To deterIorate quIckly. Welcome To newsnIght. Last week It was labours conference. ThIs week were lIve from the conservatIve Party Conference In bIrmIngham where the contest between the four candIdates who want To be the next leader of the Tory Party and your next PrIme MInIster has become serIously Intense. Your panel thIs evenIng, tIm montgomerIe, the founder of conservatIve home, The VoIce of Grassroots Tory members, and Stephen Bush who Is ColumnIst And AssocIate edITor of the fInancIal tImes, and of course nIck. Welcome To all of you. In a moment well hear brIefly from three of the contenders plus some of theIr supporters. FIrst, KemI Badenoch. I grabbed a few words wIth her after her 0 a wIth conservatIve members and actIvIsts. What skIlls does she thInk she has To be the next PrIme MInIster . The LeadershIp SkIlls I thInk thIs country Is lookIng for Is someone who understands why thIngs arent workIng, that the system Is broken. Im an engIneer, I start from fIrst prIncIples, I look at thIngs end To end and I delIver. I get stuff done. When thIngs have been broken, IfIx them. And are the thIngs broken In thIs country because the TorIes broke them . The system Is broken. And polItIcIans are strugglIng To use the system. KeIr starmer Is already havIng the same problems and thIs Is why I thInk a tIme of plaIn SpeakIng And Honesty Is Important rather than people promIsIng thIngs that they cant delIver. RIght, and why do you thInk you are a better candIdate than mr cleverly, mr tugendhat, mrjenrIck . ObvIously I am here sellIng myself. I lIke all of The Other candIdates but I thInk that Im somebody. But you thInk youre the best. Well, yes, otherwIse I wouldnt be standIng. But I thInk that people want cut through and we need To gIve the members that leader who can cut through. There Is no good just pIckIng someone who Is a nIce chap. We need To make sure that people understand conservatIve prIncIples and why they are good for the country. I can do that. Im a good communIcaTor, Im somebody who has worked In all sorts of dIfferent places before goIng InTo polItIcs so I got a strong hInterland and I thInk that I would brIng people Together. All of the people who work wIth me are In the department as mInIsters, they are all on my team because they know that Im a good leader and I would do a good job. You say you brIng people Together, but you are known for Culture War Issues. That dIvIdes people, doesnt It . Well, what people call Culture War Issues I call lookIng after people, I call womens rIghts, I call speakIng the truth. You cantjust Label SomethIng as Culture Wars and say were not goIng To talk about It. As a polItIcIan, I need To use my voIce In a way that protects those who need protectIon, that speaks for my constItuents and thats what Im doIng. We cantjust label It Culture was. And one more questIon are you Too gaffe prone To become leader, To become PrIme MInIster . Are you. Are you Too gaffe prone To become leader or PrIme MInIster . Ive never had a gaffe. The truth Is not gaffes. Yesterday, MaternIty Pay . I was not talkIng about MaternIty Pay. But thIs Is one of the thIngs that I am goIng To change. But you werent careful wIth your words. I was answerIng a dIfferent questIon. And thIs Is one of the thIngs that I thInk Is really Important, that If we want polItIcIans To be honest, If we want To understand what they are doIng, we cantjump In and keep clIppIng thIngs and tryIng To pIle on them on socIal medIa. Im not scared of that, thats not goIng To sTop me, I wIll speak the truth. MaternIty pay stays the same . Of course, of course, thIs Is not somethIng that any party Is talkIng about. Just checkIng. We do need To talk about busIness regulatIon, though but thank you. Thank you very much. Is KemI Badenoch havIng a good conference . Is KemI Badenoch havIng a good conference .. , conference . No. UltImately she came InTo thIs Contest Conference . No. UltImately she came InTo thIs contest wIth conference . No. UltImately she came InTo thIs contest wIth one conference . No. UltImately she came InTo thIs contest wIth one central InTo thIs contest wIth one central problem, whIch Is she Is very popular among conservatIve Grassroots ButTon does not have a large enough base of support among the parlIamentary party To guarantee a slot In the fInal round. And she hasnt really done anythIng To change that dynamIc. And theIr pudsey s havIng a bad conference. Who Is momentum In your vIew . Pudseys havIng a bad conference. Who Is momentum In your vIew . She Is havIn a who Is momentum In your vIew . She Is havIng a bad who Is momentum In your vIew . She Is havIng a bad conference. Who Is momentum In your vIew . She Is havIng a bad conference. I who Is momentum In your vIew . She Is havIng a bad conference. I dont Is havIng a bad conference. I dont know If anybody Is havIng a bad conference. I dont know If anybody Is. Is havIng a bad conference. I dont know If anybody Is. Part Is havIng a bad conference. I dont know If anybody Is. Part of Is havIng a bad conference. I dont know If anybody Is. Part of the know If anybody Is. Part of the problem. Know If anybody Is. Part of the problem, the worst thIng that can possIbly problem, the worst thIng that can possIbly have happened To the conservatIve party Is In a Way Labour conservatIve party Is In a Way Labour unpopularIty. After the defeat labour unpopularIty. After the defeat we suffered Injuly, there was an defeat we suffered Injuly, there was an enormous amount of Soul SearchIng that began, a recognItIon that we have To make some recognItIon that we have To make some radIcal changes, had To face up To the fact some radIcal changes, had To face up To the fact that for the fIrst tIme really To the fact that for the fIrst tIme really serIously In Post War brItIsh polItIcs. Really serIously In Post War brItIsh polItIcs, the rIght dIvIded was and we needed To somehow fInd an accommodatIon or a new relatIonshIp wIth Reform Voter Is not the party. I thInk wIth Reform Voter Is not the party. I thInk wIth wIth Reform Voter Is not the party. I thInk wIth KeIr Starmer In quIte so much I thInk wIth KeIr Starmer In quIte so much trouble as he Is, It may pass, so much trouble as he Is, It may pass, thats so much trouble as he Is, It may pass, thats the trouble for the conservatIve party, that we have sTopped conservatIve party, that we have sTopped lookIng for that urgent solutIon, sTopped lookIng for that urgent solutIon, that fast reachIng reform of our solutIon, that fast reachIng reform of our party Im afraId all of the candIdates are playIng a lIttle bIt safe when actually we need an awful lot more safe when actually we need an awful lot more radIcalIsm. We safe when actually we need an awful lot more radIcalIsm. Lot more radIcalIsm. We wIll hear from a Counle Lot more radIcalIsm. We wIll hear from a couple more lot more radIcalIsm. We wIll hear from a couple more and lot more radIcalIsm. We wIll hear from a couple more and one lot more radIcalIsm. We wIll hear from a couple more and one Tomorrow NIght but what are you hearIng about whether there Is any truth behInd accusatIons from some camps Towards others that DIrty TrIcks are goIng on . .. on . KemI badenoch Told the tImes over the weekend on . KemI badenoch Told the tImes over the weekend that on . KemI badenoch Told the tImes over the weekend that she on . KemI badenoch Told the tImes over the weekend that she feared I on . KemI badenoch Told the tImes| over the weekend that she feared a stItch over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To keep over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To keep her over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To keep her off over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To keep her off the over the weekend that she feared a StItch Up To keep her off the fInal. StItch up To keep her off the fInal hatTot StItch Up To keep her off the fInal hatTot that StItch Up To keep her off the fInal ballot that goes StItch Up To keep her off the fInal ballot that goes To StItch Up To keep her off the fInal ballot that goes To party StItch Up To keep her off the fInal. Ballot that goes To party members and the ballot that goes To party members and the ThInkIng Ballot that goes To party members and the thInkIng Is that ballot that goes To party members and the thInkIng Is that next ballot that goes To party members and the thInkIng Is that next week| and the thInkIng Is that next week you have and the thInkIng Is that next week you have To and the thInkIng Is that next week you have To mIcro and the thInkIng Is that next week you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is that next week you have To MIcro Ballots and and the thInkIng Is that next week you have To MIcro Ballots and the | you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is that you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is that In you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is that In the you have To MIcro Ballots and the thInkIng Is that In the fIrst thInkIng Is that In the fIrst of those thInkIng Is that In the fIrst of those Who ThInkIng Is that In the fIrst of those who eIther thInkIng Is that In the fIrst of those who EItherjames ThInkIng Is that In the fIrst of. Those who EItherjames Cleverly thInkIng Is that In the fIrst of those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out put those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out put that| those who EItherjames Cleverly or l Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst of Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst of those Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst of those who Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst of those who eIther Tom Tugendhat drops out put that In the fIrst of those Who EItherjames L The FIrst of those who EItherjames Cleverty the fIrst of those who EItherjames Cleverty or the fIrst of those Who EItherjames Cleverty Or Tom the fIrst of those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat the fIrst of those who EItherjames Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops l the fIrst of those Who EItherjames. Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the Fear Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the Fear In Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the fear In the cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the fear In the by cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the fear In the by the cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the fear In the by the knock cleverly or Tom Tugendhat drops out then the fear In the by the knock I then the fear In the by the Knock BIl then the fear In the by the knock BIg Badenoch then the fear In the by the knock bIg Badenoch Camp then the fear In the by the knock bIg Badenoch Camp Is then the fear In the by the knock bIg Badenoch Camp Is that then the fear In the by the knock bIg Badenoch Camp Is that there we tactIcal bIg Badenoch Camp Is that there we TactIcal VotIng bIg Badenoch Camp Is that there we TactIcal VotIng and bIg Badenoch Camp Is that there we TactIcal VotIng and whIchever TactIcal VotIng and whIchever survIves TactIcal VotIng and whIchever survIves wIll TactIcal VotIng and WhIchever SurvIves WIll Leapfrog TactIcal VotIng and WhIchever SurvIves WIll Leapfrog her tactIcal VotIng And WhIcheverl survIves wIll leapfrog her and TactIcal VotIng and WhIchever SurvIves WIll Leapfrog her and we badenoch survIves wIll leapfrog her and we badenoch wIll survIves wIll leapfrog her and we badenoch wIll not survIves wIll leapfrog her and we badenoch wIll not make survIves wIll leapfrog her and we badenoch wIll not make the survIves wIll leapfrog her and we badenoch wIll not make the fInal HatTot Badenoch wIll not make the fInal hatTot That Badenoch wIll not make the fInal ballot that goes badenoch wIll not make the fInal ballot that goes To badenoch wIll not make the fInal ballot that goes To the badenoch wIll not make the fInal I Ballot that goes To the membershIp and that ballot that goes To the membershIp and that She Ballot that goes To the membershIp and that she was ballot that goes To the membershIp and that she was asked ballot that goes To the membershIp and that she was asked by ballot that goes To the membershIp and that she was asked by the ballot that goes To the membershIp and that she was asked by the tImeI and that she was asked by the tIme Is If you and that she was asked by the tIme Is If you hook and that she was asked by the tIme Is If you book the and that she was asked by the tIme Is If you book the robert and that she was asked by the tIme Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Tearn Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Team were Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Team were behInd that Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Team were behInd that sort Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Team were behInd that sort of. Is If you book the RobertjenrIck Team were behInd that sort of thIng and she team were behInd that sort of thIng and she saId I Team were behInd that sort of thIng and she saId I thInk team were behInd that sort of thIng and she saId I thInk I Team were behInd that sort of thIng and she saId I thInk I may team were behInd that sort of thIng and she saId I thInk I may be and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng I and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng. I caught and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng. I caught up and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng. I caught up wIthl and she saId I thInk I may be happenIng. I caught up WIthjames Cteverty happenIng. I caught up WIthjames Cleverty and happenIng. I caught up WIthjames Cleverly and Tom happenIng. I caught up WIthjames Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat happenIng. I caught up WIthjames Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but. HappenIng. I caught up wIthjames. Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but also spoke cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but also spoke To cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but also spoke To Shadow Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but also spoke To Shadow Health cleverly and Tom Tugendhat but also spoke To Shadow Health secretary I spoke To Shadow Health secretary vIcky spoke To Shadow Health secretary VIcky AtkInson spoke To Shadow Health secretary VIcky AtkInson Is spoke To Shadow Health secretary VIcky AtkInson Is a spoke To Shadow Health secretary VIcky AtkInson Is a bIg spoke To Shadow Health secretary VIcky AtkInson Is a BIg Robert VIcky AtkInson Is a bIg Robert JenrIck VIcky AtkInson Is a bIg Robert JenrIck supporter, VIcky AtkInson Is a bIg Robert JenrIck supporter, you VIcky AtkInson Is a bIg Robert JenrIck supporter, you wIll VIcky AtkInson Is a BIg Robertl jenrIck supporter, you wIll see VIcky AtkInson Is a BIg Robert. JenrIck supporter, you wIll see a BIt JenrIck supporter, you wIll see a HIt Of JenrIck supporter, you wIll see a hIt of Hurty JenrIck supporter, you wIll see a bIt of hurly burly jenrIck supporter, you wIll see a bIt of hurly burly of jenrIck supporter, you wIll see a bIt of hurly burly of the jenrIck supporter, you wIll see a bIt of hurly burly of the Convertl BIt of hurly burly of the convert MItes BIt of hurly burly of the convert mItes what bIt of hurly burly of the convert mIles what she bIt of hurly burly of the convert mIles what she thought bIt of hurly burly of the convert mIles what she thought the mIles what she thought the allegatIon mIles what she thought the allegatIon that mIles what she thought the allegatIon that her mIles what she thought the allegatIon that her camp I mIles what she thought the. AllegatIon that her camp were mIles what she thought the allegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a allegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a StItch AllegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a StItch Up allegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a StItch Up To allegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a StItch Up To keep allegatIon that her camp were tryIng To do a StItch Up To keep kemI To do a StItch Up To keep KemI Badenoch To do a StItch Up To keep KemI Badenoch off To do a StItch Up To keep KemI Badenoch off the To do a StItch Up To keep KemI Badenoch off the fInal To do a StItch Up To keep KemI Badenoch off the fInal ballot. I Ive asked my colleagues, I know every sIngle colleague Is very, very conscIous of the responsIbIlIty that they bear To elect the next leader of the conservatIve party. But also someone who Is goIng To take thIs dreadful socIalIst government, really ensure that we hold them To account. So, I know that all my colleagues wIll ensure that theyre takIng that responsIbIlIty very carefully. It seems To be gettIng a lIttle fractIous. Is It . Well, KemI Badenoch raIsIng questIons, It would appear, about MaternIty Pay, and some of your colleagues questIon that and some In her camp sayIng there Is a StItch Up To ensure she doesnt make the fInal two. Well, look, youd have To talk To them about that. Look, kemI Is a really, really good frIend. ObvIously kemI would need To explaIn what she saId, what she meant. KemI Is a really good frIend. And Im not goIng To crItIcIse her. Im certaInly not goIng To jump on any bandwagons. And If you want To understand what you saId, what she meant, youd have To take that up wIth her. Now, Its your colleague, KemI Badenoch, who has been makIng the headlInes, appearIng To raIse a QuestIon Mark over MaternIty Pay and whether It Is Too much . Look, nIck, IdIsagree. And let me be quIte clear, I support the changes that weve made over many, many years. I In fact, quIte a lot of those changes were made because people who are here Today campaIgned for theIr kIds, theIr granddaughters To have the rIghts that they dIdnt enjoy. So very proud of the changes that weve made. And are you one of the camps tryIng To stItch It up To keep her out of the fInal two . There Is no gameplayIng. ThIs Is really serIous. We need To actually get thIs party back on track, To delIver for the brItIsh people. Thats exactly what Im focused on. Tom tugendhat, thank you. So sweet of the candIdates on NewsnIght Tomorrow and we wIll talk To the fourth, at robertjenrIck Tomorrow. Three of them TonIght And Tomorrow. Three of them TonIght And Tomorrow It would talk To The Other. DId I get that the wrong Way Round . Its late at nIght It dId I get that the wrong Way Round . Its late at nIght Its late at nIght It has been a lona Its late at nIght It has been a long day Its late at nIght It has been a long day are Its late at nIght It has been a long day are there Its late at nIght It has been a long day are there dIrty Its late at nIght It has been a j long day are there DIrty TrIcks goIng on . Long day are there dIrty TrIcks AuoIn on . long day are there DIrty TrIcks goIng on . Long day are there dIrty TrIcks UaoInon . ,.. goIng on . No, everybody knows that broadly speakIng. GoIng on . No, everybody knows that broadly speakIng, when goIng on . No, everybody knows that broadly speakIng, when youre broadly speakIng, when youre runnIng one of these campaIgns, mps sometImes lIe To you say you when you have 120 mps and are not enough numbers To shunt someone out. At the realIty Is that the thIng that some people around KemI Badenoch are complaInIng about Is an essentIal part of thejob complaInIng about Is an essentIal part of the job whIch Is To be able To command a majorIty of your parlIamentary colleagues To support you. If she doesnt get on the ballot, It wIll be just as for MIchael PortIllo or DavId MIlIband or denIs healy, she was unable To convInce a member of her parlIamentary colleagues To back her and that Is not some optIonal extra, It Is an essentIal part of beIng able To do the job of leader of the opposItIon well. We able To do the job of leader of the opposItIon well. OpposItIon well. We can talk To KevIn HollInrake OpposItIon well. We can talk To KevIn HollInrake who opposItIon well. We can talk To KevIn HollInrake who Is opposItIon well. We can talk To KevIn HollInrake who Is a KevIn HollInrake who Is a conservatIve mp who Is backIng KemI Badenoch. Is that whats goIng on . Shes not beIng able To persuade enough of her mp colleagues To back her so shes already gettIng the excuses In . I her so shes already gettIng the excuses In . Her so shes already gettIng the excuses In ... excuses In . I dont know, actually, I thInk excuses In . I dont know, actually, IthInkthIs excuses In . I dont know, actually, I thInk thIs Is excuses In . I dont know, actually, I thInk thIs Is all excuses In . I dont know, actually, I thInk thIs Is all kInd excuses In . I dont know, actually, I thInk thIs Is all kInd of I thInk thIs Is all kInd of speculatIon. I thInk thIs Is all kInd of speculatIon. I thInk thIs Is all kInd of seculatIon. ~... speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng that speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng that lots speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng that lots of speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng that lots of people speculatIon. What are you hearIng . Im hearIng that lots of people are l Im HearIng that lots of people are SupportIng KemI and obvIously robert Is In the SupportIng KemI and obvIously robert Is In the Lead And DemI Is second and James Is In the Lead And DemI Is second and James Is dead and Tom Is forth but lets and James Is dead and Tom Is forth but lets see how the votIng Is next week but lets see how the votIng Is next week but but lets see how the votIng Is next week but thIs week Is all about those candIdates beIng able To make theIr case, those candIdates beIng able To make theIr case, go To members but also To members of parlIament who are here To members of parlIament who are here Is To members of parlIament who are here Is a To members of parlIament who are here. Is a member of parlIament, tIsten here. Is a member of parlIament, lIstenTo here. Is a member of parlIament, tIstenTo my here. Is a member of parlIament, lIsten To my members I want To hear theIr vIews lIsten To my members I want To hear theIrvIews. Up lIsten To my members I want To hear theIr vIews. Up To say, my members, by a majorIty theIr vIews. Up To say, my members, by a majorIty every two votes for kemI by a majorIty every two votes for kemI I by a majorIty every two votes for kemI I only one for Everybody Else by a wIde kemI I only one for Everybody Else by a wIde margIn people preferrIng her I by a wIde margIn people preferrIng her I thInk by a wIde margIn people preferrIng her I thInk thats very Important for us her I thInk thats very Important for us as mp5 that we at least gIve the members the OptIon Pud we narrow It down the members the OptIon Pud we narrow It down To the members the OptIon Pud we narrow It down To two people and Id lIke To see It down To two people and Id lIke To see those two people as beIng the two people that members are most lIkety two people that members are most lIkety To two people that members are most lIkely To vote for. Why two people that members are most lIkely To vote for. LIkely To vote for. Why are you backIn lIkely To vote for. Why are you backIng her . LIkely To vote for. Why are you backIng her . Because she lIkely To vote for. Why are you backIng her . Because she Is l lIkely To vote for. Why are you backIng her . Because she Is a strong but very brave backIng her . Because she Is a strong but very brave and backIng her . Because she Is a strong but very brave and bold, worked but very brave and bold, worked wIthIn but very brave and bold, worked wIthIn the but very brave and bold, worked wIthIn the department for busIness and trade, wIthIn the department for busIness and trade, she gave me 100 support and trade, she gave me 100 support and also and trade, she gave me 100 support and also let and trade, she gave me 100 support and also let me get on wIth the job whIch and also let me get on wIth the job whIch Is the and also let me get on wIth the job whIch Is the sIgn of a good leader To me whIch Is the sIgn of a good leader To me but whIch Is the sIgn of a good leader To me. But also she Is optImIstIc. To me To me. But also she Is optImIstIc. To me we To me. But also she Is optImIstIc. To me we saw her launch, It Wasjust about, To me we saw her launch, It Wasjust about, my To me we saw her launch, It Wasjust about, my god, the country Is faIlIng. About, my god, the country Is faIlIng, what are we doIng about It . It faIlIng, what are we doIng about It . It was faIlIng, what are we doIng about It . It was a faIlIng, what are we doIng about It . It was a case of thIngs are goIng accordIng It was a case of thIngs are goIng accordIng To plan all the tIme rIght now. But accordIng To plan all the tIme rIght now. But I accordIng To plan all the tIme rIght now, but I thInk she can lead us through now, but I thInk she can lead us through thIs. Napoleon saId a lead Is a daIly through thIs. Napoleon saId a lead Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a dealer Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a dealer In Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a dealer In Hope. Do Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a dealer In Hope. Is a daIly and Hope and I thInk she Is a dealer In Hope. Do you have any worrIes that Is a dealer In Hope. Do you have any worrIes that sometImes Is a dealer In Hope. Do you have any worrIes that sometImes the choIce | worrIes that sometImes the choIce of words, her choIce of language, causes problems . Words, her choIce of language, causes problems . Shes very dIrect, there Is no causes problems . Shes very dIrect, there Is no questIon causes problems . Shes very dIrect, there Is no questIon about causes problems . Shes very dIrect, there Is no questIon about It. Causes problems . Shes very dIrect, there Is no questIon about It. You I there Is no questIon about It. You dont worry there Is no questIon about It. You dont worry about there Is no questIon about It. Gm, dont worry about It . There Is no questIon about It. You dont worry about It . I there Is no questIon about It. You dont worry about It . I dont. There Is no questIon about It. You dont worry about It . I dont. Can| there Is no questIon about It. You| dont worry about It . I dont. Can I fInIsh . People dont worry about It . I dont. Can I fInIsh . People want dont worry about It . I dont. Can I fInIsh . People want To dont worry about It . I dont. Can I fInIsh . People want To hear dont worry about It . I dont. Can I| fInIsh . People want To hear people speakIng fInIsh . People want To hear people speakIng theIr MInd. I fInIsh . People want To hear people speakIng theIr MInd. SpeakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have not speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have got a speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have got a poInt speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have got a poInt come speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have got a poInt come people I speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you | have got a poInt come people do speakIng theIr MInd. I thInk you have got a poInt come people do want To hear authentIc, honest answer Is put at the problem Is, she wrItes In a newspaper, some cultures are less valId than others, but then cannot artIculate that when shes asked about It... about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that poInt about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that poInt I about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that poInt I have about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that poInt I have read | about It. You saId that, I dont belIeve that poInt I have read what she wrote belIeve that poInt I have read what she wrote In the paper, I heard what she wrote In the paper, I heard what she saId she wrote In the paper, I heard what she saId In she wrote In the paper, I heard what she saId In IntervIews. She she wrote In the paper, I heard what she saId In IntervIews. She saId In IntervIews. She dIdnt answer the she saId In IntervIews. She dIdnt answer the questIons, she saId In IntervIews. She dIdnt answer the questIons, whIch she saId In IntervIews. She dIdnt answer the questIons, whIch cultures were less valId. She answer the questIons, whIch cultures were less valId. Were less valId. She saId some coaches treat were less valId. She saId some coaches treat women were less valId. She saId some coaches treat women as were less valId. She saId some coaches treat women as beIng | coaches treat women as beIng ImperatIve on a bus Totally wrong, Ive ImperatIve on a bus Totally wrong, Ive seen ImperatIve on a bus Totally wrong, Ive seen that In some cultures, I represented dewsbury as a candId, that was represented dewsbury as a candId, that was the case and To me wrong thats that was the case and To me wrong thats what that was the case and To me wrong thats what she saId. Not lIke To valIdate thats what she saId. Not lIke To valIdate cultures whIch treat women as beIng valIdate cultures whIch treat women as beIng InferIor To men, that sImply as beIng InferIor To men, that sImply wrong. As beIng InferIor To men, that sImply wrong as beIng InferIor To men, that sIml wronu. ~.. sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a force for.. A busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a force for ,... sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow the she wants To sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow the sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow the economy. | sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, she wants To grow the economy. | sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, I she wants To grow the economy. She has just been In a sImply wrong. LIke all candIdates, I she wants To grow the economy. She has just been In a she wants To grow the economy. She hasjust been In a government she wants To grow the economy. She hasjust been In a government she wants To grow the economy. She has just been In a government wIth you and all The Other candIdates she wants To grow the economy. She has just been In a government wIth you and all The Other candIdates actually where you had a stagnant actually where you had a stagnant growth for 1h years. Growth for 14 years. Actually where you had a stagnant growth for 14 years. Growth for 14 years. Thats not growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Growth for 14 years. Thats not true Its growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, true. Growth for 14 years. Thats not true Its growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look at growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look at the | true. Its not true, look at the growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look at I Growth for 14 years. Thats not true. Its not true, look at the | true. Its not true, look at the facts true. Its not true, look at the facts carry true. Its not true, look at the facts true. Its not true, look at the facts carry true. Its not true, look at the facts. Carry on. SInce 2010 has been facts. Carry on. SInce 2010 has been the thIrd the thIrd facts. Carry on. SInce 2010 has been the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 facts. Carry on. SInce 2010 has been the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 put It the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 put It the the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 put It the only country Is growIng put It the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 put It the the thIrd fastest growth In the g7 put It the only country Is growIng faster put It the only country Is growIng faster put It the only country Is growIng faster than us Is the us and canada. Faster than us Is the us and canada. We are growIng faster than france, we are growIng faster than france, germany germany we are growIng faster than france, germany and japan. Thats not stagnant we are growIng faster than france, germany and japan. Thats not stagnant germany and japan. Thats not germany and japan. Thats not stagnant growth. What adectIve stagnant growth. What adectIve would ou would ou stagnant growth. What adectIve stagnant growth. What adectIve would you use. I would you use. I stagnant growth. What adectIve would you use. ThIs stagnant growth. What adjectIve would you use. ThIs perfect I would you use. ThIs perfect stagnant growth. What adectIve would you use. ThIs I stagnant growth. What adjectIve would you use. ThIs perfect I would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year the would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year the uk I would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year the would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year the uk I would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs year the uk Is l statIstIc, thIs year the uk Is growIng statIstIc, thIs year the uk Is growIng the fastest In the g7 put what growIng the fastest In the g7 put force for statIstIc, thIs year the uk Is l what adjectIve would you use . Would you use. ThIs perfect statIstIc, thIs 3 would 5 uk Is l would you use. ThIs perfect. StatIstIc, thIs 3 would 5 M Use . What adjectIve would you use . Because LIz Truss says the average because LIz Truss says the average annual growth under the TorIes sInce annual growth under the sInce 2010 was 1 . LIz annual growth under the TorIes sInce 2010 was 1 . LIz annual growth under the TorIes sInce 2010 was 196 annual growth under the TorIes sInce 2010 was 196 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as a 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as a prIme 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as a 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as a prIme 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte work out as a PrIme MInIster, I 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte J Work out as a PrIme MInIster, lets face that work out as a PrIme MInIster, I 2010 was 1 . LIz truss dIdnt quIte J Work out as a PrIme MInIster, lets face that work out as a PrIme MInIster, lets face that. Never thought she was the work out as a PrIme MInIster, lets face that. Never thought she was the FIlm Face that. Never thought she was the rIght person To lead our party and FIlm Face that. Never thought she was the rIght person To lead our party and the country. The the country. The rIght person To lead our party and the country rIght person To lead our party and the count..... the country. The questIon was about rIght person To lead our party and the country rIght person To lead our party and the count..... the country. The questIon was about trowth. The country. The questIon was about growth the trowth. The country. The questIon was about growth the the country. The questIon was about growth the poInt the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of the country. The questIon was about growth the poInt the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of course I the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of course we I Growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy growth. The poInt Is, of course we the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of course I the country. The questIon was about growth. The poInt Is, of course we I Growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy To growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy To grow growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy To grow more l want the economy To grow more want the economy To growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy To grow growth. The poInt Is, of course we want the economy To grow more I want the economy To grow more quIckly. QuIckly. Want the economy To grow more quIckly. Most western developed want the economy To grow more quIckly. Most western developed countrIes are sufferIng because of countrIes are sufferIng because of demographIcs, where carryIng more demographIcs, where carryIng more people demographIcs, where carryIng more people who are not workIng for people demographIcs, where carryIng more people who are not workIng for varIous people who are not workIng for varIous reasons, we need To address varIous people who are not workIng for varIous reasons, we need To address that we that we varIous reasons, we need To address that we promIsed To address that varIous reasons, we need To address that we promIsed To address that through that we promIsed To address that through welfare reform. We need To through that we promIsed To address that do that through welfare reform. We need To do that through welfare reform. We need To do that so through welfare reform. We need To through welfare reform. We need To do that so through welfare reform. We need To do that so there are fundamental changes do that so there are fundamental changes we need To make a product do that so there are fundamental changes do that so there are fundamental changes we need To make a product Im changes we need To make a Product Lm Shadow changes we need To make a product Im shadow busIness secretary, been Im changes we need To make a Product Lm Shadow changes we need To make a product Im shadow busIness secretary, been a busIness Im shadow busIness secretary, been a busIness Im shadow busIness secretary, been a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a Force Force a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a force for a busIness or my lIfe and thIs Is a force for good, strong horse that pulls the force for good, strong horse that pulls the whole cart as churchIll saId so pulls the whole cart as churchIll saId so we pulls the whole cart as churchIll saId so we have To make sure It Is easIer saId so we have To make sure It Is easIer generate the growth. If busIness, generate the growth. If your mInIsters generate growth. You had all those your mInIsters generate growth. Gm. Had all those years To be able To do that. had all those years To be able To do that that I had all those years To be able To do that. that. We should be honest about that. Can I show ou we should be honest about that. Ce I show you some pollIng comIng up Tomorrow . Lets have a look. ThIs suggests that of all the candIdates, It suggests that Tom Tugendhat, when you ask all voters, has the hIghest Net FavourabIlIty wIth the general publIc, whIch means he Is the least dIslIked, If you want To put It that way. And among conservatIve voters, Tom Tugendhat Is the most lIked overalls and as you can see, KemI Badenoch Is at the botTom of both columns. I badenoch Is at the botTom of both columns... do you get why . I do, not delIver on thIns lIke do you get why . I do, not delIver on thIngs lIke ImmIgratIon, thIngs lIke ImmIgratIon, Non DelIvery on thIngs lIke the economy, Non DelIvery on thIngs lIke the economy, because people have been through economy, because people have been through a economy, because people have been through a bad tIme and they punIsh government In those sItuatIons. The nhs, government In those sItuatIons. The nhs, of government In those sItuatIons. The nhs, of course, those thIngs have not been nhs, of course, those thIngs have not been delIvered on. People are angry not been delIvered on. People are angry about partygate, about LIz Truss. Angry about partygate, about LIz Truss. Of angry about partygate, about LIz Truss, of course. If you thInk, honestly, truss, of course. If you thInk, honestly, ourselves as members of parlIament, If you thInk we are not devastated parlIament, If you thInk we are not devastated To lose 200 of our colleagues, people who worked really hard To colleagues, people who worked really hard To represent theIr constItuents. | hard To represent theIr constItuents. Hard To represent theIr constItuents. hard To represent theIr constItuents.. constItuents. I am sure you are devastated. ConstItuents. I am sure you are devastated. I constItuents. I am sure you are devastated, I wonder constItuents. I am sure you are devastated, I wonder If constItuents. I am sure you are devastated, I wonder If you I constItuents. I am sure you are devastated, I wonder If you are l constItuents. I am sure you are l devastated, I wonder If you are not devastated, I wonder If you are not devastated at the half of voters when the country was left lIke It was left. {lIt when the country was left lIke It was left. when the country was left lIke It was left... was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes. Was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes To was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes To be was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes. To be faIr, was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes. To be faIr, we was left. Of course, we know we made mIstakes. To be faIr, we also mIstakes. To be faIr, we also Took the economy through some of the most turbulent the economy through some of the most turbulent economIc tImes, that were forced turbulent economIc tImes, that were forced upon turbulent economIc tImes, that were forced upon us through covId, the cost of forced upon us through covId, The Cost Of LIvIng crIsIs, we pumped half 1 cost of lIvIng crIsIs, we pumped half 1 trIllIon InTo the economy To save hundreds of thousands of busInesses and mIllIons ofjobs. ThIs was busInesses and mIllIons ofjobs. ThIs was not a complete Tale Of Woe In terms thIs was not a complete Tale Of Woe In terms of thIs was not a complete Tale Of Woe In terms of what we dId, but we made our mIstakes In terms of what we dId, but we made our mIstakes. Gn In terms of what we dId, but we made our mIstakes our mIstakes. On the questIon of acknowledgement, I our mIstakes. On the questIon of acknowledgement, I trIed our mIstakes. On the questIon of acknowledgement, I trIed To I our mIstakes. On the questIon of| acknowledgement, I trIed To catch our mIstakes. On the questIon of I acknowledgement, I trIed To catch a word wIth your former PrIme MInIster, LIz Truss, at a FrInge Event Today, where she claImed she would have done better In the general electIon than your colleague, rIshI sunak. Iasked varIous questIons, but she dIdnt really want To answer any of them. LIz truss. You saId youd be a better PrIme MInIster than rIshI sunak, you could have done better than hIm In thIs electIon. Why do you say that . Why dont you want To answer any questIons . Shesjust done a 45 mInute IntervIew. Sure, sure, sure. But. Oh, 0k. Thats faIr enough. Were not goIng In the ladIes loo. LIz truss, you saId the countrys In declIne. Is that partly your responsIbIlIty . Is there a battle To save brItaIn because of your economIc Incompetence . Do you stIll see a future for yourself In ConservatIve PolItIcs . You saId It feels lIke the country Is In declIne. I wonder how much you contrIbuted To that . Was there anythIng that went wrong wIth your MInI Budget that you would take responsIbIlIty for . Lets brIng our Panel Back In, and harrIet cross, newly elected conservatIve mp who Is supportIng Tom tugenhadt. We dId not hearfrom lIz we dId not hear from LIz Truss, but she was at a FrInge Event, when you hear what she says, what do you thInk . I hear what she says, what do you thInk . ~ hear what she says, what do you thInk . ~.. thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we are thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we are as thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we are as a thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we are as a party I thInk . I thInk we need To be honest about where we are as a party now. J about where we are as a party now. LIz truss was the lead at the tIme. What we need To look at Is goIng forward. And goIng forward means makIng sure we understand why the party got In the posItIon we are In now and how we can rebuIld It goIng forward. We dId let the brItIsh people down, we dId not delIver on thIngs lIke taxatIon, ImmIgratIon. We need To recognIse that, except that, be honest about It, but also not let that defIne our future. We have a huge amount To offer the brItIsh publIc, we want To offer the brItIsh publIc, we want To offer the brItIsh publIc, we want To offer the brItIsh publIc It and I thInk the brItIsh publIc It and I thInk the brItIsh publIc It and I thInk the brItIsh publIc want an alternatIve. They dont want the Labour Government they have at the moment. Even wIthIn the fIrst 100 days, they are provIng they are not what they were offerIng and what they promIse To delIver. We need To be the opposItIon that can show the alternatIve and the next government that delIvers that alternatIve. Iartfhelt that delIvers that alternatIve. When ou see lIz that delIvers that alternatIve. When you see LIz Truss that delIvers that alternatIve. When you see LIz Truss yeah, that delIvers that alternatIve. When you see LIz Truss yeah, she that delIvers that alternatIve. When you see LIz Truss yeah, she lost I that delIvers that alternatIve. When you see LIz Truss yeah, she lost her seat, what do you thInk . I you see LIz Truss yeah, she lost her seat, what do you thInk . Seat, what do you thInk . I dont thInk It Is seat, what do you thInk . I dont thInk It Is partIcularly seat, what do you thInk . I dont thInk It Is partIcularly helpful. I l thInk It Is partIcularly helpful. I thInk thInk It Is partIcularly helpful. I thInk lI2 thInk It Is partIcularly helpful. I thInk LIz Truss trIed To do what you wanted thInk LIz Truss trIed To do what you wanted To thInk LIz Truss trIed To do what you wanted To do, and 49 days later she was out wanted To do, and 49 days later she was out I wanted To do, and 49 days later she was out. I never thought she was the fIlm was out. I never thought she was the rIght person was out. I never thought she was the rIght person To lead the party or the country. But I agree wIth harrIet the country. But I agree wIth harrIet that we need To move forward harrIet that we need To move forward. That Is what thIs Is about. It Is hIsTory. Forward. That Is what thIs Is about. It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But forward. That Is what thIs Is about. It Is hIsTory, In many ways. It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But It Is not, because It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But It Is not, because lIz It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But It Is not, because LIz Truss It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But It Is not, because LIz Truss Is I It Is hIsTory, In many ways. But It Is not, because LIz Truss Is at I Is not, because LIz Truss Is at your conference. Is not, because LIz Truss Is at your conference Is not, because LIz Truss Is at your conference. You are featurIng her, I have been at the conference. You are featurIng her, I have been at the conference or conference. You are featurIng her, I have been at the conference or two| have been at the conference or two days and have been at the conference or two days and nobody mentIoned LIz Truss To me days and nobody mentIoned LIz Truss To me at days and nobody mentIoned LIz Truss To me at Alt Days and nobody mentIoned LIz Truss To me at all. | days and nobody mentIoned LIz Truss To me at all To me at all. I was In that room and It was packed To me at all. I was In that room and It was packed wIth To me at all. I was In that room and It was packed wIth conservatIve I It was packed wIth conservatIve actIvIsts and members. I It was packed wIth conservatIve actIvIsts and members. ActIvIsts and members. I would not have her at actIvIsts and members. I would not have her at the actIvIsts and members. I would not have her at the conference, I I actIvIsts and members. I would not| have her at the conference, I would not Issue have her at the conference, I would not Issue here have her at the conference, I would not Issue here wIth have her at the conference, I would not Issue here wIth a have her at the conference, I would not Issue here wIth a pass. Have her at the conference, I would not Issue here wIth a pass. She I have her at the conference, I would not Issue here wIth a pass. She hasj not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done so not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done so much not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done so much damage not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done so much damage To not Issue here wIth a pass. She has done so much damage To the I not Issue here wIth a pass. She has| done so much damage To the party. It Is one thIng done so much damage To the party. It Is one thIng To done so much damage To the party. It Is one thIng To have messed done so much damage To the party. It Is one thIng To have messed up In Is one thIng To have messed up In the way Is one thIng To have messed up In the way that Is one thIng To have messed up In the way that she Is one thIng To have messed up In the way that she dId, Is one thIng To have messed up In the way that she dId, the the way that she dId, The Other thIng the way that she dId, The Other thIng was the way that she dId, The Other thIng was never the way that she dId, The Other thIng was never To the way that she dId, The OtherI thIng was never To acknowledge the way that she dId, The Other. ThIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse thIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse for thIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse for what thIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse for what she thIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse for what she has thIng was never To acknowledge or apologIse for what she has done. I thIng was never To acknowledge orI apologIse for what she has done. In her arrogant apologIse for what she has done. In her arrogant way, apologIse for what she has done. In her arrogant way, she apologIse for what she has done. In her arrogant way, she would apologIse for what she has done. In her arrogant way, she would not. ApologIse for what she has done. In. Her arrogant way, she would not even engage her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you at her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you at all. Her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you at all. That her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you at all. That Is her arrogant way, she would not even engage wIth you at all. That Is what. Engage wIth you at all. That Is what she chooses, engage wIth you at all. That Is what she chooses, set engage wIth you at all. That Is what she chooses, set pIece engage wIth you at all. That Is what she chooses, set pIece medIa engage wIth you at all. That Is what. She chooses, set pIece medIa events that she she chooses, set pIece medIa events that she does she chooses, set pIece medIa events that she does. The she chooses, set pIece medIa events that she does. The telegraph she chooses, set pIece medIa events that she does. The telegraph seem I she chooses, set pIece medIa events. That she does. The telegraph seem To have an that she does. The telegraph seem To have an extraordInary that she does. The telegraph seem To have an extraordInary relatIonshIp have an extraordInary relatIonshIp wIth her have an extraordInary relatIonshIp wIth her and have an extraordInary relatIonshIp wIth her and keep have an extraordInary relatIonshIp wIth her and keep gIvIng have an extraordInary relatIonshIp wIth herand keep gIvIng her wIth herand keep gIvIng her publIcIty wIth herand keep gIvIng her publIcIty. Its wIth herand keep gIvIng her publIcIty. Its harmful wIth herand keep gIvIng her publIcIty. Its harmful To wIth herand keep gIvIng her publIcIty. Its harmful To the| publIcIty. Its harmful To the conservatIve publIcIty. Its harmful To the conservatIve party. PublIcIty. Its harmful To the conservatIve party. I publIcIty. Its harmful To the conservatIve party. I would I publIcIty. Its harmful To the I conservatIve party. I would not publIcIty. Its harmful To the conservatIve party. I would not have her at conservatIve party. I would not have her at the conservatIve party. I would not have her at the conservatIve conservatIve party. I would not have her at the conservatIve conference. I her at the conservatIve conference. The conservatIve her at the conservatIve conference. The conservatIve party her at the conservatIve conference. The conservatIve party had her at the conservatIve conference. The conservatIve party had an the conservatIve party had an IdeologIcal experIment that It InflIcted on the rest of the country and It InflIcted on the rest of the country and It has InflIcted on the rest of the country and It has never apologIsed. It has never and It has never apologIsed. It has never apologIsed. And It has never apologIsed. It has neverapologIsed. UntIlthe never apologIsed. UntIl the conservatIve party neverapologIsed. UntIlthe conservatIve party apologIses, It wIll be conservatIve party apologIses, It wIll be an conservatIve party apologIses, It wIll be an elecToral halITosIs, just as untIt wIll be an elecToral halITosIs, just as untIl the Labour Party apologIsed Forjeremy as untIl the Labour Party apologIsed Forjeremy Corbyn and the fInancIal crIsIs Forjeremy Corbyn and the fInancIal crIsIs none Forjeremy Corbyn and the fInancIal crIsIs. None of the leadershIp candIdates seem To understand that they need candIdates seem To understand that they need To apologIse. What candIdates seem To understand that they need To apologIse. They need To apologIse. What Is InterestIng they need To apologIse. What Is InterestIng Is they need To apologIse. What Is InterestIng Is that they need To apologIse. What Is InterestIng Is that kevIn they need To apologIse. What Is InterestIng Is that kevIn was they need To apologIse. What Is| InterestIng Is that kevIn was and they need To apologIse. What Is I InterestIng Is that kevIn was and Is a very close ally of rIshI sunak, and you Hoped that To my of hIm as PrIme MInIster, he regarded hIm as a steadyIng force, and It would wIpe the slate clean. And clearly that dIdnt happen. Flan the slate clean. And clearly that dIdnt happen the slate clean. And clearly that dIdnt happen. Can I ust say, I was wIth rIshI when dIdnt happen. Can I ust say, I was wIth rIshI when lIz dIdnt happen. Can Ijust say, I was wIth rIshI when LIz Truss, dIdnt happen. Can Ijust say, I was wIth rIshI when LIz Truss, when. DIdnt happen. Can Ijust say, I was| wIth rIshI when LIz Truss, when her premIershIp wIth rIshI when LIz Truss, when her premIershIp came To an end, and he was thInkIng premIershIp came To an end, and he was thInkIng about whether To stand or not was thInkIng about whether To stand or not he was thInkIng about whether To stand or not. He agonIsed over that In the same or not. He agonIsed over that In the same way, or not. He agonIsed over that In the same way, because he knew It was a poIsoned same way, because he knew It was a poIsoned chalIce and there was no chance poIsoned chalIce and there was no chance of poIsoned chalIce and there was no chance of turnIng thIngs around, elecTorally, for the conservatIve party. ElecTorally, for the conservatIve party, overthe elecTorally, for the conservatIve party, over the next 18 months or two years party, over the next 18 months or two years. But he dId that, he became two years. But he dId that, he became PrIme MInIster, put hImself forward became PrIme MInIster, put hImself forward because It was the rIght thIng forward because It was the rIght thIng To forward because It was the rIght thIng To do, because he could be that steadyIng Influence. Thats the kInd of that steadyIng Influence. Thats the kInd of publIc servant he Is and we should kInd of publIc servant he Is and we should be kInd of publIc servant he Is and we should be grateful for It. Should be gratefulfor It. HarrIet cross, do should be gratefulfor It. HarrIet cross. Do you should be gratefulfor It. HarrIet cross, do you thInk should be gratefulfor It. HarrIet cross, do you thInk the should be gratefulfor It. HarrIet cross, do you thInk the four cross, do you thInk the four candIdates, IncludIng the person you are supportIng, Tom Tugendhat, really have To make a break wIth that past and completely dIsassocIate themselves wIth people lIke LIz Truss . I dIsassocIate themselves wIth people lIke LIz Truss . LIke LIz Truss . I dont thInk It Is necessarIly lIke LIz Truss . I dont thInk It Is necessarIly a lIke LIz Truss . I dont thInk It Is necessarIly a poInt lIke LIz Truss . I dont thInk It Is necessarIly a poInt of lIke LIz Truss . I dont thInk It Is I necessarIly a poInt of dIsassocIate ourselves from the past, there are conservatIve values we can be really proud of and be brought forward. Steve was just sayIng, doesnt Somebody Need To say sorry To the voters . Taste Somebody Need To say sorry To the voters . ~.... Voters . We have To acknowledge that we were rejected. Voters . We have To acknowledge that we were rejected. Why voters . We have To acknowledge that we were rejected. Why were voters . We have To acknowledge that we were rejected. Why were we we were rejected. Why were we rejected . Because we dIdnt delIver. We were effectIvely In power for so long and assumed our answers were the correct answers on The One Is the correct answers on The One Is the publIc wanted. They have shown thatIs the publIc wanted. They have shown that Is not what they want. They want somebody who wIll actually lIsten To what the publIc want, wIll act In a way that wIll delIver what the publIc want, and wIll serve the publIc fIrst and foremost, party second. That Is why I am supportIng Tom, because he has a hIsTory of servIce. He wIll serve the country To the end of the world and back, because that Is what he has done for the last 25 years. That Is always at the last 25 years. That Is always at the forefront of hIs MInd and we need To rebuIld trust, resTore faIth. That Is what wIll allow the brItIsh publIc To gIve us a hearIng that wIll allow us To move InTo the future as a party that the country want To lIsten To. Want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . Want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You back want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You back To want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You back To lIz want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You back To LIz Truss| want To lIsten To. What about hIs judgment . You back To LIz Truss and actually saId when she was PrIme MInIster, I back LIzs Plan for the economy. MInIster, I back LIzs Plan for the econom. MInIster, I back LIzs Plan for the econom... economy. There Is nothIng wrong wIth lookIn at economy. There Is nothIng wrong wIth lookIng at growth economy. There Is nothIng wrong wIth lookIng at growth and economy. There Is nothIng wrong wIth lookIng at growth and wantIng lookIng at growth and wantIng growth. LookIng at growth and wantIng urowth. , ~. lookIng at growth and wantIng urowth. ,. LookIng at growth and wantIng urowth.. ~. lookIng at growth and wantIng urowth. ,.. growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsa. Ree growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsagree wIth growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsagree wIth that . Growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. Growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I growth. Completely. Who Is goIng To dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I back I dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I back lIzs lan dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I back lIas plan for dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I back LIzs Plan for the dIsagree wIth that . Exactly. I back LIzs Plan for the economy. LIzs plan for the economy. She wanted growth LIzs Plan for the economy. Sue wanted growth In the LIzs Plan for the economy. 519 wanted growth In the economy. LIzs plan for the economy. She wanted growth In the economy. She also wanted 45 bIllIon of Tax Cuts from borrowIng, and he backed It and It faIled. So Im askIng about hIs judgment. It faIled. So Im askIng about hIs udument. w It faIled. So Im askIng about hIs udument. , ~ judgment. You can pIck one thIng. At the same tIme. Judgment. You can pIck one thIng. At the same tIme, there judgment. You can pIck one thIng. At the same tIme, there were judgment. You can pIck one thIng. At the same tIme, there were many judgment. You can pIck one thIng. At I the same tIme, there were many other mp5 who backed LIz Truss, many other mps who backed LIz Truss, many other mp5 who backed rIshI sunak. LIz mps who backed rIshI sunak. LIz truss was The One that was elected, she has been rejected, the party have been rejected, the party now need To rebuIld. I have been rejected, the party now need To rebuIld. Have been rejected, the party now need To rebuIld. I thInk we have all learned from need To rebuIld. I thInk we have all learned from the need To rebuIld. I thInk we have all learned from the LIz Need To rebuIld. I thInk we have all learned from the LIz Truss need To rebuIld. I thInk we have all| learned from the LIz Truss epIsode. PartIcularly learned from the LIz Truss epIsode. PartIcularly that you cant take the markets partIcularly that you cant take the markets for granted. You cant say that polItIcs markets for granted. You cant say that polItIcs works In IsolatIon. It works that polItIcs works In IsolatIon. It works In that polItIcs works In IsolatIon. It works In conjunctIon wIth the markets works In conjunctIon wIth the markets. That Is what we dId, that Is what markets. That Is what we dId, that Is what lIz markets. That Is what we dId, that Is what lIz dId. It was a bIg mIstake Is what lIz dId. It was a bIg mIstake~ Is what lIz dId. It was a bIg mIstake. I have no problems apologIsIng To the country, Ive done apologIsIng To the country, Ive done It apologIsIng To the country, Ive done It lots of tImes on lots of dIfferent done It lots of tImes on lots of dIfferent thIngs. We get stuff wrong all the dIfferent thIngs. We get stuff wrong all the tIme. He that never makes a mIstake all the tIme. He that never makes a mIstake never does anythIng. I thInk the bIg DIvIde MIstake never does anythIng. I thInk the bIg dIvIde In mIstake never does anythIng. I thInk the bIg dIvIde In the mIstake never does anythIng. I thInk the bIg dIvIde In the conservatIve the bIg dIvIde In the conservatIve party Is In between brexIt and remaIn or wrIte To let, It Is serIous and unserIous. We were not a serIous and unserIous. We were not a serIous party often In offIce. Anybody can say they want Tax Cuts, LIz Truss Is stIll sayIng It, as If thatIs LIz Truss Is stIll sayIng It, as If that Is enough. What made Margaret Thatcher specIal was that she knew how government worked, she only pIcked a fIght when she could wIn It. Somehow, Its harderTo pIcked a fIght when she could wIn It. Somehow, Its harder To do In opposItIon, but we need To communIcate that we are the party of competence. That Is what we were. We have never been the most loved party In brItIsh polItIcs, never seen Is the most carIng, but we were seen as the most carIng, but we were seen as the grown ups. How the leadershIp candIdates reform the party and turn It InTo a 215t century, democratIc organIsatIon and how we govern In local government, that Is how we address that challenge. What local government, that Is how we address that challenge. What skIlls do ou see address that challenge. What skIlls do you see In address that challenge. What skIlls do you see In Tom Address that challenge. What skIlls do you see In Tom Tugendhat address that challenge. What skIlls do you see In Tom Tugendhat that L Address that challenge. What skIlls I do you see In Tom Tugendhat that you thInk would make hIm a good conservatIve leader and, potentIally, PrIme MInIster of thIs country . PotentIally, PrIme MInIster of thIs count .. ,. Country . Tom wants To lead the count , country . Tom wants To lead the country. He country . Tom wants To lead the country, he wants country . Tom wants To lead the country, he wants To country . Tom wants To lead the country, he wants To serve the l country, he wants To serve the country country, he wants To serve the country. The reason he wants To do that Is country. The reason he wants To do that Is because that Is what he has done that Is because that Is what he has done hIs that Is because that Is what he has done hIs whole lIfe. He fully trelIeves done hIs whole lIfe. He fully belIeves In the value of the unIted kIngdom, belIeves In the value of the unIted kIngdom, the whole of the unIted kIngdom kIngdom, the whole of the unIted kIngdom. For me, Is a scottIsh mp, It Is so kIngdom. For me, Is a scottIsh mp, It Is so Important because we need To trrIng It Is so Important because we need To trrIng all It Is so Important because we need To brIng all the natIons Together. That Is To brIng all the natIons Together. That Is when the uk are strongest. Tom Is that Is when the uk are strongest. Tom Is best that Is when the uk are strongest. Tom Is best placed To do that because Tom Is best placed To do that because he has served the unIted kIngdom, because he has served the unIted kIngdom, the example he gIves To me, and It kIngdom, the example he gIves To me, and It does kIngdom, the example he gIves To me, and It does rIng true, from when he was servIng and It does rIng true, from when he was servIng abroad, he has burIed frIends was servIng abroad, he has burIed frIends of was servIng abroad, he has burIed frIends of hIs In scotland and he wIll say frIends of hIs In scotland and he wIll say agaIn and agaIn, I have not burIed wIll say agaIn and agaIn, I have not burIed my wIll say agaIn and agaIn, I have not burIed my frIends on foreIgn soIl. He cares burIed my frIends on foreIgn soIl. He cares about the fabrIc of the unIted he cares about the fabrIc of the unIted kIngdom In hIs soul, and we need unIted kIngdom In hIs soul, and we need someone who does that. We need someone need someone who does that. We need someone who actually wants a brIght Future Someone who actually wants a brIght future for someone who actually wants a brIght future for the unIted kIngdom and we need someone who Is used To leadIng, used To need someone who Is used To leadIng, used To brIng In people wIth hIm, and that used To brIng In people wIth hIm, and that Is used To brIng In people wIth hIm, and that Is what Tom can do. In and that Is what Tom can do. In terms and that Is what Tom can do. Terms of the and that Is what Tom can do. In terms of the mood of thIs conference, how would you descrIbe It, steven . It conference, how would you descrIbe It, steven . conference, how would you descrIbe It. Steven . It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance of It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance of a It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance of a party It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance of a party that l It, steven . It has the classIc. Exuberance of a party that has It, steven . It has the classIc exuberance of a party that hasjust been exuberance of a party that hasjust been defeated. Exuberance of a party that hasjust been defeated. I was exuberance of a party that hasjust been defeated. I was at exuberance of a party that hasjust been defeated. I was at the exuberance of a party that hasjust been defeated. I was at the LIb Exuberance of a party that has just I been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 when been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 when they been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 when they had been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 when they had been been defeated. I was at the lIb dems In 2015 when they had been kIcked I In 2015 when they had been kIcked out, labour In 2015 when they had been kIcked out, labour 2010, In 2015 when they had been kIcked out, labour 2010, they In 2015 when they had been kIcked out, labour 2010, they would I In 2015 when they had been kIcked out, labour 2010, they would sayI In 2015 when they had been kIcked I out, labour 2010, they would say the same out, labour 2010, they would say the same thIngs. Out, labour 2010, they would say the same thIngs. The out, labour 2010, they would say the same thIngs, the new out, labour 2010, they would say the same thIngs, the new government. Out, labour 2010, they would say the same thIngs, the new government Is| same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng Its same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng. Its back same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng. Its back To same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng. Its back To the same thIngs, the new government Is strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, I strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, the case strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, the case of strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, the case of the strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, the case of the labour strugglIng. Its back To the 80s, the case of the Labour Party, I strugglIng. Its back To the 80s,. The case of the Labour Party, back To the the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s Is the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s Is what the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s Is what I the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s Is what I am the case of the Labour Party, back To The 70s Is what I am hearIng I the case of the Labour Party, backI To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week they To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week they are To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week. They are fIndIng To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week. They are fIndIng theIr To The 70s Is what I am hearIng thIs week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. L week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. They week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. They dIdnt week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. They dIdnt wIn, we week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. They dIdnt wIn, we lost. Week. They are fIndIng theIr feet. They dIdnt wIn, we lost. And I they dIdnt wIn, we lost. And then you hear a they dIdnt wIn, we lost. And then you hear a seductIve they dIdnt wIn, we lost. And then you hear a seductIve message I they dIdnt wIn, we lost. And then I you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason why you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason why we you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason why we lost you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason why we lost as you hear a seductIve message whIch Is, the reason why we lost as we I Is, the reason why we lost as we were Is, the reason why we lost as we were not Is, the reason why we lost as we were not suffIcIently Is, the reason why we lost as we were not suffIcIently clear Is, the reason why we lost as we were not suffIcIently clear about| were not suffIcIently clear about what were not suffIcIently clear about what we were not suffIcIently clear about what we thought. Were not suffIcIently clear about what we thought. We were not suffIcIently clear about what we thought. We need I were not suffIcIently clear about what we thought. We need To I were not suffIcIently clear about| what we thought. We need To be were not suffIcIently clear about what we thought. We need To be more lIke ourselves, what we thought. We need To be more lIke ourselves, we what we thought. We need To be more lIke ourselves, we need what we thought. We need To be more lIke ourselves, we need To what we thought. We need To be more lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore I lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore focus lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore Focus Groups lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore Focus Groups. ThIs lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore Focus Groups. ThIs sounds lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To I lIke ourselves, we need To Ignore Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To me, quIte Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To me, quIte rIghtly Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To me, quIte rIghtly people Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To me, quIte rIghtly people say Focus Groups. ThIs sounds To me, quIte rIghtly people say margaretj quIte rIghtly people say Margaret Thatcher quIte rIghtly people say Margaret Thatcher saId quIte rIghtly people say Margaret Thatcher saId these quIte rIghtly people say Margaret Thatcher saId these thIngs quIte rIghtly people say Margaret Thatcher saId these thIngs and I quIte rIghtly people say Margaret L Thatcher saId these thIngs and won after one thatcher saId these thIngs and won after one term, thatcher saId these thIngs and won after one term, but thatcher saId these thIngs and won after one term, but generally thatcher saId these thIngs and won after one term, but generally thIs I after one term, but generally thIs Is what after one term, but generally thIs Is what you after one term, but generally thIs Is what you hear after one term, but generally thIs Is what you hear from after one term, but generally thIs Is what you hear from polItIcal Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when It Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when It has Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when It has lost Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when It has lost one I Is what you hear from polItIcal partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It Is partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It Is about partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It Is about To partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It Is about To lose partIes when It has lost one tIme, and It Is about To lose another I and It Is about To lose another tIme, and and It Is about To lose another tIme, and another. And It Is about To lose another tIme, and another. TIme, and another. That Is InterestIng. TIme, and another. That Is InterestIng. ThIs tIme, and another. That Is InterestIng. ThIs Is tIme, and another. That Is InterestIng. ThIs Is lIke I tIme, and another. That Is I InterestIng. ThIs Is lIke 2005 . Hopefully for them It Is lIke 2005. Sorry. Hopefully for them It Is lIke 2005. Sorry. Wrong Hopefully for them It Is lIke 2005. Sorry, wrong year Hopefully for them It Is lIke 2005. Sorry. Wrong year Hopefully for them It Is lIke 2005. Sorry, wrong year much more lIke 2010. We sorry, wrong year much more lIke 2010 we just sorry, wrong year much more lIke 2010. We just need sorry, wrong year much more lIke 2010. We just need To sorry, wrong year much more lIke 2010. We just need To shout sorry, wrong year much more lIke. 2010. We just need To shout louder. It Is quIte a contrast. We were at the labour It Is quIte a contrast. We were at the Labour Party It Is quIte a contrast. We were at the labour Party Conference I It Is quIte a contrast. We were at the labour Party Conference last| the labour Party Conference last week the labour Party Conference last week and the labour Party Conference last week and they the labour Party Conference last week and they had the labour Party Conference last week and they had just the labour Party Conference last week and they had just won I the labour Party Conference last week and they had just won thIs| week and they had just won thIs whoppIng week and they had just won thIs whoppIng great week and they had just won thIs whoppIng great LandslIde Week and they had just won thIs whoppIng great landslIde and I week and they had just won thIs. WhoppIng great landslIde and they were all whoppIng great landslIde and they were all a whoppIng great landslIde and they were all a bIt whoppIng great landslIde and they were all a bIt mIserable whoppIng great landslIde and they were all a bIt mIserable because l whoppIng great landslIde and they| were all a bIt mIserable because of the worrIes were all a bIt mIserable because of the worrIes over were all a bIt mIserable because of the worrIes over the were all a bIt mIserable because of the worrIes over the keIr were all a bIt mIserable because of the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer. The worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon~ the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon I the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon Iwas the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon. I was speakIng the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon. I was speakIng To I the worrIes over the KeIr Starmer operatIon. I was speakIng To a I operatIon. I was speakIng To a senIor operatIon. I was speakIng To a senIor member operatIon. I was speakIng To a senIor member of rIshI operatIon. I was speakIng To a I senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet sayIng senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet sayIng It senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet sayIng It Is senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet sayIng It Is a senIor member of RIshI Sunaks CabInet sayIng It Is a really senIor member of rIshI sunaks I CabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat Atmosphere CabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat Atmosphere I CabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat atmosphere. I saId, cabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat atmosphere. I saId, youre cabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat atmosphere. saId, youre all cabInet sayIng It Is a really upbeat I atmosphere. I saId, youre all happy because atmosphere. saId, youre all happy because of atmosphere. I saId, youre all happy because of the atmosphere. I saId, youre all happy because of the problems atmosphere. I saId, youre all happy because of the problems In atmosphere. I saId, youre all happy because of the problems In the I because of the problems In the labour because of the problems In the labour cabInet. Because of the problems In the labour cabInet. ThIs because of the problems In the labour cabInet. ThIs person labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, the problem Is labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, the problem Is that labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, the problem Is that we labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, the problem Is that we have I labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, the problem Is that we have In I labour cabInet. ThIs person saId, I the problem Is that we have In the conservatIve the problem Is that we have In the conservatIve party the problem Is that we have In the conservatIve party are the problem Is that we have In the conservatIve party are far, the problem Is that we have In the conservatIve party are far, far conservatIve party are far, far deeper conservatIve party are far, far deeper than conservatIve party are far, far deeperthan any conservatIve party are far, far deeper than any problem conservatIve party are far, far. Deeper than any Problem Labour conservatIve party are far, far deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we may deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we may feel deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we may feel a deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we may feel a bIt deeper than any Problem Labour has, and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, l and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year or and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year or so and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year or so we and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year or so we wIll and we may feel a bIt buoyant now, but In a year or so we wIll realIse I but In a year or so we wIll realIse how but In a year or so we wIll realIse how deep but In a year or so we wIll realIse how deep those but In a year or so we wIll realIse how deep those problems but In a year or so we wIll realIse how deep those problems are. L but In a year or so we wIll realIse l how deep those problems are. The reason It Is how deep those problems are. Reason It Is exuberant here, and how deep those problems are. Reason It Is exuberant here, and It Is, Ive been out of busIness day Today, smes yesterday, everybody has saId It Is much more upbeat than last tIme.. last tIme. The burden of power Is off ou . Last tIme. The burden of power Is off you . Its last tIme. The burden of power Is off you . Its not last tIme. The burden of power Is off you . Its not that, last tIme. The burden of power Is off you . Its not that, It last tIme. The burden of power Is off you . Its not that, It Is off you . Its not that, It Is because off you . Its not that, It Is because we off you . Its not that, It Is because we realIse off you . Its not that, It Is because we realIse we off you . Its not that, It Is| because we realIse we can off you . Its not that, It Is because we realIse we can wIn In 2029. Labourwere because we realIse we can wIn In 2029. Labour were never popular on the doorstep In the fIrst place. We feel that we threw It and they dIdnt wIn It. They are gettIng less popular by the day. We now actually belIeve we can wIn In 2029. That doesnt mean we have done It, we have a lot of work To do. We need To tackle the Reform And LIb dem threat, as well as deal wIth labour and prove we can be trusted on the economy and the nhs agaIn. But we can wIn, that Is why It Is posItIve. And also why It Is really and If you want To Carry On watchIng newsnIght, please turn over To bbc two or watch on Iplayer. Do stay wIth us here on Bbc News for all the latest headlInes In the us and around the world from the team here In washIngTon. Im SumI Somaskanda In washIngTon and thIs Is bbc World News AmerIca. The mIddle east bracIng for wIder war. Israel closes part of Its Border Area wIth lebanon and tells the us Its plannIng To launch a lImIted Ground OperatIons agaInst hezbollah. There have been fresh aIr strIkes here In beIrut TonIght, the sound loud and echoIng across the cIty. Its a nervous nIght here In lebanon. I wIll brIng you the latest. HurrIcane helene tears a path of devastatIon through North CarolIna as the Death Toll across the country rIses above 100 and countIng. Shes the long tIme face of frances far rIght. Now, MarIne Le Pen Is on trIalforfunnellIng Eu Funds To her own party. She denIes any wrongdoIng. Plus, goIng offlIne for good. The uk shuts down Its last coal fIred power plant. Welcome To thIs new, extended hour of World News AmerIca where well brIng you a full hour of lIve News And AnalysIs from here In the us, the uk and around the world. We start TonIght wIth a rapIdly developIng sItuatIon In the mIddle east. The us State Department says Israel Is currently conductIng lImIted operatIons targetIng hezbollah InsIde lebanon, where there are IndIcatIons an IsraelI Ground OperatIon Is ImmInent. Tanks are begInnIng To gather on Israels northern border, where three areas have been declared closed mIlItary zones. IsraelI Defence MInIster Yoav gallant saId the mIlItary Is prepared To use forces from the aIr, land and sea

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