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Claimed that the british and americans knowingly delivered them into torture. They show us the. Prison where the biggest massacre. Took place a protest by inmates in 1906 led to a staggering response when Security Forces them into space. The suit. Over 1200. 00 prisoners were killed within 2 days 2 of them were. Found. Inmates they said libyan interrogators repeatedly subjected them to similar treatment for information that would link them to al qaeda they tell us that even foreign agents questioned them including british ones who wanted information on dissident libyans in the u. K. On one occasion i was left alone with them. And the stability of. Women that i should know was going to see a little additional. If you have any of you having seen the thought of you know you know i think you dont know what you know any of them you know what you know you can believe. In a family in the. City. Any of. Us are going to work here but nothing changed and gadhafi says men continue to enter into contacts i mean youre going to be. See the resilience of the individual not to work through. The fear of going to reassure those in the. World who. Said. Well theres this in the run up. To here at the un and here we are. Almost the mold. Of the. Regime or the kurds going to him. To move on to israel as you wish we managed to track down one of the libyans living in britain but hodge was so frequently interrogated about in fact he is now back in libya and he works here in the general election. At hashim manages the office of the president and he was in china with ben hodge but just before got renda hashim and his family won asylum in the u. K. He may have avoided ending up in one of khadafi is present but within a year he was inside a british one. Rather than. Be a little late on monday the nation. There you dont. Have any credible divisional e who offer and who probably doesnt get it yet. Oh ever since the protests will organize in britain to stop the detention and deportation of dissidents like hashem to libya where he had a death sentence on his head. Along with. Being a station. How do you need to me that i am. Willing to live have. A rock. I cant go out walk with human kind of moved to higher comfort. And here. Kind of overcome yet even in libya hashem says his family were also victims he was released from prison without charge after 18 months but for the next 3 years he was electronically tagged and confined to his home. He says life under one of the u. K. Governments infamous control orders affected the whole family but this. Morning. Did you walk out on a dock or you know certainly one of the. Out of. The new europe. If what they. Say is true the British Government didnt just help deliver people into torture but it also acted on this information by using it against libyans living in britain. According to cori crider such a process is bound to deliver flawed intelligence. This is the problem about joining hands with torturers because you think it is necessary is that maybe every now and then you get a nugget but by and large what you get is false its just what somebody had to say to stop somebody beating him up. For crimes against the state. 2010 when they were released and returned. It was just in time for the revolution that would topple gadhafi. Sensing the fall of the dictator britain turned yet again mr speaker it is clear this is an illegitimate regime that has lost the consent of its people and our message to colonel gadhafi is simple go now. The release of all the Political Prisoners in abu salim was one of the symbolic moments of the revolution with old and i have 2 members now entering powerful positions in the government the west suddenly started trying to patch things up with those they demanded the imprisonment. When you do it on your side the. Other libyans who say they were persecuted in britain im now preparing a joint legal action against the u. K. In the meantime the government has settled out of court. For 2200000 pounds. Why was the British Government decided to pay out 2200000. 00 pounds does that not make them look guilty in the eyes of the world. I think it probably does but it its really a question that you need to put to the. And but i would imagine that paying over some of that level is not done unless they felt that that they were liable and how much in his wife and he might have refused any settlement they are asking for symbolic damages of only one pound each from jack straw mike allen and the British Government but what they insist on is an official apology. Today is the start of the preliminary hearings for ben hodges case and supplement korea heading for long things high court they tell us the government has started delaying tactics in order to keep the suit from coming to trial. The government is arguing that that the courts and shouldnt even deal with the case because and the case involves other states as well as the you carry it means that if if the u. K. Are not intuited some individuals and the courts can deal with the case but the moment they become involved with and of the state theyre arguing its outside the courts jurisdiction is pretty drastic so how long are you expecting this case to take were talking years rather than months we ask so mark allen and the relevant British Government departments to respond to the claims made in this film so mark allen did not reply to our correspondence on behalf of the government the u. K. Foreign office said we are committed to ensuring that serious allegations about alleged u. K. Involvement in mistreatment and rendition of detainees by other countries are examined carefully they added that the government has been clear that it stands firmly against torture and cruel inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment we do not condone it nor do we ask others to do it on alcohol. That was libya renditions from the people in power series back in 2013 and im pleased to say were joined here in the studio now by the report on that investigation giuliana roof its nice to see you julie on the documents i want to ask you about those you know when you find the exchanges between get off these spy chief and the British Government. And i dont know if youre going to give away any secrets here but how do you come across that sort of stuff how do you. From. There were passed around and let me just say there were pasta vow and it was really extraordinary about reading for you those documents was not just the detail that came out of them but also the tone because he was an exchange between you know the so moch allen the counterterrorism chief in British Intelligence and most of the libyan spy chief and it was really friendly and casual and everybody was preparing for tony blairs visit to libya where he was going to to meet gadhafi and bring him back in the cold and there was an arrangement and there were talking to each other about having having this reunion in a desert attend and then there was a little line saying yes because the journalist would love it so you can see this sort of camaraderie in those exchanges when really the world hate to be just a few brief moments before well there was an apology in 2018 from former british Prime Minister. Theresa may. Does that does that serve as as justice or is that just a government paying lip service and saying a wee bit of a apologize for that. No i think it is meaningful and i think its important to bear in mind that. I always said he did not want money what was important for him and what was just as a what is justice for him is that he got this. Apology and what he wanted to expose he said was british hypocrisy and all that so all of this taken together there wasnt just the apology from 2 recent may but there was also the payment that had gone to without an admission of guilt but the payment had gone to and then the apology too but also a payment of roughly 600000. 00 to just wife a team so that was a pretty big package of apologies and compensation so we have compensation we have an apology but then you have someone like so mark allen who was the head of british counterterrorism at the time who was never charged with anything and yet there was all this evidence and all these documents why didnt it happen so yeah thats actually really interesting because on the one hand you had this legal case brought by the victims and outside and their families but there was also a 4 year long investigation by Scotland Yard the British Police and they were collecting evidence and talking to witnesses and going for the papers and they were preparing for a criminal prosecution against mark allen and this was then reviewed by the British Crown prosecution and the people who would have brought the case for a mental case and they felt that there was not an off evidence to successfully bring a case that would achieve a conviction so it was dropped so then giuliana given everything youve learned everything youve read the time thats passed since then do you. Personally feel that justice was done in this case. I think thats a twofold. I would say that the victims feel and thats probably more important than what i feel but that the victims feel justice has been done as saudis with compensation and bell hogged has received the apology that he was asking for bug days of course always the question who was ultimately responsible for ordering these renditions and and are these people guilty of something and that is the question really that hasnt been fully resolved and that should have further investigation and examination sounds like a future edition of people in power i think its really on a riff its great to have you with us thank you and that is it for this week join us again next time though for another powerful story from the on to 0 archives and dont forget you can find more films from the series at aljazeera dot com meanwhile from all of us here on rewind thanks for watching. The firsthand glimpse of the challenges faced by journalists in the age of donald trump we are fighting the fake tears fake phony the enemy of the people through the eyes of a federal White House Correspondent what do you base your legs on the caesar down the press is not after trump is after the were not the enemy of the people we are the people the usa the current Battle Ground truth is it anyway on 0. When an ethiopian mother put her daughter up for adoption she knew little of what was to come. With family boneset that the traumatized child tool between 2 worlds struggles to return home in a profoundly human story exposing deep roots in denmarks adoption system. Will. Return. A witness documentary on al jazeera. This is al jazeera. Hello im stan grant this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Police turn on the antigovernment protesters gathering in the capital well be live inside jago for the lightest. Demonstrations in iraq the biggest since the fall of saddam hussein. A car bomb kills 13 in the Syrian Border towns recently taken by Turkish Backed forces. Champions for a 3rd time south africa beat england to win the rugby world cup. I want to thank you 1st to chile where antigovernment protesters of voicing their anger against begin a president Sebastian Pinera this was the same in the capital santiago less than an hour ago police fired tear gas and used water cannon at demonstrators people angry about low income for Public Health care and the growing income gap between the rich and the poor lets go straight to our latin america editor of the sea and human live at the scene in the capital we saw those images last hour there lucier of tear gas and water cannon being used whats it like now. Its still happening stan just a few minutes ago you can see that theres nobody behind me now because everybody just ran there about their recruiting verging about 75 meters in front of me now but people have been protests that have been playing cat and mouse now with the Security Forces for the police the last 3 hours the march was supposed to take place peacefully and in fact most of these protesters have been protesting peacefully but the police didnt allow them to converge in the main meeting area where for the last 2 weeks all the parts of protests here in santiago where most of the protests will get started which is a in the emblematic italia plaza so they were immediately scattered i know over and over again people tried to get to return and the police would come back theyve been using very very very strong i would i would call it industrial strength pepper gas tear gas and also acid laced water cannon very very strong Counter Measures shall we call it against Peaceful Protesters standing and we see this is being an ongoing issue has been that the the standoff between protesters and security in some of the allegations of heavy handed tactics the u. N. Is already investigating allegations of human rights abuses where is that out of the mine. Exactly in fact that i would imagine that at this hour the the mission that was sent by the u. N. High commissioner for human rights and by the ways citys former socialist president Michelle Bachelet are reading at this hour still with different people who have are charging that they have been victims of human rights abuses of all types from rape to torture to to of beatings and so this is going on and theres another thing thats happened in the institute of human rights in chile is calling for an independent investigation into the ingredients being used in the tear gas in the pepper gas and in the water cannon they want to know just how toxic it is and whether or not it is following International Protocols because there are a lot of people here who have been swallowing this gas children elderly people and there is some suspicion or concern that it may be much more toxic than it is allowed to be by International Standards than most if thank you for that update we see in human joining us live there from santiago now to the mass uprising in iraq its the biggest since the fall of formal leader saddam a sign the demonstrations began last month with a new generation of protesters calling for the government to go now this is the scene in the capital baghdad where demonstrations have been rallying of demonstrators have been rallying in central tyreese quit for days theyre angry about the Economic Hardship corruption and what they call interference from iran and the u. S. More than 250 people have been killed so far iraqs president has called for a new voting laws and an early election and Prime Minister abdul mahdi also says he will step down but only if his replacement is found thats not enough for many protests the thirst for chinese can be felt across most of the provinces in the country in basra thousands of people block the roads leading to iraqs main gulfport. Those people who are protesting theyre only demanding the fall of the government and the parliament. That they dont like going to the states already took is not enough for them they also want to take more from us we want to block this process in order to get. Now the people want the fall of the government for the government to resign theyre asking for change we want a new government to give us our rights and be fair with us we dont trust them now because there are no reforms for iraq he says. Lets discuss this further our fossil is to body was the former iraqi ambassador to the un and is now the director of the center for the study of the middle east at Indiana University and he joins us on skype from bloomington indiana its nice to have you with us i was really taken by something i heard one of the protesters say last week and he said we want a country what does that tell us about these protestors who they are the generational shift and what their aspirations are. No of its a very interesting phrase in the arabic movie to walk on. Its very difficult to translate and get the nuance of that word into english shot there is the italian and the latin say you know the french. Its a its more than a country its a place of belonging its of a place of deep roots and the actual. And this is what the protesters are saying has been lost or at least since 2003 if not before now these are young protesters as youre saying they probably have very limited memories of before 2003 there is something the 1st in them for belonging to iraq theyre tired of always saying us iraq that is on the list of the most corrupt countries of having a dysfunctional. Political class of having on you interference from neighboring states and and world powers they want to belong to a place they want to have a future in their country. They want a future for themselves and for future generations. Its deeply moving from so you that would belong you use is really interesting as well because we know that this is a very divided country but one of the aspects of these protests is apart from the generational shift at the end looking to a nonsectarian future yes there are surely shia or sunni or kurds but they talking about something beyond that out by. Yes and in fact there have been demonstrations in their money and in other parts of the kurdistan region of iraq not demonstrating against the Kurdistan Regional government but them and straight thing in support of the demonstrators in baghdad and in southern cities throughout throughout the south of iraq standing in solidarity with those demonstrators i hope that we. Knew a moment a moment in which the use of the country have have turned their back on that the visit politics of the Political Class which has governed iraq for too long and not just in the post 2003 period of the the pre 2003 period also became highly sectarian and highly oppressive i think the you saw a yearning for something more and they live in a country with one of the Oil Producers in the world and yet they have no basic services in 16 years we havent theyve the road we have in the schools we happen to equip the hospital they look around at the other countries in the region and they see how well their population lives they want to have not kind of life as well for themselves and for future generations and they want to long to a country that is not riven with secretary in the confessional strife my if im optimistic about iraq its because of todays youth. On the Program Thanks again for your insights and thank you its my pleasure thank you. Well as iraqis defies security crackdown a small vehicle has been making a major impact took to drive as have been transporting injured activists and medical supplies to hospitals the tasha ghanaian spoke to baghdads young men beyond the handle by. Some iraqis may view talk talks as a nuisance on 3 wheels recklessly weaving in and out of traffic belching out black smoke and honking all the while now during unprecedented protests the tough talks of tough rear have become a welcome sight for the man you know we want to country the important thing is our country behind me tak is one of the drivers offering what for many has become an indispensable service there transporting people wounded during antigovernment protests to these medical tents and nearby hospitals theyre also ferrying volunteer medics and delivering supplies to talk we are square before tech drivers are mostly 3 little boys theyve dropped out of school to help their likely to support their families or how theyre called up theres no place hed rather be but hes losing money driving here in Tahrir Square the tax says people are giving him donations and helping pay for gas but drivers are working for free to help protesters come alive. One of the tuc took drivers was shot in the head and die it made me more committed to my job i want to be a martyr i am not afraid of dying on friday a medical student was killed while attempting to treat injured protesters the people working in these medical tents spread across the square and the surrounding area are also volunteering mohammed says each day he hopes will be the last day i come here i am motivated by my pitch a tism from my country when i see someone in severe pain its impossible for me not to help them i stood in graduates and to save lives meanwhile. Of civic spirit is spreading garbage bags have been put out encouraging people not to litter protesters are sweeping the streets and artists are transforming the walls of this tunnel into a colorful canvas to express their heartache and their hope for their country natasha going to name el jazeera baghdad to syria now where a car bomb has killed 13 people in the town of tal its controlled by turkey backed opposition fighters 30 others were injured in the attack tell r. B. I. Has seen some of the heaviest fighting since turkey launched a military offensive against kurdish fighters last month ankara wants the money in the Kurdish Syrian Democratic forces to withdraw from the border areas to create a song called safe zone as of now bahrain has more from need the turkey syria border. The car was packed with explosives placed in a crowded market in the other this explains the growing number of casualties the Turkish Military blamed the white biju for the blast and they wipe e. G. Of the same time hit back saying that turkey is to blame for failing along with us. In the region the center of the Syrian National army for providing security to civilly as and this is the

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