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Raheem sterling last december. More on that and the latest in the gareth bale transfer saga coming up shortly. Then has the weather. then has the weather. I dont need to tell you that there has been lots going on lately with the weather, heavy downpours this week, but why . We will be taking a broader perspective on our weatherjust before 2 30pm. Thanks, ben. Also coming up visiting the fairway to heaven well take you round the crazy golf course thats been created in a cathedral, but critics arent happy, arguing you cant feel holy in one. Hello, everyone. This is afternoon live. Im simon mccoy. Yesterday scotland, today wales. Boris johnson continues his whistle stop tour of the uk today, and once again hes facing opposition to the increasingly likely scenario of a no deal departure from the eu. This afternoon its welsh farmers who are taking him to task. The Prime Ministers expected to promise agriculture will thrive with new trade deals but the Farmers Union of wales is warning of civil unrest in rural areas if brexit happens without an agreement, theyre urging mrjohnson to stop playing russian roulette with the lamb industry. Kemlin davies reports. Brexit will change the uk farming landscape one way or another. And as the new Prime Minister continues to talk about the possibility of leaving the eu without a deal, welsh sheep farmers are bracing themselves. One industry body here said the impact of leaving the eu without a deal would be off the richter scale, and a Farming Union warned of the possibility of civil unrest if that happens. Helen Roberts Farms sheep near oswestry on the border between england and wales. I think it is since mrjohnson has been saying what he has been saying at the weekend, that no deal is inevitable, that there has been more talk of unrest. But it doesnt mean to say it will happen. As an association, we want to get around the table, get a deal in place. In the event of a no deal brexit, sheep exports to the eu will be subject to a tariff of at least a0 . And that would cripple the industry, according to Farming Unions. Sheep farmers would be especially badly hit. We export 40 of lamb. 95 of that goes to the eu. You can imagine the impact losing access to that market would have. The new Prime Minister says he still hopes to reach a deal with the eu but is prepared to leave without one on the 31st of october. And on a farm visit to wales this afternoon, Boris Johnson will seek to reassure the Farming Community about the opportunities the uk government thinks brexit will bring. When you look at the Global Growth in the next ten years, 90 of that will come from outside of the european union. We clearly want to access a larger slice of that. But it also doesnt mean we want to close our door or turn our backs on the market in europe. Following his farm visit, borisjohnson will head to rural mid wales ahead of a crucial by election on thursday. That will be an important early electoral test for the new Prime Minister. He will then head here to the Welsh Assembly for his first meeting with the first minister of wales, Mark Drakeford. Mr drakeford, like his scottish counterpart, Nicola Sturgeon, has warned of the consequences of a no deal brexit and supports another referendum. Were nowjoined by our news correspondent tomos morgan, whos in cardiff. And also also with us is Political Correspondent nick eardley from westminster. He has not been in office for a week and another bumpy ride today. Yeah, he will be meeting some disgruntled farmers and also getting some classic welsh weather as well. Farming is worth around £6 billion to the welsh economy and across the uk farmers are looking for guarantees and certainty for what will happen after we leave. After 2022 there will be no more subsidies from the eu and nothing has so far been put in place to say what will then happen. Welsh farmers receive £300 million each year from the eu from subsidies in agriculture and welsh farming subsidies are devolved issues and they put up a plan that suggests may a grant scheme could be put in place after brexit so any farmers who say they would benefit the environment would be able to apply. As mentioned, borisjohnson today will be aiming to waylay any fears farmers have in wales and across the uk that leaving without a deal will not be such a bad thing are newer and better and stronger trade deals could be put in place after brexit. As he mentioned, Boris Johnson will be meeting for the first time with Mark Drakeford, the leader of the Welsh Government in the building behind me. Mark dra keford are the building behind me. Mark drakeford are queueing some of the views of Nicola Sturgeon yesterday but also echoing the views of the Farming Unions here in wales, that no deal would be catastrophic for the farming industry and the welsh economy and also adding the Prime Minister doesnt have the mandate for a no deal brexit. He tweeted saying the Prime Minister must stop playing fast and loose with our country. And mark dra keford with our country. And Mark Drakeford has also been one thats been campaigning for a peoples vote, should it come to that, something the majority of the Assembly Members have been talking about over the past year or so as negotiations continue to come to no avail. When that brexit vote happened in 2016, wales voted to leave, the only other country besides england that voted to leave the uk of the uk nations. Actually, wales is one of the biggest beneficiaries of eu money, because we are so poor we actually get such a huge amount of subsidy from the eu. What will happen when we leave is that dispute around farming today, but so many other sectors have also a number of questions u na nswered have also a number of questions unanswered that borisjohnson will have to answer in the coming weeks and months. Thank you. Lets go to nick in westminster. You were in scotla nd nick in westminster. You were in scotland yesterday with a Prime Minister where he was booed, today is similar, the other issue he must address is the Northern Irish border question, and he had a phone call with leo varadkar. He has, and a lot of that conversation seems to have been what you would expect. Borisjohnson saying under no circumstances are we going to put up infrastructure at the border, even if the uk leaves without a deal on the 31st of october. Also making clear to leo varadkar he is not going to sign up to anything with the backstop in it. The problem is illegalfor advocates says we will not do the deal that does not have the backstop leo virat kohli says we will not do a deal without a backstop. You are seeing a date this week some of the pressure Boris Johnson seeing a date this week some of the pressure borisjohnson is going to be underfrom pressure borisjohnson is going to be under from different parts of the uk. You have got Nicola Sturgeon yesterday and the scottish tory leader Ruth Davidson both urging him to avoid no deal at all costs, at the same time, the welsh first minister will Say Something similar today, and you are getting a similar message from across the irish sea from dublin. Borisjohnson has only beenin from dublin. Borisjohnson has only been in powerfor the week, he has a lot of people around him in the conservative party who are relaxed about the idea of leaving the eu without a deal, some who are actively encouraging that, but this week hes really starting to see some of the opposition to that around the uk and he is seeing what theresa may saw and what changed theresa may saw and what changed theresa mays mines on no deal, which was the impact it could have on the future of the uk and the real worry is the dissolved parts have. Is there a sense of a change of language, of mood music, even in this a very short time since hes been Prime Minister . Boris johnson isnt going to scotland and wales saying no deal is a realistic possibility and you guys need to get ready, he is going and hearing concerns, interesting choreography this week, he knew he was going to get a hard time from Nicola Sturgeon and Ruth Davidson. He probably knew he was going to get a hard time from welsh farmers for the simple reason that they are the most concerned in leave voting wales about what living without a deal could look like. So i think he is going to hear some of those concerns, you are right, yesterday a nyway, those concerns, you are right, yesterday anyway, he was talking more about the prospect of getting a deal, pushing something over the line, as opposed to without a deal and that being the presumption some others in government have suggested. He is doing both things, he is saying to europe we are ready to leave without a deal, we are not bluffing, and dont think we wont do it, but at the same time, he is saying we really want to get this done and i think the urgency to try to get a new deal will only be exacerbated this week to the Prime Minister because he is hearing concerns from people across the country about what no deal might look like. Nick, thank you very much. Tony blairs former director of communications, alistair campbell, has said he no longer wants to be part of the labour party underjeremy corbyn. In an open letter, he said mr corbyn could be weeks away from an election, in which he was unlikely to win a majority allowing borisjohnson to claim a mandate for the hardest form of brexit. Mr campbell was expelled from labour after admitting he voted liberal democrat in the european elections. A former high courtjudge, who led a review into the Police Investigation of an alleged vip paedophile ring, says officers involved might themselves have broken the law. Sir Richard Henriques said there were inconsistencies in the evidence provided by the main witness, carl beech, but that police did not reveal this when applying for search warrants. Among those whose homes were searched were the former cabinet minister leon brittan, the former head of the armed forces lord bramall, and the ex mp harvey proctor. Beech was jailed last week for inventing the claims. Angus crawford reports. Carl beech, described in Court Last Week as a manipulative, devious liar, whose false allegations launched operation midland. Former High Court Judge sir Richard Henriques wrote a damning report about the investigation. And today he said the met may even have broken the law when applying for search warrants. Officers told a districtjudge beechs story remained consistent, but he had previously given different accounts to another force. There is no allegation any officer deliberately misled the court but that is little comfort for harvey proctor. It has been very difficult if, for me, my partner, my friends and obviously for others caught up in this mania. I was effectively ruined by what happened. I lost myjob. I lost my home. I have a civil action against the metropolitan police, which they are resisting. In 2014, beechs fantasies about a high profile paedophile ring were taken at face value by police. I had poppies pinned to my chest whilst they did whatever they wanted to do. But his claims about ex mp harvey proctor, lord brittan, former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath and lord bramall, once head of the british army, were all lies. And after 18 months, and more than £2 million, the enquiry collapsed. The Police Watchdog cleared officers of any misconduct and the met said it acted in good faith. Beech is now behind bars but his lies still haunt his victims and damage the credibility of those who investigated them. Angus crawford, bbc news. People with alcohol problems in england are less than half as likely to get the right help than elsewhere in britain. While scotland and wales have invested in their services to help people with alcohol addiction, more than £100 million has been cut since services in england were re organised in 2012, thats according to new research from Kings College london. Our social Affairs Correspondent michael buchananjoins me now. Why is england out of step . It is to do with Public Health budgets and how they will be organised since 2012. Research has shown £100 million has been cut that has led to things like cuts to community support, down by around one fifth, patient Detox Services cut in half. What these reductions have taken place in england, in scotla nd have taken place in england, in scotland and wales they recognised that they have a problem and they have invested in the services and what were seeing is the gap between people with alcohol problems in england and those in scotland and wales widening because of those two things. The researchers conducted this analysis as a it makes no sense to make these cuts. Services being cut have a strong Evidence Base of effectiveness and cost effectiveness so for every £1 you spend on treatment you save over £3 in nhs and social care costs. Really, cutting the services is a false economy. False economy because of the impact that this problem has . Because of the impact and the researchers are saying because these services have been cut its increasingly falling on the nhs to pick up these problems and on the nhs there is a very that is a very expensive way of treating somebody and will nhs signalling site they are investing in alcohol ca re site they are investing in alcohol care teams, medics who look after people with alcohol problems, while thatis people with alcohol problems, while that is a good thing, when you move into the community, the services are not there to support you and there isa not there to support you and there is a good danger you end up back on the nhs. Those responsible for these Public Health budgets are councils, they say our overall budgets have been cut by billions since 2010, Public Health budgets since 2015 have been cut by hundreds of millions, we have been asked to look after an increasing number of patients with less money and something has to give. They want the government to invest that £700 million back into Public Health budgets. Youre watching afternoon live, these are our headlines. Farmers threaten aggro as borisjohnson visits wales to tells them brexit will work for them, they warn of riots if theres a no deal exit from the eu. A former high courtjudge says Police Officers investigating an alleged vip paedophile ring may themselves have broken the law. The plummeting pound sterling continues to fall on currency markets, as market jitters grow at the prospect of a no deal Brexit Chelsea have banned for life a supporter who was seen directing racist abuse at the Manchester City player Raheem Sterling last december. England confirmed joe root will move up england confirmed joe root will move up to number three in the batting orderfor the ashes up to number three in the batting order for the ashes test on thursday. Britons nicola adams have become wbo world flyweight champion for the first time after her opponent got injured and is unable to defend her title. I will be back with more on all those stories after half past. Attempts to close the gap in performance between poorer students and their classmates in secondary schools in england have stalled for the first time in eight years. The think tank, the education policy institute, found that children who are eligible for Free School Meals are on average a year and half behind other pupils by the time they take gcses. Frankie mccamley reports. Tackling the gap in achievements between poorer pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals, and their peers, has always been a priority. In the last eight years, analysis showed progress in closing the gap was slowing down to a point where its now at a standstill. Researchers found between 2017 and 2018, the gap has actually widened slightly by 0. 2 months to 18. 1 months, meaning poorer pupils are now one and a half years behind their peers by gcse level. The report also warns that black caribbean pupils have experienced particularly poor progress. In parts of Northern England, like here in rotherham and also in blackpool, researchers found some disadvantaged pupils were falling two years behind their classmates by the age of 16. In secondary schools, theyre more likely to be in deficit than primary schools, with around 30 of pupils in deficit. Thats the age range where were seeing the real problems with the gap stopping and potentially starting to widen in future. At the current rate, the study predicts it will take 500 years to close the gap. Some are blaming the stalling in progress on financial pressures. Some of the outside activities, and provide not what we do in the classroom, but outside the classroom, summer courses where the children arent paying. At the moment they have to pay because we cant afford to. But the government says the gap for both primary and secondary schools has narrowed overall since 2011, with nearly £2. 5 billion spent supporting disadvantaged pupils this year alone. Frankie mccamley, bbc news. An 86 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after the remains of a woman were found in a septic tank in worcestershire. The remains were discovered in the village kempsey earlier this month. Detectives say they believe they are those of brenda venables, who disappeared in 1982. A leading Financial Services company, capital one, has revealed that the personal details of over 100 Million People in north america have been hacked. The hacker stole information including credit scores, balances, and Social Security numbers. A suspect has been charged with Computer Fraud in a court in seattle. The company which owns british gas has announced that its chief executive, ian conn, is to step down. Centrica has reported a pre tax loss of £1146 million in the six months tojune. The firm says the decline reflects the impact of the governments price cap, which was introduced earlier this year. India is threatening to boycott the Commonwealth Games in birmingham in 2022 because shooting has been dropped from the programme. Its a sport that india excels in at last years Commonwealth Games in australia, it took 16 shooting medals, including seven golds. Indias concerned that its ranking and medal haul will be affected if birmingham gets its way, as dan pallett reports. In india, they love the sport of shooting and they are good at it. They hosted this world cup event in february but now the starting gun has been fired in a row which could see india boycott the 2022 Commonwealth Games in birmingham unless shooting is included. We are hopeful it wont get to that, weve run an open and transparent process, we havent recommended shooting be added and obviously india do incredibly well in shooting and theyre disappointed at that decision but we are hopeful it wont result in them not coming to the games in 2022. Shooting was on the shortlist of potential sports but instead, the birmingham 2022 organisers chose womens t20 cricket, Beach Volleyball and para table tennis. This weekend marked three years until the start of the 2022 games. Birmingham hosted a celebration in the city centre. They also released a new logo and promotional video showcasing the venues. With cycling already taking place in london, they didnt want another sport hosted outside the West Midlands. To put all four disciplines of shooting on it would had to have taken place out with the West Midlands, down in surrey, and there is local money thats supporting this event so theres clearly limited benefit to the West Midlands from not having the event in the region. Indias campaign now has the backing of their Olympic Association and birmingham 2022 has its first big problem. Ethiopia has planted more than 350 Million Trees injust 12 hours in what officials there say is a new world record. Its the governments answer to deforestation and Climate Change in a country prone to drought, and is being led by the countrys Prime Minister, who was seen planting many trees himself. Here in the uk, the government is encouraging a similar move to help tackle Climate Change, and wants 1. 5 billion new trees in the ground by 2050. Our environment correspondent David Gregory kuma reports. In warwickshire, not far from stratford upon avon, a walk in a new wood. Down by the side of the road we have cherry lime so theres a bit of colour. And by the river, quite a lot of willow and osier. When dave hardings teenage son asked him what he was doing to improve the environment, he decided to plant avon wood. Hundreds of new trees planted on newly purchased land by the river avon and part funded by a government grant. It was important we had the confidence to take this on. Im a city boy. 32 acres for someone who has never planted more than a postage stamp was daunting. But knowing i could get the grant to get me started, and to get a bit of professional help certainly gave me the confidence to do it. Now a bbc investigation has revealed big variations in who gets tree pla nting money, and it seems our towns and cities are missing out. Rural areas were receiving the vast majority of them which probably would come as no surprise, and urban areas were receiving very few, if any. Just five council areas, including stratford upon avon, are responsible for planting more than a quarter of all the new trees in england. Joining stratford upon avon, northumberland, eden, carlisle and county durham, typical of the rural areas that benefited from the governments cash for trees scheme. Meanwhile, liverpool, bristol, croydon and leicester were amongst the urban areas which didnt get any cash or trees from this scheme at all. The problem seems to be the way the fund was set up did not appeal to urban landowners, and campaigners argue urban trees are just as important as their countryside counterparts. One of the great things about tree cover in an urban area is that it provides a massive amount of shade, and that shade actually gives people a benefit and a release from the heat. But perhaps things might be changing because since we started this investigation, the government seems to have changed its position. So, since we made our discovery, the government has announced another scheme specifically for urban tree planting. They are going to release £10 million to plant about 130,000 trees, specifically in big cities. And if it wants to hit that target of 1. 5 billion new trees by 2050, the government will need to plant trees anywhere it can. David gregory kumar, bbc news, near stratford upon avon. Coming up on afternoon live visiting the fairway to heaven, well take you round the crazy golf course thats been created in a cathedral, but critics arent happy, arguing you cant feel holy in one. Lets have a look at the better. What you expecting that . I wasnt expecting that. Well, i wrote it. How better to follow that up than a science lesson, simon . I think this is interesting because you dont need me to tell you we had everything going on recently, we had they now confirm record breaking heats of last week the uk. That was confirmed yesterday afternoon, 38. 7 celsius. Why did it take them to confirm the temperature . The site was not one that reports the temperature every hour, it reports every 2a hours. Cambridge University Botanic gardens. A nearby site got 238. 1 but that 38. 7 came in later, the day after. The met Office Office check the sites is as standard, literally the grass, has it been maintained properly . Is the temperature, thermometerfar it been maintained properly . Is the temperature, thermometer far enough above the ground, away from buildings, to make it a legitimate standard temperature record. They did that in a few days, which is pretty quick in the context of this. You get in the car, you go to cambridge and you look, dont you . Sorry, i have digressed. When we set the old record it took them several weeks to confirm it. Im not sure where you were yesterday. Anyway, why has this been going on . The jet stream. It is to do with the jet stream. We are used to looking at weather maps from this perspective but to understand the current weather if we assume and move up to above the north pole. This is a kind of schematic representation of where the jet strea m representation of where the jet stream is at the moment. It blows right around the Northern Hemisphere city of north america down here, europe and the uk. We are programmed to see the uk here all the projections we have to start distort. I want to talk about this dip because the jet stream, often in winter, is pretty strong and blows straight from west to east and the strength to keep it going straight. At the moment, and this is typical of summer to some extent, the temperature contrast between these polar regions and further south which dry thejet polar regions and further south which dry the jet stream, the temperature contrast is less, it is smaller because the arctic warms up at this time of year and so the jet strea m at this time of year and so the jet stream is weaker and that means it is more prone to these kinds of bends. This one is pretty exceptional, unusual, and what it is allowing for some very warm air to move a long way north. This time yesterday we spoke about heat in scandinavia where they had temperature is well up into the 20s in iceland, and the heat is heading up in iceland, and the heat is heading up towards greenland, very high temperatures in greenland and across the arctic. This has all kinds of implications. Wildfires in the Arctic Circle at the moment. Expensive ones. They get them. Wildfires in the Arctic Circle . And they started unusually early this year. And of course there is the issue of Arctic Sea Ice. Weve been looking at maps in the grass, Arctic Seaice looking at maps in the grass, Arctic Sea Ice extends, it looks like it is very close to the historic low we saw in 2012. Perhaps even lower than that. These sea ice has been melting and quitea that. These sea ice has been melting and quite a rates. That surge of hot air probably forecasts suggest scott will exacerbate that melting over the coming days and weeks. And we all know why. You cannot take one particular event like this and say its because of Climate Change but scientists are becoming increasingly confident it is having an impact. I spoke about the reduction in the temperature contrast driving the jet stream and making it weaker, if the globe overall is warming, the temperature contrast will get even weaker and you could potentially expect more and more of these very unusualjet strea m and more of these very unusualjet stream patterns. This graphic tells you the same pattern thats been wafting all the heat northwards is allowing us to tap into some relatively cool air from the north west which is why weve just turned very unsettled. And we will be for the next few days. A lot of rain in the forecast. Heavy downpours in many places at the moment, not ever about getting the moment, not ever about getting the rain but where its been raining it has been raining quite a lot. This was the view for one of our weather watchers on the Pembrokeshire Coast earlier today. Clouds in greater manchester. Quite a few downpours in Northern England over the past couple hours and this is the reason why, as a low pressure thatis is the reason why, as a low pressure that is essentially trapped and that dip in thejet stream i that is essentially trapped and that dip in the jet stream i showed you. This is the bigger picture, noticeably thunder and lightning breaking out through parts of north west england, the midlands. This heavy downpours through this afternoon. Some strong and gusty winds, especially to the south. The black wind arrows show when we expect gusts above a0 mph. Even inland into parts of eastern england, pretty unusual for the time of year. During this evening tonight, our area of low pressure spinning a mass of cloud will work slowly further north, showers moving across wales, the midlands, Northern England. Elsewhere, one ortwo across wales, the midlands, Northern England. Elsewhere, one or two but lots of dry weather as well and temperature is not falling very far. Tomorrow, area of low pressure around here continuing to dry heavy showers, wind again but not quite as it has been today. Lets take a closer look because we can pick out the detail, should be drier in the south of england tomorrow and south wales, more cloud for north wales, midlands, east anglia, plenty of showers across Northern England. More downpours that could cause travel disruption and localised flooding. Dryerfor northern ireland. Scotland, the showers will be well scattered but because the winds will be lights they will be slow moving so they could drop quite a lot of rain in one or two locations. Thursday, low pressure by the state not much left, it will have a significantly weakened, drifting north eastwards. Shower activity will tend to decline as we head through thursday, still some across northern and eastern areas, heading south and west something a little bit drier and temperatures increasing a little. Those showers continue to fade through friday and saturday, we will at least see something drier, not particularly warm and the chance that showers might return from the west on sunday. But drenching downpours between now and then. This is bbc news. Our latest headlines Boris Johnson visits wales to rally support for his farming plans post brexit, but Union Leaders have warned of civil unrest if theres no deal. A former high courtjudge has said Police Officers investigating an alleged vip paedophile ring, based on the invented claims of carl beech, may themselves have broken the law. The plummeting pound. Sterling continues to fall on currency markets, as jitters grow at the prospect of a no deal brexit. Progress has stalled poorer pupils in englands schools are stuck 18 months behind their peers, says a new report. And people with alcohol problems in england are half as likely to get the right help compared to other areas of britain. Sport now on afternoon live, with adam wild. And a life ban for a chelsea fan. You may remember the really ugly scenes at Stamford Bridge last december, during chelseas game with Manchester City. The game was live on television the pictures, as is the way now with premier league football, were beamed around the world. Fans very clearly seen angrily shouting abuse at the city and england star Raheem Sterling. Those pictures prompted an angry backlash from many within the game, many who were watching, and from sterling himself. He took aim at sections of the media for fuelling that kind of behaviour. Police did investigate, but the Crown Prosecution Service said there was insufficient evidence for a criminal charge. But Chelsea Football Club says they operate under the civil standard of proof, rather than criminal, and after employing lip reading experts, they have now banned one fan for life for using racially abusive language. Five other supporters have been temporarily suspended for using abusive language and threatening and aggressive behaviour. Chelsea say those fans crossed the line of what is acceptable. Now, gareth bale, what on earth is going on . Yes, we are getting to the point where it is almost your guess is as good as main as we told you yesterday, bale pulled out of real madrids trip to munich for a pre season tournament after his club, real madrid blocked a move to china. Now, make of this what you will. This is a post from bales Instagram Account today, you can see hes wearing a real madrid kit. Last week, real boss Zinedine Zidane said the welshman was very close to leaving, having fallen out of favour. So, that saga looks like it is going to continue for the next few days at least, one bit of business that has concluded, everton have sold midfielder Idrissa Gueye to Paris Saint Germain today for a fee in the region of £30 million. The Senegal International had been at goodison park for three years, afterjoining from aston villa. He returns to france, where he spent seven seasons with lille earlier in his career. Just two days to go now until that first ashes test at edgbaston. England batsmanjoe denly has confirmed this afternoon that he will bat at number a in the order, meaning that capatin joe root will move up to 3. Root has been reluctant to bat at 3, but englands weakness at the top of the order means hes had to step up. Rory burns and jason roy are expected to open. Australias opening batsman david warner trained as normal, after limping away from net practice yesterday with a bruised thigh. He and former captain steve smith are set to start for the test team for the First Time Since their ban for ball tampering. He would not miss this for anything in the world, i reckon. He cant wait. An ashes test match and steve was in the dressing room so if you bruises, there is no way he is not working out to bat. He is fine. A bit stiff this morning, but 100 ready to go. Britains nicola adams has become wbo world flyweight champion for the first time because her opponent, arely muthino, is injured and unable to defend the title. Adams was interim champion and mandatory challenger to mucino, ahead of their scheduled fight in march, but adams was injured in the build up. The wbo say the mexican has since suffered head and ankle injuries and is not able to participate in active competition. Adams has posted this on social media today. Thank you for all the support. Im really happy to be World Champion and i intend on fighting for everything i get. Fight announcement coming soon and. Andy murray says he could return to playing singles at the cincinnati masters next month. Hell compete with his brother, jamie, in the doubles at the washington open. He had previously said it was pretty unlikely he would play singles at the us open, but said at the us open, but said the best Case Scenario probably would be cincinnati. Thats all the sport for now. Thank you very much, see you later. The american rapper asap rocky has gone on trial in stockholm today, accused of assaulting a 19 year old in the swedish capital last month. The case has sparked a major debate in the united states, with president trump, and celebrities including Kim Kardashian west and Justin Bieber calling for his release. A lawyer involved in the case says he has new evidence that will prove the rapper is innocent. From outside the court in stockholm, maddy savage sent us this update. This has been one of the most high profile court cases in sweden four years. Starting off with asap rockys lawyer formally denying that he assaulted somebody here in the swedish capital a month ago. He says that the rapper acted in self defence because he and his friends were being followed by a group of men. Now, so far, 500 pages of evidence have been submitted to the court and we started hearing some of them, including Text Messages between asap rocky and some of his friends. Also, hospital documents and some quite Graphic Photos of injuries inflicted on the victim. And also, a glass bottle, allegedly used in this case, which experts say could prove to be a crucial piece of evidence. But as you say, a lot of the attention still focused around what happened before this trial even got under way. Asap rockys been in custody here in sweden for some four weeks, and thats because there is no such thing as bail here in sweden, thats typically how criminals are treated before cases go to trial, potential criminals, and thats why President Donald Trump and some celebrities have been angry about this case. There have been fans turning up to support him, as well as his mother. This trial is expected to last at least three days. If the rapper is convicted, he could be facing two years in a swedish prison. The captain of the tanker carrying iranian oil held off gibraltar after being seized by British Royal marines has told the bbcs tom bateman that his crew has been caught up in what he called a political game. The captain, an indian national, spoke on the condition of anonymity. He says the force used to detain the ship was unnecessary. They came up to the bridge and. I asked him, i am the captain, what do you want . He just pointed the gun and started shouting, look forward, look forward. I said, im the captain, tell me what you want. They didnt listen to me. I was totally shocked, i didnt know what to feel because they did not give me a chance to talk. They didnt care nobody, nothing. There was no regulations followed. We are 28 unarmed crew. I was in a state of shock, everybody was in a state of shock. I was trying to talk to them, they were not communicating. And when you say no regulations were followed, in what sense . Yeah, i mean, how do you come on a ship like this with armed forces and with such brute force . For what reason . You suspect the vessel is carrying oil. All you need to do to arrest a ship is the Harbour Master comes on board and says, captain, give me your certificate. You have been arrested. Thats all that needs to be done. I dont know why so much force was used. At least 57 inmates have been killed in a prison riot in northern brazil. The deadly riot in altamira prison, in the state of para is the second major eruption of violence in the countrys over populated prison system this year. Rebecca hartmann reports. Crying and wailing five hours of violence in the altamira prison due to clashes between rival gangs. 16 of the dead were decapitated. Others suffocated, after part of the prison was set on fire. Two Prison Guards were taken hostage during the violence, but were swiftly freed. Translation what we can verify is that the scene is basically macabre. There were decapitations, there were people who were asphyxiated by the smoke, but now it is calm, its calmer. The prisoners were separated and we will now await the official list of those that were victims and those that also survived this rebellion. Violent clashes between rival gangs in brazilian prisons are frequent. In may, a0 prisoners were found strangled on the same day across four different prisons. Overcrowding is often blamed for the violence in brazils prison system. The population of brazils prisons has grown rapidly, from over 230,000 in 2000 to over 700,000 in 2019. The official capacity of brazils prisons isjust a23,000. Altamira has a capacity of 200, but was occupied by 309 inmates. Officials deny it was overcrowded. The prisoners involved in the violence will now be separated and moved to other prisons, but critics say the system needs major reform to stop the gang fuelled violence. Rebecca hartmann, bbc news. We are in the middle of a Public Health crisis when it comes to sleep, according to the head of one of the countrys leading child sleep services. Professor Heather Elphick has launched a scheme in sheffield which has helped hundreds of young people get more sleep, as loui lee ray reports. Jackie and her twin daughters live near leeds. Jessica and jasmine are four and they have always struggled to sleep. Its not been helped by a difficult start in life. Theyve suffered chronic recurring illness and repeated hospital admissions, so the first few years were pretty tough. The girls sleep got so bad, it was having a devastating effect on the whole family. I was planning to return to work after 12 months, but there was no way i could return to work. According to the nhs, these girls are just two of the thousands of children getting help for sleep conditions. They were referred to the sleep clinic in sheffield, where nurses come up with a bedtime routine specific for each patient. The girls were diagnosed with restless legs. That often wakes them as they sleep. So they were prescribed a gentle sedative. Jackie also stuck to the routine she worked out with the clinic. The clinic in sheffield is one of a small number of services around the uk and its stretched. They see 800 new children a year and the situation is getting worse. Its Postcode Lottery when it comes to sleep services across the country. Provision is very patchy. Were in the midst of a hidden Public Health crisis when it comes to sleep. But things are looking up for the girls. After almost a year, jessica and jasmine have been given the all clear from the service. I dont even really like talking about the days prior to sleep. But on a good night, we can walk out and then 12 hours later, they will wake up the Business News in a moment. First, a look at the headlines on afternoon live. Boris johnson visits wales to rally support for his farming plans post brexit, but Union Leaders warn of civil unrest if theres no deal. A former high courtjudge has said Police Officers investigating an alleged vip paedophile ring based on the invented claims of carl beech may themselves have broken the law. Poorer pupils trail 18 months behind the rest of the class by the time they are 16, according to new research. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. The pound has continued to fall on currency markets, as the government talks up its willingness to leave the eu without a deal. Its been trading around two and a half year lows against the dollar and its also been losing ground against the euro, making uk exports cheaper, but imports and the cost of overseas holidays higher. The mobile phone provider giffgaff has been fined £1. A million by regulator ofcom for unacceptable billing mistakes in which 2. 6 million customers were overcharged. Ofcom said the fine on giffgaff which is owned by the same company as 02 should be a warning to other providers that it will defend consumers. The transport company uber is laying off a third of the staff in its marketing department. Its boss says that while its grown fast, lately the growth has slowed down. A00 people will lose theirjobs because management said its teams had become too big, risking mediocre results. A big talking point is the pound. Yes, it is a two and a half year low. It is down 1. 69 . A couple months ago, we were talking about concerns it went below a dollar 28. Today, it is around 121 concerns it went below a dollar 28. Today, it is around 1 21 and a few decimal points, 77. It has fallen by a96 decimal points, 77. It has fallen by a throughout july decimal points, 77. It has fallen by a throughoutjuly and it is basically because, we can do away with them, they are not explaining anything very succinctly it is because of borisjohnsons new negotiating tactics on brexit. Currency investors see the risk of a no deal brexit going up and what they see and that is the risk of ta riffs they see and that is the risk of tariffs on imports coming into the uk and going out, delays at ports, they see the risk of overseas buyers being less inclined to buy british goods, to buy less of our stuff, and therefore there is less need to invest in the british pound. Mixed fortu nes invest in the british pound. Mixed fortunes when we see movements like this. Yes, on balance, it is not good. The value of the pound is a parameterfor the good. The value of the pound is a parameter for the economy as a whole. It is bad news and it comes atan whole. It is bad news and it comes at an awful time for holiday makers

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