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The war gives birth to 3 nationalist movements that will determine the future world war one through our of the eyes on aljazeera. Best known to tourists for its beautiful beaches and dramatic coastline italian island of sardinia is also a major cut to make the western locals a long delayed these tests of the toxic effect. For years the authorities have refuted those playing reporter Emma Alberici went to investigate. If. The cause does morale day is a magnet for the rich and famous you need hosts the most beautiful beaches in the year. Its not hard to see what draws people to this place. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was one of the 1st to invest here. But ive come here to investigate the darkest side the coverups the secrets the mystery illnesses that have blighted lives on this glorious island for decades. The wealth of the north is a stark contrast to other parts of the island where visitors are forbidden. The saudis plays host to some of the worlds most elaborate war games like this one in 2015. Trident junction it was one of natos biggest exercises. Dozens of countries were involved in. The military exclusion zones cover more than a 3rd of sardinians land sea and air play rome is reported to be nike one and a half 1000000. 00 a day renting out this space to Foreign Forces and weapons manufacturers. Down south that entire lotta the beaches are just a stunning but they mostly inaccessible. The reka family has been fishing in these waters for generations zimbabwes arabs are on their bare back bottom was a lot more of it as i remember them or a couple of the manga given to the man got. Bradstock of what the rather than what happens if you do. About someone from really i would never bother with. The Italian Ministry of defense has deemed vast areas of the sea around sardinia off limits. Around their government on a minute out of one man and one annoy them really regret their ability for no apparent your name in the military are they watching us. Most of the military operations on sardinia have been kept secret since 951. Theyre the result of an arrangement struck with nato countries after the 2nd world war. And if you go. To them in the you know there. Are a purely has made it his lifes mission to bust open this wall of silence. He was once the political leader of sardinia but even then he couldnt get access to see what was going on at the military bases on the morrow purely dida eventually get into the tie a lot of military side but only after he was elected to the federal parliament in ra and what you want to know he was told they would be strictly no filming allowed. If you miss one imagining. That there are going to find a man or. If i dont know what it mean for the afghan official me. Despite the secrecy bits of information have started to leak out. In 2017 sardinia unhealthful far shes confirmed clear 1200 french made me laugh missiles arrived on the on. And over the 20 years to 2003 some were fired a town larger of course you need to mean it was a misdemeanor. 11 eyes he was a school roommate the idea the rhythm and. The guidance systems of these milan missiles each carries 3 grams of radioactive phoria. In heiling florian dust increases the risk of lung and pancreatic cancer. To the school bus and usually shortages and most of the country that didnt go nice she was all she was but i think that. It was. The main concern for sardinians living close to the firing ranges isnt about damage to the land or restricted axes. Theyre worried the bomb residue might be killing mail. Today or is saying goodbye to another of its citizens 59 year old mario drogo. As a young man he worked at the firing range. He died of lung cancer but he wasnt a smoker. Many of the people gathered here have been touched by cancer. Here share them with him most of them already in their church or they know they often speak to a lot of the station but more in the show theyre limato jobs under. The water column or more you dont see it i will get a lot of these its been decided to intervene to do our share not all that but more from want to measure julie on joining and his friends blame the italian Defense Force for their suffering. Due to modern almost. Never found that the sort of the full range of the a lot on your body to love what i. When that job and it was that it. The Italian Military has always denied doing anything to hurt the people of the land all the animals of sardinia. Of bondi of pierce and her husband john carroll have been fighting the military through the courts for 10 years but a little the little birthday it will still be a little our listeners thought it was. Just. A vision of the past francesco pyrrhus did his National Service in thailand it in the late ninetys he took part in military exercises and his parents say he was ordered to pick up old shields with his bare hands. A few years later at the age of 27 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. His parents blame the armed forces when i say fuck without throw in no matter what i meant to many. About the truth. Of sort of a general of the mallow. Was a more manly. With the. More. Difficult. This is the rubbish john carlos is built up in his sons leave. Their particles so small they can quickly pass through your lungs and into your body. Biomedical engineer anthony a to get it analyzed francescos liver tissue the and she found nano particles of 7 different metals in the juma including crimea. Tungsten and titanium. Theres no Metals Industry around but these are all used by the arms industry. Dr gassy believes francesco was contaminated by dust from a big explosion icicle at the. Ok. Who are looking. For that for them in. The science of nano particles is still new but the World Health Organization says an early signs show that find material may be harmful to Public Health. The w. H. O. Is encouraging further research. Dr gaddy has consulted to 4 parliamentary inquiries that looked into the activities of the italian Defense Force it was that if you know said the. That. Im in a corner or no. Authority figure out the only real little bit you. Very. Much is so. So that is. You know im in. This field. Who. Do you know. Its a 2 hour drive heading north out of town larder to the queerer bombing range. This is the scene of Tragic Health stories and mysterious birth defects that have come to be dumped the queerest syndrome. For many here life is still slow and traditional. But it sounds like a skull a plateau perched on the edge of the firing range. Zarin flying. To see the children the seaboard the agree that he quit because of food. Or disorder. But much of the much about this will be cut but i want to believe that the query. Is the biggest military test site in europe. Its used by nice countries as well as israel. Those living nearby have known much tragedy. Doc to guess he has become an advocate for some of the people of queer and. Maria teresa already had 10 healthy children when her last child arrived in 1988. The baby girl was born so severely deformed her mother has never let her photo be saying. She was baptized maria grassy or she was blind and couldnt move or speak i think thats. In the back of my. Skull apply no symmetry is a sad testament. One in 4 of the children born in the same year as maria ground 0 had some kind of deformity. Come into the mother. And spoken into the heart of. The banker said im allowed to let it out so youre not their doctor or. Dont need to feel lonely. John pierre osgar new has tried to hold the military to account he led a 2 year parliamentary inquiry. His committee met fierce resistance from the chiefs of defense. Send them to follow an offer that each of their cause and one trillion of a. May pully going to support there were further queer look. But come on children this will come through. Weve made repeated attempts to speak to the military during our search for this story but weve been blocked at every turn now this document dated 2011 has come our way its a confidential ministry of defense memo instructing military officials on how to respond to questions about the health and environmental conditions in and around the bombing sites what stands out is what they told to cite about birth defects they told to explain it away with a shocking allegation that children born with deformities of the result of inbreeding dogs each of the 1st in the future growth. In the seas general maltin a former head of the queer a base hes cool francois t. V. Delivery that came a siege. By a passing by a stranger will leave that image in the world of prosecutors and other families theres no evidence to support that climb. The children born with disabilities were conceived in the late eightys when old munitions bombs and rockets were being routinely despised dolls and queer they were blown up in a piece 20 meters deep and 40 meters wide. And it might. Not settle your families it goddammit kuhlmann or. Latino. Or devils. Decades dust from explode. And tests has rained down on the towns and the grazing fields of the firing range. Exactly what was in them no one knows. In nearly 2000 local doctors saw a spike in the number of unusual cancers in their patients. At the same time over in florence military pilot jim any kind of chiro was raising his concerns. Hed seen a high incidence of cancers among fellow soldiers returning from kosovo where they had been exposed to depleted uranium. Around the good of. The its an internet so that its not going to know if were going to be perfect or intervene youre Getting Better like 2030 minutes and i mean to explore so again we dont see. This to remain. On saturday no not. Yet are immune to the minute is basically like you. Have look at if you will be jammed. The Italian Military felt the pressure. Depleted uranium is mildly radioactive and long suspected of causing cancer and birth defects. Its used to help missiles penetrate. At queerer scientist Francesco Rica bono was flown in by the ministry of defense to do some soil tastes in front of a swarm of local media. Is not going to convince youre out there im going to the photograph of. You debug the movie in all of the running for the for the monitor yeah theres a little Francesco Riccobono didnt find any depleted uranium keeping quiet about the possible. Thore im defense declared the firing range clear. To the sunni admin to run anonymous but have a battle. Going on the people even to the last of the year so really going into. One of the line at the q did you grow it to. Look you know i was really received with its a disgrace and. Then in 2010 events took a shocking turn. The photos youre about to see are disturbing. A land born with one. Others with deformities the line and severity of which scientists and Public Health experts had never seen before. They thought well no that was their mother or your mom the kid. Then. Better move in there it was the mother for them or. Be. There to georgia mehlis corrosion reporter for the District Health or farsi assessing the risks posed by the bombing range. From markedly the team of scientists found 65 percent of the shepherds living close to the range had cancers that get placed where nobody going to be in sort of more walk. The von maur. Brain. When even if it. Blows your knee bombarded them into a little bit about. The quest for the better. But. The only main. Living. Beyond what you look at will be informative they live. In more. Immediately a formal Police Investigation was launched the Court Ordered the exhumation of 18 shipments died in the 20 years up to 20. Binds were shipped here to easily snow and examined at 2 universities. Nuclear physicist evangel seanie lin some of that research. To analyse is all but. In the car or. In. Your. View. Those 11 shepherds with high levels of thore in the nearby woods had all lived close to the firing range. Or more of the shore dog in that authority or by george. The opposition there. In the regional capital lana say the chief prosecutor called a meeting with the scientist who done the soil testing for the military. Why hadnt research of francesco rico bono found any ranee and all the much more dangerous thore him in the soil as we were. While he was questioned up steves outside police opened his car and he did a listening device inside. As he drove back to the airport the bug picked up his conversation with an assistant. Hed been interrogated for leaving thore and words out of his record and he was angry with the military this age going with them because the ones who commissioned us to do this work if you thought that was important if youre honest you say to me make sure to include it because its important to. Francesco rekha bonos university received a 2400000. 00 government grant to carry out its work. He was later acquitted of charges that he was involved in a cover up. Morrow pili is still convinced of foul play. But then the faster they start will beat the roy and the. Ball. In so many think a single. Better equipped every dollar book will be an. 8 former commanders at queerer and now on trial charged with breaching the duty of care for the health and safety of soldiers and civilians. One of them is fabio tenney infamously caught on film climbing sardinians in brit school another is Paolo Ritchie who had declared queerer iranian free little businesswoman and it really after 2 decades and 3 previous inconclusive inquiries last g. And john pieros garner his committee made a bold finding and of course trying to mentor for a month or less is the incessant biana during the blue mess so the cozily. Lecture 30 suppose its on the low then in full really dont they live but gee i didnt check the name in it that a quest will not get the media. For the 1st time nano particles of depleted uranium were found to play a role in the possible development of cheap. Crucially for ian when in high old or in just it was found to be 5 times more dangerous than depleted uranium. The scouting report was dismissed by the italian Defense Force. And they refer to. The letter a letter on the. The larkham. Youre president for an element that says that the script the leverage. But after all that work by the commission a new law to monitor the health of soldiers was blocked by the upper house in russia. For decades sardinia has held its secrets close. Its been mocked in an uncomfortable embrace with the worlds military. In a country mired in debt defense contracts are a source of income but also quite possibly the cause of untold misery. After all the inquiries and with military brass now on trial for the people of this island paradise there is a glimmer of hope that the truth and i finally see the light of day. They come in hope and in search of work to provide a better life for the families theyve left behind. But though their labor is vital to release Food Industry they risk exploitation by corporations and organized crime. Trapped in a system with little hope of escape people in power investigates italy. On aljazeera. When a Mining Company struck gold the local community was promised a glittering future. But their dreams quickly tarnished. Their farmland decimated and their pride assaulted the mind soon closed now the Impoverished Community are left searching for answers no gold for cull saka witness on aljazeera. In 2008 aljazeera documented a groundbreaking ski. Preparing some of it in the as poor as children for entry into its toughest universities ready. We return to see other students and the scheme helping change the face of india. Super 30 announces iraq. Play an Important Role protecting it when. Ringback the. Democratic National Convention begins a Virtual Event which will see joe biden formally named the partys president ial candidates. Live from doha and im Kemal Santa Maria this is the world news from algiers. And the. Protesters in belarus heckled president alexander the banker while the main Opposition Leader called on the military to switch sides. Also tear gas and stun grenades

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