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Confrontations, unoccupied, East Jerusalem, and the west bank after a series of raids by is wiley for making sure easier on ukraine succeed is vital for Americas National security. U. S. President ial i bought in appeals to americans to Bank Billions and extra military funding fee as well. And you christ plus the us says it is shut down. Several miss thousands. Right . So the northern red said launched from demons potentially heading towards each round. The. It is just past 3 jam t, thats 6 am in gone. Some its people have suffered another day of his wily bombardment. As the boy enters its 14th day on thursday night and his riley strikes you to Greek Orthodox church and gods, according to palestinians is believed dozens of others are trapped unto the brain. Whole king reports a frantic search through the rubble in the compound of one of the worlds Oldest Churches. Hundreds of palestinians displaced by the way, being sheltering that they believed it was one of the last remaining places of safety from h rady bombardment. There were no weapons or anything in the church. Children, im missing, we cant find them. Were still unable to find them during our christians, we have to, i was in a church and all those who in the church were christians, enough is enough. We are really tired. The church of saint serious has a history dating back 1600 years. Located in gauze is old city. Its only a couple of 100 meters away from goes as baptist hospital, which suffered a separate strike just days ago, killing hundreds, the guy, the last time it got in the statement, the orthodox patriarch of jerusalem condemned the strike saying targeting churches and the institutions along with the shelters they provide to protect innocent citizens, constitutes a war crime that cant be ignored. These are 80 militaries not commented on the strike. We see a history of the is really government, you know, targeting more targeting churches and in the west bank included, you know, then its Somebody Church and the have was, was attacked in 2002 during the 2nd uprising of the church itself has sustained damage with the building next to it destroyed, many of those sheltering that had fled north and garza, after a warning by the Israeli Military for residents to escape for their own safety. But this latest strike echoed the statement from the un early this week that no place is safe in gaza. Pole going out to see you and tarik, bu assume has more on these riley attack on that church from con eunice inside gaza. You last is a strike on the orthodox church. Really close us, the damage to different buildings that had been collapsed due to these very compartments in the area. This place had been used as chill, tough for people who were displaced from the houses, and even they are even living peacefully until the bomb and just took place. According to the latest updates that had been reached from the ministry of health act till this current moment early to palestinians are really killed until this current moment. The number of casualties wrong using a dream. The last couple of hours, only one for abutment had been hit in a great, a sort of rate refuge account. These really ongoing strikes when the goal is was to prep catastrophe consequences on different life aspect. Its broke, a catastrophe damaged or civil infrastructure most touch and even the, the, the medical facilities youre talking about every single area. And the goal is this trip has to be bombarded by the, is really a straight to all these current moments. There is no any potential hope for palestinians to reach us useful. Yeah. That can to prevent or at least the stuff is very ongoing. Strikes to speak with ariel gold, who is the executive director of the fellowship of reconciliation and slide just an oldest into faith paste and just as organization in the us she joins us from washington. D. C. I real, thanks so much for being on the program. As weve heard President Joe Biden has said that the us rejects old phones of hayes against muslims, jews, and everyone. And yet, as weve just been reporting, weve seen the Oldest Church and guys and now struck whats your initial reaction . You know, theres this false narrative thats been circulating that this is a religious war, that this is a war about jews versus muslims. And that is not the case at all. First of all, palestinians are not only muslims. Theyre posted in christians as well, but this is not a, this is not a religious score. This is a political conflict of political war and overlay and, and over the refusal of israel to secure freedom justice and the quality for all people between the river and the see this is, you know, and its, its a horrible attack and all people of fate should be outraged by this, its a were trying to pull our cell 3 in that church. People have been displaced by this. Were hoping to buying c d r e o. Weve seen a large show of support from a jewish community, particularly in the us, of the people of god. So what impact do you think thats having i hope the people around the world are able to see that American Jews, myself included, are outraged. And you know, its, its the deepest principle of judaism is that we are all created in the likeness of god, all people and that all lives are sacred. And we, American Jews have been out in the streets. And many of us putting our bodies in freedom on the line. There were 400, at least 400 arrested yesterday in congress saying not in our name. And we need to cease fire immediately. Apartheid and genocide are not jewish values. And we do not want to see churches or mosques destroyed. We do not want to see another, not another ethnic cleansing, jews. We, we know what genocide looks like, and we know what the beginnings of genocide look like. Weve seen this before and were seeing it right now live in real time and its her effect. It certainly is arial do. Do you have a sense of heart that despite the politics surrounding this will that people of old sites can come together in edge pace. We are seeing that across the world in some ways and certainly in the us as jews have been coming out and weve been very much joined by christians and muslims, and buddhist and fellowship of reconciliation. Were actually an International Organization with 50 branches around the world that come together in phase in the unity of knowing that each of our fees are dependent upon each other and that we all value the lives and worst of each other. I really, really appreciate that sentiment. Thanks to taking the time to speak to us ariel ariel gold, executive director of the fellowship of reconciliation. Thank you. Its been ongoing raise in the occupied westbank is riley forces killed at least 12 palestinians there on thursday. Mo, pictures of confrontations between palestinians and his riley forces have been posted on social media. The lightest violence happened in the is up area of headphone is really forces also for with palestinians in the show, a fat refugee camp in the occupied East Jerusalem region. There are currently no reports of casualties. Lets go live to sarah. Hi. Rock in ramallah. Hello. This sarah, bring this up to speed with these latest is riley rays in the occupied west bank. Yeah, well of these rights has been happening every day since the october 7. How my so type spots in me. This evening we seen into the early morning. Weve seen multiple raids happening at the same time. Some of those are still ongoing, including one which is over now, but it happens here in ramallah Security Forces turned up just down this road here. And they were clearly looking for very specific people. Theyve made several arrest. Theyve made arrest, hit in ramallah of a to a senior. How much members as well as theyve detained other people from gauze, a gauze in was that has been working full, is raising those southern towns, as many palestinians do. And they ended up not being able to go back to the cause of many of them ended up here which okay, more than 600 people, some of those and didnt parent or my lot, they seem to have been arrested. Weve also heard of a couple of john is arrested over night raise it happens in hebron in south of nablus and one where theres a siege thats been going on for more than 24 hours in refugee camp. Cool. No sounds right next to to cut on the hot spots with lots of palestinians on ohms, and thats where a lot of cost is intentions have been happening throughout this year with is really forces. Now of course, of course, whats happening in garza is having repercussions here as well because many of those living in occupied westbank all really worried for whats happening now and wants to come. We have spoken about more than a 150 years. And thats just in these 2 weeks, a semester, step up, the numbers of grades of death of demolitions. Weve just seen the home demolish full, one of the policy and in a talk cuz it goes full settlers. Of course theres a lot of, um, concerns of retaliation from those that lives on land. That is all surprised by is ro here in occupied west jerusalem. So that just gives you a sense of the tensions, the concerns amongst palestinians living here. Where whether that going to be next people or warrant the saying in some areas. But when the Security Forces do turn out for those rates, the ends up being clashes. Theres been a gas here. We had it earlier. And also sound bones not just is happening in multiple locations, but still happening in some of those areas. Okay, let us know if anything else develops. Sandra. Hi, runs in ramallah for us. You as President Joe Biden has addressed the nation about the ongoing, more after his trip to israel bartons valid to support israel in its fight against him. Us like winning the battle to that of a crane against russia while stressing the need for humanitarian aid to gaza. Bottom says hell prestone with getting an unprecedented package for the military aid. Sent a is route and ukraine, making sure israel and ukraine succeed is vital for Americas National security. You know, history has taught us that one terrace dont pay a price for their chair. When dictators dont pay a price for their aggression and cause more cash in depth and more destruction. Israel, lets make sure that they have what they need to protect their people today and always the Security Package im sending to congress and asking congress do isnt on pressure then the commitment to Israel Security that will sharpen israels qualitative military edge, which weve committed to the qualitative military edge. Were going to make sure iron dont continues to guard the skies of razor. Were going to make sure other hospital actors in the region know that israel stronger than ever and prevent this conflict from spreading. And the white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more on that stage for you as President Joe Biden, in his 2nd Oval Office Address making the case to the american public. But it needs to fund in military assistance for ukraine as well as is real, more than a 100000000000. 00 in security assistance. The argument that president is laying out is that there are fragile democracies that are at risk of being an isolated and the chaos if that were to happen could eventually trickle back to the united states. Now this 100000000000. 00 request is that the u. S. President says he will send to the us congress is likely to be dead on arrival, given the fact that currently there is no speaker in the house of representatives. And given the fact that there hasnt been one for about 2 weeks. And there isnt one for the receivable future. That means that until a speaker is elected, the president s request is unlikely to be considered still, the us president is going to continue to make the case to the american public. This is something that he says is important because he believes that this is something that is an American Value standing up for democracy. Kimberly how could alj a 0 the white house, the still ahead on l g 0 will have continuing special coverage of the full on gaza to stay with the assessing the discussions as agents. We used to say thats about 15 percent of which are smuggling is going to die. Examining the headline, wheres the central population is responsible for 50 percent emissions, which has created this crisis, exploring abundance of 12 clause programming, designed to inform, move to face. And inside the way, my story was, i felt that it was important. I get back on algae 0. The situation is so bad by the next to this moment on fiber optics of goods. What are the people in a state of shock . People are very scared, very stress. A lot of people are saying the country contented carter attacks the bombing mosque. Im shocked by our government. Its just care about the sides. In north korea supremely to kim jones sister is emerging as likely successful. The 1. 00 oh 1. 00 east investigate. North koreas most powerful woman. Oh no. Just 0. The hello. Are you watching out a 0 . Im emily angry and hes a reminder of the licensed developments as the war on guys a inches. Its 14th day. A great coast at oaks church and guys that has been huge by is riley, as strikes coming to palestinians. Escalades and thousands of people are trapped under the rubble. Many internally displaced people, mostly christian palestinians were sheltering in the church. The confrontations have taken place between palestinians and his riley forces and occupied East Jerusalem. And the west bank after a series of raids by is riley forces. And of you as president has pledge to provide israel with an unimpressive into the military age package. In a rare address from the oval office to abide in said, east wells, 5 Higgins Thomas is vital to Americas National security. The u. S. Navy has intercepted 3 missiles and the northern red se, depending on says they believe this was a who is the attack launched from yemen . And that early evidence suggests the drones and missiles would potentially heading towards is around the crew of the guided missile destroyer. Us carney, operating in the Northern Red Sea earlier today, shut down 3 land attack cruise missiles and several drones that were launched by the forces in human. This action was a demonstration of the integrated air and Missile Defense architecture that we have built in the middle east, and that we are prepared to utilize whenever necessary to protect our partners and our interest in this important region. There were no casualties to us forces and none that we know of to any civilians on the ground. Information about these engagements is still being processed. And we cannot say for certain what these missiles and drones were targeting. But they were launched from human heading north along the red sea, potentially towards targets in israel. Theres been a drawn and rocket attack on the n l i side a base thats located in the west and, and by province in iraq, it hard us, us and other International Forces in the west. Multiple blasts were heard new, the base, a rocket seat, another military base hosting us forces need baghdad. International airport. Last mood of del y head is in baghdad. And has elijah statehouse. Well, it is just the speed of a tax started thing us a ministry facilities, a has been analysis and claimed a by admitted 3 factions aligned with iran. The reason to attack targeted, i said the admitted to base in the was that in the province of unbar and the security sources, india say that a civil bless us were heard inside the base. The attack was cut it out by both drones and the missiles. Meanwhile, this is the 3rd attack you as submitted to the facility is targeted uh within the last 24 hours the member yesterday at the same military base. And it said and also another us submitted surveys. And those are the rock goals. A heavier military base were targeted and the admitted c faction uh, back to buy your lawn calls this. Lemme resistance claimed responsibility for that tax on wednesday and on thursday and on wednesday, according to you, a sense of the command of the attack caused main, the injuries within the ministry personnel, older or the Coalition Forces personnel. So this also coincides was at public and go inside iraq, protest stages across the country and several other provinces at a showing get so the data to with guys and condemning it the minutes we campaigned them about them and campaign bye as well against the rise and also at trying to put pressure on the united states. Those top backend is little as you know that this is also coinciding with other attacks targeting us submitted to the facilities in the region named the Tanf Military base on the border between syria, jordan and iraq. And this also happens as at the us navy, a worship intercepted civil missiles in the southern, the red sea. It is rarely a strikes of targeted areas close to villages in southern lebanon yourselves with 5 that has beloved positions, me a calf chava. Israel has evacuated towns along the border with lebanon after repeated exchanges of 5 santa hot out reports from 711 on that as well as military says its targeting has bullet positions across the border and lebanon. Its facing, a guerrilla would be running back lebanese arms group has been attacking is really military positions along the border as well as tank using precision guided missiles. The warring signs have been trading fire along what has been an active frontline since as well started to attack garza more than a week ago. Hezbollah joined the battle after recalled by its ally. Hum us. But its very much limiting its response within the rules of engagement established since its last war with israel in 2006. Israel says it doesnt want to be dragged into war on a 2nd front, but it has threatened to respond forcefully if attacks, to engage for the, for the skin war its, its a barrier skipping it is not popular among really been these population 1st. And it has to have a green light to from the, or in the end, but a g because that might create a new dynamics in the middle east of together. So a decision of that scape, it has to be cleared by both the Union Leadership and maybe the syrians, as well as the headset, its most mutual in the conflict. Its back or even has repeatedly warned of a war that we didnt go for the whole region. If attacks against gaza, continue with the so called excess of resistance. Hasnt said what their red line is, except that because it will not fall the in other words, come us will not fault a decision by hezbollah to enter the war with its full military capabilities. Could depend on how long its ally can sustain, is really a tax on its own. None of the stuff you run in its allies across the region are now focusing their anger on the us administration. They say it has given isabel free reign to carry out war crimes against the palestinians. Since then there have been reports of attacks on the us military presence in iraq and syria. And it takes us on the americans additional pressure, uh to tell them that, you know, if this would happen, it would not, it will not be in any way or convention of the war. It would have no limits, no border of uh and uh, attacks on it, you know, and, and its backers can be from anywhere for the time being there is he said rhetoric. Well all sides appeared to be weighing the risks and benefits of confrontation. But what appears to be shaping up is a protracted cross border war of attrition. San jose, i was busy to southern lebanon to, as these roused bombardments have gone and continues its Ground Forces amassing the of the strips. Northern boredom is ralphs defense minister jo escalade has suggested a ground invasion. Could be nearing the print book or we trust you and count on you from here we go on training while there is time. Get organized, be prepared. The command will. Com. Thats our thanks guys. We count on you. Good luck. And anyone who now sees garza from a distance will see it from the inside. I promise you it doesnt. Stephanie deca has been in the is riley city of jaffa, wherever he usually boss lane mixed population of these rallies in palestinian history is rileys, has gone silent. Weve come to jasper to get a sense of how people feel here. It is essentially a mix town between is really policy and is really how this thing and workers here and also tourism is a major source of income. But everything pretty much a lot of shops shots, there is no one in the restaurant. And what is striking is that nobody wants to talk to us, the palestinians. Weve tried to speak to tell us theyre afraid to express anything on camera. This is also in line. Theres been a rest of any, a palestinian or is really policy. And that has shown support with the policy is against what israel is doing in dollars. A one woman we met from steroids. She sheltered at home with our family for 3 days, didnt dare leave her house following that attack by her mouse also. Didnt want to talk on commerce, saying she was waiting for the war to end and actually won mine. Very aggressive, came to us and also as well, you know, why didnt you tell the truth and media is against israel. What they did to us was barbaric and he said the problem is that we are too nice and we need to deal with them in a much harsher way, referring to the policy. And this is the sentiment on the ground here. Incredibly, 10 people are free to talk. A lot of you are on behalf of a lot of his ratings, the feeling of revenge. And this is why people will tell you this is an incredibly dangerous time and a dangerous mix. Stephen, just on the street, stephanie decker, ill just say were off, theres been violence pro palestinian rallies in jordans capital and came off to demonstrate his with band, from going to be his riley and us embassies. A summer been jervey reports from a mind. Well, people have been gathering as they have in the last 12 days here in the georgia being capital today. What is different . Is that not being allowed to go to either the is very, or the american embassies it. And let me just move out of the chart so you can feel the energy of this crowd who being gathered in here for the last 2 hours. Theyve been charging slogans on a diety or has been against israel. Is happening in the back drop of the julian king traveling to higher talking to the egyptian president. And this is again a gathering which has been we are a people can come and show solidarity. It also turns into a morning procession. And then people also use it and not as being happening as sasha, and have also broken out with the police as people just finding the prices go toward the very end of the finishes stopping them from doing that. But as you see that this is the crowd that continues to swell. And the last few hours, again, because of the weekend, were expecting more and more people coming here with the children with their families, think that theyre tired of watching the scene unfold on the screen. And because this can be more than 2000000 Palestinian Refugees in the family, they want to show something they want to do something for the people who are in gaza. And according to the people here is available to stop exemptions on the policy people unless it does, people will continue to come out in this way. Thanks for watching, well have more news at the top of the ally. Do stay with the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. And heres how its looking across the americas on friday. A good to have you along. Still, the storm is locked into the southeast of brazil, eastern paraguay, some of which could be severe damage. And winds and hail will be the biggest threats there in time, almost all of origin. Tinas under a weather alert for just how hard it is this time of the year. By year blanca 27. 00. But big dropping those temperatures for a couple of those weve adapted the other day. Youre 30 down to 16 degrees top end of south americas still persistent rain for northwest ecuador, could see some flooding there. And our Tropical Storm is moving to the eastern caribbean. Lot of rain, lot of wind over the next little bit. Now at the same time, weve also got our hurricane in the eastern Pacific Norma as it tracks closer to the bar california peninsula. So lets go in here for a closer look, looking to make landfall over the course of the weekend. At one point before it came mindful it will be the equivalent of a category 3 storm, but then we can as it gets closer to accomplice on lucas still hots in california at least for los angeles, at 32 temperatures have dropped down there in san francisco. And then weve got this disturbance developing off the carolinas. This becomes a story for the us northeast, but it really gets going on saturday and i think it will be worse for atlanta, canada. As soon as i go to you by visit castle, freight companies, big passports, international banks, and the proceeds of organized crime in publish as big p l, a balance on the vehicle. Weve seen the picture in a remarkable 3 pos people, the power investigation into a complex, secretive world. To turn this go in search of the tale and my fears. 13 months. The longer talked one on the jersey to protest and using garza suffer, a humanitarian catastrophe, foamed, and the same spot. Israel with nothing allowed in and no way out the u. N. Is blocked on the ground and the Security Council has put arised on paralyzed by veto. What role can you and play and garza, this is inside story, the hello again. Own jane space human suffering on an epic scale. The view of the un

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