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Vent their anger against a Major Military weapons expert. Nigeria is re patry ating 600 of its citizens from south africa after a week of violence that the tensions between the 2 countries at least 12 people were killed the more than 1000 shops vandalized in attacks on foreign owned businesses and for toria and johannesburg Violence International outcry calls for a boycott of private and Nigerian Airline is offering free flights to those who want to return home for me the mirror is standing by live at johannesburg am poor i mean i can see people behind you how big is the exodus there now. Well of the more than 600 people who are expected to leave. But at least half of them have arrived at the art tumble airport to take that flight back to nigeria and of those who spoken to here they say that they fear for their lives this isnt the 1st time that theyve experienced what they see as in a phobic attacks in in major cities in south africa one man we spoke to is a pastor and he who runs a church in johannesburg and he says hes frustrated and angry because he believes that nigeria nationals have contributed positivity south African Society his church feeds the needy another man who runs a store and has been here for 6 years says hes now had enough and hes leaving with his family would you expect a 2nd flight to take place 1 once this one the spike returns but we also understand that the governments of also of mozambique as well as the boat was also considering some sort of repack creation of its nationals about 700 people have been housed the temporary shelters in johannesburg people who say they dont feel safe in South African communities. What is being done to contain this just seems to be escalating. Sammy many would say that not enough is being done especially by the South African government its reacted more than anything else to these attacks and people say not not enough was done beforehand especially knowing that theyve been other instances of attacks when 2008 at least 62 people were killed this time around at least 12 people have been killed 10 of them a South Africans but its a very difficult situation for the South African government which until now has maintained that these arms in a phobic attacks that foreign nationals havent been targeted and that this is one of the an issue of criminality which is trying to deal with it says its put in place Early Warning systems and its actually managed to contain some. Of the violence it would actually be far worse but its also having to deal with a very angry Nigerian Government and diplomatic relations there have been soured to some extent with the South African ambassador in nigeria being summoned by the government there and also we saw the reaction in nigeria where Stores Franchise Stores under a South African names that identified with south africa did see some attacks and theres been significant outrage in that this continues to happen over and over we do understand that the nigerian president should be visiting south africa perhaps in october and this will certainly be a huge issue that will come under discussion with the president ial run of course or as the issue around xenophobia and hostility against foreigners isnt one that has gone away from in a minute from johannesburg thanks for that now theres been growing International Condemnation of the israeli Prime Ministers pledge to annex illegal israeli settlements in the occupied west bank the arab league called the move an aggression it said it would torpedo the foundations of peace in the region turkeys foreign minister move luto condemned the planners racist criticizing Benyamin Netanyahu for issuing what he called illegal and unlawful messages a spokesman for the u. N. Secretary general says the move would be devastating for any prospects of peace talks and the 2 state solution her a force that has more from west jerusalem. Benjamin netanyahu has a habit of promising dramatic announcements in the run up to elections and he did so again on tuesday when it came it was not a unilateral decision about an accession as some had predicted instead the message to right wing settler voters was a vote for netanyahu would in concert with the trumpet ministration mean extending israeli sovereignty to all illegal settlements in the occupied west bank and in the shorter term the annexation of the Jordan Valley yes. There is one place where its possible to apply israeli sovereignty immediately after the election if i receive a clear mandate to do so from you the citizens of israel in recent months of little diplomatic effort in this direction in recent days the conditions for this have ripened today im announcing my intention to apply with the formation of the next government israeli sovereignty on the Jordan Valley and nor going to see the Jordan Valley represent some 30 percent of the occupied west bank and some of its most fertile Agricultural Land israeli policy has long been that it needs to retain control there for National Security but the prospect of a unilateral israeli annexation as netanyahu is promising would explode any faint remaining hopes of a viable palestinian state alongside israel giving palestinians and theres a small towns and villages as prisoners without any freedom that is a war crime and as about as we are about to enter the 74th session or the General Assembly of the United Nations that the National Community must stand now. To see a big not and to stop the thing is that as a country above the laws of man at the United Nations there was further condemnation such a prospect would be devastating to the potential of reviving the goshi Regional Peace and the very essence of a 2 state solution but there is a hugely important caveat to all this to enact his plan now you know 1st has to win the election then create a right Wing Coalition government that would in dorset and then push it through in the face of International Pressure and by then and intensifying battle against his own corruption charges israelis ive heard him talk annexation before without following through thats a point political opponents and political analysts were making even before netanyahu had finished talking this is electioneering at its best there is no connection between what the Prime Minister said today and whats going to happen after the election whether hes elected or not this is what i like to say is israeli elections are very much like las vegas and hotels in las vegas what happens during israeli elections stays in israeli elections later at another Campaign Event in southern Israel Netanyahu was briefly rushed from the stage sirens sounding the Israeli Military said rockets had been fired out of gaza a dramatic end to a day when whether he makes good on it or not he confirmed his position as one entirely at odds with a 2 state solution the concept that remains the International Consensus on how the Israeli Palestinian conflict should end very force an aljazeera west jerusalem and that abraham has more from ramallah in the occupied west bank now. The palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said that if israel moves forward with its plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank then he will end all agreements signed with israel and that him if occasions this is not the 1st time for him to wage such threats however the feeling here among palestinian officials is that this is not an Elections Campaign and they believe that this has been a coordinated step with the u. S. Administration p. L. O. Executive Committee Member at hand i should always said that this is a game changer this is a serious threat to peace and security and she said it shows the intention the long term intention by the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for ethnic cleansing other palestinian officials have called in the interNational Community to intervene saying its up to the world to defend its rules meanwhile israel is launched a series of airstrikes on gaza the Israeli Army Says 15 targets were hit Officials Say the strikes were in response to rockets launched from gaza on tuesday there are no reports of casualties. Donald trump is replacing his National Security adviser for the 4th time its one of the most powerful positions in the white house john bolton was known for hardline promilitary stances against countries like iran venezuela and north korea trump says he was fired for those stances and says he resigned on fisher reports from washington i think youre going to do a fantastic job and i appreciate you joining that there had been growing divisions between john bolton that his boss but the end was brutal even by the standards of this white house donald trump tweeting i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration therefore i asked for his resignation which was given to me this morning bolton tweeted not the usual thanks for being able to serve but an insistence he quit rather than being fired at a news briefing at the white house which bolton was initially listed to attend stephen secretary of state might pompey it defended the president s decision the president s entitle to the staff that he wants that at any moment a staff person who works directly for the president states and he should have people the trust and values if there were many times in basketball that i disagree thats to be sure but thats true for lots and lots of people who with whom i interact john bolton was Donald Trumps 3rd National Security advisor the longest serving so far but with his stated positions of using military force in iran and north korea he was annoyed fit for a president whose isolationist america 1st policy wanted to reduce the u. S. Military footprint reason only folding was against talking to north korea against pulling u. S. Troops out of syria and against the president s latest idea of inviting afghanistans taliban to peace talks at camp david that seems to have been the breaking point we have seen from this and from every other firing but what he really wants are people that echo what he already wants to do and with boltons opposite. Gone there could be obvious changes for example theres a better chance the president will meet with his are really going to part but this is very very clear is prepared to meet with no preconditions before he became President Donald Trump considered john bolton for the role of secretary of state but ultimately decided against it because he felt he didnt look the part meanly because of his moustache no after 18 months as the National Security advisor john bolton once again finds that his face doesnt fit alan fischer aljazeera at the white house donald trump has reiterated hes open to talks with iran. Could happen it could happen yeah. No problem with iran should straighten out because frankly theyre in very bad position right now and they should straighten it out because it gets traded out there is. South koreas taking its dispute with japan to the World Trade Organization seoul says japans restrictions on materials used in Technology Products like smart phones are discriminatory and unfair political retaliation the july restrictions followed a south korean court awarding compensation to labor was forced to work during japans occupation of career in world war 2 japan believes the issue was settled in the 1965 treaty north koreas release pictures showing leader kim jong un overseeing tuesdays Missile Launch young and state News Agency Says kim supervised testing of a super large multiple rocket launchers system the test came hours after north korea offered to resume denuclearization talks with the u. S. Still ahead on aljazeera war games in venezuela but the countrys neighbors are urging calm. And appealed for people in the bahamas to open up their homes to survivors of horror can dorian. Hello there plenty of warm sunshine across eastern sections of europe and through the eastern end of the mediterranean as well but youll see across the central areas and the southwest in particular a lot of cloud the some rain pushing in some fairly breezy conditions across the north and then here into the southwest across the west im as weve got some pretty heavy rain in the fall cause the next couple of days some warnings in place for hail and also of the chance of a some tornadoes that system will work its way across into all central sections of the med pretty good there across much of mainland europe temperatures in the mid twentys and then further to the east into care of a moscow time of just staying pretty high for the next couple days well above average in fact both care and moscow with how much is that in the mid to high twentys about 10 degrees above the average the more rain showers across central areas of europe as we head through thursday and all systems that all tending to push into northern sections on the navy as an improving picture through much of the u. K. But that same system which is impacting the west of the med that is also pushing the rain across these northern sections of algeria on tools tunisia and if we could have a some flash floods from this system because the rain at times could be very heavy for going to that dry ground and in fact by thursday very heavy as well into those northern sections of morocco but a warm day in tunis with a high of 29 celsius. I cannot quite with my face you can access your bank account with your growing so you need algorithmic measurements of ice that are prevalent 90 to prove. Sets of identification the biometrics are far from perfect convenience and seeming infallibility comes at a cops most crucially our privacy and the 4th of a 5 part series on the radio addresses the appropriation of personal characteristics or paoli algorithms on a jersey girl. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap the headlines now nigeria is repatch 600 of its citizens from south africa after a week of violence the tensions between the 2 countries at least 12 people were killed and more than a 1000 shops and vandalized a series of attacks on foreign owned businesses. Has been International Condemnation of israeli Prime Minister binyamin thats now his Campaign Pledge to annex parts of the illegally occupied west bank. Whole told voters he would extend israeli salva

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