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Emanuel micros comments on islam reasons of people are protesting. And football makes a long awaited comeback in argentina with covert 19 destruction thats. What we begin with breaking news a strong earthquake in the aegean sea has shaken both turkey and greece rescuers are searching for survivors after the magnitude 7 quake caused at least one Building Collapse we understand that 4 people at least 4 people have been killed 120 others have been injured so lets cross slide see sinemet course your loon who joins us from istanbul at c. N. N. This is a developing situation were still trying to get as much information from the country as we can the latest figures that have come out its 4 people have been killed 120 others have been injured what more are you hearing from istanbul. Well hello while im talking to my eyes are also on my social media accounts because im seeing calls from citizens of israel saying that giving addresses saying that some people are trapped under is such buildings and that apparently there are more people on there are those rebels because it was a day time it was right in the middle of the day and because of the call with crisis some people are working from home the schools are closed most of the schools are closed mouth all students are having face to face education but some of them so it means more people were inside their homes which increases the risk of more people being trapped down there those troubles it was a very strong earthquake hala. This according to 2 sources in 32 officers sources one suggest it was 6. 61 such as the other one suggests it was 6. 8 but the look at their measurements says that it was a 7. 0 and what we hear from those office will agencies that the earthquake came from 14. 5 kilometers under defender of the ground thats why it shook the city and the surrounding the nearby cities very heavily it was also felt in greece and we are seeing some reports suggesting that there were some floods in some districts of the western coastal city and there is a risk of tsunami some reports say but this is something that we cant verify right now were just seeing those some news outlets and some social media accounts but apparently especially as district sorts would just buy it at. Have the most damage and it is the reports that suggest that. That shoulder collapsed buildings always refer to those 2 districts where born or this structure was also sad to have have a damaged. Local administrators local officials there announced that since its that agriculture based district then its the lowlands where they that they dont have harmed by the strong earthquake was felt by nearby cities including van is that even to force that and even some force of a stumble was able to feel the spring of this earthquake which was 7. 0 according to research their measurements and search and rescue operations are under way we are receiving calls from the official authorities not to flood for the citizens not the flocks of the areas because as they flock there is a traffic jam and they are stopping to rescue operations Search Operations and ambulances reaching out being dispatched to the area also for the telecommunications we are receiving the warnings from the authorities saying that theyre trying to call everyone also creates a jam and thats why there are so they are recalled mending people to use s. M. S. Rather than calling each other because thats jam stop that jam advanced people from reaching out to people but the scale of this earth is the outcome of the earthquakes seems to be developing in the coming hours salah as we dont know old accurate numbers of the buildings that have collapsed so we dont know how many more people have been trapped down there in those rebels or how many can be rescued but we will wait and see how the rescue and search of rationing will continue in the coming hours but we know that there are other extra support units have been dispatched from the nearby cities as well ok we can only imagine the chaos on the groans given by the pictures that we have been showing our viewers certainly a very chaotic situation reminds our viewers of course that this earth quakes. At the middle of the day the highlights of the day the worst possible time one could argue for an earthquake to hit a very busy city city and cause you to stand by for us in istanbul we will come back to you for more information on that scene but for now lets bring in. The managing editor of the daily. News paper and she joins us now live from istanbul. This was clearly a very strong earthquake were hearing differing numbers from the different agencies anywhere between 6. 6 and 7. 0 but there have been reports that there is quake was Strong Enough to be felt in istanbul did you feel this earthquake at all when it struck. Well actually i was right where i am at the moment when the earthquake hit and i did feel it very very strongly. So i cant imagine even how it was felt in is me or where it actually happened to stumble i people that i spoke to all said that they had found even earthquakes and we know that it was even felt from the greek island of someone sending actually has caused the damage. So unfortunately busy there has been you know announcement that 4 people have lost their lives so far and about 220 are already announced to be under the debris. You know it is very soon to actually speak on speaking on the numbers of the casualties unfortunately. As it very very short happened very. Nearly about an hour ago or so so but we know that the rescue and search teams have been dispatched. And we know d that the efforts are underway something that we should also be aware about this region is that hes near and surrounding area and most of the aegean coast is earthquake prone. Area so. A very recently earthquake happened in the in the region and hes meeting in medicine for story money so province for example. Small damages had happened at the time but the. Strength of the quake was in strong as what happened today will factor. You know all the way to stumble a very strongly shows the intensity of the earthquake itself it doesnt deeds and you receive very important points this is an area that is no stranger to earthquakes and given this one would assume the buildings in the area are reinforced so the fact that were seeing so many buildings across this region collapsing gives a sense of how strong this earthquake is were also reminds it again we have we have differing times of when that earthquake struck it ranges somewhere between 1151. 00 g. M. T. And 12 or one g. M. T. By any stretch of the margin this is a runs about 2 hours ago night very very strong indeed. Weve seen a strong earthquakes in this region before the last one was i believe in 1900 very strong earthquake resulted in some 17000 deaths given more we are seeing in the pictures that were showing our viewers just know do you think this has the hallmarks of becoming a very very serious tragedy at this time. As far as we know at this point this hour that we have we have heard the reports of about 20 buildings collapse yes. Destroying felt the earthquake is a big measure but at the same time i think the region hes meeting in and some of the buildings we we know that actually that you know some of the areas in that region are the region where Urbanization Ministry had already previously you know had plans to to rejigger night because of the quality of the building buildings you spoke about did 1999. Earthquake but very recently actually we had an earthquake in ellas and before that we had another earthquake involved provinces of the eastern turkey and they were also very deadly you know we we are hoping that the numbers will not be escalating and we hope to hear the news about its more people being rescued but the fact that some 20 buildings have collapsed is its a big news and im afraid that number of casualties may right at this is of course happening at a time when the and tire well described by the corona virus pandemic and this is yet another tragedy to to heap on top of of that tragedy however the house surfaces. In Turkey Holding up given that certainly theyll be dealing with this double whammy not just the coronavirus cases but also nice. What we can assume will be a great number of casualties and engine results and from what looks to be at this stage a very significant seismic events. Well when it comes to the handle how do coronavirus how dependent it has been end all or you know when we look at the overall picture i think turkey has had a very successful management of the koran a virus now having said that we know that the 2nd wave is nearly or what the 2nd wave is here and in cities like istanbul number of cases that rise in you know sharply but you know i think it was yesterday i believe that was the Health Minister had said that yes the numbers are rising yes and we are going through some sort of 2nd wave but the situation is under control and there is number of a large number of nearly 40 percent of the ice you beds are still on occupied and but of course this will could and additional burden in the region is Health Facilities but in overall we look at the overall picture i think. Given you know the fact that he has had a very Successful Health Infrastructure Development in that in the past decade i dont think this will. Cause any any sort of development that will be out of control so there is capacity in the there is capacity in the House Service which which will be good to hear but certainly and youll know yourself in the aftermath of any earthquake the 1st thing people do is run into an open space they run ice of the way from buildings where well see crowds gather as they try and figure out if their relatives are safe this must be one of several concerns at this hour tonight the authorities might have you think there is a capacity there in terms of the rescue services in times of the scale all of the damages that were seeing across the city is their capacity there to spread sites across not just one city but several you may have been affected by this earthquake. I agree with you when when in situations like that you know particularly due to panic you know things can get out of control. As far as we know turkey has been. Very successful in Crisis Management when we look at the previous recent earthquakes in for example in el of the of course with the pandemic this will create an additional pain and panic and additional burden and however we know that turkeys rescue and search efforts are underway for the region and we are only hoping that their tasks will not be made additional difficulty with the panic will be made different more difficult with the panic that could emerge from both the earthquake and a pandemic so we know that they have been dispatched and their rescue workers are already on the scenes and they are doing their best to to you know rescue more people from under the debris and minimize the number of. People being stuck under the debris and number of casualties so we know that these efforts are under way we know that. Urbanization minister and other ministers already on the way to the region when it comes to read president or Prime Minister or horrified the Government Disaster Management Authority there have been very well equipped very well trained and they have very extensive experience in dealing with this situation so i mean they have been dispatched to the scene it is very early to say anything more than that we all we know they what theyre doing their best and theyre putting their lives on the line to save more people. Going to get your son says thank you so much indeed like the. Managing editor of the daily star newspaper joining us from istanbul that of course coming our top story is that magnitude 7. 00 earthquake hitting of the coast of western turkey at least 4 people have been killed and at least 120. 00 people are understood to be injured but this is a significant seismic event. Several buildings in the city of this myth have collapsed for viewers not familiar with this is the 3rd largest city in turkey so we can expect certainly more developments we will return to this story of course but for now lets turn to some other breaking news on this very busy news day a kenyan Court Sentenced 2 men for 18 years in prison for their role in a Shopping Center attack 7 years ago they were convicted earlier this month for helping al shabaab fighters storm Nairobis Westgate mall back in 2013 at least 67. 00 people were killed during that siege that lasted for 4 days now the tank came 2 years after kenya sent troops deployed into neighboring somalia more from Catherine Sawyer she joins us live from nairobi catherine a significant sentence thats been handed to answer those 2 men. Yes indeed and this is a case hala that has taken so long to conclude it started back in 2013 right after that attack on Westgate Mall 4 of the attackers who stormed that more killing 67 people were killed but the chief magistrate in his ruling last month say that this the 2 men were somewhat involved. I did support to the attackers and today we have a lot of statements from both lawyers with the defense saying that pleading for leniency essentially saying that this men have conducted themselves well saying that their role was peripheral and then the prosecutors on the other hand saying that they needed to be given the maximum sentence because whatever all it is that they played 67 lives were lost and that trumps everything now the chief magistrate agreed with the defense saying that that was a significant attack and it doesnt matter how nominal the role this 2 men played so. As one of the convicts hes a kenyan and he was basically convicted of 2 counts of conspiracy to commit terrorism terrorism act support of a terrorism act and possession of an article connected to a terrorism acts now the chief magistrate sentenced him to 33 years the other man who say mustafa a refugee from somalia was sentenced to 18 years so they have so far as 7 years so those years are going to be detached deducted from the total number of years that they have been sentenced to we spoke to the defense lawyer right after that sentencing and he says theyre definitely going to appeal. Thank you very much. So it just reminds of years just joining us of course our top story is that strong seismic events in the gene sea we understand an earthquake which measured 7. 00 according to the u. S. Geological survey struck turkeys disasters agency has said that earthquake struck at 12 o one g. M. C. 301 local time we understand that its lease theyre saying at least 5 buildings have collapsed 4 people the Turkish Agency are saying were rescued but we also understand that people have been killed at least 4 people have been killed in that earthquake in turkey some 120 people have been injured that earthquake striking at 3 o 1 pm local time a reminder for viewers this is in the middle of the day several schools are closed many people working from home of course this is happening in the middle of the day and several buildings have collapsed in the city so the number of people injured we can expect to rise given the extensive the damage that we have been seeing in the turkish city of is mere this is one of the largest cities in turkey significant damage has occurred rescuers are on the scene attempting to try and save as many survivors as they can but this is a significant seismic events tremors felt in istanbul tremors also felt in greece on the islands of some most as well so were going to keep an eye on that story bring you any updates as they come through. Vigils though are being held in front. Of 3 People Killed in on thursday in an attack on a church in nice people have been leaving candles and flowers at the gates see the citys notre dame silica earlier bells rang outs at churches around the country for the suspects on that attack is in custody investigators say he arrived from she miss year and he arrived in europe last month on the italian island of lampedusa. Aljazeera as david chaser is covering the story for us he joins us now live from nice david just bring us up to date on whats happening with the investigation there is one individual in custody a 2nd person has now been taken into custody as well. He has to deal with your larger point of 47 year old man has been arrested by the police an accused of aiding and abetting the night man who was provided with a phone by this man those are the only details we know but i can update to perhaps more clearly on the actual tunisian the 21 year old who was a refugee who came from out of tunisia to lampedusa the southernmost island of italy he then went on to bari one of the sultan ports and was requesting asylum on one of the ships that rescued him off the coast of tunisia but after 2 weeks here is asylum request was rejected he then managed to escape from the boat and the next time he was heard of was here in france where cameras picked him up changing clothes in the station only a few 100 yards away from here within half an hour he was inside the basilica and the attack was launched now we have also just to keep you up to date. Security me. At the least say chaired by president emanuel. We didnt hear a statement from him but we heard from the interior ministry the French Foreign ministry and the department of defense now essentially they were saying that the soldiers are deployed across this country to try and prevent any attacks on places of worship or on schools and the same applies of course to any french People Living abroad they were warned by the Foreign Ministry that they are all targets and that includes the consulates the french schools abroad and any other video individuals they say this is the most urgent warning issue so that is the state which some people are saying is a state of war here at the moment political opinions are really hardening across france indeed send in the middle of all of this its easy to forget the individuals who have been affected by this gruesome attack what more do we know about the victims of the attack on the girls of those who were who were injured. Yes thats an important point because the stream of people coming here behind me at pacifica to lay flowers of tribute to light candles from all sides of this community an amount of what color or what creed they are determined that they will pray for healing pray for unity pray for peace now those 3 victims of course 2 of whom were found inside the basilica by the police of the 1st one was a woman believed to be in her seventys we dont have her name she was the one that was almost beheaded while she was in prayer. To strike by the knife a 17 centimeter long knife which almost took the head completely off then nearby was another man in his mid fiftys whos got a 2 children. They must be absolutely desperate to know that after being here for 7 years in what looks like the most Peaceful Place you could be in the sandra nice he was one of the victims who had his throat slashed by the knife and lay dead in his own blood and i search here to serve the last 7 years as well liked by all members of this congregation and then there was another 44 year old woman who who was it from brazil she managed to escape through the side door crawled to a kathy around here to try and get help but then died of her when shes been here for 30 years she was working in the elderly care business helping people who were getting covered 99 with the most fundamental a tragic case for her and her children believed to have 3 children and that is what all these people behind me are thinking about now the deaths the brutal deaths of those victims inside a place of worship and all those loved ones and once again in a city here that been blighted by terrorism once again and certainly is seeing the change in there bring in seoul the failing. From id say its church in nice david thank you. Take you back now to turkey where the strong seismic events. Wreaking havoc across the turkish city of is mere just a reminder for viewers joining us at least 4 people have been killed 120 others injured after a very strong earthquake struck in the gene see. That earthquake ranging anywhere between 6. 66. 87. 0 but the devastation that has been caused in the city of is near is plain to see from these strong shots that were bringing you our correspondents in and of course you know who joins us from. This is a very significant seismic events receiving the devastation that it has wrought on the city of whats the latest youre hearing from where you are. Well the governor of is there just made a press statement he said that so far all buildings have been completely collapsed after this earthquake and 4 citizens have been killed and 7 to citizens have been rescued from under the rubble this is what he said and he said that they they were able to reach all buildings search and rescue operations are still underway trying to see whether there are more people on there those rebels or not also we have offered statements that suggest that 2 ambulance helicopters 3538 ambulances and 35 emergency medical teams are currently working on the ground for search and rescue operations as you said the this earthquake was a very strong and it was strongly felt in nearby cities even from some ports of istanbul and also from the greek island summers and now there are some reports that suggest that there are some small tsunamis in some of silent also again local authorities announced that in 70 his star district of israel there was a partial tsunami it wasnt a big 1. 00 and 1. 00 turkish citizen was injured during in this flick is so far they are still trying to reach out to the areas that have been reported to have strong damage or even collapse but there are calls for the citizens not to flock to the areas in order not to block the search and rescue operations also again there are calls from deal for it is that they should not keep the phone lines very busy instead they should prefer trying to contact their relatives or friends through s. M. S. Rather than calling them because if these kinds of events in turkey we have witnessed that these telecommunication even though its. They are strong the mobile communication this fight its strength can get blocked we witnessed that last summer in a stumble to when the city was his hit with this with a lower back to its earthquake so is mary the western coastal city of turkey it has been witnessing as i sat earthquakes for more than one and a half years not only is more but also other coastal cities like move off the magnitude was around 3. 3 up to 4. 5 yes those western cities have been shaken have a lead in the last one year but this one the 7. 0 magnitude or as the Turkish Agency suggest 6. 6 or 6. 8 magnitude was a shocking one because many people were in their homes its the Global Pandemic era some people are working at home and not all the schools are doing face to face education some children or teenagers were again at home because theyre doing online studies then. The western courses

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