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With the disease a congolese response coordinator is also warning that the outbreak could last for up to 3 years Health Workers are trying to contain it spread in the eastern city of goma 4 cases have been confirmed there on the sea has seen a bolder cases doubled in the last 3 months the Relief Agency Doctors Without Borders says the number of new cases is averaging between 75 to 100 every week at least 2700 people have been infected in the 2nd worst break in history the virus has killed at least 800 people in the last year Stephanie Decker is live for us in the rwandan capital kigali so as far as those medical agencies are concerned for them what are the biggest this use now. Well its its logistics its the job of the area it is the culture peter these are remote areas of the eastern congo these areas have been affected by conflict for years so a infrastructure getting to these areas v all that have been a lot of incidents of still ety towards aid workers foreigners whether they are foreign or whether they are just simply not from those villages or towns themselves because of the suspicion that there is among people of you know foreigners coming in wanting to vaccinate them a lot of people dont believe in a boat on the flip side you also have other communities that are panicking that are extremely worried about how this is coming out its a challenge because what they having to do is trace whoever the bowler patients are who they have come into contact with people move these are border areas people move from village to village they cross town they dont always inform people how theyre going to its very difficult to try and map together you know sort of a tree perhaps of who people got into contact with to give you a brief example the one miner who died 2 of his family members affected those 2 seem to be in Good Condition from what we understand from Health Workers well the rough numbers that he came into contact with peter are around 500 people so they need to check and they need to test them they need to quarantine them they need to vaccinate them and thats just one person so these are the challenges and i think you know we heard it there from from the main man in charge of the response to a bowl a profession where he said well we could be only finding 50 percent of the cases and if it continues like this it can last for 2 to 3 years and also in an area i guess where people move around because they need to work the choose to work they want to work if youre talking about an incubation period of up to what 2 and a half or 3 weeks almost in some cases but means the neighboring countries must be looking in on this thinking theyve got to plan ahead. Absolutely there was there were 3 cases in uganda but this is people who cross the border there was an intense response of the ganja the authorities in the ministry surrounding them and nothing was spread but it shows you just how serious his countries are taking it a rwanda where we are they closed the border for a couple of hours on thursday well that caused a lot of panic of people thinking well how serious is this the authorities here are saying that was done to put in place precautionary measures like extra Health Screenings at that border because thousands of people cross that border every day and if were talking about a border you know you literally have to do your see here in rwanda 5 meters across the way thats how close that community is it is a virus that is spread through contact is a virus that is spread through touching through hugging through sweat through bodily fluid so these are the challenges of course nobody wants to be associated with having this as a threat in their country rwanda is hugely dependent on tourism peter so yes theyre taking extreme measures concerns theyve trained Health Workers here the hospitals have a bone to drill Health Workers have been vaccinated having federal about rwanda certainly has never had an incident a case of ebola so far steph thank you still to come for you here on. Facing several big challenges. And well examine why the police in russia are stepping up. Hello there still a very unsettled picture across central and eastern sections of europe now you can see on the satellite a lot of clouds streaming across those southeastern regions that is where weve seen some pretty hefty thunderstorms again in the last few hours so as we head through saturday more rain in the forecast in fact some fairly heavy rain pushing through mania but caressed you could see want to 2 showers and beginning to push towards the black sea as you can see that meanwhile it really is across these more eastern sections europe where weve got the very unsettled weather and also the cool air in place so just 18 celsius in moscow not about day saturday into london and paris but all night as a system just sitting out there waiting in the wings to head in and sure if it does that on sunday so very unsettled across the u. K. We could see some heavy rain there as well but a warm day ahead of that system in paris 32 celsius another sunny 36 images and a little bit cooler yet in moscow with 15 degrees celsius i mean what you see an encore to of 30 then old in africa it stays fine and dry i want to see bits and pieces of cloud to stream along that northern coast of algeria temperatures as you would expect for this time of year a warm day suffering 30 l. Celsius about 33 degrees in shipley and the mid twentys and 24 on saturday and assiduous 24 as we head into sunday. With a sponsor countdown to. Bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as faith that i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of whats going to be does between 20132014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison you say versus conventional cigarette which one do you think has helped my opinion i think theyre both dangerous takes no one else does either. Welcome back lets recap your top stories for you so far this half hour sudans military council and its main Opposition Coalition of finalized a constitution the cream of the deal paving the way for the formation of a Transitional Government and elections in 2022. A conditional cease fire is in place in northwest syria after a week of intensifying airstrikes on the province of italy the opposition says it will stick to the deal as long as the government doesnt violate. Measures to detect a bowler in the d. R. See may only be identifying half of those with the disease as 2700 people have been infected congolese officials are warning the outbreak could last for up to 3 years. Killers to show you some live pictures coming to us out of hong kong because crowds there are getting ready for another march in hong kong one of 3 prodemocracy protests this weekend just after 4 pm local time these are the live pictures from the district of kowloon its specifically monk awkward protesters are about to head onto the streets after a mass rally in a park there theyre demanding the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill and an inquiry into the Police Handling of weeks of demonstrations another protest is planned on sunday and a separate pro police rally is being held in Central Hong Kong now on friday thousands of Civil Servants rallied for the 1st time despite a warning from the government that they should stay politically neutral our correspondent Andrew Thomas was there. Have been a lot of protests in recent weeks have a perhaps none as significant as this one because things people are real Civil Servants they would pull the government the government their employer that they have come out to protest against and that is despite an open letter published on thursday by the government to carry lamb saying the Civil Servant should not take part in this protest or any other so as to preserve the impossibility for they come out the next means of thousands. Filling this square hey its a capacity over the main roads around here are blocked with crowds hundreds of feet as well people ive spoken to here say that they felt they had to come out to show their support for protest as they say it has nothing to do with their employer the government what they do in their free time i spoke to a math teacher i spoke to translate some doctors as well saying the race is moving for frankly the whole play do they today in terms of working for the government now this cycle has been a completely peaceful protest or a mole right test planned over the weekend to on saturday a further what on sunday and on monday calls for a strike right across from the. Protesters planning to hit the streets of moscow for a strike weekend despite the authorities mounting an ever larger crackdown several people have been arrested ahead of saturdays demonstrations and there are concerns that more arrests are likely imran khan reports from moscow. Away from the iconic sites of kremlin and red square its here in the suburbs where protesters are planning their next move they cues the kremlin of interference in trying to rig the City Council Election in favor of the candidates of the Ruling Party United Russia thousands of been arrested but they say that once stopped them. Only time will show how people will react to the authorities actions and their fate but we are full of fear if we let the fear control us we are truly living why it is when we are calm our fear us and i understand the risks to me and my family but i dont see how to resolve this issue in any other way to understand what people want you have to give them. The Moscow City Council is an administrative body not a political one and its elections rarely trigger control bisi this time its different the banning of opposition kind of its why the government has angered most courts and thats spilling out into the streets maria lipman is a political analyst and says the government crackdown is designed to prevent the public becoming aware of the protests and from it spreading nationwide every thing at their disposal and. Unfortunately sounds like a real prospect right now the government is showing determination to use more violence hard to violence the policy gets hard there on a daily basis. The chance of this protest to become nationwide is i would say its 0 the police say the arrests with the public order fences and necessary to maintain public order according to the police more than a 1000 people would stay and last week or more are expected. To reach a good call for one of the opposition politicians bought running has been arrested for calling for protests he appeared at an appeal at the moscow city called on thursday and its not just him in this band behind me is another opposition politician who wants to run for the city council but has been barred now given the everybody is expecting saturdays protests to be even larger than they were the previous week expect to see more scenes like this outside of court come monday aljazeera moscow. Security forces have ordered the suspension of a hindu pilgrimage an indian administered kashmir saying they found evidence of plans to attack civilians pilgrims and tourists have been told to leave immediately the Authorities Say a pakistani backed group was plotting to target routes used by hundreds of thousands visiting the shrine the Indian Government has deployed 10000 extra troops. Put to recurse sworn in a lawyer as its new governor hes pedro pelley we see these appointments still needs to be confirmed by the us Territory Senate crowds have been celebrating on the street since Ricardo Rosello stepped down from that role he was forced to resign after a scandal over leaked Text Messages and corruption allegations reports from someone. Well the new governor has been sworn in in puerto rico this is an island that is still very much in a constitutional crisis thats because the new governor. Was sworn in but he was only confirmed by the house of representatives in puerto rico and not by the senate so its very unclear from a constitutional standpoint if he can actually be governor even though he was sworn in we expect that there could be lawsuits in the coming days there could be injunctions filed by opposition Political Parties here in puerto rico so while there is some sense of normalcy here on the streets right outside of the Governors Mansion behind me there is still very much a lot of uncertainty here this was a protest that went on for more than a month to get rid of the previous governor he is now out of office but now their interest into a new phase of uncertainty on what will happen with the new governor here the new governor is pretty well respected many people say hes very competent and capable he was puerto ricos representative to congress in washington d. C. For several years but many of the people here on the streets the protesters say they have a Newfound Energy and they are willing to go back on the streets if necessary to protest if he does not deliver on some of his promises such as health and education improvements here on this island that is a u. S. Territory nevertheless well have to see in the coming days how this all shakes out because still his future the new governor is still very uncertain in this constitutional crisis that puerto rico still faces its 5 years since thousands of years e. D. s in iraq all killed taken hostage and forced into exile but the community is demanding accountability for the crimes committed a special u. N. Investigation team says is making slow but steady progress osama bin reports now from the hook. Suring child who tries to forget the pain suffered under years of ice and rule its a hard task. Is used her as a sex slave the physical and emotional scars and estimated 7000 years women and girls were taken from so many had to endure what shereen went through shes found her sons after i say lost its lost in a tree in syria but her 2 daughters are still missing. You know i have i missed my daughter so much i would give my life if i could see them again. Its hard for her sons to readjust as theyve forgotten their language and feel disconnected from the culture but one of her most painful memories is venturing lost her husband. They dug a hole in the backyard killed several bodies we saw it in college a town behind the trench was so many dead bodies i couldnt go to see my husband i was banned from a place they killed many people that day. 5 years since new years eve these were targeted by ice and mass graves are still being uncovered especially United Nations Investigative Team to promote accountability for crimes committed by ice and. Is currently examining evidence while most families in this are you see these the un body investigating crimes says that she shot back everyone suffered under unitard is trying to hold. For the crimes that committed. The un mandated investigative body says its making progress but weve had some very major successes in terms of receiving information and evidence we have 600000 plus videos now we have received information from government authorities and best practices were needed for ensuring that evidence was collected in a way that it could be preserved and it could be admissible in different courts in different parts of the worlds. A forensic lab has been set up to test d. N. A. Samples from mosque raves experts are seeking more funding to improve and expedite their work the director told us that matching d. N. A. Samples is a complicated task that requires comparing samples from mosque graves with victims families some are still in syria and many others are living abroad how than the what i love for the in what were looking for missing bodies and most are in mass graves located in remote areas and these places are full of landmines and it gets very hot in areas like and the staff can only work during early hours of the morning. Joe regardless of the challenges involved thousands of you see these in camps like this one want justice and even though they want to move on with their lives we need like shereen dont want to return to their homes and. She says the place has horrible memories and shed rather wait to be reunited with their daughters as long as that may take. It out of there are about to come the whole. This is al jazeera these are the top stories sudans military council and its main Opposition Coalition of finalized a constitutional agreement that deal paves the way for the formation of a Transitional Government until elections are held in 2022 it also strips powers from the Paramilitary Rapid support forces have been blamed for killing dozens of protesters still matter we have a delegation of the forces of freedom and change and the Transitional Military Council met on the constitutional document and im very pleased in the name of the african mediation and to respect to delegations to declare to the sudanese people and the International Community that the 2 delegations have fully agreed on the constitutional project they are continuing their meetings this evening to make the technical arrangements for the signing protocols in the presence of all the sudanese people and our international friends. And lets take you live now to khartoum as is the way with these things were getting a trickle of reactions to what theyve come up with we have a translator lets listen in to whats being said and use. Highlights would be given by. Any of the Legal Department of the freedom and change force. And as is the way with those things as well technology is a wonderful thing we lost that satellite link to khartoum we will go back to that just as soon as we can if there are any major developments coming to us out of sudan in the meantime well wrap up a couple of other top stories for you getting ready for another martian hong kong one of 3 prodemocracy protests this weekend live pictures from the district of. Where protesters are about to head on to the streets for a mass rally in a park there demanding the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill more news on the web site aljazeera dot com i will see you very soon after by. Aljazeera. Swear every. America is divided like never before all inside is so convinced that theyre absolutely correct that the other side is dangerous people in power investigates how partisan politics are raiding the civil norms vital to american democracy every indicator shows america to be the least well functioning democracy of any establish democracy. One of the strange death of american civility announces era. This is techno showboat innovations that can change lives the science of fighting wildfires were going to explore the intersection of hardware and humanity and were doing it a unique way. This is a show about science no not by scientists tonight techno investigates the very thing whoever bought this got way more than they bargained for yes they did its everywhere in clubs street corners in cars they say its safe and can help break the cigarette happen if i had to say what is more dangerous honestly a very well whats really inside those e. C. X. You never know what youre getting dr chrystal dilworth is a neuroscientist who specializes in nicotine studies shell bring us the latest research what happens to your lungs when those metal particles go and sit and read to davison is an environmental biologist and theyre going to be around the corner they went through there really quickly we got them shes off the coast of california where drones are taking some incredible images of migrating whales as this technology becomes. More people were going to see more research is using the im filled tours im an entomologist thats our team know its do some science. Pages welcome to techno on phil tours joined by marie to day mission and dr crystal still worth no bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as the cigarettes or vapor thats an industry that seems to really be exploding i mean youre seeing it everywhere and a part of me wonders if this might be because of some misinformation about maybe thats thats my sense in our daughter Krystle Dorothy you have your ph d. In the study so weve asked you to keep a tab on this theres a lot of Academic Research is being done on the safety of the use of these devices but it cant really keep up with a growing industry. I enjoyed the taste of it. Of what smoking does call them vapors or foggers or competitive cloud chasers all are welcome at crystal vapor one of thousands of the shops across the country since techno 1st reported on the baking phenomenon in 2013 the industry has taken off like wildfire revenue is estimated to reach 3500000000 dollars this year doubling since 2013 according to a recent poll 10 percent of all American Adults are dating thats an estimated 20000000 people when it comes to kids well conventional tobacco smoking among them is dropping to record lows east cigarettes are a growing concern that the centers for Disease Control between 20132014 alone we saw a tripling in use among Us High School students to the point where it was about 13. 5 percent of u. S. High School Students had used these products within the past 30 days from the early general. Cigarette lookalikes techno 1st reported on personal vaporizing devices known as models have gone high tech come a long way baby weve seen the shift move from pens and tanks at least culturally to what we call cloud devices from mechanical mogs to basically box models whats going on right now it may sound confusing but the basic mechanics are Pretty Simple theres a Battery Powered out of my zip that heats up a liquid mixture known as juice entered into vapor which the user inhales. When we 1st met researcher im an equal humans should wrapped up a study that found harmful metal particulate in the vapor from earlier models of east cigarettes following the evolution of the industry shes updating her study so the original study we had looked at a card a miser style cigarette and we had detected high amounts of 10 present in the car demise are parts do you still finding heavy metal particulate in the paper we are still finding yes but still its scary because its going into peoples lungs what happens to your lungs when those metal particles go in and lation of metal especially things like 10 can cause stenosis and that could constrict the bronchioles and you know the airways in the lungs across the hall at u. C. Riverside theyre studying one of those compounds researcher a lot of is focused on nicotine concentrations and refillable. In this case the solution tested is tennessee cured by red oak a fluid made by Johnson Creek enterprises and online seller of liquids and accessories we order a bunch of them and just run most of them just at the accuracy of the label and in this case this is 18 micrograms per milliliter so this would be considered a high nicotine concentration so the test here is well see how much its measuring from the speak and then well compare that to whats on the label and as you can see from our control it was a lot higher so we know for sure that it is nicotine and recent paper that we published we found out that this specific sample was 15 i pressed. Higher than its advertise able to ever bought this way more than they bargained for yes they did techno asked Johnson Enterprises about its nicotine labeling discrepancy they offered this statement between 20112012 there was a noticeable improvement in our manufacturing process including in process controls and analytical methods for testing nicotine concentration with greater accuracy while the companys stated claims point to a step in the right direction the red oak sample that they manufactured with the 59 percent higher nicotine discrepancy was purchased for the u. C. Riverside study online in february 2012 well within the range of Johnson Creek stated internal improvements in controls and accuracy but theyre not alone currently u. C. Riverside is evaluating a new batch of liquids from a variety of vendors and polyphony results continue to suggest large discrepancies in nicotine labeling throughout the industry just based on all the research that weve done you never know what youre getting it could be higher nicotine contribution it could be lower and although lower might sound better thats going to mean they need smoke more interesting what youre buying is normally used to researchers are also concerned about the content of the hundreds of flavored liquids that are number one seller is from animal this is a cereal fruit loops flavored with a little bit of milk. A lot of these flavors that are regarded as grass is generally regarded as safe that is a term thats given to flavoring products that can be ingested whats happening to these flavoring products when theyre being aerosolized at these high temperatures and inhaled into the long you have chemical reactions that can break them down into a lot more toxic chemicals known as carbon compounds a prime example being formaldehyde thats very common when everyones heard of formaldehyde and everyone should know it isnt good so in head to head comparison versus conventional cigarette which one do you think is healthier my opinion i think theyre both dangerous i think the narrative that most. People are missing is that the Public Health opponents to vapor have lumped in vapor with the evil tobacco folks that they fought you know back in the eightys in the ninetys and so theyve decided that this is the exact same thing cynthia is the executive director for the Smoke Free Alternative Trade Association called safira of a ping lobby group we need to dispel the idea that these products Paper Products are the same as combusted Tobacco Products because theyre not so we need to look at any time that anyone is using a vapor product theyre not smoking and thats a win for everybody these east cigarettes they dont contain the 7000. 00 plus chemicals that conventional cigarettes have and thats always a plus but on the flip side they do have their own set of compounds that youre being exposed to unfortunately were going to have to wait for the long gemini studies but if i had to say what is more dangerous honestly i there to me theyre equal the food and Drug Administration which regulates tobacco is still reviewing vaporing regulations Travis Padgett has been smoking since high school today he beeps to cut down on tobacco use for me it was you know it was just kind of sort of those are different you when you get to microbiology major at u. C. Riverside travis is babying for science participating in a study that measures his intake puff duration volume and frequency when you get out of here youre going to have a science degree why not wait for science why now before we know if its safe i mean its either a vapor a Smoke Cigarettes and we already know cigarettes are about to roll the dice exactly and its a roll of the dice some. Of the people that are choosing a thing over conventional cigarettes are choosing the unknown over the know and they know that conventional cigarettes and give them cancer theres a chance that its better and so theyre rolling the dice with that but theyre still gambling with their own house and sometimes adults are making more. Decisions within you have all these kids right well absolutely i mean adolescents there are still in a stage of Brain Development theyre not as capable as adults of making good decisions and theyre uniquely sceptical of to addiction and usually weve got regulations in place that help protect for specifically those kind of cases but here its so new you know you know the regulations arent they havent kept up obviously thats a major concern all of the regulations of protections that we have developed for Tobacco Products conventional cigarettes are not there when it comes to day things will go as fascinating topic and im sure crystal youll keep us up to date on this but to understand you when were watching i did i got to go whale watching using drones in the sky so a little bit like spying but its a great way to observe whales that we normally wouldnt be able to see and we dont really disturb them at all. Most times when you see images from a drone something is exploding usually devastation from the air these are the military drones in service around the world. Closer to home in california theyre also used for important peacetime missions like assisting firefighters by mapping out hot spots during raging wildfires and much has been reported about the use of drones especially when it comes to military applications drones may even become the Delivery System for consumer goods but today off the coast of san simeon california researchers using drones like this one here behind me 1st spectacular use all in the name of science this is the peters walk of life station this is a very unique piece of property because it sticks out into the migratory corridor or of the north found gray whale cows and calves a picture perfect location for researchers to fly a science drone to get an unprecedented birds eye view of what swims below it but in the distance on the line or your mom was already without them for 22 years. Perry men and a team from noah have been here from march until may counting and collecting data on great whales migrating north from the breeding grounds of mexico to the arctic a trip of 6800 miles this point is kind of a focal point for them and were able to see them very very well they passed often within 100 meters of the beach so its a great place to count animals great whales swim close to land as protection against their main predator killer whales even so it takes a sharp eye and strong binoculars to spot the northern migration once they do its go time for a one of a kind Unmanned Aircraft named mostly. To the right to the right now move there and then i let the frame the right keep on going up hold on hold on the servicing in the middle of the frame good come down a little bit im going to the right as im underwater no scientist and pilot john durban is tracking a

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