That. And china announces new guidelines that aim to restrict young people playing online video games for long periods. We will find out how why and how it will work. Day one of the Election Campaign here in the uk and Labour Deputy Leader Tom Watson has announced hes stepping down. Eliminate its a very personal decision, not a political one. Eliminate its a very personal decision, nota political one. Ive been on the front line for 30 years. And 52 years old, ive been on a Health Journey for the last few yea rs. Health journey for the last few years. Im still deputy leader until 12 december, so i will be out on the road campaigning. Then after that, it isa road campaigning. Then after that, it is a brave new world. Jessica parkeris it is a brave new world. Jessica parker is with us. Lots of people think it could be political . M parker is with us. Lots of people think it could be political . It is well known that tom watson and Jeremy Corbyn clashed on some issues, notably on brexit and what was sometimes seen issues, notably on brexit and what was sometimes seen 3s issues, notably on brexit and what was sometimes seen as straying on brexit policy, making the leaderships lives more difficult. He seemed to be more pro remain, talk about having a referendum before an election. He carried a lot of labour mps with before an election. He carried a lot of labourmps with him. Before an election. He carried a lot of labour mps with him. He was seen as something of a rival power in the parliamentary labour party. Again with mp5, those who saw themselves on the more moderate wing of the party. And i think Touching Base with a few of those mps this evening, some of them say they are saddened and shocked by tom watsons to partner, her departure. But if you look at the clips there, he is saying this is very much a personal, not a political decision. In the exchange of letters between himself and Jeremy Corbyn seem at face value very amicable. Although this will presumably make the equation is slightly simpler one for the leadership as it approaches this campaign and the issue of brexit. From what i understand, tom watson will remain as a deputy leader until the election is completed, although the election is completed, although the is obviously stepping down as mp. He says hes not leaving politics altogether and he wants to fight the tories. But perhaps it means the leadership has more control over its message going into the election, if indeed tom watson had any prospect of presenting difficulties during the campaign. 0ften parties do try to come together if at all possible during an general Election Campaign because they want to win their own seats as well as see their colleagues and friends when seats come as well. Another thing speculated tonight, to tom watson think he is vulnerable in his seat . He has Something Like an 8000 majority, which seems like a fairly sizeable majority. But lets not forget, it was quite recently that there was that rather dramatic episode on the eve of the Labour Party Conference where it was emerging that there was a move to oust tom watson from his position as deputy leader byjohn landsman, the founder of momentum, that Campaign Group that backsJeremy Corbyns leadership. That leadership bid failed. Jeremy corbyn stepped in later, but they did talk about reviewing the position of deputy leader, and i think will be quite interesting to see what happens in that position. I think lots within the labour party would expect labour will want to put a woman in that position, making an all women shortlist. Thats not been confirmed this evening, we should not get ahead of ourselves. But certainly it is possibly a chance forJeremy Corbyn to look at potential options for deputy leader Going Forward that may prove less difficult than the time tom watson has at some point jessica, stay with us for the next few minutes. Boris johnson was onstage launching the conservativeElection Campaign. Uniting and leveling up our country, giving people opportunity across our country with better education, better infrastructure, and new technology. That is what this government is all about. Its about. Cheering. Its been a busy day all round. Heres borisjohnson leaving downing street, and heading to Buckingham Palace to see the queen and to tell her an election has been called. This marks the official start of the election period. Meanwhile, labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was campaigning in telford in the midlands. Hes promising a big investment in public services. And the lib dem leader, jo swinson, was in north london, pledging extra resources for Mental Health care. Its fair to say this hasnt been the smoothest start for the tories. Heres lbcs iain dale. Heres my list. Jacob rees mogg apologising after seeming to suggest victims of the grenfell fire lacked common sense. Tory mp andrew bridgen then defending him, and suggesting mr rees mogg would have made a better decision than the people in the tower or the fire brigade because hes clever. He has no apologise. The government refusing to release a report on russian interference in uk affairs including the last election. Now apologised. Despite the chair of the committe that produced it, a former tory mp, calling for the public to see it. The conservatives editing a video to misrepresent an interview with a labour politician and then refusing to apologise when what theyd done became clear. A conservative Party Parliamentary candidate having to apologise for a Facebook Post in which she said people in a tv show about receiving Welfare Benefits should be put down. And then six this today. Welsh secretary alun cairns has resigned over claims he knew about a former aides role in the sabotage of a rape trial. Its not going to plan. That last story was broken by bbc wales Political Editor, felicity evans. Back in april last year, there was a rape trial in which a former aide to mr cairns, a man called ross england, was a witness. Ross englands testimony ended up derailing that trial, and the judge accused him of deliberately sabotaging it. Eight months later in december last year, the welsh conservatives selected mr england to be a candidate in the Welsh Assembly elections in 2021 with the endorsement of mr cairns. When we were asking the welsh conservatives and mr cairns about what and when they knew about ross englands involvement in the collapse of the trial, theyd suggested they had found out about his involvement only very recently. Then we discovered an e mail that was sent to alun cairns by his special adviser in august of last year four months before his selection and endorsement by mr cairns, and indeed, the director of the welsh conservatives, richard mitchell, some details about that collapsed trial. So that is why alan cairns has decided to go today. Alun cairns. He says hes done nothing wrong, and he is confident an investigation will clear him. To be clear, the way in which mr england was accused of sabotaging that trial was by discussing the victims sexual history in his evidence despite the judge making it clear beforehand that that evidence was inadmissible. At the time, judge Stephen Hopkins said, why did you say that . Are you completely stupid . Heres the bbcs Political Editor laura kuenssberg. Weve looked back through the mists of political history, and we cannot find another example of a serving cabinet minister resigning on day one of a crucial Election Campaign. And it is absently not the backdrop that Boris Johnson and it is absently not the backdrop that borisjohnson wouldve hoped for. Let francesca back again. When the premise or was going up against this campaign launch, some of his supporters would admit some form of reset was necessary . I think certainly the conservative party will be trying to hit the reef reset button. Given the timing of things, as the day got under way where the Prime Minister was off to see the queen to trigger the start of the Election Campaign, then as he was taking to the steps of downing street to make his initial speech, just moments before that we learned that alun cairns was resigning. So that alun cairns was resigning. So that was not an ideal start for the Prime Minister and has been seen as perhaps overshadowing the day of the campaign launch. Looking at that lunch tonight in the west midlands, obviously Boris Johnson lunch tonight in the west midlands, obviously borisjohnson playing to a loyal crowd , obviously borisjohnson playing to a loyal crowd, and it had something of an american rally feel to it, didnt it . But he certainly did not seem to shake and buy it and will try to move on. In the conservative party might take some heart from the fact that it might take some heart from the fact thatitis might take some heart from the fact that it is at least early on in the campaign, and if you are going to have difficult news stories, then it is better to have them early on thin later on. Having said that, these elections are incredibly unprintable, who knows what may happen in terms of the many parties over the coming week. One thing to ask you about, here is whatjohn bercow has been saying today to the Foreign Press association in london. He told journalists he no longer had to remain impartial after stepping down from the chair after ten years. Mr bercow was accused by some brexit backing mps some brexiteers will be thinking and no surprise . John bercow is a controversial figure no surprise . John bercow is a controversialfigure in no surprise . John bercow is a controversial figure in the no surprise . John bercow is a controversialfigure in the house no surprise . John bercow is a controversial figure in the house of commons over the last few years, where he was residing over this very tense at times brexit debate, and seemed to take sides on parliament and making sure parliament was hurt, and making sure parliament was hurt, and stopping any idea of an over mighty executive. I think some brexiteers felt he was actually lacking in impartiality, handing powers to backbenchers in order to frustrate brexit. He would absolutely reject that, but i think his comments this evening will raise an eyebrow or two. And i think it is interesting because if you look at the man who has succeeded john bercow, i think he represents a very different prospect and was perhaps chosen for the fact that he had some different qualities tojohn bercow, perhaps seen as a quieter figure and one who will be less interventionist. Thank you jessica. I think he is one of the few people in the uk who has not let the public know what you think about brexit. The impeachment inquiry into donald trump is about to shift gears. Adam schiff heads the intelligence committee. He tells a stomach. And it will start with william taylor, the acting Us Ambassador to ukraine. We know hes voiced concerns about white house actions and in the past hour, his full testimony from two weeks ago has been made public. Its about 300 pages long. We get a lot more detail. Anthony zurcher has started sifting through it. He knew some of what bill taylor was going to say, but here you can see the actual questions and his responses to it. One of the things Gordon Sondland, the Us Ambassador, said yesterday was that it was presumed it was likely military aid was being conditioned on the ukraine opening up these investigations. Here you have bill taylor talking about how trump specifically told sondland for a Public Statement of this investigation. And that is important because it ties donald trump to sondland, who was talking about essentially a quid pro quo, exchanging military aid for the investigation. So if taylor can establish this time between the trump and this direction, it goes a long way towards showing trump was right in the middle of this demand for something that can benefit him politically. Essentially what a lot of these depositions were were screen tests for the people coming to testify, to see how they did, what they would say, what kind of questions prompted the most insightful answers. So now that theyve done all that, clearly bill taylor is someone they think and speak with authority. Hes a Career Foreign Service and the same with george kent. These are all Foreign Service people with a depth of knowledge about the ukraine, and i think that is why the democrats want to put them front and centre. Today, david hale has been testifying hes the highest ranking career diplomat in the us Foreign Service. But its also about who didnt show up. Rick perry, the energy secretary, ignored a congressional subpoena. He matters in this story because hes one of so called three amigos the other two being Gordon Sondland, Us Ambassador to the eu, and kurt volker, former Us Ambassador to nato. Witnesses said the three were behind Donald Trumps unofficial communications with ukraine, which in turn led to the phone call injuly in which donald trump asked the ukraininan president to begun investigate his political rival, joe biden. The allegation is military aid was withheld until that investigation began. Trump says hes done nothing wrong. Yesterday, we learnt Gordon Sondland had added to his evidence. Jon sopel explains in 60 seconds why this matters. This is a really Important Development in the impeachment inquiry. The eu ambassador, Gordon Sondland. Who is he . Well, he was a trump fundraiser who got appointed to the ambassadorship just because of his devotion to donald trump. Hes not a career diplomat. He has given additional evidence to the intelligence inquiry looking into this whole matter, which says in contradiction of what donald trump has maintained, that there was a quid pro quo. That military aid to ukraine from the us was being held up until such times as ukraine supplied a statement of Anti Corruption that would hurtjoe biden, Donald Trumps main democratic rival for the presidency next year, and his son, hunter, who was the director of a gas company in the ukraine. Now you can argue that none of this matters, that donald trump can do what he likes on Foreign Policy. Harder for him to declare now that there was no quid pro quo. Mr sondland claims trumps personal lawyer, rudi giuliani, was acting on trumps s instructions, and that donald trump insisted his lawyer be consulted on all ukrainian matters. His press secretary is having none of this. Heres cristina markos, the hill, journalist in washington. Shes also been looking through that 300 page testimony we talk about. Bill taylor, the acting ambassador to the ukraine, said his testimony was a clear understanding that donald trump was linking the aide to the ukraine with these investigations that he wanted to pursue into his political opponents, including former Vice President joe biden. So the democrats have said this is some of the most damning testimony theyve heard today, and thatis testimony theyve heard today, and that is why they want to bring bill taylor before the cameras, to make their public case for impeachment before the american public. But presumably the white house would say that what one persons clear understanding may be a misunderstanding for another, and that he never gave his instruction . That is what republicans are arguing with regards to bill taylors testimony, because they are saying this was his understanding due to conversations with officials who we re conversations with officials who were closer to trump and more involved in this shadow Foreign Policy agenda that we are seeing led by rudy giuliani, trumps personal lawyer. But democrats will say this is someone who is a career official who spent decades in the Foreign Service, so they think it will be ha rd to service, so they think it will be hard to question his credibility as they are pursuing with this impeachment inquiry so what can you help me understand why someone who has already given 300 pizza testimony needs to come back and talk about again . That sounds pretty comprehensive. It is, in a way the democrats have been using these closed door depositions over the last few weeks to test these witnesses behind closed doors before they put them before the cameras. As youll recall, back over the summer, democrats were very eager to bring the former counsel Robert Muller before these public hearings, before the cameras, as a way that they thought would help bring his report on the Russian Election interference to life, as they put it. But Robert Mullers testimony was a bit of a dud in washington because his testimony was halting, he frequently referred lawbreakers testimony was halting, he frequently referred lawbrea kers back testimony was halting, he frequently referred lawbreakers back to his report rather than spelling out for them what they wanted him to say for cameras. So by doing it this way, democrats are able to test drive these witnesses before they put them in front of the public, and they know what questions to ask that will yield the most damning answers in their view. Still to come three people are arrested in connection with the murders of nine members of an American Family in mexico. Extinction rebellion have won a high Court Challenge against the metropolitan police in london. The Climate Change campaigners were given a london wide protest ban last month, which has now been deemed unlawful. Lawyers acting for the group say the met now faces claims for false imprisonment from potentially hundreds of protestors. Ellie chowns from the green party welcomed todays ruling. This is an immense victory for the right to assembly and a protest, which are cornerstones of democracy. And id like to pay tribute, as tobias said, to our lawyers team, to our fantastic team in council, and to everyone from Extinction Rebellion and other protest movements who have put their bodies on the line to raise the question of the Climate Crisis of the political agenda. Up up the political agenda. Over the last year, they have played such an Important Role in making the politicians pay attention. It is time to act not to outlaw the alarm, but to listen to it. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. 0ur lead story. Labours deputy leader tom watson announces he wont fight the next election because he is stepping down as an mp he says the reasons are personal, not political. A former employee of boeing has told the bbc that some passengers on board the companys 787 dreamliner could have been left without life saving oxygen in the event of a sudden decompression. Boeing denies his allegations and insists its aircraft are safe. Heres more from our Business Correspondent, theo leggett, who broke the story. Commercial aircraft have supplementary oxygen systems. Normally they are not needed, because the cabin of a jet airliner is pressurised. But in the event of a depressurisation, they suddenly become very important. Thats when the masks will drop down from the overhead containers above you. And it is really important that you have that oxygen, because at 35,000 feet, for example, without it, youd be unconscious inside a minute. At 40,000 feet, it could be within 20 seconds not great. And if you didnt get oxygen quickly, it could even lead to brain damage or you could die. So its very important that these systems are aboard the aircraft and that they work properly. He says that he was decommissioning some systems that had minor cosmetic damage, and he found that when he tried to depressurized them, some of them werent depressed rising. So he says he got a controlled sample of 300 fresh from stock of these systems, and replicated the current that they would use to trigger them aboard an aircraft, and found that 75 of them werent working, they werent trickling. Triggering. So that is a failure rate of 25 . Theos approached boeing for a response to those allegations. He told us what they had to say. Mr barnett is a Quality Control manager who says he took this to boeing, and he believes they did nothing. Boeing disagrees with that, and when it told me was that it had identified some oxygen bottles that had been received from a supplier which were not deploying properly. It says that those bottles were removed from production and none we re removed from production and none were placed on aeroplanes. It has also pointed out incidentally that oxygen systems on aircraft are tested multiple times before the plane is sent to customers, so while they are sent on the production line and also tested regularly wants the aircraft enters into the surface. An uber self driving test vehicle that hit and killed a woman in 2018 had software problems, according to us safety investigators. The revelation comes, a day after more than one in ten of tesla owners, surveyed by bloomberg, said the autopilot has put them in a dangerous situation, although almost a third said, the same system had saved them from an accident. Samira hussain in new york. Tell us more about this investigation into the group or crash . This is pretty significant, because we know this Self Driving Technology is really something that all car makers are trying to get ahead of. And with regards to this particular accident, we have seen the technology that is in that uber car actually was not able to predict the unpredictability of pedestrians. So for example, in this particular instance, it actually really cannot account for pedestrians that are jaywalking. There just imagined account for pedestrians that are jaywalking. Therejust imagined it jaywalking. Therejust imagined it jaywalking in a busy city like london or new york. Everyone is jaywalking all the time, and really these cars if they are not able to predict these behaviours from humans, that does not make it a very viable option on the open road. What about this survey of tesla drivers . You pointed out that we see that 13 of these survey drivers have said that the autopilot feature in these tesla ca rs that the autopilot feature in these tesla cars put them into a dangerous situation. That said, there were more people who said that it had actually saved them from a dangerous situation. In fact, actually saved them from a dangerous situation. Infact, if actually saved them from a dangerous situation. In fact, if you asked all these respondents predominantly, most of them said that these features are actually quite good. But remember, this feature can only be used in very specific circumstances. So in these very specific circumstances, people have responded that it is actually really good. That said, there have been some other companies and other people that have been less kind to these features. Just briefly, lots of companies have tried to get self driving cars going as a lead product of theirs. Where are we in terms of how they can be used on the open road . I think that is really the key, and the fact that we are seeing some of the biggest players in this game, like uber who are now saying there are some real Big Technology problems, or with tesla, who have been a bit more successful so far in making the technology work. But in teslas case, for example, that Self Driving Technology can only be used on the highway. So it is really hard to tell just how successful on the highway. So it is really hard to telljust how successful it on the highway. So it is really hard to tell just how successful it will be long term. To tell just how successful it will be longterm. Thank you very much, indeed. Just a reminder of our lead story as we cover the uk Election Campaign the labour deputy leader, tom watson, has announced he will not be standing in the election in december. Lots of people are saying he was a moderate struggling against different positions in the labour leadership. A significant moment, we will continue to look at it. Good evening, welcome to a look at the weather elsewhere around the globe. Before i talk about the storms across parts of asia, lets head to north america. It has turned much colder here this week, so that this band of cloud on the weather front has been producing some snow. That is heading southwards in the next 2a hours into that slightly warmer air, so we will intensify not only the rain on the southern flanks potentially for texas and arizona arizona, but also give us some snowfall, lake effects to the north of it, and strong winds across newfoundland. We have more wet and windy weather coming northwest. The weather is chilly but it will warm up weather is chilly but it will warm up as we head into the weekend. Africa had flash flooding and somalia, remnants of a tropical system tied up in here that will give us lots of rain. You may have noticed on the satellite picture, quite a lot of clouds gathering near tanzania. Perhaps a day and had been picking up rather a lot of showers, which is a possibility as well. This area of cloud is already a severe cyclonic storm heading towards matt roster, so those areas will be very wet, particularly windy and rough conditions. This one here is a potential development, a potential tropical cyclone. And if it becomes a cyclone, its already giving you lots of wet weather into tylan and me and bar. It may head into bangladesh, but either way lots of rainfall in low lying areas following the monsoons. You may have noticed this mass, which is heading its way away from the philippines but towards vietnam for the weekend. Again, it is set to give a lot of wet weather. There is some rain to the south of vest across parts of japan, but that is clearly the concern. Heading into europe now, we have warnings about potential flash flooding through the balkans in greece to parts of any democrat italy. Further weather systems following behind giving significant snow, saturated recently across north of spain, northern parts of france, and a really powerful wind blowing all that rain and eventually snow into the hills in parts of northwest europe. There is concern for flash flooding still further south and east. Really cold, much colder than it should be across parts of scandinavia. The unsettled weather keeps coming, this next area of low pressure develops in the mediterranean, it may be bringing rain to algeria and significant snow to the alps and pyrenees, with more curing up as well from the atlantic. A very unsettled picture across much of europe. Here in the uk, and a heavy rain risk as we head into thursday. Dry on friday but more u nsettled thursday. Dry on friday but more unsettled this weekend. Then you will have more and half an hour. Hello, im ros atkins, this is 0utside source. As the conservatives launch their general Election Campaign, labours deputy leader drops a bombshell hes heading out the door. He says his reasons are personal and not political. Tom watson announces he wont fight the next election because he is stepping down as an mp he says the reasons are personal, not political. Meanwhile borisjohnson has kicked off the Conservatives Campaign promising to get brexit done. We have a parliament that is paralysed, blocked, generally incapable of digestive function as an anaconda that has swallowed a tapir. In mexico three men are arrested in connection with the murder of nine members of an American Family. And china announces new guidelines that aim to restrict young people playing online video games for long periods. Many of you will have seen the clip of os from yesterday thats gone viral its about a video from the conservative party that misrepresented an interview by labours brexit spokesperson. This is the video they posted. The way they edited it made it look like kier starmer couldnt answer a question, when in fact he answered straightaway. We also talked about how the conservatives doubled down after what they had done was highlighted attacking labour and not correcting what theyd done. The tory party chairmanjames cleverley carried on with more in that vein on breakfast tv today. It was obviously a humourous, satirical, short form video that we posted. We also, as i say, post to the longform video so people can see the interview. What we were showing in as they say, a distilled palatable way was that the labour partys position position on brexit is, in the words ofjean claude juncker, unrealistic. But it wasnt just shortened they re ordered the sequence of the interview significantly with the clear intention to mislead. As weve said before what makes this worthy of note isnt just that the tories released a video that deliberately misrepresented what happened. Its that they are unapologetic about their spreading of misinformation. Heres mariana spring from bbc trending. I think the video itself is indicative of the kind of misinformation that we are going to see in this election, so much as it is something small, subtle, not that hard to do but it can actually impact the message that a video or a meme, or a story or post gifts. As a consequence, it can cause a lot of outrage as it has. Ultimately, the conservative party have not really backed down on it which means that i also think that is where we will see going into the selection. These tweaks and adjustments of facts in order to point us to conclusions that may not be right. It may not be something that the parties will be apologising for a necessarily. Apologising for necessarily. A lot of the averages to be found on twitter to be found on twitter but how do you assess the importance of twitter versus facebook in terms of how the parties go about winning votes. Ultimately, facebook is massive compared to twitter and therefore facebook is the place that they really want to own. The thing about facebook is it is notjust ads, is notjust that paid content that we have been talking about a lot. The adverts, where you can go and see what kind of messages that parties are targeting voters with and everything else. That is facebook groups, where people are discussing politics and brexit and with all sorts of opinions emerging as we enter the election period. It is means, it is videos, all kinds of content and it is memes, it is videos, all kinds of content and misinformation and stories from alternative news outlets, there are lots of news pages and brexit breaking news, that have thousands of people liking them and following them and engaging with the stories they share. One of the interesting things about the video for the conservatives was tweeted from its main account but presumably a lot of the political battles on facebook are actually involving not the official accounts and supporters of the parties. There is often official content that is shared and re shared, weve noticed a pattern of tweets that are screenshot and shared on facebook groups and there are often party posts that are screenshot in scared, that people use particularly well. But its content that often users will create themselves or alternative channels will create and then share and if they do extremely well, there will be re shared multiple times when we worked on thejo swinson story that we did yesterday, we found that it was shared in all kinds of forums. There were memes talking aboutjo swinson and her relationship with the eu. There were these misleading news stories, there were comments and all kinds of things in the comments especially are all discussions going on that are particularly interesting. And weve talked about these closed facebook groups which are reporting on. Are they reacting to the start of the election . And theyve still talking about tactical voting a fair bit and they have generally been a lot of people on the remaining groups that are not on corbyn still and do not seem like they want to vote tactically in a way that could mean that he could be our next Prime Minister and the conservative groups, theres also a shift towards focusing on the opposition. Much more bashing ofJeremy Corbyn than there was before. They are not fighting amongst themselves but perhaps focusing on who they want to defeat in the election. Bbc arabic has seen a confidential un investigation that found that a deadly missile strike on a migrant Detention Centre in libya was carried out by a fighter plane from a foreign country. 53 people were killed by the attack near triploi in july the un has described it as a potential war crime. The report does not name any a country but a source who has knowledge of the inquiry told the bbc it was focused on the United Arab Emirates. The uae has declined to comment. Reda el mawy reports. This was the moment an air strike hit the migrant Detention Centre. 53 people were killed and more than a hundred others were injured. People were killed and more than a hundred others were injuredlj people were killed and more than a hundred others were injured. I never found his head, but he found his body and a new because i know my brother and. The Detention Centre, home to hundreds of migrants and refugees marked a new low in the libyan conflict. For a month, the self styled libyan army, led by the general have been engaged in the clear offensive to attack the forces in tripoli. They have been backed by egypt and saudi arabia. 0n the 9th ofjuly two, egypt and saudi arabia. 0n the 9th of july two, warplanes egypt and saudi arabia. 0n the 9th ofjuly two, warplanes targeted east ofjuly two, warplanes targeted east of tripoli, hitting this building and the migrant centre. They initially claimed responsibility. Last night, we bombed a legitimate target. But bbc news arabic has seen a confidential report. That say they are not capable of performing these types of air at nights. It was discussed by the Security Council today saying that the possible involvement of the United Arab Emirates. The reports as the bombings are carried out by a french maid fighterjet, they are known to have them. At the time of the attack, an unknown number of fighter jets were used in two airbases. They we re jets were used in two airbases. They were in the east of the country where it is known that the United Arab Emirates operated. The report concludes that it is highly probable that it was conducted by a un member state in direct support of what it calls the general forces. This member state is thought to be the uae. If there is concrete evidence of direct military intervention by outside countries, then that is totally u na cce pta ble a nd outside countries, then that is totally unacceptable and it needs to be investigated further and discussed at the most senior levels. Neither the uae responded to our requests for comment. There has been an arms embargo on libya since 2011. Today, the un will discuss how it has been broken and who may be responsible. In northern mexico, three men have been arrested over the murder of nine americans. Drug Cartel Gunmen are suspected. These are the latest pictures from the scene. You can see family members. And also the remains of an suv. We now know that a 13 year old survivor hid six of his siblings in bushes before walking 23km to raise the alarm. The ambush happened as the family travelled between their community settlements. A group of three mothers and their 1a children were in the convoy as they drove from sonora state into chihuahua state. All the women were killed as were six of the children died. Christina langford was among the victims. One of her relatives has been talking about how she tried to stop the attack. My my wife and my children left the town around 930 in the morning in three different vehicles and just outside of town, they were ambushed by heavy gunfire to the extent that one of the vehicles exploded. People we re one of the vehicles exploded. People were massacred, christina jumped out of her vehicle, waving her arms at the cartel to stop shooting and so we believe that is when they did stop shooting and they probably realised that there were women and children. Christina langford was gunned down before they stopped the shooting, but her daughter and seven other children survived. Will grant is in mexico city. The position of the mexican authorities was that it was a mistake. A question of mistaken identity and that earlier in the day thered been a clash between one rival cartel and another and that when they saw that convoy of suvs being driven by mothers their children in the back, they confused it for their enemies and opened fire. The truth of the matter is it remains very murky. The victims families continue to say that there isa families continue to say that there is a decent chance that this was a targeted attack, why . Because they spoke out frequently about Drug Cartel Violence in that region. Where they have lived for decades, the Mormon Community there. They have spoken out about the running of guns from the us south into the hands of the cartels and that might be one of the reasons why they were targeted. The investigation is still getting under way and so it is too early to say which one of those two realities is correct. How common with an ambush of this type be in mexico . If it was between rival cartels than it is very common. Just last month we saw the ambush of police patrols, we have seen the army ambush and suspected Drug Cartel Members as a tactic on both the site of police and the cartels. It is used in common. That is why the suggestions are coming from the authorities here that this was the case of mistaken identity. But certainly it is one of the tactics of the drug war to simply surround the enemy and fire on them from these mountainous regions and catch them out when they are moving between little towns. Stay with us on 0utside source still to come. China is going to restrict how much time young people spend playing online video games well find out why, and how theyre going to do this. The high street retailer, marks and spencer, is in the middle of a turnaround plan but theres been a drop in profits following poor sales in clothing and home goods. Pre tax profits fell 17 in the first half of the Financial Year to 176 million pounds. Sales in clothing and homeware fell by more than 5 although the Food Division returned to growth. Heres our Business Correspondent emma simpson. Shes the celebrity whos teamed up with m s. Everything she wears sells out. Trouble is, m s didnt buy enough of it. Takejeans. M s had a disaster with its denim ranges they quickly sold out. Across clothing, it didnt have enough of the right products, in the right size. Yet again, so many of m ss problems are self inflicted. Jill, i think youve got the toughestjob in the company. The per una range has had a revamp too, but two years into this latest turn around, progress is painfully slow. Youre not going to turn a ship around overnight. Its going to be a process of iteration and making sure that you constantly are paying forward those learnings and getting to a better place. Can m s fashion be turned around . It can. It absolutely can. But not everyones so sure. The fashion leaders in retail today are fast moving, innovative and have got only a focus on fashion. Marks and spencer are a bit more a generalist and that means theyll probably sell some basics quite well, but to do that they will have improve their quality and they have to make sure they Start Connecting with that customer once more. They are buying more m s food though. Price cuts have helped pull shoppers in. The real test comes next year when marks start its online Home Delivery service with 0cado. Would you like a carrier bag . M s says its making up for lost time, but todays figures show this turn around is far from in the bag. Emma simpson, bbc news. This is 0utside source live from the bbc newsroom. 0ur lead story is . Labours deputy leader tom watson announces he wont fight the next election because he is stepping down as an mp he says the reasons are personal, not political. A big moment for the labour party. President erdogan says turkey has captured a wife of former Islamic State group leader abu bakr al baghdadi. Yesterday turkey said it had detained baghdadis sister in syria. Baghdadi killed himself during a raid by us specialforces on his compound in north west syria last month. What initially appeared to be a suspicious incident aboard an airliner forcing the evacuation of passengers and crew at Amsterdams Schiphol airport on wednesday evening has proved to be a false alarm. Air europa a Spanish Airline said in a statement that one of its pilots had accidentally triggered an alarm, causing a major security lockdown at what is one of europes busiest airports. And these are images of a tornado, in greece. It blew off the storages of an entire Olive Oil Factory in the southern town of kalamata. It was filmed by the plants security cameras most of the warehouses have been destroyed. The us has had its state elections, and even though were a year out from the president ial election theyre a gauge of the political mood across the us. Lets start in kentucky its a conservative learning state but Democrat Andy beshear has claimed victory in the governor vote. Here he is. Tonight, voters in kentucky sent a message loud and clear for everyone to hear. It is a message that says our elections do not have to be about right versus left, they are still about right versus wrong. It was a tight race final results gave him a lead of 0. 4 . That could indicate Voter Opinion is shifting more generally in 2016, donald trump won kentucky by a margin of 30 . Regardless, the current republican governor matt bevin says hes not conceding yet. Here he is. Understand this, we want the process to be followed and there is a process and we know for a fact that there have been more than a few irregularities and i will say this, i will be the first one in line wishing well to my opponent, if he ends up as our next wishing well to my opponent, if he ends up as our next governor. Because we live here too. And it affects us and it affects our lives and affects our livelihood and i will hope to a person, everyone here wants kentucky to be the greatest version of itself possible. I really hope so. If matt bevin ends up conceding he might have to have an awkward conversation with the president this was two days ago. Here is a story, if he is victorious, and if he loses, and still make it sound like i suffered the greatest loss in the way of the world. You cant let that happen to me republicans did claim victory in five other votes in kentucky including for the states attorney general. And the republicans held onto power in mississippi. In virginia, democrats now have complete control of the State Government for the first time in 25 years. The governor was happy. When i say blue. I want you to say way. Anthony zurcher by dc interesting and important to the people in the states, but what lessons a re people in the states, but what lessons are you looking for . What clues a re lessons are you looking for . What clues are you looking for with regards to the big one next year . We look at virginia, the move of what used to be a conservative state to a swing state now to a solidly blue state is pretty remarkable and a lot of what has driven the change is suburban voters and areas around dc and the place that i live in like richmond and other areas, and the state, they have been moving away from donald trump and that has really caused the Republican Party dearly. When you look at some of the swing states that are heavily suburban, it could be a bad trend for donald trump and looking at that kentucky result. A moderate, fairly charismatic democrat that i interviewed last year and he does come across as a strident left wing candidate but he was running against matt, who was very much a donald trump kind of candidate before donald trump was even elected president. Matt was an outsider, a businessman, he campaigned against the establishment of the Republican Party. Was a surprise winner against and establish democrat and a governor quite like kolb donald trump that govern. Confrontational, he pushed through a republican agenda of those pretty pleasing to his base but did not really tried to expand his base at all, so if you look at that race and you say heres a guy who came in as an outsider, lost popularity, struggle to win support and lost reelection, it does not take reading through the lines a whole lot to see that that could be a bit ofa whole lot to see that that could be a bit of a classics example for donald trump to me next year. The european elections in may, when the republicans came fifth, is there a correlation between these state level results and federal results . State level results and federal results . One thing you have to remember is that a place like kentucky, it will vote for democrats for governor occasionally, but when it comes to federal elections, who controls congress in seats in the white house, kentucky still going to be very conservative it was to be a trend victory. But we look at what is happening in the suburbs, what is happening in places like pennsylvania and missouri, it definitely has to be a big red flag for republicans. We appreciate the update. China wants to restrict how many hours a day Children Play Computer Games. The headline rule is that players under the age of 18 will only be allowed to play online games before 10pm and for only 90 minutes on regular days and three hours on holidays. Heres kerry allen on why its bringing in these restrictions. There are a number of reasons and they are largely related to Childrens Health and their attention span. Theyre spending too much time on Computer Games and is very normal now to see extremely Young Children get out tablets and mobile phones in their playing Computer Games and you have a lot of these Young Children, they actually own these devices nowadays. So after their parents have turned the lights off, theyre playing them late at night that means children are going to school and they are not able to focus, some of them have not been sleeping yet they are completely addicted to these games. Which begs the question, if the parents cannot stop them from doing it, hows the state going to stop them from doing it . Well the state likes to put pressure on the companies that run these games so one of the big platforms in china, if you think of the platform steam that a lot of people use to access a wide a wide variety of games, the equivalent in china is a company that hosts a lot of these different games so it is notjust them, puts pressure on these companies that they have to comply. Otherwise the authorities can find them and it can effectively shut them down. But is a problem for the companies that the users may not be being honest about how old they are and whether these restrictions apply to them. That is one of the discussions that is becoming an on social media that people have been saying that children can get around this, speak to their parents, their grandparents and ask them they can use their devices so they can get away with this. Is this popular with parents . To they want some help from the state in the Gaming Company to call their kids down . Yes, they do. People are saying they think this is a good idea that children should be going to sleep rather than staying up late and playing Computer Games but also that there has been a lot of criticism saying that, should they go the basic parenting. The parent should not be encouraging kids to use these devices from a small age. But getting them to parks or reading a book at night. Is it definitely happening or is this a proposal . Yes, this is definitely happening it has come from right at the top. Turning to what is happening in the labour party here in the uk, the deputy leader is not going to stand in the general election in december and we also now heard the mp that lost his High Court Battle to be reinstated in the labour party after he was suspended in an anti semitism row is also standing down. After 44 yea rs of loyal row is also standing down. After 44 years of loyal service, it is with a heavy heart that i am resigning from the labour party. But its going to stand as an independent candidate to fight for social justice, he stand as an independent candidate to fight for socialjustice, he says. Many groups opposed to rejoining the labour party because some of his comments previously made and on tom watson leaving the labour party, standing down as an mp, tom watson leaving because the moderates had lost and it is that simple. Tom watson says, it is about personal matters not politics, but a lot of people are saying that this is an important moment for the labour party more coming up see you tomorrow. The Short Term Forecast brings a lot of rainfor the Short Term Forecast brings a lot of rain for some of us throughout thursday, the longer Term Forecast also bring some rain but where the wettest places will be and how much rain we will see remains somewhat open for questioning. This is the big weather pattern, this is where the jet stream is doing big weather pattern, this is where thejet stream is doing going southward send across the atlantic where we get those dips in the jet strea m where we get those dips in the jet stream were able to generate areas of low pressure and the lows essentially get stuck in the dips and so the little here it is going to sit and spend on top of us throughout thursday and along the lines of this other friend here we are going to see quite a lot of rain perhaps to cause some problems, is anglia and especially north wales in Northern England, the potentialfor localised flooding and travel disruption. To the side of that, mixture of sunny spells in every thundershowers to the north of us for Northern Ireland and scotland, some showers and scotland could be wintry because it is going to be another chilly day. How this rain lingers across parts of Northern England in north wales into the evening, in fact into the early hours on friday, the ongoing risk of travel problems but throughout friday this bump in the ice is going to edge its way and with a ridge of High Pressure that topples in and it should try things out and we will see sunshine developing and shall remain may be quite slow to clear away from eastern parts of england and temperature still not in great shape, 6 9d and 11 in plymouth but as we go to friday night, it would ta ke as we go to friday night, it would take blue colours across the chart, winding down to freezing and it can be quite a widespread frost and fog patches to greet us on saturday morning. But for most, will have a decent amount of sunshine and notice out west already a change of outbreaks of rain bumping into the court as there could be some snow over the high ground of the pen lines up into scotland, as temperatures are concerned, that weather system slates its way eastwards as we had the sunday with another one of these bumps at another one of these bumps at another ridge of High Pressure trying to topple in. So again, the shower re rain can be slow to clear but it should see increasing amounts of Brett Weatherspoon writing in bright weather spreading in. Nine or 10 degrees. Into monday it could be another cold start again there could be dismissed and fog around, some fine weather and sunshine are likely to see a frontal system pushing it late in the day on the northwest, 69d. Late in the day on the northwest, 6 9d. Into the middle part of next week, the big weather pattern on first glance is about the same, dips in thejet first glance is about the same, dips in the jet stream, these troughs digging in and if youre with me this time yesterday, talking about a trough settling into the southeast and a storm which will pull rain into the east and some brisk wind. Now it looks more likely that the pattern has changed and shifted northwards and so actually, it will bring rain from the northwest instead and that is where we will see the wettest weather down towards the south and there is a chance that we could see some drier weather for a time of High Pressure building in. There will be spells of wind and rain but exactly where the wettest weather will be remains open to question, it will however remain quite chilly. Tonight at ten parliament is dissolved, the election period is formally under way, as the conservatives have a difficult start to their campaign. Borisjohnson tried to change the mood in birmingham tonight, saying that his brexit deal delivered everything he campaigned for. Lets get out of the rut of the last three years and get on with our work as conservatives of making this country the greatest place in the world to live. But the day had started badly for the tories, when the welsh secretary alun cairns resigned over his links to a man who sabotaged a rape trial. Well have the latest on the days campaigning, which also brought challenges for labour. Tom watson announces his resignation as labours deputy leader, and says he wont be seeking re election as an mp

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