I was outrage and really not surprised but this is such an outlandish claim that somehow they have jurisdiction an american citizen lobbying an American Government is just completely out of line i think im not the only person whos out ritually up spoken to a number of congressional offices and i as i said from the very beginning when the law whats. Going to come after me they must love marched down to capitol hill and the rest Speaker Pelosi and senator rubio the senate and everybody in the white house because they too have been under the small articles you know that it is using to charge people like me. A session and colluding with foreign powers and that i think is what theyre both not understanding is that theyre creating really a perception of how desperate and house they are Global International influence and pressure i think that this is what dictators do one day know that they have lost the hearts and minds of their people they go out and disqualify opposition leaders they issue or and address before dissidents and they delayed any sort of democratic practices and process and elections because they want to saw what is in the production and i think that they might be able to lead us more in here but all of that are really doing is growing their movement and reinforcing the commitment all of us have that will once again be a free city one day donald trump is varying to use his president ial powers to buy the chinese own social media platform to talk from the u. S. As early as saturday is signaled that he didnt support an american takeover of the company amid reports that microsofts and talks to buy its u. S. Operations. 3 people including a teenage boy have been charged for the huge twitter hack that targeted high profile users they took over accounts belonging to former u. S. President barack obama and Tesla Basilan musk before tweeting out a fake bitcoin deal the cryptocurrency scam raised more than 100000. 00 in a day the World Health Organization is warning the effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt for decades to come as the top u. S. Virus expert says hes cautiously optimistic that a vaccine will be available within months. Mexicos overtaken the u. K. Is the country with the worlds her 3rd highest coronavirus death toll the Health Ministry says the tally is more than 46 and a half 1000 a 2 week state of emergency has been declared in japans or canal region after a spike in corona virus cases a record 71. 00 new infections were reported on friday american troops are stationed in the Southern Islands and make up a majority of the cases the leader of a south Korean Church has been arrested accused of concealing and underreporting coronavirus cases prosecutors say lima and he of the church of jesus hampered the governments antivirus response the 88 year old denies the accusations tens of thousands of people in russias far eastern city of kabul office are protesting against the arrest of a popular governor so before god was deposed after being accused of ordering 2 contract killings and an attempted murder 15 years ago is election in 2018 was seen as a vote against the kremlin and president vladimir putin. A prominent author and a spoil position spokeswoman are among dozens of arrested in zimbabwe when police put a stop to antigovernment protests opposition parties have called for demonstrations against food and fuel shortages as well as 700 Percent Inflation those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera its what this group. This was supposed to be a short film about my old fled to meet kids but ive been collecting images for more than 15 years. In these books have seen people in places i could have never imagined. Thats me during the summer of 2002 i was in my twentys and i was living in rome my dream was to become a cinema director and i was pressing on my time filming around my flat. That. Was. Senior to seniority so i wasnt jealous emission but you know when clearly you know your idea. Is to take a set for me. By new years. Budget i got some that is i mean so i was a kid let me out of the. League can you tell. Us. How we should kids see. A. So kennedy had all but should go off the dance to keep getting prepared to fight him sure and that he stuff. It will be interesting to black to clean the cubicle of the mixer as journalists think. And it was just like these that casey entered in my life and like with the other flatmates i started to feel him. And said yesterday but his. Kids he must. Be fucked up no no suspects only saw it all oh yeah ok ok its all a plot to make it well what now does it from me that if i found it said something about it is the only thing i want to do the show began to see them clearly. Julian would buy new clothes there was somebody i didnt. Need shots to be to for that ill put up with all of it to put on the play with. None of those willful. Shes gonna kill bunny i want parts. His and i were very different is energy was exhausting but also exciting he had the ready travel to many countries and could make friends anywhere. Even while they can fruit from the neighbor were going to look i born in the ceiling. Much lost my biggest fear and theyre going to love with the down i know something you know. Whats new whats. On it. Well. Im kind of something to. Do just to. Get going to see it again. Whenever i was with kids it seemed something would happen so i decided to make a short film about my flatmate and his life in pro. Bowl because this is a bubble but. Because he was working more and more and so george fast and slowly started to be interested in my video camera. I found jobs on field sense as an assistant director but this one as i had free time i was writing my new friend. I wanted this period to last forever but then when the good job of it and was leaving for the middle east. Suddenly there was an immense distance in between us and i was afraid we would lose touch. Here it is then my video was going to you. My normal life and abnormal please. Check out this random. Like some is your pic but with people in it that i can barely even see the now so right here so much and everything is white everything lex is a follower of the stream old the way to the middle east and me i also left rome and moved to berlin. To decent job at the rectum documentaries for german television. And in my free time i could enjoy the boy email lifestyle of the sea. Is instead was sold was looking for something more something new. I need something that i can just. Because ill be climbing. This his latest obsession was to be able to travel and work alone. Truly do your friends. You know youve got friends you know your reference point. Your friends your tribe. Oh dass youre spending your time youre. There you go sky. High there. Was you know every day. Theres like a really great call so its. Like oh yeah i get. Back. Thank you. One day i received these becketts. There was only one short cannot finally working alone check out the stapes and keep them safe. Algis there is a place you can travel to the northeast of mali and met up with a group of migrants on the 1st leg of their journey across the so hard smuggling of people is a big business here and you couldnt risk filming in town thats why were out here in the desert trying to meet up with the travelers already on their way to tell jerry this was an order mottram you know trip or 2 you would see on t. V. Ringback but it is the same words and now when its obvious a region of france age. Something that would never be brought coast something you might never watch again and. Ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback hope the smugglers car shows up seems like you know we have a breakdown now because it both izzy but you know that i got what. I now find that it bled. Thank. You. In this end of the phone conan the sword i mean committed to my income was a. Good medical wasnt a little funky get it he said you have to do it is at the limit is that the money just keep going because youre going to get the big deal coming with dont believe that im going to get get one if i do block but atypically wanted he says he says he just believes that of the. Living but the other that many men get going to. Declare it defeated the yes we can we dont go to. Govern with the shield of it dont go to find out theres an economist or to you know going to find a. Way. To move. Higher. Im. Traveling on the smothers route we came across this broken down vehicle with about 20 guys inside all going to algeria and then on to libya and some even to europe. Let me just give us a c. O. Live is. That it is it. The put it on. Your palm os is. It off i dont it is a symbol of i got im thinking are. Fighting for it. In a safe if. That is you. Dont know what im going to move on. When i was a little boy you know got a school i dont know why Sahara Desert yeah we want to see this are i guess it yet. Good luck man thank you very much and im coming with you ok so who is the other good nose there out of the middle in the desert yeah desert you know the desert in tokyo. But what they. Want that i find it is. Was on the on the. Ball was gone but im not im not the robot thats it up on the public good no no no no just off easy autopilot move on though you come up with. A. Come out and im going to bend to bend over for the lemonade as i can tell some of the other long up close look i know the both of them on good by here you know mama and i got a good comes out of that one. Something. If. It was a feeling without a man no man no. Im here in burma co mali where many africans from the subsaharan countries are stuck they cant move forward to europe and they cannot go back home. You see your family got. Yellow fever but if the kid you know down today. Is on its also a shiny so to me doesnt say she should i know she would not i mean if you didnt. Want to vomit could you for truth so some good news or truth is on file to get some kind of a not good at all which. Is it is a muslim brotherhood. You are very. Close to. One of the 1st to feel the soft stuff. Yes this. Yourself. Gus gus in the walk and he tried to make kids. Funny because. Michelle. Suddenly i felt that was with my friend again. Like can build a syndrome going to him wrong. I asked him to send me everything he was not using for the sort of parts. Of the film about my flatmate was becoming something bigger. Than. You. You know. She. Did get up. To much to do more new cristal to be made animation last week and yeah since it out on that. And some others. But but you are not supposed to be like on the ball and that is really a document gaza story i mean theyre usually i mean it israelis are we say theyre targeted airstrikes but of course the reality is that you know target strikes but you know if 3 missiles from the sky youre firing decisions theres always somebody around me. Ok the double blast was about 5 minutes before this moment. As well that. Like each other. Yet yet yet. With. 3 years have gone by since we both left rome and i met. When visiting our families. Well looking at the state that it put it in the 4th to coverage of. Me of the time. You know the time i was 19 i was child and all these groups of west africans that were traveling up towards mali towards this help countries who were busy going on the scene trip that i did end of filming 10 years later you know at the time i just thought they were just groups of. Young nigerians traveling and some like that and these guys were going on a huge clan this trip you know from country to country and i was just traveling with them i had no idea but in a way those experiences they helped me later on because you realize that you can just do it you know. You can just travel and people you can move how they move and stuff like that and there are a lot more like you than you actually think. Here shes there with a focus weight and there was queen a coder queeny and she was nigerian clue from nigeria so we connected because id just been a jury and you were home was she was the friend i mean during the trip i mean she was the person i spent most time with these guys taking the life in their own hands and theyre going for and these guys are furious you know. But to defend like them. I mean this is an important point i mean at the end of the day you can always you know relate. To people as much as you want and live with them and empathize with them but i mean lets not fool ourselves i mean you know i have white skin and american passport and i can cross any more and good you know the most i have to do is you know get permission or visa or pay some money which i have. I found a way to cross the border and. And i never found out how to use it because it was made to use too stupid to not stay in touch. And counting the cost of the wealth of banks Prime Minister says parish make is built on the backs of slaves how much does britain know and reparations album pandemic could wipe out latin americas heart and social and economic gains plus wild cards missing billions counting the cost on aljazeera. Understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the lines on how you take it well bring you the news and Current Affairs that motto. The u. S. Is the richest country in the world yet it still doesnt have a universal Health Care System all the all scream why not to influential republican lani chan some Top Democrats say it in a special edition of head to head and 16500 miles a year we would save under medicare so on study this doesnt happen in canada all problems all spain google story if people dont die because they cant afford insulin well they die because they cant get access to care head to head on algis iraq the whole d. N. A. Of aljazeera is to deliver news of people who are subject to the decisions made by the powerful when you look close the deal about will it get reelected and then with the pope or the old anything when you see big groups of people walking through your theyre all individuals with children the lowlights but with back story this place has become a complete run through a court of earth in plea no where to put all these people you have to heal all of them and to treat them with something within respect. Im about to send in doha with the headlines on 00 income police are seeking the arrest of 6 prodemocracy activists living in exile as china steps up in force one of its new National Security law includes former u. K. Consulate worker simon chang who says he was tortured by chinese authorities for information about hong kongs antigovernment protests also on the wanted list as prominent opposition figure nathan law he fled to london out of fear of persecution samuel choose a u. S. Citizen and another of the activists wanted by Hong Kong Police im not the only person whos out ritually not spoken to a number of congressional offices and i as i said from the very beginning when the law was if theyre going to come after me they must love marched down to capitol hill and the rest. Senator rubios and everybody in the white house because they too have been. An article that it is using to charge people like me. Secession and colluding with foreign powers and that i think is what theyre. Not understanding is that theyre creating really a perception of how desperate and house our local and National Insurance and. Donald trump is vowing to use his president ial powers to ban the chinese own social media platform to talk from the u. S. As early as saturday he signaled he didnt support an american takeover of the company amid reports that microsoft is in talks to buy its u. S. Operations. 3 people including a teenage boy have been charged for the twitter hack that targeted high profile users it took over accounts belonging to former u. S. President barack obama and Tesla Basilan musk before tweeting out a fake bitcoin deal accept a currency scam i raised more than 100000 dollars in a day a 2 week state of emergency has been declared in japans okinawa region after a spike in corona virus cases 71 new infections were reported on friday american troops stationed in the Southern Islands and make up a majority of the cases the leader of a south Korean Church has been arrested accused of concealing an underreporting coronavirus cases prosecutors say lima and he of the church of jesus how put the governments response the 88 year old denies the accusations was the headlines on aljazeera and now its back to what this reply. August on out is aimed at the us republican and Democratic National conventions delegates officially nominate their partys president ial candidates for the 2020 elections in india witnessed on as a young conservationist tackling the deadly human and if in conflict with an unlikely strategy coexistence 10 years off to the chilean mining disaster we revisit the victims of a story that captivated the world one a one east and has the violent and we know it makes martial arts in russia and the family u. S. S. R. And the un special tribunal delivers its verdict on the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri August on aljazeera. Arabic. Is that i. Really do need to get. With their money airport is in i would flatmates 15 years ago in rome he became a journalist and was always traveling but we stayed in touch and he sent me his food from around the word how do you feel to go to gaza again yes just get a good look at that theyre. Not going to church it. So they see that that was i think thats the feeling of that is not allowed if you find it easier to go to. Somebodys going to. Lift up the word that you were hearing. In the film. I. Am. I i. Was i was getting used to cases of your people and places but on that trip something changed. You say. Oh whats going on. Treat for this is im trying to corner you yes i havent been in chester a few days weve been filming the resist sleaziest story well im going to nose in the history but it turned into one submission and we want to do a story on patients to meet children who need to get israel to get some kind of medical treatment operations Something Like that it cant go theyre not theyre not allowed negative in the commission because actually their condition isnt that enough. Of this is. Going to go and you havent got to sort of have he has not given enough time thats time you know. So anyway i mean were there getting to know each other and all that and weeding for this trip in israel and i was thinking within. This medical process in israel and the whole thing it didnt fit does the little boy start to get sick very quickly. The thought i mean i was just the consult you have off the field off the mom of mom ok but if you. I mean if youre going to come to their little bit of. Oh yeah you hope youll come back but you will come back to me so i am one thing youll. Bye bye now heres what to do though but i think you want to out of hand but i think you know i dont put on a thought i had to have talked to him instead of just hop in an ambulance and drive you to the hospital like you would in any other Country Office and the parents and the doctors and all that this big bureaucratic process started to just to get fit i was out of guys. Oh well just. Look at him. And then we can more often come up with him with that. And will. Continue to give us your thoughts that he showed some sort of side until. This or the implication of a push source of some doubt that shot him into. The usual nothing out. Of the devolution hilo what i told him look we want to show sort of most of the eligible. Men who know the others and they are clearly but the dinners go out and started it was a bit humid you know they got a substandard one on the table when. Will the you know window of well you know whether youre running out of the game that one of those or the blow up if you go to the medicine youll know yes to get it and even if you get to a hospital fast in this case to the sports. And. Im a limb i did a lot a lot of positive body and then id better get that good about him other than. Something im going to who are. You know youre not ready. For. The fit of. Form with lines pushed down as for example that all the things. I want to do you get this process is coming to an end. To the 100 home or. Something about. The more so im not. The head of the humm. And then they got the phone call to a chair and immediately reached the hospital. Followed. By the ballot so 2. That without. The help. Theyre now going to have moment to let. The love love love. Im going to talk to her for the right of the album youre going to come on the last minute because you know my if youre going to be a player would you know. That. I. Would never talk about her as again. Because it just kept on working and working well i think there. I forget now well that the longer. Term im not. After after im coming out there. You. Pick. The simplest of just simply cannot say its because its. For the most sought to. Sound like god so much less use of the mother and. Said to my to it but the other was done. She said but she said disagree. Im sure somebody says this is. Over that said i said of me. Gently that your brother of the old. Its. Always the mother you knew that was a. Salsa every just sort of this interesting was that it. Truly might have been the stuff. In a lot in. Little shop you know jane honey for me to going to show. Recently. Sent to him to stay. With us so many things to go. See you. See on t. V. I dream of that without that i could go. Separate but eventually do it really could you. See if you survive this if it would just. I. I was having doubts of my own i couldnt tell if berlin was the right place for me anymore. I want to to be close to my father but didnt know if i should move back home he didnt need 1st it. You had everything its your dad. Because your mom to me. I dont know i would just like to breathe some beads maybe really in for a while. Back and maybe. With you where let me do any job you like work and travel bans you know i have nothing because im going to the u. S. Im saying. I dont have the landscape wrong thats alice was. Right. Here when the shelter door this is where our ladies or whatever this is where we are sleeping and we have a t. V. Back to you because. As i say this it was. Yeah us me. My job i just travel around the whole world just doing just moving people in talking to them to want to practice me in a news report. Someone in south america. I know were so sorry did laugh when you think you know. Hes going to stay here. In south america there was one actor in a party. And i did like his job and he was very good we were there for kids his job but they couldnt tell if he was even working he spent 2 days like this why genesys the little girl was getting closer and closer to him i want to know what that change. I even thought because it was as if they think. But then he finally decided to make an interview really you see a little kid and. Every almost every single ok im going to be probably meet in 8 years and everybody pretty. Well. I mean its me. And i. Along all by myself a lot. I think a lot of stuff in my head like right now so. And you know getting out. So high to have. If im a new book coloring or writing something. If people are laying eyes open or something i just look over and see im a long as they can see what im doing and i like to be in rome thats like a box. And asked small area oh i have my home i will stuff. Oh no i just. Didnt. Eat it if. You insist. I went ahead and did it left a little and not tonight but you do it. From a keep. On doing wouldnt you. Think when its nice to. Let it in. Just to stir the christmas to. Take a trip to sponsor. Them but. I dont think mississippi the books you should see out. Because you could get them into really nice liquor sooner. But shop. After many years i was about to leave their name. There was not much to bring back with me apart from the big bucks. Spent the better. But to have this done in the. Good job of not. Letting her know she. Was giving the son the visit see saw the dentist on time time i thought about it. Very. Much i dont have to talk to them and you have to live there its a long like are you going places with your dad and its actually happening something. That i didnt expect i mean you know my that i feel its the 1st time in our life that we are talking you know about things about. Hes asking me about you know my personal seeings about my job about girlfriend hes probably feeling that its close to the end you know so its. It touches me its 1st time in my life i have my father. All you know like you always have here you have your camera when you when you guys hang out and when you go visit him and stuff like that no no thats. Thats a strange things because i. Were not going to know you know if it was you you will never think. I know i would like and im on the other side im completely block you know i mean. I cannot you know this and and just like sometimes you know you film things in your film people in the film and situations that can be traumatic or uncomfortable and all that you dont exactly know why right and you end up realizing later that you know what you feel and in those situations even though its tough. Its something that you keep you know its like something you keep something you cherish something that her yourself. A few weeks later i get the surprise after a long time kids you send me again you see midges. I do not know. This yet oh yes i got that thats good. You. Know. You do this. This is your job or there was a god they. Got married and you know. Who. You know you have a good accident its good to see you. Told me this. That was. A hard thing in. The. Same mistake again. What. Am i to. Say kesey. A member who is somehow not left out of that battle. On the right of the. Species some good. Hey man its hard to believe that this could be my last video. I resigned so im going to be living here probably the next few months. You know i always film people just trying to live their lives and. Knowing it try to step in one. Week or years ago it is hard. To. Remember a time when all i wanted to do was get out of displays. And now but to me and kids it at leaving back in florence. Asked me to keep the state safe many years ago. And i didnt. Well now i feel is the right moment to give them back to my friends. Now i. Just dont know if theres still a. Pretty high i dont. See. Where there is water there is life but finding me there australias arid deserts is a skill few still possess they took us to a small wet spot in the desert and this was this is a very important place theyve been telling us about for the last 5 days the training. And the work is against all odds an aging population is passing on its knowledge the rainmakers of the outback on a jersey or. Hello that will very hoarse and mostly dry weather throughout much of the middle east that we have seen over the last few days quite a few showers them are often in thunderstorms across western sections aside in of course again down into Western Areas of yemen now that is more of this is a go through saturday in fact at times the rain could be very heavy indeed and so we could have more flooding in santa as we have seen already this week youll notice this area here the sand in the dust being picked up those winds coming from the north across the interior of iraq and it will sandwiches have actually reached the low fiftys in the last few days 47 maybe 45 in baghdad and then by sunday no real change in the temperatures meanwhile in doha 43 degrees the winds changing direction itll feel very humid and look at all the. And so it could be a fairly unpleasant day on a sunday then down into Southern Africa more showers and thunderstorms through central areas in the next couple of days quite a few shots along coastal areas mozambique up through tanzania kenya even as far north as a somalia but it should be mostly fine and dry across south africa i want to shout in madagascar that a bit of a repeat really on sunday but a very warm day in Port Elizabeth sunny skies the winds are coming from the interior from the north so thats why its so very warm a change direction on monday its fine and dry cooler and then scattered showers on tuesday. An image can change the way we see the will ask if we had not seen this week well be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created this longing for a fellow opportunity that can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story but this clips and 13 points look pretty i dont see how it can forge a narrative right through the listening post gives you the full picture on a. World. Widening the net in the crackdown on hong kong activists china orders the arrest of 6 prodemocracy protesters in. This is al jazeera live from our World Headquarters in doha back to bill also coming up. A look at tech stocks we may be betting pixar

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