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A drug rehabilitation facility. With another record day of current virus infections the u. S. Is accused of ordering drunk supplies plus. A nickel gauge at the National Gallery of the stray leo an ambitious conservation project is underway and one of its most significant works by Jackson Pollock. Tensions are high in ethiopia head of the funeral of a popular singer who was murdered the military has been deployed to the capital addis ababa as armed gangs roam the streets for a 2nd day of unrest more than 80 people have been killed during protests following this is def on monday shall about its reports. People gathered in addis ababa to school the casket of popular musician hutch on one day so we shall do it on monday. This procession marks the beginning of violence that has moved dozens to. A child and was an icon for ethiopias biggest ethnic group the. Music was a soundtrack to protests that propelled Prime Minister made into office in 2010 then i want to talk about how chile was a role model for the struggle for democracy human rights freedom and justice he was treacherously murdered by some external and internal elements who have been planning for a while now to start a strife and chaos among our people. His killing has spurred angry protests which led to the government shutting down the internet on tuesday there is now little evidence of what is happening inside ethiopia. There are unconfirmed reports of gunshots and explosions in the capital where the military has been deployed in response to gangs and legibly roaming addis ababa Prime Minister has accused Foreign Forces of assassinating the singer in an attempt to destabilize the country has a look at the one as the u. N. Security council was meeting to discuss the road i saw instead of crisis this is cessation crime took place external forces may have colluded with local forces to destabilize pace and security in the country the others argue its unlikely another country orchestrated a chance killing ethnic tensions have grown in recent years with iran most complaining of marginalization despite them being the biggest of ethiopias groups and have an abbey a fellow aroma as Prime Minister a challenge other romos had become more critical of in recent months the big question is who actually killed the musician. That touched everything off the night. What youre seeing here is. This incident. Human rights watch has accused the government is making a volatile situation worse after some of these political opponents were arrested including media tycoon john woman hominids. The europeans now fear. In his hometown of and on thursday may result in more violence shallop dallas and jazeera. Mexico have killed at least 24 people and injured 7 others that had drug rehabilitation facility its the 2nd such attack in the city of watteau north of the capital the area has become one of the main flashpoints of gang related violence thats something president under arrest manuel lopez out of the door as often promised to stop since being elected in 20181 of apollo has this update from the capital. On wednesday mexican president and that is Manuel Lopez Obrador to address the nation in a special speech commemorating the 1st 2 years since being elected mexicos president president Lopez Obrador touted the successes of his administration in curbing back violence speaking to putting an end to a historical trend of homicides a success in ending massacres in mexico unfortunately as the president was giving that address there was word of 24 people who were killed and another 7 wounded in an attack by gunmen in the state of what i want to has really become the sort of epicenter for this epidemic of violence thats plaguing mexico the state has seen a 5 fold increase in homicides over the past year and according to statistics from this year alone there have been 1405. 00 homicides through the month of may alone so headlines that say a dozen killed or more are not uncommon for the state but there have also been other attacks in states like seen aloa a brazen attack here in mexico city thats put into doubt the mexican governments capacity to enforce the rule of law and of course this goes contrary to the claims of president over the border in saying that violence is being curbed in fact the year 2020 is scheduled to be the most violent in mexicos history now the u. S. Has recorded nearly 51000 new corona virus infections on wednesday thats the largest jump in cases in one day the states of texas florida and california have emerged as the latest epicenter is causing some governments to reimpose restrictions more than 128000 people have died and 2600000 have been infected in the u. S. Meanwhile theres been International Anger after the Us Government bought a massive stock of the only drug license to treat cope with 19 now there are fears they will be shortages of the antiviral medicine in the rest of the world shavar can see reports from washington. The u. S. Government has cornered almost the entire Global Market of rum desert here for the next several months the drug has been found to shorten hospital stays for covert 1000 patients President Trump is secured half a 1000000 courses of treatment of ramdass severe and this through september this america 1st policy during the pandemic has led to expressions of outrage and dismay among some International Leaders the canadian Prime Minister has warned that going alone in a pandemic may backfire we know its in both of our interests Justin Trudeau said to work collaboratively and cooperatively to keep our citizens safe but us coronavirus patients may not receive the drug if they dont have enough cash the drug manufacturer glared says governments in the developed world will pay 390. 00 for a vial of rendez of their average treatment will come to 2340. 00 a patient however each vial for the Us Private Health Insurance system is 520. 00 or an average cost of 3120. 00 a patient its not clear how much each patient will have to pay either out of pocket or higher premiums as with many drugs that are eventually sold for profit by pharmaceutical companies from this if it was initially developed with taxpayer money at least 60000000. 00 but watchdog groups suspect government costs are far higher and the taxpayers are being charged twice for the drug 1st for its development and then for its purchase a report released this week found that pharmaceutical companies have raised the prices on 245. 00 different drugs since the 1st case of covert 19 was reported in the u. S. In january and many of those drugs are used to treat covert 19 or used in intensive care units but some economists wonder whether amid covert 19 economic collapse mass unemployment the inability of millions to pay their rent and social unrest things may be changing i had never seen the American Economy i was born here ive never seen the American Economy to worship the level the accumulation of dead ends of crises for which. I see no solution is is overwhelming and i think the system is shaking whether it will disappear or not i dont know but if you say to me its the 1st time in your life that youve imagined that its possible the answer is yes the perception of price gouging by foma Suitable Companies during a pandemic may become part of a wider reckoning for the u. S. She ever turns the outages era washington. Indias 1st plans made Donation Bank has opened in delhi state and the worst affected state has started what it calls the Worlds Largest plasma therapy trial doctors say in treating infected patients with plasma from recovered patients could reduce the number of coronavirus deaths elizabeth purana reports from new delhi. Because the body gets in but we were given right to praise khan is the 1st person in delhi to have donated his plasma after recovering from the corona virus and april as the number of infections continues to increase in india hes planning to donate for a 5th time i dont it can make a bad boy it feels really good to donate plasma i feel like i am saving the life of someone i have given plaster to that im helping their family returning happiness to their family. Plasma therapy is treating covering a virus patients around the world plausible from a former patients blood to separated for a transfusion to an infected person plasma recovered patients contains antibodies which can fight the virus. Trials to determine its effectiveness the continuing but doctors say the results so far are encouraging clearly. For using oxygen and the state of the dont actually block use the chemicals trishul in just. Really Centers Across the world have shown that. It can force and. So by virtue of. The written existence. Delhis government has set up a Plasma Donation Center to make it easier for patients needing the therapy is not only indicated that it will require the low people people struggling to find pause to those who have recovered i plead with you in life you get very few. Opportunities to save someones life this is your opportunity corona virus is connected to the deaths of around 800000 indians with more than 600000 factions as one of the expanding testing and facilities the worst hit states of delhi and maharashtra a promotion plasma therapy. My pastors government says its conducting the Worlds Largest plasma therapy trial in 17 of the states medical colleges while the State Government here in delhi is organizing transport for diners willing to come here to this hospital with far more recoveries than active infections both states hope that indians who were once sick well now help patients in need elizabeth purana aljazeera new delhi. Brazils coronavirus death toll has passed 60000. 00 and the infection rate continues to climb Indigenous People in the amazon are already under pressure from mining and logging but fear the pandemic could be the biggest threat yet throws about reports. A military operation to assist indigenous communities in the state of close to the border between brazil and venezuela these are members of the gentleman mean degenerates Community Members of the military say they have come here to help fight colvin 1000. Is coordinating the operation she says the risks are enormous. They go down the river they go for a walk it depends on the area one might be closer to the city they go up the river and then infect others who werent infected before there are various focal points. But many do not trust local authorities on the social darwinist just like with society theyre afraid its an unknown virus for them for us to many prefer to isolate themselves not having any contact not even with Health Workers as a form of prevention so we see that theyre afraid. Members of the military have been conducting tests and providing supplies like alcohol and labs theyre also using clora keen a drug used to treat malaria which precedent and donald trump have been recommending to treat gold in 1000 despite warnings by the u. S. Food and Drug Administration indigenous leaders. Using this drug is a mistake but. I think its crazy because theres no proof that clerking is the drug to fight. This distribution is the responsibility and the risk of the government nothing proves that this will cure them it could even increase the risk even more in the 1960 s. Thousands of members of the gentleman mean digitas community died of measles and now many fear covert 1000. 00 could provoke a similar outcome this area is under threat by egon miners and loggers and their fears they could bring the virus to the region. President who initially dismissed over 1000 as a little flu is facing criticism for his handling of the pandemic brazil has the 2nd highest number of coral no virus cases in the world and with thousands of cases being reported in the indigenous communities their leaders fear their survival is at risk. Most regions of peru are emerging from a 106. 00 day lockdown the streets of the capital lima were crowded as public transport resumed then markets and restaurants reopened restrictions will continue until the end of the month and 7 of the countrys 25 regions borders remain shambo. More than 100 colombian soldiers have been investigated for alleged involvement in the abuse of young girls a review of the army dating back to 2016 found 118 soldiers implicated more than 70 are now facing criminal charges the rest of been fired the investigation was triggered by a number of high profile sexual abuse cases by army soldiers. Still ahead on aljazeera the debate over one of turkeys best known historic landmarks that could have implications for christians and muslims. Hello the weather in europe settle down to recognizable pattern now with the north generally cloudy often breezy sometimes where front running through from the atlantic and the south but a more steady usually the hasa bit has been pretty hot in scandinavia recently it was tacos down to 21 londons down to 21 as well so the thirtys really from rumania southwards is great particularly hot in the Eastern Mediterranean probably in the western med is well spain inland it is getting quite or now in between you often find big thunderstorms and theyve been nasty ones recently but not so much in the moment big ones were possible in switzerland and possibly then into lombardi in northern italy and slovenia they could be quite active and warsaw does get a few more showers i have to say but polands forecast isnt a bad one its got 3 days of showery rain nothing says thunderstorms and the thames a creepy up again to 25 or so about time we get to the end of the weekend. South mediterraneans generally quite a bit of dust in the air rivers and brought these Little Orange patches the biggest showers and much beyond west africa recently through guyana west through monrovia and up towards nearly the gambia the orange tops signify the biggest showers mostly they are a moment coastal. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen perching quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal and Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy to say countries like not only seem to grady but he read to me this the lady of the hall continues inside story on aljazeera. Theyre watching out to see a time to recap our headlines now if you know his military is being deployed to crack down on armed cat gangs in the capital more than 80 people have been killed in the 2nd day of unrest triggered by the murder of a popular singer. The funeral for the musician a challenge is set to begin the wrong fears of further violence and this always a leading voice for ethiopias biggest ethnic group the oromo. At least 24 people have been killed in mexico after gunmen stormed a Drug Rehabilitation Center its the 2nd such attack in the city of europe watto north of the capital the area has become a recent flashpoint for gang related violence. The u. S. House of representatives has passed legislation to sanction china over its implementation of a new security law in hong kong 10 people were arrested under the new legislation during protests in hong kong on wednesday hundreds of others were taken into custody for taking part in the rally the new law punishes subversion and what it considers terrorism with a life sentence. Is in hong kong she says many in the territory are still trying to understand exactly what the law means. Many people did not even see the details of this law even those who would have been caused customarily involved in drafting along hong kong legal experts academic legislative councillors all of them just saw the 1st draft of the law or the law once it came into effect and that was yesterday so now were getting reaction to the Bar Association has said this could have a Chilling Effect in hong kong or the legal experts who say that this law goes even further than the loss in Mainland China for their National Security one of the main issues highlighted by the Bar Association is article 38 the fact that it could target anyone who is even not in hong kong and organizations to that have links to hong kong also a major concern is the fact that even non of violent acts come under this law and its unclear what kind of a punishment they could face a for just holding a flag as weve seen people have been arrested what about holding up the taiwan flight so there are still so many questions about this law as people try to look at the details of the big issue here is there just not enough specifics as the go experts say it is unclear whether beijing can take over a case of their own happy for its been dealt with in hong kong its unclear how far each of the punitive measures could go and for what so theres just although we now have certain details there just isnt enough information still and so many are still grappling with it chinas ambassador to the u. N. Is disputed claims by the British Government the new security law breaches a treaty between the 2 countries the agreement led to the handover of hong kong in 1997 of diplomatic editor james bays from bass the june. Would have done nothing while eating our commitments and our commitment to remain there with our commitments that is a will enjoy a better happy. Secure and stable like the u. K. Government is saying you have violated the joint declaration and then now are inviting 3000000 hong kong citizens to potentially settle in the u. K. And take up citizenship what is your reaction to the moves by the u. K. In the last couple of hours what i can say at this moment that is that all the hometown people who have experience in the clue period of time know you can sack to lay what happened. And i dont believe they will they are willing to continue their life like that and secondly they all believe that unconstitutional or lies in one country 2 systems and they have great confidence you know what would be your view on the Security Council discussion discussing hong kong definitely a we have made it very clear that on kong is chinas from its an essay arm of China Hong Kong affairs. Is the domestic Internet Affairs of china and it allows no other countries to use the fear here and its not on their agenda of this occurred the council is irrelevant to International Peace and security and this occurred the council has mo relevant matters to handle to maintain International Peace and this occur it will be purely politicized ition to trying to introduce this into this occurred a Council Discussion we have made our point very clear and i do think that they will not go anywhere and they will not succeed in that. Well the Saudi Led Coalition has launched a new wave of air strikes against yemens who threw rebels bombardment in the city of saddam is believed to have killed at least 2 civilians and injured 4 others 5 other provinces were hit by strikes last week yemens who the rebels launched missile an armed drone attacks targeting saudi arabias capital riyadh. Frances foreign minister has called on the e. U. And the e. U. Meeting to discuss possible sanctions on turkey frances temporarily pulling out of a nato operation in the mediterranean it follows an incident involving french and turkish warships france once turkey to solidly reaffirm their attachment to the arms embargo in libya turkey is supporting the un recognized government in tripoli turkeys highest court is set to decide the status of one of its most famous landmarks the are sophia the new museum or the now museum rather was once the biggest christian cathedral in the world for nearly a 1000 years before it was turned into a mosque the government wants to reopen it as a mosque a move thats adding to tensions with neighboring greece and the Orthodox Church synagogue salo reports. Once a church later a mosque and now a museum i also fear has always been precious and sacred for both christians and muslims built as a church in the 6th century they are sufi i was converted into a mosque after the conquering of what was constantinople in 4053 then turned into a museum by mustapha cam i uttered following the foundation of the turkish republic in 1923. Now the turkish government wants to alter its status from the assumed to mosque reopening go for sophia for ship means and look its really the most traditional for respect on our site for the world which establishes in the womans at the same time its a token of gratitude and loyalty to the spiritual person i wish of fulton fathi the conqueror. I also feel i support of the unesco World Heritage which forms the stumbles famous skyline its been a museum since 1935. There are many in church and turkey stays by a sufi as should be open to worship for both christians and muslims and your thoughts Christian Church is concerned that the transformation the film version over the years will we drove it was really bizarre paul mediums of the theaters around the world and the u. S. Will feel relieved you reads this is a vital the word is is a member is the worst really thrive to these 2 war. President project a fire dance a is i also fear can function like the nearby blue mosque opened today in the prayers and tourists at the same time became took part in turkey a Muslim Country we are free to worship anywhere we want no one has any say on it. Petitions were signed by the turks to support the conversion but their opponents you know this is said to our tourism i believe is not good for turkey the commission of oil sophia to a mosque is a popular discussion in turkey and has support from the public along with the nationalists and conservative parties until last year president added on state out of the debate how ever he is very vocal about it now many believe its a political move especially given the rising tension between turkey and greece in the is certain mediterranean after part of the core on about conquests was resigned to deny a sophia last month the Greek Foreign minister said it insult the religious feelings of christians the turkish government says i also feel is a domestic issue not to be interfered with aljazeera a stumble. Virus lockdowns have closed all its institutions worldwide including the National Gallery of australia but the lack of visitors in canberra has allowed conservation work to begin on a well known painting the color gauge has more from the capitol through the lens of a high powered microscope conservative david wises analyzing one of the stradley is most well known paintings blue poles by american abstract expressionist artist Jackson Pollock its the biggest conservation project ever undertaken on the 68 year old work not only preparing it for future treatment but to discover more about its web of lies and how it was created. Ultraviolet an infrared lotsa helping to digitally peel back some of its colors to reveal whats heaton underneath how much time did it what with the artist thinking about when he was applying this particular color all these colors together you know what effect with the growing for and how did that relate to what were going to make paul explain 900 techniques where unconventional he used industrial house pints internationals throwing them on to the canvas and woven into blue poles or shards of glass pieces of cardboard even metal staples and screws delves into color and uses the expression of his body and gestures in the way that he applies the pipe without the brush to create a canvas the draws you in public has conceded a founder of abstract expressionism and a pioneer of whats known as action painting the purchase of blue poles by a struggle year 973 marked a shift in the nations acquisitions from europe to america but also divided Public Opinion over its huge price tag it was bought for 2000000. 00 the highest price paid for a work of contemporary american art at that time some believe its now worth up to 350000000 it was about passion about expression and about moving from a representational piety to something that was about the emotions blue poles has really been off display since the gallery opened so the closure of this space because of covert 19 has provided the perfect opportunity to carry out this meticulous work to find out more about some of the secrets buried beneath its many. People is slowly returning to the gallery as restrictions on public gatherings eightys but the conservation work on blue poles will continue for several months ensuring its protected to inspire future generations. Al jazeera camera. Lets take you through some of the headlines were following here on aljazeera ethiopias virtually has been deployed to crack down on armed gangs in the capital more than 80 people have been killed in a 2nd day of unrest triggered by the murder of a popular singer a funeral for the musician. Is underway on this or was a leading voice for you theo piers biggest ethnic group the roma gunmen in mexico have killed at least 24 people and injured 7 others as a drug rehabilitation facility is the 2nd such attack in the city of watteau north of the capital the area has become one of the main flashpoints of gang related violence that something president and 1st Manuel Lopez Obrador has often promised to stop since he was elected in 2018 the u. S. Has recorded nearly 51000 new corona virus infections on wednesday thats the largest jump in cases in one day the states of texas florida and california have emerged as the latest at the center thats causing some governments to reimpose restrictions more than 128000 people have died and 2600000 have been infected in the u. S. Most regions of peru are emerging from a 106. 00 day lockdown the streets of the capital lima will crowd is public transport resumed and markets and restaurants reopened restrictions will continue until the end of the month in 7 of the countrys 25. 00 regions borders will remain shut. Over 100. 00 colombian soldiers have been investigated for allegedly involvement in the abuse of young girls more than 70 are now facing criminal charges the rest have been fired. The u. S. House of representatives has passed legislation to sanction china over its implementation of a new security law in hong kong 10 people were arrested under the new legislation during protests in hong kong on wednesday its inside story now stay with us here on out is iraq. Aljazeera. When entering. An exciting occupied palestinian territory israels Prime Minister wants to seize more of the west bank and the Jordan Valley palestinians and their allies to announce yet another land grab will the c. C. S. Spark more middle east turmoil this is inside story. And i welcome to the program im Adrian Finnegan the west bank and East Jerusalem or at the heart of any future palestinian state but occupied by Israeli Forces since 1967 and now threatened by an accession palestinian dreams of their own homeland looked

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