Englands squad has been announced for the european qualifiers against bulgaria and kosovo. The most interesting inclusion, tyrone mings. We will tell you who is in at 2 30pm. Thanks ben. And louise lear has all the weather. Autumn is just around the corner and perfect weather for some of us in the harvest but the clouds are threatening in the winds are strengthening. I will tell you when and where this is happening shortly. And maybe the hay joke will work. Also coming up. How the discovery of this four million year old skull of an ape in ethiopia is challenging ideas about how the first humans evolved. This is afternoon live. The government insists mps will have time to debate the uks departure from the European Union as the backlash grows against plans to suspend parliament for five weeks. While cabinet ministers insist the move simply follows precedent, one senior tory the government whip in the lords, lord young resigned, saying prorogation risks undermining the fundamental role of pa rliament. Ruth davidson has quit, too, as tory leader in scotland, but says personal reasons played their part in her decision. All this as a petition calling on the government not to Prorogue Parliament has gained a million and a half signatures. Heres our political correrspondent, jonathan blake. The morning after a day of drama at westminster and the fallout continues from the Prime Ministers decision to suspend parliament. It is business as usual as far as the government is concerned. Ministers say the break is merely an overdue chance to set out their plans. The Prime Minister will bring forward a new queens speech. That new queens speech will reflect the priorities that we have as a government and that the country has, as well. But there is anger and outrage at this move. Protests claiming the government is abusing its power, opponents of brexit say they are being silenced. There will be lots of time to debate before the 31st of october. Parliament will be sitting then and will be able to have whatever motions it wants. I think the outrage is phony and it is created by people who dont want us to leave the European Union and are trying hard to overturn the referendum result and dont want the benefits of leaving the European Union. Time was already tight for those who want to stop a no deal brexit. Labour and others say they will have to act faster now to achieve their aim. It is about preventing the will of parliament and stopping them from ensuring that the government. So we are going to initiate a Standing Order section 2a debate, an emergency debate, to try and do that. What we have to decide, and whats been dividing the various groups, is are we in favour of a soft brexit, when we do leave, accept that the best compromise is to leave the eu political institutions, but to keep all our economic ties intact . Or do we, actually, just go for a second referendum in the belief it will reverse the whole thing . The arguments about the rights and wrongs of this decision to suspend parliament will run and run. Protests, an online petition, legal challenges and more. But for the government its another chance to show they are willing to take the uk out of the eu, with or without a deal, by the end of october. For the opposition who want to avoid a no deal brexit, it is perhaps a moment to focus their minds. Stepping out of the spotlight today, the tories leader in scotland she said for mainly personal, not political, reasons. But although shes hardly Boris Johnsons biggest fan, she left with a warning for mps to back him to get the deal shes convinced he wants. I asked him outright, look, i need to know are you actually trying to get a deal or not . He categorically assured me that he was. He believes that his efforts in biarritz have helped open the door a crack. I know that what would help further wuold be for people who want to avoid no deal to come out and say that if a deals brought back to parliament, that they would back it. The shouting has started again at westminster, as parliaments summer break draws to a close. When mps return next week, expect the noise levels to rise even further. Jonathan blake, bbc news, westminster. Our chief Political Correspondent vicki young is in westminster. Yesterday it was busy. Today nobody is moving in terms of changing their minds, we are where we are. |j is moving in terms of changing their minds, we are where we are. I think the big parliamentary battles to come. Former cabinet minister david. The conservatives are split. Some of them voted for the deal on three occasions. Labour, not the case at all. A handful voted for theresa mays deal but the others are split and some still think of the best route is another referendum. Others say they would now be willing to back some kind of deal. Others are saying it has to be a general election. So they have to Work Together and not just for one afternoon. They have to be able to change the law and that involves being incredibly disciplined, keeping together and on the same page and that in the past has not proved easy and i think that is probably the biggest advantage for borisjohnson at probably the biggest advantage for Boris Johnson at this probably the biggest advantage for borisjohnson at this point. The alternative for that is the no confidence vote and in that case they have to be sure they can win it and once they have that they have a new Prime Minister they can all get behind and that doesnt seem to be the case. It seems like it will be difficult for them to prevent a no deal breaks it. It is obvious Boris Johnson is trying to narrow down peoples options so that parliament is faced with a deal or no deal in october and i think this time it will feel more real. Is it clear what he is trying to do because we hear from Ruth Davidson what he is trying to do because we hearfrom Ruth Davidson when what he is trying to do because we hear from Ruth Davidson when she quit today that he looked her in the eye and said he wants a deal. But all the mood music suggests otherwise. I am not in much doubt that the number one the first choice for borisjohnson that the number one the first choice for Boris Johnson is that the number one the first choice for borisjohnson is a dealfrom that the number one the first choice for borisjohnson is a deal from the eu. It cant be the same one that theresa may had but i think he would prefer a deal. And the two are related because if you prepare for no deal then it focuses peoples mines and they hope the eu will give some kind of compromise. Because they are obviously running the clock down, the suspension of parliament, it is lawful but lets not be naive about what they are trying to do here. They are obviously trying to reduce the number of days and options that parliament has because they want there to be that stark choice towards the end of october between a deal and no deal. What was interesting about Ruth Davidson is that she does believe borisjohnson wa nts a that she does believe borisjohnson wants a deal, and her message to mps fighting no deal, that they have blown it after three chances, that is her talking to Opposition Mps. More labour mps have come out and said they should have voted for a deal. In the end it is going to be them that have the final say in all this if Boris Johnson them that have the final say in all this if borisjohnson gets a new deal. Lets speak to former conservative Party Special advisor chris white. All the criticism in the past has been that borisjohnson, bluff, bluster, couldnt make a decision, and yet here he is making a Massive Decision and one suspects it was carried out after talking to former collea g u es carried out after talking to former colleagues perhaps of yours, certainly those in positions like the one you once held. Who said we need to do this . This is all about the next few weeks been crucial in trying to cut the amount of Time Available for mps who want to stop no deal so they are trying to find a range of different avenues and prorogation as the first of many options the government can use. Mps will not be around and wont be sitting anywhere between the 9th of september and the 14th of october and there will be a series of queens speech debates, budget debates and so on which will restrict the opportunity for mps to either pass legislation or to have a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister and that focuses the window of opportunity for mps to the start of opportunity for mps to the start of september or the last two weeks of september or the last two weeks of october. As the gamble that Boris Johnson and his team are confident that there is no alternative to replace him . Yes and this is the problem of who is the alternative candidate . We saw this at church house with Opposition Mps coming together and saying they want to focus on legislative roots simply because nobody can agree thatJeremy Corbyn is the right person to be the alternative Prime Minister and other candidates like Caroline Lucas or ken clarke have been floated and dismissed. The most likely option for mps seeking to stop no deal brea ks for mps seeking to stop no deal breaks it, they have a limited window of opportunity, just four days to pass legislation that took five days in march. Many backing borisjohnson would Say Parliament has had many days to discuss ways of progressing on brexit and it has got them nowhere and we have now reached a point where we have to make a decision. I think that is fair. It has been three years since the referendum result, mps have had plenty of opportunities to pass legislation, they have done it once with the bill in march seeking an extension, and it isnt that mps werent aware that this was a possibility, prorogation or a vote of no confidence being difficult to do, soi of no confidence being difficult to do, so i think if mps have to look at themselves over the next few days and decide what they want to do, what is the course of action and stick to it because otherwise i think it will be very clear that the outcome of the negotiation on the 17th and 18th of october will probably see that you come back and say they dont want a revised deal without the backstop and the Prime Minister will say to his critics, probably, this is going to be our route, we are leaving without a deal, and mps have less than two weeks to try to stop it. Will the eu come back with something ambiguous but something that would suggest giving way on the backstop issue . the Prime Minister wants to bring back the meaningful vote and have a with revised withdrawal agreement, removing the backstop is not enough for some conservative mps. Mark francois deputy chair of the eog on the conservative right wing of the party says that is not enough. That could be anywhere between 60 and hundred conservative mps he would lose if he brought back a deal that was even just a slightly revised version, and then he has to make up the numbers from labour. I have only seen the numbers from labour. I have only seen around 30 or a0 labour mps who have said they were regretting not backing theresa mays deal so that makes it difficult for any deal. I think it is unlikely that Boris Johnson will push for a deal if the eu says the backstop has to stay. he driving this or is it his special adviser Dominic Cummings . The Prime Minister appoints his special advisers in the years the man in charge and makes the decisions. Ultimately the decision rests with him and the cabinet as to decide what they wish to do. A judge at scotlands highest court is today considering a challenge to the suspension of the current session of parliament. A Cross Party Group of more than 70 mps and peers who oppose a no deal brexit, have submitted an emergency motion, asking the court of session in edinburgh to overturn Boris Johnsons plans. Earlier, our scotland correspondent lorna gordon spoke to us from outside the court. I think the arguments will finish today and then the judge will consider his decision, but this was an emergency hearing, a full hearing will be scheduled for next friday. And this hearing, which got under way at midday, has been hearing from aidan oneill, the qc for the petitioners. He said that while this hearing is unprecedented, the actions of the government are both unprecedented and unlawful. He said the courts constitutional jurisdiction is one of the three pillars of state to determine and ensure the constitutionality of the actions of ministers are lawful. And he said if a ruling finds those actions to be unlawful, the obligation on the sovereign to recall. There will be an obligation on the sovereign to recall the prorogation because the sovereign is not above the law, certainly not above scots law. But of course the action raised in this scottish court, scotlands highest civil court, the court of session, he said is as valid as any elsewhere. He pointed to a number going through the courts in Northern Ireland at the moment were they are applying, we were told, for interim injunctions, arguing that the act of prorogation would contravene the good friday agreement. This hearing will continue this afternoon when we will hear from the qc representing the uk government. Youre watching afternoon live. These are our headlines. The leader of the scottish conservatives, Ruth Davidson, has resigned, citing both professional and personal reasons. A hearing on an emergency motion to block the Prime Ministers decision to suspend parliament has been taking place in the court of session in edinburgh. And 17 year old Thomas Griffiths has pleaded guilty to the murder of 17 year old ellie gould, who was stabbed in may. Griffiths was remanded in custody until sentencing. And in sport. Aston villa defender tyrone mings has received his first england call up for their upcoming euro 2020 qualifiers with bulgaria and kosovo. Hes one of four uncapped players in Gareth Southgates squad. Englands women play their first match since the world cup tonight. They re playing belgium in a friendly in a game manager phil neville wants his side to be braver and tougher. And Serena Williams promised to do better at the us open after reaching the third round with victory over wild card caty mcnally. Johana konta and dan evans are in second round action later today. Ill have a full round up including more on that england squad at 2 30. Chris leslie, mp with the independent group for change, is in westminster this afternoon. Iam i am perplexed but i am not alone because i am just wondering what those who are opposed to what Boris Johnson has done are going to do themselves because there doesnt seem themselves because there doesnt seem to be any clear plan at the moment. Yesterday the Prime Minister and his advisers put down a pretty big card on the table, a decision to stop parliament from potentially legislating for that five weeks from mid september to mid october. Those of us who are worried for our constituents when a if a no deal brexit comes along will have to decide our responses. It is difficult but not impossible to pass legislation, even in a day in the house of commons. I think the sheer abuse that the government is showing of our constitution has actually ironically galvanised a number of people across the parties, particularly more moderate conservatives to say this is out of order and we are probably going to get together, meet on tuesday in parliament and fast track to some legislation to prevent a crash out no deal brexit without authorisation from members of parliament. You cannot just have from members of parliament. You cannotjust have this parliamentary democracy shutdown and a government without a majority taking these decisions in this way. Yes, you can and yes, they have. And they say there is precedent for this. |j and yes, they have. And they say there is precedent for this. I dont think there is because you will know there is action taken in the scottish and Northern Irish courts that people will be testing the legalities, in our constitution, which a lot of it is un codified, unwritten, whether these misusing it for basically gagging the representatives of the people, whether that is appropriate. But whatever the challenges on prorogation, we have the days from the 3rd of september to sit and i along with other members of parliament will be looking to the speaker to take time not under the governments control but under backbench control so we can legislate. Fortunately for us, the legislature trumps the executive. In a parliamentary democracy mps and peers write the laws and even Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings have to obey them. I think we have a majority to legislate to stop this nonsense. How majority to legislate to stop this nonsense. How many majority to legislate to stop this nonsense. How many tory mps do you think you will have on your side . Before we broke for the summer recess we voted on certain issues to do with potential prorogation and we had a majority of ai on that occasion. That is our Pretty Healthy majority and you have seen the state m e nts majority and you have seen the statements from philip hammond, oliver leighton, david gauke, lots of other conservatives i would disagree in policy areas with but the traditions of moderate conservative are supposed to uphold the constitution and to have those on ideological extremes take control of parties and push these things beyond the limits is not acceptable to the majority of those in what i would call the broader Centre Ground. When you describe the broader Centre Ground that you are talking about people who voted to remain and there is a suspicion amongst those who support brexit that this is the last gaps up gasp of people who voted to remain to stop brexit altogether. People didnt vote thinking it was a no deal brexit. Didnt vote thinking it was a nodeal brexit. Did you vote for article 50 . I abstained. People who voted for that were told in uncertain no Uncertain Terms that no deal was a possibility. Boris johnson said he would not entertain prorogation measures so we are used to politicians saying one thing and doing another but ultimately the referendum result past the issue to parliament to do the detailed work. We have helped this question up to the light and looked at it any number of different ways in the past few years. Ourjob is to protect our constituents. We were elected subsequent to the referendum in 2017 and we are there to represent the people and make sure we protect them. In our judgment, people and make sure we protect them. In ourjudgment, crashing out with no deal is bad and the majority view should be allowed to crystallise to legislate prevent that. You werent voted for us an , r feel they think it 12ng independent group for change mp though. I was voted for as chris leslie. I was in the labour party which has changed quite a lot. leslie. I was in the labour party which has changed quite a lot. It is all about principles and changing with the wind. If you think i have suddenly changed my position regarding Jeremy Corbyn of marxism 01 regarding Jeremy Corbyn of marxism or brexit, i have been consistent throughout those areas. We have to stop those on ideological fringes from abusing our constitution and make sure that the majority of sensible people in the country dont wa nt to sensible people in the country dont want to see parliamentary democracy thrown to one side can have action by mps doing ourjobs legislating to protect the country, and make some decisions Going Forward and that is what we want to do. Eu foreign and defence ministers have been meeting in helsinki, for talks on the security implications of climate change. But the issue of brexit wasnt far away, with the British Defence secretary defending the governments decision, to suspend parliament. Our europe correspondent Damian Grammaticas is in helsinki now. What is the mood after what Boris Johnson did yesterday . What is their assessment . We were asking the eu foreign and defence ministers as they arrived here for their meeting exactly that question and there is a great deal of consternation. Most said they didnt want to get involved in uk political issues but they were worried about a no deal and they hope it does not come to pass. Interestingly, there are two uk ministers, the defence and foreign ministers, neither of them stopped to talk to us on the way in but once inside the meeting youre the defence secretary, ben wallace, what he immediately did was went up to his french counterpart who you hadnt met before, they began talking and while the cameras were in the room before the meeting, they filmed a candid conversation between mr wallace and his french counterpart and she immediately questioned him about the decision to Prorogue Parliament and the length of it. He said it is not a revolution, it is a few more days than normal and he said that parliament had talked about it for three yea rs years and any leader has to try. At the end he seems to be laughing. He did not talk about the queen speech, new legislation or anything but he said the biggest problem was that the uk historically didnt have coalitions and now had a government that found itself with no majority. Eu ministers we asked here if they had seen any proposals from the uk site to resolve things in brussels, they said they hadnt seen anything so they said they hadnt seen anything so far. Time for a look at the weather. Louise has breezed in. There is a hurricane in florida . Possibly. It is our Holiday Weekend as well and i am sure that residents and tourists will be keeping a close eye. September is around the corner. This is dorian, us virgin islands. Many in the caribbean islands have had a brief escape, particularly porto rico. We thought it might brush to the far north but it looks like it will drift further north and miss it. Quite a significant storm, category two. Expected to perhaps strengthen to category three. You can see the circulation on the storm. It is continuing to move north west. We expect it to turn into a category three, in excess of 110 mph sustained winds. May be Even Stronger if it makes landfall. Might this have any impact on me in Milton Keynes . Maybe. The track looks likely to ta ke maybe. The track looks likely to take it towards mickey mouse land, disneyland in florida, there are other toys available. They pride themselves being opened 356 days a year. The darker blue colours denote the uncertainty of the track so it is worth stressing that this storm could change direction. There is the potential on monday that it could make land full in florida and could bea make land full in florida and could be a category four. Simon, you sent ina be a category four. Simon, you sent in a beautiful weather watcher picture. A cheap shot and someone upset i am taking credit for their work a tale of two halves, wet and windy, cloudy. Some rain at the moment, the clouds thickening all the time and the wind strengthening into the far north west but east anglia, the south east corner, south coast, beautiful afternoon, temperatures into the mid 20s. Things will start to change as we move into the weekend but as we move overnight tonight, the cloud pushes off the atlantic, so widely double digits, not as chilly a start. The rain stays across scotland, rainfall totals mounting up. It has been a pretty wet august. The rain heavy through western scotland, north west england and Northern Ireland. In the south east corner, highs of 25 degrees, so it means for the start of the weekend we keep that contrast in the way there, almost like a conveyor belt, feeding and rain to the north west. We could see as much as 2 a inches of rain before it clears. Weather warnings have been issued by the met office. Heavier rain into north west england and wales. Anyway to the east of the midlands, east anglia, it should stay dry, sunny and warm. The weather front responsible for bringing that rain will start to bringing that rain will start to bring a change as well on sunday. It isa bring a change as well on sunday. It is a cold front and behind it it introduces cooler air and the wind direction is changing. A north westerly will drive the cooler air across the country and so it means you will notice the difference to the feel of the weather on sunday. Plenty of showers. 18 21d, slightly below average for the time of year. This is bbc news our latest headlines. An angry backlash to the suspension of parliament with protests, a legal challenge and a one point four million strong petition but one conservative mp says its a chance to ensure politicians has a say before uk leaves eu without a deal parliament has a responsibility and it may well be next week is the only opportunity to do so. The leader of the scottish conservatives, Ruth Davidson a vocal critic of the pms approach to brexit resigns citing both professional and personal reasons. A legal challenge seeking to prevent the Prime Minister from suspending parliament is under way in scotlands highest civil court. In other news 17 year old Thomas Griffiths pleads guilty to the murder of 17 year old ellie gould, who was stabbed in may. Sport now on afternoon live with ben. And some new faces in Gareth Southgates england squad. Four uncapped players in total. Two players receiving theirfirst call ups. Manchester united paid £50 million in the summer for right back aaron wan bissaka before he was even capped by his country. Well that could change for their games against bulgaria and kosovo. Most interesting for me is aston villa defender tyrone mings. Hes 26 years old. Moved to villa when they were in the championship injanuary on loan before making the switch from bournemouth permanent over the summer having helped villa to promotion. Hes been very assured so far this season too and could be in line for a debut. Midfield pairjames maddison and mason mount have also been included, with recalls for tottenhams harry winks and liverpools alex oxlaide chamberlain. Theres no place for chelsea striker Tammy Abraham though or manchester citys kyle walker. The match against bulgaria takes place at wembley a week on saturday with the kosovo game in southampton the following tuesday. We expect to hear from southgate in the next ten minutes or so. Lets talk tennis and the us open and big name struggling. Making it through but struggling. Roger federer, Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams all found the going tougher than expected in round 2. Federer dropped the first set for the second round running as he beat bosnias damir dzumhuh. He could meet Britains Dan Evans if he beats Lucas Pouille today. Defending champion djokovic admitted he was unsure if hed even finish his match againstjuan ignacio londero. He had to call the trainer three times for a shoulder problem but made it through in three sets. Three sets, too, for Serena Williams. She dropped the first against teenager caty mcnally but dropped just five points in the decider to maintain her run of reaching round 3 at each of her 19 appearances at flushing meadows. Phil neville says he wants his england womens side to be braver and tougher if theyre to win a major tournament. They play belgium in a friendly tonight the start of their preparations for a home European Championship in 2021. Its the first time the squad has been together since they finished fourth at the womens world cup. Wales are also in action tonight, they play the Faroe Islands in theirfirst qualifier for the euros. Football ventures limited, the new owners of bolton wanderers, say they are excited to begin restoring what they says restoring what they say is a magnificent Football Club after saving them from extinction. The League One Side was on the verge of going out of business after entering administration in may but a takeover was completed yesterday just hours after bury were kicked out of the league. Steve smith is making his return for australia today in a tour match against derbyshire after missing the last ashes test with concussion. Hes in the field at the minute and has bowled one wicketless over so far. The australian batsman says that now hes been given a clean bill of health, hes looking forward to facing jofra archer again at old trafford next week. The ashes is currently tied at one all after that dramatic win for england at headingley. And archer reckons theyve got the upper hand. You dont have to be an optimist to think so, i think we have planted a few seeds of doubt in their heads so they will probably think twice about declaring. Jimmy coming back at his home ground, he will have want to do Something Special as well. And wales have handed test debuts to owen lane and rhys carre for saturdays Rugby World Cup warm up game against ireland in cardiff. They are among 1a changes to the side that defeated england, with Warren Gatland set to name his squad for the tournament on sunday. A record 22 races will be held in formula 1 next season but the german grand prix will not be one of them. Despite providing one of the most entertaining races in recent memory last month, Financial Issues have plagued the event in recent years. F1 will return to zandvoort to start the european season in early may whilst vietnams debut will take place in april. In driver news, renault will replace Nico Hulkenberg with esteban ocon with Valtteri Bottas remaining at mercedes. Thats all the sport for now. Thank you. We must use less transport, eat less red meat and buy fewer clothes if the uk is to virtually halt Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050, the governments chief environment scientist has warned. According to prof sir ian boyd, people have little idea of the scale of the challenge from the so called net zero emissions target. So is it possible to get people to change their behaviour . Lets talk now to susan michie professor of Health Psychology and director of the centre for Behaviour Change at University College london. If there is a science to behaviour, it is relatively easy to change, is it . It is not that simple. There is a science of behaviour but u nfortu nately most a science of behaviour but unfortunately most do not realise that because we see each other behave ourselves and have theories about how to change behaviour. We have a large amount of evidence and theories of Behaviour Change that may help us. As a minimum, to change behaviour, we need to understand do we need to change motivation, or a persons capability, skills and knowledge, or the opportunity to change . It is not enough to focus on individuals and their psychology. We need to think about the context and social and material environment. You cannot say you will do this from now on . Unfortunately, it has been tempting for people to think if they tell people, educate people, persuade them, that is enough, but thatis persuade them, that is enough, but that is not recognising that we need enabling environments to support that behaviour. There is a realm of different types of strategy for change and intervention, for changing behaviour we can draw on. Such as incentives are important, environment and social planning. And the behaviour of government and industry. We need to think about the whole system. You are talking about the carrot and stick approach. That can get you a long way if you know when to use them, how to use them and with whom. We need to make the behaviours we would like people at all levels in society to use as easy and attractive as possible and the alternative as unattractive and as difficult as possible. Are there other issues like age, say there was a grumpy old man said in his ways, he will be harder to persuade to drop something he has had all his life and others . People are very different and what is motivating for one person will not be for another. In terms of the kind of Behaviour Change we need to get to net zero in the timescale, which is not long, we need to get Behaviour Change through entire society, which means everybody, especially the grumpy old men at the top of society need to demonstrate Behaviour Change themselves and it needs to be seen to be fair, so reducing inequalities we have. And really understanding what will be an incentive and enabling in terms of environments and different groups of people in society. If you talk about the difference between what someone wa nts difference between what someone wants and needs, that will be crucial because perhaps people need to wa ke crucial because perhaps people need to wake up to the fact they need to change. Absolutely, the want is a powerful driver. Framing things in terms of people need to do less, need to reduce demand, is a negative way. It is more positive to say people could be doing different things. These are alternatives. You do not stop travelling but you travel differently and to different places. You do not stop eating certain kinds of food, you buy local. It is thinking about behavioural substitution, notjust about not doing so much. Thank you. The former president of brazil, lula da silva, has told the bbc that the current leader, jair bolsonaro, is ruining the countrys reputation. Lula, whos injail, for two separate corruption convictions, says bolsonaro isnt taken seriously by other world leaders. Will grant reports now from brazil. Lets speak to will grant now hes in curitiba in brazil. He was speaking from prison, that might slightly dent his argument. does not help in terms of the broader image of the man. I think that his supporters would say the entire Corruption Case against him was politically motivated and came about by his enemies. He was originally sentenced to 12 years, reduced to nine but he remains a very popular politician in brazil, despite being behind bars. What happens now . We are focusing on the amazon and the spat between president bolsonaro and president macron. Is there a sense there he is on his own . I think yes, what is happening is that brazilians in terms of those turning out to protest in cities that are far from the amazon itself, almost as far in some cases such as the size of brazil as north america and europe. They are turning out to say look, even they support the idea of boycotting brazilian beef and banning brazilian leather, if it will cost the amazon to export it. This is something lula was interesting on because he had a good record on the environment. I spoke to ngo voices before i interviewed lula in jail. To ngo voices before i interviewed lula injail. They said he was good at reducing deforestation, working with the International Community to generate funds for the amazon and for example demarcating and creating more indigenous lands. And that is something, that last one, that president bolsonaro wants to open up to mining. But he was convicted of corruption. Yes, but, recent revelations that have come out have shown an interesting and very worrying set of potential collusion between the investigating judge in lulas case and the state prosecutor, and at present his role is justice prosecutor, and at present his role isJustice Minister prosecutor, and at present his role is Justice Minister in prosecutor, and at present his role isJustice Minister in president bolsonaros government. So lulas supporters and legal team say the case needs to be reviewed and he needs to be out because the judge in the case was speaking to the prosecution and there are text m essa 9 es prosecution and there are Text Messages released by the intercept on my website that show that may be the case. The case is questionable in terms of the strength of the conviction. We will wait and see exactly how long he ends up serving. Was i right, how you pronounce where you are . I think yourfirst i think your first version was better than your second. An investigation has found that its still too easy for children to buy knives on the high street thats despite major retailers pledging to end illegal sales. Trading standards say underaged shoppers were sold knives on more than 300 occasions in a year when their teams carried out tests at various National Chains and independent stores. Its all fairly new. Weve gathered nation wide to get he figures so, i am fairly shocked that weve got such a high percentage. We want to do is just get those figures down and help retailers to do the right thing to prevent them selling knives. Jermaine lawlor is the founder of voice for youth against violence hejoins me now. It is all very well to blame retailers, but if youngsters want to get hold of knives they will do . Most definitely. We are seeing shops held accountable for a lack of restrictions in making sure young people are not able to get knives but that is not the root of the issue, and stop and search, that does not help these young people and members of the community to live a better life. If a young person wants to get a knife from a shop or house, they can access a knife. The argument is youngsters get knives because they think it makes them more because they think it makes them , more they think it because they think it makes them

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