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Ports of the prison city of Rio De Janeiro. Cruel beyond belief thats how the u. N. Human rights chief is describing a major Syrian Governments offensive Michelle Bashar says schools and hospitals are being targeted in the last rebel held areas shes calling for the immediate creation of humanitarian corridors to a low civilians to escape the violence. Reports from the turkey syria border. But is one of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced syrians she fled her village of a bull market in the east of where it was taken over by Government Forces the building is unfinished and the family has little for the cannot afford to buy a stove to heat. The place. We ask it and we pray someone will defend us please help us they kill our children they target cars schools we cannot send our children to schools anymore they are bombing the area nonstop its insane as Government Forces close in football has already packed the truck outside hes ready if the situation gets worse. I have seen hopeless faces crying out of fear and humiliation i am asking the arabs and the muslims where are you why are you silent come here and see the women and children living in the open people are on the run believe it live hoping for a better place samir and his family have just arrived from mata norman the rebel stronghold south of it live the city was recaptured by the syrian army 2 weeks ago a shelling an air strikes flared many civilians escaped. On one day we counted 400. 00 rockets fired at the city in addition to airstrikes many were killed we fled under the cover of darkness it was so chaotic when you were looking for loved ones who theyd lost track of during the escape this is how northern italy and the outskirts of aleppo look like. Long lines of syrians piled on tracks their destination is the border with turkey they join hundreds of thousands of people who have gathered in small areas and empty fields hoping to cross into turkey if Syrian Government troops continue their advance the battle for it live might turn into the worst confrontations is the start of the conflict 9 years ago the syrian army is determined there burbles must surrender but they are defiant civilians have nowhere to go and if it falls into the hands of the government theyre likely to pay a price the millions who live in the province who are stranded near the border with turkey will have to abandon the dream theyve carried for many years a syria without bashar assad has to. Deliver on turkeys border with syria. Well earlier i spoke to mark cuts the United Nations step between Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syrian Crisis he says the attacks on civilians have been unrelenting what weve seen in the last. Month or 2 is quite shocking levels of violence in densely populated civilian areas and the bombs have just been falling these people wherever they move. Its well known that the majority of the population in that area are women and children and elderly people we are not seeing and the proportions being taken to protect this formulation we know that huge crimes have been committed throughout this war theyve been atrocities in so many places but what weve seen in the last few months is its really shocking in the scale of the attacks on the population and this is really been a massive military onslaught on the civilian population where theyve emptied out entire cities and towns and villages and a lot of civilian objects have been hit there were as you reported 2 hospitals that were hit yesterday and they are simply not enough Health Facilities now to support this population you know i had some desperate calls today from some of the humanitarian workers on the ground saying that theyve got babies and youre baiters theyve got children in intensive care units and they these are in hospitals that are in and white frontline areas and they are wondering whether to move these people or not but there are not enough of the facilities to move them to. Talks establish a lasting cease fire in libya have resumed in geneva is the latest attempt to forge a political deal between libyas internationally recognized governments and the warlords the have to but as the meeting got underway have to as forces shelled tripolis ports threatening an already fragile Peace Process and symptomatic uncertain james bays has more. The port in the libyan capital tripoli under attack general have to us forces carried out the indiscriminate strikes about the same time that 5 of his representatives sat down at the u. N. In geneva for talks with 5 from the g. N. A. T. The internationally recognized government its now 10 months since general hafta appended the International Communitys peace plans by ordering an offensive to try and seize tripoli the operation launched defiantly just hours after he met the u. N. Secretary general and tonio good terrorist who was visiting libya at the time in the months since the death toll has mounted as weapons of continue to pour into the country despite this the secretary generals envoy is keen to push the diplomatic momentum forward is your plan back on track my plan is not back on track my plan has never left that that it is being implemented was patience and determination this by the many of the key you need a cease fire before next week i better have a ceasefire in order to implement all the rest but this is not the precondition the reason next week is important as mr salamis ambitious plan to bring representatives of all the libyan factions here to geneva those talks are supposed to start on the 26th james bays aljazeera of the United Nations in geneva. Afghanistans later ashraf ghani has been declared the winner of last years president ial election it will be his 2nd term in office after winning just over 50 percent of the folks the election was held last september but results were delayed after allegations of vote thinking forced to recant be border is a political analyst and lecturer at afghanistans carden university in combo he says afghans no longer trust the electoral process. The afghans have long lost confidence in the election process is longer back 2014 where the elections the election drama was dragged for a for about a year and then you had the secretary of state back then john kerry and coming in intervening and forming a National Unity government and 2918. 00 we had the parliamentary elections they got drug for another year and thats why you have you had about one point 8000000. 00 turnout which is nothing yes we do understand that you have had insecurity in parts of the country which made it impossible for a lot of africans to come and turn out and vote for their for their candidates but a lot of it has to do with the fact that africans have lost hope and the electoral processes got up here and stuffing of ballots the rigging this has become every day affairs when we talk about election processes and of understand the u. N. Special envoy for yemen says hes distressed by reports of hundreds of civilian casualties from an escalation of violence fighting has engulfed the country since 2015 and Mohsin Griffin said the situation has become even more dire we are witnessing in yemen what we have long. Since october i have briefed this council several times on the signs of hope and momentum towards peace. But at the same time we have all been acutely aware that renewed violence could reverse the gains made render peace more difficult and inflict even more severe humanitarian consequences on the population. During the past months since we last met the military situation has grown increasingly dire both sides has it announced expensive military goals and exchanged fierce rhetoric. China has announced tough new measures to try and deal with the corona Virus Outbreak more than 1800 people have died with over 70000 people infected is sarah clarke reports. Officials go door to door in a city wide sweeping to identify anyone infected with the virus 10 more kwanten centers are being set up in districts in the city they offer 11 and a half 1000 beds but those showing mild symptoms the number of people infected outside the epicenter of the outbreak may be falling but inside here by province the situation is still serious more than 50000 cases have been confirmed there you go shoot a woman children that being the and that there are still a large number of severe cases in who harm and there are also some objective reasons like the lack of Emergency Care facilities and insufficient pressure of oxygen supplies one of where hands most senior doctors meaning has not died after contracting the corona virus more than 3000 Health Workers have also been infected. Medical teams from the Guangdong Province and to bitch and now are being sent to the city to assist start struggling to treat the high numbers of patients across china hospitals are also expanding clinics and opening up new centers to ease the pressure across the country but it is about then in response to the potential epidemic we have activated the hospital facilities that we built with the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center back in 2004 and weve renovated around 200 reserve beds for emergency use. On tuesday china announced it would exempt tariffs on nearly 700. 00 u. S. Goods from the beginning of march thats intended to avoid shortages of products including pork beef soybeans and crude oil the fallout from this outbreak is being felt across asia with some countries describing it as an eggnog. Emergency south koreas president has flagged new measures to cushion the Financial Impact so too has home call as a region stepped up efforts to prevent a growing economic crisis and china reliance upon a means. Aljazeera hong kong. Still to come on. Whats behind the most. News in Eastern Ukraine. And the wife of the citys Prime Minister appears in court in connection with the murder of the former 1st lady. More unsettled weather pushing into the middle east northern parts of the middle east in particular further south of the merrier a cloud thats pushing over towards iran that will slide further east was a base in showers just not in the way over towards kabul northern parts of afghanistan saying some wintry weather over the next couple of days some wet weather at times wintry weather there spilling back into the levant notching over towards northern parts of iraq Northern Areas of iran terrorism but that of about 26 celsius just over a week ago we had snow here of course in kuwait we were struggling to get to 10 degrees celsius in the heat of the day the average is 20 celsius so that was 10 degrees below average 30 celsius 10 degrees above the average im going to keep that warmth for type back out on right will make its way across northern parts of the regime will turn to snow over the high ground of iran time just to key west of all the warm side getting up to around 26 celsius similar temperature here in doha so some pleasant sunshine as we go on through the coming days also sunshine across Northern Africa we have got the showers of course around the tropics just around the gulf of guinea could see one or 2 showers just sneak in their way in still some hate around lagos around 34 degrees celsius showers just pushing their way into cameroon and a little further south where its over the next couple days. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires is that its really wiping out the old. Climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping domino trouble float right now critical debate sequel on those do schoolchildren dont want the noise on a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about still against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. We move to the new. Way. We would like. This is al jazeera our mind of the top stories this hour the u. N. Human rights chief says Syrian Government and Russian Forces appear to be targeting hospitals and schools deliberately 100000 people have been displaced in the northwest since december as the army and its allies fight to take back the last rebel held strongholds. More locally 5 to us forces have been shelling a port in tripoli as talks resume in geneva to try and ends the conflict the u. N. Envoy says hes still locked in a sick but making progress. And afghanistans president ashraf ghani has been declared the winner of the 29000. 00 election with just over 50 percent of the votes results from september some action which will later after allegations of vote rigging forced the recounts. Although stay with us ghana stan and the u. N. Secretary general is hopeful that millions of refugees will soon be able to return home until a new guitarist says Economic Prosperity prosperity can be achieved through greater cooperation between afghanistan pakistan and the International Community the terrorists is attending a conference in islamabad recognizing 40 years of afghans living as refugees or than 2000000 of them currently reside in pakistan or kamar hisor is in the city of peshawar which is home to many afghan refugees he says a major takeaway from that meeting is that the worlds needs to do more to help those displaced. The government of by august on and the United Nations High Commission for refugees has concluded an important conference on of one its on and the plight of all one refugees as you can see there it was once home to an afghan family many of them were born here many many died here and as you can see these places are now it laundered bugga stones priority to find an honorable solution for that ipad creation of the of one refugee antonio gere kerith the secretary general of the United Nations said that as commissioner of refugees he was ready march and dr drug was going on half he said theres a matter which is close to his heart an acknowledged that progress on an iran had been generated and hosting a large number of all gone refugees in fact august on still remains the 2nd highest of one refugee host and while did all priorities to resettle each beepers the conflict in one years time has prevented diag the sacred pregenerated of the United Nations antonio get carried appeal to the International Community to do more to help the plight of the of one refugee he also dying progress on for the generosity and the odds the International Community to fund the programs that would help these people to go back to their country to reintegrate into of our society and to find sustenance but the peace in afghanistan is something that is proving to be a major challenge for the International Community august on it a poor country which has limited resources and it does godwin red gum the u. N. Secretary general the request that more should be done to help the elsewhere on refugees. A ukrainian soldier has been killed and several others wounded in the eastern donbass region its the largest attack since the Peace Process was renewed there last year ukraine says russian backed separatists are responsible allegations theyve denied and there are new tensions could stall the Peace Process even further as that person explains from moscow. Both parties both the Ukrainian Army and the separatists backed by russia are blaming each other for this attack as usual the official confirmation is one soldier died but the unofficial reports say that more people have died and the president alinsky was so worried that he has convened this Emergency Security Council Meeting he sat off the words that he wont be deterred from proceeding with the Peace Process media leave this morning after the attack took place in the kremlin spokesman said that they were unsure what was going on did they needed more details but of course russia couldnt be blamed because obviously russia is not involved and this is of course the line they have been maintaining since the invasion in Eastern Ukraine and the backing of the discipline. Rebels there that thats always been the line but of course theres an overwhelming evidence of that the chose contrary its also important to note that this Peace Process has been going very slowly from the beginning because russia is insisting that ukraine organizes elections in Eastern Ukraine and also give a special status to dumbass and thats something very difficult because ukraine says we can only hold elections when theres no forces there in that area and also when we have control over that border which is basically still controlled by the russian backed separatists and so this is a major point and a major debt block to this whole process which just today gone back again very far and it doesnt look very optimistic right now. Irans Supreme Leader has called for a high turnout in fridays parliamentary elections as a way to display unit say within the country turnout is traditionally low in the capital but in the surrounding areas its often a different story ill just say restore suggest barri travel to an outside to her own to find out why. This is the main street in better mean. Its dedicated to those killed during one of the bloodiest uprisings leading up to the 1979 revolution. This town sits about 35 kilometers south east of tehran and is home 2280000 people. 195000 of them are eligible voters. One of them is that would suffer he who owns this car battery shop suffer he has been working with cars for nearly 20 years and is a native. He explains why voting on friday is crucial for the people in his town. I will vote for now because if i dont and my friends dont and others dont then who will who would support these published minutes if we leave the system alone then our officials wont be able to do anything. This town has only one seat in parliament and 27. 00 approved candidates are fighting for it all are running for the 1st time that includes ahmed reza who says he believes he can make a difference for the people here to have them all out of town has a number of problems and deficiencies in a concern lawmakers should pursue these problems i promise if i make it to parliament as a local of this town. Attention to their problems i have 1st and seen them for my so. One of the main concerns here as in other parts of the country is the economy and then once you get going yes i will take part in the election because this town is facing many problems the most important one is unemployment there are things i expect from the person i vote for and i hope the next n. P. R. News stands this talent was much good i mean i know i wont participate because they dont do anything about our problems im starting now but there is no job for me todays major problems inflation and sanctions are economies ophuls 20 like sion is done they dont even look at these town suffer he also says the economy is the main issue for him he has 2 small children and says he earns in reales but spends in dollars that means as irans currency loses value life is getting tougher. By voting many here believe they can hope for a better future. The views of the people in vera mean on the parliamentary elections reflect those of many in iran the spite the fact that the current m. P. From here has been disqualified many still believe in the system as a whole its not just about electing their next member of parliament but rather a show of support for the political system that came into being over 4 decades ago in 1979 dorsetshire Bari Al Jazeera there i mean. Theres a generic drug gangs have become the tourists that wouldnt 2000000 people in brazil 2nd city live under the some of what experts say is an even more powerful force known as the militia john homan has more of. A gunfight in Rio De Janeiro reputedly between drug traffickers and another force in the city one that many might not heard of theyre known as the militia theyve been quietly expanding the areas they control to cover more than 2000000 of rios inhabitants. The said to be made up mainly of retired or off Duty Police Officers soldiers and firefighters it all started as an attempt to protect the neighborhoods from criminal gangs that many say theyve since become a mafia who control almost everything in the zone so they can say all you water and they can say oh you a martyr you have. A lot of options and for these days militia is also selling drugs experts say theyve even got into real estate illegally developing learned when 2 buildings collapse last year in a militia controlled neighborhood 24 people died. But despite the grip on parts of the city authorities have been reticent to speak about them this area is notorious for being run by the militia and the only reason that were able to feed his safely is at the Rio De Janeiro governor wilson bit so just came here to give a speech about security in that speech he didnt mention the militia once even though everyone we talked to said the mood dangerous than the drug gangs no sense someone its its extortion you know you call because they are the police but one crime linked to militia members nearly 2 years ago demanded investigation this was the question that really shone a spotlight on the militia who ordered the killing of this woman money early franco she was a real big general councilwoman before for the citys minorities and when she was gunned down right here the investigation focused on some of the most notorious militia figures in the city the suspects appeared to have links up the political ladder this facebook pitches one of them with brazils current president j. Able sanaa to an operation to detain targets in the franco case was called untouchables prosecutes a somali sybille yo headed it. These people need to be taken out of action they have to realize that the monopoly of power the monopoly of force is only in the hands of the state in an aljazeera interview last year she described the militia leader under suspicion expression forces policeman of the piano my god legs with a fowling im going to be honest when you talk about captain i. G. R. No criminals are actually afraid of him because they know how much power he has not just in terms of firepower it was hoped he might be able to reveal who ordered my release killing instead he was shot dead by police at the beginning of this month john homan aljazeera real degenerate. The citys 1st lady has appeared in court for her alleged role in the murder of her husbands 2nd wife my see its a bonnie is charged with ordering the killing of the poor their low to burn the 27 scene for me to miller has the reports. In a case thats a rock to the small mountain kingdom of the sioux to the 1st lady my c. R. To bonnie appears in court for murder shes charged with masterminding the killing of Prime Minister thomas to barneys as strange wife. Almost 3 years ago if found guilty by sia could face the Death Penalty the judge at the court in must cyril told her to return next month and she remains out on bail police are still investigating the case. Reportedly refused to divorce her husband after hed begun a new relationship with myself the intrigue is not only caught the attention of the nation of more than 2000000 people but its also lead to political tensions with Police Commission a whole lot more money bailey says to bonnie instructed that he be sacked as the investigation Gains Momentum a court ruled that his job be protected and will. Give you. Information or evidence. But of late. Including. My cea has been released on bail but some members of the to bonnie family want that decision reversed they say the brutality of the murder shows shes dangerous. It was here in hama sana de paulo to barneys home that people say she realized her life was in danger just days before her death someone tried to break into our home back to the attack of flared when her neighbors were alerted within days a deeper level 0 was shot and killed on verse rolled while travelling home with a friend witnesses say 4 men fired at a vehicle theyre too afraid to speak to us on camera saying they fear for their safety both my c. I. And a lawyer declined requests for an interview but in court papers shes denied having anything to do with the murder and says the police have acted maliciously Prime Minister bonnie has been linked to the crime 2 but hasnt been charged police say a call was made to his mobile phone from the scene of following the murder he is not the kind of guy who would plot have been and still i stand to be corrected but i have different convictions in a slow and his new wife is concerned the scandal has worsened divisions within the governing all of us who to Convention Party while some within the Party Supporter bernie others want him to resign for people to listen to these developments may be unprecedented but remain a test for their democracy and the independence of its courts for me to miller aljazeera a serial a suit to. This is al jazeera and these are the headlines the un human rights chief says Syrian Government and Russian Forces appear to be targeting hospitals and schools in the north west a liberal way 900000 people have been displaced since december as the army and its allies fight to take back the last rebel held stronghold the sheer quantity of attacks on these hospitals medical facilities schools. Which suggests to me they cant all be accident. And at a minimum even if they were accidental it shows lack of course now tina says city caution and so on. All of which can contribute to something being attributed to a sort of war crime. Internationally sorry intentionally directing attacks against hospitals and places containing the sick and the wounded and against medical units using the red cross or red crescent emblem is a war crime while at home if i have to as troops have been shelling of ports in tripoli the violence happened those talks resumed in geneva to try and end the conflict the un envoy says hes still optimistic of making progress. Afghanistans leader a shotgun he has been declared the winner of last years president ial election the election was held last september but results were delayed after allegations of fraud rigging forced of recounts. The u. N. Secretary general is hopeful millions of afghan refugees will soon be able to return home and tonio good terrorists says Economic Prosperity can be achieved through greater cooperation between afghanistan pakistan and the International Community. Say ukrainian soldier has been killed since several others ones its in the eastern us region its the largest attack since the Peace Process was last year ukraine says russian backed separatists are responsible for the patients the russians have tonights. Well those are the headlines to stay with us here on aljazeera inside story isnt next i find i. Am. An unprecedented human catastrophe the battle for the Syrian Government is adamant it will retake the last rebel held area but with turkey and russia with the how will this fight play out across the region and why does it live matter this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im peter dubey babies and children dying of cold in syrias and this suffering has been described by the u. N. As the biggest humanitarian horror story of the 21st century it says nearly 900000 civilians have left

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