To the white house goes on joe biden is in but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he be still trying to join us for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election 2020 on aljazeera. 148 the state of israel was proclaimed. Palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization or the p. L. O. Was founded. Made up of different factions the p. L. O. Has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since. Setting up an independent Palestinian Organization was not easy. The 1st challenge the palestinians faced was to wrest control of their own destiny from the ad abrasions. In early 1965 a series of attacks were carried out against israeli civilians and infrastructure. A previously unknown Palestinian Group calling itself a loss if i meaning the storm seen here in training claimed responsibility for the times. And also if i was started by a small group of palestinian activists in the diaspora they believed arm struggle was the only way to win back their lost homeland. Breeze eames did not share this view they feared being drawn into a conflict with israel for which they did not feel prepared. Palestine had been an area of conflict for many years in 1047 Great Britain announced it was terminating its mandate over palestine. I repeat again that his majestys government of the time and the face to face their policy on the assumption that they must lay down the mandate under which they have sought for 25 years to discharge their obligations to fulfill the growth of the Jewish National home and to protect the interest of the end of population. In order that there may be no misunderstanding of the execute and policy of britain i have been instructed by his majestys government to announce with osullivan the day that they have consequently decided that in the absence of a settlement they must plan for an early withdrawal of British Forces and of the British Administration from palestine britain handed over palestine to the United Nations in 1047. 00 the Un General Assembly decided to partition palestine into 2 states. One arab the other jewish. This partition plan was rejected by palestinians in neighboring arab states. In early 1948 open conflict erupted between jews and palestinians. In a confidential briefing at the time americas Central Intelligence agency predicted a defeat for the jews. As the arabs gradually coordinate their war effort the jews will be forced to withdraw from isolated positions and having been drawn into a war of attrition will gradually be defeated. Following the withdrawal of the last british troops in may 148 jewish leaders proclaimed their stablish went on the state of israel. On the very next day 5 out of armies from jordan egypt lebanon syria and iraq immediately declared war. One Young Palestinian activist who was living in cairo at the time was keen to join the fight. And i thought. That. The thought that there were that there was were stem and not to lobby for the 13 for should bury him as they mean i left school we gathered the Young Muslims Association and we decided that whoever wanted to fight would have to bend their books. I was among those who bend their books and went and joined the army of all the struggle. That. The arab armies were defeated. The newly declared state of israel seized control of most of palestine with the exception of jerusalem the west bank and the gaza strip. By 949 close to 3 quarters of a 1000000 palestinians had become refugees. In the late 1950 s. In kuwait and with the popular sentiment of arab unity common in the region a group of palestinian exiles established a secret organization. They called it the Palestinian National Liberation Movement it became known more popularly as fact that. Yasser arafat was one of the ringleaders of this new organization which favored Armed Struggle to achieve the liberation of palestine but quite some inhabit it was in kuwait that we named it. Before it was a continuation of our Palestinian Nationalistic activities such activities were aimed at gaining autonomy from the arab regimes most dominant of which was the regime of egyptian president jamal of the mass of rival Palestinian Groups emerged advocating coordination with nassers regime. Madness waiting for us at the mossad would look at decision to form a Palestinian Branch and coordinated this with president said it was agreed that our actions would conform with the overall Egyptian Military strategy that we wouldnt carry out military action that would prematurely do egypt into a war with israel for which it wasnt yet that. In 1964 president nasser convened the 1st arab summit his aim was to lead an arab response to the continued existence and growing dominance of israel. The arab leaders voted to set up a body to organize the palestinians in their diaspora a commercial katie seen here on the right a palestinian diplomat from a well known family was chosen to head the newly formed body. From the outset he wanted an organization which would not just kowtow to arab regimes who love allow are going on at the eyelet the arabs agreed to set up the p. L. O. As a means of releasing the frustrations felt by the palestinians but then came when the shook lady who decided he was going to form a proper p. L. O. And he did he must take the credit for setting up the p. L. O. Its structure and National Charter he was a great man who should be recognized as such for months later in may of 1964 should daily convene the 1st Palestinian Parliament in jerusalem it was called the Palestine National council king hussein of jordan the country which had administered the west bank since 1950 attended the meeting of the parliament consisted of palestinian elders as well as a Younger Generation who called for a more forceful approach to winning back their own about. The parliament formally announced the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization and declared the state of israel as illegal to guarantee jordanian acceptance of the meeting should play the al a jordanian fears by announcing that the p. L. O. Had no designs on the west bank and was only interested in regained territory from israel. Should be spent the next few years Building Support for the p. L. O. He set out to create a body that could truly be considered a voice for the state as palestinians he traveled far and wide in his endeavors. Here he is seen in china where he was accorded a welcome usually reserved for visiting heads of state. And shook atavistic saif. Ali. Is a palestinian 1st and foremost true he was close to nasser but he proved more than once that he was a palestinian 1st and. He didnt take on the job to be a tool of nasser but to channel the energies of the Palestinian People he raised the bar when it came to losses views on Palestinian Nationalism get him off. He out of the house we were supposed to launch in 1964 before the Palestine National Council Meeting in jerusalem in it i was there in jerusalem but didnt attend the meeting i was preparing to launch military operations as a gift to the pansy but we decided against it because we thought it might be perceived as an attempt to upstage the Council Meeting and its resolutions. Artifact and his revolutionary comrades in fact that viewed the newly created p. L. O. With great suspicion. They felt the organization was the product of the same impotent arab regimes that had lost palestine in 1988. That the activists wanted instead to take matters into their own hands and in january 1905 they began attacking targets in israel. Although militarily insignificant the 1st attack was a sign of things to come. That i dont know what i mean why not but i think when i watch that would. Mark that fact he declared it had mounted the 1st operation although i dont believe it was the 1st palestinian petrol to go into a coup by palestine but the significance is that fact his declaration heralded the independence of palestinian Decision Making that palestinians would no longer be subservient to Arab Government dicta which would never have approved the launching of the Armed Struggle arab leaders greeted fat operations with distrust in this day in they were wary of a radical Palestinian Group acting on its own initiative. President nasser of egypt suspected fattah was an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood with whom he was engaged in a vicious struggle palestinians who are allied to nasser hurled elaborate accusations against their fellow palestinians and fatah caligula. Which i find that with being an anti muslim buddy affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood even a creation of the cia there was a real battle going on between egyptian intelligence and fattah so one fact that launched its 1st operation and announced the beginning of the Armed Struggle in the Arab Nationalist movement mounted an all out assault on fatah and accused it of trying to drag nasser into war. Other arab leaders openly spoke out in favor of negotiation rather than Armed Struggle in 1986 tunisian president habibie arrived in egypt on a tour of the region. While in the west bank he advised his palestinian audience to seek a negotiated settlement in order to resolve the Palestinian Refugee problem. A message he repeated in lebanon on. My roof and. I have a. Senator mythical we traveled to beirut which was known for its free press we had a lot of illogical things and the press Conference Held by brilliant. Someone said were prepared to 800 years for a solution to the palestinian issue to which remember replied youre a journalist and not a palestinian had you been up an athenian you would be adamant that a solution be found a soon as possible. As comments through a hostile response that oppressed denounced him as a traitor and a madman. In cairo the Tunisian Embassy was set alight by angry demonstrators. That had to be there seemed to be out of step with the mood on the street. For his part president nasr sought to convince the west of the need to address the problem of the palestinians before it provoked further violence and instability i was there i took the i have a list of what expected to compete with every 1000000 and its expected to come in you know the day israelis speak about. An. Hour day way back if you get me in the 2nd world war before the war so they treated the arabs the same way expel them kill them and their children tried their religious and it was scared. To death of. It on. Their way to the United Nations it is a huge Security Council list of resolutions nothing was. And then israel took and it took the liberty of dont speak to me. Again and again but either i stop this. Country and accept still get my shit kill some other people. And if you like me can i ask if you accept to give california to some other people or to get the status called occupying imagist by some other people by the chinese. Ha dream and. After explaining to people of manchester from their car driving them from their feet from everything this isnt a question of just this question its not presented in. The west because of the influence of the jewish religion i dont want to go to their home. Game there. But the israelis and sort of basically hes well known he would not seem to be. And he would not give them to. Be completely. Nobodies. Need to give. So that the solutions. Are rendered to go back to palestine nasr views were echoed by Palestinian Refugees who believed liberation was close a town. How do you think. About. How do you. He is growing quickly betty but its. Hard to go into liberated with a force of arms or how are you going to get the idea of being a bit of a political or you dont know yet by author of all. The revolutionaries of led by Yasser Arafat found refuge and support within syria viewed as one of the most hardline regimes in the region at the time and it was syria that brought matters to a head in 1967. But at us last i absolutely did when the israeli and us that border syria began to cry was claiming that israel was about to wage war against it and the soviets concurred so nasa sent an Egyptian Military delegation to the golan that studied the situation and returned with the view that war was not in the offing but then the soviets repeated their claims of a come and warm. With the mantle of leader of the arab world firmly upon his shoulders president also found it difficult to step back from the escalating tensions in the region in may 967. 00 he requested the withdrawal of United Nations observers from sinai and closed the suez canal to the street shipping to israel these moves were tantamount to a declaration of war. With conflict imminent out of leaders attempted to close ranks king hussein of jordan who had been the target of accusations and insults by Egyptian State media made a hasty reconciliation with an awesome message. Letting bygones be bygones was a means of escaping the insults egyptian media perfected personal attacks on his majesty but the euphoria of the reconciliation and path to a war was soon transformed into weeping which has continued to this day. A frenzied out of world waited for the outbreak of the bomb was was. As a 948. 00 expectations of an out of victory and the destruction of israel where i. Was. There reality proved very different. In june 967. 00 in a matter of hours israel decimated the egyptian air force. Israeli Ground Troops seized the Sinai Peninsula overran syrias Golan Heights and occupied East Jerusalem the west bank and gaza with. The arab world was shocked and stunned the arabs lost what remained of palestine. And even more palestinians were for. To flee their homes. But i have felt vindicated. In the arab states had yet again proved incapable of defeating israel. With arab regimes in disarray the past now lay open for the palestinians to fight for themselves. More seriously than what akon. Can it have his. Ear in the public the defeat in 1967 was very painful as a part of the same time it was a great incentive for us to work harder and achieve something and that at the. Story after the war i used to make my way from the lebanese border to syria on to jordan i was never questioned my car was full of weapons the arab armies were defeated broken we used to go to the golan together weapons left by that treating syrians there was a state of utter destruction in which the palestinians whose cause it was rose and took action on a fat travelling incognito made his way into the occupied west bank in an effort to organize resistance but the israelis were close on his heels. Comes to weep for the able the forgot to be we had at least 500 to 600 members in the west bank in about 15 days Israeli Defense minister dion managed to capture about 300 of them and everything fell apart i remember arafats being in the west bank at the time travelling on those names and having to escape. In september 19th 67 arab leaders met and talked to him to define a clearer and more uncompromising stance to israel. They issued what became known as the phrenologists no peace with israel no negotiations with israel and no recognition of israel. Chastened by the 1967 defeat president nasser made the political u. Turn and embraced fattah well in them and can a lot of the. Of lascivious at a later last a group of us in fact went to egypt and we finally met with nasser i told him i was a masochist i said we had a group of young men who believed in their god im country and were intent on liberating it he said egypt what from now on sure everything was us. Egypt began providing training and support for a fact that guerrillas on the condition that operations not be mounted from egyptian territory jordan quickly became the springboard of attack the government and our man could only stand by and watch. In march 1968 palestinian guerrillas attacked a bus killing 2 israelis. Defense minister moshe they are involved to teach the palestinians and lesson. The target was the jordanian village of kut i met in the Jordan Valley which had become a factor stronghold. Some 15000. 00 israeli troops were mobilized and took part in that attack. The palestinian defenders put up a stiff resistance. Jordanian army and artillery support proved crucial inflicting heavy casualties on the invading israelis. But not all palestinian factions had favored the fight some had withdrawn from karami on the eve of the battle leaving only out of facts fatah and the field. Via a night out together called me in the Arab Nationalist movement believe it was a mistake for a Guerrilla Force to face the enemy head on and therefore would do its fighters from karami but i thought took into account the popular reaction to such a question taishan and the support the 5th day unit would gain in its aftermath. Potentiate. The jordanian chief of staff and the command out of the iraqi forces try to convince me to withdraw from cut on me and in almost 40. And in earnest here i told them after the defeat of 1967 we took an oath to fight to the very end and even if it meant martyrdom. The israeli army defeated the palestinians and got on it. But a potent legend was born. That the arabs would stand and fight and that the israelis were not invincible. Approved the 3 men dismissed out of fights for the movement. Thousands of volunteers flocked to palestinian girl accounts while arabs across the middle east donated funds and supplies to these fighters. 3 years after its launch the high on the palestinian arms struggle now emerged into the mainstream. And by gaining autonomy from out of states and fighting for themselves the palestinians now became masters of their own destiny. From now on the way of the gun was the path forward but those guns would soon face off with fellow arabs a history of guerrilla warfare a place on the global stage. The pira gaining strength their revolutionary zeal knowing no bounds but did a series of violent acts by their splinter groups damage the palestinian cause or ensured survival chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. I was taken to prison just knowledge that i will almost be endangering one yes or just me old mother and the father of my 8 month period. When parents are imprisoned and the government doesnt have any plan for the trigger left behind so these 2 didnt need food they need shelter they are searching for love. My passion is to see that this should be no prisoners are also given another chance to live like normally should and because theyre not a party to that crimes committed by their parents when i finally get to that place to build a home for these children and they see them become somebody used to fall in the society fending for themselves. To give me satisfaction. 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Into coronavirus related deaths of the people in care homes is see it thousands of such fatalities are going under reported around the world Mary Louise Mclaws is professor of epidemiology and health care infection at the university of New South Wales and she explained some of the reasons why the virus has had such an impact on kael. Well look i think were facing a situation that only just coming to

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