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A filled with products high in saturated fats and sugars. And no longer a rarity may she is now a regular staple of chinese meals. But its not just the food that china in china so has the pipes of so if you live. In the streets of beijing the capital we come across more and more some from the remote before. Theyre often young single and with suppressed jones. Is 28 years old she weighs 147. And has been a case since she. Raised her condition got out of control. Pretty much. And shallow i have. A headache. Ok you know how shallow. Actually works for a male when youre. Trying. To get home she has to walk up 5 flights of stance its the only exercise she done. Some cute work that knocks. During the day she almost never leaves her apartment and instead spends most of the time sleeping and playing video games on smartphones. Borders or beyond im sure you really are. Going to reduce where i want our careers to be our own sure i wrote sure we are actually here are you sure you are having yes. She realizes the ovation and doing no physical exercise is a dangerous walk through. But she knows she has to do something. Today shes going to a clinic the practice is traditional chinese medicine. And which specializes in treating obesity. Im here i adore you very much and. Now. You go. To. The shuttle. To the side. As a morbidly obese person giong choose is at risk of diabetes stroke and heart disease. Its a lot until the. For example in china Traditional Medicine has been practiced for more than 2000 years yes but you dont catch the. Acupuncture to be effect the needles must rate specifically 100. 00. Fame on their time 100 be a long shot they are genuine i show you that i am around condrey sound and i are all forgotten about the language you truly wish to should john the cashier. Tailwind a tale of joy beatrice share. Cropping is another traditional chinese technique commonly used as a trick for a basically. Theyre right about. Now my friend or showing your. Hair. And so on and i would just really care how much your day or their child actually what are you going to talk about salmon on drugs or for that you may want maybe. This treatment is supposed to regulate the flow of energy in the body and promote blood circulation. 7 minutes lysa the suction cups to remove. One. Junk you hopes regular session will help her lose wires although many chinese believe these methods are effective others are turning to more modern and radical techniques. This hospital in one sure specializes in with pigs procedure for obese people. With strong result despite the more. The surgeons who work here astounding the. Source out by richer patients who can afford the service. Operations it can cost more than 11000. 00. A year. And i doubt that in recent times as high as i dont have to the floor has a. Mobilizes so much you dont see anything because i was able to. Be answered by ha ha ha. Cuz of the sun nope you know im insecure to know you ready i mean do i use how you should send you out and then she gently from our p. R. Survival of the jihad who will find some crazy guy i will meet with him only he was a legend seaman happens a chill social so dont go away you dont see my neighbor in general to his will to me and. Today a young woman is hoping these doctors can change her body and her live for the better. Just a little better solution in the ocean. Did you think this is. What you know you will choose which will work in the president s one. Moment in the future for the figure that you will come in just 3 or 4 we form a sort of an interesting always childrens futures in your mind we are in the balance or 2 very. Probably cheated motion so you will see the same. Although you can assure you that you can do jenson assault once and shes not. Even here. In recent years the number of people interested in the surgery has exploded. On average operates 3 patients died today the patient is a 120 kilos students who wants to lose heart while. Its a serious operation. Hospital food one of the time when question it will change you tell me how total in a 100 soldiers on small i mean. Its a technique of practice all over the world. For it to be effective the surgeon recommends a change of dogs off to the right. Otherwise patients are brits are very kind and their lives. The kitchen sink at the camp the oval white teenagers trainees at kuti and one by one for white. When you arrived. White 93 kilos. Or so russell you must know im going to tell you a little baby for a. In addition to a lot of support the trainees need to. Define your view. Is an important part of. The music play but why such a. Force rocks around. The caps has been on the spot ill. Tell you unless you are just. So much. Color on the web that all 3 car on. The man have all. Had some good. Not enough food missing their families and every day 6 hours of rigorous exercise. Thanks. Thanks as they have inches its 2nd fight the activities the come. Thank you. Thank you with only 3 weeks left should you go to try to push the kids as hard as they. Do sure why says hes reaching limits. How out. How our. Back. Its getting tougher and. If he wants to achieve his goal. I will need to lose nearly a year low a day to leap into the game. Back in beijing zonk shoes finished her acupuncture sessions without success shes even gained 3 kilos and has given up on the idea of losing. While being shown to she why has. His coccyx video he looks exhausted but hes off to 16 kilos. A week. He hopes to kick the whites off and not gain it back again like last year and run the risk of spending yet another holiday burning calories at the can. But theres likely to be many more new recruits to take his place with the base of the continuing to rise chinas battle of the bulge seems its a side. Millions of workers a big in slaved in the brighams of india why when a sticks boys how Satellite Technology is now helping to set them free on aljazeera. If you were looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going all what what is this gross is a religion that they have an indepth exploration of global capitalism and our obsession with Economic Growth this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to make theres a world smaller and smaller we dont want to be set realistic in the world we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on aljazeera. To stand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. And aljazeera rewind returns with a new series. Of brand new paints on the past about using these documentaries i would compare the pool of onion the island on the 5th of the holocaust model rewind begins with faggots in city under siege for 6. Feet tall this. Is one way every shot 6 times on aljazeera. With a big breaking news story can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. People shouting instructions in your ear youre trying to provide the best most accurate up to date information as quickly as you can. Its when you come off air on things seem pinned to be realised. This is history in the making. The interior minister yemens u. N. Backed government says 400 u. A. E. Army vehicles were used by separatists to seize control of aden. Families and this is al jazeera live from coming up. Under the shadow of guns we bring you the latest on the crisis in the disputed region of kashmir. To guess the Arrests Police in hong kong out in full force and protesters hold more rallies across the city plus. Israeli soldiers clear palestinian worshippers from parts of the alliance a mosque compound in east jerusalem. Together and now the interior minister says more than 400 Armored Vehicles from the United Arab Emirates were used in the last few days of fighting in aden sudden separatists are now effectively in control of the port city used to be the seat of the internationally recognized government the u. N. Says at least 40 people have been killed in the last 4 days of fighting more about the man the has more. After 4 days of intense fighting finally some common streets abated but also that. Of betrayal from the countrys interior minister. Hundreds of vehicles lane didnt identify the loaded with weapons and ammunition this is to combat mercenaries hired guns who are being manipulated we are just fighting with our hands with whatever however we criticized the silence from our brothers saudi arabia we condemn the silence for 4 days while our partner in the coalition is slaughtering us we will make to cern on the ground hours later it was reported that the minister had been evacuated from aden to the saudi border town of shura in mecca his governments leader was photographed with the saudi king but abu drab a month so hard he has lived in exile in saudi arabia for years. This latest class who played him began wednesday when southern separatists backed by the u. S. He fought against saudi backed government soldiers took control of the city. By saturday the separatists taken over the citys president ial palace as well as several military camps. A cease fire was called that evening for the eat Holiday Hours later saudi arabia warned the separatists to stop fighting then followed that warning with airstrikes in aden sent to create a district. In all at least 40 people have been killed in the latest fighting its actually kind of odd that you would have a cease fire so quickly because that allows the southern separatists to consolidate their gains rather than be ousted rather quickly and so its clear that saudi arabia believes they can mediate and find a solution here and im not so sure that they can do that easily the u. N. Humanitarian coordinator for yemen says its heartbreaking the families are mourning the deaths of their loved ones after dozens of People Killed since wednesday. This flag represents the southern separatists final to once again create an independent state of south yemen which existed from 1967 until 1990. And the recent fighting has exposed a rift in the Saudi Military Alliance that has been at war with the rappers since 2015 but it may also open a new front in a war that has killed tens of thousands of people and its pushed the country to the brink of famine. About a manly aljazeera. Now returning to a story weve covered extensively over the past week the ongoing military lockdown in india and administered kashmir new delhi revoked the autonomy of the disputed region on monday prompting a stern response from neighboring pakistan. Binge of a joins us now live from was off for a bad with the foreign minister of pakistan shah mahmood qureshi. Thanks sami with the foreign minister who has just arrived on the pakistani side of kashmir where he is going to be spending with kashmiris both who live here and those whove been displaced from the indian side miscreation thank you very much for being with us youve just returned from china as pakistans offensive diplomatically continues what did you achieve and are you satisfied that the International Community and the stance pakistans point of view but we have to project our point of view and a decision taken by the noctua Security Committee because indorsed by the cabinet and obviously demanded by the joint session of parliament was at the should go to the Security Council and to as a 1st step. It was to consult with our allies. Someone who stood with pakistan consistently and is one of the p 5 members thats china so i went with the delegation to meet with the chinese heater ship met the state councilor for melissa and presented point of view. To him and the Chinese Government and i have come back satisfaction that it to compete and to stand and indorse a point if you considered the. Action as unilateral. Unlawful. And they feel that the matter should be resolved under the un charter. According to the pickable Security Council resolutions so they have endorsed it if you concerned about the peace the security of division this action as undermined the security of the region concerns of Human Rights Violations on the inside of kashmir. You have seen this curfew. Theres a communication blackout. Journalism not being allowed in so the news is not filtering out the absolute confusion uncertainty one is hearing. One is hearing of. Nonavailability of medicines. I dont know tomorrow which is a very important day for muslims whether they will lift the curfew i demand that the indian authorities lift a few as lead to the muslims. Perform their prayers and do the sacrifice that they are supposed to do to create International Response to this according to Many International observers has been muted at best the United Nations secretarygeneral. Both sides refrain from stimulus status of kashmir the emirate the ambassador went out and said that it is an internal matter for the Indian Government so is the pakistani government running out of options diplomatically to try and come to some sort of a sort of not at all i think the options are just beginning in fact and by being obstinate and not accepting pakistans offer of a bilateral engagement to resolve this issue. Because he sions. Miscalculated and i think this decision of the revoking and bringing in the change to a few change which has materially effected the status of. Gosh man has. Given the opportunity. Of augustine in my view to take the case to the Security Council because it is already on the agenda. The pending agenda item on the Security Council and we expect. And we would argue that this step has. There are concerns peace and security. In south asia and were concerned about the genocide that the field place perhaps is taking place right now because we have no idea whats going on in the in the occupied kashmir right now and they lifted the curfew what a few hours you saw thousands of people protesting on the streets so its an evolving situation pakistan is watching the situation carefully and so. The statement of the sect again the u. N. Is a very balanced and a very correct statement he has said that this issue to be dissolved under the u. N. Charter and applicable Security Council resolutions i think thats a very encouraging statement the support offered to pakistan by china that they are with us. Is very encouraging. By mr man who is reaching out World Leaders im contacting different foreign ministers. I spoke to the quickie for most of this morning he was based supportive very encouraging so it is building up and many countries European Countries when i spoke to the high representative of the european union. Fredricka nobody she was concerned on the. Humanitarian issue you know the human backed by haitians that aborts that theyre getting from. You know from people all over alarming alarming and theyre concerned about it but theres also concern and on the pakistani side as well ive spent the day at the line of control talking to ordinary kashmiris who feel that pakistan perhaps has not done enough to some. Thing that was shared on the Parliament Floor by the opposition as well where the Prime Minister said that you know he they liked on cannot go to war how would you youve just taken the decision to come and spend with them how what would you tell them that would suffer satisfy them that pakistan is doing all it can of the kashmir if you can with why am i here to give a message of solidarity i represent the government of pakistan and i am here with the permission of the prime is to pakistan i discussed it with him last night and said by all means you must go and show solidarity he himself is coming to to address the assembly on the 14th of august we have declared 14 of august which is our Independence Day to be a day of solidarity with the medias on both sides of the sea and beaver announced the 15th of august is going to be a black to be observed by a committee isnt pakistanis all over the world in every capital they will be Standing Shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters what are your biggest fear is and what is the hope that you have that pakistans version of events pakistans what pakistans point of view is is going to be heard and it will prevail my biggest fear is. The. The genocide. That can take place on the inside of which we have no evidence. Open up open up. Here did anybody stop you you went to the elysee you make people you into a will they allow you that

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