Abuse in the country. The u. S. City of ferguson, a year, another blackman shot by police in the state of emergency in force. I am lee we willings with the spots news as Manchester City win their Opening Premier League game. Fans of their american sister club have been fighting on the streets of new york. In turkey, there have been four separate deadly attacks blamed on at least two different groups. Istanbul and a bomb squad officer and at least two attackers were killed in a gun fight. A vehicle packed with explosives have been used to attack a police station. Elsewhere in the city, two women fired shots at the u. S. Consulate. One woman who was wounded was arrested. She was a member of a left wing party. A soldier and four Police Officers were killed in two separate attacks in sernak prove incident. A warning, a report frommist alanbul William Strong images from the start. Reporter chased down to a back street in istanbul, a woman who had earlier opened fire on the building refuse to see surrender. I did it for my party, she shouts, before being shot and wounded by a Police Officer. Her party is the extreme leftwing and antiamerican revolutionary Peoples Liberation army front. The dhkpc. A second attacker also female escaped from the area. In 2013, the dhkpc said it was behind a suicide bomb attack against the u. S. Embassy in the capitol, ankara. They now said they are behind this attack. I saw this woman running and police shotting stop. They fired warning shots. Then someone in an apartment threw at that chair from the balcony at the woman. The stacker shot at the balcony. A van packed with explosive detonated at the eastern edge. An attacker was killed. Several civilians and Police Officers were wounded. Then, forensic and bomb squad teams searched the scene, two stackers opened fire on them. A Police Officer and the stackers were killed in that shootout. There has been further violence in southeastern turkey. Four Police Officers were killed by a roadside bomb and a soldier was killed when a rocket was fired on a helicopter. Stacks blamed on the separatist pkk. In the last three weeks, the Turkish Military carried out airstrikes on positions of the pkk and isil. Across the country, the Security Forces have arrested hundreds of people suspected in istanbul, the violence in the southeast even prove incident has been blamed on the kurdish separatist pkk group. Turkey has been clamping down as we heard in that report on both groups in last month bombing pkk bases in iraq, turkish planes have been bombing positions held by the Islamic State of iraq and the levant in northern syria. The turks want u. S. Help to create an antiisil buffer zone there. Most of the syrian side of the border is controlled by fighters from another Kurdish Armed group called the ypg. Group, part of the u. S. Backed fight against isil. The u. S. State department had this reaction to what happened to its consulate. There was a security incident at our consulate in istanbul. Nobody in the consulate was injured. We are working with turkish authorities as they investigate this, and i really wouldnt go beyond that right now. I can tell you that the consulate will be open for business tomorrow. Lets bring in our washington, d. C. Correspondented for the turkish newspaper. Why do you think there has been this rise in kurdish violence . Given that over the last few years, we have seen a betterment in relations between authorities in ankara and the kurdish parties. Why now . Is it because its been apparent that the turkish authorities have been going soft on isil until quite recently . Well, they are actually a couple of issues all together here. One is that as you talk about this kurdish vie lensviolence, turkey has been dealing with the pkk for over 30 years. For the last two years, very much admired peace talks started and the pkk present leader started to talk with the turkish government. Everything changed with the hdp, which is the kurdish, turk party, the Turkish Parliament who reached the party, got over 6. 5 million votes, overcame the ten percent threshold. Since then, this news adnps have rejected mr. Erdawans and atps majority to government. For the last five, six months, president erduwan has been attacking fiercely against the hdp and he, himself, stated that the peace talks are finished. There is no more kurdish issue in turkey. Do you think do you think can i ask you about that . Because you mentioned the ldp and the fact it made such enormous gains in the recent elections. Is it possible that the president and his party, the akb can put together a government because there is a deadline on this at this end of this month. Can put together a government without hdp involvement . Yes. Thing. Actually, atp and chp leaders, they just concluded their latest coalition talks. It seems that there is two possibility that the htp and chb can together form a coalition government. We will see we dont think they will be able to because its very clear that the group we call the policyist, mr mr. Edurow n veer wants an early election. He wants in the next election to get if not 400 mps but enough to form a government. May i ask you this . This is something you wrote recently the future looms dark for turkey, a terrible unintended consequence of civil war in syria may yet prove to be another one, i. E. Civil war in turkey. Do you think its that serious that turkey could fall apart, not just because of the problems that there are with the Kurdish Group but the other parties and militant groups that we have seen taking part in some of the bombings today . I wish i could. I think we are not exaggerating. Just today, a nationalist party leader voiced the same concern that there is a danger of a civil war. This doesnt mean obviously turkey is going to get one. But for the last six months, or actually, we should start with the last two years, with the protest, when we look at the government parties very dividing, polarizing attitude, when we look at the peaceful mourners or Peaceful Protesters being intervened over and over again by the force, we see during the parade june 7th election the kind of retoric that have been used against liberals, against ret. We are going to have to draw a line on the discussion as now. It is as you rightly point out, extremely complicated. We will have to come back on another occasions. Appreciate you coming in to news hour. Thank you. Well, isil said its fighters carried out two bombings in iraq which have killed at least 57 people. One of was in the east of the city at a busy marketplace and the other in a residential town of canan. Mohammed jamjoom is in baghdad and has the latest . Dozens wounded in two car bomb attacks that happened late monday evening close to the city of bakuba. Is ill has explained responsibility i see. One thing to note, i is isil took stabilityty for a similar attack in late julyresponsibili similar attack in late july. In which over 100 civilians were killed. Police and medical officials telling us this was a devastating attack that happened one in the town of kanan and in herwavu. Underscoring how tension the situation remains. A deteriorating security situation. Iraqi Security Forces stretched very thin trying to fight isil on several fronts here, especially in the anbar offensive which began just a few weeks back. But, also, you have mounting pressure on the government to pass much needed what the civilians here are calling much needed reforms to try to restore basic services lie electricity, like clean water, like air conditioning. This is a blazingley hot summer, a record heat wave in iraq right now. Thousands of people have been taking to the streets several times the past week. This last friday, tens of thousands in several cities across iraq, mobilized, marching, telling the government they must get their act together. They must past reforms and fight corruption. It is expected on tuesday, parliament will meet. They may pass the directions that were given by the Prime Minister here to fight corruption, but much needs to be seen tomorrow by the iraqi people to make sure that the government is doing as much as they can to deliv on the promises they have vowed to the iraqi people that they will fight corruption, start delivering services, but again, so much going on so many fronts right now, it is a country that is considered to be in crisis and many people want the security situation and the situation at large for society here to improve. Syrian rebels say they have made advances against the issad government, that they have taken villages and mount answers in the central hama prove incident. Rebels have already taken, they say, most of northern idlib prove incident. Fighters say they are pushing toward the assad family stronghold of latakia. Osama bin javid reports. Reporter opposition fighters say they forced out Government Forces from many areas in central syria. This is the plane in hamar prove incident. Fighters see it as an important Vantage Point toward the stronghold of latakia. The coastal city is home to Bashar Al Assads sect. No red line. The next fighting will be on the coast. Now, we are almost at the coast. Reporter the alliance which calls itself jesu fighter, or the army of conquest has been making steady gains. It includes al nusra front, the u. S. Considers a terrorist organization but its the most effective force fighting against the Syrian Government and isil. . Fighting is everybody where. Major parts of syria have been reduced to normrubble. Some of those who came back say their homes have been destroyed. Translator they left nothing for us. They have damaged the houses and stolen the belongings. Thank god we have returned safely. Reporter monday these mountains, there is rare discontent in latakia. These protesters gathered against president assads cousin who reportedly killed the Syrian Air Force colonel over a traffic dispute last week. It began with a crackdown on protests and opposition as the assads government control shrinks, demonstrations are beginning to happen in a bastion of support. Al jazeera. Stay with us on the al jazeera newshour. Stay tuned. We have this coming up. The hunt for 143 missing mexican students, the head of the search lost his own life. We cannot trust you anymore. A group of top athletes speak o out. Lee has more. The rest of the sport a little later. Please in eastern pakistan say they have police in eastern pangstan say they have arrested seven men of abusing children. Case in the Kasur District from punjab state from where Nicole Johnston reports. Ashlam said she was r5i7d bethree men fours years ago. We are using a different name to protect his identity. At the time, he was 11 years old. Afterwards, he said he had to pay the men not to reveal what they had done to him. They made a video out of it and started blackmailing me. They told me to bring them more kids. My family is poor. I have nothing to pay them. So, i left school and worked in the fields. I gave them everything i made. Over the last, reports of at least 284 children in this small village in nunjab state were sexually abused. People sigh 400 videos of the attacks were made and sold across pakistan and overseas. You wouldnt normally see such a large gathering of people from the village in the middle of the day. But all of the neighbors are coming out. They are talking about the case, and they are all demanding one thing. They say they want justice and for whoever was behind this abuse to either be stoned to death or to be hanged. Mavin agreed. He started protest march with victims families. It was stopped by Police Firing tear gas. He has been charged under pakistans antiterrorism law. He said some of the child abusers are wellknown. Translator they are influential people. They work for the courts and are drug inspectors. Because of the threats, everyone was afraid of them. They harass people every day. Some people in the village say police were paid bribes not to investigate. The police deny it. We heard about the allegations. I sent out an officer to the village and we announced on the loud speaker that if there are any cases of abuse, they should tell us, but no one came forward. Reporter showing us injuries he says he received when the police beat him for publiprotesting against the abuse. Because of dignity and honor, some people are not coming forward. They are worried they will lose the respect of society. Reporter aslam says after what has happened, he has nothing more to lose. Nicole johnston, al jazeera, pakistan. Proceed Government Forces in yemen have retaken the district in sanaa and taken badann district alongside the howe howe positions nearby. The head of the International Committee of the red cross has called the situation in yemen catastrophic. Arriving in yemen on saturday to highlight what he called the dire humanitarian situation there. On sunday, he went to visit homes damaged in the historic old city of the capitol, sanaa. He oversaw, also, a prison swap these seven men held captive by howe hows in sanaa were allowed to leave. All of them members of the Southern Resistance armed group which is among antihowe howe forces. Four days earlier, the red cross transferred seven released prisoners in the other direction. Mr. Mora has made a video statement about what he has seen in yemen. He was at the hospital there. This is what he had to say. When i came to the hospital, the emergency room was empty. Now, half an hour later, i go back o back. They are out of the hospital and there are two new patients which have been really heavily affected by cluster bombs, mines. I have been i have seen people who have been tortured, who have been slain through the roads and who have really been physically destroyed. This is a very serious, catastrophic situation which i am told here and much more needs to be done in order to support those victims who were suffering each and every day from this conflict. Dozens of wounded yemenis have arrived in jordan for medical treatment. More on that story in aman. Reporter the first yemeni narnldz arrived on saturday night to receive treatment for injuries caused by their countrys conflict. They have been admitted to 3 hospitals. The government of saudi arabia is paying their medical bill through yemens high relief committee. A fighter who was injured during an attack by Republican Guards in aden who are allied with howe howe rebels. Howehouthi Houthi Rebels. Houthi . I was shot. The bullet shattered my thigh and lefted me disabled for more than three months. Left the. Their health has deteriorated over time because of the lack of medical services in yemen. So far, 35 yemeni patients have been admitted to this private hospital. They are all men, and their injuries range from critical to severe and some are in intensive care. Health officials hearsay they expect more to arrive in the coming weeks. All of the patients in this hospital are men who have fought against Houthi Rebels in aden. Medical forces say two civilians including a woman and a child have also arrived in aman for treatment. This is about religious, sectarianism. I cant watch silently. I care about faith and my country. Everyone must fight. It has nothing to do with age. According to Doctors Without Borders which has million facilities in eight provinces in yemen, the countrys Healthcare System is close to collapse. In a News Conference in aman, it called all sides to respect hospitals and allow people to get to them. A whole lot of the medical services have closed already because they couldnt function under bombing and under shelling. Those who remain are coping well extensive difficulty. The reason they collapse isnt because there arent enough medical staff although there are less now. There is no fuel, no medicines to be provided. As the fighters continue to receive medical help in aman, many of them believe the Houthi Rebels will be defeated. Jordan is likely to receive more injured yemenis as the conflict drags on. Al jazeera. Aman. Authorities in the u. S. City of fergson have declared a state of emergency after several violent incidents. Police say there has been a driveby shooting and protesters have thrown things at officers. An 18yearold man was cr critically wounded in exchange of gunfire with police on sunday. He has been charged with assaulting the officers. 50 protesters arrested for blocking the entrance of a court house during a protest. Kristin saloomey joins me from st. Louis. This state of emergency was in force what . A couple of hours ago. Has it made very much difference to the scale of the protesters . Tell me what you have seen. It really hasnt made a difference at this point. I think the test will be when night falls and demonstrators come out on the street, whether or not it causes police to act any differently now that the county are in charge of the situation here in ferguson. During the day, we have seen ongoing demonstrations and acts acts disobedience. People went there with the intention of getting involved, and, in fact, there was training before the event in order to keep things calm and peaceful. And it kind of went according to plan. About 50 people getting arrested in order to make that statement. Just help us with this one. You are in ferguson. I think i said st. Louis. Just a quick yes or no on that one. Reporter i am in ferguson. I am standing outside of the Ferguson Police department. We were in st. Louis a bit earlier for that demonstration. A year on, the question has to be even if it is just a perception why has nothing changed . We are seeing a state of emergency. We are seeing police on the streets. We are seeing another black man gunned down for whatever reason, whether he was resisting arrest, enda endangering the police or not. Once again is likely to raise tensions there. Why is nothing changed . Well, the demonstrators would certainly say nothing has changed or very little has changed except perhaps the elevation of the issue into the National Public consciousness. They feel that reforms are happening too slowly and they point to situations like this where someone is shot by a Police Officer as exactly what you say. Nothing has changed. Police will say they were shot at first in this situation and, as someone who was on the scene where this happened last night, i can say it was chaotic situation on the ground and at times, very frightening with the protesters in one area but different groups circulating in other areas. But i think it speaks to the level of distrust. Not only here in ferguson but around the country where we have seen so many cases of people being shot by police and police saying that it was they were threatened, their lives were in imminent danger and video coming out later to contradict that. Because of that, there is very little trust as to the Police Narrative of the story. The way police tell the story, there was gunshots between two different groups here in ferguson, not necessarily the demonstrators. They were down the street away from the demonstrators. Shots were fired between these two groups. They tried to pursue someone with a gun. They claim that person shot at them and they shot back. But again, that is something that people here are skeptical about, just given the history of the situation. Obviously not identical situations, but the parallels are there. Kristin saloomey, thank you. We said st. Louis. You are in ferguson. Thank you very much indeed for that. British court has freed rwandas intelligence chief wanted over reprisal killings after the 1994 genocide in that country. He was arrested in london in june, after spain issued a warrant. He had been accused of ordering the killing of three spanish volunteers from a medical charity 18 years ago. He was one of 40 senior rwandans accused after the genocide there. The country, itself or the leadership condemning his arrest as an outrage. Dmonlstrations have been held in the uk calling for his releasee held in the uk calling for his relea release. Another 1500 migrants have been rescued from monday from north africa to europe. Hundreds of others were saved by the Italian Coast Guard over the weekend. They were found north of the libyan coast and brought to sicily by a Croatian Coast guard ship. More Financial Aid to cope with the surging numbers coming to european shores. It was announced the release of 2. 4 billion in our funding to help Member States deal with those so the question is very much approaching this issue with eyes wide open and we continue to actually work with the Member States to address this challenge as best we can. Greek authorities are saying they are overwhelmed by the thousands of migrants arriving there every day. Most do go through athens where they have a little rest and plan the next stage of their journey. Thats created problems of overcrowding as john sopsaropous reports. A camp for 500 people in the western suburbs was conceived just a week ago and became concrete in record time. Even this has been with problems. Grease is dealing with problems. The transfer has been delayed over the question of who will pay for air conditioning units to be put into these mobile homes. Now, that has been resolved. Authorities are struggling to keep up. 124,000 migrants have entered greece so far this year, triple all of last years number and more than half the total entering europe. Hundreds of afghans are camped in agentens biggest park. Volunteers feed them and some individuals bring food. Many suffer from dehydration. This little girl has gastroi wantritis, one of the commonest ailmens doctors see here. But most need counselly doctors say. Said gave 2,000 to get this far. He has been in this camp for a week and plans to leave miles across the water from turkey, glad to have reached european shores, grateful simply for the fact no one is trying to kill them but unaware of the hardships that lie ahead. In time, they may earned up here, camping under the stern gaze of revolutionary heroes. Ought to remind greeks of the needs of others trying to be free. Translator these people are not illegal migrants, they abandoned war. We have been through war many times. If we are to live up to our ideals, we must help them. Otherwise, our own history will shame us. The crisis has touched us all. We will give what we have for these children. Athens may be just a stop along a route of thousands kilometers long. These children may remember it as one of the places that sustained them. John psaroupolous, athens. Coming up on the newshour, the cousin of Syrias Bashar Al Assad is arrested over murder which has called outrage in this warweary country. On the trail with hunters in south africa making their controversial case for killing wild animals. And as for the worldses number one golfer is on the course for the first time in more than a month. Lee has that and the rest of sport coming up. Ive been asked to keep my voice down cause we are so close to the isil position who is in charge, and are they going to be held to accout . But know were following the Research Team into the fire theyre learning how to practice democracy. Just seen tear gas being thrown. Glad sombody care about us man. Several human workers were kidnapped. This is whats left of the hospital is a crime thats under reported. What do you think. Were making history right now. Al Jazeera America the global headlines here on al jazeera. There have been a number of attacks in turkey. Turkey appearing to target Security Forces by the u. S. Consulate was also shot at. Isil says they have killed at least 57 people. Syrian rebels claim to have made advances against the Assad Government taking villages they say and mountains in central hamar prove incident. Interesting about the syria, the state news agency reporting that the first cousin, first cousin once removed of the basha are. Al assad, Suliman Assad has been arrested after a road rage incident where he is alleged to have shot dead someone who tried to take his vehicle. These people were anger and he said he promised justice would be served. Lets bring in the middle east analyst. Does it say anything about assad . He says, i will bring 24 man to justice even though he is a member of my own family. Trying to establish some sort of authority here . . Absolutely. He has no choice, david, but to bring his first cousin to justice. He has already sent one of his senior officials, met with the family of the slain officers, a war decorated hero killed by the first cousin of assad, major protests in the very heart of the regime. He has to do something about it because this is very serious. But what does it tell you about syria . It tells you that syrians, whether they live under the opposition or in the government controlled areas dont feel safe anymore. Its a chaotic country. War lords, mafia, this is the syria of today. Its a tragic situation because its talking about a strategic situation, the opposition making advances, government sees some areas of the country is really coming apart. I was reporting. You were sitting here, on the fact that those fighting the assad regime say they are making advances toward certain areas. One of which is latakia where this road rage incidents took place. This is the hartland of the hea heart. What will that say about the current president s position . As you know, in the last few months, the opposition, the socalled jasa has been making advances and encroaching slowly and gradually, just so close to latvia, the incidents where this is really the base. This is the heart. This is really the key, the nerve center of the assad regime. Thats why the protests in the last two days unnerved the assad regime, unnerved assad himself. These were their real friends. If they were protesting against them not only that many proefb government. Thousands have gone on the social media demanding. He basically killed the officer in cold blood this is not the first time first time assad. I would not be surprised to show ass a ad. He wants to show he is in control the forces against him, because we are seeing forces loyal to the president. The father of his first cousin who killed the officer was killed a few months ago in the area trying to defend latvia. It tells you a great deal. A radical faction, yet the government has failed to stop the advances which is getting encroaching closer and closer on the heart, on the popular base of the regime. Two questions in one. We will have to keep it as brief as possible on this point. Are we closer now than we have been in the last four years to seeing some kind of Critical Mass reached because of what you have been saying . And if it is, and if assad falls, what would it be . We are not very close at all. Lets not be blinded by these minor advances, practical advances. This is a long war. Of course, the opposition is making some advances. The regime is making advances in other places. So 24s a long war, very complicated war. Its not just syria. Its regional thank you for coming in on short notice. Nigel blanco is most widely known for spearheading the hunt for the bodies of 43 students who went missing and were presumed to have died. Its thought he was murdered as well. Al jazeeras alan fisher reports. They prayed for him and mourned the way they have mourned others and they wondered if his death would bring change because it hasnt for others he was a fighter. He wanted to defend the people. He wanted peace. He was a goodman. He didnt even know how to use weapons. He was not a killer. Miguel helped organize the search for 43 missing students abducted and presumably killed in this part of mexico last year. The incidents caused an international outcry. He was also part of a group called the other disappeared. Search for people reported missing by their families, also presumed dead. Look, this is a bone. Here is another one. A bigger one. This is another bone. This is a place of kidnappings. This is normal. Coming to your house at 6 00 a. M. Open the door and taking you in front of your family. The activist murder was one of just 15 over the weekend, speaking to al jazeera last year, he was dismissive of the police who many believed are linked to the disappear answers. Officials say why dont people give us information . To say that is an embarrassment because i know they have lost the trust of the people. Instead of winning the trust, they lose it. The Mexican Government insists they were killed by gang members on the orders of corrupt local police, bodies burned and remains dumped in a cravriver. So far, one student has been identified many others are missing across the country. Now, there is one less person looking for them and looking out for their families. Alan fisher, al jazeera. A trial in iran of a reporter accused of spying has finished with a verdict expected in about a week. An iranian american citizenship was arrested last year. He and in court on monday but authorities havent released details of any charges. The u. S. President and rights members have called for release. The family is critical of the trial and says the arrest is politically motivated. Irans judiciary claims to be independent. But this has all been behind closed doors. I have no idea what has happened. I can tell you jasons rights as an iranian citizen have not been fulfilled because he was kept in prison more than one year. And many times his trial was delayed. I am challenging those. Those people who arrested him and are trying him to show the evidence that they are using accusing him of espinage. I want them to publish that information. At least one person is being killed in Eastern Ukraine northeast of donetsk. People living there say the shelling intensified in recent weeks. Prorussian separatists and the Ukrainian Government accused one another of targeting residential areas. Two people were stabbed to death in a swedish homeware shop where three people have been stabbed, a man and a woman died from their wounds soon after. A man was arrested on suspicion of murder. Zimbabwe president maze hid first statement. Mugabwe says they failed to protect the lion who was killed by a hunter last month. He said cecil the lion is yours. He is dead, but he was yours to protect and you failed to protect him. Zimbabwe has a legal hunting industry but wildlife Officials Say the hunt was unauthorized. They say tas sin to shoot wildlife all of which cecils death turned the spotlight on to big game hunting in african countries. Other people. We are at the private game reserve. Local hunter it didnt occur. Its wintertime now. Its a flat area going through this mountain. Yeah. It can take dies to find the right animal its exhilarating. Looking. At this family owned reserve, specific game is selected for hunting. For the. Its a way of life. He stayed on a farm and yes, it was just part of life. You know the hunting scenario. We stay on a farm he takes aim. More than half of them from the united states. The professional Hunters Association of south africa says they contributed millions to the economy. These lions are kept at a separate edge closure for tour itself. The killing of a lion that has caused controversy. Many say hunt something cruel and unethical. He says the kuntz that killed cecil the lion was illegal and did not follow strict regulations governing the industry. To make important decisions about the future of world life, the future of the economic hunting, decisions regarding that cannot be based upon emotion. The Community Based Wildlife Conservation believes human wildlife contact should be managed. From experience, you cannot hunt unless you make a contribution to the conservation of the species. The sport and passion for many continues to be legal xlush. U. S. Fire departments released these pictures. And destroyed a house in michigan. A car in a houses gas meter. In lansing, west of detroit, a dash cam captured leaking gas ignited destroying the front of the house. There wasnt anybody at home, thank goodness. Here on al jazeera, they have delivered everybody. A retired u. S. Postal workers with a special address of their own. In sport, an attack on a top germap ball team, the rest of sport in just a moment. This radio carbon dating method can tell us if trade of ivory is legal. It could save a species. I feel like were making an impact techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. Im standing in a tropcal wind storm. Can effect and surprise us. Wow, these are amazing. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity only on al Jazeera America florida, there we go to see a town built specifically for the posties. It was conceived in the 1960s and proved so popular there is now a waiting list to retire there our delivery boy. Reporter florida is often referred to as gods waiting room. Retirement communities are awind ant in the sun shine state. This one is a little different. This town was created, designed and paid for by the postal workers union. Almost everyone here spent years delivering the mail. But even amongst these letter carriers, the decision to move to nalcres. It wasnt always obvious. I blew it off myself as an old place where carriers go to sit and talk about the good ol days. It didnt do anything. When i came to check it, in 2003, and i came in january, it was total opposite. I just fell in love with it. The concept for nowcrest came about more than 50 years ago when the idea was simple. Offer postal workers a cheap, comfortable place to live with neighbors that walked the same career path. Its something paul damplyson says has a great place to live. Its something they can talk about and, you know, just a sense of belonging and, you know, i think its something that they cherish very much. Nine of spades. It is not only deeply popular amongst retired postal workers. Its also unique. This is the only community of its kind in the u. S. And its future seems assured. Its the best thing to do, is to live here. Its a great place. As everybody knows, its a great place here. Isnt it . Yes. This place has everything you could ever need, a golf course, a swimming pool, a library. The list goes on. There is one thing you definitely wont find here, and thats the eternal enemy of postal workers everywhere the dog. Canines are completely banned. There are some other hazards here for the most part here, it remains alniq uniquely restful place for those who spent years on their feet delivering letters. Nalcrest, central florida. First class, second class, its the same with the post and with lee. I will try first class Manchester City, the champions been on the tour for the last four years with a big win after an opening win, says he has no trouble winning 3nil. A spot lilight on the man who m the most expensive transfer 70 medical, but a return to form the midfielder opening going after nine minutes. Better finish. Got the third. Citys owners have a new club in americas mls. Their rivalry with the new York Red Bulls has become a fierce one. There was fighting in the streets between rival fans before kickoff close to the red bull stadium located in new jersey. The problem started inside a bar and spilled outside. Inside the statedium banners and chance. On the pitch, the better of their new rivals. Five minutes from time, by mart martin, 2nil to the red bulls. The manager of the german ball team. Half have berlin made their match. 2nil. It will be remembered for the shooting incidents. Thank you very much no players and nonies. The team tweeted the photo and manager said the bus was ov overtaken by a motorcyclist who pulled out a pistol and shot at the driver. Police have been searching for the shooter. A group of athletes on the diskus champion have released a video message criticizing over doping. We cannot trust you anymore. You damage our sport. We have to act now. This is what we have to say. Allegations of widespread doping have led to a sport can crisis made by german t. V. Ard and the british sunday Times Newspaper who published blood test results from the website. It has long been a critic of the organization. He declined to be considered for their agentlete of the year last year because he didnt want to appear as long side doping ban including justin gatlin. Fresh concern over the state of the water quatty at rio olympic venues less than a year before the games begin. Its now claimed 13 of 14 rowers at the world rowing championship last week suffered with stomach problems afterwards. The doctor says she suspects pollution was the cause. Independent analysis showed high levels bacteria with human sewage in the venues including the lake where the rowing competitions are placed. The mayor says they will do viral testing if asked to biolimpic bosses. Later this week, the big rivalry in the united states, world number 1 rory mcilroy taking on Jordan Spieth in the tournament which starts on thursday in wisconsin. Mcilroy has been playing practice rounds. The first time hes been seen playing golf in public since injuring his ankle playing ball more than a month ago. An injury that kept him out of the open championship. World number 2, spieth won the first two majors of the season and finished one stroke behind the winner at the open. Mcilroy is confident he is ready to defend his pga title. A bit rusty, out of sorts for the first couple of weeks. Started hitting balls on the 20, 20th of july. Like a week and a half. Played quite a lot of golf sense. The nfl legend Frank Gifford has died at the age of 84. His family said he passed away at his connecticut home of natural causes. Al was also named most valuable player that year. He went on to become a successful broadcaster. Fork chris froome confirmed he will start in the spanish race in two weeks time. He finished in 2011. Last year to become the third man to win both. Others in 1963 and bernadino in 1978. Doesnt get the credit he deserves. Thank you. Before we go to russian koz mon oughts taking household koz not to be out done. The u. S. , first sadly made from vegetables grown entirely in space. Lettuce harvested from a garden on board the iss on monday is being grown as part of experiment aimed at extend the time astronauts can spend in orbit. Thats it from me and the news hour team. Thanks for watching. Byebye. Attacks across turkey target Security Forces and a u. S. Consula consulate. Watching al jazeera. Good to have you. I am david foster. Coming up on this program syrian reynolds report more advances against Government Forces. In the u. S. City of ferguson, a year on, another black man shot by police in the state of emergency declared. The man who led the hunt for the 43 missing mexican students,

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