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Theres been a surge in gang related violence in the area. Every year, around 200 thousand britons visit the popular holiday destination as nick davis reports. For a country that depends on tourism, the pictures of troops on the streets in montego bay, jamaicas biggest resort, isnt ideal, but the government says its something that needs to be done. The Security Forces are expected and have been directed to treat citizens with respect, and protect the dignity and safety of all. Most of the tourists who visit montego bay and much of the north coast stay in gated and guarded all Inclusive Hotels where security isnt an issue. But the growing reality for people who live in the city is that crime has spiked. Last year saw over 1,600 people murdered in jamaica, 335 of them in stjames, the area where montego bay is. Most of the crime is gang related and focused in a small number of communities. The Foreign Office has advised holidaymakers that they should only travel to and from the airport to their hotels and when they do take excursions, to make sure they are arranged by official tour reps. The Authorities Say there will be more roadblocks and vehicle searches as they go after the gangs and their guns. A similar state of emergency in 2010 in kingston saw the murder rate drop to its lowest levels in years a statistic that meant lives saved. In montego bay, its hoped the same will happen again. Now its time for the travel show. This week on the travel show i explore australias Northern Territory, hearing what the future holds for tourism at one of the countrys most famous attractions. We find out what it takes to work as a croc wrangler in a stunning Australian National park. Also, we scour the globe to meet people skilled in a rare art. We discovered tacos with a twist in mexico city. And ade is back with the latest on what is trending in travel. First this week, ive come to australias Northern Territory and one of the most iconic sites in the world uluru. The giant monolith attracts more than a quarter of a million visitors each year. For many of them, climbing to the top is something of a rite of passage. But for the Indigenous People of central australia, the anangu, the rock means much more. As well as being an important place for tourists, uluru is a sacred site. Now, at the moment, tourists are allowed to go up to the peak, but all of that is about to change. At the end of 2017, the people who manage uluru in conjunction with its anangu owners made a landmark decision to ban tourists from climbing the rock. The 600 million year old rock is at the heart of anangu culture. They believe that touching the red sandstone is a way of communicating with the gods and it is the basis of their creation stories. It is almost like a law and it is really something that is so integral, so important to anangu, and those very stories are based in locations around uluru. And so why was the decision made in the first place to ban the climb . Theres a couple of reasons. Primarily its because anangu dont want to see people climbing, for cultural reasons, but theres also has been quite a significant number fatalities on the climb. They do get very sad whenever anybody gets injured or dies, and there have been more than 35 people that have died. The ban will not come into force until october 2019 and until then, tourists can continue to climb on days when the weather isnt too extreme. The base of the route has a number of signs asking tourists to respect anangu wishes not to climb, but many people ignore these. Whilst the decision has been welcomed by many in the local area, not everyone in the Northern Territory is supportive of the ban. I get the local Indigenous People, i get where theyre coming from, but i think it is a shame because it is a fantastic place to visit. I think that it is a good thing because, like, you know, people go up and they get hurt and then, the government spends a lot of time and energy rescuing people. Yeah, that is a big issue. I mean it costs a lot of money to get to central australia, as you know, so if you are diminishing the experience, i think its got to impact somewhere. So, will the closure of the climb have a negative impact on tourist numbers visiting uluru . Left foot in the stirrup here. Just throw your leg through nice and gently. Well, to keep visitors coming, local tourism bosses are working hard to show that there are other ways to experience the rock. There we go. Hey holy moly. Uluru camel tours takes people out into the desert here. They give people a great camel experience. Its all about people really connecting with nature and connecting with the outback, and what better way to do it than on the back of a camel . So when youre riding those camels, just relax from the waist down, let your body go with the flow. Sure. Dont try to tense your body up. Well, theyre environmentally friendly, they browse on 85 of the vegetation out here, theyve got big, flat feet so they actually dont chop the ground up, theyre a low impact animal, and they go for months without water so they dont have to hang around a water source and eat all the vegetation. Wow. Unbelievable. You never get sick of that, do you . For chris, the decision to ban the climb is very welcome. Look, i think closing the climb has been long overdue. And its been something thats been talked about for many, many years. For myself, will it affect tourism out here . I dont think so. I think it will still bring more numbers itjust actually gives people a bigger and better understanding about the anangu stories out here, and also the culture. As well as established activities like camel rides and cycling tours, new attractions are being introduced to encourage tourists to keep coming. And most popular of them all comes to life at sunset. Bruce munros field of light installation is designed to embody the energy, heat and brightness of the desert landscape. What a way to finish my trip here in uluru theres 50,000 light bulbs here, glowing, and it all looks like iridescence in sort of water. The work was originally installed in 2016 and was only supposed to stay in place for a year. But due to the huge popularity of the piece, it will now be here until the end of 2020 a clear sign that uluru remains confident it can continue to attract tourists long after the ban comes into force in october 2019. Now, while many people get their travel inspiration these days online, some of us still prefer to gaze at a map or a globe to pick our next destination. So we headed to london to meet some of the last people working in the intricate art of hand crafted globe making. There is something about globes that just is sort of inspiring and just sometimes looking at them, when im practising to make, i just sort of wonder what its like in that specific part of the world. Theyre quite special. Im still learning how to make them. I was surprised by the complexity of the process. You dont quite realise how difficult it truly is. Every single piece of the globe is on show. So every single bit has to be finished perfectly. You need to have a lot of persistence, a lot of patience. It takes a lot of concentration and willpower. At one stage, i was probably over £100,000 into the project and i still hadnt worked out how to make a globe, and ijust had to crack on with it and understand that if i did it enough times, potentially, it might work. Thankfully, it did. The difficult part, fundamentally the thing that took me a long time to work out is how to stretch a flat piece of paper onto a sphere and to do that without tearing the paper, ripping the paper, making it obvious it has been done. And that is really, really difficult. Slowly, i started to learn how to be patient with myself and just understanding the process. But i have definitely become a little bit more of a perfectionist, purely because of the standard that is required. I think everyone is fascinated by globes from an early age. Its the answer to so many questions, its something that you can interact with all the time. When i see the one i have at home, i literally look at it every single time i go into the house and i spin it every single time without fail. I think the perfect globe is something with character, something with meaning. People can add Little Things to them little illustrations or highlighted areas of places in the world that mean a lot to them. Definitely makes people understand where they fit in in the world. When you first see a globe and you first get pointed out you live a little speck of land surrounded by ocean, it makes you it puts thousands of questions into your head. It often makes you think how we should be really careful about how we use the planet and things like that. A globe allows you to understand. To mexico city next, where you will find amazing street food pretty much everywhere. Our global gourmet has been to meet one man whose culinary creation has been causing a thing of a stir. Still to come on the travel show we meet the filmmaker who turns mountains into miniatures in trending travel. And what does it take to work as a crocodile wrangler in one of australias most Stunning National Parks . Stick with us for that. The travel show. Your essential guide wherever you are headed. It is time for trending travel. Your monthly mash up of the very best travel related stories, pics and clips online. Founded in 2015, the website accomable lists holiday accommodation for travellers with accessibility requirements. Each listing includes photos and in depth information on adaptations. But with awareness around accessible travel growing, the company has been taken over by airbnb. They say they plan to incorporate accomables list of services into their own platform later this year. I really believe other companies will take notice of this and try to help the disabled community more on the basis that this is a genuine Market Opportunity that should be taken seriously. Many of us love to see some exotic animals when we travel. But getting too close can have harmful consequences. A charity, World Animal Protection has launched a wildlife selfie code with the aim of discouraging tourists from posing with wild animals. They say many of the animals are kept in inhumane conditions. Instagram have followed suit, advising its users against sharing these kind of images. If you can hug, hold or have a selfie taken with a wild animal, the chances are that that wild animal will have experienced terrible cruelty at some point in its life. Say no to that selfie. There are ways you can have a fantastic wildlife experience and finding a good responsible Tour Operator is a great start. Check out the World Animal Protection website for more information. And people from around the world have shared video applications to a party on board a plummeting aircraft. Next month, 16 winners including two from every continent, will travel to germany to board a modified a310 plane that simulates weightlessness. Their mission is to bust some moves in a zero gravity nightclub. Boasting three headline djs third party is expected to last for 90 minutes. Thank you to everyone who sent us their pictures from their travels are using the hashtag traveltuesday. Here is what caught my eye. Elizabeth shared this night time glimpse of dubai. This picture of the sky in india. Dont forget to check out our twitter and facebook pages for loads of extra special travel show content that you will not see anywhere else. Here are the travel videos we have been watching this month. Youtube channel little big world turns epic views and towering cityscapes into miniature. All through trick photography. We spoke to the creator, joerg daiber, to find out how it is done. A tilted effect creates a shallow depth of field which tricks the eye into believing this is micro photography, making it look like a miniature. There are a few other things you may want to do to sell the effect, shooting from a high angle with a wide angle lens. Contrast and saturation in post production. I believe that the world would be a better place if people did not take themselves so seriously. We are tiny bugs and if only a few people understand this message, my work is done. You can check out his channel for more videos viewable in glorious 4k. And if you see anything you think we should know about, please do get in touch. You can find us on twitter. Finally this week, how would you like to be in charge of a park encompassing over 2000 types of plant and an incredible 10,000 crocodiles . For many, it is a dream job. And when Kakadu National park put out a job adverts for a new park manager, it caused the global stir. So what does it take to run a park of this size . We caught up with the current park manager on one of his last days on thejob. Every day is different and that is what makes the job interesting. Tourism is a big part of it so working to make sure that tourist sites are as good as they could be. There is a lot of interaction with wildlife. Two weeks ago one of the rangers called me up and said they had caught a crocodile in a trap, and taped up the snout. And they told me i needed to sex it. I asked what that was involved and i had to stick a finger into a slit on its underside and determine its gender. We put a quirkyjob ad out there which was looking for a ceo and part time croc wrangler. It has had a huge amount of interest from around the world. It went viral and we had people from europe and america are interested. It is one of those jobs. You see a job ads sometimes and it says unique opportunity, but thats an empty cliche. This one is certainly unique. There is nojob like it in the world. Primarily this is Aboriginal Land so the traditional owners of the land have leased it back to us, the federal government, and jointly with them we manage the national park. The size of the park is enormous. 20,000 square kilometres. In context, that is about the size of wales or half the size of switzerland. A workforce of about 75 people and they are extremely busy maintaining the park. We have a large influx of visitors in the dry season, in the middle of the year, may through october, and our rangers are doing biodiversity work, conservation work, operational stuff and making sure that our visitors are safe and having a great time. One third of all australian bird species live within kakadu. We have 60 different kinds of mammals. Really diverse landscapes as well. Stone country, 1. 5 billion year old rocks, some of the oldest in the world. On a rock is 20,000 year old rock art. We are living amongst a 65,000 year old culture, the oldest in the world. Imagine yourself in that, it is amazing. For me, the big challenge Going Forward is tourism and growing tourist numbers because there is a uranium mine leased within the park and that mine is closing down at the end of 2020. That provide a large amount of income and sustains the town of jabiru. Finding a sustainable alternative source of revenue for the town to keep people employed and Services Open is important, so we are working closely with traditional owners and the Northern Territory government to look at how tourism can replace mining as a source of revenue and sustain the park. I would say the biggest challenge is ensuring that tourism grows in the future but continuing to work with traditional owners as well, making sure that there needs are met and aspirations are realised as well. Applications are now closed for the next lucky ka kadu croc wrangler. As workplaces go, it is not more stunning than this. I am afraid that is all we have time for this week. Coming up next week, jo heads to israel to find out how these huge sinkholes have become the latest attraction for travellers to the dead sea. It is a lot to take in because it is devastation but also quite beautiful. Dont forget you can follow us wherever we are in the world byjoining our social media feeds. Details are on your screen now. From me and the rest of the travel show team here in australia, it is goodbye. Hello. There is something milder on the way through the coming days but with how we are starting sunday morning, you may need a bit of convincing of that because cold air is still very much in place. Mild air, though, trying to push in from the south west but as it does, its bringing a band of rain. And this could be quite a troublemaker, actually, because running into the cold air, it is going to bring some snow and, indeed, some ice particularly across central and northern parts of the British Isles through the day ahead. So that could cause some travel disruption bear that in mind if you do have plans to get out and about. So this is how the day shapes up then. This wet weather pushing northwards and eastwards anywhere from north wales, the midlands, northwards, especially over high ground. Theres likely to be a spell of snow, much of that though, turning back to rain by the end of the day as the milder air begins to win out and pushes in from the west. At 3pm, there will still be significant snow falling across a good part of scotland but down to the south west, something more mild, turning the wintry weather back to rain and a wintry mix of rain, sleet and snow across northern england, down into east anglia, could be some icy conditions also. Temperatures two, three, four degrees. A chilly six in london. But mostly, it will be rain here. Certainly rain across the south west of england, heavy rain continues through the afternoon but look at the temperatures, 12 degrees for plymouth. Windy weather here, 9 in cardiff, some wet and windy weather into south wales, and for north wales as things turn more mild in the afternoon sun mist and fog likely to develop across parts of Northern Ireland as well. As we get through sunday night, we will push away the rain and what is left of the snow. Many areas will end up dry. A fair amount of cloud around. This area of rain close to the south coast and certainly the Channel Islands so wet weather continuing and look at the temperatures for monday morning, 1 10 degrees, a much less chilly start. Monday will bring this rain scraping perilously close to the south of england otherwise not a bad day, a fair amount of cloud, some sunshine about, always patchy rain at times for hills and coasts in the west. Temperatures 5 10. Just the first sign of the milder air is winning out and it will continue to do so for the most part through the week ahead, something colder never too far away from Northern Areas so temperatures in the north will tend to go up and down but not as cold as it has been. Certainly mild further south, 12 13, but with the mild air, we will see some wet and windy weather continuing at times through the week ahead. Thats all from me for now. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. Im duncan golestani. Our top Stories Gunmen attack one of kabuls top Hotels Opening fire on staff and guests at the intercontinental. Turkey launches an air and ground assault against what it says are terrorist groups in northern syria. In afghanistan, gunmen have stormed one of the most Popular International hotels in the capital kabul, opening fire on staff and guests. At least four men are said to have carried out the attack on the intercontinental hotel, two of them are reported to have

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