Restaurants in its lee are reopening ahead of plan and dates the big part of tourism in kenya how coronavirus is affecting its Wildlife Reserve just. Thank you very much for joining us we begin with some breaking news this hour and a jewish settler has been found guilty of a 2015 arson attack which killed a palestinian toddler and his parents the family were killed after the man fire bombed their home in the village of duma so this is a landmark decision in a case which has become a test of Israeli Security forces treatment of jews and palestinians lets go straight to our correspondent Harry Fawcett at the court in law and israel so a guilty verdict an important decision remind us for us harry how we got to this point today. For us this was one of the most controversial cases of any sort of jewish attacks on palestinians or something that took place in july 25th dream followed a tribe by shooting of a jewish man the prosecutions case was always that these 2 young men one was a minor one the man the 2 today could be right. That the. They talked about carrying out some kind of attack on palestinians in response and that on the day in question ben earlier himself waited for the other younger man who didnt or that the boy didnt turn up and that he himself carried on to the village of duma and he spray painted anti palestinian messages fire bombed one empty building and then threw molotov cocktail into the house. To watch a family was sleeping and inside that house the mother rehan the father side and the 18 month old baby ali were all killed there was a surviving son who was 4 at the time and theres a massive manhunt for these people but for the responsible attackers there were months that went by without an arrest became a Major Political issue in israel and when there were these 2 arrests made it was decreed that the the Security Service shin bet decided to carry out enhanced interrogation where you torture techniques to try to get a confession that has been one of the critical arguing points of the defense that the confession that been made in multiple confessions that they werent admissible with judges here today assessed that while the confessions made the jury in those pressure tactics is that with vocal were not admissible the confessions he made in the 36 hours after that were and that the reconstruction that he gave of the crime scene was sufficient to suggest that he had and prove that he had indeed been at the time and was responsible for these attacks and so hes been convicted of 3 counts of murder 2 of attempted murder one of arson but acquitted of belonging to a terror group and is that any its not over yet terry. Quite possibly not no the there are reports that he will be appealing were still waiting for the proceedings to totally and up an illegal seems to come out but this is a District Court here in large and so there is always the potential that he could take this to the Israeli Supreme Court at the moment the phase that were in is waging sentencing that is currently due to happen on the 9th feature. Thank you very much for that Harry Fawcett reporting there live from israel now 15 antigovernment protesters are appearing in Hong Kong Court charged over last years mass ronnies the group were arrested in april accused of helping to organize protests which were banned by the citys authorities un human rights experts have called for all the of them to be release and for charges to be dropped the 1st hong kong protester to admit to writing charges was sentenced to 4 years in prison on friday meanwhile a fight has broken out in hong kong spawn a man between prodemocracy and probe aging politicians. The raw erupted over the failure to elect a new chair for a Key Committee its meant to scrutinise bills and has been without a need to since late last year the backlog of bills includes one that would criminalize abuse of chinas National Anthem that speak to brown in hong kong forest tellus 1st aging about the Court Appearance says a highly controversial case for these 15 prodemocracy activists. Yes and whats been a very fractious day for hong kong politics im actually outside the west calhoun magistrates where 15 prodemocracy campaigners not just ordinary campaigners these are venerated veterans of hong kongs prodemocracy movement they include barristers lawmakers as well as a media tycoon and theyre appearing now in this court and theyve been accused of a century taking part in an on authorised assembly or assemblies last august and october if they are found guilty they face end of the between 3 to 5 years in jail now when these 15 arrived at the court a short time ago they were mobbed by the media as well as their supporters social distancing rules are being enforced here in hong kong but not i have to say at this particular Magistrates Court now many of the activists that i spoke to as they were going into the building were insistent that they believed that the charges against them are the direct result of pressure that has been brought to bear by beijing they are no doubt about that and i think its fair to say fully that the Political Climate here really has taken a really much more extreme turn in recent weeks and thats the result of beijing appointing new representatives to its to keep bodies here in hong kong the hong kong and Macau Affairs office and the Central Liaison Office because just 3 days before these arrests took place the head of the liaison Liaison Office called on the Hong Kong Government to enacting a new security law so what were seeing say the 15 activists here is growing interference in hong kongs one country 2 systems policy and it was also quite the scene earlier inside the legislative council. Thats right were used to seeing you know fights on the streets of hong kong between police and protesters but inside hong kongs Legislative Assembly on monday prodemocracy politicians as well as pro astonishment politicians were quite literally fighting for control of the parliament for the past 6 months a Key Committee has been unable to do its business which means that a lot of very important bills have not been passed well as a result of todays squabbles that struck just most in parliament at least 14 prodemocracy legislators were a jek tape from the parliament that meant that the prodemocracy camp at the numbers to basically get their way and get a new chairperson appointed of this Key Committee now why does all this matter well you know in a few months time hong kong is due to hold elections for the Legislative Assembly and beijing does not want the prodemocracy camp to do well as it did in the District Council elections a few months ago so its quite possible that those legislators who were kicked out of Parliament Today could well find themselves disqualified from that poll later in the year. Thank you very much for that. On to other world news sentai airways will file for bankruptcy it had been seeking a 1800000000. 00 loan from the government which owns 51 percent of the company their line is expected to undertake a sweeping restructure of its fleet it was in trouble before the coronavirus pandemic and has made a loss in 2017 but the travel shutdown seems to have proven too much and theres no country in the world that house isnt feeling the Economic Impact of coronavirus the worlds 3rd largest economy japan has now slipped into recession after it shrunk for 2 consecutive quarters in a row in the 1st 3 months of 2020 japans Economic Production plunged by 3. 4 percent compared to the same period last year the us the Worlds Largest economies also in the throes of a downturn the head of the central bank jay powell is warning growth could profit by as much as 30 percent by june chinas economy suffered a record contraction in the 1st quarter while theres been some signs of recovery beijing says the Bleak Outlook will continue for some time to get my. Phone demand to significantly slow due to the spread of the crown of ours closely trade faces unprecedented challenges the c. E. O. Of companies having an extremely difficult time for example capital is tight orders of falling and risks of industrial and supply chains are royson and germany the worlds 4th largest economy in europes economic powerhouse has also sunk into a recession because of the coronavirus pandemic italy and france have also suffered Major Economic hits lets not speak to song saying one about this hes an economist at the cia m b Private Banking joining us live from singapore via skype thank you so much for being with us so all major big economies impacted by this crisis but are they some that are better off than others at this asia can avoid a full blown recession. Tough to see if we look at many many estimates out there last monday from the Asian Development bank essentially looking at the whole Global Economy global output shrinking Something Like 10 percent this year assuming that the outbreak can we can do roughly country within 6 months or so throughout the World Largest economies mahlers economy oil has been a factor i suppose the only thing we save some of the smaller economies believe perhaps not asked dependent on this so my exports and domestic consumption so far as though less for example would be like vietnam where there had been used to see a growth of 78 percent this year the prats could still overweight a recession with very small growth if the other lucky but also one of the tool to few rare cases. And looking at just at the Bigger Picture and the reasons for this is it just because of the corner virus pandemic that im in the German Economy for incense was already in difficulty before the outbreak there was a young lady trying to trade war what are the the other factors that have contributed to this. I think we must remember we are already 2 words to taylor not a mature growth cycle so grow who are going to slow anyway we all be that you will just be as c. D. s that will girls but obviously that was and to be the case so now we are seeing the reset of the Global Economy how long it will t. And a new growth cycle starts we dont know all the essentially around the region itself different stages of contraction obviously some countries start a contraction earlier we could talk about long kong well obviously protests have been a drag on domestic economy and external demands we can talk about even japan where the consumption tax which as it both saw on height in october also contribute to the contraction that we saw in the 4th quarter obviously exacerbate that today by car and on. So so as you say all Major Economies expected to be in recession this year and no doubt about longer long downs will constrain Economic Activity but as the country start reopening slowly as weve seen for an air france what should be their priority now on the economic front. Yes this is where the trick you seem to look how to balance the impact on the economy of the lockdown as an suv so we are seeing all these we are putting all police where they. Where those who Zealand Australia or. China where obviously more affected because there were earlier in the cycle the infection rates and the time and were also told to do a report at a congressional you know close quarter g. D. P. The 1st 16 years economies where they are starting to open. And one of them holds and measures have to go into what extent it eventually the seriousness of the 2nd or so weve all been faction so these days essentially would have an important bearing on how the recovery in the coming months thank you so much for talking to us about this song saying warne and economists had cia and the Private Banking in singapore thank you very much for your insights. Now as you heard italy has lifted more of its long than restrictions in what the Prime Minister is calling a calculated risk for the 1st time since march people can go to cafes restaurants and bars more shops are open and so our libraries museums and beauty salons Free Movement is now allowed within regions then churches can hold mass Prime Minister has warned cases will increase but says its him he cant afford to stay in lockdown until a vaccine is about. And still ahead on aljazeera more on the coronavirus pandemic so far from home well have more on the human struggle indias extended long down as having on millions have a price plus. A brazilian president bonnies his supporters their backing is a call to next resurrection says biden intervenes in a number of cases. But. How we have same record breaking heat in the southeast corner of your last a clear skies down here we see temperatures just not going up to around the 40 degree mark in parts of getting close in greece further north as bits and pieces of shabby rain just around the plain pushing across remain and then some well the most cool weather a little further north still so we see some wet weather around the Baltic States pushing over into that western side of russia a chance of one or 2 showers just pushing into Northern Areas of the British Isles before many as you can see its looking fine a driver plenty of sunshine and the temperatures will warm up nicely as we go on into cheese they could touch 2324. 00 there for london and paris still some showers into central areas of italy by the states maybe also into the balkans but as they thought if a little less hot 29 celsius there in athens a 33 in ankara as we go on into cheesed a little sunshine that stretches across the other side of the mediterranean laws to clear skies here some bits and pieces of fat with the cloud across the far north of africa you might just catch your challenge in Northern Areas of algeria one pulse of chinese here is well for many it is try and find the showers popping up now around the gulf of guinea stretching right across into the ethiopian hons. A story of blackmail. This person. To have killed i have strangled i have a story of current which a lot of the fear is real. Passion. And a very sicilian just. I am. Again you watching al jazeera live from doha a reminder of our top stories a man has been found guilty of a 2015 arson attack in israel which killed a palestinian toddler and his parents the family died after a jewish settler fire bombed their home in the village of dumas. In hong kong 15 antigovernment protesters appearing in Court Challenge over last years mass rallies the group were arrested in april accused of helping to organize protests which were bound by the citys authorities. And the worlds 3rd largest economy has fallen into recession as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit business and industry japans economy shrunk by 3. 4 percent in the 1st 3 months of 2020 compared to a year ago. India has extended a nearly 2 month old lock down until the end of the month as it battles to control the rising number of cold 1000 infections is so its highest a spike on sunday with nearly 5000 confirmed cases taking the total to more than 95000. 00 will be speaking to Elizabeth Brown im in new delhi in just a few initial bringing us the latest for a shot at belize reports on the struggle these restrictions have already cause for laborers who had travelled far from their home states to find work. Behind each of these padlocks is a closed shop and this once thriving way spangle alley inside a half finished i dont see that make them havent worked to nearly 2 months they have now learned it will stay this way into. The situation and lockdown is such that when it was spring lock and we had orders for our doors and the 100 godeys side with us we could have managed but it was all closed so while the situation was going on we have not worked it has been raining yes. India is extending its not down for another 2 weeks because cases keep rising sunday so the highest daily jump yes its nearly 5000 fictions school moves in other Public Places will stay closed some moves are being relaxed we covered 19 is more contained mainly in the area is. A look down extinction is bad news for Migrant Workers who are losing the jobs in the times of the urban exodus is unprecedented you know without quality they started gathering here since late last night we have been persuading them to not gather here and also to take trains or buses and a white on save more the Francois Taishan we have sent some on buses but it is still very crowded here Public Transportation is completely overwhelmed physically distancing is not an option the Indian Government range from buses and trains this week but with a population of nearly 1400000000 this simply no room for everyone all lined out doesnt know why god will i feel special my going to the vision for me but Nothing Happened my form will get done to me i think the doubts are making money out of our misery charging money and the one that. Gets the ticket. It means migrants of fools to hitchhike on trucks to dangerous option 24 laborers were killed this week in order pradesh when a truck crashed. Others simply let their children and them only for hundreds of kilometers to get out of i applied for transportation but my application was never approved im a daily wage labor how can i save enough to feed my family in such troubling times we have no rations and my children are hungry we have to go home and with the nation wide lockdown no exchanges any relief and still some weeks off ballasts which is here. So lets speak to Elizabeth Ron im in new delhi forest so liz whats different in this new phase of the lockdown. So the big difference in face full of indias lockdown is that the government has left it up to states to determine what green orange and red zones within their states and then for them to decide which of the activities that have been cleared by the government will be allowed in these so there is already a lot more activity of people and vehicles out on the roads and thats because things like all markets are now allowed to reopen in the Containment Zones with shops having staggered timings limited numbers of people inside and social distancing social distancing measures standalone shops have been allowed to open for the last few weeks but this is the 1st time that markets have being and so we are already seeing more shops opening up in the states of west bengal baba shops and salons opening up also in punjab and in. Here in the capital new delhi we have seen no activity at some markets and more at others i think people are waiting for chief minister Arvind Kejriwal for his address later and on saying the exact details for delhi the other big difference as of monday is that people are allowed to travel between states and to States Travel on buses and private vehicles but only between consenting states and waiting to find out what states will allow that but passenger trains have been going for the last week now but as you mentioned indias overrule lock down has been extended by another 2 weeks and that is because the number of cases continues to rise and there is consensus among states that that is something thats necessary as india approaches that 100000 mark of coronavirus cases thank you very much for that Elizabeth Browning live for us today from new delhi. In brazil president has been rallying his supporters to back his call to end down his attack to governors who have introduced restrictions in an effort to stop the spread of the koran advise the president to the president bush to reopen comes despite 15000 deaths in brazil war than all other latin american nations combined. Hundreds of supporters of president. Once again poured into the capital brasilia. Honking their car horns to call for an end of all isolation measures in the country. You know people think oscillation is not being done in the right way there is no previous experience in the world of Closing Everything down just to see what happens. Become a weekly event in this city coronavirus cases are still increasing rapidly across the country but the president is keeping up his fight against measures imposed by local authorities. Also not agreed it is supporters in front of the president ial palace but whats new is that for the 1st time he and his interest were wearing face masks but that didnt stop him from shaking hands and embracing a young supporter dressed in a military uniform and attacking what he calls the terror of total isolation measures calling for the reopening of the economy and urging people to get back to work. We will change brazils destiny even with this crisis affecting the entire world thanks to ministers thanks to the wonderful people here we are together brazil is a little more than 15000 brazilians have died of 1000 so far though experts fear the figure is probably much higher with many cases missed because of insufficient testing and nowhere is the situation worse in india region. On sunday residents of this neighborhood in took it into their own hands. To disinfect the streets of the city with the highest rate of infection spread capitaine the country. We took that initiative because we lost we have a lot of victims in our neighborhood and that was the tendency if we did not act. And now there are growing worries of the virus fast spreading upriver into isolated indigenous reserves at least 11 tribe members have already been confirmed dead but without testing nor access to adequate medical care nobody knows how many lives will be lost by listen to them. Now millions of tourists normally frank to kenya as wildlife but International Arrivals into the country have been stopped because of the Global Pandemic and loss of tourism dollars in conservation projects at risk. Lines dont know it but the coronavirus is a danger to them too. Or they probably cant get the virus the pandemic does directly threaten their habitat. They live in a nature reserve. Nicholas normally guides tourists who come to see endangered animals. Its near kenyas capital nairobi. The government suspended International Flights nearly 2 months ago no Foreign Tourists have come here since its a little bit because of the little. Plants in the country there are now more for lots of jobs for the going to be lost. This is normally eat and sleep in the camp where nicholas works is have to temporarily close normally in camps like this all the beds are fully booked during the peak seasons more than 2000000 Foreign Tourists visited kenya last year most of them come here to see the wildlife that lives in the reserves and the money they spend creates millions of jobs and provides crucial funding for conservation the fees charged for visiting reserves and camps pay for the salaries of rangers who protect the animals from poachers the communities living nearby depend on the incomes of those employed in the sector and if livelihoods are lost people are forced to find other ways to survive things like poaching there for you know household protein supplement. You know cutting down of trees to supreme and Household Income that is tied to the harsh economic realities occasioned by covered in 1000. Niobium reserve is unique in that it sits just on the edge of the city conservationists say in the long run if tourism is indeed economically viable reserve land will be used for farming or Property Development instead. Just outside the park is a sanctuary for often animals hes walkways they usually teeming with visiting schoolchildren. Wouldnt told us educating local community is key to conserving wildlife and its environment. A mistake to artists come from our country. Whos. Coming because their schools were closed due to their going to get us live in his condo. Nobody here expect things to change before the coronavirus restrictions are lifted conservationists say theyre looking for other ways to fund the reserves so the wildlife within them and the people around them can have a future. Well does iraq nairobi kenya. Quick bit of revenues and the taliban has claimed responsibility for a Suicide Attack that killed at least 5 people and wounded more than 40 others in afghanistan the bras toppan in the southeastern province of gosney a day after rival leaders in afghanistan signed a power sharing deal the governor says the bomber exploded a vehicle in a facility used by local intelligence offices. Now in u. S. Brian shaw of americas military the space force has launched its 1st mission. Was fired rocket the unmanned spacecraft blasted off from Cape Canaveral in florida after being delayed for a day by bad weather officials havent revealed the purpose of the mission nor are they saying how long it will remain in orbit the solar powered vessel has flown several times before but this is its 1st mission with the space force which was established in december as well as much more news on our web site at aljazeera dot com the very latest on the coronavirus pandemic the reopening is and the additional lockdowns all of it on there on our website ill just stared. At the in. The in. Her again im fully back to the headlines on aljazeera a man has been found guilty of a 2015 arson attack in israel which killed a palestinian toddler and his parents the family died after a jewish man attacked their home in the village of duma harry foster has more from outside the court in the israeli city of law. He spray painted anti palestinian messages fire bombed one empty building and then threw molotov cocktail into the house where the jawad shift family was sleeping and inside that house the mother rehan the father son and the 18 month old baby ali were all killed there was a surviving son who was 4 at the time and theres a massive manhunt for these people to be responsible attackers there were months that went by without an arrest became a Major Political issue in israel. I always will file for bankers bankruptcy it had been seeking a 1800000000. 00 loan from the government which owns 51 percent of the company the airline is expected to undertake a sweeping restructure of its fleet it was in trouble before the pandemic and has made a loss since 2017 but the travel shutdown seems to have proven too much in hong kong 59. 00 times government protesters are appearing in Court Challenge over last years mass rallies the group were arrested in april accused of helping to organize protests which were banned by the citys authorities the worlds 3rd largest economy has fallen into recession as the corner virus spun demi continues to hit business and industry japans economy shrunk by 3. 4 percent in the 1st 3 months of 2020 compared to a year ago italy has lifted more of its slow down restrictions in what the Prime Minister is calling a calculated risk for the 1st time since march people can go to cut phase restaurants and bars more shops are open and so are libraries museums and beauty salons india meanwhile has extended a nationwide don for another 2 weeks schools malls and other Public Places will remain closed in brazil president is rallying his supporters to back his call to end the lockdown this despite 15000 kroner virus deaths more than all other latin american nations combined and those are the headlines on aljazeera coming up next its inside story. On county mcauliffe theyre rich in resources but some opec nations are struggling to make any money right now but then also it could be Oil Price Crash be opening the Green Economy needs a lot of plant spoils biggest player moving in on a little piece of north east england. Counting the cost on aljazeera. And finally israel has governed months of elections and political deadlock of lead to an unprecedented power sharing cabinet and german netanyahu and benny gantz will both lead it over the next 3 years but with different agendas can these 2 men actually Work Together this is inside story. Hello everyone im come all santamaria he is seen as an unparalleled political survivor and once again he got what he wanted Benjamin Netanyahu will eat a fish

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