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A state that will be vital to victory. I money in sight this is al jazeera life and also coming up. Where another battleground state florida to look at how spiraling corona virus infections are affecting voters. Nearly a 1000000 people displaced and at least 10 dead. Rips through the philippines. And remembering departed loved ones how the country make is changing day of the dead celebrations in latin america. Where just 2 days out from the u. S. Election its fun. Down to the battlegrounds President Donald Trump is speaking in North Carolina as he does a whirlwind blitz of 5 different states in iowa where he painted more gloomy picture of what a biden presidency could look like the biden herons plan would outlaw American Energy would at least economic bizzare for iowa wisconsin pennsylvania michigan and every other state in america your energy costs would go up at a level that youve never seen he wants to raise your taxes and you know him he has no clue hes shot ok hes got the guy has a total who you know and i know were all trying to be nice but i know im also for a while hes not a nice guy well joe biden is in pennsylvania trump won the all important swing states less than half a percent in 2016 people to come out and votes against trump this time last time donald trump ran he won the state by 44000 vote so every single vote matters the power to part of changes country is literally your hands i dont care how hard donald trump dries there is not enough it is going to do to stop this nation from voting no matter what it drives with kevin 19 infections spiking a record 91600000 early ballots have been cost the president continues to question with that evidence the legitimacy of a mail in votes nationally he is still trying biden in opinion polls but the race is tightening up in those swing states lets go to our White House Correspondent kelly halakhah who is live for us in philadelphia kimmie both candidates going all out in those last few hours before the election. Now theres no question they are just to clarify one point i think the white house has offered evidence several times it is a bit of a democrat line that the president hasnt offered evidence with regard to the legitimacy of mail in voting and we should be clear theres no question that the president has said he may not accept the results of the vote on Election Night in fact we may not have it on Election Night but just to be clear that in order to keep our reporting objective i think its important to point out while the white house did put forward some evidence certainly wasnt expensive or extensive now to your point to your question about the battleground state of pennsylvania theres no question there too that this is going to be a razor thin margin this is a handful of one of a handful of states that in fact could ultimately decide this election and just to give you an idea of just how important this state is for example donald trump had 4 rallies in pennsylvania yesterday today we have joe biden here for 2 events and you always look at where they closed their campaigns for donald trump its going to be michigan for joe biden its going to be right here in pennsylvania now the worrying side for joe biden is that typically this is been a state thats been locked up but as you mentioned 2016 it wasnt and the fear is that could happen again and theyre also seeing some worrying signs with africanamerican males that they may not be completely onboard with the message being delivered by joe bidens candidacy so thats why both candidates making a heavy investment in the state and looking for every vote to be counted and leaving open in the case of dont trust the possibility of the legitimacy of the vote given that this could be that close and when you have questions you can have legal challenges that sometimes allow him as hes done in other cases to win in the courts. Many thanks for that White House Correspondent kitty hawk and the 1st live in philadelphia joining us from new york is Lincoln Mitchell professor of Political Science at Columbia University on the democracy promotion paradox many thanks for speaking to us on aljazeera what does the itinerary of both candidates in the last few hours tell us about the state of the race. One thing that really struck me about today is that donald trump is going to iowa iowa what is a medium sized state that should be in the republican camp if donald trump had to go to iowa today that tells you that hes a little bit wary right joe biden spent a lot of time in pennsylvania as you pointed out 20 electoral votes very very close race in 2016 the polls now look better for biden significantly better provided that it is for clinton a few days out 4 years ago so it may not be as close as weve seen that we think but hes going to state that he has to win and trump spent some time today in the state that he should have already wrapped up now hes going to michigan at the end of as you pointed out and that is legitimately a swing state but its a state where hes down 5. 00 to 10. 00 points i think we need to be careful the states where these candidates are going are the states where we would expect them in any kind of a race but the data were seeing and even if we wanted through our fear of our concerns about 2016 in the poll being inaccurate which they were not entirely inaccurate it looks pretty good for biden anything can happen particularly the guards the Voter Suppression and voter intimidation and questions around counting the votes in places like michigan and pennsylvania we have had significant any voting this time around a which candidate do you think is likely to benefit from that well so far weve had as you pointed out 91 or 92000000 early votes cast that number will slightly go up the question i ask is are those voters who would have otherwise voted right i suspect if you just kind of early votes and absentee votes biden would win big trump has been encouraging his people to go out on the day but what that means is the truck will possibly win a state like pennsylvania or michigan on tuesday but then lose it when all the votes are counted votes are counted and what donald trump will try to do is to say lets just announce the winner we shouldnt count all the votes however a basic understanding of democracy is that you count all the vote you want to stop counting at some arbitrary time. In the then theres been a lot of chatter about what could happen in the hours and days after the election allegations of a to forward votes that can be thrown out what is the likelihood that we wont have a clear was on november the 2nd and how would that play out well we have to again this is america state by state and each state has different laws right so on tuesday night november 2nd no it is going to be election november. The main thing to look at the 1st look at is florida there are 3 states on the east coast essentially North Carolina georgia and florida that are considered must wins for trump and biden would very much like to win one or 2 of those states if biden wins florida or humans North Carolina and georgia then we know that essentially this election is over and donald trump will win however if he loses those 3 states or if its too close in those 3 states to announce a winner early in those states then he will pivot to the midwest the michigan wisconsin pennsylvania where they dont really start counting the votes till election day at the earliest and in those states if its reasonably close we can expect not to know till considerably later in the week easily thursday perhaps later so so we could easily not know for a few days and when that happens both sides will begin spinning and suing to an invite in skates make sure the votes are counted and that we have a democratic process and in trumps case to stop the counting so that will begin to play out right away and then there is the potential for what happens on the streets we know that there is evidence of militia activities right wing White Nationalist groups in states like michigan in particular but also pennsylvania other places so were going to very volatile moment here in the. I cant get to hate though its saddening can mitchell professor of Political Science from Columbia University. Police in france have released 3 men who were arrested over the attack on the church in nice where 3 people died on thursday several others remain in custody and the suspected killer is still in hospital. Mourners gathered up the church to pay tribute to the victims from a state which a to reports. Inside the basilica the photographs of the attackers 3 victims. That bloods and their deaths but desecration of a place of worship. The bishop of nice used holy water to consecrate the building again to allow it once more become a building for prayer and hope and healing leap year perfectly here. The stones can speak of their horror in the face of a lot of hatred violence and death the mission of this place was perverted this place was profaned the chief suspect is among 7 people arrested since the knife rampage investigators say he rise in the city 2 days before he broke into the basilica his network of supporters is now being pieced together outside the Church Police kept the crowds back with berries perhaps the strongest words during the ceremony came from the bishop of nice monsignor so he said that 3 lawyers had been stolen and 3 lives stolen in the name of a false face of god or of a perverse ideology those are phrases that perhaps will echo across nice across france. All places of worship every creed in france are now being given protection David Chaytor aljazeera nice. Thousands of people in georgia have gathered outside parliament to protest against Election Results opposition parties and their supporters accusing the governing party of rigging the parliamentary election and intimidating voters but most votes now counted the Georgian Dream party has won 48 percent of position leaders say they will continue demonstrating until a new election is called. Azerbaijans president has vowed to secure armenias withdraw from the disputed region of not going to cower back by any means. Have made the remarks after talks with the foreign minister his ally turkey the president added that his country would go to the end to achieve its goals if negotiations fail fighting between azerbaijan and armenia over the separatist territory has entered its 6th week now with the 2 sides blaming each other for new attacks. Still ahead on. The fight for democratic reforms in hong kong arrest several leaders for those chaotic a month ago. And mexicans on the Health Workers who died saving people from. The. Clouds the parting nicely across north america the song will vary for pretty much everybody as we go through the next couple of days they class guys across a good part of the u. S. Ok we have got a few showers towards the northeast some wet weather north of the border into canada the tools of western saudi kind of the study some wetter weather coming in here mantle spill its way into the Pacific Northwest as we go through tuesday but for election day across much of the u. S. Its looking fine dry and sunny in the temperatures not faring too badly getting up into the mid teens if not low twentys for many here in light winds that really will feel quite pleasant so there is cases for not getting out to vote i suspect further south things a good deal more active weather wise here we got this nasty little cloud just storm sam and it has become Tropical Storm and thats going to continue making its way further west which is we go on through the next couple of days running towards that western side of the caribbean is going to face some very heavy rain in across jamaica for a time punching its way towards northern parts of nicaragua honduras can expect to see widespread rainfall today was we go on through the next day also plenty of shabbas coming in behind with widespread flooding. As secret agent claimed by both is. Frail and egypt well in the case of. See. The. Worst truth or lies fact or fiction most of the documents are for people fighting against you and the aljazeera world tells the story of a man of many secrets. The super spy on aljazeera. They watch out is there a mind of our top stories this hour donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden are making their final push for support in battleground states the president is touring 5 states in one day while biden focuses on one swing state pennsylvania. A vigil has been held at the church where 3 people were killed in a knife attack in the friend city of nice 3 bed 3 men have been arrested have been now released the suspected killer it was shot by police is still in hospital. At least 10 people have been killed as typhoon goni barrels through the philippines is destroyed hundreds of homes and shopman in this. But now to our top story donald trump has been widely criticized for his response to the pandemic and the swing state of florida his record on the crisis could be especially crucial the Elderly Population there has been hit hard along with minority communities and businesses and he got as a support from miami. The Sunshine State is truly one of the most beautiful places on earth as election day approaches its become clear that of all the swing states florida is the one that matters most to both joe biden and donald trump the candidates in the surrogates have crisscrossed the state in a blitz of campaigning that reflects floridas status as the biggest battleground arena its also a state thats been ravaged by qubit 19 with more than 16000 deaths and cases once again on the rise states governor a close ally of the president has refused to initiate a lockdown and trumps doubling down on his opinion that the economy comes 1st we live then im scared. And now were open for business and thats what. And thats what it is this explosive Economic Growth is 4 times greater than to what the experts expect that floridas large Elderly Population has been hit hard accounting for more than 40 percent of all faith teletubbies President Trump did well with older voters here in 2016 political experts say thats changed but i think seeing the way the Trucking Industry has handled this pandemic has condensed a large number of senior voters that they need to see a change need somebody else need to see somebody else in charge of this pandemic somebody whos more inclined to take it seriously actually try to bring this country safely through it so they can see the grant its again communities of color in florida have also been disproportionately hit by the virus Underlying Health conditions limited access to health care and poverty of all made things worse why voters helped propel the president to a narrow victory in florida 4 years ago he also needs as many votes as possible from hispanics and africanamericans though supporting the former Vice President so hes more trustworthy he had nonracist he always thought. About everyone he doesnt separate brought from y. And all their proposals that he have proposed and we believe him he tells the truth and if you make a mistake if it is sorry that we support women over here something started for nothing with all the lies that you dont like other states early voting in florida has seen record turnouts with the pandemic a big issue on voters minds everything about the pandemic joy in this election cycle has been politicized from the whirring of masks to the balance between keeping the economy going and the dangers of a deadly virus whether that translates to a victory for our the candidate remains to be seen but here every vote counts and the optics between these 2 campaigns couldnt be more different and electorate polarized by the handling of the pandemic hasnt given either candidate a commanding lead in florida but theres no question that its one of the dominant issues one that will play a major role in deciding who wins the president ial election and a gala crowd is era Miami Florida another round of talks has started about ethiopias controversial ground renaissance stem saddam and egypt fear the dad will divert too much of the water they rely on from the revenue oil. Projects set to become africas largest Hydro Power Plant is crucial to its Economic Future the Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz has criticized saudi arabia for its human rights record during a saudi hosted Virtual Summit the u. S. Economist used his keynote speech to call for a moment of silence for the met a journalist Jamal Khashoggi as well as imprisoned womens rights activists with this meeting being held hosted by saudi arabia as reflect about basic rights we care our course but a moment and think of agree surely must or. Mercilessly killed with those behind the perpetration of this heene is crime having impunity we cannot think to get shilled that that puts on a free press we cannot think of a woman being held in prison simply for the desire to exercise their rights as human beings if this meeting does not come to the terms chimp come to terms with the violations of these human rights and those in other countries around the world cannot hope to achieve that includes societies for which we all strive let us pause for a moment of silence in memory of your milk or city and in honor of also those women oh these people being held in prison in respect of the stock of sacrifices that they have made in quest of an inclusive world. 7 prodemocracy politicians have been arrested in hong kong on charges related to confrontations at a Legislative Council meeting more than 5 months ago there were accused of contempt and obstruction but critics say its part of an increasing attempt to sideline dissenting voices palen reports. And. Its not unusual for disputes to break out in hong kongs Legislative Council but they have become more frequent and heated in recent years as the divide widens between probating and prodemocracy legislators after 16 weeks of deadlock debates on who should control an important House Committee a session on may 8th descended into a brawl but your coffee i will use some lawmakers were disruptive they were running towards the security guards who were trying to maintain order in front of the chairpersons table so the conference could not be held and some were throwing papers from the public seats above then. 5 Months Later Police arrested 7 politicians 4 of them current legislators on charges of contempt and interfering with members of the citys Legislative Council or they can go from formal we will not give in to these absurd charges and continue to serve in a Legislative Council that has no justice we do our best to express the peoples voice and especially our dissatisfaction with the government they say this is just another step in the governments efforts to crack down on dissent and crush Political Freedoms since the last Legislative Council elections in 2016 the number of sitting prodemocracy lawmakers has dropped nearly 30 percent because of resignations or disqualifications its seen as a result of beijings tightening control of the city in july the communist government imposed a National Security law in hong kong similar to the one used in Mainland China to silence up. In recent months chinese agencies have been weighing in on how the Legislative Council conducts its affairs the made clear the tactics such as stalling the passage of bills and obstructing meetings could be in breach of legislators oaths and could even amount to misconduct in Public Office its whats believed to have prompted these latest arrests there is no way you. Remember this president and power. In the can so now they have the law the arrested politicians could face up to a year in prison if convicted police say they have not ruled out making more arrests the pollen aljazeera hong kong. At least 10 people have been killed as typhoon goni hits the philippines about a 1000000 others have been evacuated from its projected path it barreled through the country as one of the worlds most powerful storms this year but has since weakened to reports from manila. Joey mughal is says this is as secure as his boat can get its anchored on manila bay for now along with other fishing boats joey hopes theyll be spared from typhoon go any that is battering the central and southern parts of the design region. First we must secure our boats because it is our livelihood we hope they wont be so bad so they can head out and fish again. More than 19000000 people in the philippines are being affected by the typhoon it 1st made landfall over the island province of some one is at 5 am local time on sunday before making its way to a by and is sore provinces that have likely sustained extensive damage many areas remain cut off power and communication lines are down and some roads are blocked by. Government Officials Say preemptive measures have been well put in place even before the day on these truck flights have been canceled sea ports are closed and over a 1000000 people have been evacuated from coastal communities and down seem to be well within the path of the strongest typhoon to ever hit this year gone he comes a week after typhoon hit the same region killing at least 22. 00 people and schools in b. Call which have been empty since the groan a virus spent demick are now being used as makeshift shelters the philippines is battered by at least 20 typhoons each year but typhoon gone the comes at an even more precarious time the country is still struggling to contain the coronavirus pandemic and Government Resources are already stretched this is why many people here fear the impact of typhoon may set them back even further. Dogon aljazeera manila perries government is closing cemeteries where people normally galba the day of the dead celebrations while the corona virus infection rate has been slowing that the government is worried about complacency or the 900000. 00 cases have been recorded in peru. Well mexicans are also being kept away from cemeteries but the day of the dead is still providing consolation to those whove lost a loved one in a country with the 4th highest coronavirus death toll on home and reports from mexico city. Every year on the day of the dead makes crews departed return to the land of the living. And usually the graveyards of full of their families waiting to welcome them with their favorite food drink and music its one of mexicos best loved festivals. But this year the symmetries aside are closed because of code and this play on an island in the ancient waterways of sochi milko district is one of the few events allowed. Its a story of larger on a previous public spirit who walks the streets crying for her lost children ringback. This year the lead actress is dedicating the show to those lost in the pandemic and the many women murdered in a country struggling with Domestic Abuse but also i hear that also for you. At all you want we want to help people cry if they need to cry to provide a ceremony a way out for all that love more than just pain all the love we see we flicked it on we have our dead present so that we know theyre with us. You audience watch from the truck in areas long boats floating on the altars such a milk or is one of mexicos special places for the day of the Day Celebrations these canals date from pretty hispanic times and the places really kept hold of its traditions to the point where the same pursuit chill flower the orange flower that used in the celebrations is growing here. I mean fields on the outskirts of east to pull up a district to the simple chill they used to adorn the oldest of the dead to go up in homes across the. Country part of the tradition that the pandemic cant touch. Thats. Just picking up a big bundle for her family this year the day of the dead will be especially moving. Big 3 died of kobita may once she was taken into hospital the family couldnt say goodbye now they have the chance. When i was a friend you cant imagine that you would never see that person again that we are so happy to be here. That we can feel his presence and thats why we put up with his favorite themes so she knows we await that we love her that even though we couldnt do more we havent forgotten how. We have the privilege of sharing food and stories appeared 3 with the garcia family as they waited for her to return. Like everywhere in mexico its a moving but joyous occasion a moment for spite as the pandemic rages on john home and. Mexico city. And mexican Health Workers who died from kevin 1000 are being commemorated for this years day of the dead holiday the government has ordered 3 days of National Mourning ending on monday with and 1300 Health Workers have died from corona virus in mexico more than any other country this is according to Amnesty International more than 91000 people have died of covert 1000 nationwide. So that as there are these all the top stories. Donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden are making their final push for support in battleground states the president is touring 5 states and one day while biden is focusing on the swing state of pennsylvania last time dollar drop brand he won the state by 44000 votes so every single vote matters

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