Motilal Oswal has neutral call on
Bank of Baroda with a target price of Rs 85. The current market price of Bank of Baroda is Rs 80.5.
Bank of Baroda, incorporated in the year 1911, is a banking company (having a market cap of Rs 41758.75 Crore).
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 23762.09 Crore, up 7.66 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 22070.52 Crore and up 5.19 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 22589.84 Crore. The bank reported net profit after tax of Rs -740.79 Crore in latest quarter.
Collection efficiency improves to 93%, but remains lower v/s other peers. On the asset quality front, GNPA/NNPA ratio improved v/s pro forma GNPA/NNPA as of De’20. Total restructuring stood ~1.3% of advances (INR94b), while SMA-1/2 stood at 3.9% of loans. The brokerage remains watchful of the impact of the second COVID wave on asset quality and estimate credit cost to stay elevated at 2.1% for FY22E