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U. S. Georgias republican secretary of state confirms a narrow win for joe biden. But donald trump snow is vowing to continue contesting the election results. Thank you very much for joining us. The United Nations has called on ethiopias warring sides to stop fighting immediately. So aid can come in and refugee safe zones can be set up. The government launched an offensive 2 weeks ago targeting the grace People Liberation front which governs a to greater region in the past. Our ethiopian troops say they have taken the towns of ottawa about 100 kilometers away from the regional capital to grave. Both sides of accuse each other of killing civilians in as strikes and indiscriminate attacks. The uns Refugee Agency says its preparing for as many as 200000. 00 people to seek refuge inside don. So far more than 30000 have fled their humanitarian workers, say millions of children and refugees are in serious danger of an outbreak of disease. Or morgan is at a refugee camp in sudan, near the ethiopian border. More and more refugees continue to arrive to sudan with, at least 400 refugees arriving to this camp here. And by about 30 g. M. T. , which is about 3 oclock local time in the afternoon. And that is when the counter top and they were just ration authorities here. Say that more have arrived evidence. Aljazeera has also witnessed dozens of arriving. But Authorities Say that they will be included in tomorrows tally and not today because todays count has officially closed. Now, this is just here in the camp. There is also another point in neighboring states there who have also arrived continue interest in the region. Now the u. N. Is quite concerned about the fighting in a region, especially because there is a lack of communication and theres a Communications Blackout and lack of access to many tarion system. There are concerns about the welfare of those who are trapped in the conflict, especially children. Many of them have fled to neighboring sudan along with their families. Some of them with preexisting conditions, with the impact of the fighting, and in fact, from the conflict, clear on their eyes and in their health. Just 2 weeks ago, while he was preparing for her sunday, now is operation. He was born with a cleft lip, which has affected his ability to drink milk and along with it his health. But just days before they were due to return to the capital of a few beers, not integrated region, the situation changed dramatically when we were due to go back for his last check up before the operation, the fighting started, all the roads were blocked and we couldnt get to macquarie, people were being killed and there were bombs being dropped, so i fled with him and my family. Now we cant even get a doctor to check on him. We cant even get him his vaccination, let alone have hope. Youll get an operation here. The family now resides at this refugee camp in fresh a guy in sudans got out of state. There are more than 15000 if you can refugees here in what was once a largely uninhabited area. Thousands more if you have fled to neighboring state to escape the fighting into. Great. But it to hell are you and her 2 children are some of them. Her infant son has been suffering from breathing problems and she says shes been struggling to get him the care he needs. He has one block nostril and doesnt feed except from a bottle. But i dont have formula for him because weeks cage fighting came here. And the Health Care Center doesnt have formula. So i have to go looking around for that. But i dont know where ill get the money from. The camp has only one Health Center to cater for the thousands of children here. Mothers wait for their turn to have their children seen by doctors. Many children exposed to the horrors of conflict in the 1st years of their lives. According to unicef, 40 percent of the refugees arriving in sudan are children. Some have been separated from their families and the process of tracking them has started. Others have arrived with malnutrition because of the days they spent walking with no food and all have been affected by the conflict integrate in a way that will likely impact their childhood. The u. S. Childrens agency says that chris tricked it access and the ongoing communication blackout in the region has left an estimated 2300000 children in need of humanitarian assistance. And as more and more refugees arriving, sudan is rising concern over their future. Remember, this is the time schools are to start to chill will actually miss this years school. And most of those years when we come there out of school age, unfortunately they will have school this year. So we have to come up with alternative programs already within the next month or 2. Were hoping the crisis will stop in ethiopia. The fighting will stop. There will be able to go back home. But if thats not the case, we have to be in place to support them. What you do says she hopes the conflict ends soon so that she can return back home with her family. She says she wants her child to be operated on, but more importantly, wants him to grow up with no memories of the horror thats forced her and her family to leave their lives behind and seek refuge here in sudan. People, morgan aljazeera and of out of state. Earlier i spoke with whos the director general of ethiopia, foreign ministry, and a former ambassador to the u. K. He rejected accusations that ethiopia deliberately cut communications during its offensive against rebels. Integrate. We have people on the ground. We have deployed employees, but entire communication blackout, we have to blame it on t. V. And to do their part. And we are doing this in a very difficult situation ourselves. It is that youve destroyed it. 3 city communication and everything. We heard Prime Minister ahmed say that the people who fled in recent weeks should be able to return. But how and when do you think this could be possible . How is very simple because, you know, the border area is cleared of now the area is very calm. And the fighting has moved into the center of the capital city, the regional capital. So it is easy for us now to repatriate them and we are trying to do that, and it is possible to disprove most of them they fled from the border areas, not from by golly. So we would prepare for any eventuality. Even those who would be displaced from but the border towns, now its calm, they will come back and most of them are from those areas. And where do we were staying in africa . Ugandan opposition . Politician bobby wine has been released on bail after being charged over actions likely to spread. Coronavirus. Officials have accused a president ial candidate of violating covert night illustrations, while campaigning for the president ial election scheduled in january. At least 28 people have been killed during protests sponsored by his arrest on when same web esol in developments from neighboring kenya. It was a Senior Police officer spoke to the press earlier today said 28 people being killed in the violence, the streets you can borrow a car moving back to normal. Today that is violence which began on wednesday to lead on on thursday morning with separately, a Police Pathologist has told News Agencies the number of bodies resulting from the violence was actually 37. So the numbers in part on target clear and Senior Security officials and police have said that they blame people for rioting and for attacking police officers. On the other hand, there are eyewitnesses, bobby wine himself, when he came out of court, as well as Rights Groups had complained of on just an unfair and an excessive violence on the part of the security forces. Some Rights Groups have accused the ugandan government and weaponize ng coded 19 response u. S. Pharmaceutical Company Pfizer and its german partner biotech, could become the worlds 1st companies to seek Emergency Operation in the u. S. For the corona virus vaccine, the u. S. Health secretary alex has asked says their plan to seek approval is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mike hanna has more from washington. What happens once pfizer registers the request with the f. D. A. . It then looks at the data that pfizer has collected through its tests of some 40000. 00 people over the past few months. The f. D. A. Then calls a meeting with a group of independent scientists who will then decide whether or not to grant the emergency use authorization based on the data that theyve been given by pfizer. But the real difficulty here is that this is not a routine vaccine trial. This is a new technology which the scientists are going to have to look at. Its completely uncharted water. It is not a vaccine in which a mutant down version of the virus is injected into the system, allowing the body to create its own immunity. This is a case where, a spike proteins are created within humans, d. N. A. , which replicates the corona virus, and trains the body to recognize it should the corona virus into the body. So this is a totally Different Technology which has not been dealt with before. And this in itself is going to maybe extend the period the speed with which these vaccines can be rolled out. Well, that is also incredibly difficult because this particular treatment requires 2 injections over a period of 3 weeks. Now that is a lot of injections, a lot of the vaccine that needs to be distributed throughout the country. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has removed the antiviral drug disappear from its list of recommended medicines for patients in hospital with over 1000. Its another setback for the manufacturer after the drug received early attention as a potential treatment. And then it is that suggests it has little or no effect on survival rates or reducing hospital stays for infected patients. In other world news, azerbaijans ami says its and ted, a district thats been under the control of armenia for almost 30 years. Its one of 3 areas that armenia asked to hand back as part of a ceasefire deal just signed over a week ago. Russia helped broker the truce and has been keeping forces on hand to oversee the transfer. Armenians are angry about giving up the land, and many have been protesting, demanding their Prime Minister, resign. Azerbaijan, and armenia signed the agreement to end 6 weeks of fighting over nagornokarabakh. They have been clashes outside a south African High School where people have been protesting against racism. The school is accused of discriminating against black students to gas was used outside of a cape town school, which allegedly held a graduation event where only white students and teachers attended. The school denies this and says a function was a private event, has more from outside the school in cape town, a number of years, 5 members about 2000 of them in fact tried to move closer to the school. You see behind me theyre now behind a Police Barricade, but to keep them back. Police once again fired tear gas and stun grenades. Basically water cannon. To prevent these protesters from approaching the school, they say only 500. 00 protesters are good to be allowed through. Undersize reese, which is why we see this Police Barricade in this heavy police presence. Protesters here have in fact been quite peaceful. And theyve also accused police of been heavy handed. Theyre also apart from targeting the school. Theyre also angry with police saying that theyre racist and they wouldnt respond in the same manner to white protesters, or if marches were white, it wouldnt be the same scenario. So people here are angry. Now timothy the target is breckon file high school, which they accuse of racism. This goes back to a function that was held a year in functional final year students. Once the official trance and interview function was canceled by the school, because a 19 restrictions, it appears as if students had their own private function. This is what the school is saying. But there are black students at the school who say theyve been discriminated against, and none of them were invited to the suspension theyre going to allow to attend. Weve also heard a number of former and present students say that this goes back years, and this is a school where theres been a lack of integration, a lack of black teachers. And theres a great problem of racism at the school. The school has demanded that it has rules were admitted that some work has to be done in that theyre now listening to all black students feel still ahead on aljazeera, mexicos economy is legalese that legalization bill. But he still faces hurdles before doors are open for business. Hello the arabian sea is quite active at the moment and this master plan, he will resolve itself, i think, into a circulation ceasar culture on the horn of africa, to model a few showers to form in yemen and amman as well. And then from the levant, across to iran. Another wave is coming through snow for the iranian mountains, sunder storms, rain showers for iraq and tail, often society and a change back to cooler weather, but sunshine and showers in the levantine coast. And that of sea continues east was with afghanistan getting more of the significant snow. But a breeze set up down the gulf there hoss 29. I think youll feel the breeze in that. And heres the rain down in yemen. But you know where the main rain is this times a year. Its a line roughly speaking from zanzibar westwards, but look how far it stretches. This is the time of year when the Okavango Delta gets full of right, well thats it. And theres rain certainly around here, and it stretches dancer, botswana to the heart of south africa, doesnt affect cape town, whose temperature has just dropped with a change in wind direction. However, when talk just to the west, youve had your rains, i think so weve got 32 degrees or thereabouts. Next 3 days, little wind, and plenty of sunshine. But frank assessments, if other can Public Opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after november . What would be good because if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy, one obvious solution is to break the most informed opinion as lucas said, his dog. Anyway, the protestors are going anywhere, either its ability or the revolution people. Indepth analysis of the days global headlines kill, is it thats really out there on the screen inside story on aljazeera. The, in the, in the watching aljazeera recap of our top stories. The United Nations has called on ethiopias warring sides to stop fighting immediately. So aid can come in and refugees save zones can be set up. In the past hour, ethiopian troops say they have taken to towns near to graze regional capital micheli in uganda. A president ial candidate bobby wine has been granted bail after being charged with flouting coronavirus restrictions. At least 28. 00 people have been killed in protests over his detention during an Election Campaign rally. And us pharmaceutical company, pfizer and its german partner by on tech could become the worlds 1st companies to seek emergency authorization in the us for their coronavirus vaccine. The Us Health Secretary alex there are says their plans to seek approval is a light at the end of the top us president elect joe biden has been declared the winner in the state of georgia for a 2nd time after a hand recount the ballots were audited. Out of president Trumps Campaign question to the results and claimed widespread fraud. Georgia secretary of state says as a republican, his disappointed in the results but says that the numbers dont lie. Im a passionate conservative. And as ive said before, im a proud trump supporter. I was with him early in the 2016 election cycle and hes governing nation by the same conservative principles that i hold dear. Like other republicans, im disappointed our candidate didnt win georgias electoral votes. Close elections, so distressed people, feel their side was cheated. We saw this from the democrats in 2018, and we see this from republicans today working as an engineer throughout my life. I live by the motto that numbers dont lie as secretary of state. I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct. Now, including georgias tally biden, has won the presidency with 360 Electoral College votes he needed 270 to win. Donald trump fell short with 232 biden, is a 1st democratic president ial candidate to win georgia in nearly 3 decades. To save a republican state, legislator, legislature is a legislative, i should say. In michigan have traveled to washington d. C. To meet donald trump as pressure rolls on them to overturn the results to favor him. Joe biden has won michigan by more than 154000 votes. Bidens legal team has condemned the attempt to set aside the vote. The popular vote. The constitution does not permit a state legislature to do with donald trump once the disk of state legislature to do to save legislature is already prescribed the manner in which the electors in 2020 were to be chosen. And that is through the popular vote. They cannot after the factual around and change those rules retroactively committee, how could joins us now live from the white house. So kimberly, do we know whats come out of the meeting between President Trump and these legislators from michigan . Whats the president hoping to get from them . Exactly, we just got some clarification. There is a White House Press briefing taking place as we speak with caylee machinating, the press secretary saying just moments ago that the meeting is still imminent. So providing some clarity on the timeline. Now also saying it may include more than just legislators from michigan in other words that other states may be involved. So this is a pretty Interesting Development because what it suggests is that donald trump is it appears trying to use a strategy of republican legislatures where that state has gone for joe biden to instead, as you mentioned, turn their votes to donald trump when the Electoral College meets in mid december, in other words, capturing or what his critics would say is really defying the will of the people that right now, in terms of the popular vote, we have joe biden, with almost 80000000 votes. Donald trump about 6000000, behind that so many would suggest to subserve verdun, the democratic process. But as were hearing from the press secretary right now, they argue that its legal and as one of many tactics that they are continuing to use, including litigation, in order to overturn the vote now. Well again, just very quickly, why are they trying to do this . Well, they argue that the votes that came in after election day are illegal, that they should have been counted. The voting should have stopped on november 3rd. When donald trump for a while, was looking like he was in the lead. But as the votes continued to be tallied, they favored joe biden. And as we have been reporting here in al jazeera joe biden, now being called as the president elect, or in other words, the projected winner. So very quickly again, what theyre doing is trying to use this window of opportunity to explore legal challenges and also legislative ones. Thank you, ken baker. Now can we, how could life for us have the white house now to better will swear, thousands of mourners have attended the funeral of a prodemocracy protests. Are witnesses say 31 year old roman born dire enco was beaten by several men last week before being taken into custody. He died from brain injuries the following day. The authorities have denied responsibility, but repairing and iran, the sanctions. Paul brennan reports hold their hands held high in a peace sign. The mourners filled the area in front of the church in minsk. The death of roman pondering co has given new impetus to bella, who says opposition movement, which has faced a ruthless clampdown by Government Security forces in recent weeks. We will not forget, we will not forgive, was just one of the slogans. The crowd chanted in unison. When you just assume that i have a son, and i understand that any of us could have been killed. I really want my son to grow in a free, safe country so that he grows up as a free man and can express his thoughts without being punished. So i hope that it will be so. Will your boy. From today i have pain in my soul, so i came to say goodbye to a wonderful person, roman on the rank who died under such tragic circumstances. I could not stay at home. I came to say goodbye to this wonderful young man. Beatings and arrests of escalated in recent weeks as opposition. Demonstrators continue to dispute the outcome of august president ial election. A vote in which the sitting president Alexander Lukashenko claimed victory. Because riot police have used tear gas rubber, bullets, and stun grenades against the demonstrators. Thousands have been arrested, but the protests continue. Undeterred. The e. U. Has condemned what it describes as the violent repression and intimidation of peaceful demonstrators and has already imposed sanctions against lucas shank oath his son, victor, and 13 other officials, direct pressure and they look he gains people has not stop. We have already sanctioned more than 15 degree duels in 2 rounds of sanctions. Thank today. We have agreed to proceed with the preparation of the next round of sanctions. As a response to the brutality of the assert, it is an insuperable for the democratic rights of the people. The square where roman bonder and co was beaten and arrested was already a focal point for the prodemocracy opposition movement. Now it has also become a powerful memorial to his life and his defense of the opposition course. Paul brennan, aljazeera millions of voters in book will head to the polls on sunday. But activists say the ongoing violence will make it difficult for the countrys 6000000 registered voters to cast their ballots, even if they wanted to promote a dealer and her family fled the village or 2 after a night attack by gunmen. Although the family was lucky to meet the 2 are good to go alive. Many other villages did not. The mother of 4 says she fled without identity documents. That without them would get a say in the elections. I dont have a birth certificate and dont know how to get one. I need that to get a new National Identity card which will allow me to receive my voter card. I wont be able to vote on sunday because theres nothing that proves im from burkina faso. Shes one of hundreds of thousands of broken obvious who have lost Voting Rights because of the violence sweeping across the west african nation. Attacks by armed groups in 2015 marked the beginning of a violent campaign. Baloch aida isolette that feeling that us will fight, killed and displaced more than a 1000000. People in particular, activists say about 1600 communities have been uprooted because of the attacks against civilians and Burkina Faso Security forces. Its a difficult situation. Its complicated and its the 1st time in our history this many people will be disenfranchised. But its the reality not because they dont want to vote, but simply because they cant say more than 400000. 00, new voters could be added to the register this year because of the violence and widespread displacement. The Elections Commission has already given up on conduct in the polls and hundreds of villages across the country, back at the shelter for the delos too much as only one wish, that whoever becomes president after sundays vote will end the violence so that they can go back to their lives, not an impossible dream, but like millions of other victims of the violence sweeping the sahara region of west africa, the family may have to wait a bit longer to see this dream come true. Greece is here. Mexicos senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill to make it legal to use my juana. The legislation still needs congress, but the volt is seen as a 1st serious attempt to legalize cannabis in a country thats become notorious for its drug war. John heilemann has a story, makes cars been grappling for years with how to regulate this one. Its been illegal for decades while the war against drugs has raged. Now, a new law approved by the senate, which still has to go through congress, proposes legalizing production and consumption with quite a lot of restrictions. I dont would be able to buy up to 28 grams of pole and cultivate full plants for personal use. It could also be imported an export it with a license. This grower now producing illegally is cool, she slope to mystic. You have a few other folks here and so i decided to grow because im a consumer 1st. And i think that right now the conditions in which marijuana is produced and distributed in our country is very violent and very corrupt. And thats the key question. Legalizing marijuana, if it makes cars, cartels and gangs who currently run the business. The common consensus is no kind of his production is just a small part of their portfolio which also includes meth, then to new cocaine, and other rockets like extortion. Have a look at this, these kind of these plants are actually being grown right in front of makes kerry, senate by marijuana activists who are trying to raise awareness with whats going on. And they have another big question, and its this group, or communities in the rural hills of mexico that currently grow their crop for the no case. Now get the chance to go legal and on paper under this law, it seems like they will because 40 percent of the licenses to grow marijuana in the 1st 5 years of legalization are serve for them. Its. But in practice, things could work differently in the mountains. Minimal risk that if you, as a local peasant prince and say, i will only produce legally. Now i want to make a living in a listen to legal terms that you will not get away with. Because there is frank power off, organized crime with groups in those areas. And the most likely scenario is unfortunately, that if you have a new look at your market coming into play, that they will try and probably succeed in getting their hands on. The new proceeds on them, your profits. Oh, the fear of marijuana activists is that the law will actually only help International Corporations get into the mix car market. And so to richer urban consumers. Well elsewhere, the street code of business continues is normal. But in a socially conservative country, really talk of drug legalization is deeply controversial to senators and of the kurds. Hope this could be the start of change. John homan out zillah. Mexico city. Clear again. Im fully battle with the headlines on aljazeera had the United Nations has called on ethiopias warring sides to stop fighting immediately. So aid can come in and refugee safe zones can be set up if they have taken to towns near to graze regional capital mccully in uganda. Opposition, politician bobby wine has been released on bail. Officials have accused a president ial candidate of violating

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