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Its warplanes was shot down. Sending millions of infected mosquitoes on a medical mission that goal to stop the spread of the zeek a virus plus weve been married for sixty five years celibacy companionship and friendship important to many a solution for loneliness the u. K. Develops a program that reaches out to the more than two hundred thousand elderly who feel empty and isolated. We begin with that breaking news out of moscow about the passenger plane thats crashed with seventy one people on board Russian Media say that these are the first pictures of the wreckage from the crash site the plane disappeared from radar soon after takeoff from the capital moscow offices will be challenges with us now live from the russian capital rory what more do we know about whats happened to this act of. It was still fairly early after this tragedy and so the information is not particularly huge so far but what i can tell you is that this plane and know of one four eight had just taken off from moscows dont want to get a thought now dont get get over is one of the two main airports servicing the russian capital its a massively busy airport harb. This plane was operating on a regional flight heading towards a city called or sq which is on the southern tip of the urals mountain chain down near the kazakstan border. Its not a particularly big plane basically used for these kind of shorts whole flights had sixty five passengers on board and six crew now it crashed very soon after takeoff it was heading away from moscow as it was taking off so mercifully it seems to have come down in snowy fields close to houses but as far as we are aware of the moments we dont know of any casualties on the ground but it doesnt look like there have been any survivors from the actual plane itself being february as we can see behind you rory it is very snowy and wintry could weather an icing of played a factor in this accident. Very possibly very possibly. It hasnt been great weather today theres been quite a lot of snow and poor visibility. This is been telling Russian News Service is that they saw a flaming plane coming out of the sky and early reports suggested that perhaps the plane had collided with a helicopter operated by the Russian Postal Service shortly after takeoff now the press for russian for the Russian Postal Service has just put out a statement basically saying this had nothing to do with them they actually dont have any helicopters in their fleet so that seems to put that theory to bed for the moments but yeah its too soon to say whats made this plane crash the trajectory data that is available on open source sites on the internet showed that this plane did fall out of the sky pretty quickly fairly precipitously and its lost speed at a significant rate so investigators are already at the scene looking into what might of brought it out of the sky and would have to wait for further information on that whats the Safety Record of the aircraft itself and of the operator in this case. I can tell you that a the moments i mean i have to say you know russian airplanes and lines have in the past have a terrible record for safety certainly through the ninetys and into the early two thousand spots they have modernized in the last few years. You know you do still get planes disappearing out of the sky. In russia on a on a fairly frequent basis but its nothing like it used to be. The Safety Record of most Russian Airlines has improved dramatically over the last few years rory once again before we let you get back to the news gathering take us through the timeline of what has happened here to this aircraft. Moscows domodedovo airport its just to the south of the city about an hours drive outside and its basically the biggest airports moscow has there are a couple of other airports with domodedovo is basically the main the main harbor and this plane was taking off from germany out of a heading pretty much do you east and then it would have turned south and gone down towards a city called all squishes down in this in the south of russia or the tip or the southern tip of the urals Mountain Range is basically basically separates european russia from siberia and not very long after takeoff just a few minutes it seems to. Fall in out of the sky very quickly losing altitude and speed its a rapid rate and crashed into the snowy fields near villages on the outskirts of moscow already for the moment many things did i was there as worried challenge reporting live from moscow to the rest of the days news a heavy blow to syria and iran thats how israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is describing his countrys most significant air strikes on syria in decades the attacks are in response to Syrian Government forces shooting down at israeli fighter jets on saturday and claims that an iranian drone entered israeli air space to the air strikes reportedly headed airports on the outskirts of as a waiter in southern syria and a weapons depo near the capital damascus russias president Vladimir Putin is urging mr netanyahu to avoid any steps that could escalate tensions but Prime Minister netanyahu told a Cabinet Meeting that israel will continue to strike against any aggression. Yesterday we delivered some serious blows to the uranium in Syrian Forces we made it absolutely clear to everyone that our rules of engagement have not changed at all who continue to attack any attempts to hurt us it has been our policy and there will continue to be our policy on our from other series harry forces in west jerusalem. Well as weekly Cabinet Meeting the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was talking about severe blows being struck by israel against both iranian and Syrian Forces inside syrian territory in response to this downing of an israeli fighter plane the first such incident since one nine hundred eighty two meriting as far as israel israel is concerned a very serious response targeting twelve separate installations within syrian territory he said that it demonstrated that israel retain the right to act and strike back in any way it sees fit this is despite the message coming from the russians which is that israel needs to be careful not to escalate tensions further israel not really talking about russia in its language very much targeting its are at iran and syria but israel has been trying very hard to improve relations with the russian government especially trying to coordinate on exactly how it can and intends to act inside syria in response to what Benjamin Netanyahu is talking about as a growing threat from iran as the Syrian Security situation remains so unstable we are also getting reports through the israeli media via eyewitnesses that the border area in the Golan Heights is being reinforced by convoys of anti missile batteries there is no confirmation from that from the Israeli Military it tends not to confirm such matters the turkish army has suffered its largest number of fatalities since the affiant campaign against kurdish fighters in Northern Syria began last month eleven turkish soldiers were killed on saturday including two who were in an Army Helicopter that crashed turkeys president says the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces will quote pay a price more from jamal or shell gas the end on the turkey syria border. According to president rejected about iran he spoke to crowds in istanbul and thought and they said obviously in any war there are going to be losses and his promise to his people was that the losses inflicted on the enemy as he puts it would be greater than those suffered by the tactician army you really need to understand that the turkish people are society is a very nationalistic society when it comes to its army when it comes to its National Sovereignty that transcends political differences in terms of domestic policy and policies so the support given through this operation really is across the board in terms of all the different Political Parties and that support is still very much strong and it is Strong Enough support to absorb those losses so to speak and whilst like we you mentioned that eleven soldiers in one day is a significant hit isnt enough to dent the support given to them particularly considering who the enemy is as far as the turkish people are concerned the y. P. G. Is no different from the p k k that is the Kurdistan Workers Party that Kurdistan Workers Party has been bombing teicher cities and attacking tucker soldiers and policemen and even talkers that in some respects over the past several decades so for the turkish people any price is essentially theres no price really high enough to pay in order to ensure the defeat of a group they consider to be a terrorist organization irans president has called for unity across the political spectrum of mass rally celebrating the thirty ninth anniversary of the Islamic Revolution its still the overthrow of the shah of iran and the creation of the Islamic Republic a sign romneys comments follow last month antigovernment protests when sales of people arrested didnt tell him when we have differences over a couple of issues or when political factions have different views there is no reason to fight or chant slogans the ballot box is the answer bring the ballot box and do whatever people say. We should observe universal political rules we should stand together. A north korean delegation has left south korea after her historic three day visit which included high level talks and attending the Winter Olympics the group was led by the sister of north koreas leader kim jong un she proposed a summit between the rivals and extended a rare invitation to south koreas president in to visit again robert kelly is professor of Political Science diplomacy of Tucson National university he though doesnt believe that the diplomatic moves at the Winter Olympics will lead to any sort of breakthrough. The best thing that the olympics can do right now is sort of first stall the march to war that seemed to be taking place last year as long as the olympics make it look at the north and south are talking to one another then becomes much harder for donald trump and the Trump White House to go on t. V. And advocate for for strikes right we know that some people are some pretty seriously thinking about it they just be told for example just a couple weeks ago they vetoed a highly qualified potential ambassador picked for south korea someone is quite a hawk but apparently wasnt hawkish enough because the chum people are genuine considering the strikes well as long as the north and south are talking you know the americans need south korean buy in on the strikes as long as the north and south are talking they wont get it so thats sort of one of the things i think that moon is doing right this gives him time to figure out how to respond to the americans if we can do some small things like cultural events and sports and music and things like that and that kind of generates a few small steps that lead to that larger steps and so on thats great right i mean if this is what it takes to get the North Koreans in the room and talking so much the better and i dont particularly mind one way or the other but weve had these kinds of things before they havent really worked right and im not really sure that sort of cultural interaction can actually generate any meaningful concessions on either side the political gaps are pretty big but we should always keep trying right its certainly better than we were a year ago when you know with fire and fury and all that well get a weather update thanks to our houses here and then work because at one of britains Largest Charities are accused of inappropriate behavior while helping the vulnerable in haiti well tell you. Hello there its turning a little bit milder now for some of us in the eastern parts of china that means being firing down from the north of in the past few days and its been pretty cold in shanghai the temperatures dropping well below freezing at night you know what happens on monday and into cheese day by cheese day the temperature is up at ten degrees and chase the night into wednesday i dont think well get any lower than around four degrees so a good deal mild event. Has been generally speaking for many of us here the sky should be free from clouds the clouds though theyre quite thick over the philippines and thats ahead of a storm thats making its way towards us a thats one to watch over the next few days and we head across towards india head theres a large area of child this means snaking its way across us has also been across bangladesh as well this one though hasnt been particularly active is the next system thats looking slightly more ferocious thats working its way steadily toward the east and gradually expanding as it does so were seeing some heavy rain and snow as youd expect over the mountains there on monday and the rules say seeing some more rain making its way towards nag poor they could be one or two more showers here as we head through the day on tuesday and that snow gradually making its way towards nepal further west its quantified now but it looks like theres more cloud edging its way across parts of afghanistan there on tuesday. News has never been more available its a constant barrage that theyve got every day but the message is simply stay you have this rain that good logical rational person crazy monsters and misinformation is right dismissal and does not go over well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint trying to bring Mainstream Media narratives at this time on aljazeera. Hello again the top stories this hour on aljazeera a plane carrying seventy one people has crashed in russia the subject of Airlines Aircraft disappeared from radar just after takeoff from moscow and crashed into a field forty kilometers away russias president Vladimir Putin has ordered an investigation. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that as its air strikes in syria were a heavy blow to iran and syria he told his cabinet that israel would continue to strike back against any aggression. The head of south africas ruling party says that its important to manage the transition of power with care and purpose as pressure grows on president jacob zuma to resign the African National congress to hold a special meeting on monday on zuma future ramaphosa replaced zuma as leader of the a. N. C. In december he says its important to manage the transition of power with care and purpose or goal. Is a political commentator to talk radio seven o two in johannesburg she thinks that so run oppose it doesnt have many options when it comes to president zuma stepping down. The defining moment came at the agencys National Conference last year in december where president wit currently now similar on my post i was elected as president of the infield which is the ruling party and the conversation started coming up about a balance of power and the a. N. C. Right now is facing an election in twenty nineteen and jacob zuma hasnt really been that good for the a. N. C. Is the perception of the Public Opinion around jacob zuma is that he is a corrupt man he has seven hundred eighty three counts of corruption record tearing and Money Laundering just to make tomorrows vote special any c. Meeting we definitely hope to hear from them opposite is they yes the president will be stepping down yes we need we need to confirm a date for the state of the nation address youll remember that the official opening of parliament has still been on hold because of these discussions that are happening so we really need to have you know a clear idea of what is president jacob zuma future will he be stepping down and what are his conditions because we do know a bad part of these long discussions are about how he will step down and what his future will be pakistan faces the indian soldiers are fighting inside and all the base in indian administered kashmir the fighters breached the military compound early on saturday ten people including four of the attackers have been killed in the assault of jumble. Bellus reports. Soldiers prepare for battle inside the base in indian administered kashmir they were ambushed by an unknown number of finds is in a predawn raid on saturday commanders say the from. Which wants pakistan to controlled kashmir to be. Deliberate and professionally. Operation. Is taking all precautions. And we dont want any. Attackers shot at guards on the perimeter before moving toward soldiers homes inside the camp Indian Security forces evacuated families while helicopters search for the intruders hundreds of reinforcements were called in indias army chief lowin to monitor the operation. Jerusha mohammed has a history of stoking teaches between india and pakistan the group was founded by mehsud asar seen here in two thousand after release from prison in exchange for passengers a hijacked Indian Airlines plane sixteen years later he launched the deadliest assault on Indian Security forces into decay it too was a predawn ambush on a military base in indian administered kashmir nine hundred soldiers were killed. India accuses pakistan of supporting such attacks pakistan denies the allegations kashmir has been disputed since independence in one thousand nine hundred seven pakistan and india claim is in full rulers in part. And both continued to defeat and the territory challenged balance which is a. Small change for the second Largest Opposition Party in turkey which the government accuses of being linked to what it calls kurdish terrorists the Pro Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party is holding its annual congress in ankara it selective a new coleader to replace so i had a mere tell us whos in jail so what is the h d p well turkeys government has long accused the party of being the political wing of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party the h d p denies direct links with the p k k and promotes a negotiated end to the kurdish conflict the parties form a coleader team that met us did not seek reelection because hes in jail awaiting trial on multiple charges that include managing a terrorist organization. The h. T. T. P. Is turkeys only Major Political party to oppose Operation Olive Branch the Army Campaign in Northern Syria against kurdish y. P. Chief isis turkey says the y. Peachey is a terrorist group that is allied to the p. K. K. More now from zero to zero seven costello whos at that conference in ankara. Despite the state of emergency thousands of kurds have caught stated in people some of party h d ps congress in on parts of a new school share the horses here not the dead beats ours has been to the. Other eight. Not that they may. Be of importance politics if you are. Carrying is parliament and was issued group by winning. The war. But h. D. Be up to that. With. Not being able to. Shout from. The terrace to. Share in. The dispensary be carrying a lot of responsibility. Have to. Be forgiven i. Know its annoying. Tributes being paid to a leading pakistani human rights lawyer who has died following a heart attack as much a hunger received frances highest civilian award in twenty fourteen and sweeping the sole target of the nobel prize for decades of rights work she spoke out against violence towards women and socalled honor killings she was sixty six years old. British government leaders are threatening to cut funding to charities that tackle Sexual Misconduct by staff oxfam is faced a second scandal involving staff and prostitutes in Chad Charities already sacked four employees and three others resigned after being accused of paying for sex in haiti but charities apologized as denied trying to cover up the scandal although im apologizing for is that nine oxfam staff behaved in a way that was totally unacceptable and contrary to our values and that then led much more responsible staff to make this issues which are now seen as being by some marginal or inappropriate our job is to promote the positive value system of dont even go there but also to be absolutely intolerant of anybody who does what weve committed in the last few months is to increase the work that we do on that behavior on that culture and to do all that we possibly can to drive out any exploitation or tolerance of it thats what were committed to alongside making this amazing difference to literally tens of millions of people around the world every year the u. K. Has appointed a minister for loneliness to help the vulnerable in society who feel isolated its estimated that two hundred thousand older people in britain but not had a conversation with a friend or relative it more than a month more than half of those over seventy five years old live alone are you k. Correspondent Bobby Phillips reports. My wife died about two and a half years ago and i miss her. We are in the history of almost love john who is ninety had felt increasingly isolated the death of his wife left a void weve been married for sixty five years so obviously companionship and friendship important to me. The solution arranged by a charity was for john to give a room to poppy a twenty one year old student she helps with shopping cooking going for walks its mutually beneficial most importantly they like each other in simplest terms i probably wont be able to afford to live where i am if i wasnt working and living with john as a young person all the conversations we have i come out learning something new hes had such an interesting life. Loneliness is subjective individuals and societies feel it in different ways but says this expert its impact on health can be measured having predisposes Health Conditions so theres been a matter that looked at showed that it was bad for your health. Today people that are more likely to get Heart Disease and start. Their early onset of dementia. Many Mental Health issues amateur depression suicide. Cocktails in care an unlikely mixture but another simple idea bringing young people into care homes for the elderly in britain three quarters of older people say they feel lonely almost half say t. V. Is their main companion these evenings everyone reaches out to everyone else. And. They. Like loneliness itself the benefits of a scheme like this very hard to quantify but in gauging in conversation between generations makes almost all of us feel good it creates understanding it strengthens the ties which holds society to get. Lonely theres often comes with feelings of shame but it is part of the human condition and on evenings like these some people discover that they have more in common than the thought of the phillips aljazeera london. Scientists in the u. S. Are deliberately infecting mosquitoes to stop the spread of the zeek a virus millions of specially bred male mosquitoes have been released in miami theyve been infected with bacteria and females that mate with them will only lay eggs that cannot have florida recorded nearly one and a half thousand zeke infections in twenty six team. Doctors in hoping to improve the Nations Health by mapping out the genetic makeup of the entire population the Sidra Medical Research Center is using state of the Art Technology to work on new ways to prevent and to treat illness or some of been job at reports her mom has a heart condition but shes now able to walk around easily thanks to a Clinical Trial a new valve allows her heart to pump blood properly get them and that i am i was not able to sleep at night i was frail and couldnt even climb the stairs now after the operation i can sleep comfortably i can now carry things and walk normally the hardwell trial is that sid the first of its kind medical and Research Center for women and children and other what sets of their apart is not just Clinical Trials but also the use of smArt Technology this is the three d. Print out of the human heart where doctors have been able to plant well in not just one but seven patients and this particular trial is being carried out in five countries. Doctors here want to expand research into new techniques of therapy besides the new valve dr he wants to test absorbable implants called stents hopefully to reduce the number of operations for children with Heart Disease its made from polymers and Synthetic Materials that you can put initially in the blood vessel it does the job by opening the blood listen but within a by the year and a half it dissolves it disappears and the area where the distant was it remodels the citrus Specialized Hospital is also innovating prevention of diabetes which affects seventeen percent of properties theres been no real studies looking at. Childhood diabetes qatar wants vandalize the data and once we know the exact cause of the diabetes we have so tailor make Personalized Therapy for each child for example is that in some trouble we might have to stop the injections of insulin they have and i should give them or medications genetic disorders and birth defects are relatively high because about half of all marriages across the gulf nations are between cousins but theres a small population is giving researchers a unique chance to map the genetics of the whole population if emissions are realized it will create a genetic reference not only of useful for but theres population but for all similar ethnic populations worldwide right now all the resources that exist around the world come from you know highly studied populations mostly europeans caucasians some africans and some east asians theres very little representation from our part of the middle eastern populations and so what weve started to do here over the last decade is to basically work towards building a representation because people here often travel abroad for diagnostics and therapy doctors report a patient drain from the middle east theyre hoping to reverse that trend with their Scientific Research some of the job it out as they are. Every with us a terrific. Here in doha the top stories on aljazeera a plane carrying seventy one people has crashed in russia other sellers off Airlines Aircraft disappeared from radar just after takeoff from moscow and crashed into a field some forty kilometers away russias president Vladimir Putin has ordered an investigation a witness described the scene after the crash to Russian Media life news. I saw an explosion on the ground and i called Emergency Services they asked me many questions i told them there was a fire it was very visible. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that its air strikes in syria were a heavy blow to iran and syria he told his cabinet that israel would continue to strike back against any aggression the raids follow allegations that an iranian thrown into disraeli airspace on saturday and the downing of israeli fighter jets by Syrian Government forces irans president has called for unity had mass rallies celebrating the thirty ninth anniversary of the countrys revolution that led to the one nine hundred seventy nine overthrow of the shah a north korea delegation has left south korea after that historic three day visit which included high level talks and attending the Winter Olympics the group was led by the sister of north koreas leader kim jong un she proposed a summit between the rivals and extended a rare invitation to south koreas president in to visit pyongyang the head of south africas ruling party says that its important to manage the transition of power with care and purposes pressure grows on president jacob zuma to resign the African National congress is due to hold a special meeting on monday on zuma future still rival poser replaced zuma as leader of the a. N. C. In december. Tributes are being paid to a leading pakistani human rights lawyer who died following a heart attack as much as. Received frances highest civilian award in twenty fourteen and sweeten this alternative to the nobel prize for decades of rights work she spoke out against violence towards women and socalled honor killings she was sixty six years old. Theres the headlines. Next up here on aljazeera its the listening post. The Marshall Islands holds a toxic legacy from years of u. S. Military nuclear testing. As the sea levels rise when one east investigates the threats this fall out posers at this time on aljazeera. I. Have no option but just to see the. Freedom of the media. Political. Hello im richard just reading your the listening post here are some of the developments were tracking this week kenya the election story from last year that runs and runs and the media now caught in the middle view were be where you tube puts labor

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