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A power sharing deal was signed. Reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic japans economy suffers the worst contraction on record. The belorussian president has told striking workers that there wont be new elections until opponents kill him but test as across the country have made it clear they want Alexander Lukashenko out these are the latest pictures from downtown in minsk where thousands have been out in force because said he may be willing to redistribute power but he wouldnt do it under pressure mohamed john june has more on the days events. In the capital of bella ruse extraordinary displays of defiance by state Company Employees as mission visiting tractor workers in minsk president Alexander Lukashenko insisted there will be no new elections until hes killed while adding he may be willing to redistribute power. As thousands of striking state workers march towards the tractor works plant demanding the president step down because shank a flew away in his helicopter. All of this coming on the heels of a massive rally on sunday and as anger about the results of last weekends election continues to grow. While the official count of the august 9th vote gave 80 percent and his opponents felt line it kind of sky only 10 percent the opposition says the result was rigged. Large scale protests continued even after to kind of sky left the country for lithuania last week which her Campaign Team said was made under duress she has in a new video message the Opposition Leader said she was ready to help lead bellerose during a transition period where. We all want to leave this loop that we found ourselves in 26 years ago i am ready to take on the responsibility and become the National Leader in this p. T. It was the goal of calming the situation and entering into a normal p. D. It feeling Political Prisoners and in the shortest time creating the conditions and legislative base to organize new president ial elections real honest and Transparent Elections that will be unequivocally accepted by the International Community even state t. V. Station workers joined the nationwide strike viewers who tuned into the morning show saw only an empty studio in poland ahead of an emergency Conference Call by European Union ministers on bella ruse polands Deputy Foreign minister said e. U. Funds should be spent to support villar ruse not someone used to join you were a child or a hand and that you also reaches out its head to bellows but its up to by the russians to decide which direction they want their country to go i have an impression that through these protests and by shouting out their disagreement they tell us what kind of bellows they for sure do not want and therefore we can in the press from it what better way they would like to have. Bella ruse finds itself at a crossroads an embattled president refusing to end his 26 years in power versus committed protesters refusing to end their rebellion. And dizzier. As the Mass Movement contin. News indiana loose European Union leaders will meet for an emergency summit on wednesday theyll discuss the disputed election and the violent crackdown on protesters European Council president Charles Michel of tweeted that violence against demonstrators cannot be allowed the e. U. Is already drawing up a list of belorussian individuals to hit with sanctions the many canes in battle and brings us more on the reaction from europe theres been a chorus of condemnation from across europe capitals to the events that have unfolded in minsk and in yellow rose out of wider level in the last few days in the last week or so and in this capital city in berlin the government pressing for strong measures to be taken part of a raft of ideas that are coming from europe right now the polish government to view from the being fact the european in damage for democracy should be enacted to help the situation in belarus and then it a paneuropean level from brussels the president of the European Council calling a special summit Video Conference of heads of state heads of government for wednesday to discuss what more can be done given the fact that the European Unions clout as it were is political and economic not military so the European Union looking to try to ratchet up the pressure it can put in yellow rose to help the situation there remembering that one head of state the french president the man you and max on has said that the views of the protesters in belarus must be respected if you view things from that prism it explains how the European Union reaction is unfolding at the summit to be held on wednesday to discuss what more can be done. The Democratic Party in the us will gather virtually in the coming hours from its National Convention events going to see joe biden officially named as the democratic candidate for president alan fischer reports and how he clinched the nomination. Back before just as the primary process got underway if you would have banked on joe biden winning the democratic president ial nomination the idea he would be in a position to unveil a Vice President ial pick as he did last week would almost have been laughable he lost heavily in iowa he had little better in the next 2 contests but was saved by a win in South Carolina a diverse electorate just days ago pressing the pundits in the clear this candidacy yes that was a key moment when the Democratic Party saw him rather than Bernie Sanders as the man to beat donald trump when im sure his convey was that theres no way that youre going to be able to get most of the american support. And as we saw that happen in the primaries the people that support brady and war is just they do not show up at the polls before super tuesday when several states hold nominating contests key rivals dropped out in the club a short step to citing gave their support he won several states enough to make victory look inevitable and so closest rivals Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders dropped out to joe biden had all but secured the president ial nomination i think joe biden won with experience also because they coalesced around joe biden because they realize donald trump didnt want to face Joe Biden Joe biden has already spent 8 years in the white house as Barack Obamas Vice President hes been around politics for almost half a century but hes never had to Campaign Like this is a pandemic changes the face of president ial politics there are no big rallies no crisscrossing the country to speak with supporters its no virtually over. Chil got only democratic. Small gatherings the sea help joe biden to excel and the crisis has allowed him to highlight the president s actions something one expert believes helps the challenger he doesnt have to travel to 50 cities and travel to 4 and 5 cities and in one day hes able to kind of you know lay back and rest as a 77 year old man so i think that helps and in addition you know all the mistakes and joe that President Trump is making you know that of cost you know close 2165000 lives i think and counting i think that you know that helps joe biden 3 decades after his 1st president ial bid joe biden has arrived where he wants to be hes finally convinced his party hes the man for the job no he has 11 weeks to convince the country alan fischer aljazeera washington and the White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall joining us live its a very different look to the electioneering this year in 2021 of the main themes that were going to be seeing in the run up. The main thing will be uniting the Democratic Party in order to try and defeat donald trump at the ballot box in november and to do that early a number of keynote speakers including Michelle Obama the former 1st lady as well as senator Bernie Sanders who of course has been responsible for many cases moving the Party Platform further to the left to attract and draw and many of the Progressive Democratic members of the party but for all of this the u. S. President is doing something a little bit unusual hes left the white house in this campaigning in a number of battleground states offering almost simultaneously in real time counter punch if you will he is trying to draw a contrast the white house says to his opponent joe biden he will be speaking on issues of law and order as well as the virus response one that he has been criticized heavily for and we should point out that donald trump has his work cut out for him in the next 11 weeks until election 6 day given the fact that the polls show hes running behind joe biden by about 9 percentage points. There is a difference as well in the subject matter because although most of the u. S. Postal service has switched to center stage in the run up to this election just give us some of the background on whats happening with. Yeah the reason is covert 19 most americans dont feel comfortable standing in long lines to vote in person and would like to do so through mail in voting but the Postal Service which is choosing now to reorganize itself as a result of his postmaster general appointee and also we should point out a republican donor and supporter of Donald Trumps for all of this they say that the republicans argue that the post office needs to be streamlined its losing a lot of money but what the argument is from democrats is this very ill timed they say reorganization is really disguised as something to suppress voting to try and prevent the sort of mail in ballots which many republicans believe can be subject to voter fraud so the u. S. President for his part is pushing very hard for any person voting he is even saying that hed like to have the voting day start a few days early but in the midst of all of this democrats are alarmed in fact so much so they are coming back from their recess on capitol hill theyll be holding a bit of a debate as well as a vote on saturday which is highly unusual at this time of the year to try and prevent this reorganization of the Postal Service until at least after the u. S. Election but the midst of this pushing back saying this is not about suppressing the vote hes only making sure he says that the election is not stolen as Kimberly Hall called our White House Correspondent talking to us from the White House Committee thank you very much tear gas and stun grenades have been fired to protest as in sudans capital on the 1st anniversary of a landmark power sharing deal they say the transition to democracy has been slow following the overthrow of long time leader obama bashir the Transitional Government is made up of civilian and military leaders who are slated to govern until democratic elections are held in 2 years people morgan has moved from call to. When sudans military and protest leaders signed a power sharing agreement in august last year millions of sudanese saw it as a new start after months of political turmoil but a year on Mohammed Abdul says not enough has changed what more can you sort of it can live on when we started the revolution it was because of the economy and when the 1st massive fell the goal became justice for those who had lost their lives in this revolution we promise to hold those who kill civilians to account that main demand is not yet means they can be no moving forward if the main demand of those who took to the street is not achieved his friend mohammad dog says the power sharing agreement between the military and civilian leaders is flawed. And beta the Political Parties did not have a long term vision they were in a rush to reach a deal they lacked a National Spirit and went into negotiations based on the interests of their own respective parties and leaders now its difficult for them to lead in the interest of the people at heart. The signing of the power sharing agreement known as the constitutional declaration came after months of negotiations following the fall of president obama and the coalition known as the forces of freedom and change which led antigovernment protests demanded a say on how the country would be governed the deal with the army paved the way for the creation of a Transitional Sovereignty Council with the military leaving for the 1st 21 months and a civilian for the remaining 18 months it included articles to ground sudanese more freedom and prioritized ending conflicts in various parts of the country it also included steps towards democratic governance and stipulates that the executive power be granted to the Prime Minister and his cabinet and the formation of a Legislative Assembly theres still time to 7 months to go in the transitional period before elections are due but many of the provisions of the power sharing agreement are yet to be implemented a peace deal is it to be signed and there was still no Legislative Assembly that is supposed to oversee the Transitional Government. The military has ruled sudan for more than 50 years of the country 64 years of independence some analysts say its up to the International Community to make sure sudan completes a transition to democracy the story of the constitution declaration was a settlement to reach a political stability in this country its been a year since it was signed in the people who protested are still guarding their revolution and the International Community is one of the important factors that can make sure that no one hindrances this transition the u. S. Has sanctioned people it deems hindering the transition the International Community should now act as a safeguard to the deal that was signed last year despite how slow the 1st year of transition has been Mohamed El Galle says theyre still reason for optimism shabu see. People have shown that they will have the final say in how they want to be ruled no external or internal force can compete with the will of the people a will that has brought an end to 30 years of president bush years rule those who protested say theyll continue campaigning and filter down becomes a democracy people morgan alter their hearts on a sort of. I dont all do lifting one of the longest lockdowns restrictions begin to ease in some tiago after more than a 150 days. Theres gold in these hills im standing on my haps 3800000000 dollars worth armory talents in Northern Ireland keep watching to find out why some people here want to stop an idea from mining and. Hello that will hot dry weather across much of the middle east will cloud to the south as well and could continue to see one or 2 more showers in the far west and south of yemen as you can see that the winds still fairly brisk but quite as much sand and dust as we go through tuesday winds as you can say are a little bit lighter so it does extend the fall south of that we could just see some beginning to gather across into the u. A. E. Meanwhile the temperatures of course mid to high fortys celsius no real change that by wednesday but the wednesday beginning to kick up the sand and the dust again through much of iraq and that again recalls will spread further towards the south now down across into africa Central Regions plenty of activity showers and thunderstorms becoming a little bit more widespread as well through the d. L. C. As we go through tuesday and all the while plenty of coastal towns and a quite heavy at times spreading up towards the areas of kenya on towards somalia but again weve got this for the vigorous system just sitting off the south of south africa some very strong winds along the coast at times and all the heavy amounts of rain but it does begin to ease and pull away but those winds will really follow that east coast of south africa so for the next few days in cape town its actually largely dry will such system play is the way how much is a little bit below par improving by friday the winds alights the nice sunshine me one important is about stays a little bit cooler with scattered showers. Jump into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on at will online be part of the debate let me put some you tube comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic violence that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way he treats human way to a business if were going to adapt to climate breakout this street on aljazeera. Heard. From. Youre watching 000 a reminder of our top stories this hour the belo russian president says a new election would be held after the country adopts a new constitution but earlier Alexander Lukashenko warned that there would be no new elections until hes killed thousands of state workers that are on strike and say the president must go. Is the Mass Movement continues in belo European Union leaders have called for an emergency summit on wednesday theyll discuss the disputed election and the violent crackdown on protesters. The Democratic Party in the u. S. Is gathering to formally nominate joe biden this is candidate for novembers election normally thousands of delegates would meet in person but its being held remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. Indias Main Opposition Party is calling for a parliamentary investigation into facebook and whats up for allegedly favoring the ruling b j p the Congress Party bases its allegation on a wall street journal report it said facebook ignored its own hate speech rules to benefit a legislator known for anti muslim comments Facebook Says it in forces its hate speech ban without favor to anyone to be j. P. In turn is accusing facebook of censoring what they call nationalist voices is my point is the editor of the news website quartz india she says the allegations against facebook are serious because of the platforms wide reach. India is very important we are a country of one going to be well nearly half of rich are on the internet and what did it leave has close to 250000000 users in india. To whatsapp the numbers even higher so anything that speed and whatsapp might be doing in india in the indian internet they would have all over major impact. A lot of youngsters in india you would be in what that regularly for new movie or getting information to be an allegation the cannot be rid of them towards one party or favoritism towards doing that on the morning market or the party are pretty speeches and for a lot of Indian Facebook is like the 4th window to develop its a very popular app in india one that is the most popular messaging app nearly every phone in india has whatsapp being sold when they buy it so its sort of you know beep into your do you do they live with me been to your need be functioning also you know the the fact that the book is going back to be with a lot of indian regional languages so its penetration is really high but the people who do not understand english and still access information on the web and want that because it is the backbone with their words in the language the number of coronavirus das in the u. S. Now exceeds 870000 its the worst affected country in the world with more than 5400000 cases most of the reasons the talent has been recorded in southern sense of florida texas and Louisiana Health officials are concerned the coming change of season the see a surge in cases. India has hit another milestone in its corona Virus Outbreak with at least 50000. 00 people now dead last week the country overtook the u. K. To record the worlds 4th worst death toll some experts suspect the actual total is far higher because of low levels of testing indias council of medical Research Estimates and 28000000 tests have been carried out since january but there are over 1300000000 people in the country chile is expected to begin a phased lifting of one of the worlds longest coronavirus lockdowns on monday restrictions will be gradually ease in parts of the capital santiago after more than 150. 00 days some latin american countries have begun reopening their economies since may despite the World Health Organization declaring the region the new epicenter of the pandemic or the pandemic has led to japans suffering the worst Economic Contraction in its modern history it shrank by 7. 8 percent in the 2nd quarter from april to June Robin Wright reports on the slump in japans economy the scale of japans contraction is worse than even the most pessimistic full costs it would translate into an annualized decline of more than 27 percent for an economy that was already in recession it took a big hit in the last quarter of 2019 and then the coronavirus effect began to come in in 2020 so the japanese economy is in a world of hurt exports like costs of fallen d by more than a quarter run a year ago while embarrassing tourists have virtually disappeared its a personal setback for japans Prime Minister shinzo ave who has made the economy one of his priorities and he will be hoping the only way for the economy to go now is up. She has a lot of. Which we will continue to make the optimists afford to put the economy on the growth path after it bottomed out in april and may has been widely criticized for his handling of the pandemic and abbate sale to provide any leadership he did not establish early on a control tower for policies dealing with containing cold at night great danger and critics say he delayed an Effective Response to save the tokyo summer olympics which have to be postponed anyway a huge Economic Cost and businesses have not adapted well to changed working practices when people had to move to teleworking and people had to move to more Digital Solutions japan was pretty unprepared for that compared to other advanced economies japans experience is in stark contrast to neighboring south korea which of all the developed nations is predicted to come out best from the pandemic with an Economic Contraction of less than one percent this year soul has been widely applauded for an effective early response to the outbreak without shutting down major parts of the economy its also credited with being nimbler and adapting its economy for a world altered forever by the pandemic brabant bride aljazeera seoul a south korean pastor who took part in a mass antigovernment rally at the weekend has tested positive for corona virus gen kong whom had called on the supporters to defy a social distancing and join the protest along with thousands of demonstrators hundreds of recent cases have been linked to the past his church in the capital so lawyers say the governments testing of 2000 Church Members was a gimmick to create fear. The government tried to expand the scope of critic 1000 test for to the church with unprecedented abuse of authority it was as if the child long child church was the only organization subject to cave in 1000 tests in the whole country the government exaggerated to the number of newly infected cases to spark a nationwide fear i have strong suspicions that this is the gimmick to arrest reverend john quien who in the south korean government dismissed the churchs allegation that it faked positive test results for all the members of the church. Didnt were very concerned because there were rumors among the child and child Church Members that they would test positive regardless which is impossible because we cannot favor kate test results tugs have begun towing the japanese bulk carrier thats been leaking oil onto the coast of malicious a walker c. E. O. Is heading to a ships graveyard in india 3 weeks after running aground and breaking up in rough seas it leaves behind a massive cleanup operation to stop more pollution of coral reefs and tourist beaches the time of ministration has announced further restrictions on ha way the Chinese Telecommunications giant will need a special license to access certain computer chips washington has been pushing for governments around the world to restrict holway claiming it hands over data to the Chinese Government denies those charges. Asperin mountains of Northern Ireland are thought to be hiding around 3800000000. 00 worth of gold and thats attracted the interest of a Canadian Mining Company many people say their say they want the metal to stay underground despite high gold prices and the prospect of new jobs when challenge reports. Theres nothing to leave him could do that would ease my maint and i dont leasing they can do is go away go back to canada pack up and go away for doma okane is literally sitting on a gold mine all rather what will be a gold mine if a Canadian Company gets its way to years ago this small protest camp sprang up to oppose it and we are absolutely determined there are people here who have said they are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the land and for the air and for the water here to keep it for their children and for their grandchildren concerned for the gift of nature the spin given to us means the gold what is there is no useful value to humanity in gold says shane metal thats what you get and thats a small bar of real gold. Lets see 20000. 00 for thats 20000. 00 worth a go yeah very heavy. Box with gold prices soaring in recent years there could be considerable value for dow radian gold and Northern Island 2 with 10 years of exploring it del radian says the spare and mountains of County Tyrone is one of the most promising undeveloped gold deposits in the world Peter Mckenna is spare in born and bred and its his job to convince people that dal radians gold mine will be small and discreet and as clean and modern as they come and itll bring work in building it but theres a construction project that will employ you know true 300 people and then when were open on them well be able to provide 350 direct jobs they would have a supply chain that will push 750000000 times into our local area across the lake for the one many dont believe this or dont care Northern Islands government has called a Public Inquiry into the proposed mine after a planning application received 40000 responses 37000 of them objections but this is by no means a simple story of local saying no to an International Company its a common place with mining that it often takes place in remote or rural areas with few other sources of income here in the spare and hills most people either work in small scale farming or trades like carpentry and construction its by no means a rich area. And it wasnt hard to find people here who want the mine mechanic terry kelly says theyre actually the majority that bring back a lot of the old large losses thats left you have to wonder what theyre going to see and what the stadium manged major stadium but leaving them out as experience they wouldnt like that yankee job here neighbor against neighbor brother against brother in this small rural Community One of the few things either side can agree on is that this mine has divided them rory chalons how does era County Tyrone Northern Ireland. California may have recorded the highest global temperature in more than a century 54. 4 degrees celsius the reading from death valleys Furnace Creek has been verified by the u. S. National Weather Service it comes as firefighters talk of several wildfires across the state. This is on jazeera these are the top stories the by the russian president says a new president ial election would be held after the country adopts a new constitution but Alexander Lukashenko warned earlier there would be no new elections until hes killed thousands of state workers are on strike and say the president must go step vasant has more from the. Extraordinary scenes here all day already at the. National state broadcaster who has been accused of being a propaganda mouthpiece for look people here have been calling for the truth to be. Airing lice they have sat. Behind me they were joined by thousands of workers from out of factories that are on strike here in. One of these factories this morning and he wasnt received as planned because the workers actually in front of him in his face which is absolutely extraordinary shouted also there for him to leave the Democratic Party in the u. S. Is gathering to formally nominate joe biden as his candidate for novembers election normally thousands of delegates would meet in person but its being held remotely because of the coronavirus pandemic. Crowds in sudans capital have been protesting on the 1st anniversary of the signing of the deal to share power demonstrators and cartoons say the transition to democracy is too slow following the overthrow of longtime leader all bashir. Indias Main Opposition Party is calling for a parliamentary investigation into facebook and whats up for allegedly favoring the ruling b j p the Congress Party bases its allegation on a wall street Journal Newspaper report the number of coronavirus deaths in the us now exceeds 170000 Health Officials are concerned the coming change of seasons will see a surge in cases chile is expected to begin a phase lifting of one of the worlds longest coronavirus lockdowns on monday destructions will be gradually eased in parts of the capital santiago after more than 150 days chiles recorded more than 385000 cases those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera its inside story goodbye. How high can the price of gold go the precious metal is being sold for a record 2000. 00 an ounce whats driving the gold was could it affect the chances of economic recovery from the corona virus and that this is a still. A welcome to the program. The coronavirus pandemic means we are facing

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