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Now on bbc news the week in parliament. Hello again and welcome to the week in parliament. Is good news breaks out at westminster. Our nation, madam Deputy Speaker is getting safer every day as more and more people get protected by the biggest immunised pro Immunisation Programme in the history of our health service. Health service. Boris johnson is want he health service. Boris johnson is want he picked health service. Boris johnson is want he picked the health service. Boris johnson is want he picked the wrong l is want he picked the wrong sort of brexit. Sort of brexit. The protocol has betrayed sort of brexit. The protocol has betrayed us sort of brexit. The protocol has betrayed us and sort of brexit. The protocol has betrayed us and made| sort of brexit. The protocol l has betrayed us and made us feel like foreigners in our own country. Tea and sympathy will not cut the mustard. And a long life well lived. Not cut the mustard. And a long life well lived. Commons life well lived. Commons attributes to captain sir tom moore. Pm attributes to captain sir tom moore. � ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , moore. An inspiration to all of us and a moore. An inspiration to all of us and a beacon moore. An inspiration to all of us and a beacon of moore. An inspiration to all of us and a beacon of light moore. An inspiration to all of us and a beacon of light at moore. An inspiration to all of us and a beacon of light at a l us and a beacon of light at a time of the and a true gentleman. Time of the and a true centleman. � gentleman. Amid the grim statistics gentleman. Amid the grim statistics of gentleman. Amid the grim statistics of the gentleman. Amid the grim statistics of the pandemic | statistics of the pandemic there is occasionally a milestone to welcome. A first dose of the Covid Vaccine has now gone into more than 10 million arms in the uk. Many conservative mps hope that will bring forward the end of englands lockdown. Boris johnson is still in a cautious mode. And labour say the good work of the Vaccine Programme could be undermined by confusion over the Prime Minister � s borders policy. But when the Vaccines Minister came to update mps he had good news to tell. ,. , to tell. Our nation is getting safer every to tell. Our nation is getting safer every day to tell. Our nation is getting safer every day as to tell. Our nation is getting safer every day as more to tell. Our nation is getting safer every day as more and more people get protected by the biggest Immunisation Programme in the history of our health service. 0ver programme in the history of our health service. Over 10 Million People have now received their first dose of one of our coronavirus vaccines this is almost one in five adults in the united kingdom. Almost one in five adults in the united kingdom. That figure includes almost the united kingdom. That figure includes almost 9096 the united kingdom. That figure includes almost 9096 of the united kingdom. That figure includes almost 9096 of people | includes almost 90 of people over the age of 75 in england. Madam Deputy Speaker it has been heartwarming to see how excited so many people have been to get their vaccine and see the work taking place in local communities to encourage people to come forward to get there jab. But people to come forward to get there ab. �. , people to come forward to get there jab there jab. But details of the government there jab. But details of the government airport there jab. But details of the i Government Airport Quarantine Policy have been delayed and at Prime Minister � s questions, the Labour Leader argued that the Labour Leader argued that the biggest threat to the Vaccine Programme was the governments rela vince to order the complete closure of the u. K. s borders. Is order the complete closure of the u. K. s borders. The u. K. s borders. Is he sa in the u. K. s borders. Is he saying that the u. K. s borders. Is he saying that quarantining | the u. K. s borders. Is he i saying that quarantining all arrivals would make no difference to Fighting Variance of the virus or is he saying that quarantining all arrivals at the border would make a difference but its too difficult to do it . When he called for difficult to do it . When he called for a difficult to do it . When he called for a complete difficult to do it . When he i called for a complete closure of borders or suggest that that may he of borders or suggest that that may be an option, he should be aware may be an option, he should be aware that may be an option, he should be aware that 75 of our medicines coming aware that 75 of our medicines coming into this country are from coming into this country are from the coming into this country are from The European Continent and 45 of from The European Continent and 45 of our from The European Continent and 45 of our food. 250,000 businesses in this country rely on imports. It is not practical, completely, to close off this practical, completely, to close off this country as it seems to be suggesting. It off this country as it seems to be suggesting be suggesting. It is february three, 2021. Be suggesting. It is february three, 2021. With be suggesting. It is february three, 2021. With new be suggesting. It is february i three, 2021. With new variance in the three, 2021. With new variance in the country. Three, 2021. With new variance in the country, our three, 2021. With new variance in the country, our schools three, 2021. With new variance in the country, our schools are | in the country, our schools are shut in the country, our schools are shut and in the country, our schools are shut and our in the country, our schools are shut and our borders in the country, our schools are shut and our borders are in the country, our schools are | shut and our borders are open. Everybody shut and our borders are open. Everybody knows shut and our borders are open. Everybody knows there shut and our borders are open. Everybody knows there are Everybody Knows there are exceptions, Everybody Knows there are exceptions, whatever Everybody Knows there are exceptions, whatever the i exceptions, whatever the quarantining exceptions, whatever the quarantining regime. Exceptions, whatever the quarantining regime. Everybody knows that quarantining regime. Everybody knows that. If quarantining regime. Everybody knows that. If you quarantining regime. Everybody knows that. If you want quarantining regime. Everybody knows that. If you want to quarantining regime. Everybody| knows that. If you want to come into this knows that. If you want to come into this country from abroad, 72 hours into this country from abroad, 72 hours before you fly you have 72 hours before you fly you have to 72 hours before you fly you have to get a test, mr speaker. You have have to get a test, mr speaker. You have to have a Passenger Data you have to have a Passenger Data that you have to have a Passenger Data that may present a locator form data that may present a locator form and data that may present a locator form and you are kicked off the plane form and you are kicked off the plane if form and you are kicked off the plane if you do not have it. You plane if you do not have it. You have plane if you do not have it. You have to spend ten days in quarantine. If come from one of the red quarantine. If come from one of the red list quarantine. If come from one of the red list of countries you have the red list of countries you have to the red list of countries you have to go straight into quarantine and all this, of course, quarantine and all this, of course, is quarantine and all this, of course, is to allow us to get on with course, is to allow us to get on with the Vaccination Programme. If you listen to the right programme. If you listen to the right honourable gentlemen, we would right honourable gentlemen, we would still be at the starting blocks blocks because he wanted to stay in blocks because he wanted to stay in the European Medicine Agency and said so four times from agency and said so four times from that agency and said so four times from that dispatch box. Nonsense. Dont let get in the way of a preprepared 939 get in the way of a preprepared gag. Mr speaker, the Prime Minister knows i never said that from this dispatch box or anywhere else. The that from this dispatch box or anywhere else. Anywhere else. The truth escapes anywhere else. The truth escapes him. Anywhere else. The truth escapes him. Boris anywhere else. The truth i escapes him. Boris johnson anywhere else. The truth escapes him. Boris johnson said escapes him. Borisjohnson said the evidence was there on youtube. The debate continued behind the speakers chair and so keir starmer later admitted he had made a mistake. The success of the Vaccine Programme has fuelled calls to reopen schools. The Health Secretary found himself in the firing line. Secretary found himself in the firing line firing line. Parents are different firing line. Parents are different to firing line. Parents are different to have i firing line. Parents are different to have desperate different to have desperate to have schools open, Teachers Want the schools open, business wants the school opened and god bless them even children are desperate to have schools opened. So will my right honourable friend confirmed that schools will be the first to reopen on or Before March Eight . I to reopen on or before march eiaht . , to reopen on or before march eiht . , to reopen on or before march eiaht . , eight . I can confirm what the Prime Minister eight . I can confirm what the Prime Minister has eight . I can confirm what the Prime Minister has set i eight . I can confirm what the Prime Minister has set out i eight . I can confirm what the i Prime Minister has set out that schools Prime Minister has set out that schools will be first in the queue schools will be first in the queue for reopening, but not before queue for reopening, but not Before March Eight. A queue for reopening, but not Before March Eight. Queue for reopening, but not Before March Eight. A critic of the governments Before March Eight. A critic of the governments approach i the governments approach sought assurances that restrictions would be lifted sooner rather than later. Given the vaccine sooner rather than later. Given the Vaccine Rollout sooner rather than later. Given the Vaccine Rollout is sooner rather than later. Given the Vaccine Rollout is going i sooner rather than later. Given the Vaccine Rollout is going so l the Vaccine Rollout is going so well and the head thought it would, can i ask him to confirm that on march eight when we start seeing schools go back that it will be those two metrics, deaths and hospitalisations, as they fall, which will guide the Reopening Notjust have which will guide the reopening not just have schools which will guide the Reopening Notjust Have Schools but of the rest of the economy . Matt hancock thought the rest of the economy . Matt hancock thought deaths i the rest of the economy . Matt hancock thought deaths would fall more quickly than hospitalisations. Fall more quickly than hospitalisations. Fall more quickly than hositalisations. � hospitalisations. And then the other two considerations i hospitalisations. And then the other two considerations are l other two considerations are that other two considerations are that we other two considerations are that we dont see further new variance that we dont see further new variance that put all this at Risk Variance that put all this at risk and. Variance that put all this at risk and, of course, that the Vaccination Programme rolls out welt Vaccination Programme rolls out welt i Vaccination Programme rolls out well. I would not say that the Vaccination Programme is ahead of plans, Vaccination Programme is ahead of plans, i Vaccination Programme is ahead of plans, i would say that it is on of plans, i would say that it is on track. I make no further claim is on track. I make no further claim than is on track. I make no further claim than that. Is on track. I make no further claim than that. Now, besides firrhtin claim than that. Now, besides fighting the claim than that. Now, besides fighting the pandemic, claim than that. Now, besides fighting the pandemic, the i fighting the pandemic, the Prime Minister has also flighted to save the united kingdom. But a vaccine to a Vaccine Production Plant in livingston where there had been a Covid Outbreak did not go down well with the snp. The Prime Minister down well with the snp. Tue Prime Minister put down well with the snp. Tta Prime Minister put politics before public health. Prime minister, why be so reckless . Is it any wonder that people in scotland have no faith in this Prime Minister . Isnt he worst possible leader at the worst possible leader at the worst possible leader at the worst possible time . Worst possible time . Boris johnson said worst possible time . Boris johnson said the worst possible time . Boris johnson said the Scottish L Johnson said the scottish vaccine may be able to tackle different strains of the virus. It is amazing, wonderful to see scottish scientists working to do that. I had a fantastic time. Nobody, by the way, raise that issue with me before or since and it is myjob, mr speaker, to visit every part of this country. Nothing and no one mr speaker is going to stop me. Noone mr speaker is going to sto me. ,. , stop me. Not even Nicola Sturgeon stop me. Not even Nicola Sturgeon who stop me. Not even Nicola Sturgeon who announced | stop me. Not even Nicola I Sturgeon Who announced that pupils in scotland will begin a phased return to school from february 22, although the current lockdown will remain in place in scotland at least until the end of the month. In a statement, the First Minister said the latest figures did show Real Progress but the situation remained fragile. Radii situation remained fragile. Fill of what i have just set out underlines the need for extreme caution in ourfight against covid, especially if, as i think we all do, we want to get some children back to school later this month. That is why cabinet has reached the conclusion that the Lockdown Restrictions must stay in place until at least the end of february. However if our progress continues than i am cautiously, and i stress cautiously, and i stress cautiously, domestic that is more and more people get vaccinated and with the production of some of the additional measures that i will set out shortly, we may be able to begin looking towards a careful and gradual easing around the start of march and i will give an update on that in two weeks time to the Acting Scottish Tory Leader welcomed the return of schools questioned progress in delivering covid 19 Vaccine Static at the moment, all the evidence shows this Goddess Government Rollout is lagging behind the rest of the uk. While we saw record highs elsewhere this weekend on sunday in scotland we saw the lowest number ofjabs lowest number of jabs administered since lowest number ofjabs administered since the start of the mass rollout over one month ago. As we said last week, the new Mass Vaccination Centres already open elsewhere will help to pick up the pace but all throughout january, the First Minister has disputed any and all criticism. She has rubbished suggestions from gps, patients and even the bma that the scottish rollout was sluggish and missing targets it needed to here. T sluggish and missing targets it needed to here. Needed to here. I have not rubbished needed to here. I have not rubbished the needed to here. I have not rubbished the concerns i needed to here. I have not rubbished the concerns of| rubbished the concerns of anybody. We have worked with gps and anybody. We have worked with gps and others to make sure that gps and others to make sure that any gps and others to make sure that any issues being raised are appropriately addressed and challenges that are being faced are overcome. In challenges that are being faced are overcome. Are overcome. In wales, the Health Minister are overcome. In wales, the Health Minister gave are overcome. In wales, the Health Minister gave a i are overcome. In wales, the| Health Minister gave a Virtual Meeting of the senedd. And up beat assessment of progress made delivering vaccines to older and vulnerable people. Our focus now is on completing vaccine offers for all those in the first four Priority Groups. In the last week we vaccinated more people as a percentage of our population than any of the other uk nations. We are moving through the Priority Cohort and are on track to delivering our first milestone i the end of february. We expect to sustain this level of progress and in fact we expect to see an additional step up in the Vaccination Rate this weekend. And those Priority Groups are set out by the jc vi, the and those Priority Groups are set out by thejc vi, the joint Committee Vaccination and humanisation. The labour run Welsh Government is not adopting so keir starmer� s suggestion that all school staff should be vaccinated this month. Now a row over vaccines has shone a light on tensions over the brexit deal in Northern Ireland. The Cabinet Office minister, michael gove, told mps that Trust Tween The Uk and the eu was eroded after brussels threatened briefly to stop vaccines crossing the irish border. As tensions rose, checks on goods arriving in Northern Ireland was suspended on tuesday after threats to staff. Michael gove said the block had recognised it made a mistake in triggering what is known as article 16 which could have seen checks at the irish border. �. ~ have seen checks at the irish border. �. ~ , have seen checks at the irish border. ~ ,. ,. , border. Article 16 exists for a aood border. Article 16 exists for a good reason border. Article 16 exists for a good reason but border. Article 16 exists for a good reason but it border. Article 16 exists for a good reason but it is border. Article 16 exists for a good reason but it is meant i border. Article 16 exists for a l good reason but it is meant to be invoked only after notification, only after all options were exhausted and in the interest of the people of Northern Ireland. Mr speaker, none of these conditions were met. Worse still, neither the uk government representing the people of Northern Ireland nor the irish government, an eu member, were informed. Trust has been eroded, damage has been done and urgent action is therefore needed. Peace, progress and Strong Community relations in Northern Ireland have been hard won and in recent days we have seen an increase in Community Tension and as was reported last night, bought staff in belfast and line have been kept away from work following concerns for their safety. He work following concerns for their safety. Work following concerns for their safety. He was replying to an urgent their safety. He was replying to an urgent question their safety. He was replying to an urgent question from l to an urgent question from labour matt. Yesterday as he said we saw staff withdrawn from ports because of alleged threats to their safety. This is totally threats to their safety. This is totally unacceptable i threats to their safety. T� t 3 is totally unacceptable and we all have a responsibility to dial down our rhetoric and ensure that people in Northern Ireland are safe. Tt ensure that people in Northern Ireland are safe. Ireland are safe. It was a misstep ireland are safe. It was a misstep which ireland are safe. It was a misstep which follows i misstep which follows significant problems with the Northern Ireland protocol, with businesses facing delays and perhaps businesses facing delays and perhaps not helped by the Prime Minister perhaps not helped by the Prime Minister himself saying he would minister himself saying he would have no hesitation in triggering article 16 after spending months denying that there would be any kind of post exit checks at all between great exit checks at all between Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain and Northern Ireland. � ~ , ireland. And it Prime Minister s questions. Ireland. And it Prime Minister s questions, boris ireland. And it Prime Minister s questions, Boris Johnson i ireland. And it Prime Minister i s questions, Boris Johnson was � s questions, borisjohnson was challenged directly by unionist and nationalist mps from Northern Ireland. The sdlp warned for Northern Ireland. The sdlp warned for the Northern Ireland. The sdlp warned for the last Northern Ireland. The sdlp warned for the last five i Northern Ireland. The sdlp i warned for the last five years about the Destabilising Impact Exit would have on Northern Ireland though we take no pleasure in the disruption nor in the injuries some field to the british identity. The british identity. Prime minister. The british identity. Prime minister, you the british identity. Prime minister, you say the british identity. Prime minister, you say that i the british identity. Prime| minister, you say that your commitment to Northern Ireland is unshakeable. Well, i speak for all is unshakeable. Well, i speak for all my is unshakeable. Well, i speak for all my constituents today when for all my constituents today when i for all my constituents today when i tell you that the protocol has betrayed us and made protocol has betrayed us and made us protocol has betrayed us and made us feel like foreigners in our own made us feel like foreigners in our own country. Tea and sympathy will not cut the mustard. And will he be a man of his mustard. And will he be a man of his word mustard. And will he be a man of his word and allow businessmen in my constituency to in the unnecessary documentation that he told us we could documentation that he told us we could be in. Be the unionist we need you to be. I utterly share we need you to be. I utterly share the we need you to be. I utterly share the frustration of the honourable gentleman about the way the honourable gentleman about the way the eu in particular, the Eu Commission seemed to call to use the Eu Commission seemed to call to use the protocol in such a way as to use the protocol in such a way as to impose a border, contrary to the as to impose a border, contrary to the spirit as to impose a border, contrary to the spirit of the good friday to the spirit of the good Friday Agreement. According to the letter of Friday Agreement. According to the letter of the Friday Agreement. According to the letter of the good Friday Agreement. According to the letter of the good friday i the letter of the good Friday Agreement the letter of the good Friday Agreement. And the letter of the good Friday Agreement. And we the letter of the good Friday Agreement. And we will the letter of the good Friday Agreement. And we will do. Agreement. And we will do everything agreement. And we will do everything we agreement. And we will do everything we need agreement. And we will do everything we need to i agreement. And we will do everything we need to do, | agreement. And we will do. Everything we need to do, mr speaker, everything we need to do, mr speaker, whether everything we need to do, mr| speaker, Whether Legislatively or indeed speaker, Whether Legislatively or indeed hy speaker, Whether Legislatively or indeed by invoking speaker, Whether Legislatively or indeed by invoking article i or indeed by invoking article 16 of or indeed by invoking article 16 of the or indeed by invoking article 16 of the protocol, or indeed by invoking article 16 of the protocol, mr or indeed by invoking article i 16 of the protocol, mr speaker, to ensure 16 of the protocol, mr speaker, to ensure that 16 of the protocol, mr speaker, to ensure that there 16 of the protocol, mr speaker, to ensure that there is 16 of the protocol, mr speaker, to ensure that there is no i to ensure that there is no harrier to ensure that there is no barrier down to ensure that there is no barrier down the to ensure that there is no barrier down the irish i to ensure that there is noj barrier down the irish sea to ensure that there is no i barrier down the irish sea to the prime barrier down the irish sea to the Prime Minister. Barrier down the irish sea to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister. Now in these challenging the Prime Minister. Now in| these challenging economic times, is It Fairfor Companies times, is it fair for companies to times, is It Fairfor Companies to make workers redundant before re employing them on worse terms and for longer hours of work . The bitter fire and rehire dispute at centrica, the Parent Company of british gas has resulted in claims of intimidation from both sides. The companys Chief Executive told mps on the Business Committee that his wife and son had been sent excrement in the post. The gmb union has accused the firm of forcing engineers to accept worse terms and conditions of face redundancy. In my Working Experience as a full time official over 25 years i have never had a circumstance where we have even begun formal negotiations that the employer has put what our members quite correctly described as a gun to their head. And said that we will sack and rehire if necessary, the entire workforce if you do not agree to the changes that we want to make. A substantial number of our colleagues will go from 37 to 40 hours colleagues will go from 37 to 40 hours per week. The reality is that 40 hours per week. The reality is that we 40 hours per week. The reality is that we have lost too many jobs is that we have lost too many jobs over is that we have lost too many jobs over the past several years. Jobs over the past several years, and when we can see our direct years, and when we can see our Direct Labour Model is far more expensive Direct Labour Model is far more expensive than a contracting model. Expensive than a contracting model, something has to give. Iman model, something has to give. Iman who model, something has to give. I man who said, actually, i dont i man who said, actually, i dont know i man who said, actually, i dont know if i man who said, actually, i dont know if it i man who said, actually, i dont know if it is i man who said, actually, i dont know if it is a i man who said, actually, i dont know if it is a man. I man who said, actually, i dont know if it is a man or| i man who said, actually, i. Dont know if it is a man or a woman, dont know if it is a man or a woman, i dont know if it is a man or a woman, i have dont know if it is a man or a woman, i have had dont know if it is a man or a woman, i have had chest dont know if it is a man or a i woman, i have had chest pains for a woman, i have had chest pains for a few woman, i have had chest pains for a few weeks woman, i have had chest pains for a few weeks now, woman, i have had chest pains for a few weeks now, anxiety, | for a few weeks now, anxiety, hody for a few weeks now, anxiety, body aches, for a few weeks now, anxiety, body aches, headaches for a few weeks now, anxiety, body aches, headaches and i body aches, headaches and shortness body aches, headaches and shortness of body aches, headaches and shortness of breath. Body aches, headaches and shortness of breath. He i body aches, headaches and i shortness of breath. He even took shortness of breath. He even took a shortness of breath. He even took a covert shortness of breath. He even took a covert mac shortness of breath. He even took a covert mac Test Shortness of breath. He even i took a covert mac test because he taught took a covert mac test because he taught that took a covert mac test because he taught that was took a covert mac test because he taught that was the took a covert mac test because he taught that was the reason, but it he taught that was the reason, but it wasnt, he taught that was the reason, but it wasnt, it he taught that was the reason, but it wasnt, it was he taught that was the reason, but it wasnt, it was anxiety i but it wasnt, it was anxiety during but it wasnt, it was anxiety during to but it wasnt, it was anxiety during to this but it wasnt, it was anxiety during to this wiring but it wasnt, it was anxiety during to this wiring and i during to this wiring and rehiring during to this wiring and rehiring firing, during to this wiring and rehiring firing, he. During to this wiring and i rehiring firing, He Tooka C0vid Rehiring firing, he took a covm testa. Covid testa. I know this is difficult covid testa. I know this is difficult. However, covm testa. I know this is | difficult. However, mayview covm testa. I know this is i difficult. However, mayview is iwill difficult. However, mayview is twill do difficult. However, mayview is i will do everything in my power i will do everything in my power to save the 20,000 jobs we have power to save the 20,000 jobs we have got rather than watch a colleague we have got rather than watch a colleague go three rounds of redundancy. Only yesterday my wife and redundancy. Only yesterday my wife and teenage son had a package wife and teenage son had a package of excrement delivered to them, package of excrement delivered to them, with a note about fire and rehire to them, with a note about fire and rehire. This is something that and rehire. This is something that affects absolutely everybody. That affects absolutely everybody that affects absolutely eve bod. �. ,. , everybody. Im not immune to this. Everybody. Im not immune to this chris everybody. Im not immune to this. Chris boucher. Everybody. Im not immune to this. Chris boucher. A everybody. Im not immune to this. Chris boucher. A time i everybody. Im not immune toj this. Chris boucher. A time for a look at what else has been going around westminster. Health minister has the victims of the Health Minister has said the way victims of Help Mistakes get Compensation Study at the moment, the compensation that you get takes account of lots of earnings, and the Practical Impact of that is that disabled child of a banker gets more compensation than the disabled child of a cleaner. D0 disabled child of a cleaner. Do disabled child of a cleaner. Idif . You think that is morally justifiable . Justifiable . No, its absolutely justifiable . No, its absolutely wrong. I justifiable . No, its. Absolutely wrong. And justifiable . No, its absolutely wrong. And it is also absolutely wrong. And it is also based on the fact that any injury also based on the fact that any injury requires ongoing care from the injury requires ongoing care from the Health System for the rest of from the Health System for the rest of that individuals life. These rest of that individuals life. These are outdated. The government these are outdated. The government has these are outdated. The government has been i these are outdated. Tte government has been defeated these are outdated. Tte government has been defeated in the House Of Lords over its trade bill with peers insisting on protections which would outlaw deals with countries judged to be committing genocide. The peer behind the amendment was in no mood to compromise. Amendment was in no mood to compromise compromise. Yesterdays meeting. Compromise. Yesterdays meeting, the compromise. Yesterdays meeting, the minister i compromise. Yesterdays. Meeting, the minister said compromise. Yesterdays i meeting, the minister said the amendment may frustrate Foreign Policy and create diplomatic difficulties. Diplomatic difficulties . My lords, we are talking about genocide. Hat talking about genocide. Not diplomacy talking about genocide. Not diplomacy. The talking about genocide. Not diplomacy. The bill now goes back to the commons, where 33 Conservative Mps Rebelled over theissue Conservative Mps Rebelled over the issue about a trade deal with china, given beijings treatment of the uighur muslims in xinjiang. The government has announced an extra £50 million for a Hardship Fund for students in england. Most have been told to stay away from university for the time being, leaving many paying rent for accommodation they are not using. Mps welcome the money but Thought Ministers could go further. , but Thought Ministers could go further. ,. ,. , further. Can i honourable Friend Update further. Can i honourable Friend Update the further. Can i honourable Friend Update the house | further. Can i honourable i Friend Update the house on further. Can i honourable Friend Update the house on what discussions have been held with universities but for the partial refunds of tuition and accommodation fees in this Academic Year . Accommodation fees in this Academic Year . Thank you, mr speaker. Academic year . Thank you, mr speaker. I Academic Year . Thank you, mr speaker, i agree Academic Year . Thank you, mr speaker, i agree with Academic Year . Thank you, mr speaker, i agree with my i speaker, i agree with my honourable friend, this is a difficult honourable friend, this is a difficult and challenging time for students in my heart goes out to for students in my heart goes out to all for students in my heart goes out to all of them. We as a government set the maximum recently. Government set the maximum recently, not the minimum, and it is up recently, not the minimum, and it is up to recently, not the minimum, and it is up to universities do then it is up to universities do then decide what to charge. Every then decide what to charge. Every single one of them has continued tojudge the maximum during continued tojudge the maximum during pandemic and in return we say during pandemic and in return we say we during pandemic and in return we say we expect the quantity, quality. We say we expect the quantity, quality, and accessibility of provision to be there. If a student feels it is not there is a student feels it is not there is a process in place, they can make is a process in place, they can make a is a process in place, they can make a formal complaint to the university make a formal complaint to the university and it still use not Result University and it still use not result they can take it to the office result they can take it to the office of result they can take it to the office of the independent adjudicator, which can lead to adjudicator, which can lead to a potential or partial refund. The a potential or partial refund. The chair a potential or partial refund. The chair has been sacked from her roll over a row over trans rates. Her roll over a row over trans rates. �. ,, her roll over a row over trans rates. A ,~ rates. Across society and universities rates. Across society and universities and rates. Across society and universities and the i rates. Across society and universities and the third \ universities and the third sector, women and some men are losing theirjobs and having depositions undermined, and their safety put in jeopardy, simply for questioning the ideology that any man can self identify as a woman, and for speaking up for womens sex based rights under the equality after. Does the leader of the house agree with me that all democrats should condemn such attacks on free speech . The Commons Leader was sorry to see her go. The Commons Leader was sorry to see her 90 see her go. There is much agree with her own see her go. There is much agree with her own so see her go. There is much agree with her own so many see her go. There is much agree with her own so many different i with her own so many Different Things with her own so many Different Things that we can amend her courage things that we can amend her courage for standing up a Freedom Of Speech and putting forward Freedom Of Speech and putting forward her views clearly in a fairly forward her views clearly in a fairly sensitive area, but one where fairly sensitive area, but one where she has a right to be heard . Where she has a right to be heard . ,. , a, heard . Jacob reesmogg. The Prime Minister heard . Jacob reesmogg. The Prime Minister has heard . Jacob reesmogg. The Prime Minister has promised l heard . Jacob reesmogg. Thej Prime Minister has promised a full package to help People Living in flats with combustible karting. Boris johnson said leaseholders should not have to worry about the cost of fixing historic Safety Defect. 3. 5 years after the grand full fire in which 72 people died, thousands of flat owners face large bills for fire safety work Boris Johnson faces a growing conservative rebellion the issues. At Prime Ministers questions, the Labour Leader raised the plight of one leaseholders. Leader raised the plight of one leaseholders. Take for example, william martyn, leaseholders. Take for example, william martyn, he leaseholders. Take for example, william martyn, he is leaseholders. Take for example, william martyn, he is a leaseholders. Take for example, william martyn, he is a doctor. William martyn, he is a doctor who has a flat in sheffield. Has been spending his days on the front line, Fighting Covid in the nhs. He spends his nights worrying about the £52,000 bill that he now has to pay for fire safety repairs. He doesnt want future promises, my minister, he doesnt want to hear it has been sorted when it hasnt, he wants to know here and now, will he or will he not have to pay that £52,000 bill . Mr speaker, we are determined know mr speaker, we are determined know leaseholders should have to pay know leaseholders should have to pay for the unaffordable cost to pay for the unaffordable cost of to pay for the unaffordable cost of fixing Safety Defect that cost of fixing Safety Defect that they did not cause and are of no foot of their own study in addition to the £1. 6 million were in addition to the £1. 6 million were putting in to remove the acm, were putting in to remove the acm, ubl cladding, we are also setting acm, ubl cladding, we are also setting out, have set up a £1 billion setting out, have set up a £1 billion building safety find which billion building safety find which is already in process of over which is already in process of over 3000 claims. Which is already in process of over3000 claims. I which is already in process of over 3000 claims. I suppose very over 3000 claims. I suppose very much over 3000 claims. I suppose very much with the gentleman, doctor very much with the gentleman, doctor martin, that he mentions, and i hope very much that his mentions, and i hope very much that his particular case can be addressed in the course of the forthcoming package that we will produce will be produced by my right honourable friends produced by my right honourable friends are. The produced by my right honourable friends are friends are. The Prime Minister focusin friends are. The Prime Minister focusing on friends are. The Prime Minister focusing on unaffordable friends are. The Prime Minister focusing on unaffordable costs| focusing on unaffordable costs there stopper labour singh 11 Million People may be affected. Mps shared their constituents stories. ,. , stories. Their homes are fire tra s, stories. Their homes are fire traps. They stories. Their homes are fire traps, they are stories. Their homes are fire traps, they are worthless,. Stories. Their homes are fire i traps, they are worthless, they cannot borrow against them, they cannot sell them. They are trapped, trapped by bills, trapped, trapped by bills, trapped by rising insurance, and trapped by the fear that they will be told they must pay to fix this, even though they are not in any way responsible. They are locked into an absolute nightmare. In unsafe homes, absolute nightmare. In unsafe homes, unable to sell, unable to remortgage, and facing mounting bills to fix a crisis they mounting bills to fix a crisis they did mounting bills to fix a crisis they did not create. Governments response today had little basis in reality. They have little basis in reality. They have injuries shunted this into the too have injuries shunted this into the too difficult to tackle box and abandoned leaseholders. Severat and abandoned leaseholders. Several conservatives said the government should step in. Because into many cases leaseholders have been asked to pay huge bills to rectify a problem that is not their fault. They are facing awake and watch charges and vastly increased insurance costs. Worries about external Wall System Certificates and massive loss of property value. The system certificates and massive loss of property value. Loss of property value. The mp whose seat loss of property value. The mp whose seat includes loss of property value. The mp whose seat includes grenfell l whose seat includes Grenfell Tower welcome to the existing fund to repair the most Dangerous Buildings in england. However, i suspect that £1. 6 million is not going to be enough. So, today, i call on government to put together a substantial and comprehensive package, such that we can remove all dangerous cladding on a high risk buildings. And on a high risk buildings. And the housing on a high risk buildings. And the Housing Minister said we can expect that package very shortly. Mps held one minutes silence before Prime Ministers questions in honour of captain sir tom moore. The retired army officer and Charity Fundraiser died at the age of 100. Sara tomic raised more than £32 million for Nhs Charities by walking 100 laps of his garden, the queen, who noted him last noted him last summer sent a private message to his family. The duties were led by sir lindsay hoyle. His the duties were led by sir lindsay hoyle. The duties were led by sir lindsay hoyle. His dignity and determination lindsay hoyle. His dignity and determination in lindsay hoyle. His dignity and determination in raising lindsay hoyle. His dignity and l determination in raising money to support the Nhs Charities port the nations me that the most difficult time. He represents the best of our values at. I invite members to join me for a minute silence to commemorate sir toms life and to pay our respects to those who lost their lives as a result of the covid epidemic and theirfamilies and result of the covid epidemic and their families and friends. After the silence, Party Leaders past and present paid their tributes are. Captain sir tom moore or captain tom l their tributes are. Captain sir| tom moore or captain tom as their tributes are. Captain sir tom moore or captain tom as we all came to know him, dedicated his life to serve his country study is was a long life lived well, as captain tom repeatedly reminded us, please remember, tomorrow will be a good day. He inspired The Very Best in us of and his legacy will continue to do so for generations to come. Can ijoin you in the Prime Minister can ijoin you in the Prime Minister in sending my condolences to the family of captain condolences to the family of Captain Sirtom condolences to the family of captain sir tom moore . Here, perhaps captain sir tom moore . Here, perhaps more than anyone, embodied the spirit of britain, and he embodied the spirit of britain, and he will be sadly missed. Can also say myself, the remarks can also say myself, the remarks about can also say myself, the remarks about the can also say myself, the remarks about the remarkable gentleman, remarks about the remarkable gentleman, captain remarks about the remarkable gentleman, captain sir remarks about the remarkable gentleman, captain sir tom i gentleman, captain sir tom moore, gentleman, captain sir tom moore, he gentleman, Captain Sirtom moore, he has gentleman, Captain Sirtom moore, he has been gentleman, Captain Sirtom moore, he has been an moore, he has been an inspiration moore, he has been an inspiration to moore, he has been an inspiration to each moore, he has been an inspiration to each and| moore, he has been an inspiration to each and every one inspiration to each and every one of inspiration to each and every one of us, inspiration to each and every one of us, and inspiration to each and every one of us, and i inspiration to each and every one of us, and i would inspiration to each and every one of us, and i would like. Inspiration to each and everyl one of us, and i would like to send one of us, and i would like to send my one of us, and i would like to send my condolences one of us, and i would like to send my condolences to one of us, and i would like to send my condolences to his l send my condolences to his family send my condolences to his family and send my condolences to his family and friends. Send my condolences to his family and friends. Send my condolences to his family and friends. May adoin the whore fl the whole housing paying tribute to captain sir tom moore who was indeed an inspiration to all of us and a beacon of light at a time of darkness and a true gentleman. Later, the speaker and other mps later, the speaker and other mstoined a nationwide club for saddam and the Health Workers whose charities his walks raised money for. And with the sad clapping in memory of all sir tom did you put heart into the bridges of people british people that we end this week in parliament. You for watching. Tomorrow will be a good day. Bye for now. Thank you for watching. Hello. Cold and snow on the way. For now, for many of us, its just yet more rain with an ongoing risk of flooding. But as you know, in northern scotland, the snow has arrived. Heavy snow, at that, where the met office has an Amber Warning in force throughout friday. Still snowing here, and even into the weekend within that amber zone so significant disruption as a result, as those snow totals mount. Now all the wet weather, snow or rain, is from this area of low pressure only very slowly moving away over the weekend. As it does so, rain turns to snow as an increasingly strong and bitterly cold easterly wind sets in across the uk. And as that continues into next week, we will continue to see some snow coming in, particularly but not exclusively to Eastern Parts of the uk. This is how we start off on friday morning most of us are above freezing. Most of us seeing rain rather than snow, but the snow very much still there across northern scotland. Wet, too, in Northern Ireland, especially to the Eastern Parts of northeast england both areas with the risk of flooding from the persistent rain. Showers moving into wales, southwest england, the West Midlands as we go through the afternoon. East midlands, east anglia, southeast england, and parts of Northern England away from that rain towards the far northeast. Drier and brighterfor a time, a few sunny spells, and still that big range of temperatures from north to south across the uk. Now the overall pattern doesnt change very much as we go through friday night into saturday morning. Still the showers or bands of Rain Circulating around an area of low pressure, and still very wet for some of us in northeast england, along the east coast of scotland with that snow further inland, and especially into the hills still snowing, perhaps for some of us, even into the start of the weekend. For all this weekend, it turns much colder and that snow becomes more widespread. Plenty of cloud around on saturday, showers or spells of rain especially in the east with the wind starting to pick up, as well. I think deeper on into saturday, more of that rain turning into snow in Northern England initially on the hills. Looks to be a drier day though in Northern Ireland. Overnight and into sunday, the cold air really starts to dig in. Rain turning to snow across Eastern Parts, could be a prolonged spell of snow across parts of east anglia and southeast england, then further snow showers in the east some may push further west. Regardless, though, for all of us, it is much colder by then. Welcome to bbc news im rich preston our top stories President Biden promises that america will reengage with the world and step up efforts to end the war in yemen. I have asked my middle east team to ensure our support for the United Nations Led Initiative to impose a ceasefire, open humanitarian channels and restore long dormant peace talks. The us and britain vowed to take action after a bbc investigation revealed harrowing accounts of uighur women in chinese camps being tortured and raped. The us congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene is stripped of her high profile posts following several controversial remarks

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