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1000000 tons of contaminated water is held in tanks of the plant they were damaged by earthquake and tsunami in 2011 the state operator says facilities to store water will be full 2022 anymore will have to be discharged into the sea a major new retrospective of irish born british artists Francis Bacon will open in paris on wednesday the Pompidou Center will display 60 works produced by the painter during the last 2 decades of his career bacons images often focused on human pain and his distinctive style continues to intrigue art lovers the trash about the reports from the french capital. Francis bacon captured the wrongness of the human condition and used a striking palette to indulge his fascination with the body his paintings often represented doomed lovers or dwelled on death and new exhibition of pariss Pompidou Center shows how the british 20th Century Artists exploration of existence intensified in his later years is goal in his in his work thats to express life but when you express life when you are fascinated by life you have to deal with death because life and death are mixed to give or bacon had a reputation for being witty and a gambler a ball vivre who drew inspiration from postwar londons nightlife by contrast his canvases simmer with profound and at times violent contemplation but i would never compete with the. Things happening every day in the world so busy i cant imagine why they think my work. The exhibition also focuses on bacons love of literature established between literature interest and its painted because we know bacon was a. Reader and more and more during in time to talk about literature Francis Bacon is considered one of 20th century western arts most important and influential figurative painters and his more remarkable because he was never formally trained it was actually here in paris that as a young man he decided to become an artist. On bacons 1st trip to paris in the 1920 s. A picasso exhibition inspired him to become an artist he returned to the city often and befriended famous french writers including michel larry says the link with with the french intellectuals is very important in that way and when he moved to paris when he gets this studio in order to be in 74 he starts to meet more often. Which is presenting him to other poets like and so on the 60 paintings on display spanned the last 2 decades of bacons life and include his last known work it was finished a few months before the 82 year old artist died in madrid in 1992 the shadowy figure of a fading bull is full of mystery and for polluting a sign perhaps the bacon knew his own existence was nearing its end Natasha Butler aljazeera paris. And lets take you through some of the headlines here now to syria now nigeria is repaired creating more than 600 of its citizens from south africa after a week of violence that tensions between the 2 countries at least 12 people were killed more than a 1000 shops were vandalized in attacks on foreign owned businesses in pretoria and johannesburg for me the matter has the latest from johannesburg airport. The consulate has been concerned around safety issues in the ongoing as in a phobic violence but i think what is also of concern is that the south african government has said that they it doesnt think that this is due to attacks or targeted attacks on foreigners specifically and theyre putting it down to criminality but many of the people taking todays flight say very differently many say they fear for their lives weve seen families women and children predominantly boarding this flight to nigeria has been International Condemnation of a Campaign Pledge by israels Prime Minister to annex parts of the occupied west bank they say as planned would violate International Law thats now who says the trumpet ministrations socalled deal of the century provides a historic opportunity for israel to extend sovereignty u. S. President dog trump is replacing his National Security advisor for the 4th time one of the most powerful positions in the white house john bolton was known for hard line pro military stances against countries like iran and north korea bolton says he resigned the u. S. Embassy in afghanistans capital has been targeted by a rocket on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks a compound in northern kabul was hit an embassy employee confirmed no one was injured the attack comes just 2 days after President Donald Trump canceled the peace talks with the taliban colombias karmas venezuela carries out large scale military drills along the border president Nicolas Maduro his government says its preparing for invasion from its neighbors. Those are your headlines the news continues here in al jazeera after 1st stream. Jr zia. The spark that ignited the arab spring elects a new president what does the political scene look like after the arrest of one of the main candidates in the president ial race join us for special coverage. On aljazeera. Raising children isnt easy and it can sometimes seem the worry is a never ending bus ship Digital Screens the way to the list of things the fia or should they simply be embraced as part of parenting today that question is causing debate both in families and in academia after a series of studies have come up with controversial guides i found in your industry so youve probably thought about the impact of screen time on the mind of young says this is a community calm austin habits when the World Health Organization issues are poor like this that says that children should play more and set us where theyre trying to do is just couldnt id in our minds is up to every individual parent decide and set guidelines for their childrens ability to use the internet all they want to do is start the debate the same kind of debate that we have here in the stream which is that we dont really know what happens when kids grow up with the most advanced learning technologies that have ever existed yet. So you have an opinion you can tweet it to us right now at a stream which im folded into this conversation now in april the World Health Organization issued new guidelines on how much time parents should allow Young Children to spend looking at screens phones tablets or t. V. s these are the key findings children younger than one year old should not have any screen time and children aged 2. 00 to 4. 00 can have passive screen time tapped out one hour a day passes screen time means for example watching a screen versus interacting with an app or playing a gang bots are such limits and guidelines one size fits all as carl suggested just there in his comment to us it has opened up a big debate the Royal College of pediatrics in the u. K. Believes the evidence to screen harm is often of a stated it has also said that connections between screen time and negative effects are mainly due to its impact on socializing exercise and sleep so to help us navigate all of this constricting information from its president is a coinvestigator at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research also joining us via skype from philadelphia jordan shapiro hes author of the book the new childhood raising kids to thrive in a connected well out and talk to car about it is an adolescent psychiatrist assistant professor at the university of california san diego its good to have your hair every body jordan and guess im just wondering the reason were even debating this always scared of the screens that we have out there right now we scared that we dont know what they doing to our youngsters and to our babies is this conversation driven by fear or because there may well be an educational impact on gangstas looking at screens well i think its absolutely driven by fear you know. All these devices are sort of here to stay that part of our lives certainly good things to be concerned about as in told us it seems to be imperfect from screen to be seen like kids who seem easily distracted kids who. Are too focused on video games kids who have unhealthy divisive unhealthy relationships with their devices and i think that theres not really the research to back up that thats problematic right so i think we have to do a lot more thinking about i like to say more mentoring and less censoring right we need to think about how do we raise our kids to the big can live in a healthy way with these screens good as it goes im pretty sure theyre here to stay and try to work out what screen the harm is could you explain that to me for lets do you know what screen harm is could you give us a definition. Screen harm is very i think dependent on and any child you know if your child is using a device and having a negative consequences like theyre having in terms when you take it away or its affecting their sleep then thats a harm to them but i do think its very individualized as missing children and how what theyre doing and then how there is acting we dont think that in one size fits all this is whats harmful this is how its hurting us and how do we know that car im just wondering how do we get to a stage now where weve got some gold guidelines from the well to Health Organization its not even from a country or from a government but from the well Health Organizations and if you know one or under it shouldnt be looking at a screen. So i think we know whats important developmentally especially for infants and children especially at the age of one or infancy below it age one we know that social Development Communication is really really important and when youre staring at a screen youre not learning in a traditional manner so infants usually learn by communicating and have risk having reciprocal conversations with others reading other peoples facial expressions thats how we learn how to navigate the world and if theyre just passively looking at something theyre not learning those skills get i wanted to show you something that there are so many fascinating videos of youngsters looking at screens and being sucked into the screens and of course all of the studies that we cant show those videos but i can show you an instagram of my niece on her 1st birthday that i took of her im going to take you out here down but theres going to be a moment where she sees herself on the screen and see what she does say here here we are 1st birthday my little niece lets play shes looking at move. Look at that shes looking at herself who is that kid if thats how the school she stopped and looked at the screen listening to her on tape putting on a cigarette and you go back to again and look shes making faces at the screen so this is a one year old doing that so what is that doing for us to y. O. O. s by the king at that screen have i done mystify life probably not. You know most of my research is actually older kids but a lot of younger kids from what we see when they look at screens specially at that age i think you see a little bit of the mirror effect we used to do this you know when my kids were babies to be put in here in their bed and they would make faces they soon as they saw themselves get a look at and try to hammer it out so i think that were seeing a lot of that and to kind of follow up with what kara said thats great that is you know whether theyre looking in a mirror theyre seeing themselves reflected back on a screen i dont think that thats necessarily problematic the problem is if thats the majority or thats a lot of the communication interaction that they have that theyre not getting that reciprocal back and forth which is critical to their development so looking at that screen scene themselves not really problematic if theyre just looking at Something Else and theyre not getting any feedback theyre not even seen themselves its not i dont i dont know that its necessarily that bad were that good or on harmful but its taking away time that they need to be spending other things you know and been sleep a lot so when they are awake its those critical times to help their development and as a screen union is not going to. Yes not going to help in any of those hearings i think the evidence. So i think that the evidence is also not showing that kids and in the video was adorable and your niece is adorable. But if you had i dont think that kids are really spending most of their time on screens looking at themselves yet the majority of the time that kids are spending on screens are watching other things so while they are getting some of this mirroring effect which we know is important for infancy most of the time theyre not actually doing that theyre passively watching or engaging with the screen and so i think that is really the downside of it all and i had well i was going to say one of the things i loved about that video for me was that we saw we saw as a kid interacting your 2 you are nice interacting with adults which means which means he was still having that sort of serving response but so important and thats what i would really like to see in the world is a lot more adults and children interacting with screens together and moving back and forth between screens and eye contact which is exactly what we saw is happening in there in that video so so we end up doing both things we end up both getting these great positive it human interactions but also sort of socializing the child to be able to make sense of a life lived with screens which is which is presumably the kind of world that the childs going to grow up in because i dont know that i dont know about another one so so so so i thought that it was sort of a perfect example of what i love to see which is which is whats called joint media engagement now i completely agree with with carol which is that if we have kids completely just staring at screens by themselves all day i think that i think thats a problematic thing but i also think we should we should you know its pretty hard to raise little kids i have 2 kids and its really exhausting you know i worry about the guidelines like with the World Health Guidelines scaring parents into thinking that their kids are going to get brain damage if you say hey how about i show you a video for 10 minutes while i take a shower and i wish that i had had a way to keep my kids. Actually for 10 minutes when it when it was a newborn for it for example but if thats happening all day i think we certainly have a major problem for us there is a study though that looks at what may happen to gun stores who spend a lot of time passively watching a screen and one study came out to say that they perhaps their language ability wasnt as good their cognition wasnt as good that maybe the Smart Devices were making them stupid. So weve seen several you know kind of papers and in a lot of the research that that looks negatively its cream time gets a lot of publicity we have done our own research on the adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study which is a fairly large study our 1st papers were in the 1st half of the cohort which is about 4000. 00 subjects and theyre not tiny tiny groups and we do see that if you have a lot of screen time then we see some negative associations but when we started breaking that down by different types of screen time we saw that it wasnt all naturally explicit and so we saw the kids who were using social connections whether it was social media or face time mean or video chatting or im texting in these are 9 and 10 year old kids so theyre not you know teenagers they actually had less sleep problems they had more physical activity so it was not all equal you know we look to kids who spent a lot of time playing video games and while we did see some correlations these are not causation all studies at this point hes looking at one time by my thought correlations. With kind of behavioral problems and some are internalizing xterm rising problems but we also saw slightly higher i. Q. Scores and those kids are out crystallise Intelligence Corps simply is what were looking at so we see that that its not universal right out of the army i have is. So i thought i said i also just want to make the point to that its you know a lot of these studies even the a. B. C. Study which im also involved in florence has been talking about they were looking at large cohorts of kids but kids are fundamentally different were all fundamentally different right we all have different characteristics and i think that that may also contribute to sort of these 5 dates and so right now the state of the literature is where are lumping like a large cohort of Infants Children and or adolescents together and looking at sort of general outcomes but were not looking at differences between kids were not looking very very closely at differences between types of scream to. Im seeing how those differences may affect sort of cognition like you mentioned may affect Brain Development may affect sort of behaviors or say catterick some right children i know you want to come in here let me just show people just a little bit of this timeline a cd study this a timeline of events of this is this is ongoing setting with a bunch of 9 to 10 year olds and how i care is that it goes up until the 1000 to 20 starts quite a long time and how and the ways that people as being studied are youngsters will study at that point scans they have to test their time on the i pads etc etc so were not really going to understand this fully until these youngsters are actually fully grown adults to it and i had to yeah i think i think thats true it would certainly not going to understand until theyre fully grown adults and i often think you know every parent in history has had to deal with the with new things a changing world and i think that this is what we really need to think of as parents as teachers as caregivers we need to go if were moving into a Digital World if were moving into a connected world how are we going to make sure that that our kids can live healthily with these things right that theyre not going to go away i think you know as as as both as both florence and cara have said right theres not really consistent across the Board Research showing us that its toxic but its problematic so what we really need to do is go our were going to build the kinds of attitudes the minds of parenting practices because the kinds of routines that make sure its integrated into a healthy healthy life that allows us to be able to do a great human things all the great human values and then also and then also put that together with these great new technologies there are so many Amazing Things that these technologies have brought into our lives and what i want to do is teach our kids how to leverage those technologies for kindness and for compassion and to have a better world honestly as i had to precisely with their current combatives im going to clear get some of the community in because im loving you 3 and i have questions and things when you say with a as you have that you he are going to make you work this is far and its a challenge being a parent and he sums up beautifully havent i sent him. Well obviously all of us want to hold the children for screen time but the problem is that there is no rule really or do they would do this. Street and huge cube and all the stuff they want on the internet just so easy so for the need. For a dog owner to just say. Raise the organ or something so we have to find something thats going to care for the children as much as this team do and that is the biggest for the parents i think. Trying to find something as exciting and engaging its new chairman saying show me have it doesnt look like foreigners found it yet. You know what i think so i think were getting away from you know so like florence i mean lee work with older children like adolescent age but i think. When were talking screen time behaviors we need to be talking with parents very very early about these things before the kids are introduced to st so i am a mother of 2 very Young Children and i have another on the way you know and these are things that im talking with my 3 year old about now and putting a rules and sort of parameters around screen time into practice so that when they age into the ages of wanting to be on you tube and wanting to be on social media and thats what their friends are doing and things like that then they are doing those things appropriately theyre doing them responsibly and monitoring that and. Letting those practices into place very very early before the kids are involved in those things i think are really important i love what youre saying here characters ive often said but you know that when we when we do that for surveys they find that the average age we tend to give kids smartphones or devices is 110 or 13 children killed and i have to show you this this is one lucky man hes actually watching right now that one says i am actually considering buying my 7 and 10 year old brothers. I you know that i dislike good effort should he do it i think its so absolutely good what i was going to say was that we get we tend to give it to kids when theyre living in 13 thats when they hit puberty thats when they start to be interested in risky behaviors that turn their hormones start to rage thats when they start they start to have aggression i have a 13 year old and hes 7 lee doesnt want to listen to everything i say when he was 70 he wanted to do is be just like dad all he wanted to do was follow the rules i think thats a great time to start teaching good day habits right wait until theyre already ready. No ross look when your little brother is go ahead buy them a 000 s. I have this one for you if shes just shes having a conversation that asthma says now much to how we try to limit their screen time the way i matter they get involved with some gadgets and they do it intelligently so even if they try and stop it theres always a wife oh its like there is in our research which you know are 9 and 10 year olds but thats still fairly young we actually see that the parent and the kid reports of how much time the child has been on the screens dont match at all but theyre get a good read out of that one parent ask me what is the shocking most shocking thing and i dont know that it was really shocking but then we see that the parents and the kids really dont have the parents do not know how much time the kids are spending and to kind of follow up and some items that are come up repeatedly i think its really important that we remember that not every child has the same opportunities and i think that theres a lot of pressure saying screen time is the bad guy screentime is the problem were left a problem and there are definitely children who do not have the opportunity to do a lot of these other things they dont have opportunities to play sports they dont have opportunities to go play outside in their neighborhood you know my children there we dont go outside like we have a brand new park right next to our house go play with their friends but there are kids who dont have that opportunity so theyre spending a lot of time on screens and i think that shows up and a lot of our research our research is highly significant based on Family Income based on if its a one or 2 parent home and based on parental jobs as of the parents have more than one job or not so we have to remember that screens arent always the bad guy or whats causing the problem they are an option specially in some families and im sure in certain parts of the world where its a very different cultures. So what we need to be careful that were just blaming them because its easy to say screens are bad lets take them away without giving another opportunity or fixing some of the problems where kids dont have the opportunity i feel that were doing a screen time clinic right now because f. A. Have made this as a stream i am mostly self into books as a child my children they must themselves. I have no idea how to control that or should i even control them. Well you know you know when when when when the Printing Press was invented everyone was worried that kids were reading too many books that they were going to be immersed into the detail of the books right the fret you know storytelling had been to church or around a campfire in some kind of communal communal situation and when books were 1st invented everyone said oh theyre going to have their nose in it are going to be so isolated that in the ad to be so lonely theyre not going to develop any social skills yeah. There is this question about guilt though as as as a parent youve been guilty are you not bring out your children in the right way if you are now them to spend an awful lot of time on tech which is tech thats everywhere. What do you think. So you know i think clients write up a really good point so some families some parents just dont have the ability to provide other things for their kids outside activities read to sports can be very expensive like music things like that could be very very expensive the parents arent necessarily in the home. And so i dont know that guilt is the way to feel for those parents as parents really have no other other option and again its looking at this good versus bad and again its just like the nuances of what the kids are doing when theyre in gauging in screentime activities some things are probably good for them some are bad for them some probably lead to sort of social communication that they wouldnt get otherwise you know i think about autism spectrum populations for example that ever really hard time communicating with others in person but like multiplayer video gaming can be really helpful for those kids because they can engage with others around an activity that they are very interested in and they have very oftentimes restricted activities that theyre interested and so again i think its hard to think about like bad versus good. Should you feel guilty versus not till guilty without talking about the nuances the obvious thing thats come from this conversation quite powerfully from out on Like Community is its not easy being a parent hes. No no no he said as a video comment she followed up with a tweet pop one not a guy hacked. Everything since the printer from her from an awful. Group. More or. So no saying that the adults had to look at their screen time to help the kids do it as well and so shes got paints books an expensive fragility a book which got ruined in 2 days so shes drying where they are kids and they are letting friends i love you were saying about sending the kids out is that another alternative that doesnt cost money necessarily and thats another way or 2. 00 parents are too scared to do that go play outside. You know i think there is a shift when i was a kid were outside more than i think that kids in my kids generation are and theres theres something behind that theres a theres fear out there and whats going on you know we see these stories in social media where kids went to the park by themselves and people call the police on those parents. Because we have this idea that we should always be with our kids we should be monitoring every minute of every day so it makes it very hard and then also there are definitely kids around this country and around the world who dont have a safe place to go outside like you know i always tell my kids hey you have somewhere you can go outside when theyre like well my friends do this im like well they may not they dont live in our neighborhood they may not have a place where they can play outside i do think giving kids safe places and opportunities to do things obviously playing outside is great for their interpersonal you know connected social development which theyre you know lose a little bit of that when youre doing it via screen its good ivys the exercise which is really important for them theres a lot to be had for it but like kara said i dont want to talk about it just being good or bad because that may not be an option for every family an awful moms like well i do my kids arent safe at the outside the neighborhood we look at has high crime rate or gun violence or drug problems and then were like well you cant i dont have screamed either you know youre kind of limited. So i think its important to talk about you know what are the best types of screen times as we figure that out are there things that are better than others so we can you know how direct it instead of this kind of message that its bad because its not going away and we need to teach parents how to best use it rather than just try to make everybody feel bad about it because thats not how i want to put all of you on the spot and in a sentence the idea of a universal guide for the w h carra instant reaction to that you know so its the reaction to youth. It was. I dont think there is a verse of i think different kids Different Things jordan. I would say parents should it should ignore acknowledge that screens are now a part of life and really get involved in thinking about how to create healthy screen behaviors. Florence i think parents need to look at their individual children and decide whats best for them within the resources in options of the house and a screen is part of that great and if its not thats probably great good luck with the baby was when was the 1st tech device you got to buy feel baby what is it to me 1st yet will be for a very very long time or that there will be something totally new out in 5 years that we havent even imagined that its even possible that ive added yet i will probably have to do a show about that tech device in the future and how to do it with a at its been such a pleasure unlike many here obviously you love chatting to hear frauds pressman jordan shapiro and blackouts the conversation continues online its going time a good idea what is your input you can tell us at a. J. Stream always on twitter but it wraps up our discussion for analysis you and i take everybody. Else out by now if you will. But thats the ball as a board which means i start my sister not to do. The double now because im a bunch of the put on at the bottom. In part one of this 2 part series aljazeera explores the world of performance enhancing drugs. Sports doping the endless takes on all disease. The latest news as it breaks the problem is that in many cases those fires get out of control with detailed coverage the protesters dont seem to be fighting and neither does the polices determination to suppress the movement from around the world most of these vehicles carry syrian splaying from the south of the border the influx causes a huge traffic jam in the only to over know that city of. The 15 year old boy tortured in the worlds most notorious prison finally released after 13 years i wouldnt wish this experience on anybody but i have a hard time thinking about wishing that i havent gone through this experience in an exclusive interview almost told his epic tale. Witness presents guantanamos child. Was. Heading back out on the hundreds of nigerians living in south africa being repatriated after a wave of xenophobic attacks. And sam is a. This is al jazeera live from coming up International Condemnation as the Prime Minister announces plans to annex Jordan Valley if hes reelected. U. S. President is hawkish National Security advisor saying he strongly disagreed with him. And peace activists protest in london against the city hosting europes biggest military weapons. Nigeria is repatriating more than 600 of its citizens from south africa after a week of violence at least 12 people were killed and more than one

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