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And slip sliding in germany, with rain taking its toll on formula one. Good evening. Hundreds of riot police in hong kong have fired tear gas and rubber bullets, as thousands of protestors tried to advance on the office of the territorys chief executive. Many had defied a police ban on marching and set up barricades blocking streets. Dozens have been arrested. Its the eighth consecutive weekend of Anti Government protests, amid fears of a gradual erosion of freedoms at the hands of the authorities in beijing. Our correspondent, nick beake, has sent us this report, from hong kong. There is a predictability to sundays in hong kong this summer. They start peacefully and end very differently. Once again, tens of thousands turned out, this time to condemn alleged Police Brutality during previous demonstrations. The police had tried to ban todays event and had warned that anyone who marched through the streets could be arrested but, as you can see, it hasnt made any difference, and you do get the feeling now that many people in the city simply have no respect for the authorities or the police. They were heading for the main Chinese Government building in the territory, and heading for a showdown. Because this fire is being fuelled by a fear of what life would become under tighter chinese control. We dont want hong kong to become china. We want our freedom. Even you know something you cannot achieve, but you will still do it for justice, right . When the masses slipped away, the hard core dug in, those who dontjust throw insults. And, when they refused to leave, you knew what was coming. Police and protesters now in a fight for the future of the place they both call home. Battling under a heavy cloud thats descended on the city and shows no sign of lifting. As for tonight, the police had seen enough. This has been simmering all day and now its erupted, police arresting demonstrators. Some seem to be injured, others choking back tear gas. This is chaos. Sunday night in hong kong. The question is, when will all of this end . Hong kongs under fire government has failed to restore calm, and so a violent weekend is drawing to a close. With both sides battle hardened, preparing for their next encounter. Nick, after eight weeks of protests, it seems theres a stalemate. What happens next . Clive, what we thought today was certainly dramatic, but no longer extraordinary. It does seem that this is the new norm in hong kong. The concern is that this violence is getting worse. The protesters, the ha rd core getting worse. The protesters, the hardcore in particular, appear to be emboldened and the police force, who for the past month have been using softer tactics, now appear to be willing to go in sooner with greater force. It doesnt bode well. To make the authorities in hong kong predictably have condemned this latest violence, but crucially, we have not yet had a reaction from beijing. What were their response be . How do they intend to try and extinguish this fire which is now burning on their doorstep . We know there are chinese troops garrisoned in this city. The consensus is that we have not yet reached the point when we may see tanks rolling out onto the streets, but no one knows where we go from here. What we can say is that we are now witnessing an almighty struggle for the heart and soul of this city. Nick, thank you. A Senior Member of borisjohnsons new cabinet says the government is now working on the assumption therell be a no deal brexit. Writing in the sunday times, michael gove, whos handling the planning for a uk withdrawal without an agreement, also insists he still hopes eu leaders will strike a new deal. Heres jonathan blake. This report contains flash photography. Just days into his time in downing street, borisjohnson and his government are making moves to demonstrate they are ready to deliver brexit by the end of october, with or without a deal. No ifs, no buts. While the government hopes the eu will change its mind and allow a new agreement to be reached, the man in charge of preparing for no deal says hes working on the assumption that they wont. Writing in the sunday times, michael gove says no deal is now a very real prospect, and we must make sure that we are ready. Planning for no deal, he adds, is now this governments number one priority. There is clearly a step change in the governments approach to preparing for a no deal brexit. We are told the entire machinery of government is now gearing up for that outcome. Borisjohnson will chair a new weekly brexit Cabinet Meeting of senior ministers. But this is all also part of a strategy to try to convince the eu that the uk is ready and willing to walk away. Not if some in parliament can help it. When mps return from their summer break, there may be more attempts to block no deal. Labour is poised to call a vote of no confidence that could trigger a general election. For now, they say the public should have another say. No deal, we oppose, and we think people should have a final choice on it. They could have a vote then between remain or whatever option borisjohnson decides to put to them at that time. On a visit to shetland today, scotlands first minister made clear that talk of intensifying no deal preparation was the last thing she wanted to hear. Its outrageous that youve got a government pursuing no deal. Michael gove has admitted how catastrophic a no deal brexit would be, and for that to become government policy just beggars belief. The tories own leader in scotland, ruth davidson, shares some of those concerns about a no deal brexit, writing in the mail on sunday that, if it comes to it, she wont support it. But no amount of reticence about leaving the eu without a deal is likely to sway borisjohnson. This week, hell travel further across the uk to spread his now familiar message. Jonathan blake, bbc news. As we just heard, the chancellor is expected to announce more funding for a possible no deal brexit. Katy austin is at the treasury for us tonight. Any idea how much is being set aside . Well, the government had already allocated more than £4 billion towards brexit planning. Now we expect the chancellor, sajid javid, to announce a further billion, specifically towards no deal plans. The cbi, a Large Business group, has long been warning that it thinks are no deal would be a disasterfor warning that it thinks are no deal would be a disaster for its warning that it thinks are no deal would be a disasterfor its members. Tonight it has published a very long list of plans that it thinks could help ease some potential problems. It is trying to be constructive here, suggesting things that the government, the eu and businesses could do. They range from a large scale awareness could do. They range from a la rge scale Awareness Campaign could do. They range from a large scale Awareness Campaign to some kind of trade details that still need working through, perhaps with more parliamentary time. It has also cautioned that it thinks the eu is less well prepared than the uk at the moment. But the cbi has welcomed the moment. But the cbi has welcomed the idea that the chancellor will put my money towards no deal brexit planning, and we expect to hear more from sajid javid in the coming week about exactly how much money there will be an exactly where it will be allocated. Katy austin at the treasury, thank you. Iran has warned it will continue to ignore limits on its Nuclear Development if an International Agreement governing the countrys activities cant be saved. Tehran has described talks taking place in vienna as constructive to try to salvage the deal brokered in 2015, but has accused the uk of violating the terms of the agreement by seizing an oil tanker earlier this month. Our chief international correspondent, lyse doucet, is here. People will be wondering how taking the tanker breaks the deal designed to curb Irans Nuclear ambitions. Iran agreed to significant comes on its Nuclear Programme in exchange for economic benefits including the oil sales that it relies on to fuel its economy. So at the vienna meeting, irans Deputy Foreign minister said there should be no obstacles minister said there should be no o bsta cles to minister said there should be no obstacles to iran being able to sell its oil under the deal. So britain seizing that tanker off the coast of gibraltar, laden with iranian oil, was, he said, a violation. Of course, we know iran has already seized a british flagged tanker in retaliation. But it was a day of mixed messages from iran because in tehran, the president , hassan rouhani, was surprisingly warm about the new Prime Minister. He said Boris Johnsons familiarity with the Islamic Republic should help to remove the obstacles. He even hinted ata remove the obstacles. He even hinted at a possible visit by the new Prime Minister and i think many will hope that could possibly open the way to freeing the imprisoned nazaneen is a director. Iran could of course be the biggest Foreign Policy challenge for the new premier lister, aside from brexit. In a hint of that, president rouhani also said that britains idea for a Maritime Force in the gulf led by europe will not solve the tensions, it will become the main source of tensions, so something to watch. The second british warshipjust something to watch. The second british warship just arrived today in those troubled waters. Lyse doucet, thank you. Lets take a look at some of the days other stories. I2 israelis arrested and accused of raping a british teenager in cyprus have been released from custody. It comes after their accuser was herself arrested on suspicion of making a false rape claim. Thousands of people gathered today to watch a giant cooling tower in West Yorkshire be demolished. Tower 6, 140 metres high, came down at the former coal fired ferrybridge c power station in a controlled blast. Its hoped another four towers could be demolished on the site in a single explosion in october. Half a months worth of rain fell in just 2a hours across parts of england this weekend, leading to flooding and travel disruption. Six flood warnings are in place across the midlands, the north west and the east of england. A bbc investigation has found evidence of Police Forces in some European Union countries detaining refugees and migrants whove reached the continent, then expelling them to prevent asylum claims. An officer in the Croatian Police says the expulsions are being carried out under official orders. The bbc has also seen evidence that Police Forces, particularly in croatia, are subjecting refugees to violence and stealing money from them. Damian grammaticas has travelled to both sides of the border. Theyve fled wars, bloodshed and oppression in their own lands. Now, just beyond the eus frontiers, theyre forced to camp out amid bosnias war graves. Asylum seekers whove become victims of new violence, this time meted out by the eu countries they thought would protect them. Who did this . Croatian police, they tell me, using batons, fists, boots. They catch refugees who cross the eus frontier. Assault them while in custody, then illegally expel them from eu territory. Mustafa is just 17. They hit me. I tell him, what you do . Iam minor. Dont hit me. They hit me more. If they reach the eu or cross this border, each refugee is legally entitled to a fair hearing for their case. They cant be expelled en masse. But thats whats happening. There are dozens and dozens of documented examples, what appears to be a deliberate Croatian Police policy to push people back and deny them their rights under International Law to claim asylum once inside the eu. I met those guys. You saw them here . Yeah, i saw them. This is the mayor of the bosnian town of bihac. On this track, inside bosnia, he confronted Croatian Police forcing refugees back across the border. They said they have orders to do it and they are just ordinary policemen. On the same path, a Croatian Policeman with a gun in his hand, footage captured with hidden cameras set up last winter, men and women being marched out of the eu, in violation of the eus own laws. Croatias government wouldnt answer our questions, but the president visited the border, local tv cameras in tow, to say her police werent violent. Translation its normal that people get bruises and injuries crossing this forest. Remember this when you hear stories about our police being brutal. They are not. I absolutely guarantee that. But speaking anonymously, this Police Officer detailed to us how the pushbacks are happening on government orders. Translation i got orders from my superior, and he got it from his. It goes all the way up to the top. We were told we have to catch them before they reach human Rights Groups or any place that would help them to seek asylum. So now the refugees wash in bosnias rivers, relaxing before theyll try to enter the eu again. But theyre destitute, because the Croatian Police who beat them often rob them of all their money too. 400 euros. 300. 300, you . And the eu, it seems, is turning a blind eye, so the refugees, abused by a europe theyve turned to for help, end up here, dumped on the eus frontiers, penniless and hungry. Damian grammaticas, bbc news, bosnia. In america, democrats have again accused President Trump of racism, after he attacked an African American congressman on twitter. Mr trump suggested Elijah Cummings hadnt done enough for his district in baltimore, which the president described as dangerous and a rat infested mess. Mr cummings had recently criticised conditions in migrant detention centres on the mexican border. Hes also the chair of the powerful House Oversight committee, trying to get access to mr trumps financial records and tax returns. Chris bucklerjoins us from washington. Chris. More accusations of racism against the president , with Elijah Cummings being one of his staunchest critics . Yeah, there are parts of this district in baltimore that it Elijah Cummings represents which are run down and do have high levels of poverty and indeed, high crime rates. However, that is true of Many American cities and there is real anger here against Donald Trumps comments, which they feel are targeted and not particularly constructive. He called Elijah Cummingsa constructive. He called Elijah Cummings a brutal bully and describe this place is filthy, disgusting, dangerous and rodent infested. And that has left democrats claiming racism, particularly after his previous comments about four Democratic Congress women. You might remember he said about them that they should go back to the places they should go back to the places they come from. Race is always a motive in america, and its becoming a particularly sensitive issue ahead of this election. When you look at President Trump, he has been defending those comments again today, but here in baltimore, one of the main newspapers has said in its editorial that it is better to have rats than be one. Chris buckler in baltimore. A group of mps has predicted that cannabis will be legalised in the uk in the next five to ten years. Theyve recently returned from a fact finding trip to canada, where the drug has been made legal. But the government here says it has no intention of changing the law on Recreational Use. Radio i newsbeats jim connolly reports. These buds will probably get about four times larger by the time this plant is ready to harvest. Currently, canada is the only g7 country to allow Recreational Use of cannabis. Ive got no hair, do i still need this on my head . Even a few years ago, this would have seemed unimaginable three british mps from across the political spectrum, looking at how the legalisation process has been implemented. Were following the liberal democrat sir norman lamb, the conservativejonathan djanogly and labours david lammy. You could go to prison for a very long time in britain if you had anything like this. The trip has been organised by a london based campaign group, volteface. It wants the uk to legalise weed. Its sponsored by a big north American Cannabis Company called mpx international, which runs this facility. Scott boyes is the boss, and i put it to him that he was trying to use his money to influence british politicians. Weve been happy to be a host to them to give them some exposure to the business and give them an understanding of whats happening here in north america. If that helps make the right decisions in the united kingdom, its money well spent for us. Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to power promising to legalise cannabis. Its been available here for medical use since 2001, but as of last october, Recreational Users could use it too without fear of breaking the law, meaning places like this have been springing up all over the country. Investors know there could be billions to be made from the industry, but the uk mps admit theres a lot to get their heads around. Have you ever seen this volume of cannabis yourself . I never saw any volume of cannabis so this is your First Experience of it . So two or three of those balls are worth 60. So thats quite a valuable amount. Sir norman was central to the lib dems policy of backing legalisation. Which do you tend to use . Ive done this one. He decides to buy some. Thank you very much. He wants to know what it feels like, and takes some before bed. So now im supposed to put it under my tongue. He claims it helped him sleep. The difference between what hes taken and the Cannabis Oils you can buy in the uk is that this contains thc, the compound that can get you stoned, and at high strengths is linked to psychosis. This Mental Health link is rarely mentioned here in canada, and nor is the suggestion that the drug could be a gateway to harder substances, something i put to the man who led ca nadas legalisation process. Now, because its a regulated substance, were having far more nuanced and robust conversations with our kids. And i think as a result, there will be lower risk decisions and healthier choices. Back at westminster, one of the uk mps has had a significant change of view. I want the market legalised and regulated, taken away from criminal gangs, young people not criminalised because of use, properly educated. But i actually want to see the strength of the stuff reduced, labelled and properly organised in our country. The home office says there will be no change to the law on illicit drugs, pointing to harms and misery they can cause tofamilies and society. Jim connolly, bbc news. You can see more on this on the bbc iplayer from tomorrow morning in the documentary legalising weed canadas story. Now, with all the sport, heres karthi gna nasegaram at the bbc sport centre. Clive, good evening. Todays formula one german grand prix was decribed as a horror film mixed with a black comedy by one of the formula one drivers involved, and Lewis Hamilton might agree after he started on pole but ended with a ninth place finish. Chaos and confusion reigned but red bulls Max Verstappen controlled his car to win in hockenheim. Patrick gearey reports. One of those days for Lewis Hamilton. Filthy weather, youre feeling sick, then you have to go to work and it is a safety car start. Hamiltons firstjob was to somehow stay in front, when all behind was the wacky races. Rain scrambles formula is Precise Engineering and strategy. This was charles leclerc, just as he was about to take the lead. No a minute later, hamilton echoed that, going in seconds from winning to spinning and damaging his front wing. He arrived at the pits without an appointment. Theyd have it ready as soon as they could. But in the meantime, Max Verstappen, third in the drivers standings, went first in the race. These werent conditions to chase in. Hamiltons shocking time in hockenheim got worse still. His team mate Valtteri Bottas didnt even finish. All the while, steadily gaining in the rain was sebastian vettel, the german driver going from 20th to second, behind verstappen, this was the dutchmans only win of the year on a day of racing chaos. Patrick gearey, bbc news. Champagne and sightseeing were on the Tour De France itinerary this afternoon. After 23 days, the final kilometres to paris are traditionally processional, allowing Colombias Egan Bernal a chance to bask in his status as the first south american to win the Tour De France and the youngest rider to take the title for over a century. The 22 year old, and last years champion, geraint thomas, worked to perfection as joint leaders, according to their team ineos boss sir dave brailsford. Adam peaty has won a third gold medal at the world aquatics championships, with great britains men winning the 4 x 100 metre medley relay. Peaty, along with james guy, Luke Greenbank and duncan scott, took the gold in south korea with a new european record. Great britain finish in seventh place in the swimming medal table, which was topped by the usa. The welsh footballer gareth bale will not be moving to the Chinese Super league, after real madrid cancelled the deal. Last week his manager, zinedine zidane, said bale was very close to leaving, but the 30 year old is now set to stay at the spanish club hejoined in 2013. Theres more on the bbc sport website, including news of another defeat for englands women in the ashes series against australia, and victory for south koreasjin young ko in the latest golf major the evian championships. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello, this is bbc news. A man has been rescued after he got trapped in rocks saving a toddler from the water as the tide came in on the norfolk coast. Firefighters cut through the rock at sheringhams east promenade to free the man after four hours. At one point he was up to his neck in water and forced to use a breathing apparatus. Whether youre jetting off with the grandparents or sunbathing with the in laws, it seems that more of us are going on holiday with our wider family members. For some, its about cost, for others, childcare. But most say that family trips are a great way to spend quality time with one another, as more families live further apart. Heres our Consumer Affairs correspondent, colletta smith. James and jessica are having a ball this summer. But its notjust mike and his partner claire who are busy keeping them occupied. Grandma stella and grandad robert are on hand to help out. Oh, no its not their first holiday as three generations. In fact its becoming something of a Family Tradition for all kinds of reasons. Ohh weve both got credit cards, so thats always a bonus. Grandma is always treating them they know who to come to if they want anything. To be honest, its about spending time together as a family, youre making memories for yourselves, for the kids, everybody. Now businesses are adapting to meet the new demand. We need to make sure that the accommodation thats available for holiday makers to choose from is right for them. If youre a large family, you need extra space. Plenty of open plan living for everyone to come together. Theyre holidaying together, they want to spend time together. It is important that they can have space together. Its not just happening in uk holidays. We spoke to eight of the biggest names in the business. They all told us they had seen a rise in bookings for multi generational groups, and in some cases, well over half of customers surveyed had already taken or wanted to take a break with their grandparents. This is grandad and nanna. Then we have mum and dad. Some nights eat out, other nights, one of us will cook, so its just helpful, isnt it . As family life evolves, our holidays are taking a different shape. If travel Companies Want us to keep spending our cash, it will be down to them to keep up with this latest holiday trend. Colletta smith, bbc news. A 16 year old gamer has won £2. 11 million after being crowned the fortnite world champion. Kyle giersdorf beat 99 other finalists to win the title of the worlds best. Thats quite an achievement when you consider that 40m players tried to qualify for the tournament. Fortnite is arguably the worlds most popular computer game and involves 100 players being dropped onto an island, where they have to find weapons, build structures and eliminate each other until one player comes out on top. Time for a look at the weather with louise lear. Good evening. Sunday has been a day of contrasts, so while some sunshine was to be found, and the best of that in terms of sunshine and warmth was along the south coast, temperatures peaking into the mid 20s, a beautiful weather watcher pictures sent in along that dorset coastline, but for parts of the midlands, and northwest england, its been a disappointing weekend. Cloudy, with some persistent, and at times, heavy rain, a couple of inches of rain falling, now this weather front really quite slow moving, as you can see, and this is where the recent rain is sitting through the midlands, northwest england, into northern ireland, with the scattering of showers ahead of it into western scotland. Now thats going to continue through the night, but it will gradually drift its way northwards, at the same time, we could see a few sharp and thundery downpours across the far northeast of scotland. But to the south of that weather front, it stays relatively quiet, a more comfortable night for getting a good night sleep, with overnight lows of 12 16 degrees. So we start off the new working week still with that weather front there, but it is drifting its way into scotland and it will weaken all the time to a band of showers as we go through the day. A ridge of High Pressure builds across england and wales, thats where the best of the weather is likely to be at the start of the new working week, but there is an area of low pressure starting to push in the isles of scilly and into cornwall by the end of the day. In terms of the feel of things, if you keep the sunshine, we will see some pleasant warmth, 24 26 degrees, but it will turn increasingly windy down to the southwest. Something worth bearing in mind. This area of low pressure, quite a deep area of low for this time of year, will drift its way slowly eastwards for the next couple of days, with gusts of winds 45 50 mph, which is certainly worth bearing in mind, if you are under canvas. So there will be some rain, some of it heavy, maybe even thundery across southwest england, moving its way up through wales, the midlands, and showers into scotland. Sheltered eastern areas will see the best of the weather, with highest values of 2a degrees. As we move out of tuesday into wednesday, that low continues to drift its way steadily eastwards, so thats where the real emphasis of the showers are likely to be, and stretching up into southwest scotland. It means a better day for northeast scotland, and for wales and southwest england

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