33. 00 coming across the country were now looking youre born with a tree. Because the numbers are growing up that quickly. Also refugee camp becomes a virtual prison as bangladesh locks down hundreds of thousands of rotting go. Under siege at a sikh center in the Afghan Capital of kabul as gunman stormed a ceremony. Welcome to the program the largest lockdown in the world this wednesday is in india where 1300000000 people have been told to stay at home the Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the order which is expected to be enforced for the next 21 days ports roads Railways Services and ports are being closed in an effort to stop corona virus spreading through the dense population its feared 1000000 people could be infected by mid may elizabeth problem is following events for us from the indian capital a major lockdown obviously across india and the reaction is being sort of being housebound really dawning on millions. It is so and they have had a few days to get used to it so things are quieter today than they were even in the last few days even though the streets were pretty empty the last few days we did have Prime Minister modi other regional leaders saying that people werent taking the lockdown as seriously as they should and then we had Prime Minister modi address the nation on tuesday evening last night announcing that whereas for the last few days it was some parts of the country than most parts under a complete or a partial lockdown promised a modest spelt out of tuesday evening the entire country all 1370000000 people under lockdown and that led to people around the country rushing to Grocery Stores panic buying because despite the Prime Minister saying that they would be allowed to still go out to buy essential supplies you know people just have no idea what the next 3 weeks are going to hold in store for them so we saw these Scenes Police officers in some places trying to control crowds and telling them that theres no reason to panic we have the delhi chief minister about an hour ago hold a News Conference saying that it is their responsibility to provide for people and that when people are crowded in places that theyre actually defeating the purpose of the lockdown and asking people not to do so again things are quieter today and police were out on tuesday enforcing it on lots of arrests made around the country one exception while most people are staying indoors we did see one exception from the chief minister of indias most populous state. Yogi is that youre not with her they show him to more than 200000000 people he decided to attend a religious ceremony at not any ordinary temple but at the countrys most controversial and contested religious site i order despite the lockdown and so thats you know certainly got a lot of eyebrows raising here this is again the chief minister of the most populous state and also a close ally of Prime Minister modi. Elizabeth of course will continue to monitor events with you from new delhi thank you there is a problem. And the neighboring pakistan restrictions have been put in place after nearly a 1000 concern cases and 7 deaths travel restrictions will be in place for 3 weeks domestic flights are being suspended from thursday although hes a racing to get supplies and hospital spaces covert 90 numbers continue to rise. Is our correspondent in the pakistani capital joins me now kemal restrictions yes lockdown. Why were there today killed in question actually the bug is not a Prime Minister has said that theyre watching the situation ready closely and hoping that they will be able to do they died however they are all sure and emergency option of going into a 4 time curfew right now we are told that large parts of pakistan including the province of. All showed the provincial capital of baluchistan. Province several districts in a state of curfew log down all day day school and college of course were closed and people have been told to stay at home even head and. Most of the people are in a daring to died but the pakistani Prime Minister said that they were bringing a very difficult situation if they were to come down and curfew would be city of that situation escalates but for the moment everybody to stay at home and people are taking it seriously. In the initial stages kemal the also the north south divide we had cases in kharaj but that has spread as you say to a slum about up in the north and to hold to the east in terms of where the hot spots around the country just sort of paint the picture for us. 1st of all the war days have been days and this is something that had been coming out from day advisor to the Prime Minister on head over 70 percent of the 19 detected in august on. Graemes coming back from iraq. Tens of thousands of shia muslims go to. The holy shrines and that of course became the primary. 19 and. Shane being the hard days paid. 400. And then the 2nd added the Punjab Province the countrys most populous province where did it go so our state of log down right now. About 15. 00 to 16. 00 cases i ride of one. Great day 4 oz made that is pakistani administered kashmir. And then you have good goodbye to stand which also has a sizable population and also contiguity to china so indeed everybody watching days ahead. I mean the health. Doctor there saying that budgets don has to be able to go. Down perhaps a few. Days say the medical facilities head and. Dad would be nothing short of catastrophic to a correspondent in islamabad thank you. Now to china where many restrictions have been eased on a province the initial epicenter of the coronavirus are break most residents will now be allowed to leave for the 1st time in nearly 2 months the lockdown in the provincial capital will remain in place until april 8th the Foreign Ministry says a majority of the new cases in the country are from people returning from abroad katrina is in beijing and she says while restrictions have been eased theres a lot of confusion on how people can move around. Weve seen this lockdown end but it hasnt be like a mass exodus from the province far from it the government has said that they would like to see an orderly easing of this lockdown and that has caused a lot of confusion on the ground as far as we can tell bus stations train stations and most airports remain closed its still not possible for the public to buy tickets weve been told there was slowly resuming operations though at the moment the or only way to leave the provinces on a chartered bus or train taking workers out of the province to a and in an employer someone else in the country but you must apply to get on those chartered buses and trains and you have to of course prove that you have a Green Health Codes certifying that you are virus free what people can do now is get in their cars and drive around the province now this was banned during the lock down so they are able to drive within who pay but as well if they want to drive outside the province they also have to love the details of an employer and they must prove that they have somebody waiting to receive them at their destination we have to remember that still that theres still a great deal of fear in china about this outbreak yes domestic transmissions do seem to be under control but people are very afraid about a 2nd wave of infections possibly being sparked by asymptomatic patients that is people who do not show any symptoms but are potentially silent carriers of the virus now a province is home to millions of Migrant Workers that is they are from group a but they live and work elsewhere in the country and they are very afraid that theyre going to be discriminated against when they try to return to their normal lives u. S. Senate leaders have agreed on the 2 trillion dollars package to combat the break itll provide funds to help frontline medical workers and an economic rescue package to keep the economy afloat now the deal follows days of disagreement with democrats accusing republicans of prioritizing corporations over ordinary workers. The senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic it will rush new resources onto the front lines of our Nations Health care fight and it will inject trillions of dollars of cash into the economy as fast as possible to help American Workers families Small Businesses and industries make it through this destruction and emerge on the other sod ready to shore youll cause become a major battlefront in the fines against the coronavirus pandemic it has more than 25000 confirmed cases and the number is rising rapidly but the us president says he hopes to have the situation under control by Easter Gabriel is on the new york. Sobering news for new yorkers the situation is worse than 1st thought with the coronavirus rate of infection doubling every 3 days we were looking at a Freight Train coming across the country were now looking at a bullet train. Because the numbers are going up that quickly speed to do it the governor says the white house has not prioritized health to the state that needs it the most new yorkers 25000 cases it has an times the problem that california has 10 times the problem that Washington State has you prioritize resources and your activity and your actions to where they are needed. New york will need 140000 hospital beds to care for the ill they currently have 50000 available new york citys Largest Convention center has been converted into a makeshift hospital but it wont be enough. York is also exploring converting colleges and hotels to hospitals as well recently retired nurses and doctors are being asked to come back to help fill the need. And global event elaters are in short supply new york now needs 30000 the governor urged the white house to send him thousands more that the federal government has in storage and that are not being used as for the streets they remain mostly empty up both people and cars new york is essentially on lockdown and given the increased cases of coronavirus it likely remain like this for at least many weeks to come. Gabriel sandow how does you know your. Now the pandemic is over with Health Systems in some European Countries the italian and british governments opening temporary facilities in the spanish capital an ice rink has been turned into a temporary morgue paul brennan has. One in 5 spanish residences age 65 or older so the devastating impact of coronavirus in the country is no surprise whats shocking is how the caste system collapsed so quickly under the onslaught military emergency units edition fecht in premises as fast as humanly possible as here in madrid the care home staff have been overwhelmed with desperate consequences. I know the majority are fulfilling their duties they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of their visits to the care centers ive seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds. With madrids hospital morgues fall this ice rink has been requisitioned to receive and store the bodies of the corona virus victims so infectious even in death that the staff are wearing full protective suits its only the latest clinic repurposed as a coronavirus unit has opened in rome every single patient requires truly intensive care intensive in terms of staffing and intensive in terms of equipment and there is simply not enough to go around my belief so im learning by no more than a growing number of italian town mess of recorded video messages angrily ordering the public to stop flouting the lockdown rules one math threatens to send in the cabin yesterday with a flame thrower to break up a plan the Graduation Party they got to keep the shortage of Critical Care capacity in the u. K. Is being at least partly addressed with a brand new temporary hospital being created in just one week at a huge Exhibition Center in london rules the n. H. S. 1000 go hospital will comprise 2 wards each of 2000 people. With the help of the military and with n. H. S. Clinicians we will make sure that we have the capacity that we need so that everyone can get the support they need. The 1st time coronavirus restrictions are now having a tangible effect on millions of u. K. Citizens a stay at home order has replaced the previous advisory guidance but not everyone seems to have grasped the urgency this Grocery Store here in red hill is about the only shop that we found open in this town but the lockdown is far from being strictly observed here and maintaining it over what could be 3 or even 4 months is going to be a real challenge and construction workers in particular show little sign of social distancing or other precautions the example of this site in Central London was far from unusual across the u. K. But religious services of all denominations are banned wedding plans and baptism ceremonies are on hold only funerals will go ahead this virus robs the joy from society and leaves only the grief paul brennan aljazeera redhill. Well still ahead here on aljazeera ignoring the warnings why the coronavirus message is not getting to many in africas most populous nation that story after the break. Hell at the start of spring is quite benign in those places where only a couple of weeks ago been windy and wet and thats the frontal system thats been ubiquitous throughout the last couple of months well it produced a bit of rain in scotland a bit in norway but the winds are not strong the suns out in london paris and temperatures are in the low teens more or less its got much colder in southeastern europe the winds not overly strong disposed to falling lightly the stormy stuff is developing in the Central Mediterranean but in spain and portugal things are rather better than they were only a couple of days ago there is to refuse showers around a bit of rain even possibly the facets of france but otherwise temperatures are rising here too so the place to focus on for not very good weather is probably down here sorry a very to far as it the coast 2 precincts know for a couple days light snow and then it slowly warms up again in fact will be its leader gets the worst of the wind in the rain i suspect and thatll spill off into tunisia the circulation here actually sandstorm weather in libya with suranne near the coast or near the north bengazi for example still quite breezy in morocco now jerry but an improving situation and the storm itself going for the noles with so take his influence away from libya temperatures here will start to rise youve got 31 down in the heart of the sahara 35 across in us wrong. Christian priest you are a friend of the palestinians is it true i am a friend of everybody and champion of the palestinian cause. An activist who is willing to sacrifice his freedom. For his beliefs. Aljazeera world tells the extraordinary story of the archbishop and the p. L. O. All. Of the market what we all deserve means the whole rob a reminder of our top stories the Worlds Largest lockdown is under way in india 1300000000 people have been told to stay home for the next 3 weeks to contain the corona virus. In china many restrictions have been eased a problem is the initial epicenter of the crime the virus most are being allowed to leave for the 1st time in nearly 2 months but the law remains in the provincial capital. And the u. S. Senate leaders have agreed on a 2 trillion dollars package to combat the covert 99 break it will provide funds to help frontline medical workers that economic rescue package to keep the economy afloat. A lockdown in bangladesh is affecting close to 1000000. Refugees living in crowded conditions in dozens of terms across coxs bazaar no gatherings even for prayers are allowed aid agencies have also been instructed to stop all activities there are no reported cases in the camps and nationwide lockdown came into effect on tuesday and will continue until april of fall john quigley is a human rights specialist at 45 rights focused on the region gay joins me now via skype from bangkok good to have you with us live on aljazeera has to quickly i mean how concerned are you that with neighboring countries reporting covert 19 that this group of vulnerable and need immediate help yeah thank you for having me. A refugee population in bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable to a potential 19 outbreak medical facilities in the camps are already stretched very thin and resources from humanitarian actors are structured then so an outbreak in the camps would be a very dangerous its very overcrowded and there is no way that refugee populations are People Living in informal settlements are able to do what they call social distancing to be able to kind of ease the curve of the virus so were quite worried about the situation in the camps i mean there are many refugee camps worldwide that we discussed on this International News channel a huge number of them but this is obviously the largest grouping there i mean how can their plight you might say be lessened in the short or long term while covert 19 continues to be a threat i mean you touched on it just slightly in the your 1st answer. Yeah i believe Dhaka Bangladesh the government should lift ongoing internet restrictions that are happening in the camps right now they put in internet communication restrictions last september and those are still ongoing so for refugees able to access information about the spread of the coronavirus in the camps and to know about best practices on hygiene and other related Health Issues the restrictions on communications need to stop the International Humanitarian community is working very hard to be able to disseminate information in the camps but thats made quite difficult when theyre not able to access peoples phones because the government has blocked 3 g. And 4 g. Internet the mobile mobile phone operators there thats certainly the logical side of things the government to bangladesh would say that theyve been doing and continue to do what they can all the humanitarian level i mean what would you like to see one of the worlds poorest countries do for one of the worlds poorest refugee groups. Yeah demolish the government has done an amazing job welcoming in over a 1000000 people that fled genocidal violence back in 2016017 but they can do more they can allow or hinder refugees to. Be able to Access Medical services in a nondiscriminatory way just like a regular bangladeshi population and like i said before they should immediately lift the internet restrictions so that refugees have information and are able to inform themselves about how to mitigate the risk of a chronic virus spread in the camps there is Many Civil Society groups that are working very hard to try to get the information out in the refugee camps and the humanitarian community is stretched then so the mom actually government can put more resources there they can put the right into refugees in more of a meaningful way and their National Strategy that theyve implemented this march so theres other things that they got the government can do which is the what does happen for the moment john quincy from 45 writes thanks for joining us from bangkok thank you for your time thank you so much. This concert the 2 which up the tools the pandemic in africas most populous nation nigerias imposed restrictions and its administrative and commercial capitals following a sharp rise in cases and its 1st fatality but streets is still packed with people and reports now from a. But is still able to social and his wife a forced worker tool this city lagos accounts for nearly 66 percent of all confirmed cases of the cohort of fighters in nigeria he doesnt think hes getting good right to information about the pandemic. I will run up take my destiny in my hand on. A standoff that with full government who does not even have information on to me for 2 days ill just said i was unable to get comments from Nigerian Government officials in both lagos and the capital abuja government offices have been largely deserted but not the streets and markets more than half the nigerian population lives on less than 2. 00 a day. Most have to go out every day to earn a living and the most skeptical about the coronavirus pandemic in this category of nigerians just on Something Like it is that its enough to never never reach me on my side so we have free me. To be free is this what you should look i think it was both of you i know the warm. I want. You to wear the. Limo. And i think its attitudes like this that Health Workers say is a bigger challenge than the lack of capacity to deal with a virus that is also concerned about what they see on the street. For passengers crammed into this small taxi cab. The buses also and the better with Health Systems in desperate conditions experts say most african countries im not prepared to deal with this pandemic and i go to for example only 5 molecule i love are a phrase or 200000000 people although the government says its building more. The government has announced a series of measures to contain the spread of the virus these include closing all and land borders providing more testing kits and asking residents to stay at. That has not allayed concerns and fears of a big jump in the number of infections and fatalities in the coming days and weeks. A priest. Qatar is sending ventilators and other medical supplies to libya after it confirmed its 1st case of the virus libyas Healthcare System is highly vulnerable have 2 years of conflict curfews are in place and schools are being closed as authorities try to prevent a large scale break. Or shelling by forces loyal to libyas warlord Khalifa Haftar have wounded at least 3 people in the south of the couple tripoli several residential neighborhoods as well as the airport of been targeted have to us forces have been trying to take tripoli from the internationally recognized government since last april. Turkish prosecutors are indicting 20 suspects for the killing of journalist. Among the accused of the deputy head of saudi intelligence and a Royal Court Advisor who was killed by saudi operatives inside of these Saudi Arabian Consular Office in istanbul he was a frequent critic of the kingdoms policies saudi arabia has been widely accused of covering up the involvement of senior officials in the murder so joins me now live from istanbul to discuss this further really the charges being laid out very clearly by the turks. Well you have so especially those 2 names that you have also recited. Saudi arabias general intelligence and head of the sudan formally Royal Court Adviser cats and you. Have having instigated through meditative murder with small certain monsters intent along with 18 other people who were involved in. Killing those 2 names are named. As size and they are in the file yes the indictments and file has been completed by the will persecutors office no idea why the indictment has been closed and now it is especially doing such a global and that makes but i have to say that the investigation file is not finished because it would reach knowledge by some of persecutors office says that at this site there is a public case opened against those 18 people including the former head of intelligence and former Royal Court Advisor there will be another investigation ongoing trial also this public case it considering the school of the killing and the number of the people and the level of the people who have been involved in the killing so the game is not over when it comes to jamal closer just killing but there is another investigation in short that will be conducted in parallel to this one but i have to explain why there is this public case against those people is so far when you look at the mouth families that they havent filed any complaints so so when there is not called play it by the side of the victim then the persecutors office has the right to all in a public is saying that there is. This is this has become a public issue as it has the killing has been committed inside a turkish territories even though it was a Diplomatic Mission so we will be learning more about the Prosecutors Office plans in the future in the coming hours for the updates and consider in istanbul thank you. A sikh place of worship past come under attack in afghanistans capital kabul at least 4 people are being killed the interior Ministry Says unknown gunman and suicide bombers are targeting the religious complex Security Forces have cordoned off the area and have rescued a number of hostages. President has paid tribute to 92. 00 soldiers killed in a 7 hour attack by bach of iran the into his says it was the armed groups deadliest assault yet on his military eve is it at the scene on mondays attack in lac province dozens of soldiers were killed in this separate bucca rob ambush in nigeria on the same day. You want your deservedly so run a reminder of our top stories the Worlds Largest lot dan is underway in india 1300000000 people have been told to stay home for the next 3 weeks to contain the coronavirus thats a massive challenge when many are poor and live in packed communities with Little Health care Prime Minister modi gave indians less than 4 hours warning of the lockdown in china many restrictions have eased who believe province the initial epicenter of the coronavirus most are being allowed to leave for the 1st time in nearly 2 months but the lockdown remains in the provincial capital. U. S. Senate leaders have agreed a 2 trillion 1. 20 a 2 trillion dollar package to combat the outbreak the funds are aimed at keeping the worlds biggest economy afloat and helping frontline medical workers stop the virus spreading. Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic it will rush new resources onto the front lines of our Nations Health care fight and it will inject trillions of dollars of cash into the economy as fast as possible help American Workers Small Businesses and industries make it through this destruction and emerge on the other shod ready to shore turkish prosecutors are indicting 20 suspects for the killing of journalists. Among the accused are the deputy head of saudi intelligence and the royal advisor shoji was killed by saddam operatives inside the Saudi Arabian Consular Office in istanbul shelling by forces loyal to libyas world pleased to have to have we did at least 3 people in the south of the capital have to fall since ive been trying to take tripoli from the internationally recognized government since last april at least 4 have been killed in a secret place of worship in afghanistans capital kabul the interior Ministry Says unknown gunmen and suicide bombers are targeting the religious complex Security Forces have cordoned off the area and have rescued a number of hostages those were the headlines here and im suzanne back with more news in half an hour next its the stream you stay with us. As the world battles the corona virus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the world. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Coronavirus pandemic special coverage on aljazeera. I have one im femi ok and you are in the Stream Health care workers around the world are bearing the brunt of the corona Virus Outbreak but many are not getting the support they need you one of them share your thoughts with us on i live chats or at a stream on twitter. Take a look at some of the social media pleas the hostiles covert 19 health care a heros flight in the curve the

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