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Cities across israel the suspect or suspects have have not been apprehended at this not been apprehended at this time but they are searching for time but they are searching for them. Seven people have been them. Seven people have been injured, not all of them injured, not all of them gunshots, some of them due to gunshots, some of them due to an accident. There are no an accident. There are no deceased at this time and deceased at this time and no—one was killed from this, no—one was killed from this, thankfully. Thankfully. The state's governor, the state's governor, andy beshear, acknowledged andy beshear, acknowledged the incident on x , warning the incident on x , warning people to avoid the scene. People to avoid the scene. Charges against the charges against the father of a us school father of a us school shooter are raising fresh questions about the culpability shooter are raising fresh questions about the culpability of parents for their of parents for their children's crimes. Children's crimes. Arrest warrants say colin gray arrest warrants say colin gray provided his 14—year—old son provided his 14—year—old son colt with a gun last year, colt with a gun last year, knowing that his son knowing that his son was a threat to himself was a threat to himself and others. And others. Officials suspect officials suspect colt gray may have used colt gray may have used that same weapon to kill four that same weapon to kill four people and wound nine others people and wound nine others at apalachee high school in georgia on wednesday. The charges come five months after michigan parents jennifer and james crumbley became the first parents held criminally responsible for their child's attack. To get more perspective on this, i've been speaking to kris brown, president of the brady: united against gun violence group. I got her reaction to parents being held responsible for their children's gun crimes. It sends a clear message but do you think it would change behaviour?— you think it would change behaviour? ,. , ~' behaviour? yes, i do think it will have _ behaviour? yes, i do think it will have an _ behaviour? yes, i do think it will have an impact behaviour? yes, i do think it will have an impact on behaviour? yes, i do think it will have an impact on a behaviour? yes, i do think it will have an impact on a lot| behaviour? yes, i do think it. Will have an impact on a lot of gun owners in this country, he recognised, well, maybe the facts and circumstances of this particular case are extreme because he knew that his son was at risk but this is negligence law, right? what the prosecutor is amassing is what would a reasonable person believe? would happen if they had a loaded, unsecured weapon in the home. The reality of the way that law works in the united states is, if you have a loaded and unsecured gun in the home, and you have individuals routinely accessing those weapons, you need to safely store the firearm or you may be facing similar charges because 76% of school shooters in the united states obtain their firearm from a home. If not their own parents home, then a friend or neighbour's home. This is on all americans and i think as a trial proceeds, i expect it to be broadcast on tv, many more americans who have guns in the home will be watching that and thinking twice about how they store their firearm. Twice about how they store theirfirearm. I5 twice about how they store their firearm. — twice about how they store their firearm. Is there not a concern _ their firearm. Is there not a concern that _ their firearm. Is there not a concern that the _ their firearm. Is there not a concern that the default their firearm. Is there not a concern that the default is. Their firearm. Is there not a l concern that the default is to use the law rather than tackling some of the bigger issues at play? {iii tackling some of the bigger issues at play?— issues at play? of course. I share those _ issues at play? of course. I share those concerns, issues at play? of course. I | share those concerns, right? issues at play? of course. I share those concerns, right? we live with a system of rules and laws and the fact is that gun violence in america is the number one killer of our kids and we would be failing as a society if we rely solely on prosecutions after people have died to put parents injail. That is the sign of failure. That is the sign of failure. That is the sign of failure. That is a last resort. What we need to do and we have the opportunity to make this a top priority in the selection, kamala harris will continue one of the best historic records on gun violence protection any state you can point to? yeah,. Withjoe biden as president and a comprehensive approach is taken to gun violence prevention, the passage of the safer communities act, the most comprehensive gun reform bill to pass congress, enacted by 25 states, not in georgia, the expansion of background checks, not georgia, the passage of assault weapons bans in nine states, not georgia, we are making a lot of progress, and in states that you adopt these laws, adopt these public safety laws, adopt these public safety laws, you see a material reduction in gun death and injury and nationwide across the country, we have seen on average, a 22% reduction in homicide in this country. Anyone he says it's not guns that matter, its people, guns matter and better gun policy means life saved. — matter and better gun policy means life saved. With so many kids going _ means life saved. With so many kids going back— means life saved. With so many kids going back to _ means life saved. With so many kids going back to school means life saved. With so many kids going back to school at kids going back to school at the moment, it should be a really exciting time for families but what are some families but what are some families and children going through, knowing that this could be a possibility in their life and knowing in the classroom they sometimes have to prepare for the fact they could be a gun incident? lucy, it is a terror— could be a gun incident? lucy, it is a terror in _ could be a gun incident? lucy, it is a terror in the _ could be a gun incident? lucy, it is a terror in the united it is a terror in the united states and the impact on our kids, we call it the lockdown generation. I'm of a certain age and i have a 20—year—old and 22—year—old and they know lockdown drills that was not part of how i was raised and i recounted a conversation, he was a chief law enforcement officer in the town that i lived, she has a 13—year—old, and i were talking about what happened in georgia. She was watching the news and her daughter said ifelt watching the news and her daughter said i felt safe watching the news and her daughter said ifelt safe in my school but i'm watching this and ifeel like it could happen here, can you tell me it won't. And she said i wish i could, i cannot. And then she said something which really chills me, she said well, ifelt better in my old school, her elementary school, she is 13 so she switched schools, because i would just want to run, ma'am, if they say hide and fight, the shooters who are mostly students, they are going through the lockdown drills as well and they will know where i am. Ifelt better well and they will know where i am. I felt better in well and they will know where i am. Ifelt better in my well and they will know where i am. I felt better in my old school because we were next to woodland, and i knew i could really hide but now i cannot. Just think about that. This child, 13 years old, she has been doing lockdown drills, she has thought in detail about what she would do to try to save her life. What that means is she has accepted shootings to some extent as a real potential in her life. That, to me, is a failure, a stain on america, because we cannot grapple with the laws that we know work, and it honestly, as a mother, it redoubled my commitment to ensure that we pass the best laws, we have better enforcement because this is a preventable tragedy. This is a preventable tragedy. This is a preventable tragedy. This is a uniquely american epidemic and it doesn't have to be this way. More than 100,000 people joined protests across france on saturday, over president macron's appointment of right—wing politician michel barnier as the new prime minister. It follows mr macron's rejection of a candidate presented by the left—wing bloc that won the most seats in a recent election. Mr barnier is the european union's former brexit negotiator and says he is open to forming a government with mps across the political spectrum, including on the left, but left—wing parties, trade unions, and many voters are furious that mr macron blocked their own candidate. There were 130 protests across the country. Paris drew the largest crowds, but there were major demonstrations in marseille, nantes, nice and strasbourg. Protesters said president macron has made a mockery of those who successfully mobilised against the french far—right in snap parliamentary elections. This summer's inconclusive election in france left the country in a political deadlock, the left—wing bloc winning the largest number of seats but falling short of enough to form a government. President macron defended his decision to appoint a right—wing prime minister by saying the leftist candidate, lucie castets, stood little chance of surviving a confidence vote in the national assembly. 0ur paris correspondent, hugh schofield, gave us his assessment of the new prime minister, michel barnier. I wouldn't say he is a controversialfigure. But his nomination is controversial, that's for sure. He is a fairly consensual figure, not an extremist by any means, he is from the centre right, but the fact he is macron's nominee, he is from the centre right, and the left have been protesting today, they are absolutely furious because they thought they won the election. They had the biggest number of seats in parliament, so they think it should be them who have the first choice to form a government. Their nominee should be prime minister. Macron had said no, the constitution says that he can choose. If he named a left—wing prime minister, there is no way that person would have survived a vote of confidence in parliament. Whereas with michel barnier, there is a chance he would survive that vote of confidence in parliament. That's because we think the populists and marine le pen for the moment will put up with him and won't vote him out. Michel barnier is in a precarious position but he's holding on, and that has incensed the left and brought them onto the street today. The family of an turkish—american activist who was killed in the occupied west bank on friday are demanding an independent us—led investigation into her death. Eyewitnesses say aysenur ezgi eygi was shot dead by israeli soldiers during an anti—settlement protest. The united nations is also calling for a full investigation into her death. The incident came as israeli forces ended a nearly 10—day security operation, mainly focused on the west bank city ofjenin. Palestinians living in the area returned to homes and infrastructure reduced to rubble. There were large demontrations in cities across israel, families of israeli hostages and anti—government protesters calling for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. We have to shout now. We cannot leave this any longer. It's been enough, 11 months exactly today, people are dying in the tunnels. We cannot let it happen. We cannot go on with our life without thinking about them, without praying they will come back home with us, they are not supposed to be there. It is a shame that this government doesn't represent us. It's far away from what the people of israel are thinking, the majority. The last week has made it clear that nobody— the last week has made it clear that nobody can _ the last week has made it clear that nobody can just _ the last week has made it clear that nobody can just sit the last week has made it clear that nobody can just sit still. I that nobody can just sit still. People — that nobody can just sit still. Pecpie wiii— that nobody can just sit still. People will not _ that nobody can just sit still. People will not be _ that nobody can just sit still. People will not be silent that nobody can just sit still. People will not be silent and j people will not be silent and unfortunately _ people will not be silent and unfortunately our _ people will not be silent and i unfortunately our government people will not be silent and unfortunately our government is not thinking _ unfortunately our government is not thinking about _ unfortunately our government is not thinking about the _ unfortunately our government is not thinking about the people, i not thinking about the people, the citizens. _ despite demands for a truce, the war goes on. At least eight people were killed in a strike on a displacement camp inside a school shelter in gaza. Gaza is also facing its first polio outreak in 25 years. Health workers will soon start a second round of vaccinations. The un says at least 187,000 gaza children have been vaccinated so far, with an eventual goal of 640,000. Efforts to bring a ceasefire have not yet yielded a result, despite several rounds of internationally mediated indirect talks between delegations from israel and hamas. For more, i spoke to merissa khurma, director of the wilson center's middle east program. Can we start with these massive demonstrations we have seen across israel that been held every night, this is the largest that we have seen though in the past week or so, there is the strike that has been ongoing, despite all this pressure, netanyahu is absolutely resolute still, what domestically would alter his stance at the moment? what domestically could put pressure on them? well, unfortunately, despite these demonstration and as you mentioned, this one is a larges is over half a million in tel aviv, he is still doing really well in the polls. A poll that was just released two days ago with channel 1a presented that they could win 29 seats which is just a few seats lower and essentially, when they pulled him against his opponent, he still pulled much higher. His popularity unfortunately has also risen, particularly since the dual—assassinations in beirut and in tehran. So he probably doesn't feel that pressure is much, it is an essential issue for him, for netanyahu himself because it is very much tied to his political career, to his political survival and if he bends, if he compromises on anything, in the ceasefire talks or the hostage talks, then, he will risk basically losing the support from the right wing factions in his coalition government and he will not do that because his political survival is underlined. His not feeling the pressure though from the us, from antony blinken, if you were a negotiator or diplomat from the us, from egypt, from qatar, trying to bring about a ceasefire, what would you advise them to be doing right now? i think there is frustration across the board with netanyahu as well with hamas. It is an extensional issue for both sides, hamas is led by sinwar, he was the one making all the — calling all the shots from the battlefield and it is an existential issue from them, the issue is the israeli presence in the philadelphia corridor which is essentially goes against hamas's demand of full withdrawal. And if israel's forces remain at the philadelphia corridor, hamas will not be able to reboot and its an existential issue but the only way forward is to continue this diplomatic pressure but it seems rather helpless especially as we approach, in a few weeks, the first year anniversary of the hamas attacks that killed 1200 israelis and then the war in gaza that has killed more than 40,000 palestinians. What we are now seeing in the west bank with israeli forces leaving jenin, people coming back to devastated infrastructure and homes as well, how does that play into the bigger picture, and what do you think israel plans for the palestinian authority? it was only a few months ago we were talking about plans for post—gaza situations that involve the pa but are they now trying to sideline them? they've been trying to sideline them from day one. We haven't heard benjamin netanyahu or others within this government embrace the pa or a pa role in gaza, the problem in the west bank and that is a story that has not taken a lot of attention is that we've seen also a surge in settler violence and, yes, there are militants that are operating in the west bank, jenin has always traditionally been a stronghold but as you mentioned, this latest operation was the most extensive, it the most destructive to the infrastructure injenin, according to local officials. But also, many civilians are being killed in this operations so it is very much, for many palestinians, reminiscent of what is happening in gaza currently but as long as the war continues, you will see militants turning up and that's to quote some of them, if they kill one of us, 10,000 will pop up as long as the israeli occupation continues. Can i ask you for your assessment of where we are at with israel and hezbollah because there has been further exchanges of fire today. I think the exchanges of fire have remained within the rules of engagement that yes, some of the goals of shifted since two weeks ago when we saw the hezbollah attacks and pre—emptive attacks from israel. But it is again, it goes back to regular clashes, turning up a little bit of the heat when — in order to pressure israel but i do not see hezbollah going all in and we haven't seen iran a retaliate or respond to the assassination of them either. This is also another indication that many of these factions, including the main patron iran, do not want a full—scale war in the region, particularly direct engagement from israel. The us secretary of state, antony blinken, and the leader of the dominican republic held private talks on friday on the last leg of a regional tour largely focused on the crisis in neighbouring haiti. Mr blinken met dominican president luis abinader, who promised that his country will restore political ties with haiti once the security situaton there improves. The domincan republic is building a wall along its border amid widespread gang violence in neighboring haiti. The talks in santo domingo followed mr blinken's visit to haiti, where he voiced support of a un—backed mission that is being led by kenya, focused on combatting gangs that have seized most of haiti's capital. I spoke with foreign affairs journalist and the host of one decision podcast, christina ruffini. She joined secretary blinken on that trip. You are familiar with haiti, you've been there many times. It's so hard. . . It's hard to get access, how was it? that was one of the reasons why i want to go because security wise, it's so hard for journalist's to get down there so when you go with the secretary, go with the security would yourself all. I will be honest, we can only see what we could see from the combines from the armoured vehicles which doesn't feel great because you want to get out and talk to people but i will say driving through port—au—prince, the airport is reopened, we rolled by a spirit airline which are found a little surprising, there were markets, there were people on the street, people are selling food, people were selling clothes, haiti does not have a lot of shops and they do it on the walls that surround the different businesses t—shirt�*s hanging up, different shoes hanging up. It seems to be functioning as well as i've seen that infrastructure is always bad but it is moving and does seem slightly improved. There's this figure the people are talking about 80% of port—au—prince controlled by the gangs, that such a high figure, do you really think this un—kenyan making a difference? we did visit with the secretary and they've consent this shine armoured vehicles and gun turrets that we are on the way from the us department of defence, they are making enough of a difference that the secretary felt they could go. They have been wanting to make this trip and the situation has not been there, it a long trip, we landed, went directly from the airport to the us chief and they have the meetings with the officials at a us secure compound which i think is really telling, we didn't go into any haitian—controlled buildings, we were only in us control facilities and two meetings there, went back to the airport and the press conference was at the airport and we slept and then left. But from what we saw on the ground there, there's enough of the centre of the city seems to be moving and working that it is improving. Secretary blinken said he seen improvement and that's why he wanted to go to acknowledge that. He wanted to go for a while, he made it but what was really achieved? we always ask, will they be a deliverable and they said it is not about that, it's about showing support, acknowledging the progress that has been made and see for ourselves what still needs to be done because the goal at this point is to try to have elections by next year and i asked secretary blinken point blank, is that possible? and i didn't get a direct answer back because there is so much to be done in addition to the security situation with a long problem of corruption, this is huge corruption investigation into petrol for the government that has gone missing, 65% of it went where it needed to and when they asked the official why he has been enriching himself, he said to the investigators, as an official, that was part of myjob to use that, to pay myself so, there is also a culture of corruption and things of the us is trying to combat and they will push for that next week, one of the things that he said is they need more funding, more help, more personal on the ground to help with this mission and that is something you'll be asking regional allies for in two weeks in new york. Something they want in the dominican republic as well. They are desperate for haiti to be in a better state than it is right now. Your first time there, how would you describe that relationship between the dominican republic and haiti? when you fly from haiti and we were the only ones flying because the dominican republic has stopped air flights, there no flights left from haiti to dr. They are building a wall. Both one that goes through the sky and a physical wall. They've been deporting from the haitian part, the landscape changes because haiti has been so deforced, it's rocky, its density, it's gravelly and a lot of portions and you fly and its large, green and go to the city and the high—rises and there is an american—chain restaurants and there is uber and a completely different world, you can't believe it is the same island. And people are frustrated. It's building a nice house in a bad neighbourhood, one of the things the us is emphasising is we need to carry about haiti as a country is because what happens in haiti is so close to the us that even more exacerbated if you're the dr and this is on your borders of the problems that are in haiti are spilling across to this country that does have one of the fastest growing economies in the caribbean. What did the dr ask of the secretary? what do they want? they asked the us to help secure haiti, to help get funding, to help get those international allies and the us announced $115 million more in funding, up to 200 million for the year so far, it's not enough. It's not enough. We can't even get down to some of the roads and those were the better roads we were driving in. It's such a herculean task that it's going to require much more than what they can do with the security force that is going to be an all hands on deck effort and there is fatigued, i'm not sure they will get what they need. Let's turn to some other important news around the world. Venezuelan security forces have surrounded the argentine embassy in the capital caracas, which is sheltering six venezuelan political figures opposed to president nicol s maduro. The foreign ministry alleges that terrorist acts were being plotted inside the building, including assassinations. The venezuelan government has also revoked its permission for brazil to represent argentina's diplomatic interests. Relations between argentina and venezuela broke down after disputed presidential elections in july which gave mr maduro a third term in office. There have been tense scenes in glasgow amid two separate demonstrations. Hundreds of people joined one rally on saturday promoted by the far right. They were outnumbered by an estimated 2,000 people who demonstrated under the banner stand up to racism. Police kept the two sides apart, and later said officers arrested two people. Spanish police looking for a british man in a mountainous area of majorca, where a british woman was found dead earlier this week, say they have found a body. Both are believed to have been swept away in a flash flood. Police say they had been hiking on a trail which leads through a small canyon to the sea when a storm hit the island. )the spanish director pedro almodovar has won the top prize at the prestigious venice film festival. He was awarded the golden lion for the room next door, a drama about a woman who chooses to end her own life. Almodovar used his acceptance speech to defend euthanasia. He said dying with dignity is a fundamental right for every human being. Stay with us here on bbc news. Hello there. It's been a cool and misty start to the weekend along the east coast of scotland and that haar is moving inland through the central belt. Other parts of scotland and northern ireland enjoyed a lot of sunshine again on saturday and temperatures into the mid 20s for england and wales. The weather is changing. This area of low pressure, moving up slowly from the south, brings the threat of some rain which could be heavy and thundery for a while, and we've got this wetter weather developing in the midlands, heading northwards into northern england. Some further rain in wales and the southwest, the midlands and eastern england. Maybe brightening up with some sunshine that could trigger one or two thundery showers, mind you. Some rain coming into the southeast of scotland and there will be more cloud for scotland and northern ireland, so temperatures aren't going to be as high. A noticeable change in that northerly wind for northern ireland. Much cooler here where we get some sunshine in england. Temperatures not too bad for the time of year. That area of low pressure bringing the threat of some rain, then starts to move away overnight and into monday. We're left with a lot of cloud to begin the day for eastern parts of england, a little rain in that that's retreating towards the southeast. Other areas seeing some sunshine for a while before we've got some cloud and patchy rain into the far north of northern ireland and western scotland later on in the day but it's a cooler, fresher air. It's not going to feel as humid and temperatures are going to be lower across the board to start the week and, if anything, the winds are going to strengthen. It will feel cooler still as we move into tuesday. This deeper area of low pressurejust running to the north of scotland, bringing some wet weather into here through much of the day, and a weather front will sweep down across england and wales on tuesday. Short spell of rain here, followed by some sunshine and some showers up towards the northwest but the winds are going to be stronger on tuesday. The strongest winds will be in scotland in the north and northeast of the country. The winds could be gusting 50, maybe even 60 miles an hour. That, of course, will add to this cooler, fresher feel. So, temperatures are ranging from 13 to 18 degrees. And that northwesterly wind, once it arrives, is going to be with us really through much of the week ahead, bringing with it an autumn chill, maybe even a bit of snow over the top of the scottish mountains. Huge change from the mid 20s that we've seen in scotland and northern ireland, and that colder air moves its way further south across england and wales. Voiceover: this is bbc news. We'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. Rugby is facing a day of reckoning. Former players are lining up to say head injuries have destroyed their lives. I didn't sign up to get diagnosed with early onset dementia at 38 years old. Not knowing what's happening to you. . . . . Yeah, it was really tough. We're bringing allegations to light that some of those running the game didn't do enough to protect the players. The true scale of the damage will play out like a car crash in slow motion. I thought, i cannot have my name associated with this. And that was when i resigned. World—renowned academics claim their studies were dismissed. I had been invited so that they could give the appearance of having listened, and then decided it was rubbish. And we ask if enough has been done to make the game safe for children. I will spend the rest of my life missing my son. It's a bunny hop, not a steeplechase. Come on. That's it. Brilliant. For steve sugar, a rugby field is where he feels most comfortable. You just love this game, don't you? yeah, i do love it. I love the game. Ifeel at home here. According to world rugby, the sport's governing body, there are more than eight million players worldwide and more than half of them are younger than 13. In 2023, the men's rugby world cup was broadcast to more than 800 million across the globe, a lucrative business fuelled by tv money, sponsorship and ticket sales. It's not quite the same for the amateur game, which devizes coach steve played from 1989 onwards. Tell me about your career, steve, and where you played. Bristol was probably the highest level i played at really, and some england trials as well. I've just been unfortunate to have a few injuries that have worried me, you know, through the years or so. What did you first notice? family names, i would forget. You know, i'd be like. . . Oh, you know. And i'd be. . . And the more i think about it, the more frustrated i get. Fall about three, four times a week sometimes, you know, because you just lost your balance.

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Infrastructure , Area , Homes , Ceasefire , Palestinians , Hostages , Demontrations , Rubble , Release , City Ofjenin , Tunnels , 11 , Thinking , Nobody , Shame , Doesn T , Majority , Citizens , Demands , Truce , War Goes On , Pecpie Wiii , Eight , Strike , Goal , Gaza , Health Workers , Round , Vaccinations , Displacement Camp Inside A School Shelter In Gaza , Polio Outreak , 640000 , 187000 , More , Hamas , Talks , Efforts , Rounds , Delegations , Result , Pressure , Merissa Khurma , Largest , Program , Wilson Center , Middle East , Netanyahu , Still , Stance , Demonstration , Larges , Tel Aviv , A Million , Poll , Polls , Channel 1a , Two , 1 , Opponent , Popularity , Tehran , Dual Assassinations In Beirut , 29 , Issue , Anything , Support , Survival , Career , Hostage Talks , Ceasefire Talks , Factions , Coalition Government , Wing , Antony Blinken , Diplomat , Egypt , Qatar , Frustration , Board , Sinwar , Presence , Sides , Corridor , Shots , Demand , Battlefield , Philadelphia , Israelis , Withdrawal , Anniversary , Philadelphia Corridor , 1200 , Jenin , War , 40000 , Play , Picture , Situations , Plans , Pa , Palestinian Authority , Story , Problem , Attention , Pa Role , Surge , Day One , Benjamin Netanyahu , We Haven T Heard , Militants , Operation , Violence , Extensive , Settler , Yes , Stronghold , Infrastructure Injenin , Operations , One Of Us , Civilians , Will Pop Up , 10000 , Hezbollah , Israeli Occupation , Rules Of Engagement , Exchanges , Fire , Fire Today , Attacks , Bit , Goals , Clashes , Heat , Many , Indication , Assassination , Region , Order , Patron , Iran , Haven T , Engagement , Secretary Of State , Haiti , Luis Abinader , Dominican Republic , Crisis , Tour , Leader , Leg , Ties , Wall , Mission , Gangs , Domincan Republic , Visit , Gang Violence , Mr , Border , Santo Domingo , Security Situaton , Kenya , Secretary Blinken , Journalist , Christina Ruffini , Host , Capital , Podcast , Foreign Affairs , Trip , Times , Access , Security Wise , Reasons , Secretary , Vehicles , Security , Combines , Airport , Walls , Spirit Airline , Businesses , Clothes , Markets , Shops , T Shirt , Driving , Food , Port Au Prince , The Street , Difference , Shoes , 80 , Gun Turrets , Department Of Defence , Meetings , Situation , Chief , Buildings , Compound , Control Facilities , Press Conference , Ground , City , Centre , Improvement , Point , Deliverable , Answer , Corruption Investigation , Corruption , Security Situation , Addition , Petrol , Point Blank , Things , Official , Investigators , Part , Culture Of Corruption , Myjob , 65 , Help , Funding , Allies , Personal , New York , Dr , Relationship , Ones , Air Flights , Flights , Deporting , Sky , Landscape Changes , Island , Restaurants , World , Portions , Density , House , Neighbourhood , Problems , Borders , Economies , Ask , Caribbean , Get Funding , 200 Million , 15 Million , 115 Million , Roads , Security Force , Effort , Task , Hands On Deck , Nicol S Maduro , Embassy , Foreign Ministry , Security Forces , Venezuelan , Terrorist Acts , Let , Capital Caracas , Six , Building , Relations , Permission , Interests , Including Assassinations , Argentina , Brazil , Office , Scenes , Term , July , Hundreds , Rally , Glasgow , Woman , Officers , Banner , Man , Spanish , Majorca , British , Stand Up To Racism , 2000 , Trail , Both , Body , Sea , Hiking , Canyon , Storm Hit , Flash Flood , Pedro Almodovar , Prize , Door , Drama , Room , Golden Lion , Venice Film Festival , Right , Dignity , Euthanasia , Human Being , Acceptance Speech , Stay , Western Scotland , Parts , Haar , East Coast , Central Belt , Sunshine , Temperatures , Weather , England , Northern Ireland , South , Wales , Mid 20s , Rain , Southeast , Showers , Southwest , Thundery , Midlands , Heading Northwards Into Northern England , Wind , Change , Cloud For Scotland , Cloud , Areas , Winds , Air , Cooler , Pressurejust , North , Weather Front , 60 , 50 , Autumn Chill , Feel , Snow , 18 , Top , Mountains , Voice Over , Headlines , Programme , Rugby , Reckoning , Players , Head Injuries , Lives , Dementia , 38 , Game , Scale , Damage , Motion , Car Crash , Allegations , Academics , Name , Appearance , Studies , Safe , Rest , Enough , Steeplechase , Bunny Hop , Rugby Field , Steve Sugar , Come On , Brilliant , Don T You , Governing Body , Half , Sport , World Rugby , Eight Million , Same , Business , Men , Ticket Sales , Tv Money , Sponsorship , Rugby World Cup , Globe , 2023 , 800 Million , Injuries , Trials , Level , Steve , Bristol , Which Devizes Coach , 1989 , Family Names , It , Balance , Three , States Governor , School Father , Culpability Shooter , Son Colt , Childs Attack , Gun Violence Group , Violence Group , Childrens Gun , Pact Behaviour , Negligence Law , L Concern , Parents Injail , Gun Violence Protection , Violence Protection , Gun Violence Prevention , Violence Prevention , Gun Reform Bill , Reform Bill , Death And Injury , Guns Matter , Gun Policy , Gun Incident , Lockdown Generation , Enforcement Officer , Macrons Appointment , Wing Politician Michel , Politician Michel Barnier , Macrons Rejection , Wing Bloc , Mr Barnier , European Unions , Brexit Negotiator , Mr Macron , President Macron , Paris Correspondent , Le Pen , H And Wont , Wont Vote H , Vote H , Street Today , Ezgi Eygi , Settlement Protest , Day Security Operation , West Bank City , Bank City Ofjenin , Displacement Camp , School Shelter , East Program , Netanyahu Hself , Negotiator Or Diplomat , Hamass Demand , Year Anniversary , Israel Plans , Post Gaza , Settler Violence , Israel And Hezbollah , Patron Iran , Scale War , Mr Blinken , Neighboring Haiti , Haitis Capital , Affairs Journalist , Decision Podcast , Au Prince , Businesses T Shirt , Secretary And Theyve , Theyve Consent , Secretary Blinken Point , Blinken Point , Something Youll , Republic And Haiti , Deck Effort , Argentina And Venezuela , Mr Maduro , Spanish Director , Director Pedro Almodovar , Film Festival , North And Northeast , Onset Dementia , World Cup , Sponsorship And Ticket , Amateur Game , Coach Steve ,

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