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As they beat stoke city seven two and go two points clear at the top of the premier league. And darren has the weather. Good morning. It is going to be another bright and warm day to day to many of others. Some rain to scotla nd to many of others. Some rain to scotland and Northern Ireland and its tomorrow that we start to feel the effects of ophelia. The strongest winds in the west. Join me later for strongest winds in the west. Join me laterfor all strongest winds in the west. Join me later for all the details. Good morning. First, our main story. Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has been expelled from the organisation that runs the oscars it follows the increasing number of allegations of Sexual Assault made against him. The academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences said its board voted well in excess of the required two thirds majority to expel him. Peter bowes reports from los angeles. He once ruled the roost. One of the most powerful men in hollywood. Harvey weinstein. The movie mogul, the studio boss men credited with scores of oscar wins and nominations. But now branded a rapist, and a serial sexual predator, the hollywood producer has been kicked out of the worlds most influential organisation. It followed an emergency meeting. 5a leading figures, including the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and tom hanks. In a statement, the academy says it wants to send a message. It means Harvey Weinstein will no longer be able to vote for nominees or winners of the oscars. There has been praise for the academys decision but many say this should just be the start. Mia farrow tweeted. The academys action is without precedent. Other members such as the director Roman Polanski who pleaded guilty to a sex crime involving an under age girl and bill cosby who was accused of Sexual Assault, were not expelled from its ranks. Harvey weinstein has been accused of rape by five women. They include the british actress lysette anthony. He has denied in engaging in nonconsensual sex but the scandal continues to unfold. There are two Police Investigations under way in new york and london while hollywood braces for more of its dirty secrets to be made public. And our los angeles correspondent peter bowes joins us now. This is the most respected Film Organisation in the world. The meeting that happened, tom hanks, a member of the board of the academy, he was involved in taking this decision but its part of the story. I was struck by Bob Weinsteins interview, talking about his brother in light of these allegations, seeing that his brother is depraved, that he is shocked by his lack of remorse and also in revealing that over the last five years, he has hardly spoken to him, describing it as divorcing his brotherfive hardly spoken to him, describing it as divorcing his brother five years ago, and in the last ten days, since these allegations were made, he has spoken to him a couple of times but he was shocked that he showed no remorse and only wanted to talk about how these allegations had been lea ked about how these allegations had been leaked to the press. That is bob weinstein, was still part of the company that they formed together. There are allegations after allegations. They keep mounting. The latest is from the french actress eva green, who said she had to push Harvey Weinstein of her as he made sexual advances towards her. This is during a meeting in paris about a film project. It isjust during a meeting in paris about a film project. It is just the latest survey very similar sequence of events. All these actresses telling stories which are eerily similar. Killer drivers could face life behind bars under new legislation, the government has confirmed. Motorists who cause death by speeding, street racing or driving while on a mobile phone are among those who may be handed the maximum punishment. Andy moore reports. Joseph brown larty was known to his friends as a gentle giant, who towered over his parents. He was killed three years ago in rochdale bya killed three years ago in rochdale by a driver travelling 80 miles an hourin by a driver travelling 80 miles an hour ina by a driver travelling 80 miles an hour in a 30 zone. Adil haroun was sentenced to six years in jail. We think the courts should have power to impose light impose life sentences for the reckless life changing cases with multiple victims or speeding or racing or looking at a mobile phone. The wreckage of josephs callas displayed in front of the houses of parliament by the Road Safety Charity brake. It welcomes the announcement. It is a victory by families of the breed, Crash Victims and charities including brake that we would but we would like the government to go further and increase resources for enforcement so the law can be properly enforced. The Parliamentary Advisory Council for transport safety said there was no evidence that top sentences would act as that werent. It is understandable words coming from but i think there was a danger that will disappoint the victims families and have no effect on road safety. This lorry driver was going through music on his mobile phonejust was going through music on his mobile phone just seconds was going through music on his mobile phonejust seconds before he ploughed into a line of stationary traffic, killing four people. He was sentenced to ten years in jail. The government says cases like this should be seen as similar to manslaughter and a prison term should reflect that. Health professionals in england are to be told to ask patients aged 16 or over about their sexual orientation, under new nhs guidelines. Nhs england said no one will be forced to answer the question but recording the data would help to avoid discrimination. Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are currently disproportionately affected by Health Inequalities such as Poor Mental Health and a higher risk of self harm and suicide. At least a0 people have died and hundreds of people remain unaccounted for after wildfires swept across Northern California. Thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes. One of the worst affected areas is the city of santa rosa. Dave lee reports. While huge fires to continue to burn over the hills, the unimaginable task of finding and identifying the dead is now under way. This part of santa rosa was known hauntingly as journeys end. It was a mobile home park, more than 100 people lived here. Specially trained dogs are being used to find bodies in the ash. It is terrifying. It happened so fast and there is nothing you can do. Attempts to contain the fire are beginning to work. Fire lines are being established by digging in burning the vegetation. Still, the exhausted firefighters remain at the mercy of the wind, which has picked up again this weekend, forcing more evacuations. More than 90,000 have been displaced so far. Emergency services here estimate think it will take some time before people can rebuild their lives. But there is no impatience. This Community Knows it owes a lot to those who are facing the fires head on. Voters in austria are going to the polls for a parliamentary election in which the conservative Peoples Party is expected to win the most seats. During the campaign, the conservative leader, sebastian kurz, adopted a hard line against refugees, pledging to shut down migrant routes into europe. From midnight tonight, the old round pound coin will no longer be legal tender. However, some Stores Including tesco and poundland will continue to accept them for a limited time, and banks will still take them. The royal mint estimates there might be up to a50 million old coins still in circulation. The new 12 sided pound coin was introduced in march and has high Tech Security features to thwart counterfeiters. Have you done nothing of going into all the down purses and down the back of the sofa . I havent. The back of our sofa is full of things that my two year old daughter has put down there. As well as other unspeakable bits of food. You need to. Ive gone to all the change purses. How big was the bounty . It was better than nothing. Big ben will ding dong merrily on high when its bongs are restored for christmas. The chimes were silenced in august forfour years under controversial renovation plans with only events like new years eve and remembrance sunday picked out as exemptions. But commons leader Andrea Leadsom has persuaded parliamentary officials to allow the bell to chime over the festive season. The big ben bong ban has a break. We know what, we need to not say that fast. I had to think rather hard to get through that. More now on our top story. Last night the board of actors, directors and executives behind the oscars voted overwhelmingly to expel Harvey Weinstein. It follows the scandal surrounding the movie mogul and allegations of Sexual Assault against him. Lets get the latest from los angeles and entertainment journalist sandro monetti. Thank you the talking to us. I tell you what, this week has been extraordinary and it seems to have moved very quickly in terms of the allegations beginning, people not speaking up in speaking up and now weve seen the board behind the take action. The only decision they could take. It was a great night for hollywood last night and hopefully for the future of actresses and victims of sexual predators in hollywood. Harvey weinstein, the abominable show man and this year has become known as faced more than 30 allegations with women coming forward saying they were victims of Sexual Harassment and the academy, which he had courted so successfully for over two decades, 80 of his films winning oscars, have now kicked him out and good riddance seems to be the attitude in hollywood and dont come back. You say this is a great move for actresses and actors across the industry to feel better. There are still quite a few names, it is said, that this behaviour does carry on. There needs to be more than a focus on Harvey Weinstein, doesnt there . Iam sad on Harvey Weinstein, doesnt there . I am sad to say that every single actress i know in hollywood has been actress i know in hollywood has been a victim of Sexual Harassment of one kind or another. Getting rid of Harvey Weinstein does not get rid of the problem however the fact that the problem however the fact that the academy has shown the right consequences for such disgusting behaviour should hopefully make the predators think twice and stop. Its about time. The cast cow the casting couch should be thrown in the dustbin. Its been around since the dustbin. Its been around since the time of silent films in the academy has said no more. Will it change . Its very well saying it should, nobody disagrees, but will we see tangible change . People will be more inclined to record incidents of Sexual Harassment. There will be more checks on this. Itjust wont be acceptable any more. For too many decades, people have looked the other way and said, lets just how it is in hollywood. It doesnt have to be that way in hollywood. It doesnt have to be that way in wider society. No longer are the predators getting away with it. Harvey weinstein is the tip of a rather sordid iceberg but hollywoods most open secret is finally being dealt with so lets hope all the other predators can be run out of town as well. You have met Harvey Weinstein . I have indeed. He carried himself like an emperor, was surrounded by syco p ha nts, like an emperor, was surrounded by sycophants, was a bully boy and a nasty tough guy but who isnt in hollywood . If you kicked out every nasty producer, there would hardly be anyone left in the academy but the behaviour that weve learned about over the past few days which, by the way, should come as no surprise to anyone in hollywood, its a source of great delight that the problem in this case has been dealt with, and yes, a thoroughly unpleasant individual which brings me to the point, the academy has a lwa ys me to the point, the academy has always throughout its 90 year historyjudged professional excellence. Last night, for the first time, theyjudged professional behaviour. The only person ever publicly expelled from the academy before, an actor in 2004, kicked out was for piracy for his for your consideration dvd piracy. The vast majority voted to boot Harvey Weinstein, im surprised it wasnt 100, he doesnt deserve a second chance, needed as anyone who behaves like this in wider society. Heres darren with a look at this mornings weather. Only one place to start with the weather, out in the atlantic with hurricane ophelia. A category three hurricane ophelia. A category three hurricane now with this dane winds. The most powerful hurricane this far east in the atlantic on the record. It will weaken as it heads northwards of cool waters towards the uk. Throwing up warm air towards our shores south of this band of cloud which still bring some rented that rain, moving north, and will move southwards back into scotland and Northern Ireland. For england and Northern Ireland. For england and wales, ms and low cloud, most of the losing that through the next few hours and we will get more sunshine arriving as well. Here is a close look at the weather through the afternoon. It is rather damp out there across a good part of scotland. North east brightens up a touch. A little rank and Northern Ireland, probably not a great deal. Always able more cloud coming in across more western parts of england and wales. As you had further east we should see that cloud finning and breaking to be just as well we will see the highest temperatures, 20 to walk 23 degrees, similar to yesterday. Through this evening and overnight, eventually the rain in the north gets a boost because the wind will start to pick up first signs of ophelia, really tick domestic Double Dragon warm air away from northern scotland so that temperatures are warmer than they we re temperatures are warmer than they were last night that it 14 or 15 degrees in their lowest. Here is ophelia on monday and on monday we will start to deal the wind picking up. The centre runs close to ireland and we will see the wind gusting perhaps through the south west approaches, perhaps as high as 80 miles an hour later in the day over the irish sea as the system moves north. A lot of ranks of scotland and Northern Ireland but as you head into england and wales further is the wind will not be a strong and we have the last of the warm air is so temperature could be as high as 23 or 24 degrees. The centre of the storm continues to track towards scotla nd storm continues to track towards scotland where we will see wind picking up. Surge in Northern England overnight, 60, 70 miles picking up. Surge in Northern England overnight, 60,70 miles an hour into tuesday morning. The last we see of the ex hurricane moves away on tuesday and the wind starts to ease down. Further south will not be anywhere near but it will not be warmer either and we could season coming in from the south. Given the strength of the wind we will see in the west on monday, it there may well be some damage and some travel disruption as well to the rest of the week is not as windy but there will be some rain at times. Thank you very much. Talking about those winds, we have michael fish later in the programme. Who . I have never heard of him. We will be talking to him later on. We will bring you a summery of the news at 630. Time now for the film review. Hello, and welcome to the film review on bbc news. To take us through this weeks cinema releases, as ever, is mark kermode. Good to see you, what have you been watching . A mixed bag we have been watching the snowman, a thriller starring Michael Fassbender. We have the ritual camping holiday goes to hell. And Loving Vincent an oil painted animation. Masses to talk about with that one. The snowman, to start with. I feel like im the only person in the newsroom who hasnt read the novel. I hadnt read it either, although i hear its a real page turner. This is an adaptation byjo nesbo of the thriller, directed by tomas alfredson, who made let the right one in, which i really love, and tinker tailor soldier spy. Which i loved, yes. It stars Michael Fassbender as an alcoholic detective on the trail of a serial killer whose trademark is that he leaves behind snowmen. Sometimes he creates them before committing the crime. His character is partnered with rebecca ferguson, who has her own reasons for wanting to track down this particular killer. Heres a clip. Theyre having an affair, and that was the last thing my father was investigating before he got killed. You broke into vetlesens house because you were afraid i would find out this was personal and take you off the case. Vetlesen was his pimp and they were both in bergen when the murder started. I know how much you want this, but you cant force the pieces to fit. Do you actually think he killed them . I dont know. I dont think either of us do, for sure. I have to say, i went in with High Expectations because i like the film makers, i like the cast, and as everyone says, the source material is terrific. Its with a heavy heart that i have to say that it was a disappointment. Its very muddled and very confused, and it looks like a film that has lost its way during the film making process. It doesnt really know what its focus is. Its notjust that the narrative seems to go off in lots of different tangents that dont properly tie up, its more to do with the fact that the film cant quite decide where its meant to be leading the audience. Its a terrific cast, people like charlotte gainsbourg, jk simmons, chloe sevigny, many of whom are pretty much wasted. I never found myself gripped by the chilly, icicle to the heart idea of a killer building snowmen its a terrifying idea. It never terrified or gripped me and i was never convinced of the psychological back story. I neverfound myself gripped and involved in the way you want to. As i said, the disappointment is made worse by the fact that you look at the pedigree of the people making this film. Particularly alfredson, who i think is a really terrific director. Itjust looks to me like this is a film that got away. It looks like a film, that during the film making process, they just lost sight of where it was going. It is confused, or confusing . Its confused and confusing, and it also looks like it has been re edited a lot. It looks like a film in which, when theyve got into the editing room, they have had to work very hard to make the constituent parts come together. Occasionally it just happens, a film maker literally just misses something. In the case of this, as i said, the disappointment was made worse by the fact that you go in thinking, you know, great source material apparently, terrific on screen talent, and a director i really, really like, but at no point i hate to say this, i ended up being bored. I really dont say that lightly. Its a shame, i really wanted to like it. And you dont say that very often. Thats the point. It didnt chill me. Michael fassbender, he is so versatile, very watchable but he doesnt solve this . He looked to me like he was cruising. If you look at the anguish of his performance in shame, for example, ok, thats anguish with layers and depth. This looked very much like going through the motions, unfortunately. The film just doesnt gel, it doesnt come together. It ends up being a series of ideas. Some arresting images, but not much more than that. Ok, for your second choice. The ritual. Youve brought me a horrorfilm again i have. Im going to convert you to horror. Thanks, mark so this is a horror where it has a comedic edge as well. It takes inspiration from films i know you would love the blair witch project, the evil dead, the wicker man, the hills have eyes. At the very beginning theres a group of friends, and rafe spall plays luke, who goes into an off licence with one of his friends, who is then killed in a robbery. Luke feels guilty because he didnt do anything. The group then go on a bewildering camping holiday in the middle of nowhere. They need to get somewhere, one of them has hurt his leg, they say lets take a short cut through the words, and they end up and they end up in a cabin that looks like it came straight off the set of the evil dead. Never take the short cut the thing i liked about this was, although its reference points are all very familiar, all these films ive mentioned, i think it got the Group Dynamic right. There is jokey banter dialogue between the central characters, so the air of horror is built well. It does that very good thing about withholding its revelations until the last possible moment. I think that, although youre going to recognise certain things from it, they are done in a way that is sympathetic enough to the characters to make you involved. There is this guilt throughout that they have, that rafe spalls character feels guilty for this thing that happened in the past, and the rest of the group do kind of blame him as well, so it works on different levels. I was pleasantly surprised because i had gone in thinking that it looked so much like the blair witch project meets the wicker man meets the evil dead. Although they are touchstones, it did something new with them and it worked. When it needed to be monstrous, it was, but it withheld that. I think you would enjoy it. I know you want to be converted. I am a big rafe spall fan. Go see it as a rafe spall movie, not a horror movie. I am far more likely to go and see Loving Vincent. The phrase labour of love was invented for this film. Yes, unbelievable. An oil painted animation feature, which brings the work of van gogh to life as a kind of animation. The story was shot first as live action, which the artist then used as the basis for doing the incredible painting of the animation. If you think of Something Like waking life, i think that would be an example. The narrative unfolds after van goghs death. Central character played by douglas booth, is entrusted to deliver a letter, which vincent wrote to his brother theo. That takes him back to the place where van gogh spent his final days and he ends up speaking to everyone, to try to find out what happened, how it was that someone who seemed to be on the straight and narrow before their death, how he met this terrible ending. One of the characters he meets marguerite gachet, played by saoirse ronan. Here is a clip. You want to know so much about his death, but what do you know of his life . I know that he tried hard to prove he was good for something. Yes. He did. Thats why i take flowers to his grave. Thats all i can do for him now. He would appreciate the delicate beauty of their bloom. Even each blade of their grassy stems. No detail of life was too small or too humble for him. Now, i think it is the case that certain bits of the dialogue are a little on the nose, but i didnt care, because i was so entranced by the visuals. You saw, just from that, just how extraordinary it is. There are scenes that are done in monochrome, black and white, which are almost photo realist. So it goes from that to these much more painterly swirly starry night constructions. Even if you know as little about art as i do, you know, its thrilling to watch this, firstly because you just think this must have taken so long, i mean, the effort that has gone into it. It was the best part of six years wasnt it. Extraordinary. 65,000 separate canvases to make this. But it feels tactile. You can feel that in the people have talked about Computer Graphics and that, but you can feel, you know, the work that has gone into it. What i thought was really wonderful was, you do feel as if you have been transported into the paintings. You do feel as if you have been transported into this world, and as i said, the flashback stuff is black and white, the newer stuff is in that full colour, and it has a kind of dreamy, mesmerising, strange, half awake, half asleep, because obviously you recognise the actors, you recognise the performances you saw from that clip. I just sat there, thinking, this is really unlike anything ive seen before and there are things about it, that, you know, as i said in terms of the narrative, that you can pick apart, why would you want to . Just sit back and take it in. And enjoy the beauty, the colours it is so rich. It is really really remarkable. Fascinating. Such a fascinating idea they managed to sell that and they said, you know what, go away and make that, that is staggering. Blade runner. It is very long. Have you seen it . It is very long. No, i was thinking about the original, which i saw 300 years ago, and i have not seen this yet. And people will be looking thinking, do i really need to sit there for two and three quarter hours . I went in thinking, gosh, that is a long running time. And i came out thinking im really glad it was that long, because it had the bravery to take itself required. Im a huge fan of the original blade runner the final cut version, not the original version with the ridiculous voice over, i am deckard and im an android hunter, not that version. In the case of this, i thought it, the themes of the original writer, who is a co writer of this. I think the director did a brilliant job with realising a world in the same way ridley scott realised it in blade runner. I know some people have found it alienating and some have found it a movie whose gender politics they have a problem with i didnt. I thought it was very very true to the original, and believe me, i was very trepidatious. I have seen it twice now, so in total that is the best part of six hours, and i could happily go back and see it again tomorrow. 0k. You definitely werent bored as opposed to where we started. Quick thought about dvd . Man called over, which is this beautiful film, couple of oscar nominations, story of a guy who is a curmudgeon, a widower, and we see through his relationship with his neighbour how his life has turned him into the person he is. Its that phrase when people talk about bitter sweet comedy, this is a genuinely bitter sweet comedy. There are things that will make you laugh, things that will make you cry, it is heartbreaking, it is moving, tender, and it was a real surprise. I knew nothing about it beforehand and i really enjoyed it. I loved it when it was out in the cinema and it is now out on dvd, a man called ove. Great stuff, thank you very much mark. An interesting week, and before we go, you will find all the film news and reviews from across the bbc online. I am sure you know the address by now. You can find all our previous programmes on the iplayer as well, of course. That is it for this week, enjoy your varied cinema going. Thanks for being with us. Goodbye. Let you hello, this is breakfast with chris mason and naga munchetty. Good morning, heres a summary of this mornings main stories from bbc news. Disgraced movie mogul, Harvey Weinstein, has been expelled from the organisation that runs the oscars. It follows the increasing number of allegations of Sexual Assault made against him. The academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences said its board voted well in excess of the required two thirds majority to expel him. Motorists to cause death by speeding, street racing or driving ona speeding, street racing or driving on a mobile phone are among those who may be handed the maximum punishment but one prominent rd safety grou p punishment but one prominent rd safety group said changing the law could do more harm than good. We com pletely could do more harm than good. We completely understand the sentiment behind it but there is no evidence that having a longer sentences and extending it to life and work. No evidence that it will reduce casualties. No evidence that the courts will actually apply it and although its been put forward perhaps very understandably by victims families, we think it could end up disappointing them or because if the courts dont apply a life sentence, they may feel even more disappointed than they are at the moment. Health professionals in england are to be told to ask patients aged 16 or over about their sexual orientation, under new nhs guidelines. Nhs england said no one would be forced to answer the question but recording the data would help to avoid discrimination. Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are currently disproportionately affected by Health Inequalities such as Poor Mental Health and a higher risk of self harm and suicide. At least 40 people have died and hundreds of people remain unaccounted for after wildfires devastated Northern California over the past week. Thousands more have been forced to evacuate their homes as strong winds fan the blazes towards san francisco. Big ben will ding dong merrily on high when its bongs are restored for christmas. The chimes have been silenced since august as part of a controversial four year renovation plan. Only new years eve and remembrance sunday have been earmarked as exemptions. But commons leader Andrea Leadsom has persuaded parliamentary officials to allow the bell to chime over the festive season. From midnight tonight, the old round pound coin will no longer be legal tender. However, some Stores Including tesco and poundland will continue to accept them for a limited time, and banks will still take them. The royal mint estimates there might be up to 450 million old coins still in circulation. The new twelve sided pound coin was introduced in march and has high Tech Security features to thwart counterfeiters. 450 million . There are a lot of sofas groaning with bits of metal. Richard, good morning. |j sofas groaning with bits of metal. Richard, good morning. I have a clean sofa. There is always that emergency pounds. You get angry when the emergency pound is used and not replaced. I admire the organisation ofan replaced. I admire the organisation of an emergency pound. I often have bits of coins on the floor of the car that they have fallen there. |j have been a little compartmentjust in case. Is there a strategy for placing that emergency pound . You know what, i am never excited about the football, and it wasnt to thrilling. Crystal palace, we will be talking about that. So city are really setting the pace at the top of the premier league. 29 goals in the first eight league games, the First Time Since everton in 1984. City are really setting the pace at the top of the premier league. Six different players found the net against stoke. Six different players found the net against stoke. Kevin de bruyne put in one of the performances of the season and theres now a two point gap at the top of the table between them and manchester united. United drew nil nil with liverpool at anfield. And Crystal Palace finally scored a goal and won a game. Ben croucher wraps up the action. Sometimes you just have to stand up and applaud. Not my words, stoke twittered that after being given a footballing masterclass by Manchester City and Kevin De Bruyne. The belgian at his brilliant best. He laid a citys seven goals, did not find the net himself. When his team mates were doing this, he didnt need to. Caught it very well Pep Guardiola sang the praises of Kevin De Bruyne and what he said was citys best performance under him. His time on the pitch, it was absolutely world class. He is the best player in the premier league by a country mile. City is clear at the top. Chelsea were there last season and trouble to keep Crystal Palace, who still havent scored in this one. Crystal palace have their first goal of the season another as well, the champions beaten 2 1. Happy hodgson. North of london, arsenal lead watford but tom changed all that, popping up with an injury time winner to send his side up to fourth. Better fortunes are totte n ha m fourth. Better fortunes are tottenham who finally got a league win at wembley. Christian erickson on target in win at wembley. Christian erickson on target in 1 the win over bournemouth. At turf moor, one down. Seven letters, begins with d. That was burnley. Chris wood left west ham with a few crosswords in their 1 ham with a few crosswords in their 1 all draw. Another new striker impressed at swansea. Tammy abraham sunk huddersfield town. And it was billed as the game of the day. It wasnt. Liverpool versus manchester united, this save being the only thing worthy of applause. In the scottish premiership, celtic remain on top but only on goal difference. They beat dundee 1 nil olivier cham with the goal. Aberdeens win at hibernian means theyre level on points with the champions. There were also wins for motherwell, hearts and aberdeen. And for kilmarnock, who had their first win of the season, watched by new manager steve clarke, who takes charge on monday. 62 sides battled it out for a place in the first round proper of the fa cup yesterday. One of the Success Stories was boreham wood. They beat their hertfordshire rivals st albans 3 1 in the fourth qualifying round. Bruno andrada scored twice and Shaun Jeffers put away a cracking goal. Boreham wood will find out who they meet on monday, when clubs from the English Football League enter the first round draw. Go to the bbc sport website for all the days results. Shaw Lane Association play barrow in the final qualifier today. Its the Opening Weekend in rugby unions european champions cup. 5 british teams played on saturday including the english champions exeter who beat the pro 14 leaders glasgow. Patrick gearey reports. The champions cup demands much. It is an exhausting competition but an exhilarating one. In meetings between great forces, sometimes its per site precise angles that count. Glasgow warriors picked one here for Tommy Seymour to score. The warriors are scotlands only representative in this competition and are in some form but eventually buckled on the overbearing exeter pressure. Sam simmons settle it. They have conquered england. What price now europe . This was the first that anyone had seen of la rochelle. The men from the Atlantic Coast attacked in waves, scoring four tries and 34 points. Quins played their part in a remarkable match. And the bonus point was some consolation. Points for a little scarce at the rack but spent much of the time keeping benetton treviso out. Zac is the of their tries. 22 nil. Earlier, lester had to face the unseasonable proustian heat and unstoppable fijian lock. His giant frame seemed to be everywhere including on one occasion over the skyline. He scored three times in the first half but the tigers got two of the rhone, including johnny mades seven to try in seven games. Only in losing bonus point but in this competition, every point is hard earned. Old rivals rafael nadal and Roger Federer will meet in the final of the shanghai masters today. Nadals amazing resurgence this year continued with a straight sets semifinal win over marin cilic. The world number one has now won 16 straight matches and is looking for a 7th title of the season. Federer came from a set down to beat juan martin del potro. He and nadal have met three times this year, twice in finals, and the swiss winning all three. Also in tennis, Maria Sharapova is through to her first final since returning from her drugs ban. She plays world number 102 Aryna Sabalenka of belarus at the tianjin open later today. Englands matt wallace takes a two shot lead into todays final round of the italian open in monza. This impressive putt on the 13th was one of five birdies yesterday. Hes 17 under, two shots ahead of fellow englishman Tyrrell Hatton and the defending champion, italys francesco molinari. He isa he is a man you know very well, wasnt he . We are a member at the same course in hertfordshire and he isa same course in hertfordshire and he is a lovely guy. He is brilliant. He is a lovely guy. He is brilliant. He is something big, isnt he . He won the portuguese or the portuguese open earlier this year. And the whole club is behind him. Fingers crossed. Ranked 150th to now lead. Will the nerves get to him . Imagine waking up to those nerves . He has got a level head. Good luck to him. Bally fan . This might change your mind. Ballet. Many people think of the royal ballet as plush chandeliers and all of it posh. For the first time, the Ballet Company has swapped its usual home for a disused warehouse in south east london. So that audiences can get up close and personal to the performance. An unusually intimate view of world class an unusually intimate view of world class ballet dancers. They have left the sumptuous surroundings of the Royal Opera House for a vast industrial space in south east london. And the audience has been freed from its velveteen seats. |j think its really important to give people a flexible experience of how they experience ballet because that makes it much more accessible survey can watch but 20 minutes or two hours. A can follow their favourite performer around or stand against the wall and take it all in the distance. Or get very, very close and see exposed the physical strain not normally visible from inside a typical auditorium. We are traditionally used to working on a stage where we know the audience is watching us from the front and the fund only but in this space, however, they can be down below, to the left, to the right, front and back. We have to be aware that they can see us back. We have to be aware that they can see us in back. We have to be aware that they can see us in every back. We have to be aware that they can see us in every shape, every angle so yes, that adds a completely different feeling to the way we perform it. This performance is a collaboration between the royal ballet and the National Ballet of canada. It is set to music composed and played by ljubomir melnick developed a style called continuous music. The dancers emerge from the groups of onlookers. The movement and the energy and the lighting and the music will always change. There are set times that we go on and off stage and we are supposed to be doing this or doing a solo over here but we are given the freedom to change dynamics or pause in the section or go faster or slower so its not everyday you get that freedom an artist. Ballet can be seen as a rather exclusive art form but taken from the familiar stage setting like this in mercy of experience might start to change that. Immersive. Thats great. I ama that. Immersive. Thats great. I am a complete ignoramus and dashed ignoramus. All my culture comes out of the yoghurt pot. But having all that in a warehouse, as someone like me, a big grand venue puts me off culture. Your culture comes out of the yoghurt pot . You are a genius. That is about as cultured as i managed to get. That is very funny. My managed to get. That is very funny. My complete cultural cluelessness. Darren, rescue me. Darren found it funny too. It was the look on your face. You were thinking, who am i sitting next to today . It was one of those moments were i thought, what . And it took a couple of seconds for it to drop. I have been to ballet. I saw cinderella. It was amazing. I tried the opera a short time afterwards, didnt like it. I think you need to try again. Youve just got to find the right one. A long way south in the atlantic this hurricane ophelia is the most powerful, the strongest hurricane this far east in the atlantic on record. It has now moved east of the azores. It will move northwards and wea ken azores. It will move northwards and weaken as it moves over cool waters but will bring damaging winds to Western Areas for the start of the week. At the moment were just drawing a pleasant air, warm air across the uk to the south of the thick cloud which will bring rain back down into scotland and Northern Ireland. For england and wales, still misty. Most of the fault will lift and sun coming out during the day. There may be a little sunshine around the murray birth but otherwise it is cloud and rain drizzle moving south across scotland into Northern Ireland. And there will be some cloud still remaining around western parts of england and wales. Not quite as warm here where you get the sunnier skies developing further east and the temperatures could be around 22 or 23 degrees. As we had through this evening and overnight it will be my old. In bit more mist and fog in a whole not as much because the wind picks up and that gives a boost to the rain. Away from northern scotland it will be a mild night tonight. 14, 15 degrees, warmer than it was last night that it as we head into tomorrow this is ophelia, close to ireland by this stage and heading northwards towards the Northern Ireland and scotland. Strongest winds closest to the centre of the storm so we will see the wind picking up in the south west approach through the irish sea. Gusts reaching up to 80 miles an hour. Rain for Northern Ireland and scotland, for england and wales, mostly dry. Heading east through england, the wind will not be as strong was the last of the warm air. As we head into monday night we will find the wind picking up night we will find the wind picking up again across scotland through the central belt and across Northern England. The storm moves away overnight and through tuesday. Attacks were the damaging wind and eventually further south and should be less windy although we will see some rain in the south later in the day. We will talk more about that later on. Thank you very much. We will be back with their headlines at seven oclock. First, time for click. I have worn plenty of protective suits in my time but they have always been to protect the environment from my body. This time, its different. Ive come to one of the most infamous locations on earth. Until 2011, few people had heard of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant in north east japan. Then, the largest earthquake in japanese history changed everything. The resulting tsunami killed more than 20,000 people and the 14 metre wave overwhelmed fukushimas flood defences. Ironically, it was the power stations cooling system that was flooded and when it shut down, the radioactive fuel rods began to overheat and melt down. They reacted with the steam around them, filling units one, two, three and four with hydrogen gas, which then exploded. 6. 5 years on, the melted radioactive fuel remains somewhere inside these buildings. Humans cant go anywhere near that fuel and so, robots are being used first to try and find it and eventually to remove it. And today, we have been given rare access to the site to help us understand just how hard thatjob is. Translation in order to work out how to decommission the reactor and remove the fuel, we have to survey and understand the state of the interior. Only then will be know what kind of tools and machines we need to develop. Probably the most important thing that im going to carry for a long time dosimeter. It tells me how much radiation ive been exposed to. The Tokyo Electric Power company, tepco, is keen to show us and, i guess, the world just how much of the radioactive debris has now been removed and how it is now possible to walk around most of the site without too much protective clothing. But to really understand the challenge the robots face in finding and removing the melted radioactive fuel, we do need to suit up. We are going inside unit five, which is identical to the units which were wrecked by the explosions. As you can imagine, its really hot inside these suits. Its a confusing jumble of walkways and machinery and its difficult to appreciate that somewhere in here is a seven storey high tank of water called the primary containment vessel the pcv. And now, its time to go right underneath the reactor. Wow they think what happens after the meltdowns is that the molten fueljust burns through the bottom of the pcv and came down here onto the what is known as the pedestal. That is where they think the fuel is now. Its difficult enough getting around this place on foot. Now, imagine trying to Remote Control a robot through this after the whole place has been mangled by an explosion. Oh, yes and do it in the dark. Each of the reactors suffered different damage. Some are still full of water, some are dry, and so toshiba has built a special robot for each one. As important as how they move about is how they get in in the first place. Translation we needed something that could fit through an existing Service Hatch that is the reason why we made small robots. This is scorpion. Its mission was to hunt for fuel in unit two. Now, time is of the essence for any fukushima robot. The radiation will eventually damage and disable its cameras, rendering it useless. But the entire mission can also be upset by something far more basic. This is Service Hatch x6 and in unit two, they were hoping to send the scorpion robot down this ramp, to film the molten fuel at the bottom but it got caught halfway down and never made it, so they didnt get any footage or any evidence of where the fuel was. In unit three, the waters much higher. So they had to think of another way to get a robot in to film what was going on. And thats where the mini sunfish came in. Well, actually, thats where the mini sunfish came in. Built to fit through this 15 centimetre pipe, mini sunfish is a tiny underwater robot with five propellers, two cameras, and four human operators. 300km away fu kushima in toshibas yokohama r d centre, i came face to face with the star of the investigation. After two months of practice in a duplicate of the flooded pedestal, injuly this year, mini sunfish was successful in finding molten clumps of material that could be fuel debris on the pedestal in unit three. One of the reasons theres so much water in the reactor buildings is because ground water is leaking in and it needs to be pumped out. The problem is, it cannot be pumped out into the sea. So, how do you stop groundwater from leaking in in the first place . Well, you build an ice wall. Pipes of coolant have been inserted 30 metres into the ground and they are gradually freezing the soil and stopping anything from seeping through. It sounds completely nuts. But how else would you do it . That is an ice wall underground having been criticised in the early stages, it now seems tepco is working hard to make fukushima safe. Its rebuilt and reinforced working areas, sealed the soil in concrete, and reduced radiation levels. In our 4 hour visit, we received the radiation dose equivalent to four dental x rays, but there is such a long way to go. Decommissioning the site could take 40 years. And it may cost eight trillion yen. The human cost is more difficult to quantify. The exclusion zone has left many people homeless, unable to stop nature from reclaiming their post apocalyptic ghost towns. They cannot go back until the radioactive fuel is recovered. Those little robots have a lot riding on their tiny backs. For the last leg of ourjapan trip, i wanted to show you something of a japanese tradition happening deep in the countryside, far away from the blade runner streets of tokyo. Its sunday morning and at this high school in the small town of tendo, dozens of pupils have gathered for a sumo match. Thats robot sumo, of course. Yep, today, ive come to watch a regional heat of a National Competition which is now in its 25th year. And with several spots up for grabs in the final, nothing is being left to chance. The winner is the first bot to get the other one out of the ring twice. If that hasnt happened within three minutes, then the winner is the first to one point. Although, if a bot flips or if it stops working, then the match is over. Or maybe theyll give them some extra time if its really fun. Youll get the idea. They cant even push him across the floor. How is this going to work . The rings are made of steel and the sumo bots have really strong magnets to simulate the mass of real sumo wrestlers to give them the best chance of not being flipped. But the fact that the umpires need to wear shin guards probably tells you that this doesnt always work. Here we go yeah, its quick, and the reason is that once the bots are left alone, these matches are taking place entirely autonomously. These machines are attempting to out think and out sense each other in the blink of an eye. Someone who knows how best to gain those little advantages is 17 year old amane mori. Her dad came second in the very first school robot sumo competition. Last year, she came third. Translation im trying hard to beat my fathers record, thats what im aiming to do. He had a big influence on me. Tactics include having a black bot, which is harderfor your opponents sensors to see. The operator can also select a particular pre programmed strategy for each bout. Yes, the programming needs to be superior to win, but i think having the best blade is the most important feature. Here she goes. Im no expert but that didnt smell good but in the second round, amanes expertise starts to show. As the day goes on, she conquers all before her. Until, just before the final, she crashes out. There is a strategy called feint, where you back off before attacking, but the timing was off. The bot just went too early. Of course, win or lose, over the years this competition has given thousands of students invaluable experience of robotics and programming. And of course, when you do get knocked out, you can still enjoy everyone elses smash ups wow, what an exhilarating way to end this trip to japan. Now, youll find loads of extra photos from ourjourney on twitter bbcclick. We also live on facebook. Thanks very much for watching and well see you soon. Hello, this is breakfast with chris mason and naga munchetty. Harvey weinstein is expelled from the oscars academy. They want to send a message that the era of sexually predatory behaviour in the movie industry is over. Good morning its sunday 15 october. Also this morning killer drivers could face life sentences under tougher penalties being planned by the government

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