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Arabia over his murder and 11 went on trial much of what happened in the courtroom remains a mystery the trial was done in secret and close trial that there was no International Observers in the hands of the victims or the accused were not published. And theres no more. Appeal possible so the nature of the evidence although you know every technical part of the trial almost has been questioned by. Internationally accepted judicial standards last year 5 of them were given the Death Penalty for the killing but thats been kept to 20 years in prison 3 others have been given sentences of saving to teenie is and will say is calling a fast i think. The whole verdict seems to me to have been manipulated and i way they used of course they did it behind a fig leaf according to practice Legal Practice in saudi arabia and the family has the right to commute sentence and the family has issued such a declaration most probably under duress i dont think it was done really knowing the family. Knowing a man so i was surprised by that too official she sounds made the saudi king and crown prince in the weeks after they found his killing the cia and other intelligence agencies have said theres a direct link between the crown prince and the murder the case caused worldwide outrage and tarnished mohammed bin sahlins reputation with several of those in the hit squad coming from. In his inner circle though he denies involvement the u. N. Experts who investigated can show g. s murder in a series of tweets the saudi prosecutor performed one more today in this parody of justice but these verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy she went on to say that crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon remains well protected against any meaningful scrutiny in his country and that the verdicts cant be allowed to whitewash what happened the saudi Prosecutor Says this closes the case both privately and publicly many though say justice for shoghi has not been served brian al jazeera. Now the e. U. Is condemning the disappearance of belorussian opposition figure Maria Kolesnik over witnesses say she was taken away in a van by masked men in minutes she is one of 3 women who challenge Alexander Lukashenko is disputed election last month britains foreign minister has summoned the Russian Ambassador to the u. K. Over the poisoning of Opposition Leader and next in a valley the valley has been brought out of a medically induced coma now and doctors in berlin where hes been treated say hes been responsive german experts say he was poisoned with a nerve agent from the family be chock the u. S. President ial campaign has officially kicked off and President Donald Trump is trailing his democratic rival joe biden in the polls trump is campaigning on law and order while biden is challenging trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic on trumps former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is now alleging in a new book that the president made disparaging remarks about black leaders cohen says trump described Nelson Mandela as a poor leader who ruined south africa the Mandela Foundation has responded calling trump arrogant and uninformed nearly 300 refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting at sea for several months they were bound for malaysia but were pushed back as borders tightened because of the pandemic. Well those are the headlines ill have another news update for you off to the dockside of green energy to stay with us here on out as there. Was just too long to protest against Climate Change the protests are planned you know the trouble to try to. March in some city square for years its existence has been denied but today Climate Change has become a global concern. Citizens are asking their elected officials for concrete solutions to fight pollution and rising temperatures why should we study forests you should that is being taken away from us i. Mean 2015195 countries committed to reducing their c o 2 emissions at the end of the calm 21 conference in new Energy Transition initiatives were officially launched. But. I think. The age of petroleum dominance is coming to an end Green Technologies such as Wind Turbines and solar panels will now find their place through one of the most impressive an astounding technological revolutions in all of history make our planet great the good. One object becomes a symbol of this new ecological era feel like trick current news on socalled or news articles on peer. Over to i dont think i know you know what is going to. To nepal and to say were due to leave for them to the things. People are just talking about wind and solar as if thats going to solve the problem it wont. As the Energy Transition takes us away from fossil fuel resources it is already generating new environmental disasters everything wish rondos with it and its made of minerals basically electric cars are made of metal should be motion they need to be mind somewhere. Until it can gain that or a ship with and without it in the with and thats what with them it took until it were. Like dark side of korean energies and often overlooked. Because the industrial and political challenges are numerous a cliche has a ticket on the most good wishing for some of the oh its all the subtle measures did look at his in a british. Source in a 2nd if he says the 2nd figure she did he told you so here was a fear that youll hear. What if the promise of clean energy was only an illusion. What if green text remedies were actually worse than the evils of fossil fuels. The ecological transition is above all an economic transition. To be convinced one only needs to visit the stanza genevas huge car show. Electric is in fashion. It is even the industrys future. New vehicles are presented as green or stamp to z. For 0 emissions. The ecological argument offers traditional car makers the opportunity to reinvent themselves because since the diesel gate scandal in 2015 buyers have become more responsible. Adopters of electric vehicles are people who believe in sustainability they want to do good for the environment and they want to do their part to contribute to fewer emissions and less pollution. As one of those did in more distribute them overall going up as they were to take and this is why for us a b. M. W. Group its important to offer electrify its driving in each of our segments. In addition to the publics newfound awareness there are new environmental constraints. This is one of the effects of cop 21 especially in the european union. By 2030 vehicles will have to emit almost 40 percent less c o 2 per kilometer. But the electric car results firstly from political decisions. We have to meet the c o 2 emission targets are set by the European Commission that all of us manufacturers have to make and theyre becoming more and more stringent if we dont meet those targets there are penalties that will follow and well have to pay those penalties and this is whats we of course want to avoid it. What we hear from the automakers is that the electric car presents only advantages. On top of preserving the environment it will create new jobs. So it would be a technological miracle. Tomorrow hundreds of millions of electric vehicles will drive all over the planet. But manufacturers know perfectly well. Electric vehicles are not as clean as they are telling us. Yes has been abandoned but other Raw Materials which have become essential have replaced it. These are rare metals. I mean the law itself in most thanks. So walk us through what a more normal mike would. Look what he meant to walk i see. You know if you want to read the middle. Name want a mode of what you are someone youre going to do you know its a big deal out with a. Meter and a fortune in which one it. Rare metals are already present everywhere and gas fueled vehicles. Sorry im for example allows windshields to filter out the suns u. V. Rays. Thanks to your o. P. M. And terbium screens are colored red or blue. But in an electric car the role of rare metals is much more important. They even impact the vehicles vital functions. Without neodymium the electric car simply could not roll. Could they would you sell off that we keep these evil city mosul duty to donate more to any creature it will benefit to close hold me now he creek on email she make any sort of what you. The battery is the heart of an electric car it weighs up to half the weight of the vehicle and would not function without wear medals. To produce a maximum autonomy an electric battery contains among other things cobalt or graphite but thats not all. Good but its real simple tomato ill throw a huge amount of cruel easy to me to add the additional gee it it took you wouldnt even to mention. The Automobile Industry has therefore become entirely dependent on these unknown Raw Materials. Raw materials that are also found in most Green Technologies. Yeah i can live with trying to click that was going to do me to harm and it off i was on this immobile example poornima they were yanna who are do push here. To work you will damage the fabric usually cyrano on the back so left for this in you know a foot over the leak our own views on the middle half no cord you have an analogy that you know you hold the rabbit you know when that was why they made the hard. Clean energy currently represents only 7 percent of the planets electricity production. With the Energy Transition solar and wind power will supply almost half of our electricity in 2050. In this greener world it will soon be difficult to light heat or move around without rare metals. We can equate Global Demand will explode. There is a will ye know what were really limited haha plus depend on. The fast or nearly by the only one on the dossier gongs it will yen by the end of show. Dont i met. Well which is usually when talking to the middle haha but hey would you. After all dependence were in the process of setting up a new dependence. So where do these absolutely essential resources come from. Why are manufacturers not communicating on their importance. Perhaps because rare metals are extracted far from our cities far from site. Cobalt comes mainly from mines in the democratic republic of the congo. Astray chile and bolivia have abundant lithium deposits. Indonesia is a key producer of tantalum zirconium or 10. Thousands of mines on 4 continents are already producing hundreds of millions of tons of these resources. But one country in particular has colossal reserves of these strategic from materials china. The worlds leading producer of rare metals china extracts 70 percent of one mineral that is particularly prized by green tech manufacturers. Graphite. We are in chinas Far North Region in the province of hey long. Here the giant excavators brought down the mountain and laid bare the water tables. To ensure our green future graphite is refined in antiquated factories. Humans from great risks and nature is destroyed. Graphite residues are scattered across the countryside. These lives count very little compared to the billions in business that graphite produces for beijing. And china has thousands of rare earth metal mines and refineries. In antimony gallia but also tungsten. They are scattered throughout the country. Trench she. Thought she know how. To reach it so i waited. You know it all you got the job. On the show show your father your quite unique when he went out to show you what are some of the hot maybe a sense of it all back to our show for you. The chinese are paying a particularly heavy environmental and human price to allow our world to transition to green energy. If youre a National Debate on the. Other if youre free free if you prefer how brutally i dont. Know it and i. Wouldnt put a whole whole got it hot i know theyre going to if you put. The what other way but then i dont have. To dip. Before then the thing where if you end up with. 2000 miles from a long Inner Mongolia the chinese have built spectacular industrial centers. And those in the town of about 2 are entirely dedicated to the refining of ram minerals a specific family of rare metals. The main pollution discharged from these factories is untreated waste water. At the gates of the city a huge artificial lake is born fed by torrents of black water saturated with assets and heavy metals such as fluorine or mercury. Go through. From what were trying on the here. Have you seen what is halfway down. If you have a show or when you are youre with any of them from now on out without people or what if if it. Dr who are good at it whats. Going on you would do. I all if it i found it in that they were going to talk with me to hear you know now im going to think that was a quarter and other to what on earth would a young tend to do if theyre trying to acquire a cell phone coverage my yet how are you know without republishing where. These sources of pollution other price to be paid so well Wind Turbines or solar panels and our green cars can purify the air in europe. Whole regions at the other end of the world i just joy. And the higher the paradox is that these toxic discharges m. Polluting emissions continue to worsen our planets atmosphere pollution. You need. To portray. 010 c. Would do both solid core law was awful is it to get the viewers if that was when i backed. So vogel the scale of pollution was any of a problem those objects to support for. A mission to sell to the vision of a good job with a blog come on a limited buffer but for the noise 103 edition was where you. Are Green Technology is contained not only ram minerals. They are also made up of all kinds of metals even the most abundant. To build a wind turbine you need on average 20 tons of aluminum and up to 500 tons of steel. An electric vehicle can contain up to 175 pounds of copper this is 4 times more than some gasoline powered cars. This red brown metal is particularly popular with green tech manufacturers. Clique demond look at creative you create best group you know yeah and what we can offer me you fully fully in your pea form the more distance you. Really what uniquely about you from a devoted to the party donkey from godly battery agree with spastic. So paula can you feel our example for all 6 elderly or paltry new premium. Nutrient content on the plain old new 90 day all the all the all police on your army and upon the people i call so unfortunately fossils were not actually known for the quality of the men quantity the only call portion that i call on dont call dont even follow up the real school and these are plenty the people didnt mentee once they move through the need a good mold just. With a need for abundant metals such as copper or many other countries are now impacted by the production of green energies. Its a subject the promoters of the Energy Transition are remaining very discrete about. To measure the extent of the damage we must travel thousands of miles. In northern chile. It should be come out and mine is the Worlds Largest open peg copper mine. This mine is state owned it is a huge crater 2. 5 miles in diameter and more than half a mile deep. As Global Demand increases the number of people in machines in operation continues to increase. In the football and she got mad at the name oprah moved over a few more load. That there isnt that the internet done it. But i mean theres a call to finish him off before merely were in this aluminum and youll be in a process to get there in the to be civil youre going to see the result of it what was interested in me when i go to finish. It do not use it to go but i want i mean what this interested in the millions. To come out contains 13 percent of the world copper reserves. But the deeper you dig into the rock the less metal there as. With the current rates the material is already starting to become scarce. Problem the point is you know you cannot known the questions i mean. Please your office will present almost. Between mesnil a point from a completely dollars and indian economy. If you are playing because all the financial nuclear. As with graphite in china juki commodity contaminate the surrounding soils and rivers with its toxic releases of heavy metals discharged into nature. But in chile counter mining has serious cascading effects. In a country where the smell supports almost 10 percent of the working population only a handful of individuals dare to publicly denounce the impact of the mine on the environment they model to model our human impact to be a more youve. Been a minute here in the in the tomato. To extract and refine the copper you need water lots of water. Chookie come out of consumes almost 2000 liters of water per 2nd. However in certain areas of this desert one of the most arid zones in the world it has not rained for 500 years. But then of will feel alice 11 up us so that obviously our environmental soups in us or let me near is the. Only color ceci got all but the government bailout well i gotta know how well i can manage to run this i can it up so fast forward explode if i wont get an argument that the name of come on a set of on a property yet the subaru pulling it is. In the global fight against Financial Crime banks rely on databases for customer checks and it requires you to sure that you know who that person is and you understand the risk of that person brings to the bank in terms of Financial Crime aljazeera world investigates big Financial Data and what can happen if you find yourself on a list where. Terrorists the database on aljazeera. If you were looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going on but do you see the race is a religion that they have an indepth explanation of global capitalism and our obsession with economic drugs this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital for next we are trying to play it well smaller and smaller we dont want to be set realistic in the world we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on aljazeera. The roof youre. The world. Hello again im a stones you tie in doha with the headlines here on aljazeera saudi arabia is facing more criticism for overturning the death sentences of members who are part of a hit squad who killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi 8 people have been handed jail terms of between 7 and 20 as the journalist was strangled and dismembered in istanbul and 2018 the u. Is condemning the disappearance of better russian opposition figure Maria Kolesnikov on witnesses say she was taken away in a van by masked men in minsk shes one of 3 women who challenge the Alexander Lukashenko is disputed election last month britains foreign minister has summoned the Russian Ambassador to the u. K. Over the poisoning of russian Opposition Leader and next in a valley in a valley has been brought out of a medically induced coma now and doctors in berlin where hes been treated say he has been responsive german experts say he was poisoned with one of the nub agent a family not the chalk. Donald trumps former personal lawyer Michael Cohen is alleging in a new book that the president made disparaging remarks about black leaders cohen says trump described Nelson Mandela as a poor leader who really in south africa the Mandela Foundation has responded calling trump arrogant and uninformed wasnt jordan has more on cohens book michael cole with apparently also has written in his memoir that donald trump was so incensed by the election of barack obama that he actually had a lookalike hired to play the president so that trouble could routinely bill rate him and then tell them that he was quote fired and he has released a photo from his memoir showing this apparent interaction between donald club and the. Former u. S. President. All this as the u. S. President ial campaign has officially kicked off and President Trump is trailing his democratic rival joe biden in the polls trump is campaigning on law and order while biden is challenging trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic nearly 300. 00 range refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting at sea for several months at least 30 people died on that journey they were bound for malaysia but were pushed back as borders tightened because of the pandemic well those are the headlines i will have more for you here to part 2 of the dark side of green energy. When the fukushima tsunami hit japans coastline in 2011 it destroyed everything in its path in the octomom darcys began building a bathtub you see will along 100 kilometers of the coastline its hard construction will be completed by 2021 and a continuous line of walls would close off every river along the splintered northeast coast of japan. The project also includes a day or 2 less door open to allow the river to flow into the sea. There only boy me a bit. But the megaprojects has raised questions how far must we go to protect ourselves from natural disaster. And how effective it really in attempting. To measure the real impact of mining the whole system must be analyzed not just the mine because the contamination zone extends over several 1000 square kilometers. The city of santa forgot is a 4 hour drive southwest of the chickie come out to mine. Its inhabitants live to the rhythm of the daily ballet of trucks and trains which transport the copper from this industrial port words exported to the 4 consonants. The air is saturated with particles of heavy metals disseminated by these convoys which nobody pays attention to anymore. Even far from the mine the 200000 inhabitants of answer for gas to suffer from the diseases associated with. In the city Center Healthy disaster has already started. In 2016 this doctor published a study that was ignored by the Mining Industry analysts. Theres still the loss of queer less still. Have the meaning from nearly anything going to trial ill take off the gloves in the middle of the cell. For your sinful name and then put a fiction because there were letters in the not the last i think so unless you can see me he left his children there goes a little 911 and what the sewer lets you on like on time you know as soon as he nearly. An answer for gusto in certain districts more than 10 percent of the population suffers from cancer due to the copper industry. That the limit. In look is that theyre in it their moment you know gas will set thats in the good of all us young yet for company now it is their time you deal in those years there was the attack on bro let me build the. Guns that were never going to him in. A 2nd if you choose the 2nd figure so that we told you so he would have fear youll hear. If you see him in the center and if you. Get to some of them and if you look at it when the. People who. Are in the field i mean listen if youre going wildly and if youre very this. To me about. The Energy Transition sometimes turns to absurdity to make green energy. The use of coal is increasing in certain places on the planet. The world of green tax is not as for us as some consumerism magine. On the outskirts of oslo the countryside is immaculate and the norwegians are proud to be among the most environmentally friendly populations on earth. Here the streets are clean and the locals breathe clean air. It must be said that in the scandinavian kingdom the Energy Transition was launched 20 years ago already. Electro mobility has become a religion. Today one in 2 new cars purchased this electric. Its the world record. A lot of guests. Over it. If you would just saw. A tool in the tucson. Pawpaw. From a bit annoyed again hard at all cost issues some scroll all of the lists bought in their trips be lived. Charging stations have invaded oslo streets. There are 400 today. They will be 802025. The hardened will there laugh or delayed you know to get. Them to get out this book positing it or its a leg and mung hard to come in there to get up despite getting it to lex r. T. L. Sophie. It except. Some. Called. This all felt that on. Norway is a country entirely dominated by green energies. Is visible everywhere. Theres some degree of hypocrisy involved here politicians are aware of the situation of. Minerals and material from it but they consider them maybe less important. Than electrifying the reach of society and having elected. For the new regional authorities the calculation of c o 2 emissions seems to stop at the countrys borders. That it will call program to. Evolution at the. Deploying. Stands oddie can more live what visco goodness lol so probably still see up to be in the hardy used for the wing in 40 v. Imported a. B. Little me confidence results and many. Specifics of the sort of new color difference is huge for the sometimes portrait. In norway the electric vehicle the emblem of green tax is universally popular as it is everywhere else in europe. Politicians and industry are promoting them everywhere even if many have known about its true ecological impact for a long time. Never truly takes advantage of unusual a bunch of them along with the most idea. Say before simone rebel fighter media and this is. The insight and as you pull to steepen the celeb only release the only n b r. 40 grand the moment imo to describe scream you to the city which i dont think it is so well open it. Unless i have a you dont want all this emission so do continue on the multi lowered to a click no higher i said us show you dont offer. On Adult Contemporary look push an elected date. The profits of the Energy Transition are sweeping aside the questions raised by Green Technologies. Because in the short term the green tax are primarily synonymous with a new industrial revolution. Globally at a time of recession 25000000 green jobs will be created in the next 10 years. Western leaders dream of taking advantage of the economic windfall represented by Green Technologies. But this dream may never come true. Because the country has already taken control of these new professions. China which holds 75 percent of the rare metal reserves in the world intends to take advantage of its advantage. Where you go to undertake. It on the highway or do you want to try to here you go with us you want to go arch where you go cynthia for coal could see from a. Coke. In the south of china. The old fishing port of shiens and is today a thriving economic center. Get a capital city of 12000000. 00 inhabitants growing at the rate of chinas Largest Technology companies. The y. D. Is one of the most important. From a subcontractor manufacturing batteries in just 10 years the company as the. Come a behavior of automobile construction. Party value the idea sound and hollow are for one person they are unsure so i dont know where you train your tea party value yardage you want all or tall or you just like you dont need only some of the talk about artisan. The 16000. 00 persons that brunch and scented day are 100 percent electric. The y. D. Also supplies taxi companies. And the ambitions of this economic giant are now global. The audition i am sure that would eat them would change or do without will which will point out the true trouble from a literature some of the old almost. Walked through it did not want to show it on the train or found out handy to democracy was the word to really pick go ratio of words you can invision. I think to learn what you devote simak valdivia on the web i think they want you to share. Loss cuffy also fully close with who will be disgraced. Chinese industry is no longer the only one threatening european jobs many other Mining Countries are dreaming of becoming the new motors of the Energy Transition. He necessary all it is then it is. To listen at the alma. Or via missile see me at the victory side then this is. Some. Divide will come a red storm or there some she lives will believe you also her lead you to but that is it lonesome believe you know it the unity unity to dumb thing even look deeper than the merely had me in. Long men started special at least you. With batteries needed for electric cars the world demand for lithium has literally exploded. And this demand is expected to be multiplied by 20 within 15 years. In southwest bolivia at an altitude of more than 11000 feet. The uni saw flag is a sea of salt covering 4000 square miles. A no mans land with the largest reserves of lithium on the planet. At the moment this time also not by lead us young but to most of the courses one thought that meant that the amassed. Better yet when i was up was a really nice at them or. Other thing when talks and of course the never said among the this in a basin or. By becoming the number one producer of lithium in the world the bolivians hope one day to be able to fix the price to better enrich themselves as china does today with many battles. The Public Company which operates this brand new factory was created for this purpose 10 years ago by the government. But you cannot be made better off at the moment the windows 3 or the cost of sentiment by the bank about those boarded up while. The b. C. s dont embrace a. Gene all. A single also dont. Want to but i suggest you look across 3 of the plan. To invest in bolivia you must now commit to buying local f. M. An effective way to gain access to markets in countries around the world. One of the most of us fast pace but hes a man that when there are sources to start taking its. Not a demanding one talent that he has really. And does a sea change the message about the man but hes honest the last one is on top of. The world Lithium Market will be 45000000000. 00 by 2022. The post oil era is a unique and almost unseen opportunity for the andean republic. Even dreams of exporting Green Technologies produced with its own resources. By israel a little communal is going on as is but also skins or less is found on good tundra bara this as one of the local media even though a little while you. Are you are well already oh yeah as far as him picking his color yes programs are. Your normal job and therefore i meant the mother of prima as well norm wasnt. Like bolivia many countries dream of taking their place in the Global Economy as it takes shape. This is also the revolution in Green Technologies. As for the promise of a limited human impact on the environment it does not weigh heavily in the face of these considerable challenges. And the rush for these new Raw Materials will also ultimately destroy our planet. The ultimate paradox in the world of green tech is the question of recycling it. Like that of Wind Turbines for example whose lifespan is limited. In northern germany huge plates have been abandoned in the wild. For several years lost their mire has been denouncing the multiplication of these and authorized dumps. Thats. Probably. In germany alone between 20. 30 tonnes of wind turbine blades less now be recycled each year. When kind of. Doesnt need a lot. Its kind of a. Strain you note of your use of a cycling reader through 2 feet or in. Your mind and agreeing to take the front of. That. Dot. In the rest. Put it like youd probably be shown. The cunt. Humam ended in bly him feel like. And the question of rare metals remains. What to do with these Raw Materials present in solar panels electric batteries and wind turbine rotors. Due to the lack of investment and despite their rarity most of them are hardly recycled at all. So as you could guess it was about all this could. Explain to me no but with the washer explained if you are those who question only most measuring today so if its you know so it has. To submit to your betting you know where to go. Just to get your version of what you know to sit in your little it put it there half of a set but if you want it was your table cult. Because the more you. Will the salvation of green energy is being new discoveries. This is the gamble being made by industrialists persuaded theyll find ways to make the sector more virtuous. Were going up and got to hear our politicians should take their plants rescue. Respond example and also a lesson you set out again its a traditional and useful theyre hoping for jordan to buy the selectee some basis for your sins but. To come in for a depression to stop us has some. Special phone number to some prove it met her before the baptists are there to shut him up in the end pollution is what im quite happy. To go all over the us role in the only one it will take that we think of a few little just at the altar. He strips this region up even though many of us are the followers except. For Family Planning a trip on time for all secrecy the release of fusion. And what if we have forgotten. That in any change brought about by industry it is primarily their Business Sustainability that prevails. In the world of business and commerce is driving the Energy Transition and so its not like theres benevolent heartful people out there trying to solve the problems in the best possible ways the Wind Companies and the Solar Companies are trying to make a profit theyre trying to have a profitable business and thats not going to save the planet or save our human race. Will do us to in the us its a cute little kids who want to point out what i meant to neal my point of you know source. Makes like t. V. s most i mean you told your survey that she going to ask the kids will say is complete my. Right now Industrial Society talks about growth in the elected officials the politicians all want to have Global Growth growth in the economy growth in spending growth and investments everybody wants wants growth but the truth is we need to do to orchestrate a major u. Turn in a fundamentally different direction we need to live in a different kind of way we need to start reducing the amount of damage we do to the earth. Do you. Think she found my good you know. Good teacher. Will miss in the mean time how 1. 00 she feed on to a woman be sure that the woman. We all shall. You she fung find out what are you doing so good that they on the phone on beautician to talk to woman to intrude on. We need to radically reduce the energy and material consumption in our lives that is not a message you can easily sell to the world of business to the captains of industry that is not a message you can sell to the politicians who want to be reelected. Can we really give up on growth even if it is green and with it give up on a part of our material comfort. It is urgent to rethink our relationship with Raw Materials. To ultimately consume less energy. And extract fewer resources. But. How once again welcome to another look at the International Full cost the skies remain lost a clear across a good pop off the u. S. Certainly where we need the cloud and the right over towards the west side of the country no hints of that what weather we do get and in fact wintry weather asked to be the one the spinning outs of kind of that you see this long line of cloud here just coming out of count of their offices got she want pushing through manitoba ducking down across the Northern Plains that will sink. The south was so temperatures in casper add in denver wyoming and colorado plunging around about like 2025 degrees massive drop in temperatures here so there will be some snow there be quite a came windus could be a real change in conditions here not west of weather pushes all the way over towards the lakes no sign of any right as i said over towards the west but as hot as it has been with 31 celsius is still plenty hot enough and above the average for the southeast we got some showers in play here they are going to continue as we go into the middle of the way and notice for the deep south texas seeing some really heavy rainfall we could actually have flooding the some here showers continue across parts of the caribbean the heaviest of which will be into Central America with a scattering of showers the guy trying to these. Are. Jammed into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on and online be part of the debate i mean could you keep coming steve you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the semicolons that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way we could see even equating to business if were going to adapt to climate breakdown this tree on out is there. Jamal khashoggi is fiance cause of a fast death sentences for some of the saudi hit squad who killed the journalist and 2018 are cut to jail terms. Of their im a star and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up snatched by masked men fears for the safety of a prominent opposition figure and better words. New controversy is donald trump hits the campaign trail a new book says he called Nelson Mandela a poor leader who ruined south africa. And still in a mood to passy packing the beaches in brazil to mark Independence Day despite a coronavirus crisis. Now saudi arabia is being criticized for overturning death sentences for members of the hit squad who murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi 8 people have instead been handed jail terms of between 7 and 20 years the journalist was strangled and dismembered in istanbul and 2018 turkey says the court ruling did not meet International Expectations alexia brian reports the saudi hit squad accused of killing journalist jamal who

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