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A willingness to aids convicted criminals to tain e. U. Citizenship our Investigative Reporter David Harrison has more now from the casea what theyre saying they said it was the current scheme is being abolished now that of course doesnt mean that may or may not be reborn in another fall that we have to see a wait and see what we do know is that they do have some previous to that in the separate government of weakening and tweaking the treatment to make it stronger tougher to get the regulations only to soften them later so that is really one of the future obviously well be watching that very closely as well as people who have been venting their fury on social media at the corruption that we exposed. The 2nd day of the confirmation hearing for a new u. S. Supreme Court Justice is underway in washington democrats are trying to delay the republican push to get any kone baratz confirms before election day in 3 weeks time. U. S. President donald trump is back with the crowds trying to fire up a campaign and by his covert 19 diagnosis trump took to the stage with a its a mask to rally supporters in florida thats after the white house doctor confirmed he tested negative for corona virus malaysias Opposition Leader and were abraham has met the king as he tries to form a new government he says he has the Parliamentary Support needed to replace Prime Minister mohi dean yes seen china has voted to response if the u. S. Goes ahead with plans arms sales to taiwan the latest sale includes rocket launchers missiles and unfun sensors for fighter jets china regards taiwan as a breakaway province and has not ruled out using force so if we take the islands that see up to date stay with us here on aljazeera the stream is up next the e. U. Who suggested that it is willing to go to extreme and unreasonable its simply true leverage against the u. K. In on the good news for a Free Trade Agreement with no deal on the cards is it game over britain and the e. U. Finally breaks it down to 0. I am femi ok in this episode of the stream requires a warning we are going to be talking about rape torture and the Sexual Harassment of women in banda desh and with the women who will not necessarily see any justice so if you need a moment to leave the room if you are watching with somebody who needs to leave the room i will give you that moment meanwhile on you tube Sexual Violence against women it is not particular to bangladesh it happens will of the well to wherever you happen to be if you have a comment you have a question for i guess you know what to do jump into the comments section and you too can be part of todays show. I will say hello to the guests the guests were introduce themselves to you jack area please tell everybody who you are welcome to the stream thank you. So much youre going to walk into an Amnesty International as is so here is a. Welcome hello sero would we need to know about you for todays discussion welcome to the street. Bank love having a son im a lawyer and i practice with the court. Good to have you should prove a nice to have you on the street i wish it was under better circumstances introduce yourself to the world. Thank you mr brokaw the state of the trial its on justice and human rights. And i guess im going to start on my laptop with a political cartoon and share it with you because he pretty much sums up the challenge is that the stream had china to get in touch with officials from the bank to his government to join us in this conversation says formal goals get rate in bangladesh every day at the new it takes new action why because a significant percentage of the rapists possess political power since they can get away with rape or even murders so if you get right to killed in this country you wont get any justice and theres the figures of authority sitting there not paying any attention survivor at the desk felt that was a little bit like trying to do outreach to the bank and his government took about this subject to prove you have been reporting on rotates in bangladesh about Sexual Violence against women and why the people protesting now such a white skinned woman is not new in bangladesh what happened im so this is not the 1st time that weve had protests and i think what has really catalyzed it now is last week there was a video was released from really file and brutal gang rape that happened in all of this. But even before the distributor was released we were still talking about 2 distinct cases 2 gang rapes one in silhouette and the other in the chittagong kill checked up were already done anything media headlines and there were already protests over those issues as well so this this release of the video was. Just the straw that broke the camels back really and thats kind of what kick started this outrage where people took social media and also took to the streets to ask justice and you know while they have been unified in their call of just as theyre spinning different defiance different debates that have come up from the protesters as well. Again let me just being a con and and she was as you said outraged by this video going viral and starr i wanted to pick up from her comments here because its more than just a viral video lets take a look there is a viral video of a woman in bali getting sexually assaulted and raped by a group of men the circulating all over social media we shouldnt have to keep seeing explicit videos like this and constant hashtags for us to be sympathetic and to demand change these men that are committing these horrible crimes are getting little to no punishment at all it is up to us to demand justice and to change the mentality the woman deserved to get raped her simply existing hold these men accountable. Sallah people have been outraged by this video which is is now legally been asked to be taken down you cant see except that its almost impossible to remove it from everybody social media feeds but the idea that this would be a catalyst for more protests what is the biggest story that we should be looking at. Well as a superpower said a lot of the demands are around. Of focusing on the issue of impunity but the demands around asking for punishment and then. Those who commit rapes with impunity do even punishment for that do end up being. But i think theyre really making songs of convictions and trials going to a conclusion the bigger issue is why women who face this kind of agree just violence kong seek justice in the 1st place and i think there are many activists on the streets also reason that point that we have to have the right to seek justice is more important than that we have to end this reproach the fact that women are terrified and its a reality that this kind of violence can happen to you on the streets in Public Places even in workplaces and so on and i think its that united voice against rape culture now is a chance to kind of make a difference but to focus on the fact women can seek justice in these situations im just saying how much. Im just going to share a s k s a s case. We know what were talking about kind of because of rape in such a violent ways underreported so ask a legal age and Human Rights Organization just stand by for what were looking at this is january through september the number of women that theyve been able to money who have been great attempted rapes people who have died from being right people who committed suicide after being right you tube the comment is a saying we need we need to justice and we want to be out on the street safely. Justice how do women get justice actually families get justice we really connected to families its not just about women its about the entire community. Here ill direct will and make to heighten. The anger bar get beat 1st of all good to me get the goose on net natural the work by attached. The only woman has been defeated so theyre created shocking. And the 2nd thing is the words. From work to actually spoke of a boat there is a deep sense of injustice prevailing in the society primarily due to the lack of. Punishment im just giving you want one status to one. According to the one stock phrases standard data that theyre killing police ideally in our case did a man on the. Line 3 sets of and burst and easiest the punishments have been stopped so overwhelmingly i mean 99 percent of the gazes in the bar b. J. Does get away with it and the attorney is that there is a winning trust on the on the political activists and the institutions. Are going to expire but keep it here now and for these there is a political angle in newton visit india that there is in deep sense i mean there is a serious concern about the state of going up there to keep presentation in the source aid so there is a deep sense of disenfranchisement of how the societies drama how the state is run so i think it gong ignition of all this effect as. To the situation where we now are being. Given book why him. We have seen barry and jack and jack area we have to. We have to be very candid in this conversation and im going to sarah and and. To help me here because even the definition of what it means to be right. Is a very specific definition that doesnt help women in reporting it survive it and then get justice let me start with. Can you explain. How rape is seen in bangladesh in the legal terms but so that everybody can understand it so i try. To find that she is still under from almost over 150 years ago a lot left by the British Colonial rulers called the penal code and in that definition we have had a more recent law even that is 20 years old now. And spins women but in. A rape and in error and it requires penetration 1st and very strong penalties for different forms of Sexual Assault really present as im going to come out raging modestys at the other end. So im going to help over to pick up a little bit because its because were having trouble hearing your a chick over would you just finish off that definition for why it is difficult for women to actually say oh i have been sexually assaulted or write in bangladesh its about the definition. Yeah. The the way we define this really a part of our colonial legacy so its very very specific in our country and there it has to be. A specific form of penetration there we dont consider marital rape to be a grave the boy is i think is not at all what happens equating to case law but according to the actual written code it doesnt could sit its not considered to be rape in that sense sol there indefinitely a lot of concerns about the definition. The way that the Legal Processes work like theres also a lot of concern over the fact that during rape trials youre allowed to use character evidence so you can actually question them or ality of the rape survivor or when she is go its like the rape survivor herself is going on trial and not the rapist so there are a lot of kind of institution all bias against women that is a cause of concern but having said that does there is also a wider culture of shaming there is what we you know weve really been talking a lot about rape culture and i think thats truly unique about these protests is that people are really pointing that out theyre saying that wire rape survivor so afraid of coming to the police because in this specific case and the video that went viral it only went to fire all because the rapist themselves released it. And once this you know kind of took over social media people Start Talking about is the case dislodged only then did it come out that this woman had previously been abused a number of times by this person and his you know there his leader also local. And she was never able to go to anyone and talk about it i think is very telling that the rapists that was noticed released the video to you tell me it was. Found and so on so much impunity that they can release the video how would you think you could commit a crime like this in the least the video is a ive got some questions for you guessed it let me just share these with you. Should fly at says thank you rate should not be child in civil Court Justice delayed in delight they should be different banks and just system for great cases in our country so that she is in bangladesh is that possible. Having a different cool. That can actually look sexual so right its not even a legitimate possibility. We have actually chile. Maps right so we have this just. So we have. A special train. Track trying to escape i think 95 on countrywide and. I mean we also are arguing that these orbs have to be i think more. You have to fade out and more geographic coverage more not numbers and giving a lot of states and. Saluted the number of. Threats not only as a message thats already in place yes ok. Its most common its not that we dont need special courts we have special courts the Court Special tribunals and violence against women and children weve had them for 20 years so thats not really the issue the issue is about what happens in the court and the even bigger issue is about what happens before you get to court right so people are focusing a lot on the issue of the Legal Process were also very concerned with the laws in the changes that need to happen and so on but really a critical thing is how we enforcing what already exists how do women get access how do they can select complaints lodged when theyre being when theyre being terrified theyre being intimidated being told if they seek justice theyre liars theyre being defamed their families are being threatened the people they work with a threat how do we work in that situation thats really the cant get through to do it with a National Provider says the rape culture is the big thing to address and that also unfortunately carries on partly through the Legal Process in the investigation women and the island. So i get about whether what this in or not when they get me to court we have these almost 200 year old evidentially processes that means that women and believe their questions about the prospects of these. Images when you see ray i have to tell you i would do finger. Yes im ok since i was about about to describe an egregious practice which involves. Penetrating a woman to check to see if she has indeed been sexually assaulted which again is an assault in itself let me get across to lucy rae lucy rae was looking at how we get out of this situation how do we improve the situation for women who are survivors and then so that we dont even have to be survivors this is lucy and its having this the protests that currently take place in the streets of bangladesh are a culmination of years of frustration a lack of action of culprits of sexual savitri how to account for example were dealing with a trophy Year Old Girl in celebs who suffered horrific abuses were calling on the government take a stand and appoint a minister to allow these women to come forward and their families to come forward without fear of reprisals overlooked and shaming these choices need to be held to the counts taken sick old given lengthy sentence is a crime so i want to go back to you chipping 100 con on a thank you can you please explain to us the punishments under penal code for right what are the punishments right now. So the punishment took a 3 probably death. So if its reported by the Death Penalty and there are other theres a provision of and theres a life sentence otherwise for a player which is which it is the been to but at the moment there are demands being raised by many and the government is also considering whether to impose the Death Penalty simply put for acts of simple rape not followed by murder now one of our concerns is that what weve seen in the past is having either the Death Penalty or having a mandatory life sentence often means that even more you know im not willing necessarily to impose the higher sentence where they see that there are many problems with their with the prosecution with the Legal Process so one of our demands there are many demands are many people demanding the death 21 of the demands many of us working in the legal system and with women are saying that we dont really want that what we want is for there to be a proper sentencing guidelines so that proportionate punishments can be read in relation to the need to the bridges that would also take into account. Of the accused for example it may be a person is mentally ill it may be a young person or a child who is a perpetrator you have to take those things because you can have a ones size fits all kind of solution so thats what would you consider and yeah this is confusion on a huge. Audience amongst. The and maybe you could take this to keith my question wrongly is rape is happening we always have these conversations never he solutions maybe we should educate one of the citizens people should be allowed because. Many right can you answer that is even possible to and can anyone not in any part of the want. Was really intriguing question and i do think that part of that has all really been discussed there to become politically. Dysfunctional the eager it is even. To punish the perpetrators. And just to add to eliminate school. In a dish and do that if english and the indians management part. That there is an other problems and is the witness protection still. The victims and we continue to fear about the ends and the 2nd even the meant is that in the Broader Society we have to question the will is the rule of law i mean you can have the worlds finest legal or it is easy and the law but if as that if the laws are not applied equally we the discrimination if theyre brought prosthesis is are not efficient and if the Law Enforcement agencies and not behaving professionally even in the more this up or indeed. Each that executive of the officials are not restrain that the limits set by the. More this questions have. Implications in the dispensation of justice and the 3rd and final one and that legacy that the deeply embedded social structure and the behavior less the result in israel the better your views real. How do here get respect and we mean we have to deal with them. Individually and finally when i would say that there is a lack of political we because we have been we have female rapper Prime Minister for leg of the last 3 decades except 2 years so treated against the country is the female head of the state mean hatred of the government and you see i have a graph here you see the number of relives and violence against women and just increasing rates will be doing 2018 to 2019 there is a 70 percent job. I do. How do you react jack if i may let me let me let me add to hill more thought and this is from un women this is Shoko Ishikawa who comes with some solutions to this huge huge problem and have a listen the u. N. Would like to see a comprehensive review of the handling of rape cases in the Justice System so that we can better understand why the delays and the attrition of Sexual Violence cases take place and we can initiate reform we also need to close the gaps in the laws and invest more in the special courts hooman in children that handle Sexual Violence cases so that victims are protected and the speedy trials take place in all of this the Death Penalty is not an asset to Sexual Violence Death Penalty does not serve the interest of the victims and it also does not deter crime im just looking in here at a recent headline bangladesh most Death Penalty for rape cases as range i am wondering guess where you would like to use them the power the energy of these current protests what would you like to happen very briefly when the last one minutes of the shuttle program. What should happen next in a sentence i think obviously the government has to judge the public good and us are of a set of fortunately a lot of people have asked for Death Penalty but i think what it really shows is that people are calling for exemplary punishment and theyre calling for punishment so in the short run they should definitely ensure that these cases are seen through but in the long run we do need to see the forms of the law and we dont you just you know im sorry we dont i say we share this last minute recess as well sara one thing one thing that you would want right now whats possible. What everyone is united in is wanting justice and justice means the right to able to seek justice to see it through to get protection for a victim as well as punishment for a perpetrator we need to stand with the victims we need to enable them to seek justice thats what i want to. Get your kitty at you can always sell much information but if we brought it down to one thing one thing that could happen right now in a stand the. One thing is id like to add to the regaining trust in you distributions and in the rule of law and i would say political. Was is the final final. 8 i dont see that moving in the right direction. I really appreciate this is such a difficult topic even to talk about you cheap thank you your questions your thoughts your suggestions as well i was a thank you to salvage ok yes of the as well the looking act with impunity that appears to be happening about rape sexual so that and can chip women in and. They can. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something he called it. Is a. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the 5th face over king coverage is the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now. Rewind return. With updates on the best of aljazeera documentary. Needs. To. Be. Fools gold this is millions and millions of dollars of peoples money cherish being taken in for their whole lives for money im an agent down a drain and 1. 00 day on aljazeera. We know whats happening in our region we know happened get the date is that others and not i was done but only dear jack by the party the only purpose i did the rest at that time and if programming to go live on the amnesty to go live to work another boy that may not be mainstream but the fires missed out on the enormity of you. By. The way that you cal death story isnt what can make a difference. As protests rage across america or black lives are lost despite the promises of Police Reform faultlines hears from those demanding justice the truth accountability transparency thats what i desire from the city im desperately need to change i have no faith in the institution that needs to be reminded not to tell key moment of reckoning racism and police in america on i just get up. This is aljazeera. Put into harbor when im come all santa maria this is the news hour from now. Cyprus suspends its citizenship for Investment Program after an aljazeera investigation exposed flaws and abuse in the system. I cant recommit or say yes im going in with agenda because im not conservative u. S. Supreme Court Nominee i meet tony barrett faces some tough questions from democrats on day 2 of her constant

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