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Hour israel launches its biggest attacks on syria in decades of the one of its warplanes is shot down. In iran hundreds of thousands rallied to mark the Islamic Revolution thirty nine years ago. Coffee table diplomacy north koreas olympic delegation is welcomed by the south korean Prime Minister in sport the teenager taking over the slopes at the Winter Olympics seventeen year old reggie role becoming the youngest snowboarder so when and then pick up. Russias Interfax News Agency reporting that a passenger plane has crashed it says it disappeared from radar soon after takeoff from the capital moscow there were seventy one people on board aljazeera is rory chalons is on the line now from moscow rory what more do we know. Well this is something pretty grim breaking news we know that this plane was taking off from damage yet the airport which is one of the capital to miami it was operated by saratoga airlines for a lot of time the plane was an answer no one for a relatively small plane the regional journeys in russia. Sixty five passengers six crew it was heading to a city called force which is a fairly small city in the southern tip of the euro Mountain Town near the Contact Border eyewitnesses have been telling russian News Agencies that a soul plane coming out of the sky pretty soon after takeoff from terminator and we know you rescue workers already heading to the so the crash site that may already be there as i speak the weather at the moment is pretty nasty in most its been snowing today and visibility i mean great but of course it has to. Go on this plane out of the sky where the weather. Factor and rory and they shal reports suggested this aircraft had come down in a suburb could be casualties on the ground we know anything about where this aircraft came down. Well i mean from the maps ive been looking at the plane were having q. Im sorry q east. Germany or is the south east of moscow there was there any heading away from from the city. You know that. The population sort of filled out very rapidly and once you get outside of Moscow Russia dont see a huge or not no not very much to be populated country so its very dangerous is it a hugely popular to the area that it came down and we will have to see as more information from the last twenty twenty tragedy because there are moderate people were killed on the ground all right ready for the mother many thanks indeed for a challenge live there on the line from moscow well have more on this breaking news a little later in the news a heavy blow to syria and iran thats how israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is describing his countrys most significant s. Strikes on syria in decades there in response to Syrian Government forces shooting down an israeli fighter jet on saturday and claims that an iranian drone entered israeli air space strikes reportedly hit an airport on the outskirts of us away in southern syria and a weapons depo near the capital damascus russias president Vladimir Putin is urging Prime Minister netanyahu to avoid any steps that could escalate tension but mr netanyahu told a Cabinet Meeting that israel will continue to strike against any aggression more. Time of course yesterday we delivered some serious blows to the uranian in Syrian Forces we made it absolutely clear to everyone that our rules of engagement have not changed at all who will continue to attack any attempts to hurt us it has been our policy and they will continue to be our policy lived out west or Islam Al Jazeera is how the force that is there so weve got russias president warning Prime Minister Netanyahu Harry against the. The escalation what are we to make of the Prime Ministers comments. That is obviously and i dont versions to say the least between the russian position and the israeli one and its one that has come about despite the fact that israel has been very much trying to improve relations with russia Benjamin Netanyahu just a few days ago was in russia for talks with that amir peretz and about this very issue about israels concerns on what it says is a growing Iranian Military presence inside syria and the need for as far as israel is concerned israel to maintain its ability to respond as it sees fit there is no condemnation at all of russia in any of israels language however the russian language is somewhat more robust in the direction of the israelis also away from the politics on the ground up in the northeast of israel up in the north near the Golan Heights there are eyewitnesses reporting to israeli media that there are reinforcements of anti missile batteries that have been convoyed up there to potentially see off any further such threats but there is no confirmation on that as is typical from the Israeli Military where it is Public Opinion lie on this in israel. Well certainly israeli politicians are talking about the distance of stoic calm reaction of israelis as a whole certainly there doesnt seem to be right now a fear of huge escalation or impending more broad conflict despite the fact that we have heard one syrian politician talking about the possibility of targeting israeli airports and the like obviously if things were to escalate into a real regional conflagration then that would be something which would be very threatening to as far as israelis citizens are concerned over the general message coming from the government appears to be that this was necessary and waited counterstrike to what it sees as an iranian encroachments into its territory by this drone and that for now for example the Education Minister enough tele bennett who is currently one of the ministers inside the security cabinet hes talking about this having been an unpleasant event but not really having changed anything there are other analysts though who do see this as something of a of a step change in the nature of this confrontation inside syrian territory saying that this is really an open up open warfare now against iranian interests there and that this is a new phase however the the the general tenor of this from the Israeli Government is that this is a sign of how seriously it takes these threats what it will do but theres no immediate will it seems to escalate things further are very many thanks indeed very force there live in west jerusalem the turkish army has suffered its largest number of fatalities since the aphelion campaign against kurdish fighters in Northern Syria began last month eleven turkish soldiers were killed on saturday including two in an Army Helicopter crash turkeys president says the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces will quote pay a price such as it was to mount a shell has more now from the end on the turkey syria border. According to president rajab tehran he spoke to crowds in istanbul and thought and they said obviously in any war there are going to be losses and his promise to his people was that the losses inflicted on the enemy as he put it would be greater than those suffered by the texas army you really need to understand that the turkish people entire society is a very nationalistic society when it comes to its army when it comes to its National Sovereignty that transcends political differences in terms of domestic policy policies so the support for given through this operation really is across the board in terms of all the different Political Parties and that support is still very much strong and it is Strong Enough support to absorb those losses so to speak and whilst like we you mentioned that eleven soldiers in one day is a significant hit that isnt enough to dent the support given to them particularly considering who the enemy is as far as the turkish people are concerned the y. P. G. Is no different from the p k k that is the Kurdistan Workers Party that Kurdistan Workers Party has been bombing tucker cities and attacking tucker soldiers and policemen and even talkers that since in some respects are over the past several decades so for the turkish people any price is essentially theres no price really high enough to pay in order to ensure the defeat of a group they consider to be a terrorist organization the u. N. Is calling for an immediate and unconditional deescalation of fighting in syria to address a worsening humanitarian crisis according to its world to its food agency the World Food Program nine million syrians need Food Assistance more than thirteen Million People require immediate aid such as medical supplies of those three million are in areas that the u. N. Describes as besieged and hard to reach all the five Million People have fled the country since the civil war began in two thousand and eleven joining us now via skype from damascus is yacob kern whos the syria country director for the World Food Program good to have you with us the scope of what areas of the country are giving you the most cause for concern right now. Good afternoon well developed food program and the u. N. Really concerned about the up search inciting violence in many parts of the county romneys to beseeched area of east ghouta outside the mosque was fond of thousand people obviously each and heavy fighting but then also you need lope they are almost two hundred fifty thousand people are on the move or have fled to the norse. And also in the afternoon district in a poll we just heard in the news about. So these are the areas we cannot teach people what we really need we have to ask sation of hostilities these call has been announced a deal now for example east cooped up the last convoy be cute help these humanitarian aid posts malta in fifty days ago almost two months ago and what we need really now is are stopping the fighting so we can deliver humanitarian aid to the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that are desperately needing assistance now ok. You say that your calls thus far have gone on he did. Optimistic that that a pause in the fighting can be arranged and if if there is one arranged do you have the stuff and equipment on the ground to deliver this much needed aid. We are certainly already at the moment top keeps us from going to these places to east. To. The fighting the security of our staff of cause is of utmost importance but also the ends its dangerous to to come out in and collect for example food if this fighting going on so we need a pause in the fighting and what we have asked for months. The already houses are full we have a big all came to me supporting sleeve Million People every day we salute assistance in the country and we can easily shift resources around if we have an opening to these areas that we havent reached for as i say two months now that the World Food Program is not the only u. N. Agency that is calling for this cessation in the fighting to allow in a just remind us once again what exactly it is youre calling for and of the reasons why. We are calling for at least a month of suspicion of facilities of course we would like to have it permanent. Sation but what we want these amounts to leech to people we have not reached for two months and thats many soon from other agencies starts food pails items these are the basic humanitarian items you have to imagine in a place like east if you have an Infectious Disease or even infection and no antibiotics to treat it its becoming a deadly. Disease very fast and so basic items fool many scenes need to be delivered safely and for that we need to say shin of hostilities its good to talk to you many thanks indeed. The country director for the World Food Program in syria here with the news hour from aljazeera still to come on the program the heartbreaking reality in yemen seven years after the revolution pete the people hoped would bring a better life. Answering the challenge Small Businesses in nigeria come together to fight rising costs plus. Im going think young john and i were talking to the people here this but they volunteer about how theyre fighting off a cold might be a big protest. Irans president has called for unity across the political spectrum of mass rallies celebrating the thirty ninth anniversary of the Islamic Revolution it saw the overthrow of the sharia iran and the creation of the Islamic Republic as someone whose comments follow last months antigovernment protests which saw thousands of people arrested. You know theyre going to tell you more when we have differences over a couple of issues or when political factions have different views there is no reason to fight or chant slogans the pile of books is the answer bring the pile of books and do whatever people say oh you see us here we should observe universal political rules we should stand together more on president rouhani speech from aljazeera same bus ravi in tehran. Origen the crowd definitely and celebrate tory this year is. Revolutionary celebration and events the speech from the president comes after what has been a tumultuous year for iran both internally and externally it was a kind of state of you state of the Union Address from the president he addressed a range of domestic issues including the countrys economy he how did a great deal of Economic Growth the economy has been a point of contention for many of the people in the opposition as well as the protests we saw late last Year Economic concerns were a big issue so he addressed a lot of the economic success as they have had and acknowledge that there were some Economic Conditions that needed to be better he addressed the environment and how to counter some of the environmental changes happening in iran he also addressed around capabilities in terms of producing home grown military hardware and its ability to defend its own borders a range of domestic issues and what really stood out was he said that the only thing that or the main thing that helps preserve the islamic way of government thats been around for the last thirty nine years is parliamentary and president ial elections people being able to cast their vote and elect their own Leaders Within the construct of an islam and government and he said that was the best way to preserve the revolution Going Forward and when you speak to iranians here you see the revolution is an ongoing thing that needs to be propagated year after year. The founder of the islamist republic of iran ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is still watching over his people and you never have to look very far to catch a glimpse of the man at the center of the Islamic Revolution in one nine hundred seventy nine still in exile in paris khomeini famously ordered everyone running onto the streets to help overthrow the Shah Mohammad reza pahlavi. One of the women who answered the call was sub. Born in japan is. She changed her name when she married an iranian businessman she met in tokyo. They moved to iran after their first son was born it was the one nine hundred sixty s. And iran was a very different place. It was before the Revolution Society was different then in iran it wasnt like today no one cared about his. Baba he said the shahs government tried to ban women from wearing head scarves and attempt to replace iranian culture with western values all part of a plan by foreign governments she says to control iran and irans Natural Resources so khamenei is message of independence she says resonated with many people. He said there shouldnt be any poverty in iran he meant we should take care of poor people that should be justice everyone should be equal well many of the iranians welcomed this bubble you survived the Nuclear Bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki in World War Two and lived through the iran iraq war that started almost immediately after the revolution when iraqi forces led by Saddam Hussein invaded iran bubblies son solomon farsi volunteered to fight and was killed he was one thousand years old decades later she still struggles to talk about it but says even knowing the pain of losing him she would sacrifice him again to preserve the Islamic Revolution for many iranians the teachings of the countrys first Supreme Leader are as relevant today as they were in one nine hundred seventy nine but for some Islamic Revolution has not fulfilled all of its promises. While they do not necessarily want to tear down their countrys government most iranians we spoke to said they just want their leaders to do a little more to solve their problems as. People or important figures in history many of them died for the revolution but our demand is that current government should care about the nation all different classes of people from the rich to those who dont have a good economic situation. Behind. Shes a kid the best thing that could happen in a society is the equality between a man and a woman the more we work for this the base a society will have when making policy irans government often looks to the past for much of its inspiration iranian people it seems want them to look more to the future zain bus robbery old zero to one one on the breaking news this hour the crash of a russian passenger aircraft shortly after takeoff from moscow seventy one people were on board as it was for a challenges with once again live from moscow rory whats the latest. Well ill take you through the information that we have so far but of course with breaking news this information is fairly incomplete and scarce at the moment will be getting more as the theres a minutes and hours go on we know that this plane was taking off from. Port which is one of moscows two main airports it was an answer of one for eights thats a ukraine built plane which service is regional flights within russia and the former soviet union this plane particularly was going to a city called or school which is in the in the southern tip of the year or mountains down near the kazakh border but it didnt go very far just taking off from domodedovo airport witnesses say that they saw a burning plane falling out of the sky and ive just been watching the first footage that seems to be from the crash site being aired on russian t. V. Snowy fields the yellow wreckage of this plane. For what we know is sixty five people on board plus six crew as well the weather as you can see probably out the window isnt particularly good today its been snowing and visibility hasnt been great but certainly as of being totally die we dont know yet whether the weather has any has any any any influence on the bringing out of this plane the fact where you say that appears to come down and they feel minimizes that the chance of casualties on the ground. Yeah well i think early reports are saying that this plane came down in a suburb the maps that ive been looking at show the flight path of this plane was coming from dont get a port which is to the south of the city anyway and then heading east so this is basically going away from the built up areas around moscow and seems to have come down near a smallish village in a field but this is early early moments in this operation to work out who might have died and whether any of those fatalities were on the ground for the moment many things that we still speak to you again within the hour rory chalons there live in moscow north koreas olympic delegation has met the south korean Prime Minister lena kyon in seoul the Group Includes the sister of north koreas leader kim jong il and on saturday she extended a rare invitation to south koreas president in division. The delegation has been holding talks with the south korean government on the sidelines of the Winter Olympics robert kelly is a professor of Political Science diplomacy at Pusan National university he doesnt believe that the diplomatic moves at the Winter Olympics will lead to any thought any sort of breakthrough. The best thing that the olympics can do right now is sort of first stall the march to war that seemed to be taking place last year as long as the olympics make it look at the north and south are talking to one another then becomes much harder for donald trump and the Trump White House to on t. V. And advocate for for strikes right we know that some people are pretty seriously thinking about it they just vetoed for example just a couple weeks ago they vetoed a highly qualified potential ambassador picked for south korea someone is quite a hawk but apparently wasnt hawkish enough because the trump people are generally considering the strikes well as long as the north and south are talking you know the americans need south korean buy in on the strikes as long as the north and south are talking they wont get it so thats sort of one of the things i think that moon is doing right this gives him time to figure out how to respond to the americans if we can do some small things like cultural events and sports and music and things like that and that kind of generates a few small steps that lead to the largest ups and so on thats great right i mean if this is what it takes to get the North Koreans in the room and talking so much the better and i dont particularly mind one way or the other but weve had these kinds of things before and they havent really worked right and im not really sure that sort of cultural interaction can actually generate any meaningful concessions on either side the political gaps are pretty big but we should always keep trying right it certainly better than we were a year ago when you know with fire and fury and all that south africas ruling party the African National congress is to to hold a special meeting on monday pressure is mounting on president jacob zuma to resign before his second term ends next him many are calling for a swift transition of power is replaced by civil rama poza as leader of the a. N. C. Run opposer attended a Church Service earlier on sunday but refused to answer questions about mondays meeting of about a twenty hour day is a political commentator to talk radio seven o two of his book she joins us now what live from there good to have you with us so is zuma going to reside at this meeting tomorrow is that will people were expecting. That is what were all hoping for but we dont know we all have to wait for the special in neic meeting that will be held tomorrow none of the c. D. s have been willing to confirm or even share any details of the meetings and what has been on the agenda all that we know at this point is that we are hoping for a smooth transition of power from Cyril Ramaphosa to president jacob zuma. Why were zuma go for some time now its been quite clear that the a. N. C. Has been pretty disenchanted with why are they so unhappy with him why has he not gone before well this is not new youre right theres been many calls for president zuma to step down but the defining moment came at the agencys National Conference last year in december where president which currently now similar on my post i was elected as president of the a. N. C. Which is the ruling party and the conversation started coming up about a balance of power and the a. N. C. Right now is facing an election in two thousand nine hundred nineteen and jacob zuma hasnt really been that good for the agencies the perception and the Public Opinion around jacob zuma is that he is a corrupt man he has seven hundred eighty three counts of corruption record tearing and Money Laundering just a name that he faces right now so of course he needs to step down but as to how that negotiation is going to happen between some of them a person jacob zuma we also have to wait for that meeting tomorrow and see what happens there that were i wanted to ask you why ramaphosa hasnt. Pushed zuma out before. Good question from a post that doesnt have a lot of wiggle room around these negotiations you will know that the opposition has called for president zuma to step down many times so if that procedure goes through parliament that would be a win for the opposition so it was a nice to find a way of negotiating zuma out but doing it without humiliating him as he had said before you know theres been a lot of talk about how bad president jacob zuma has been for the country and for the im governing party but its not that easy as its not as easy as im opposed to saying zuma you need to step down zoom out you need to go there are two factions me and see my faction and im a plus a faction they are facing an election in twenty nineteen and they definitely need to be united or its going to have to be the best guess what what we expect over the next few days tomorrows special any c. Meeting we definitely hope to hear from from a positive say yes the president will be stepping down yes we need to we need to confirm a date for the state of the nation address youll remember that the official opening of parliament has still been on hold because of these discussions that are happening so we really need to have you know a clear idea of what is president jacob zuma future will he be stepping down and what are his conditions because we do know that part of these long discussions are about how he will step down and what his future will be will he be going to jail and he definitely doesnt want to go to jail i got a really good to talk to many thanks to you for being with us. Theres a nasty looking blob on where the staffs map and theres a red spinning thing as well which can only mean trouble for the southern philippines who have to leave all this stuff winds coming but the rain is going to be the main problem adrian lets have a look at the ball but there is a. J. And rightly pointed out on my chart behind me this area of cloud here its been tracking its way steadily towards the philippines and its still intensifying as it does so looks like its going to just graze the northern parts of mindanao and as it does so the sustained winds are likely to be around eighty or eighty five Kilometers Per Hour gusts of winds of course a little bit more than that were looking at around one hundred Kilometers Per Hour but its not really the winds that are causing us most concern from the storm its the amount of rain that could be around two hundred or three hundred millimeters of rain from this system and if you remember it wasnt so long ago that mindanao was hit by another storm they gave us a lot of flooding caused a lot of landslides and was turning deadly so this storm men looks like its also going to cause major problems of course mindanao and then gradually it will track its way steadily towards the west working its way quite close to Puerto Princesa so what were expecting over the next twenty four to forty eight hours is the rains will increase over many parts of the philippines and then the intense storm will reach is probably around zero g. M. T. On wednesday choose tuesday sorry thats around eight am local time but thats not the only storm we have with us weve also got this one thats gradually working its way towards tom good there. Lovely thanks jeff still to come here on the news out a threat to democracy thats what critics in the philippines call president or to have to push to change the constitution or tell you. Are such as launched an ambitious project and cast how to find cures for diseases. And in sports six years on from egyptian footballs worst stadium disaster al masri fans return to their open ground. The Marshall Islands holds a toxic legacy from years of u. S. Military nuclear testing. As the sea levels rise one on one east investigates the threat this followed posers at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where every. A lifetime of emulation struck by stray copying. Selling reproductions can pay the bills but frustrate the artist. A pilgrimage to discover his hero inspires an awakening that its more rewarding to create than to imitate. Dreaming of vincent a witness documentary at this time on aljazeera. Telling us a terrific get here with the news out from aljazeera our top stories this hour Russias Interfax news. Agency is reporting that a passenger plane has crashed it says that it disappeared from radar soon after takeoff from the capital moscow sixty five passengers and six crew while. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that air strikes in syria have dealt a heavy blow to iran and syria are in response to Syrian Government forces shooting down an israeli fighter jet on saturday and claims that an iranian drone entered israeli airspace. At irans president has called for unity at a mass rally celebrating the thirty ninth anniversary of the countrys revolution the Islamic Republic was born from the one nine hundred seventy nine overthrow of the shah sandra honeys comments follow last months widespread antigovernment protests. Almost three years of civil war and yemen is forcing huge numbers of people from the homes activists say that in the past few months alone fighting in northwestern areas has displaced more than half a Million People and theres no sign of the war ending anytime soon how about reports. Anti us slogans are everywhere in yemens capital sanaa healthy fighters tens gaunt next to a banner that swedes death to the u. S. Death to israel. Securitys time its because of fighting on the outskirts of the capital forces backed by Saudi Led Coalition on the offensive the whole thing is are taking no chances the shia rebels capture the capital in two thousand and fourteen if they lose it their control over northern yemen will come to an and. The war waged against us by the Saudi Led Coalition is absurd its a barbaric aggression on the people of yemen they talk about human rights and they bombed children and women. But in other parts of the country yemenis blame the healthiest for committing atrocities against civilians in the city of thais has become the focal point of the fighting between troops loyal to present a bunch so hardy and the houthi after three years of intense fighting no one has the upper hand. The reason why we couldnt defeat them with the weapons they dont have mortars having trained soldiers we cannot afford because the whole area is mine and we dont have the mining devices. Has weakened the government and created a power vacuum secessionist in the southern part of the country has stepped in they say they want to have a state of own. Over the last few weeks the separatists launched a series of attacks and occupied government buildings in the city of aden they are mainly backed by the United Arab Emirates. We thought in one thousand nine hundred union would be a great thing by Security Forces in the north. Clamp down on our people killing activists in this warring southern provinces unity for us is that were getting closer to establishing our Independence Day the crisis is deepening the United Nations top envoy to german stepped down after failing to convince the feuding factions to set aside their differences and to go sheet a deal to and fighting. As you heard our National Reporter fighting groups of from the trained and backed by different regional powers making the war particularly complicated. The war in yemen has seen a power struggle between different political and sectarian factions so lets take a closer look at the main groups fighting in the country for us this yemens National Army its backed by the salty Led Coalition and loyal to the internationally recognized government of president up there about months or it operates mostly in these areas marked in red there it is launched an operation to try and increase its presence in other parts of yemen as well its main adversity is the who the rebel group who these are backed by iran and control large parts of yemen suppressed in region including the National Capital sanaa and then there are the forces loyal to the deposed and now deceased president ali up the last sali they fought alongside the who these until last year when sally announced he was switching his allegiance to the Saudi Led Coalition the who these then kill saleh and its fighters split some sided with the pro how the forces and some went to back the who these separately to or that is alqaeda its yemeni branch operates in these pockets of the country most notably the hudson with province thats where its fight you group called the drummy elite forces trained and funded by the United Arab Emirates the m. E. Realities are also baccy a group in shop or province called the show forces its a mix of southern secessionists and hardline groups also control the socalled Security Forces in the southern port city of aden the prisons they run there are notorious and there have been reports of widespread torture the fact that any realities have been backing secession is has put them at all its with its close allies saudi arabia which doesnt want a splintered yemen. The Egyptian Army says that four of its soldiers have died in an operation in the sinai its released a video that said to show the offensive against armed groups on the peninsula it says that its killed sixteen fighters and destroyed several weapons depos president of the c. C. Told the army to use brute force to restore security following an attack on a mosque in november which killed more than three hundred people. Its all change for the second Largest Opposition Party in turkey which the government accuses of being linked to what it calls kurdish terrorists the Pro Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party is holding its annual congress in ankara its elected a new coleader to replace demetre tuss whos in jail so what is the h. T. T. P. Well turkeys government has long accused the posse of being the political wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party h. T. T. P. Denies any direct link with the p k k and promotes a gosia today in the kurdish conflict its former coleader so i have seen them in a time did not seek reelection because hes in jail awaiting trial on multiple charges that include managing a terrorist organization the c. P. Is turkeys only a Major Political party to oppose Operation Olive Branch the campaign in Northern Syria against kurdish y p g fighters turkey says that the y. P. G. Is a terrorist group allied to the p. K. K. Or now from zero to zero seven costello whos at that conference in ankara. Despite the state of emergency thousands of kurds have participated in people some of that party h d ps congress in on quiet today telling their new school share the horses here its allowed them to be times has been a part of mothering eight. Levy said not to. Be of importance politics. Caring is parliament and warning was issued by winning more. Unity but h d b after that. I could not be able to. Shout from. The terrorists who. Lives here in. The dispensary be carrying a lot of responsibility. Have. You forgiven i mean i mean do you know is the night. The u. K. s foreign minister Boris Johnson as urged me in mas leader Aung San Suu Kyi to take action on the hinge a refugee crisis the pair of held talks in the capital Naypyidaw Johnson called for a safe dignified return for refugees who fled a military crackdown nearly seven hundred thousand people have crossed the border into bangladesh since August Johnson also raised the case of two reuters journalists detained in b. And ma for reporting on the violence against the ranger hes now traveling to northern Rakhine State where the refugees from. Pakistan allied fighters and indian soldiers are fighting inside an army base in india administered kashmir the fighters breached the military compound early on saturday ten people including four of the attackers have been killed in the assault in general. Reports. Soldiers prepare for battle inside the base in india administered kashmir they were ambushed by an unknown number of find is in a predawn raid on saturday commanders say the from Jesse Mohamad which once pakistan to control kashmir. Professionally off the. Operational army is taking all precautions. And we dont want anything after the. Attackers shot at guards on the perimeter before moving toward soldiers homes inside the camp indian Security Forces evacuated families while helicopters search for the intruders hundreds of reinforcements were called in indias army chief lowin to monitor the operation. Jerusha mohammed has a history of stoking teaches between india and pakistan the group was founded by mehsud as seen here in two thousand after release from prison in exchange for passengers a hijacked Indian Airlines plane sixteen years later he launched the deadliest assault on indian Security Forces into decay it too was a predawn ambush on a military base in indian administered kashmir nine hundred soldiers were killed and. India accuses pakistan of supporting such attacks pakistan denies the allegations kashmir has been disputed since independence in one thousand nine hundred seven pakistan and india claim is in full rulers in part. And both continue to defend the territory bellus and his. Back now to the breaking news this hour the plane crash in russia Russian Media say that these are the first pictures of the wreckage and the crash site as we reported earlier the plane crash not long after takeoff from Moscows Domodedovo airport seventy one people on board russias president Vladimir Putin as all of the government to establish a special commission of inquiry and has expressed condolences to relatives of those on board the Russian Transport Ministry says its not entirely clear at the moment what caused the crash and is considering various possible reasons including weather conditions and pilot error various eyewitnesses earlier we were getting reports from people saying that theyd seen the aircraft on fire before it. Hits the ground or the plane involved a short whole regional antonov a n one four eight the flight was bound for the russian city or sq in the region that borders kazakstan as you can see these pictures of the pictures that we were showing you that showed the fragments of the wreckage suggesting high speed impact with the ground in a snow covered field the flight operated by russias sabotage of the airlines on the flight took off from a snowy domodedovo airport in moscow more on that as and when we get it that the president of the philippines wants to change the constitution and switch to a new form of government were to go to tap today says that regions would get more power and help to alleviate poverty critics argue the changes are a smokescreen to prolong his rule going to has more from manila. Former philippines president for didnt marcus ruled with an iron fist for decades his martial rule was seen by many filipinos as oppressive in one thousand nine hundred eighty six the people power revolution removed him from office ushering in a new era of democracy the one nine hundred eighty seven philippine constitution was drafted with an emphasis on bringing about social justice past president s have tried to change that constitution in the hope of prolonging their stay in power president rodrigo detector is making another attempt this time to change to a federal form of government he wants to the centralized power for what he describes as an imperialistic monella and improve life for those living in rural areas no person should be deprived of life liberty or edgars c. A who helped draft the present constitution says it is not the form of government that is problematic but the quality of those people in government more than eighty percent of those elected officials come from political dynasties a federal form of government could help the remain in power charter change for me. Is a trojan horse because behind the effort to change the constitution or believe our transitory provisions were in fact there will be no elections or there can be a continued stay in office but most of those in congress say the election of the territory is proof that people want a decisive leader that can bring about radical change. Or there is no assurance in any form of government because we are in a democracy this is a Democratic Society so how can we. The people who do innit. New territories Political Party p. D. P. Law ban has already drafted a proposed constitution but critics say the charter it is proposing is dictatorial in nature giving the president of powers and even allowing him to rule indefinitely a local survey shows the majority of filipinos have little or no knowledge of the constitution many are also unaware of the plans to amend the constitution this is what critics say is dangerous those who lead the transitional ensured that the nine hundred eighty seven philippine constitution they drafted would serve as event guard restoring checks and balances within institutions so that power will never rest with one man alone jamila dogon aljazeera manila doctors in hoping to improve Peoples Health by mapping out the genetic makeup of the entire population the Sidra Medical Research Center is using state of the Art Technology to work on new ways to prevent and to treat illness sullivan java groupoids. Her mom has a heart condition but shes now able to walk around easily thanks to a Clinical Trial a new valve allows her heart to pump blood properly. Get them i know that i am i was not able to sleep at night i was frail and couldnt even climb the stairs now after the operation i can sleep comfortably i can now carry things and walk normally the hardwell trial is that said the first of its kind medical and Research Center for women and children and other what sets it there apart is not just Clinical Trials but also this use of smArt Technology this is the three d. Printer out of a human heart where doctors have been able to plant valves in not just one but seven patients and this particular trial is being carried out in five countries doctors here want to expand research into new techniques of therapy besides the new valve doctors the other jersey wants to test absorbable implants called stents hopefully to reduce the number of operations for children with Heart Disease its made from polymers and Synthetic Materials that you can put initially in the blood vessel it does the job by opening the blood listen but within about a year and a half it dissolves it disappears and the area where the distant was it remodels the citrus Specialized Hospital is also innovating prevention of diabetes which affects seventeen percent of properties theres been no real studies looking at it in the older child of diabetes wont be analyzed the data and once we know the exact cause of the diabetes we will be able to tailor make Personalized Therapy for each child for example is that in some trouble in my room to stop the injections of insulin they have and i should give them or medications. Genetic disorders and birth defects are relatively high because about half of all marriages across gulf nations are between cousins but theres small population is giving researchers a unique chance to map the genetics of the whole population if emissions are realized it will create a genetic reference not only of useful for but theres population but for all similar ethnic populations worldwide right now all the resources that exist around the world come from you know highly studied populations mostly europeans caucasians some africans and some east asians theres very little representation from our part of the middle east or populations and so what weve started to do here over the last decade is to basically work towards building a representation because people here often travel abroad for diagnostics and therapy doctors report a patient dream from the middle east theyre hoping to reverse that trend with their Scientific Research some of the job it under their. Other Winter Olympics on you would know would you after that amazing introduction with the latest from the olympics asian downhill from here. Thank you we work on the seventeen year old has become the youngest snowboarder ever so when a medal at the once for olympics the american so gold in the mens snowboarding slopestyle on day two of the p. And chang games that say naija had struggled in his first couple of runs for areas producing the perfect run when it mattered most gerald is the second youngest man to take gold in any individual events that was after Tony Nieminen he was sixteen when he won the individual large scale events in ski jumping back in one nine hundred ninety s. If i woulda came here again just now iran would be in pretty big bomber just to me so to land iran and you know i had like a you know a pretty good chance i had a nice fourth place or something you know actually say going in all the contests that i love fourth place thats my spot just because not as much media. To give but you just missed the podium but first place is better i guess in canadas market morris won the bronze medal less than a year after he almost died during a training accident the twenty four year old fractured his jaw pelvis and left arm ruptured spleen and suffered a collapsed lung. Just being here at the olympics is a huge feat for me in being healthy is feel so good once again and again another medals and just a great feeling when being around that im really proud of under pressure feels great that is all in all a good day well recovery of a slightly different current source same attacks that create a winning a dramatic gold in the ski athlone the norwegian was last in the early stages of the thirty kilometer race after being followed in that collision but he recovered to take the lead on the penultimate lap and win gold in norway taking all three medals in that event. Spent crime of the netherlands has become the most successful mens speedskating in olympic history chroma taking gold in the five thousand meters for the Third Straight some to win the eighth olympic medal of his career and that same figure skating event two time World Champion medvedev or achieve the highest ever score in the Womens Short Program shes representing olympic athletes from russia this effort moving her teen up to second behind canada. Now high winds forced the perspiring mints of one of the games highest profile events the mens downhill will now take place on thursday gusts in excess of seventy kilometers an hour prompting the decision qualifying for the womens snowboarding slopestyle also called off. Its not unusual to for it to be changing is that it is a challenge. But we are clearly prepared for it theres no sign that we or you know this is take us on the way as we prepare beforehand for the eventuality which nearly always happens in the world cup event or of the olympic winter games germany are top of the medals table after two days of competition with three goals the netherlands are in second while france and austria have just joined the list of gold medal winning countries after victory in womens moguls and mens singles respectively eleven gold medals are up for grabs in the by affluent these games is speed stamets it take you through the events history and technicalities. Skiing and shooting seems like an unlikely combination for the Winter Olympics the roots of biathlon or in hunting techniques used by scandinavian countries and was contested between swedish and the we just militaries in the eighteenth century in one nine hundred sixty it debuted as an official Olympic Event so how does it work what with a rifle strapped to their back the competitor will do laps around a Cross Country ski course these laps will vary from two and a half to four kilometers and at the end of each leap they stop take that rifle off their back and shoot are targets that are fifty meters away there are two types of required shooting one is standing with targets that are four and a half metres wide all lying on their stomachs shooting at targets that are not as big now if you miss a single target you are paralyzed and in some event so that means you have to do a one hundred fifty meter penalty loop before continuing on the race in other events its a one minute punishment overall race distances in individual events vary from ten to twenty kilometers in duration and depending on the distance that means racing from twenty minutes to over an hour there are five separate mens and womens events in pyongyang and naturally the first across the line takes gold well extreme cold weather at the olympics has been a talking point of the games for athletes but spectators and perils of volunteers are also affected reports now on what goes in to making the games run smoothly. If a good lympics is based on the enthusiasm of the hosts then the Winter Olympics in pyongyang can already be judged a success the tone is set by the fifteen thousand volunteers the city cheerful in extreme conditions approaching minus twenty degrees working long hours eight out of ten of them are in their twentys and simply wanted to be parts of changs big fortnight. Enjoying being a volunteer yeah sure because. If the weather is a little bit colder it is a really Good Opportunity to participate in this special sports event hours of standing in the cold means the uniform logistics need to be perfect theyre not a many have politely registered their complaints to the games organizers the hours that we wait its a little bit long its nine hours for a person and. There were a lot of problems with transportation another issue to hit the games is an outbreak of the norovirus there were over one hundred cases around the olympic site mainly affecting security guards but now sport is finally starting to take the spotlight after the extraordinary Political Developments between south and north korea that defined the opening of these twenty third winter games and korea could dream of a gold rush. A major Sports Events host. Is a vital ingredient gold medals and. Means a wife of public support on the First Property of competition who. Live here in the mens fifteen hundred metres short. Straw and calmed south korean. A nation is already gripped by television footage for those in the olympic park so its a memory for life. Im very proud that south korea managed to hold the olympics again after thirty years i came here to make good memories for my daughter. Im very happy to see the olympics in the flesh which i usually see only on t. V. Despite the omnipresent elim pick marketing flavor the games have retained in the mistake of the korean charm amazing people the games makers these guys for instance and the warmth of the local people can remove the bitter chill of the climate. Aljazeera. Six years on from egypts worst football disaster al masri fans have been allowed to return to the portside stadium violence after a game at the venue and twenty twelve left more than seventy people died and resulted in the countrys top league being suspended for more than a year and Serina Williams will make her comeback competition lights on sunday shell play in the doubles in the usa fed cup tie gets the netherlands sister venus help with the u. S. Two up in the accounts on saturday syria has been saving time out to have a baby hasnt by competitively since winning last years australian. Schools looking for now and if anything that is it for the news of it ill be back with the latest on that russian plane crash in just a few moments on zeros. On counting the cost of wild swings for Global Stock Markets a look at whats going on and why it matters how women in twenty eighteen are still fighting for equal rights in the workplace bus us sheryl is defying expectations but will it make life more difficult for opec counting the cost at this time on. The way we communicate is what defines us. Who dont we use has. As innovation in technology continues to shape our lives. Pioneering content creation and distribution utilizing Cloud Technology and artificial intelligence. The future thats never seemed closer than it does. And what lies beyond the horizon. To take us to our front to see the future of media leaders summit. Limitless possibilities. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to solar powered classrooms africa is transforming young innovators are propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving problems their challenging systems and shaping you what its about creative thinkers shaping their continents future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. I am doing this on the benefit of people. So they see the importance of there are guys. Who witnessed documentaries that open your eyes. At this time on aljazeera. Seventy one people feared dead after a plane crashes into a snowy field outside moscow. But again im adrian for the game this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up

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