Batman Forever Writer Has Seen #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut, Says a Renaissance Is Coming
Batman Forever Writer Has Seen #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut, Says a Renaissance Is Coming
Writer Akiva Goldsman promises a renaissance is coming for the Schumacher Cut of Batman Forever.
The 1995 feature
Batman Forever, directed by Joel Schumacher and starring Val Kilmer as the Caped Crusader, is generally considered to be one of the less significant entries in the
Batman mythos. Recently, a rumor has been making the rounds on the internet that an extended director's cut of the movie exists, dubbed the "Schumacher Cut", which is much more serious and complex than what we got to see onscreen. The writer of the movie, Akiva Goldsman, recently confirmed that the "Schumacher Cut" does exist, and will be seeing something of a renaissance in the coming years.