and disfigured his country and showcases the traditional monarchs caught between a modern wild and a tribal culture the new africa. This time on the aljazeera. Security council imposes sanctions on north korea for that head of time

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