Diverting forces, resources And energy towArds the north. These events confirms thAt there is A serious risk of A drAmAtic escAlAtion in lebAnon, And everything must be done to Avoid thAt escAlAtion. Hello And welcome. On the context in the next hour. After A second dAy of deAdly explosions Across lebAnon, tArgeting hezbollAh, well be live injerusAlem, lebAnon And wAshington. IsrAeli leAders sAy theyre opening A new phAse in the wAr, And the <A href=''>Centre Of GrAvityA> is shifting to the north. Well Ask whAt does thAt meAn . Also on the progrAmme the us <A href=''>CentrAl BAnkA> goes big with its first <A href=''>Interest RAteA> <A href=''>CutA> in four yeArs, lowering its key <A href=''>Lending RAteA> by hAlf A <A href=''>PercentAge PointA>. And who is briefing AgAinst the <A href=''>LAbour ChiefA> of stAff <A href=''>Sue GrAyA> And why . As the bbc is told she eArns more thAn her boss the prime minister. We stArt in lebAnon, where theres been A fresh wAve of explosions Across the country, which hAve killed At leAst 1A people, with more thAn A50 injured. HAnd held rAdios or <A href=''>WAlkie TAlkiesA> hAve been detonAted in the lAst few hours. This is sAid to be one of them. The lAtest blAsts cAme 2A hours After At leAst 12 people were killed when pAgers used by the Armed <A href=''>Group HezbollAhA> exploded simultAnously Across the country. More thAn 3,000 were hurt, mAny with serious injuries to their eyes And hAnds. IrAn which bAcks hezbollAh hAs described the AttAcks As mAss murder. HezbollAh is blAming isrAel And hAs vowed to retAliAte. HezbollAh is designAted As A <A href=''>Terrorist GroupA> by western And ArAb governments. Amid rising tensions in the region, isrAel hAs sAid A new front is opening up, with the <A href=''>Centre Of GrAvityA> moving northwArd. Prime <A href=''>Minister BenjAmin NetAnyAhuA> sAys isrAel will return the tens of thousAnds of people displAced from the northern border to their homes. We stArt our coverAge with this report from our senior internAtionAl correspondent <A href=''>0rlA GuerinA>. Crowds gAthering in south beirut, A <A href=''>HezbollAh StrongholdA>. Tense, suspicious, not willing to be filmed. They cAme to bury four of those killed yesterdAy. Among them, An 11 yeAr old boy. But even mourners were not sAfe. Suddenly, the sound of Another blAst. ChAos And pAnic filling the streets. The Authorities sAy this time <A href=''>WAlkie TAlkiesA> <A href=''>Exploded NotjustA> in beirut, but Around the <A href=''>Country IsrAelA> once AgAin being blAmed. At leAst nine hAve been killed And Another 300 wounded. The tension is being driven up dAy After dAy. Well, one more AmbulAnce there pAssing by. Weve been seeing them in the lAst hAlf An hour or so, Also <A href=''>Fire BrigAdeA> trucks. People hAve been looking At the sky, worried there were drones. They Are beginning to leAve the AreA, to get off the streets. LebAnon hAs been thAt wAy since yesterdAy Afternoon, when there wAs A wAve of explosions. PAgers used by hezbollAh fighters begAn blowing up AppArently A messAge from mossAd. Almost 3,000 people wounded in An hour. It hAs been A nightmAre. ProbAbly this is the worst dAy of my life As A physiciAn. UnfortunAtely, we were not Able to sAve A lot of eyes. I cAn tell you thAt probAbly more thAn 60 70 of the pAtients ended up with eviscerAting or removing At leAst one of their eyes. And we Are tAlking About young populAtion, About pAtients in their 20s. In the bekAA vAlley, A young victim wAs buried this morning. FAtimA AbdAllAh wAs eight. YesterdAy wAs her first dAy bAck At school. I wAs lucky to hAve you, my beloved dAughter, sAys her mother zeinAb. You were disciplined. You Are my whole life. HezbollAh hAs been humiliAted, but is promising revenge. MAny in <A href=''>LebAnon FeArA> thAt isrAel is drAgging this <A href=''>0rlA GuerinA>, bbc news, beirut. Lets heAr now from isrAels leAders. Defence <A href=''>Minister YoAvA> gAllAnt delivered this messAge to troops At <A href=''>RAmAt DAvid AirbAseA> todAy explAining A shift in focus in the wAr. TrAnslAtion the <A href=''>Centre Of GrAvityA> is moving towArds the north. This meAns thAt we Are diverting forces, resources And energy towArds the north. We hAve not forgotten the hostAges, And we hAve not forgotten our tAsks in the south. This is our duty, And we Are performing both At the sAme time. Prime minsiter <A href=''>BenjAmin NetAnyAhuA> insisted thAt isrAeli citizens will be returned to the north, where more thAn 60,000 people hAve been forced from their homes by skirmishes with hezbollAh. TrAnslAtion i hAve sAid it before, we will turn the citizens of the north to their home sAfely, And thAt is exActly whAt we Are going to do. To stress thAt the updAted figures from <A href=''>TodAys AttAckA> since the report from <A href=''>0rlA GuerinA> A few hours Ago. The <A href=''>Letters NumbersA> guerin A few hours Ago. The <A href=''>Letters NumbersA> we guerin A few hours Ago. The <A href=''>Letters NumbersA> we hAve is thAt 14 people hAve been killed And over A50 <A href=''>IA PeopleA> hAve been killed And over A50 people injured in <A href=''>TodAys AttAckA>. Joining me now from wAshington our <A href=''>StAte DepArtment CorrespondentA> <A href=''>Tom BAtemAnA> And from jerusAlem our correspondent <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA> dAniel if i cAn stArt with you. Just tell us more About whAt we hAve been here And from the isrAeli politicAl leAders, its their first comment since the initiAl AttAcks yesterdAy. ThAts right, And no officiAl comment on the explosions in lebAnon over the pAst 2A hours or so. LebAnon over the pAst 2A hours orso. I lebAnon over the pAst 2A hours or so. I dont think thAt is A surprise. I dont think it is Any surprise thAt isrAeli leAders Are not commenting on And operAtion of this kind, it is being widely blAmed on isrAel throughout the region And the world, And i think people here in isrAel Also think it wAs the isrAeli spy Agency, my side. You hAve gAllons, the <A href=''>Defense MinisterA> And the prime minister, their <A href=''>Comments TodAyA> Are consistent with A ruptured vision of of rhetoric, over A period of time, but pArticulArly this week by isrAeli leAders. EArlier in this week like the <A href=''>Security CAbinetA> contAining both mAn mAde A return on isrAeli citizens displAced in the north from their homes, mAde their return is A core or goAl, And thAt is one of only four were goAls. The other three Are relAted to guys or hAmAs, so they Are officiAlly mAking the <A href=''>Northern FrontA> is A key goAl in this wAr. And whAt is hAppened over the pAst yeAr is hAppened over the pAst yeAr is theres been A conflict between <A href=''>HezbollAh And IsrAelA> in the north. There hAs been thousAnds of <A href=''>Cross BorderA> AttAcks, hezbollAh hAs fired in rockets And jones, isrAel hAs been striking hezbollAh tArgets in lebAnon And hAs killed A number of senior hezbollAh figures in lebAnon, included in beirut, And there hAs been A debAte here About given the fAct thAt this is just going on And on, thousAnds of people hAve been displAced, notjust in <A href=''>IsrAel But LebAnonA> As well, About when it cAn And At how it could end. There hAs been A democrAtic process but thAt is very much tied to whAt is hAppening in gAzA. The hezbollAh leAder hAs mAde hAs sAid there conflict with isrAel, the fAct they Are <A href=''>Firing RocketsA> And isrAel cAn to gAzA, And if there wAs A <A href=''>CeAse FireA> in gAzA, there mAy be A <A href=''>CeAse FireA> between <A href=''>IsrAel And HeightA> And or, so given theres been no <A href=''>CeAse FireA> in gAzA, there hAs Also been no stop And <A href=''>CeAse FireA> in the north, And becAuse of thAt, the <A href=''>Defense MinisterA> eArlier sAid thAt with diplomAcy, According to him, AppArently feeling, thAt <A href=''>MilitAry ActionA> mAy be the only <A href=''>CAuse Of ActionA> lAst left, And we Are seeing todAy this increAse in rhetoric you of gAlAnte sAying At An <A href=''>Air Force BAseA> in northern isrAel thAt the shift of focus moving to the north, the center of grAvity moving there, And we confirmed this evening thAt A division of the isrAeli <A href=''>Army Army FocusA> <A href=''>On GAzAA> till now, hAs moved todAy to the north, meAning there Are no two divisions now in the north And divisions now in the north And divisions in gAzA, so A significAnt strengthening just todAy in the forces in the north. ,. , north. ThAt is bringing <A href=''>Tom BAtemAnA> north. ThAt is bringing <A href=''>Tom BAtemAnA> in north. ThAt is bringing <A href=''>Tom BAtemAnA> in wAshington, i north. ThAt is bringing tom. BAtemAn in wAshington, tom, north. ThAt is bringing <A href=''>Tom BAtemAnA> in wAshington, tom, Any response since we heArd the isrAeli comments, And how concerned is the <A href=''>White HouseA> . We hAve been wAiting for A pretty we hAve been wAiting for A pretty delAyed briefing from the <A href=''>White HouseA>, And the <A href=''>NAtionAl Security CouncilA> spokesmAn, john kirby, thAt hAsnt. SpokesmAn, john kirby, thAt hAsnt. Or spokesmAn, john kirby, thAt hAsnt, orAt spokesmAn, john kirby, thAt hAsnt, or At leAst when i wAlked hAsnt, or At leAst when i wAlked into the studio, <A href=''>Got UnderA> wAlked into the studio, <A href=''>Got UnderA> wAy i wAlked into the studio, <A href=''>Got UnderA>wAy i sAid, wAlked into the studio, <A href=''>Got UnderA> wAy i sAid, but A few more under wAy i sAid, but A few more comments, but i hAve to sAy thAt more comments, but i hAve to sAy thAt i more comments, but i hAve to sAy thAt i think the public remArks sAy thAt i think the public remArks from us officiAls on this remArks from us officiAls on this Are remArks from us officiAls on this Are extremely guArded. And it feels this Are extremely guArded. And it feels to this Are extremely guArded. And it feels to be pretty reminiscent of the mood Around to previous significAnt isrAeli AttAcks, to previous significAnt isrAeli AttAcks, nAmely when the isrAelis AttAcks, nAmely when the isrAelis cArried out A deAdly <A href=''>Strike IsrAelisA> cArried out A deAdly strike on isrAelis cArried out A deAdly strike on An irAniAn diplomAtic <A href=''>FAcility StrikeA> on An irAniAn diplomAtic fAcility in strike on An irAniAn diplomAtic fAcility in dAmAscus, And then injuty. FAcility in dAmAscus, And then injuly, when the isrAelis AssAssinAted ismAil hAniyeh, the politicAl leAder of hAmAs in tehrAn. And in both of those cAses. In tehrAn. And in both of those cAses. You in tehrAn. And in both of those cAses, you hAd <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> trying cAses, you hAd <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> trying to cAses, you hAd <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> trying to desist distAnce themselves from the isrAel Actions themselves from the isrAel Actions might feAr it could spArk Actions might feAr it could spArk A Actions might feAr it could spArk A regionAl wAr, Actions might feAr it could spArkA regionAlwAr, but Actions might feAr it could spArk A regionAl wAr, but At the spArk A regionAl wAr, but At the sAme spArk A regionAl wAr, but At the sAme time brAcing for the response the sAme time brAcing for the response to it by doing everything to shield its <A href=''>IsrAeii EverythingA> to shield its isrAeli Ally both diplomAticAlly And militArily, And <A href=''>I DiplomAticAllyA> And militArily, And i expect we Are in the sAme holding And i expect we Are in the sAme <A href=''>Holding PAtternA> of the moment becAuse <A href=''>Holding PAtternA> of the moment becAuse <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> Are no recent becAuse <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> Are no recent from A response from hezbollAh, And they hAd responses concerns About the <A href=''>Reunion ResponsesA> concerns About the <A href=''>Reunion ResponsesA> in the pAst, And they <A href=''>Reunion ResponsesA> in the pAst, And they hAve rAmped up AmericAn Assets in the <A href=''>Middle EAstA>, AmericAn Assets in the <A href=''>Middle EAstA>, <A href=''>To AmericAn AssetsA> in the <A href=''>Middle EAstA>, to <A href=''>AircrAft CArrier StrikeA> eAst, to <A href=''>AircrAft CArrier StrikeA> groups sent close to <A href=''>IsrAet StrikeA> groups sent close to isrAel there in the eAstern mediterrAneAn, so they will be scrAmbling At the moment, but i dissent scrAmbling At the moment, but i dissent them whAt they Are seen publicly dissent them whAt they Are seen publicly is dissent them whAt they Are seen publicly is to sAy thAt the us hAs nothing to do with it And they hAs nothing to do with it And they Are hAs nothing to do with it And they Are gAthering informAtion About they Are gAthering informAtion About it. They Are gAthering informAtion About it, they sAy. CruciAlly, they About it, they sAy. CruciAlly, they sAid About it, they sAy. CruciAlly, they sAid they hAd no AdvAnce wArning. They sAid they hAd no AdvAnce wArning, though it emerged they hAd some wArning, though it emerged they hAd some wArning About it, with A us hAd some wArning About it, with A us officiAl confirming to our colleAgues At cbs thAt there wAs communicAtion from the isrAeiis wAs communicAtion from the isrAelis to <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> thAt they isrAelis to <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> thAt they were going to cArry out something in lebAnon, but According to the AmericAn Account, According to the AmericAn Account, they werent told exActiy Account, they werent told exActly whAt or given specific detAils exActly whAt or given specific detAils so the notion is thAt <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> knew something mAy occur, but they did not know mAy occur, but they did not know it mAy occur, but they did not know it would be this wAve of AttAcks know it would be this wAve of AttAcks on explosive pAgers, which AttAcks on explosive pAgers, which it AttAcks on explosive pAgers, which it seems An extrAordinAry plAce which it seems An extrAordinAry plAce for which it seems An extrAordinAry plAce for <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> to hAve been, plAce for <A href=''>The AmericAnsA> to hAve been, becAuse you wouldve thought been, becAuse you wouldve thought they wouldve Asked them thought they wouldve Asked them whAt the operAtion would be, but them whAt the operAtion would be, but thAt is A detAil About whAt be, but thAt is A detAil About whAt they did or did not know beforehAnd thAt we hAve At the moment beforehAnd thAt we hAve At the moment. , A,. ,. , beforehAnd thAt we hAve At the moment. ,. ,. , moment. Tom bAtemAn And <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA>. Moment. Tom bAtemAn And <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA>, thAnk moment. Tom bAtemAn And <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA>, thAnk you moment. Tom bAtemAn And <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA>, thAnk you both moment. Tom bAtemAn And <A href=''>DAniel De SimoneA>, thAnk you both for de simone, thAnk you both for now. For more on this im joined by <A href=''>HAnin GhAddArA> whos A <A href=''>Senior FellowA> At the <A href=''>WAshington InstituteA> how significAnt is this move by the isrAelis, And in terms of whAt we hAve heArd from <A href=''>Mr YoAvA> gAllAnt And netAnyAhu over the lAst few hours . LAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAvin lAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAving me. LAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAving me, let lAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAving me, let me lAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAving me, let me stArt lAst few hours . ThAnk you for hAving me, let me stArt by i hAving me, let me stArt by sAying this is the biggest isrAeli operAtion, breAch of hezbollAh security, since the beginning not only of this wAr but sAid since the beginning of the conflict between <A href=''>HezbollAh And IsrAelA> emmA its A <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA> And the city to recover. No mAtter the objective of the operAtion, it would hAve A serious impAct on you or. There Are two scenArios, two possible objectives of this. One is thAt it is the <A href=''>Deterrence MessAgeA> from isrAel to hezbollAh, sAying thAt we hAve infiltrAted you more thAn you cAn hAve imAgined And this isjust you more thAn you cAn hAve imAgined And this is just to let you know thAt we cAn do more, And this isjust some of the stuff thAt we cAn ActuAlly some of the wAys we cAn hArm you, And this is A <A href=''>Deterrence MessAgeA> thAt hezbollAh needs to reconsider its involvement in this conflict. Another scenArio, which is becoming A likely scenArio At this point, is thAt As we speAk, the cAuse for wAr And militAry movement to the north And the tAnks And the soldiers, moving to the isrAeli lebAnese <A href=''>Borderfrom IsrAeliA> lebAnese border from the isrAeli lebAnese borderfrom the isrAeli side, is hAppening As we speAk, And they cAuse for An Appetite for work, so this might ActuAlly be A first step, or A tActicAl step for opening the doorfor A lArger escAlAtion. BecAuse, the door for A lArger escAlAtion. BecAuse, you know, when you stArt bigger militAry operAtions, the best thing to do is to breAk the <A href=''>CommunicAtion SystemA> of your enemy, And this is whAt they hAve done todAy. They cAnnot use their <A href=''>Cell PhonesA> becAuse they discovered five month Ago it wAs infiltrAted, there pAgers Are exploding, their <A href=''>WAlkie TAlkiesA> Are exploding, bAsicAlly <A href=''>HezbollAh A NetworkA> is broken, so no mAtter whAt the objective is, At the beginning of something, or this is it, the operAtion, its A <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA>. If is it, the operAtion, its A <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA>. If there is A bigger <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA>. If there is A bigger move <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA>. If there is A bigger move by <A href=''>Big Blow To HezbollAhA>. If there is A bigger move by isrAel, is A bigger move by isrAel, will hezbollAh still be in A position to respond, And if so in whAt wAy . It position to respond, And if so in whAt wAy . Position to respond, And if so in whAt wAy . It depends. I do not think in whAt wAy . It depends. I do not think they in whAt wAy . It depends. I do not think they cAn in whAt wAy . It depends. I do not think they cAn respond i not think they cAn respond todAy, unless they Are suicidAl, becAuse they still hAve to figure out the objective of this operAtion, they still need to understAnd whAt they hAve reAlly lost. These pAgers were not used by low level people, they were used by senior And mid <A href=''>Level HezbollAhA> officiAls And commAnders, so the loss hAs been huge, lots of them lost their sight, so theyre out of service. They hAve to figure out how to communicAte with eAch other, they cAnnot do Anything without the proper <A href=''>CommunicAtion SystemA>, so they hAve to figure out how to recover from this. Without Answers to these three questions, they cAnnot reAlly do Anything. If they do, And use their <A href=''>MilitAry AssetsA> they hAve not used in order to respond properly, it hAs to be big, which meAns they hAve to use their position missiles, guided missiles And none reAd long rAnge missiles which Are hAving you so fAr, And i dont think theyre reAdy for thAt for two reAsons. One emmA this is A propAgAtion And it is isrAel is wAiting for Any propAgAtion to lAunch A work, And two, these weApons And Assets Are not religious for hezbollAh conflict with isrAel, these Are <A href=''>IrAns InsurAnce PolicyA> in lebAnon, And irAn cAnnot expose itself by losing these Assets And expose its nucleAr progrAmme bAsicAlly the wAy it protects itself. In A wAy, they Are cornered, they need to respond And hAve to respond, but they cAnnot reAlly do Anything before figuring out their current situAtion And chAllenges, but they reAlly their current situAtion And chAllenges, but they reAlly lost. The <A href=''>Trust IssueA> Among lost. The <A href=''>Trust IssueA> Among their commAndment, between them their commAndment, between them And their people, it is huge in And their people, it is huge in Any militAry operAtion. Any militAry operAtion. HAnning thAt Are, thAnk Any militAry operAtion. HAnning thAt Are, thAnk you Any militAry operAtion. HAnning thAt Are, thAnk you from Any militAry operAtion. HAnning thAt Are, thAnk you from the i thAt Are, thAnk you from the <A href=''>WAshington InstituteA>. HAnging gutter. Around the world And Across the uk. This is bbc news. More on our top story A fresh wAve of explosions Across lebAnon. WAlkie tAlkies hAve detonAted At A number of locAtions. We cAn cross live to beirut now And our middle <A href=''>EAst Correspondent HugoA> bAchegA hugo, just, do we know first of All is there possible to Assess At this stAge whether the people who hAve been injured Are mostly hezbollAh members, hezbollAh fighters, or Are there Also Any number of civiliAns . OfficiAlly, we do know some children hAve been hit And indeed killed it yesterdAy. Hit And indeed killed it yesterdAy hit And indeed killed it esterdA. , yesterdAy. Yes, so we dont hAve those yesterdAy. Yes, so we dont hAve those detAils yesterdAy. Yes, so we dont hAve those detAils yet, yesterdAy. Yes, so we dont hAve those detAils yet, we i yesterdAy. Yes, so we dont hAve those detAils yet, we know thAt 1A hAve those detAils yet, we know thAt <A href=''>IA PeopleA> hAve been killed And the lebAnese <A href=''>HeAlth MinistryA> sAid Around A50 others hAve been injured As A result of these AttAck. In one of the locAtions hit, wAs A funerAl eArlier todAy in debt here, A <A href=''>HezbollAh StrongholdA> in beirut, i wAs there, And there wAs A lot of <A href=''>PAnic And ChAosA> when we heArd thAt A lArge explosion thAt hAppened As people were gAthered for thAt funerAl, And there wAs A lot of pAnic becAuse people simply did not know whAt wAs hAppening. People believe thAt Any kind of device could exclude so mAny hezbollAh members were stopping us, our teAm, telling us dont use your phone, put your phone down, And i think this sort of cAptures the feeling, reAlly, im in mAny people here in <A href=''>LebAnon TodAyA> After A secondAry of those AttAcks. So, yesterdAy we hAd those pAgers, which ironicAlly hAd been distributed by hezbollAh to mAny members becAuse there were concerns thAt the <A href=''>CommunicAtions NetworkA> of the group hAd been infiltrAted, hAd been breAched by the isrAelis. They believed thAt they were being used to trAck down some members of the group And kill them, As we hAve seen with those tArgeted AssAssinAtions tActicAl cArried out by the isrAeli militAry And isrAeli intelligence Agencies, so there wAs A feAr thAt those summers sophisticAted smArtphones would be used by the isrAeli Authorities, so the were distributed by hezbollAh And they were then used to cArry out those AttAcks, so todAy we see the <A href=''>WAlkie TAlkiesA> were tArgeted i know Across the <A href=''>Country TonightA> reports emerging thAt the Army is cArried out the controlled definition of mAny devices, so i think thAt gives you A sense of the AffAir And concerns on the mAny Across lebAnon As A result of todAys next two dAys of these AttAcks. Result of todAys next two dAys of these AttAcks. Hugo bAchegA in beirut, thAnk of these AttAcks. Hugo bAchegA in beirut, thAnk you. Of these AttAcks. Hugo bAchegA in beirut, thAnk you. We of these AttAcks. Hugo bAchegA in beirut, thAnk you. We will i in beirut, thAnk you. We will keep you Across developments on thAt, And much more online. In the pAst hour or so, the us <A href=''>CentrAl BAnkA> hAs <A href=''>CutA> <A href=''>Interest RAteA>s for the first time in four yeArs, A <A href=''>Milestone MomentA> for the worlds lArgest economy. The <A href=''>FederAl ReserveA> lowered its key <A href=''>Lending RAteA> whAt it chArges bAnks to borrow by hAlf A <A href=''>PercentAge PointA> to between A. 75 And 5 . It follows A sustAined reduction in inflAtion in the united stAtes. Fed <A href=''>Interest RAteA>s govern the cost of borrowing At home, but Also hAve A huge effect on mArkets AbroAd. The bAnk hAd held the rAte Around 5. 3 for more thAn A yeAr the highest level since 2001 since jumping from neAr zero At the stArt of 2022. Lets heAr from the fed <A href=''>ChAirjerome Powell SotA> chAirjerome powell. As inflAtion hAs declined And the <A href=''>LAbour MArketA> hAs cooled, the upside risks to inflAtion hAs diminished And the <A href=''>Downside RiskA> to employment hAve increAsed. We now see the risks to Achieving our <A href=''>Employment And InflAtionA> goAls As roughly in bAlAnce. We Are Attentive to the risk of both sides of our duAl mAndAte. In light of the progress on inflAtion And the bAlAnce of risks, in todAys meeting, the committee decided to lower the <A href=''>TArget RAngeA> for the federAl <A href=''>Funds RAteA> by A hAlf <A href=''>PercentAge PointA> to A. 75 to 5 . This recAlibrAtion of our <A href=''>Policy StAnceA> will help mAintAin the strength of the economy And the <A href=''>LAbour MArketA>, And will continue to enAble further progress on inflAtion As we begin the process of moving towArd A more neutrAl stAnce. Here in the uk, the <A href=''>BAnk Of EnglAndA> is due to decide its next decision on <A href=''>Interest RAteA>s tomorrow. Like the fed, its been bAttling to bring inflAtion under control. LAst month it <A href=''>CutA> the cost of borrowing After A steep fAll in the rAte At which prices Are rising but new figures suggest it might hold off from further <A href=''>CutA>s for now. Uk <A href=''>Consumer Price InflAtionA> cAme in At 2. 2 for the yeAr to August unchAnged from july And slightly Above the <A href=''>BAnk Of EnglAndA>s 2 tArget. We cAn cross live to our <A href=''>North AmericA BusinessA> correspondent <A href=''>RitikA GuptAA> in new york. ThAnk you for being with us. First of All, <A href=''>Jerome PollArdA> hAs been given A press briefing, just give us A summAry of the key points he hAs sAid, And the reAsoning behind this <A href=''>CutA>. Behind this <A href=''>CutA>. OverAll, jerome behind this <A href=''>CutA>. OverAll, <A href=''>Jerome PollArdA> behind this <A href=''>CutA>. OverAll, <A href=''>Jerome PollArdA> sAid behind this <A href=''>CutA>. OverAll, <A href=''>Jerome PollArdA> sAid in i behind this <A href=''>CutA>. OverAll, l <A href=''>Jerome PollArdA> sAid in the <A href=''>Press ConferenceA> thAt the economy is humming Along And is in A good plAce. The <A href=''>LAbor MArketA> is solid And inflAtion is coming onto tArget, And expect thAt for next yeAr. They Are sAying they wAnt to mAintAin strength in the economy And the wAy to do thAt is to get <A href=''>Interest RAteA>s down to A normAl level over time And he did <A href=''>Address ConcernsA> which cAme After <A href=''>Thejulyjobs ReportA> cAme After the <A href=''>July JobsA> report wAs cAme After <A href=''>Thejulyjobs ReportA> wAs A disAppointment thAt the fed wAs perhAps behind the curve And could endAnger the <A href=''>LAbor MArketA>. So he to todAys move is A reflective of A commitment not to fAll behind, <A href=''>ThAtis CommitmentA> not to fAll behind, thAt is why we got thAt bigger And more Aggressive rAte <A href=''>CutA>. He did wArn not to see the <A href='<A href=''>CutA>'>HAlf Point CutA> As it fed new pAce. HAlfpoint <A href=''>CutA> As it fed new Ace. ,. ,. , <A href='<A href=''>CutA>'>HAlfpoint CutA> As it fed new Ace. ,,. ,. ,. , <A href='<A href=''>CutA>'>HAlfpoint CutA> As it fed new Ace,. ,. ,. , <A href='<A href=''>CutA>'>HAlfpoint CutA> As it fed new Ace,. ,. ,. , pAce. SpeculAtion As to whether there will be pAce. SpeculAtion As to whether there will be further pAce. SpeculAtion As to whether there will be further <A href=''>CutA>s there will be further <A href=''>CutA>s until <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr . Yes, in Addition until <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr . Yes, in Addition to until <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr . Yes, in Addition to <A href=''>CutA>ting until <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr . Yes, in Addition to <A href=''>CutA>ting by until <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr . Yes, in Addition to <A href=''>CutA>ting by 50 in Addition to <A href=''>CutA>ting by 50 <A href=''>BAsis PointsA>, they promised under the 50 <A href=''>BAsis PointsA> by <A href=''>The EndA> of the yeAr, so thAt would bring us to A rAte of A. A . In terms of the economic projections, they sAy inflAtion returning to the tArget next yeAr And thAt the <A href=''>Unemployment RAteA> could be A. A by <A href=''>The EndA> of next yeAr As well, so overAll, they Are quite positive on the economy, And they wAnt to. They think inflAtion is receiving And coming down, so they wAnt to focus on the other side of their duAl mAndAte, ensuring thAt your full employment And thAt your full employment And thAt the risks dont go to the downside for growth. Obviously, it is electionyeAr downside for growth. Obviously, it is electionyeAr in downside for growth. Obviously, it is electionyeAr in A downside for growth. Obviously, it is electionyeAr in A few it is election yeAr in A few weeks, will this hAve An impAct, briefly, by the time people go to vote . The timing very interesting, people go to vote . The timing very interesting, coming people go to vote . The timing | very interesting, coming AheAd of the election, And we hAve An independent <A href=''>CentrAl BAnkA>, but thAt hAs not stopped politiciAns from speAking out And seeing whAt they wAnt the fed to do. We hAve heArd from <A href=''>CAndidAte DonAld TrumpA> seen thAt he did not wAnt the fed to <A href=''>CutA> <A href=''>Interest RAteA>s, feeling it would be Added to becAuse i hAd of the election, but we Are seeing those from <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> sAying they hAve supported thAt decision todAy. Decision todAy. ThAnk you <A href=''>RitikA GuptAA> decision todAy. ThAnk you <A href=''>RitikA GuptAA> in decision todAy. ThAnk you <A href=''>RitikA GuptAA> in newArk. Decision todAy. ThAnk you i <A href=''>RitikA GuptAA> in newArk. Well bring the lAtest on the events in the <A href=''>Middle EAstA> And Also to sAy thAt there is thAt us briefing going on At the moment. We would bring you All the lAtest lines on the us response to events in lebAnon And the isrAeli Announcement, but they Are in A new phAse in A wAr. StAy with us. Hello there, good evening. More wArm <A href=''>September SunshineA> Around AgAin todAy, with temperAtures Across the boArd Above the seAsonAl AverAge, And some of the highest of those AgAin Across northern AreAs of scotlAnd. Even towArds these <A href=''>North SeAA> fAcing coAsts, despite the cloudy stArt, weve seen the cloud burn bAck sunshine develop, Although here towArds eAstern coAst its AlwAys going to be cooler And cloudier As we heAd through the next few dAys. But more sunshine Around for most with some showers developing lAter on in the south through the week more on thAt in just A moment. But heres the pressure chArt. So, High Pressure dominAtes, still, but it grAduAlly drifts further northwArds And eAstwArds. Still A brisk eAsterly wind blowing Across the southern hAlf of the uk overnight tonight, just drAwing in more moisture from the <A href=''>North SeAA>. So there will be A lot of low cloud just drifting further westwArds. And towArds the north And the west of the uk, then well see lArgely cleAr skies, but here more <A href=''>Mist And FogA> stArting to develop into tomorrow morning. And here, of course it will feel chilly As temperAtures possibly mid single figures, but very mild where we keep the low cloud Across the southeAst of the uk in pArticulAr. A mild stArt to the <A href=''>DAy IAA> degrees, so its quite murky. Could be quite grey wherever you Are tomorrow morning, but the mist And the fog will lift And cleAr reAdily, And thAt low cloud will burn bAck AgAin to these <A href=''>North SeAA> fAcing coAsts As we heAd through the dAy, but it could linger on for A while, pArticulArly perhAps Across pArts of Aberdeenshire, where it will be <A href=''>Feeling CoolerA>. Some of the best of the sunshine out towArds the west, the highest of the temperAtures in the fAr south And the eAst And Across north west scotlAnd. But wAtch out for one or two showers on thursdAy in the southern hAlf of englAnd. Those showers will become more widespreAd on fridAy, And some of them could be heAvy And thundery, drifting further westwArds throughout the dAy from eAst AngliA, perhAps through into wAles And the fAr southwest of englAnd. TemperAtures A little lower, of course, on fridAy, And AgAin some of the best of the sunshine could be Across western scotlAnd And down through these irish seA coAsts. Then we look towArds the south into the weekend to see this AreA of low pressure drifting from iberiA. And thAts going to produce, AgAin, some heAvy, thundery downpours Across much of the southern hAlf of the uk. So, for englAnd And wAles, it could turn quite wet on sAturdAy, And those showers could potentiAlly continue into sundAy, but further north, then, while it mAy not be completely dry, its certAinly drier with some sunshine, butjust <A href=''>Feeling CoolerA> thAn it hAs been in recent dAys. Bye bye. Hello, im geetA guru murthy. Youre wAtching the context on bbc news. Its been reveAled thAt keir stArmer� s top Adviser, <A href=''>Sue GrAyA>, now eArns more thAn the prime minister. Weve been told thAt shes now on A sAlAry of £170,000. We will hAve more on thAt in the coming moments. More on <A href=''>Uk PoliticsA> And lebAnon in the next few minutes, first lets cAtch up with All of the sport. From the bbc sport centre, Will Perry is here. Hello from the bbc sport centre. Six gAmes to tell you About in the <A href=''>ChAmpions LeAgueA> tAking plAce todAy

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