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A massacre in 2009 that killed 58 people. Mobile services a cops in parts of new delhi as protests continue against a new citizenship law. To keep records broken in just 2 days in a strictly as a state of emergency is declared for fires burning in the east. Welcome to the program in a vote split down party lines much like its divided the nation the u. S. House of representatives has impeached a President Donald Trump the Democratic Party controlled house charged with abusing his power as well as obstructs in congress in its investigation those 2 articles of impeachment now go to the Republican Controlled Senate for trial however House Speaker nancy pelosi has thrown im sorry cincy into these next steps by refusing to say when shell send those articles. We know what we were make our decision as to when were going to say and when we see what the deal is on the senate side but thats a decision that we will make jointly yes. Im not heard. That would have been our intention but well see what happens over there so i said were going to send it tonight because its difficult to determine who the managers would be until we see the arena in which we will be protests attaining well she had her town seen reports now on the 8 hours of highly charged debate and felt the result was never in doubt dont trump is the 3rd u. S. President in history to be impeached article one is adopting article 2 is adopted i mean research gentleman from new york over several hours the democrats repeated arguments that have now become very familiar the president needs to be held to account many speaker the house of representatives has now considered 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump the 1st article charges that the president used his Public Office to coerce a Foreign Government into attacking his political rival. The 2nd article charges that the president took extreme an unprecedented steps to obstruct our investigation into his kind of taken together the 2 articles charge that President Trump placed his private political interests above our National Security above our elections and above our system of checks and balances what we are discussing today is the established fact that the president violated the constitution is a matter of fact that the president is an ongoing threat to our National Security and the integrity of our elections the basis of our democracy a central charge against the president is that he was demanding the Ukrainian Government announce an investigation into joe biden and his son hunter in return for an official white house visit with a tree any over the republicans argue that the democrats have failed conclusively to prove that case they say President Trump was right to be concerned about corruption in ukraine in addition they argue that home to bidens position on the board of the Ukrainian Energy company while his father was taking the lead in ukrainian policy as Vice President does warrant further examination and they argue that impeachment is simply the attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election we on the republican side have no problem taking our case to the majority and to the people of this country because they elected donald trump and it is a matter for the voters not this not in this way not in the way this is being done it is trampled everything this house believes in our democrat colleagues have weaponized the impeachment provision of the constitution to nullify the votes of 63000000 americans who elected president donald j. Trump this is not about a phone call or your crane or even his use of the executive privilege you have to remember that 95 of the democrats on this floor today voted to impeach donald trump before the july 25th phone call ever happened between President Trump and president selenski a trial is expected to be held in the senate in january the Republican Leadership is hoping for a relatively quick process of perhaps 2 weeks the president is almost certain to be acquitted. The polls suggest the u. S. Public is evenly split on impeachment in fact doldrums Approval Ratings have increased since impeachment proceedings began in the autumn. 0 washington. Well as all that played out in washington donald trump was rallying supporters in a city called battle creek he slammed democrats impeachment efforts as quote illegal and a disgrace and pointed out how theres little chance hell be convicted and removed from office by the senate from battle creek john hendren has the story. The battle was joined in battle creek the. President trumps 1st reaction to impeachment came in one of the key states he needs to win again in 2020 and it was predictably trumpy in right defiance this lawless partisan page is a political suicide march for the Democratic Party have you seen my polls of the last 4 weeks about a 3rd of his prepared speech focused on impeachment it was a split screen moment as the house voted along party lines to impeach trump he was standing on stage in battle creek i think we have a vote coming in so we got every single republican voted for us was. He spoke in a county he won in 2016 in a state he won by the narrowest president ial victory in michigan history here when the presence and you got to win the close states and michigan shapes up to be close again trump won michigan largely on the strength of the votes of working class white voters in places like here in rural western michigan where some who once built american cars. Now dismantle them it remains a region divided guys lets lets try to have a civil conversation this was the reaction to a local congresswoman announcing her support for impeaching trump im going to be voting yes on obstruction of. Theres a small group of protesters outside but despite the Impeachment Vote the founding of the moment is the way the people inside this arena. Donald trump can do no wrong. No matter why i dont care what happens i think its all. They can its us is the president vowed not to surrender through this i like through their. Deprived actions said a crazy nancy pelosi the house democrats. Have branded themselves with an eternal mark of shame and it really is its a disgrace. With a Republican Controlled Senate unlikely to remove him trumps fate will likely be decided in the november election in places like this John Hendren Al Jazeera battle creek michigan. Well to other news now and a Philippine Court has found top members of a political clan guilty on multiple counts of murder over a mass killing in 2958 people 32 of them journalists were killed when a convoy of vehicles was attacked in the Southern Province of mcginn now around 100 people have been on trial over that massacre many of them linked to a politically powerful family in the province the mass killing was the single biggest attack on journalists in history which has more now from manila. We are here outside the court in the big city metro manila where a promise of a 10 year case was recently handed down to primary suspects a crime members of the un but one political clan is southern philippines i found guilty and are sentenced to up to 40 years increase in some of the accomplices are also found guilty and are sentenced to up to 20 years if we send some of them however are acquitted due to lack of evidence needed groups and Human Rights Organizations here say that they are very delighted to hear the news justice could have been delayed but at least this is a critical step to achieve justice for the victims and for their families however the case is not yet over the convicted suspects can still appeal their conviction in 15 days if they do so the case would elevate to the next level needed groups and Human Rights Organization and the Media Community say here that you were still monitoring the case. Of Phil Robertson is Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch and he joins us on skype from a bank called Phil Robertson very well warm warm welcome to the program its been a long journey for any sort of justice in this case how significant is it to finally have a verdict. Well this is a momentous verdict this is and in our view should help finally provide justice to the families of the victims and we also hope that it will be something we can use to build towards greater accountability for rights abuses across the country were talking about 28 defendants who have been convicted including the key members of the impound one clan who are the masterminds behind this massacre so i mean 10 years was a long time to wait for justice for the relatives of the 58 people who were murdered in this case but. It was worth waiting for. Phil there was a lot happened in that decade was in there just take history why it took so long for this verdict to come out of course there are still some people still at large john. Well weve got 80 people who are still at large and one of the things were calling for is for the government to move very quickly to apprehend them because as long as those people are still at large witnesses and the families of the victims are not safe were always concerned about retaliation against witnesses and this is been a big issue. 10 years i mean it obviously this was a huge case for the philippines judiciary 2 to process they had to set up a special court so you know there was recognition because of the International Pressure that there had to be a special arrangement. You know there are just so many defendants and yes as we mentioned theres still a significant number we have not been apprehended who are still in hiding and need to be found and also brought to trial and what do you think its a man for the family stove had to wait all that time for this justice to be doubted. Well i think that many of the families would say that it was worth the wait. They were prepared to stand as long as they needed to see justice done for their murdered relatives you know we see a massive outpouring of relief that you know we have seen justice done make specially towards the masterminds who are been sentenced to life in prison i think theres also a great deal of relief the International Journalist community because this was a massacre that was the most deadly massacre in World History for journalists we had over 32 journalists killed at this one massacre and its very important for press freedom that alternately justice be done in this case Phil Robertson there joining me a Deputy Director of asia at Human Rights Watch thank you so much thank you still ahead on aljazeera why protest this clashing with peace overshadowed the classical football match between boston and rail madrid plus. Nicholas hall can borrow again yet find out next why so many migrants travel from here through europe not through the mediterranean but across the planet take this sort of thing. Hello again welcome back to your International Weather forecast where we are watching a very powerful storm right now making its way out of the atlantic into western parts of europe you can see on the satellite image anywhere from the u. K. Down towards france as well as into the urban produce of the clouds associate with that front now today we are going to be dealing with very gusty winds anywhere over 100 kilometer per hour winds there as well as heavy rain across much of there been peninsula so for france coastal areas the storm surge will also be quite high as well going from thursday as well as into friday a lot of that rain makes its way more towards the east down towards Southern France as well heavy flooding is going to be a problem there and into the Higher Elevations it is going to be snow accumulation for the rain though over the next 3 days down across parts of portugal we could be expecting anywhere between 2225. 00 millimeters of rain so we do expect to see the Flooding Risk increase as we head towards saturday in terms of your forecast here in porto the winds are going to be a big problem here on thursday the flood risk increases on friday and as we go towards saturday your winds will continue well for the northwestern part of africa you will also be seeing the effects of the storm morocco expect to see very gusty winds over the next few days and for robot winds as well as rain with a temperature of about 90 degrees for you. Sponsored by countdown and this. One is the last time you out on the streets testing whether on line you feel the weight of the system going to walk through each and every level or layer further further into the jail or if you join us on saying we actually has to start from day one whether again youre in detention or your own car springs this is a dialogue everyone has a voice for the earth is they 6 oclock oclock all right it will be varying accounts but i want to give people their reason for joining the global conversation on how does iraq. Theyre watching aljazeera reminded of our top stories yes President Donald Trumps been impeached members of the has formally charged him with the beast of power and the struction of congress when i faced a senate trial xmas. Junkers called the impeachment proceedings an attempted could he says it is a desperate effort by the democrats to win the 2020 election trumps accused of withholding aid to ukraine to pressure it into investigating his political rival joe biden. Developing chords found top members of a political plan guilty on multiple counts of murder over the countrys worst mass killing 58 people were killed in 2009 in the Southern Province of mcginn do not. Have arrested up to 1000 protesters in new delhi as demonstrations continue across india over a new citizenship law mobile carriers say theyve suspended internet and cell service in parts of the capital following a Government Order opponents of the law have called for a day of action in large rallies are planned in more than 10 cities the controversial law for citizenship to persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries but it excludes miss them so rahman is at one of those protests near the red fort in new delhi. That lady has been saying all go out go peacefully with the police and thats exactly whats happened with the protests that have been coming 3 into the red fort complex here theyve been slowly that the hundreds of the been slowly protesting quietly and peacefully arriving at the barriers theyve been arrested between loaded on to those coaches that you can see behind me for processing section one form one for 4 of the local penal code has been enacted which bans governments of more than 4 people and there have been many hundreds here but. Just delhi of course across the country that action has been called for by Many Civil Society groups and opposition politicians are we seeing this sort of scene replicated across the country. Australia has sweltering through its hottest say ever just 24 hours after breaking the previous record the average temperature across the country there is it was 41. 00 degrees celsius the heat wave is expected to spur on intense bushfires especially in New South Wales where a state of emergency has been declared jesica washington reports from sydney. A crisis that has been raging for months millions of acres of land destroyed as hundreds of fires burned around the country bushfires are a normal part of the israelian summer but not like this the ferocity of this years is prompting authorities to take extreme measures in history as most populous states New South Wales will be in a state of emergency from today for the next 7 days as you are away this is the 2nd state of emergency weve declared since the far as commenced in july was to die is going to be very bad guy here in New South Wales the forecast is that sort of i will be even worse so were talking about some very serious and dangerous conditions over the coming days the state of emergency means the fire service will have authority to shut down utilities like water and electricity close roads demolish buildings and evacuate residents sydneys famous harbor views have been completely transformed by the disaster why do we want. And frustrations are growing the combination of the push by a crisis drought heatwaves also marking criticism of the governments Climate Policies a group of protesters most of them High School Students gathered outside the Prime Ministers house braving the smoky and uncomfortable heat to stage a sit in. Im just really sick of whats been happening just being ignored by the government for weeks and weeks. Theres almost a festival atmosphere at the fleet in just outside the Prime Ministers residence theres music and games but the protesters here say that theyre serious about their message that the government isnt doing enough to stop what theyre calling a climate emergency. Bushfires across the country there are heat waves across the country and theyre not doing anything about it weve seen a 25 percent increase in response presentations to hospitals across sydney because of this crisis in the air pollution thats resulting from that were seeing deepening Health Inequalities because of government in action on Climate Change and its negligent and its actually killing people oh Prime Minister morrison wasnt home to hear their message hes on holiday and hes due to return later this week to face the heat of the war in the volatile situation will grow even more dangerous in the coming days with strong winds and soaring temperatures forecast just a washington city. Muslim leaders meeting at a summit in kuala lumpur have been told they must address divisions between islamic nations there in the malaysian capital to find ways to tackle the biggest issues facing their countries including saudi arabia have criticized the gathering saying it sought to create another block malaysias Prime Minister defended a summit yes. The muslims. Are in this state of crisis. Helpless. And with the all of these. Men. It is for these reasons that the summit meeting is organized. At the very least through our discussions we mean fine but when wrong we me even find solutions if not to end these get this selfies at least to a week and a slamming. The of the need to recognize the problems and their causes. Sudan is marking one year since the start of the uprising that ultimately led to obama she was foaled from power but sherrod led sudan for almost 30 years how hes been convicted for corruption and sentenced to 2 years in a Rehabilitation Center here but morgan has more from khartoum today marks exactly one year since people in the city of baqubah tell me the law hes the bark off sudan took to the streets initially because of rising prices of food commodities but thats what he turned in for 19 government protests people demanding the justice. Over the fall. Apart i learned. That the long time resident was the little girl for getting her out of the car and all that but the fight that people are saying that their revolution has got older and while theyre commemorating the idea or today of the friend that is going to walk what are where the revolution and all that they are i dont think that there are often or you know well there are the journey that there are a year ago theres things that are still waiting. To be sheep that theyre waiting for the other the bring to mind and the birth. Mother hop and so on a rebuttal thing that was made how can i put that on what i want delegate accompli i dont feel. Just like im going to become a leader that theyre ever going. To read. For a living as attorney general has ordered the arrest of former president evo morales some charges of sedition and terrorism where all those who resigned and left libya in november after protests and allegations of irregularities in the president ial election he fled to mexico but but has since flown to argentina where hes been granted asylum he says the protests which forced him from office. The nearly 14 years were part of a right wing kook i love america its a new see a new man is in chiles capital santiago she says or evil morales wants to return to bolivia. Former bolivian president evo morales maybe in selfimposed exile in argentina but not for long appeal has anything to say about it and that seems to explain why and arrest warrant has been issued against him not so much to put him in prison but rather to keep him from returning home what alice is still seen by his opponents as the biggest threat to stability ahead of new elections the date for which has still not been set hes being accused of stirring up undressed and encouraging supporters to set up roadblocks to cut off supplies of food and fuel to the capital ever since he left the country just a few days ago interim president jenin and warned that if what i wish tried to return he would have to face trial for terrorism and sedition but more obvious responded less than 24 hours before the actual arrest warrant was signed it will be. I should be allowed to go back to believe you know im not a president ial candidate nor will i be in these elections that enough of this political persecution what alice was named Campaign Manager for his partys candidate whoever it may be at 1st it was presumed that this would be from afar but now he is challenging all attempts to keep him out and is vowing to return home to lead his party to the m. E. s in the Election Campaign and if he succeeds that will almost certainly lead to new outbreak of Political Violence in bolivia. Catalan separatists have disrupted one of the worlds most watched football matches by throwing inflatable balls onto the pitch there was a heavy Police Presence around the game between barcelona and real madrid known as el classico as protest as use the global t. V. Audience to broadcast their calls for independent state a change that has more now from barcelona and. The clashes between the police and demonstrators came even before the match started and the violence and anger grew as the evening progressed. The protest was coordinated by an organization calling itself democratic tsunami demanding independence for catalonia. They estimated 25000 demonstrators answered the call on social media to stage a rally at the el classico munch the original game was canceled in october following violent clashes of the jailing of catalan leaders barricades have now been set alight around the stadium as the match and to its final few minutes the police been trying to avoid confrontations but the the pace of the right the pace of the trouble is now picking up. The game between barcelona and real madrid was watched by a worldwide audience was an audience that demonstrators were also trying to reach to publicize their cause the catalan question is still causing turmoil in spanish politics the socialist Prime Minister Petro Sanchez is talking to the m. P. s in the new parliament hoping to gain their support to form a coalition government. But the way these clashes played out around the stadium overnight shows the crisis is still stubbornly refusing to be defused and casualties a growing. David chaytor aljazeera barcelona. 3 months after the Rugby World Cup in japan was hit by a typhoon organizers of the tokyo 2020 lympics at taking no chances when it comes to Natural Disaster as authorities have been carrying out earth quake weskit drills in the Gymnastics Center this one simulated a 7. 3 magnitude quake. Survivors of a bull sank off the coast of mauritania say they would risk the same journey again so we issue at least 62. 00 people were killed when the boat earlier this month nicholas hotch but some of them in the gambian city of barra where the fateful journey began. Its a journey that still haunts him. Why did the others die she threw 2 pointers and why did he survive. On board were friends and neighbors from bar all hoping to make it to europe he says they had meticulously planned the trip for weeks but the ocean often brings the unexpected running out of fuel and food they had decided to turn around for supplies when a wave hit them people panicked the boat capsized off the coast of mauretania juice friends died while he swam to shore why do they want a lot of i pray that they have forgiven me and i hope that i can one day complete their journey so that we can all find some peace among the dead sufi to a 16 year old orphan. Gomez died with her 6 year old son in her arms and georgia approaching these 4 young gambians fleeing not war but the poverty in their country georgia worked as a waitress in a bar catering to tourists from gambia europe seems so close at home she would ask her aunt why its so easy for europeans to come to africa and so hard for africans to go to europe though they want to look at the life and to help his fit in and if im in. The early as it was he went to the sea. She paid 700. 00 to travel from barak to the Canary Islands by boat while the trafficker who arranged this trip is in hiding there is no shortage of boat men willing to make the journey. These are birds made for fishing not to transport people through the plans of goshen and to the shores of europe but its migrants in these vessels sleeping here eating here sometimes they get lost on the d waves of the journey can go a few weeks or months on this by the river people continue to use this way to get to europe because so many have successfully made it across. While june in georgia his boat sank migrants on 3 other vessels traveling with them made it to the Canary Islands undetected by Border Guards they sent back pictures of themselves from shopping malls or standing next to expensive cars but they dont show the hardship of life in europe. Haunted by those who died despite the failed attempt. Is preparing to travel again it appears his journey is not over. Nicholas hoult al jazeera. This is al jazeera and these are current top stories yes President Donald Trump has been impeached members of the house formally charged him with to be subpar and obstruction of congress will not face a senate trial next month. Has called the impeachment proceedings an attempted coup he says its a desperate effort by the democrats to win the 2020 election sickies of withholding aid to ukraine but pressure it into investigating his political rival. The braveheart the crazy lives she blows she says how stomach. Any journal market she read it really is its a disgrace if Philippine Court has found top members of a political clan guilty on multiple counts of murder over a mass killing in 2958. 00 people 32 of them journalists were killed when a convoy of vehicles was attacked in the Southern Province of mcginn dinero around a 100 people have been on trial over the massacre many of them linked to a politically powerful family in the province the mass killing was the single biggest attack on journalists in history piece of arrested up to 1000 protesters in new delhi as demonstrations continue across india over a new citizenship law mobile carriers say theyve suspended internet and cell service in parts of the capital following a Government Order accordance of the law of call for a day of action in large rallies of the more than 10 cities a controversial law for citizenship to persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries but it excludes muslims that the leaders meeting at a summit in kuala lumpur have been told they must address divisions between islamic nations in the malaysian capital to find ways to tackle the biggest issues facing their countries. A stray leader has sweltered through its hottest state ever just 24 hours after breaking the previous record the average temperature across the country on thursday was 41. 9 degrees celsius heat wave is expected to spar on intense bushfires especially in New South Wales where a state of emergency has been declared here up today those are our current headlines the news continues here on ill just say you are right after the street see a bit later but by. I swear every. Welcome to the stream im 70 today were joined by the Award Winning poet and playwright to say hes also author of with beautiful war memoir my name is why im only going to talk about the challenges of rediscovering his past as well as his art and inspirations join todays conversation through twitter and you tube. Lamps to say is one of the u. K. s most celebrated writers and has brought stout from poetry into fields as diverse as abdul costing his work as we recognise with bach to know where they

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