Jet Stream Forecast for the Mid Week Storm
This storm is projected to arrive Wednesday and depart late Thursday.
Thursday Morning Forecast
Forecast Rain Amounts from the Mid Week Storm
Precipitation amounts could reach an inch.
Jet Stream Forecast for Saturday's Storm
The next system is forecast to arrive Saturday behind an arctic front.
Saturday's Forecast
Jet Stream Forecast for Monday's Storm
Finally, another storm system is expected on Monday.
Monday's Forecast
This is a preliminary forecast. Some changes in timing, precipitation type and intensity are expected.
It's easy to be weather-wise. Keep up with all of the very latest weather developments with the MEGA 3 StormTeam. Joe Haynes, Brian Fowler and Patrick Dennis are always on stand-by to help you ride out the storm and keep you and your family safe. You'll also want to arm yourself with the MEGA 3 StormTeam app available for Apple and Android devices. When necessary, look for LIVE coverage on all of your KTBS 3 Now connected devices including KTBS 3.2 and