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Hello, some of them havent eaten or slept for days, they have been cramped together in the rain waiting on uncertainty only to face Police Batons and stun grenades. And for the 2,000 refugees who his finally made it in to macedonia, their journey has barely begun. They have now boarded trains and bus to his take them to the border with serbia actual the refugees are aiming to head further north to hungary, a member of the european union, for thousands who already reached serbia have headed to a packed refugees center. And thats where they have to apply for asylum. And the time pressure is on, hungary is building a razor wire fence to the border with serbia to prevents people from coming in. Macedonian government seems to have made a uturn, what is happening there no ne now . Reporter you are right the initial response from this government was to immediately shut the border. And what we are seeing now is a totally different situation, quite the contrary, we are now seeing if you look over here, some distribution of cloth, some aid items. This is the very first humanitarian aid i have seen in terms of clothing. Unhcr is now here, but really its a desperate situation. You know, they are being thankful for very little because there is no food supply effectively. Some fruit, fresh fruit is being handed out youll see beyond the people there, the Security Forces awaiting on looking at the people. But there is no confrontation here. How could there be . These are people who want to move on. Who want some safety. Who want some sense of security. And what has happened is that the government here is really fast tracking the movement of these people. This is in the milled of nowhere. The border is over there. We are seeing more and more people come. The train station is some considerable distance in this direction. The government wants these refugees to be nowhere near Population Centers they are basically here in the open with this bit of track. If you look over here you will see these planks of wood. That is a makeshift platform effectively where the trains are arriving now to the new location where people are loaded onto the trains, and then they are taken straight off to the serbian border, lauren. There is no end it seems to the suffer, the exhaustion. Its a different place, a railway platform. Waiting for another journey. At one stage police and soldiers had been blocking the border with force. Now they are organizing transit for these people to pass through macedonia and then onto serbia. In the crush, there is tension. A train has arrived. There is no way everyone can get on board. There doesnt seem to be any system on telling these people whether they have a right to board this train or not its hit and miss. People are pleading to soldiers to let them on board. They begin to let people through in orderly lines, the anxiety turning in to smiles of relief. Some of the Security Forces here are helpful and considerate. But any resistence to their orders is seen as provocation. One officer was heard telling a refugees if you dont like this, then you should go back to syria. And this man was saying that even though he had the right papers, he wasnt being allowed on the train. We are human beings. Okay, its enough. It is its enough. Its enough. Its enough. Its enough. He lying. Why am i lying . Its okay. Hes lying. Its enough. Reporter this woman from afghanistan is trying to guide an extended family of 12 through all of this. She says shes been separated from some of them. I have family there. My grandfather very, very old. Children. My uncle. My uncles children there. My family but we dont going. Reporter some people have gone through extraordinary length to his get this far. Parting with their children on the border so they would be allowed in. They would put their children underneath the razor wire afterwards them reunited family and extract the family there and come to the train station. This act of separation should not be happening anywhere to anybody. Reporter as many more people head from greece to the border, the latest political moves like so many others, right across europe, have failed these peop people. Andrew, things clearly appear to have improved there a little bit. But with macedonia moving the people on, does it then become someone elses problem presumably . Reporter it most certainly does, and it is an under statement to say that european politics is continue to go fail these people. These we are talking about Something Like two to 300 people here, but you have 10s of thousands moving across europe in this part of europe. And this now, because of this fast track as we call it, approach, which is being put together in haste, because of that, it would be not surprising if we saw more and more refugees coming here want to go move forward, of course that moves the whole problem to serbia, then on from serbia to hungary, and hungary is following a similar policy of moving people on and, of course, then they move onto countries such as germany, sweden, france, and really despite all of the meetings, all the summits in brussels, there is no really coherent policy no, real humanitarian policy of aid, of help for these people. Look at what theyve got. They are using sort of makeshift bits of cardboard to sit on. They have shifted the area here, they have moved put hardcore down, rubble down for people to sit on. There is no shade. There is a small tent. Not a very large tent over there. But as you can see now as we lose the light, that people here are going to be waiting an unknown number of hours and if you look at the field just along the side there, this trickle of people coming in constantly across the border, you know, a few hundred turns in to a few thousand in a very short space of time. Now, what they are going to do with this area is they are going to entice the refugees here because they sell them tickets, sell them tickets for around tenure oh, thats about 11, and then they move on from here. Thats why the mood is good. But will that last . Probably unlikely, lauren. Back to you. Andrew simmons, thank you very much indeed for that live update there from macedonia. Lebanese Security Forces are firing water cannon at thousands of antigovernment protesters demonstrating near the Prime Ministers office. Its the worst unrest in the month of demonstrations which were triggered when rubbish began piling up on the streets following the clover our of the capitals main land fill. The protesters are demanding that the top politicians resign, on saturday dozens were wounded after Security Forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon in to the crowds. Hours earlier lebanons Prime Minister said he might step down because of crisis, he says he is frustrated at his own government. Translator do you know that in the future we may not be able to finance our debts by issuing bonds and it may lead to the country being classified as a failed country. Do you know that all of these issues i have sought to put on the cabinet list next week f we do not make a decision them, it will make things worse and make the collapse more probable. Frankly, i will not be a part of this collapse. Lets go live to beirut. So tell us a little bit about how that is going that demonstration after they used water cannon again. Reporter well, lauren, it is something very unique that is taking place in lebanon here. I have just walked through the main demonstration which has now shifted from the Prime Ministers office towards what is known as martyrs squares, thousands of lebanese have gathered here. It is a bipartisan or at least an apolitical protest in the sense that there is no Political Party that has called for these protests. This is very much a Grassroots Movement that has come out onto the streets here. Some of the chance that we have been hearing include in the main one actually was ringing out throughout the time was the people demand the fall of the regime. Something reminiscent of those arab spring days, the socalled arab spring days in 2011 which lebanon was not touched by. But seems there is a very Significant Movement forming here in beirut. As you say triggered by the trash crisis. The people we have been speaking to are saying this is the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. They point to power shortages, water shortages inherent corruption that is within the state. They say that they are protesting against all of these things. Yes, it was the garbage that brought them onto the street, but it is many deeprooted issues that have caused resentment among them, particularly among lebanons Younger Generation that has brought to frustration to the forefront, lauren. We heard the lebanese Prime Minister hint the he would step down. How likely is that to go ahead . And if he did, what then would whop . Reporter thats a very good question. I dont think anybody has an answer to it. Because like i say, this is a unique situation where lebanon find itself in. Because before when these protests took place protesters calling for a change of government. The outcome was a resolution between the bickering Political Parties whereby they could resolve it through maybe reshaping the government. This current Prime Minister came about as a result of the political stalemate. If he is to step down the question is would the people on the streets be comfortable or happy with another person who would come from that same Political Class . According to what they are saying, they wouldnt. They say they want the entire class ruling the country or running the country either directly through politics or indirectly through business interests to step aside and allow for what they call a breath of fresh arizona new generation, one thing is certainly something has to give. Either these protest verse to find some way to lower their demands or the government has to actually ahead there what they are saying and maybe come to some sort of res looms, but the resilience of the people here, at least in what is apparent and obviously only time will tell seems very high indeed, loor en. Okay, thanks for context there for the demonstrations in beirut, thanks very much indeed. For the first time in four years, britain and iran have roped embassies in each others capitals coming weeks after iran reached a deal in curbing his nuclear program. Paul brennan from london has our report. Reporter this is the first visits to duh tanaka ran by a British Foreign secretary in 12 years. And a sign of the importance with which britain attaches to reestablishing relations it the islamic republic, this is not just about diplomatic niceties. Julys agreement to curb irans fuchs lahr Program Allows for the progressive lifting of sanctions. And bri britain is one of many Business Opportunities on the horizon. I hope as sanctions are gradually lifted off and iran reintegrates more effectively in to the international economy, we will also see a thawing of relationships particularly between saudi arabia and iran. Reporter less than four years since the British Embassy compound was over run by angry protesters. The mob burned a car and ransacked the buildings. In retaliation the u. K. Expelled iranian diplomats from london. Things have changed now in iran. Since the removal o of the Prime Minister and ahead vent of press rouhani has brought about a different outlook. Reporter the reopening in london was rather low key. During the morning staff shuttled in and out of the building, then together with one of irans Deputy Foreign ministers strolled the short distance from the embassy to host a small private ceremony at irans diplomatic residents. Good morning hob you today . Reporter well, a very significant day for our country . Yes fox, both countries. Reporter for 400,000 eye ryne vinnies live in the u. K. , and represent tiffings attending the ceremony and looking forward to better consular help. The major problem was the vehicles as for especially the shia muslims would want to go to the holy shrines. It was hard on get a visa to getting to to the holy shrines in iran. We hope that in the future that to be better. Reporter the doors of the Iranian Embassy here in london remain close today the moment to all but officials and visiting dignitaries. It will take many months before full functionality is restored to operations such as issuing easvisas but after a gap of four years the embassies are once again open for business, paul brennan, al jazerra, london. Still to come on al jazerra. Reporter i am Catherine Soi in one of kenyas poorest lands, i will be telling you how this cart is helping people here get clean water cheaply. Hi there, i am a digital artist. Its art but not as we know it, find out what its all about in a few minutes. Could normalization change cuba forever . Im afraid for cuba. We ask cubans about their hopes and fears. I would love to see my business grow into a transnational company. Held going, a are you minder of the top stories here on al jazerra. Thousands of people bound for the european i dont know union cross over the Macedonian Border after the authorities lift a twoday blockade. Thousands of protesters gather in the lebanese capital beirut calling for the countrys top politician to his resign over failure to tackle rubbish piling out streets. Britain and iran reopen embassies in their capitals in the latest signs of improving relations between a teheran and the west. Many refugees are he is escaping from the war in syrian. The rebelheld town of douma east of damascus came under heavy bombardment on saturday. At least 34 People Killed there in government airstrikes. Activists say hundreds more also thought to be trapped you remembered the rubble after buildings were she would. Another syrian town north of the capital is under government siege. People are running out of foot and relief agencies say they are being blocked from entering the town. Erica wood has the latest. Reporter with food surprise blocked these children are doing what they can to find something to eat. Savaging through the rubbish on the streets. He and his children came to altal to escape the siege in another city nearby but now they are living under another one. We were at this tim sitting e and airstrikes were happening over our heads, i have four children and they get scared. The fighting was right in front of my house. Thats when we decided to flee to altal. Reporter thousands came here hoping to find security and food. They have found neither. Altal has been under various levels of siege since the start of the syrian war. The residents started peaceful protests against the Syrian Government early on in the uprising. But that was when all the towns buildings were still whole. They never imagined that what would follow will be more than four years of hardship. They have had i want mit he want access to basic that Cesc Cespedes at thises like electricity and water and now that the town is fully under siege, aid agencies like the red crescent say they have been unable to take in crucial surprise. Translator all entrances are closed off. No no basic material and medical surprise can enter. The situation is now getting worse because of the growing shortage of such basic materials. Reporter the clinics are having to shutdown because they dont have the medicine to treat people the residents go hungry, erica wood, al jazerra. The Saudiled Coalition has carried out more air strikes in yemen. Previous raids on the port itself were criticized by the u. S. , the e. U. , and the u. N. The port provides a key route for aid delivery to northern parts of the country. New details are emerging about the suspect in the french highspeed traina tack. He had been living with his parents in southern spain. The countrys interior Ministry Says the 25yearold lived a short ferry ride from morocco. He was arrested in spain three times for drug dealing. Three of the men hailed as heros for stopping the suspect were welcomed at the u. S. Embassy in paris. I kind of just woke up from the middle of a deep sleep and my friend am el k was sitting next to me. Anthony across my right side. I turned around and saw he had what looked like to be an a k47 it looked like it was jammed and he have trying to charge the weapon and ale k sit me and said lets go. Ran down, tackled him, alec put him tackled him while i put him in the choke hold, he kept pulling out more weapons left and right. Pulled out a hand gun. Alec took that, pulled out a box cutter and started jabbing me with that. We let go, all three of us started punching him while he was in the middle of us and i was able to grab him again and choke him unconscious while alec was hitting him in the head with the pistol or rifle. I cant really remember. Senior officials from north and south korea have resumed a second round of talks to try to ease crossborder tellings, the two countries have been lock ed in a war of wards since trading artillery fire to thursday. Unusual troop and submarine movements in negotiate korea were detected. Harry fawcett is cloth to south koreas border with the north. Reporter from the history of these periods of heightened tensions between north and south kariya, its not uncommon for the messages to be sent by both sides to be pretty mixed so its turned out over the last few days. Earlier on sunday we saw the south korean delegation drive through this check point across the bridge behind me towards the truce village where these talks have been taking place. But at the same time, south korean media have been reporting a south Korean Military source saying there has been significant military maneuvers north of the border. Board motier significant potentially what has be about happening with the submarines, 50 of the 70 have been deployed from their bases on both coasts of north korea. So far undetected by south korean ship ships and planes asl as that artillery on the northern side has been doubled we are told while these talks have been going on. Its worth pausing and thinking how we got to this point. It was on august the 4th when there were land mine blasts in the demilitary zone that injured two soldiers. They the south said it was a north crean b korean attack. And restarted propaganda blasts. North denied any responsibilities and denied they end the broadcasts up to the point of issuing a 48 hour deadline otherwise there would be a north Korean Military strike again them. That was before the talks took place, the problem is south korea says it will not end the broadcasts until and unless north korea apologizes for the lands mine attacks, we have a very divided situation even though we have had talks over the last couple of days. U. N. Secretary general ban kimoon is visiting nigeria to meet the countrys president. Expect to go discuss development. Climate change, human rights and violence, it marks the fourth anniversary of an attack on the u. N. Building in the capital abuja by boko haram. Thousands of experts have gathered in stockholm for world water week. The theme this year is water for development. Focusing on making sure resources are used efficiently and there is enough for the worlds growing needs. From kenya, Catherine Soi reports on an inning nerve giving People Better access to the crucial resource. Reporter this simple prepaid card has never been more important for people in this township on the outskirts of nigh robe i it pays for water. At half a u. S. Cent. She and 700 other cardholders are able to get 20 liters of clean water. After average family here uses about 120 let, a day. In an area where water has for decades been expensive and unclean, this atm style dispenser is welcome news. Translator it has help immediate. Because we used to go fight to look for water. Now even if there is no water from the city council, we can still get water here. Reporter but this is a slum of about half a million people. The Nairobi Water Company which provides without to the citys residents has only installed four water dispensers so far and faces competition from illegal vendors who have diverted the companys water to sell. These water points right there that is an illegal connection, it seems to be much busier, but also more expensive. There are many such water points here and they are said to be operated by lan board and vigilante groups as well. We are told that those who live in this township are often forced by the cartels to buy water from the illegal points at twice the cost. And without the currency of safety. We dont have the facilities. Then because. [ inaudible ] defenses they normally pass along the. [ inaudible ] water open tallon inning. Reporter rolling Community Workers are being used to convince people including many skeptic to his buy the cards. She has just bought one, but says even though the new water points may be cheaper, they are an inconvenience. Translator the water points are very few. The water pressure is very low, so we have to queue for long times waste is a lot of time. Reporter they hope to install a thousand 200 water dispensers to reach all the people in this slum by the end of next year. Until then, the company has no option but continue operating alongside the cartels stealing from it. Catherine soi, al jazerra, nairobi, kenya. Usain bolt has won the 100 meet first the worked athletics championships in beijing. The reigning olympic champion and world record holder steamed past american Justin Gatlin in the last 30 meters of the race. 9. 79 seconds was bolts fastest run this year. Jamaican sprinter is now setting his sights on gold in thursdays 200meter final. Digital art is nothing new, its been around as long as the computer. Reporter but as the art form has become more sophisticated. So has the way its being showcased. Al jazerras Kristen Saloomey has more. Hi there,. Reporter meet la turbo av i. D. An. Its the secure eighter of the art gallery panther modern. I create architecture in 3d software for other artist to his create Site Specific installations. Reporter unlike other online galleries, that are connected to a physical space. Panther only exists in the Digital World designed to be visited online. Post internet art, art that uses Digital Technology but has moved beyond the novel test web to create galleryworthy works. Art critic ben davis is an online gallery that represent ra physical one is a relatively new and interesting concept. You can go in to lots of virtual space asks see crazy things, crazy graphics. So what is it that artists can do with that space thats interesting . What do they bring for the mix . I dont know that thats a totally resolved question. Reporter most part, evening digital art like this, is meant to be viewed in person. These three dimensional rooms may look like they could exsifter in the real word but the art couldnt. For artists like mark, thats part of its appeal. He combines traditional Landscape Photography with digital. It replicates our reality but also goes beyond that in that you can lose a lot of sort of rules and laws of our physical exsirs tins, things like physics, budget, space, you can just go to town. Reporter encouraging artists to create work that cannot exist in the physical world. Was one of the goals. Like panther modern, she can only be r50e678d online. I dont seek to be anonymous, i and people to accept me in the way that you meet me. Here in the virtual space. Reporter it seems thats where she and her gallery are most at home. Kristen saloomey, al jazerra, new york. Presents more stories for you in our strurl space, the al jazerra website. Aljazerra. Com. Details there, of course, of the streams of refugees flowing in to macedonia from grease, aljazerra. Com. Hello, im richard gizbert, and you are at the listening post. Here are some of the media stories, another country paces an antiterrorism law that has implications for journalism

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