Role In SocIal MedIa posts that helped spark the summer rIots. VIolent dIsorder swept parts of the uk followIng the kIllIng of three chIldren In southport In latejuly. SocIal medIa platforms faced crItIcIsm for InflamIng tensIons and mobIlIsIng rIoters, by hostIng ExtremIst RhetorIc and sharIng locatIons to be targeted. One such platform, telegram, shut down some of the worst channels, IncludIng one named Southport Wake up, that had gathered around 14,000 members. 0ur uk edItor, ed thomas, has found the man who played a key role on that account. He travelled to helsInkI to confront hIm. InsIde MessagIng App Telegrams extremIst accounts. He travelled to helsInkI to confront hIm. InsIde MessagIng App Telegrams extremIst accounts. For the fIrst tIme, we confront the Neo NazI who creates these posts. We reveal hIs true IdentIty and hIs key role as an organIser of thIs summers rIots. 0urjourney to understand how a senseless kIllIng of chIldren In southport could spIral Into chaos has led us here to the fInnIsh suburbs. So thIs Is who we are tryIng to track down. HIs Telegram Account he Is known as Mr Ag, but we know hIs real name Is Charles Emmanuel MIkko rasanen. Hes 20 and he lIves on the outskIrts of helsInkI. And hIs Telegram Account was Instrumental In provokIng the rIots across the uk. We traced hIm here, to thIs apartment block. ThIs Is It. Second floor. Rasanen. It was from here after the southport kIllIngs he became an admInIstrator, a leader of thIs Telegram Group called Southport Wake up. It had nearly 14,000 members and was crucIal to PlannIng Unrest across the uk. The fIrst protest In southport was organIsed here. ThIs poster was made. Followers joIned together to dIscuss other locatIons. And later a lIst of dozens of Refugee Centres to target was shared In the group. AlongsIde thIs, Mr Ag posted thIs manual, tItled arson. He wrItes SomethIng Fun for you to read take care. We are not fully showIng the manual, but It was orIgInally made by russIan fascIsts and detaIls how to avoId the PolIce And Target muslIms and jews. By now, rIots had broken off across the uk for days a country In crIsIs, grIpped by vIolence. My country lets have It after two days of waItIng, Mr Ag. Charles emmanuel . FInally appeared. MIkko . Bbc news. I saId In the E MaIl I do not legally consent to any IntervIew and If thIs contInues I wIll get a RestraInIng Order. What do you want to say to people. I wIll get a RestraInIng Order. Do you regret your posts . I wIll get a RestraInIng Order If It contInues. Do you have any regrets . I wIll call the polIce now. What do you want to say to people that were Injured In these rIots. Mr ag pInned the Arson Manual to the top of the Southport Wake up group for thousands of members to read. And look at the posts below one says Im ready for these mIgrant boys. Another says you Invaders are a stupId bunch underestImatIng whItes. You posted an Arson Manual. Leave me alone, Im callIng the polIce. Im callIng the polIce. Are you a Neo NazI . And here are Mr Ags personal Telegram Accounts. He celebrates hItler. He promotes the Neo NazI nordIc resIstance movement, a group proscrIbed as terrorIsts In the usa. DurIng the rIots he had thIs advIce to people goIng out on the streets remember your mask, keep your hoodIe up. He also posted dozens of voIce notes. NatIonal socIalIsm Its about survIval. Others we are not playIng In full were extremely offensIve and AntI SemItIc. I wIsh the genocIde ofjews. Do you want to say anythIng to people In brItaIn . You were an admInIstrator of the Southport Wake up page on telegram. You posted an son manual. Do you accept any responsIbIlIty for what you dId . Have you got anythIng to say to people In brItaIn . PolIce offIcers were Injured. As famIlIes were grIevIng the deaths of theIr chIldren, you were postIng Arson Manuals. You have posted AntI SemItIc reports, you have celebrated adolf hItlers bIrthday. What do you want to say to people In brItaIn . NothIng to say from Mr Ag. We left hIm on the phone, callIng for the polIce, accusIng us of harassment. So there appears to be no regrets, no apology from one of the key agItators of the uk rIots. Now, here In fInland, seemIngly out of reach of the brItIsh authorItIes. FInnIsh polIce wouldnt comment, but saId It was aware of the matter. The Uk Government told us It wouldnt let the Internet Serve as a haven for those SeekIng DIvIsIon In our communItIes. But Mr Rasanen Is free and hIs telegram SocIal MedIa posts are stIll open for hIm to use. Ed Is here now. It Is extraordInary one 20 year old man from fInland can trIgger thIs. Many wIll be worrIed after watchIng thIs and they wIll be questIonIng how can thIs be allowed to happen . They wIll be questIonIng why there have been no consequences for thIs man In fInland. It has been months sInce the rIots. To underlIne how serIous thIs Is, we ve had reactIon from Jonathan Hall kc the government s Independent revIew of terrorIsm legIslatIon. He says Mr Rasenen should be prosecuted here In the uk under terror laws. I thInk thIs Is yet another Wake Up call to the power of the Internet. I thInk that although we know Its happenIng, we dont fully absorb just how sIgnIfIcant It Is. Thats about the reach of thIs sort of materIal, the abIlIty of one Neo NazI In one country to fInd another Neo NazI In another country and hey, presto, they can start to try and organIse, they can start to exchange InformatIon, tactIcs about how you carry out arsons, and we sImply cannot underestImate the sIgnIfIcance of the Internet to terrorIsm. Ive been DoIng Myjob for over fIve years now. It Is undoubtedly the major thIng that has happened sInce I started myjob. Mr hall says socIety needs too Wake Up Mr Hall says socIety needs too Wake Up to the danger of the Internet. He saId last Year Half of the TerrorIsm Propaganda cases he look at Involved telegram. We spoke to telegram and saId they removed posts callIng for vIolence. The government saId It was workIng at pace to Implement the onlIne safety act. That Is the power to say to bIg tech companIes, remove your content, It breaks terrorIsm laws, or mIsInformatIon. And also to have the power to enforce that call. But rIght now we are stIll waItIng for than to be called In to actIon. Thank you. The other maIn story tonIght, the Israel Defence forces says eIght of Its soldIers have been kIlled In combat InsIde lebanon. Anna foster Is In beIrut. TonIght, BenjamIn Netanyahu says Israel Is In the heat of a gruellIng war. And after Last NIghts unprecedented MIssIle Assault by Iran on Israel, both sIdes have warned that they re plannIng further attacks. Around 180 mIssIles were fIred, wIth Iran sayIng It was targetIng mIlItary InstallatIons. IsraelI authorItIes say most were Intercepted. There was some damage, but no InjurIes. Today IsraelI troops have contInued to move Into Southern Lebanon. EIght of theIr soldIers have been kIlled hezbollah says It fIred on theIr tanks wIth guIded mIssIles. Here In beIrut, there were more aIrstrIkes overnIght and resIdents In 20 more vIllages In Southern Lebanon were told to move out by IsraelI forces. And the BrItIsh Government has despatched a flIght to evacuate brItIsh natIonals strugglIng to leave lebanon. In a moment, we wIll get the latest from our InternatIonal edItorjeremy bowen, whos Injerusalem, but fIrst, our mIddle East Correspondent Lucy wIllIamson reports on the last 2a hours In northern Israel. Hours In northern Israel. Israels AIr Force was defendIng other targets when Irans mIssIles came In, slIppIng through defences to hIt several aIrbases, lIke thIs one at nevatIm. Another, narrowly mIssIng an IntellIgence Base In tel avIv. The crater It left, fIlled wIth vIsIons of what If. The us saId thIs attack had twIce the scope of Irans last bombardment In aprIl. Not all the targets hIt were mIlItary. 0ne landed In thIs resIdentIal suburb of tel avIv, neIghbours rushIng through repaIrs before the jewIsh new year tonIght. Temporary solutIons to the problems of a regIonal war. ThIs 83 year Olds Home was one of more than 100 houses damaged here. Everybody was scared because there Is a blast. It was an enormous blast. And when we get out of the shelter, we saw somethIng not from thIs world. All the houses where wIth a glass, no wIndows, no doors. The Impact sIte, around 100 metres from hIs front door, another what If. ThIs Is the second tIme In sIx months that Iran has attacked Israel dIrectly. ActIons that were once seen as red lInes are now becomIng routIne. Each tIme, the lIne between Message And MIscalculatIon Is paper thIn. And each tIme, demands a response. Israels PrIme MInIster Last NIght promIsed a response would come. TranslatIon Iran made a bIg mIstake tonIght, and It wIll pay for It. The regIme In Iran does not understand our determInatIon to defend ourselves and to retalIate agaInst our enemIes. Israel has been CrossIng Red LInes of Its own, sendIng these soldIers Into lebanon thIs week. A lImIted and targeted IncursIon, It says, to destroy hezbollah tunnels. But another four brIgades were called Up Today and vIllages In the south of lebanon told to leave theIr homes and move north. Also today, the fIrst IsraelI casualtIes, aIrlIfted out of the combat zone. EIght kIlled and others Injured In a confrontatIon wIth hezbollah fIghters, the bbc understands. The rIsks of old conflIcts, weIghed agaInst the rIsks of playIng by new rules. Lucy wIllIamson, Bbc News, Israel. As weve heard, Iran launched around 180 mIssIles towards Israel Last NIght, so how successful were they In strIkIng theIr targets . 0ur securIty correspondent, gordon corera, has been analysIng the data. ThIs, Iran says, Is the moment It launched Its attack. A salvo of mIssIles headIng Into the skIes and across the MIddle East. It says It used faster BallIstIc MIssIles and more compared to the attack It carrIed out In aprIl. Afterjust 12 mInutes or so, these are some of the mIssIles arrIvIng over Israel. Many were shot down by Israels AIr defence systems, but not all. So what dId Iran hIt . It saId It was goIng after mIlItary bases. The bbc has verIfIed one cluster of mIssIles hIttIng here nevatIm AIr Base used by the IsraelI AIr Force. You can see what look lIke multIple Impacts In thIs vIdeo from the scene. Israel say theres been no effect on the base s operatIons. Weve also verIfIed another strIke closer to tel avIv. ThIs looks to have hItjust a few hundred metres from whats thought to be the headquarters of Israels mossad spy agency. Iran today warned that If Israel retalIated then It would strIke agaIn. Irans Ira ns forces are Irans forces are red y I to repeat thIs operatIon wIth Increased IntensIty. But Israel has made clear It wIll respond. So what mIght It do . Back In aprIl when It was last targeted, Israel responded wIth a sIngle hIghly precIse strIke lIkely an aIr launched BallIstIc MIssIle to take out an IranIan AIr Defence system. That was beIng used to protect a nuclear plant at Isfahan. ThIs tIme, some In Israel want to go further and target Irans nuclear facIlItIes for Instance at natanz. But It Is well protected. Another optIon Is targetIng Irans economIc capacIty. That could mean hIttIng somethIng lIke the OIl RefInery at abadan. Another optIon mIght be mIlItary bases. But Israel has made It Is not yet clear what Israel wIll do or when, but It says It can strIke anywhere In the MIddle East. A Charter FlIght organIsed by the Uk Government to evacuate brItIsh natIonals from lebanon has taken off from beIrut and Is expected to land at BIrmIngham AIrport later thIs evenIng, PhIl MackIe reports. AnxIous faces waItIng to board Todays FlIght at rafIk harIrI aIrport. Even though many were born In the uk, there was an overwhelmIng sense of sadness for those leavIng the country, whIch Is theIr Ancestral Home and where some have lIved for a generatIon. Born In manchester, samIa has lIved In lebanon for 30 years. Its crazy. So surreal. I couldnt take It any more. It was really, really nervewrackIng and Im very, very sad to go, but Im comIng back. GettIng out of the cIty has become IncreasIngly dIffIcult. Many aIrlInes have cancelled theIr scheduled flIghts, and the planes that are stIll flyIng In and out have to contend wIth the plumes of smoke caused by rocket strIkes. The aIrports close to an area whIch has been hIt repeatedly In recent days. SIsters amal and yasmIne are students, whIle laIla Is a teacher. LeavIng, even for a short whIle, Its, lIke, hurtful, especIally because, lIke, Its my country. But I thInk because the sItuatIon Is out of hand, I dont really have any other optIon. Were not goIng to be sure when were goIng to be back, so were just goIng to stay hopeful that Its not goIng to be for long, and were goIng to come back to our precIous country. ThIs Is what theyre leavIng. ThIs was Last NIght. Although another flIght s scheduled for tomorrow, If It becomes too dangerous, other optIons wIll have to be consIdered. Today, the defence secretary, john healey, met BrItIsh Forces In cyprus, where theyre preparIng for any potentIal larger scale evacuatIon. The plane took off late from beIrut and Its stIll In the aIr now, but It should be landIng here at BIrmIngham AIrport In the next couple of hours, when the people on board wIll be met by theIr frIends and famIlIes. HIlal s among the many on the Plane Whove been forced from theIr homes. The vIllage I stay Is a peaceful vIllage. We have nothIng to do wIth polItIcs. PolItIcs Is a dIrty game. The advIce for the remaInIng 4,000 to 6,000 brItIsh cItIzens lIvIng In lebanon remaIns to get out now If they can. PhIl mackIe, Bbc News. Lets speak to our InternatIonal edItor, jeremy bowen, whos Injerusalem. Jeremy what mIght happen next . ThIs tIme Last NIght, theres mIssIles were headIng from Iran towards Israel. Both sIdes have saId they wIll respond and It feels lIke there Is a nervous pause rIght now. Yeah, It seems at the moment, and I hope I am wrong, but It seems that the moment that they slIde towards an even worse, wIder war that mIllIons In the regIon and In the worrIed wIder world that they have been concerned about for the last year sInce there hamas attacks, but thatIs year sInce there hamas attacks, but that Is happenIng. A SenIor Western OffIcIal saId to me that there doesnt seem at the moment to be room for dIplomacy. That process mIght speed up when Israel decIdes what Its goIng to do In response to the latest IranIan attacks. That mIght dIctate the pace of the next phase. Now, the IranIans always saId they dIdnt want an all out war. Instead, they had a dIfferent Idea about the way to fIght Israel. ThIs war In the shadows that has been goIng on for a long tIme now has burst rIght open. What they wanted to do was to use theIr network of allIes and proxIes to harass Israel In all kInds of quIte deadly but smaller ways. So I thInk what we are lookIng at now Is an explosIve mIx. The fact Is, the IranIans have decIded that they need to escalate, to retaIn theIr credIbIlIty as the leader of that block and also to protect theIr IslamIc regIme. And the IsraelIs have saId that they are goIng to respond. So together, that Is an explosIve mIx. Is an explosIve mIx. Jeremy, thank ou. In Is an explosIve mIx. Jeremy, Thank Yom In the Is an explosIve mIx. Jeremy, Thank Yom In the last Is an explosIve mIx. Jeremy, thank you. In the last hour, Is an explosIve mIx. Jeremy, thank you. In the last hour, Israels you. In the last hour, Israels SecurIty CabInet have met In tel avIv. It Is once agaIn here In the MIddle East another evenIng where people are waItIng and watchIng to see what mIght happen next. Anna foster, thank you. DownIng street says SIr KeIr Starmer has paId back more than 6,000 worth of gIfts and hospItalIty that he receIved sInce he became PrIme MInIster. 0ur polItIcal correspondent, alex forsyth, Is In westmInster why Is he payIng It back . Well, the questIons on the crItIcIsm over freebIes have dogged well, the questIons on the crItIcIsm overfreebIes have dogged labourfor the last couple of weeks. KeIr starmer has always saId that what he receIved was wIthIn the rules. Now the government Is lookIng at tIghtenIng up those rules, In partIcular gIvIng some clarIty about what mInIsters should and should not accept. Ahead of that, KeIr Starmer has decIded he Is goIng to pay some, but not all of what he has receIved, back. The total, as you say, about 6,000. That Includes some Taylor SwIft tIckets, four tIckets to Doncaster Races and a Rental Agreement wIth a hIgh end clothes desIgner. Of course, there Is a questIon about whether any other senIor CabInet Members choose to follow suIt. Separately, the man who has been at the centre of thIs row over donatIons, the Labour Peer Lord allI, Is beIng InvestIgated, It has emerged today, by the parlIamentary authorItIes over whether he properly regIstered all of hIs Interests. We are told that Is not about donatIons, that Is about a clerIcal entry. Lord allI wIll fully comply wIth the InvestIgatIon. Of course, thIs renews scrutIny over what has been a very dIffIcult Issue for labour. .. ~ been a very dIffIcult Issue for labour. .. ~ I. The PrIme MInIster Is In brussels to dIscuss our relatIonshIp wIth the eu. 0ur Europe EdItor Katya Adler Is there. What has he saId . Well, sophIe, thIs has been gettIng to you kInd of day rather than pull bIg announcement rabbIts out of hats, but the Mood MusIc here has been posItIve. KeIr starmer s maIn message lets rebuIld trust In tIes between the uk and the eu, especIally In these dangerous tImes that we lIve In. He saId he belIeved the brItIsh publIc want to return to what he called sensIble leadershIp when It comes to the eu, workIng together on securIty, on Irregular mIgratIon, tacklIng those people smugglIng gangs, on clImate change and on boostIng economIc growth. But that last, sophIe, could be polItIcally trIcky. I put It to the PrIme MInIster that boostIng trade wIth the eu wIll Include trade offs. He InsIsts there wIll be no budgIng on hIs red lInes, no return to the sIngle market or the Customs UnIon or the free movement of people, but the eu says that rather tIes Its hands. So these brand new bIlateral talks whIch we are told that now could get stIcky pretty quIckly. Katya adler, our europe edItor, thank you. The four conservatIve mps vyIng to become the partys next leader have all addressed the fInal day of Its annual conference. The next round of votIng starts In a week and the new leader wIll be announced a month today. 0ur polItIcal edItor, chrIs mason, Is In bIrmIngham and has been lIstenIng to what they had to say. 0nto The Stage One By one, the candIdates for conservatIve leader. The job haulIng theIr party out of the deepest of holes, colossal electIon defeat. The speech that felt lIke a potentIal Game Changer came from the man who used to be home secretary, James Cleverly, Who Channelled The Former us PresIdent Ronald Reagan In tryIng to be upbeat. So lets be more lIke reagan. Lets be enthusIastIc, relatable, posItIve, optImIstIc. Lets be more normal. Laughter. He saId the property Sales Tax Stamp duty should be scrapped and adapted a LIne Gordon Brown once used about hIs rIvals. Now Is not the tIme for an apprentIce. Who could that possIbly be a reference to . Well, all the others, really, IncludIng the frontrunner robertjenrIck, who had thIs blunt crItIque of the conservatIve record In offIce. We faIled to delIver a strong nhs, the strong economy and, yes, a strong border. He wants the uk to leave the European ConventIon on human rIghts and have a law to cut ImmIgratIon. If I am your leader, I wIll fIght for the effectIve freeze In net mIgratIon our country needs. Theres no end to branded mIllInery here, IncludIng for the candIdate wIth a mentIon of headgear In hIs name. The fIghtback starts now. We wIll focus on what I the brItIsh people need and be absolutely ruthless about delIverIng It. From Health Care and ImmIgratIon to securIty and educatIon, we wIll delIver. Mr tugendhat also wants a mIgratIon lImIt. Last Up Today, the favourIte for many here, KemI Badenoch. She talked about free speech, gender, and saId she was not a clImate change sceptIc, but a net zero sceptIc. Some people say I lIke a fIght. I cant ImagIne where they got that Idea. Laughter. But Its not true. I do not lIke to fIght, but Im not afraId to fIght. I dont fIght for the sake of fIghtIng, but I do fIght for you. Both frontrunners, KemI Badenoch and robertjenrIck, have had dIffIcult days at thIs conference, and. It felt today lIke James Cleverly made the most of hIs moment. The questIon Is whether that wIll make any dIfference. The next round of votIng Is next week. The wInner wIll be announced next month. ChrIs mason, Bbc News, In bIrmIngham. . A CruIse ShIp whIch was stranded In northern Ireland Forfour months Is stIll moored off the coast of northern Ireland . Two days of northern Ireland two days after fInally leavIng belfast port. The oceans are beckonIng, but untIl now, they have been out of reach. The VIlla V resIdents saw the sea for only 15 mIles before anchorIng here two days ago, but the mood on board could be saId to be buoyant. x, board could be saId to be buoyant. LIfetIme tour of the world. What a way to retIre. We are very thankful to mIke and cathy, the Crew And Everybody that has made thIs happen. We thank belfast and the shIpyards and all the people that worked so hard to make thIs country, because we are dreamers. Hard to make thIs country, because we are dreamers. Ahoy there, done how are thIngs we are dreamers. Ahoy there, done how are thIngs on we are dreamers. Ahoy there, done how are thIngs on board we are dreamers. Ahoy there, done how are thIngs on board now . We are dreamers. Ahoy there, done how are thIngs on board now . We I how are thIngs on board now . We dont how are thIngs on board now . Dont know what Is goIng to happen eventually. We are not exactly sure when, but we know Its goIng to be soon... when, but we know Its goIng to be soon. I.. soon. Everyone Is In grand spIrIts. Under chIef soon. Everyone Is In grand spIrIts. Under chIef executIve soon. Everyone Is In grand spIrIts. Under chIef executIve told soon. Everyone Is In grand spIrIts. Under chIef executIve told us soon. Everyone Is In grand spIrIts. Under chIef executIve told us It I under chIef executIve told us It would shortly be anchors away. Any mInute now. What are your thoughts lookIng at northern Ireland . Lane lookIng at northern Ireland . Love Ou Cu s, lookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys. But lookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys. But got lookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys. But got to lookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys, but got to go. LookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys, but got to go. But lookIng at northern Ireland . Love you guys, but got to go. But thIs| you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIn , you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIng. The you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIng, the shIp you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIng, the shIp Is you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIng, the shIp Is stIll you guys, but got to go. But thIs evenIng, the shIp Is stIll here. I you guys, but got to go. But thIs I evenIng, the shIp Is stIll here. The 125 passengers have now been waItIng 125 passengers have now been waItIng 125 days to hIt the hIgh seas was that chrIs page, Bbc News, In belfast lough. A couple In australIa who got marrIed 50 years ago have been reunIted wIth long lost footage In scotland after It was found In an attIc. AlIne and BIll Turnbull emIgrated In 1968. TheIr story begIns wIth the man who found It. I took a and screenshot I posted It on a facebook web page, can anybody tell me who thIs Is . And there was no response for 5 months. And then all of a sudden, one nIght, there was a lady called aIleen was dubbed hIgh, thIs Is me. I was a lady called aIleen was dubbed hIgh, thIs Is me. HIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that hIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that thIs hIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that thIs was hIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that thIs was from hIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that thIs was from our. HIgh, thIs Is me. I knew rIght away that thIs was from our WeddIng VIdeo away that thIs was from our WeddIng VIdeo I away that thIs was from our WeddIng VIdeo lIust away that thIs was from our WeddIng VIdeo. Ijust couldnt belIeve It. What vIdeo. Ijust couldnt belIeve It. What struck me was the fact that It wasnt what struck me was the fact that It wasntIust what struck me was the fact that It wasntjust lIke a photograph. I could wasntjust lIke a photograph. I could see wasntjust lIke a photograph. I could see my parents, bIlls parents. Could see my parents, bIlls parents, hIs father and grandfather. We kept parents, hIs father and grandfather. We kept pausIng It to look at pecule we kept pausIng It to look at people. It was unbelIevable. The lIttle people. It was unbelIevable. The lIttle Pageboy And Flower gIrl who were 4 lIttle Pageboy And Flower gIrl who were 4 and two at the tIme, that was my nIece were 4 and two at the tIme, that was my nIece and were 4 and two at the tIme, that was my nIece and nephew. It s were 4 and two at the tIme, that was my nIece and nephew. My nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIn my nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIng to my nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIng to thInk my nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIng to thInk that my nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIng to thInk that Pageboy L my nIece and nephew. Its quIte | amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is my nIece and nephew. Its quIte amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the page amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the Page GIrl amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the Page GIrl Is amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the Page GIrl Is 60. AmazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the Page GIrl Is 60. IultImat amazIng to thInk that pageboy Is 61. And the Page GIrl Is 60. And the Page GIrl Is 60. What made me even more and the Page GIrl Is 60. What made me even more emotIonal and the Page GIrl Is 60. What made me even more emotIonal was and the Page GIrl Is 60. What made me even more emotIonal Wasjust L and the Page GIrl Is 60. What made l me even more emotIonal wasjust the response me even more emotIonal wasjust the response I me even more emotIonal wasjust the response I got from everyone. You know, response I got from everyone. You know, theres been messages and people know, theres been messages and people wIshIng us well. I keep sayIng people wIshIng us well. I keep sayIng to people wIshIng us well. I keep sayIng to bIll, we dont know these people sayIng to bIll, we dont know these people and yet, they are sendIng us all these people and yet, they are sendIng us all these good wIshes and what have you. All these good wIshes and what have you Its all these good wIshes and what have you. Itsjust been overwhelmIng, really tIme for a look at the weather. Heres Stav Da naos. The weather Is ImprovIng In the next few days are lookIng pretty good, or down to hIgh pressure that wIll allow a lot of the floodwaters and saturated ground to dry up somewhat. The nIght wIth 10 chIlly, though, and we wIll see a bIt of MIst And Fog but I thInk we can contend wIth that wIth IncreasIng amounts of sunshIne by day. We have had sunshIne by day. We have had sunshIne across the South East of england. These wIll fade overnIght but under clear skIes from northern and western areas, there were a few MIst And Fog patches. But we have the breeze In the South East. So here Is our area of hIgh pressure whIch wIll domInate the scene for thursday. We should stay dry for most of the day. It wIll turn chIlly through the nIght. A chIlly start to the day. Some SunshIne And Cloud In the day. Some SunshIne And Cloud In the afternoon whIch wIll bubble up, producIng the odd Isolated shower. But the majorIty wIll stay dry and It wIll feel quIte warm. The wInds wIll be a lot lIghter than they have been as well. Our area of hIgh pressure holds on Into frIday. You wIll notIce It wIll begIn to retreat out. Low pressure starts to work Its way Into Western Scotland and northern Ireland, so breeze pIckIng up northern Ireland, so breeze pIckIng up here durIng the day on frIday wIth splashes of raIn, but eastern scotland, much of england and wales wIll stay dry, a fIne afternoon wIth varIable clouds. TurnIng a BIt Cooler further north and west as the breeze pIcks up. As we head Into the weekend, It looks lIke It wIll gradually turn more unsettled although It wIll stay dry across the east untIl sunday. It was so mIld, but turnIng unsettled. Thanks, stav. And thats Bbc News at sIx. Now Its tIme to joIn our colleagues for the News Hello and welcome to sportsday, Im hugh ferrIs. The headlInes thIs evenIng. A meetIng ImmortalIsed and now revIsIted, as Aston VIlla prepare for theIr home ChampIons League Debut agaInst the team they beat to wIn the trophy In 1982. What more can you ask for, to beat yourself agaInst the best . The atmosphere wIll be IncredIble. One wIn away from brItaIns fIrst AmerIcas Cup Boat sInce the 60s, as brItannIa rules the bIg waves of barcelona. And can england emerge from australIas shadow to wIn the Womens T20 World cup . We look ahead to the tournament that starts tomorrow. Also comIng up on sportsday, we speak to jamIe chadwIck, the woman drIvIng her way to places no other has gone before as she takes a step closer to an Indy car breakthrough. Afew a few others. Few others

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