Election on a. Theyre welcome to the stream home edition im josh rushing sitting in for femi ok today and were looking at a country in todays episode where its one of the few countries in the world where corona virus does not exist at least according to the government now doctors and grave diggers might tell a different story were talking about turkmenistan and if youre already in the you tube watching this right you probably either have a connection to turkmenistan or youre curious about it because turkmenistan does not get a lot of coverage and we have a whole half hour to talk about today either way i bet you have a lot of questions and comments so what i want you to do see that box right there thats a live youtube chat and we have a stream producer there waiting to get those questions and comments from you to me so i can get them to our panel of guests now let me show you something im actually a map here of turkmenistan and the surrounding countries now the surrounding countries all have covered 1000 were talking cars extend over 91000 cases iran over 300000 cases afghanistan over 36000 cases is back a stand 250027000 kurdistan 36000 and somehow turkmenistan right in the middle of all that 0 cases now either thats a Public Health miracle or its a reflection that turkmenistan ranks 179. 00 out of 180. 00 countries in the world when it comes to preterm of information and its government has declared that there will be no roundabout risk there will be no covert 19 now im joined by an exciting pindle of guest to talk about this with me and im ask them to introduce themselves and im going to be begin with deanna. High in my meaning the i am a director minuets im trained up top man expensive place to be with you. Thanks for joining us in peru yeah. The record over very. Well for your free europe where you live in theory based in profit. Organization. Comes to 23. 00 concerts in 2 months. Not about how i am and i know im a gentleman i am a decent injury there are sadly for you we were a team on the shelf for interesting engineering sam so perky sort of stuff here with whats going on with turkmenistan for people who dont know whats the government there like it why is it so low on the ranking of freedom of information. Baltimore dishonest since. Or since good thing during the famine so its always been Close Friends when it comes to human rights when it comes of freedom of speech and. When it comes to democracy. As. Years passed by its only got worse or all of them getting bad. A lot of criticism from the International Community or International Organizations especially in the last 56 years it got so. Most. Photo or worst car to be the worst contraire in the world comes to freedom of speech is not a race that you want to win theres a for. It is mos. Eisley soon to work or it doesnt boil or the leader or for. She. If she doesnt who doesnt know does this kind of criticism or ready. This kind of over. Dinner will why is it one why is it that way in turkmenistan. You see for right now i can smell it clips talk about the present president so. As we know he the only is more in his family has 4 face charges and he was raised like conduct so he doesnt hear anybody or anything so for example although lots of people asking me why he doesnt care about people while weve had happened hes only just mad at least he pretends to be a muslim right now its provided by romney everywhere every people celebrated but in reality he does not have brakes they have god in his soul so for example you could throw away for your i have to go horse this which is that the national hurry to get struck man is done and good instead of course it so we can consider in a way that these days no really just man has nothing to do with the people he only cares if himself so thats why it would just be just a snap and youre doing your talking about president mohamed operate yes. Im sorry but what if i make money on them so thats why you dont care about anything you care only about his person. Than and but there are elections its is that right on your mother 3rd there are elections in turkmenistan we need yeah yeah there are action in turkmenistan or yet for it. Its. In the book and you need to question john i was just referring to the fact that he is president and that there are elections but you know how free and clear are those elections when the end of the being a poem by International Community but there are elections are being held in germany so there whenever. Observer is full of go observers election observers one injury and equating the process what is free and Fair Elections so that its mainly ones who always who have daily elections. Its going to take our audience here to twitter where this says turk took medical professionals d that authorities in turkmenistan are concealing information about the spread of covert one team 2 doctors died killing 19 hospital in the capital in new cases are reported in every region whos recording those cases how are these cases being reported. Yes so smoothly includes the money during speciation around the corner starting from january interim and staff we are. Just rivers there innocent or you know our knowledge in science needs definition on the go he indeed german language and the moment. We have over 100 articles and blog posts providing answers to questions from the public on the koreans this is just going on call it so when we see that we will not only provide the information we also. Asking i mean a straw man standing in the International Community to doing Simple Society construction waste in front lines danger any information on corridor so we can have an informed discussion so manage your question. Then there is no i sure danger there is just some piece of information coming from beijing so when the International Community and the minister of Foreign Affairs the asking is for the children to know and show him for him and that includes of course injections or you go he said yes and we dont have we dont have any official numbers and statistics but there are several initiates a launch. That i ask for a community is trying to start out only account of deaths and infections from according to new money in the internet and the online websites track and then ask the public and the engine not drive me immediately. The heli and the line information coming from about when this is it i have to say that this is something there you knew of no musician has been traced. This way before any instruments by Civil Society so this is something something very good at your school i mean shining. What kind of information are you seeing come out of turkmenistan about tippett right now. Or what d we have a very last network of. Respondents and. Contributors in the country and they have. Some contacts in the Health Care System i can tell you one thing too of all correspondence from track to the power of the contract to quote 1000 because they were not has a dish showing symptoms of 90 so we came very close through. Close to home or. It was over a year for europe so. Every day we get. A lot of movie reports about some people be hospitalized in dozens of. Hospitals the overflow with quote i can again i should say it with patients showing. Symptoms of those are you seeing any video coming out of the country on that for yes yes we would receive videos but unfortunately most of those videos we can not. For the safety of our correspondents and contributors because in 2 minutes time who might get to jail for a better life it is a prison cell but some of the. Videos we are able to publish. Doctoring it a little bit altering the. Point so that the surveillance cameras can not employ correspondents and in one of the recent videos that were published just 2 days ago you can see hundreds of fresh graves that appear in 10 days prior to shooting of the media. If you know one of the senators outside of. Bush most of those. People who are the birds in that little miss im assured theyre being very sick plastic sacks like body bags. And sewer d grave diggers agree digger told our friends that theyre working as a conveyor in a plot they just figure or a grave and then they you start digging another grave right away because. People are coming and coming like a tree you know. These. Funerals processions and those people that you see in the media are there not just want one funeral there are several because the number of people being allowed to cemeteries for each. Funeral is very limited like all the close relatives are a lot and those people that are dying in the hospitals are not allowed to the bodies of all allowed to be taken home but they are being taken from hordes to cemeteries directly. So this this on a tree is yes sorry littering in a tweet here this is from jake turkish says officials in turkmenistan continue to insist that airborne dust not coronavirus is the cause for alarm. At the gate now like im just imagining how much control the state must have over information in order to put out Something Like it is just dust in the air not not coronavirus he talked to me about that they. Sure a mistake tries to control all information kremlin in coming out from a country my dinner reality. Could need was. Its not official even literally found in turkmenistan and the government. Recognizes they can wire serve the country but according to the symptoms and according to the condition of the people that are in the country we can say that yes coronavirus came to manifest and then more were to president doesnt believe in space its surrounded by neighbors and as you mentioned at the very beginning every country has coronavirus so all that talk about dust is just make for the International Community and to make people Wearing Masks so at least this is one of the steps that truckman government to go since i think beginning middle of july i guess so. Close to the world her initial visit so we can say that its just a common rain of layer of their reputation. So youre referring to about a 10 day visit from officials from the World Health Organization that they didnt come out now right say that turkmenistan had over 1000. 00 there but that the country should act as if it has their right to guess yes of course bad the World Health Organization they have lexically a product all they have really stated what kind of hospital they will visit and government has done been their best to prepare that hospital they get rid of the patients that had any kind of symptoms of any money or or any kind of father symptoms may show them what their hospital lets play and you know why risk nothing and of course on the one hand i can understand that this organization in the members of that commission they cannot draw their own writing into rushing into every house in trying to test people who are in a virus you see but the problem is deeper because at the hospital there was no normal equipment no medicine and the doctor they do not know how to treat this virus thats the big problem because they do not have that special protocols to treat people they do not have enough oxygen and we let the one of them made part of the treatment they do not have more more machines for educational ventilation. So we see its a problem and truckman people die every day you know ok so we have a question this is from someone in our due to audience says tell us a bit about the Public Service system in turkmenistan i bet i think this for you it says its common predicted or ships to have a great Social Security system thats how things work in north korea at least what this person says and you too. Is it so in turkmenistan. Can i just commenting briefly on the final. Yes i would just try out the magnitude of their your question so i knew one way to look at it this narrative that its this is this. Oh of course mr halvey is not calling you starting all this is happening and you need to store your farm it also means amarnath see it is also its also. An example of doublethink in court in dissonance patterns that. Person. Has to use as a defense mechanism to live in turkmenistan. Meaning all this this suffering is happening around me i wake up people and i and my family members im eating safe. And they something is happening. The International Community tells me that there is no concern. How do i. Do it and the reason so this emotion. Narrative is free agents to kind of the british this. Narrative with reality so we are trying to see that there. Were people things are happening in the society its doublethink own it and dissonance and also learned helplessness. That the public. Just does not believe in its all new. Strength and and power to. And that we are in this on our own and we have to teach individual responsibility so it is often out of government in the ministries theres also if you are not usually it is normal united response. Actually your house. You have to do something as a as a community so thats just my commentary on oh. You know all this now i dont even have a just sick about to be mr community and i want to bring in our community we have a video comment from rachel didnt this is shes from Human Rights Watch has got out now turkmen government needs to take urgent measures to address the Public Health crisis but pick up the country it is today 1st it needs to stop its a wreck with denial of the existence of covert 1000 cases in the country it needs to stop its repressive policies of controlling and call for flying information to make testing immediately and widely available in an affordable way. To give you an idea of how tight the control on information is i want to take yours to my computer right now and show you from obama to here as we grow up with growing concern about the spread of copan 1000. 00 in 2 minutes the end and authorities remaining in denial about it. Are reportedly ordered to keep graves black so they grow in graveyards could not be pictured be a satellite. Thats pretty intense attention to detail d. N. A. Moment is there pushback against it or a root is there pushback in the country against this kind of control. Yet when he cried means i dont think youre seeing all the bad that made a thoughtful. And cruel kind of push back to do we see in the country where even around the world from expatriates. When it comes to the graves of something new that. You know if. There were a couple more reports the review for your group. Over the last 2 weeks. Of all of this who call me those bodies. All require that the family go up with this disease. Soo many degrees of us also goal. Conspicuousness also there they cannot be seen from satellite or people. Driving by cannot see that there are more fresh grates. Of course the country is. Doing everything they can do to suppress the free flow of information about over 1000 but its. Its. Its 21st century around. The authorities cannot suppress a flow for information between the people people talk for example this thing but they require that we are in mosques and keeping. Social distancing people are legitimate question what were the social distancing have to do with with the evolution social distancing doesnt work so people already know that the government is playing the game of denial as they always do because. As you know a leaves off issue it leaves in the era of happiness and might and thats and nothing bad can happen in 2 months you can know in a show theres also some have. Nothing unfortunate can happen in 2 months we have another comment from our youtube audience this is from say hello so among at the same time far away in western world anyone who speaks up expresses freedom of speech against the krona viruses blocked on facebook you tube and other social media platforms are banned thats a claim them not sure is fully supported but the end i want to ask. Ive read recently there was a protest in the capital. Of like a 1000 people and that is if thats true that would be the low large protest since turkmenistan broke away from the soviet republic im im curious also if thats true what kind of risk are those people taking to attend a protest like that. Soaring in Human Capital actually amount of capital the secret that i know about the problem just in d. C. Not been asked about i had read that theres one actually by which i found startling and maybe that that thats not true have you have you heard that theres been any protest and i had heard about that now. No brought us inside the country because a crowd of people are sick and crowd of people are taking care of those who are sick and i would like also to add that we are not we have talking about all the whats important to our people but there are also presented tremendous that and according to our sources there are 3 and 3506 trees nurse in one of the minister and they cannot receive any medicine from their relatives everything is closed that means that most people they will die they will die from part of our because without help its impossible to write. And yet if were talking about the profile protest of course the government they were prosecuted the relative they will prosecuted the people who are taking were participating in that kind of protest in any kind of protest so but this protest are not in truck minister and they are a brooch ive got about a minute left here what what should be done here what can be done here. So i think its already as you said gentlemen to germains im doesnt get government out of all of my International Media so were very grateful for a job providing providing this chance and there really a chance so i think we should use this conversation to prevent future indifference and deaths are happening tragic and its a dental a loss of human Life Insurance and lets talk about it how we can then to keep share downs and in the money generated action on this action not just your social media but for example you dont need us jammed shut down interest and right now. Government officials you see a watching and im sure theyre watching this at the moment please allow the bunk to have access to sanctity to greet correct information in the language they speak in german and language please and also to reenlist and how about access the internet start out or stop it there were going to leave it there with the people who act workmen a stand to be able to access scientifically correct information no matter what the government says like so many things in life to the grave digger who gets the final word and that seems to be happening down to the opposition that are there thank you all for joining us today and for our stream audience of the us are you going to be well. Rewind to 10 days with a new scenery. And updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries one body. Rewind continues with holy land grab by will compelling you honey and you have the name of the fleet its path to the heart. Of the city. We are holding on by their fingernails to the 2 state solution today it is still barely possible on aljazeera the law to leave these cruel out of the well should we fight with terrorists in 2017 people in power investigated why Trinidad And Tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for i salute. You for feeling so this is the norm for almost 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homeland to join conflicts in iraq and syria. Caribbean to caliphates on just. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to School Supplies and training to help the worlds most found mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and effects working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the woods and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential Health Services now more than in the world needs w. H. And making a healthy a world for you. For everyone. Already. This is al jazeera. Hello im adrian forgotten this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes u. S. President donald trump demands that schools be reopened despite the rising number of covert 19 infections a grim milestone for a lot of america as coronavirus cases exceed 5000000. Spains Prime Minister weighs in on the financial scandal involving former King Juan Carlos is now fled the country. And

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