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Seems everybody everywhere Is waItIng to see what Israels next move Is, how and when they wIll'>StrIke Iran. Move Is, how and when they wIll'>StrIke Iran move Is, how and when they wIll strIke'>Tram Move Is, how and when they wIll'>StrIke Iran. , l, a, l,'>StrIke Iran. They are, and of course we are urgIng'>StrIke Iran. They are, and of course we are urgIng as much restraInt as| we are urgIng as much restraInt as Is possIble, we shouldnt have any actIons that wIll prohIbIt a ceasefIre to create space for a polItIcal solutIon that can only end thIs conflIct. Irate polItIcal solutIon that can only end thIs conflIct thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that wIth thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that wIth you thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that wIth you later, thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that wIth you later, and | thIs conflIct. We wIll talk more about that wIth you later, and also was shadow'>ForeIgn Secretary andrew mItchell. And thIs mornIng, well hear too from some of the Innocent cvIlIans caught up In thIs deadly mess, IncludIng the mother of one of the hostages snatched 12 months ago. We are thInkIng, how Is he copIng for so many months . If hes gettIng food to eat, If hes gettIng medIcIne or whatever. Its somethIng that Is not somethIng that I can comprehend. And our team at the desk for the next hour thIs week,'>Zanny MInton beddoes, the edItor of the economIst, zara sultana, an mp currently suspended from the labour party, and'>Malcolm RIfkInd, former'>ForeIgn Secretary. Were focusIng on the war In'>The MIddle East today. It can feek bewIlderIng, but were goIng to take you through what Is goIng on. ThIs Is beIrut, the lebanese capItal thats been hIt agaIn overnIght by Israel, who are goIng after the'>Group Hezbollah that the'>Uk Government descrIbes as a'>Terror Group. And lets have a look at the'>Newspaper Front pages. Lets turn to our panel fIrst of all, thIs Is a very complIcated jIgsaw, we wIll try to break It down for everyone watchIng thIs mornIng, but we were hearIng from'>Peter Kyle that the real moment now Is what does Israel do to retalIate agaInst the IranIan'>Attacks. I does Israel do to retalIate agaInst the IranIan'>Attacks. The IranIan'>Attacks. I thInk that Is absolutely rIght, the IranIan'>Attacks. I thInk that Is absolutely rIght, Israel the IranIan'>Attacks. I thInk that Is absolutely rIght, Israel has absolutely rIght, Israel has promIsed a strong response, the IsraelI government, prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu has clearly been ItchIng to gIve a strong response. The questIon Is, just how bIg wIll It be . WIll there be an attack on the'>Nuclear SItes . WIll there be an attack on'>OIl TermInals . Or wIll It be somethIng less than that . The real questIon Is whether the us can restraIn the IsraelIs from doIng somethIng really dramatIc and precIpItatIng all out war. Irate somethIng really dramatIc and precIpItatIng allout war. We have had amerIca precIpItatIng allout war. We have had amerIca and precIpItatIng allout war. We have had amerIca and the precIpItatIng allout war. We have had amerIca and the uk precIpItatIng allout war. We have l had amerIca and the uk contInually'>UrgIng RestraInt on Israel, and It hasnt worked. UrgIng restraInt on Israel, and It hasnt worked. No, that Is rIght, because Israel, hasnt worked. No, that Is rIght, because Israel, ultImately, hasnt worked. No, that Is rIght, because Israel, ultImately, wIll. Because Israel, ultImately, wIll determIne Its own natIonal Interest, as we determIne Its own natIonal Interest, as we would, as other countrIes would, as we would, as other countrIes would, even If that means dIsagreeIng wIth the unIted states. But on dIsagreeIng wIth the unIted states. But on those poInts about how the IsraeIIs but on those poInts about how the IsraelIs mIght react, none of us know, IsraelIs mIght react, none of us know. But IsraelIs mIght react, none of us know, but my guess Is that the amerIcan know, but my guess Is that the amerIcan posItIon Is Important on nuclear, amerIcan posItIon Is Important on nuclear, because myjudgment, from what I nuclear, because myjudgment, from what I hear. Nuclear, because myjudgment, from what I hear, Is that the IsraelIs by themselves do not have the'>MIlItary CapabIlIty themselves do not have the'>MIlItary CapabIlIty. If themselves do not have the mIlItary ca abIlI. �. , themselves do not have the mIlItary caabIlI. �. , themselves do not have the'>MIlItary CapabIlIty If. CapabIlIty. If amerIca say no. If'>The AmerIcans capabIlIty. If amerIca say no. If'>The AmerIcans are capabIlIty. If amerIca say no. If'>The AmerIcans are not capabIlIty. If amerIca say no. If'>The AmerIcans are not Involved, | capabIlIty. If amerIca say no. If'>The AmerIcans are not Involved, that Is the'>The AmerIcans are not Involved, that Is the more'>The AmerIcans are not Involved, that Is the more crucIal poInt, In order to have Is the more crucIal poInt, In order to have any Is the more crucIal poInt, In order to have any chance of destroyIng these to have any chance of destroyIng these deeply embedded nuclear facIlItIes, you would have to have, fIrst of facIlItIes, you would have to have, fIrst of all. FacIlItIes, you would have to have, fIrst of all, the kInd of bombs that only the fIrst of all, the kInd of bombs that only'>The AmerIcans have, and one nIght only'>The AmerIcans have, and one nIght of only'>The AmerIcans have, and one nIght of strIkes would not make much'>DIfference NIght of strIkes would not make much dIfference. They mIght do somethIng symbolIc, dIfference. They mIght do somethIng symbolIc, but that Is all they could do wIthout symbolIc, but that Is all they could do wIthout amerIcan support. We wIll hear how do wIthout amerIcan support. We wIll hear how the IsraelI ambassador answered hear how the IsraelI ambassador answered the questIons of what theIr'>Lans WIll answered the questIons of what theIr'>Lans WIll be, answered the questIons of what theIr'>Lans WIl , I. ,. ,'>Lans WIll be, but you have long campaIgned'>Lans WIll be, but you have long campaIgned for'>Lans WIll be, but you have long campaIgned for'>PalestInIan Plans wIll be, but you have long I campaIgned for palestInIan rIghts, we have spoken to you recently about the sItuatIon'>In Gaza, so what you make of what we are seeIng In lebanon . Make of what we are seeIng In lebanon . ~ ,. , lebanon . Absolutely frIghtenIng, we are seeInr lebanon . Absolutely frIghtenIng, we are seeIng the lebanon . Absolutely frIghtenIng, we are seeIng the'>Playbook Lebanon . Absolutely frIghtenIng, we are seeIng the playbook that lebanon . Absolutely frIghtenIng, we are seeIng the playbook that was are seeIng the playbook that was used are seeIng the playbook that was used In are seeIng the playbook that was used'>In Gaza, are seeIng the playbook that was used'>In Gaza, where are seeIng the playbook that was used'>In Gaza, where homes, are seeIng the playbook that was used'>In Gaza, where homes, hospItals and cIvIlIan used'>In Gaza, where homes, hospItals and cIvIlIan Infrastructure used'>In Gaza, where homes, hospItals and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is labelled and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is labelled as and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is labelled as legItImate and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is I labelled as legItImate targets, and cIvIlIan Infrastructure Is labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what netanyahu labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what netanyahu dId labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what netanyahu dId at labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what netanyahu dId at the labelled as legItImate targets, that Is what netanyahu dId at the un, l labelled as legItImate targets, thatl Is what netanyahu dId at the un, he basIcally Is what netanyahu dId at the un, he basIcally legItImIsed Is what netanyahu dId at the un, he basIcally legItImIsed an Is what netanyahu dId at the un, he basIcally legItImIsed an attack Is what netanyahu dId at the un, he basIcally legItImIsed an attack on. BasIcally legItImIsed an attack on beIrut basIcally legItImIsed an attack on beIrut before basIcally legItImIsed an attack on beIrut before the basIcally legItImIsed an attack on beIrut before the bombs basIcally legItImIsed an attack on beIrut before the bombs even. BasIcally legItImIsed an attack on I beIrut before the bombs even fell. What beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we are beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we are seeIng beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we are seeIng Is beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we are seeIng Is 1 beIrut before the bombs even fell. What we are seeIng IsI mIllIon what we are seeIng IsI mIllIon people what we are seeIng IsI mIllIon people dIsplaced, what we are seeIng IsI mIllIon people dIsplaced, 2000 what we are seeIng'>IsI MIllIonl people dIsplaced, 2000 people already people dIsplaced, 2000 people already dIed people dIsplaced, 2000 people already dIed from people dIsplaced, 2000 people already dIed from the people dIsplaced, 2000 people already dIed from the bombs I people dIsplaced, 2000 people. Already dIed from the bombs that have dropped already dIed from the bombs that have dropped on already dIed from the bombs that have dropped on them already dIed from the bombs that have dropped on them In already dIed from the bombs that have dropped on them In beIrut, I already dIed from the bombs that. Have dropped on them In beIrut, and It Is frIghtenIng have dropped on them In beIrut, and It Is frIghtenIng because have dropped on them In beIrut, and It Is frIghtenIng because we have dropped on them In beIrut, and It Is frIghtenIng because we could It Is frIghtenIng because we could have stopped It Is frIghtenIng because we could have stopped thIs It Is frIghtenIng because we could have stopped thIs much It Is frIghtenIng because we could have stopped thIs much earlIer. It Is frIghtenIng because we could| have stopped thIs much earlIer by pursuIng have stopped thIs much earlIer by pursuIng the have stopped thIs much earlIer by pursuIng the ceasefIre, have stopped thIs much earlIer by pursuIng the ceasefIre, by have stopped thIs much earlIer by. PursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales. PursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and pursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and what pursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and what we pursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and what we see pursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and what we see Is pursuIng the ceasefIre, by stoppIng arms sales, and what we see Is a l arms sales, and what we see Is a faIlure arms sales, and what we see Is a faIlure of arms sales, and what we see Is a faIlure of western arms sales, and what we see Is a faIlure of western dIplomacy arms sales, and what we see Is'>Al FaIlure of western dIplomacy from the 12 faIlure of western dIplomacy from the 12'>Months FaIlure of western dIplomacy from the 12 months of faIlure of western dIplomacy from the 12 months of the faIlure of western dIplomacy from the 12 months of the genocIdal the 12 months of the genocIdal assault the 12 months of the genocIdal assault on the 12 months of the genocIdal assault on gaza, the 12 months of the genocIdal assault on gaza, the the 12 months of the genocIdal assault on gaza, the InvasIon. The 12 months of the'>GenocIdall Assault on gaza, the InvasIon of lebanon. Assault on gaza, the InvasIon of lebanon. And assault on gaza, the InvasIon of lebanon, and the assault on gaza, the InvasIon of lebanon, and the'>AIr Assault on gaza, the InvasIon of lebanon, and the'>AIr StrIkes assault on gaza, the InvasIon of. Lebanon, and the'>AIr StrIkes from Iran~ lebanon, and the'>AIr StrIkes from Iran~ h lebanon, and the'>AIr StrIkes from Iran. �. ,. ,. ,. , Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on the sItuatIon Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on the sItuatIon always Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on the sItuatIon always and Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on the sItuatIon always and a Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on the sItuatIon always and a lot I Iran. A lot of strong feelIngs on | the sItuatIon always and a lot of urgent questIons for leaders rIght across the regIon as well as In the uk and the us, and we wIll be back wIth you later. These last brutal 12 months have turned the lIves of thousands of ordInary famIlIes across the regIon upsIde down. A year ago tomorrow, hamas, whIch many governments say Is a'>Terror Group, crossed the border Into Israel and kIlled more than'>A Thousand people and took more than 200'>People Hostage. The'>Attacks began at a'>MusIc FestIval where many young people had just gone to dance. One of them was alon ohel, just 22 years old. I spoke to hIs mother, IdIt, who hasnt heard from hIm sInce. SometImes Its really hard to breathe, when you thInk about It. LIke, I dont know If hes In the tunnels, you know. Youre thInkIng, how Is he copIng for so many months . If hes gettIng food to eat, If hes gettIng medIcIne or whatever. Its somethIng that Is not somethIng that I can comprehend. You know, as a mother, you have to look out for your kIds, and you have to make sure that they are safe, so In my sItuatIon, Its a heartbreakIng thIng. I wake up every mornIng doIng everythIng I can to brIng hIm home. Before I go back to, you know, to sleep at nIght, I thInk, have I dId everythIng I could . And sometImes Its very hard to answer those questIons. Can you tell us, then, somethIng about hIm . What kInd of young man Is he . Well, you know, he loves lIfe. HIs frIends wIll say that he Is the glue that glues them together. Hes always laughIng, always smIlIng. And he just loves people, and he gets really connected to people rIght away. He doesnt care about where you are from or what relIgIon you are or what. He cares about your values. And as a famIly also, If we are In hardshIp or some frIend feels. He Is always there for them, hes always tryIng to help. Do you thInk youll see alon agaIn . Oh, of course, I know I wIll see hIm agaIn. I know thIs, Ijust. I want It to be now. Israels answer . An InvasIon of gaza and months of'>AIr StrIkes on the terrItory, run by hamas whIch, crucIally, Is backed by Iran, Israels bItter adversary. Hamas says more than 40,000 palestInIans have been kIlled. JournalIsts are not allowed In to fInd out whats really gone on. But Ive been talkIng to mahmoud shalabI, who Is an'>AId Worker In northern gaza. The year has has really been tough, to be honest wIth you. And I have. I have lost loved ones, Ive lost frIends. And the sad thIng Is that we dIdnt even have tIme to mourn them, to feel sad about them. So we just burIed them In a rush whIle all the drones were hoverIng above our heads, whIle there were'>Tank Shells beIng fIred near us, and we just fled the scene. I now struggle to have water, I struggle to have electrIcIty. I struggle, you know, to go from one locatIon to the other. There Is no Infrastructure. There are so many sorrows that I see on a daIly basIs when I walk In the streets. Everybody Is overburdened. You dont see It, but you feel lIke everyone has a tonne of sorrow hoverIng over theIr heads that could crash them at any gIven tIme. And I am really surprIsed how we are stIll functIonIng as humans durIng these dIre sItuatIons. And the conflIct has spread to lebanon, from where hezbollah, desrIbed by governments as a'>Terror OrganIsatIon, have been'>FIrIng MIssIles Into Israel for many months. ThIs week, IsraelI troops have gone Into lebanon and been strIkIng from the aIr, also kIllIng the leaders of hezbollah, whIch Is also, lIke hamas, backed by Iran, Israels bItter foe. The strIkes on lebanon come after Iran launched nearly 200 mIssIles at Israel thIs week. Lebanon says more than'>A MIllIon people have had to leave theIr homes. Last week we spoke to brIt emma bartholomew, who was tryIng to get back to the uk. Im pleased to say she has made It home, wIth the help of her best frIend elIot, who Is stIll In lebanon as the danger rIses. Always a sense of'>Fear And UncertaInty about whats goIng to happen and where the escalatIon mIght reach. Refugees are stIll pourIng In from the south. The beIrut schools, publIc schools, they are housIng now most of the refugees, and theyre full completely. We have a severe lack of supplIes. The sItuatIon here cannot be sustaIned for long that way. SomethIng has to happen. You are amazIngly calm and amazIngly resIlIent. But what Is your worst fear about what mIght happen In the next few months . Weve seen what happened'>In Gaza. The sItuatIon In'>The MIddle East does seem to be IncredIbly dangerous. Well, my worst fear Is exactly that, that what would happen'>In Gaza would happen here. We feel lIke we are a statIstIc, and were just waItIng for our number to come up, and thIs Is not a good feelIng. We want to feel lIke we belong to thIs world, and we want the world to fIght for us, I guess. DrIvIng much of thIs, bItter tensIons between'>Iran And Israel well be hearIng from them both today. FIrst, Ive been speakIng to the IsraelI ambassador to the uk, tzIpI hotovely. I started by askIng her about the'>Attacks last year. That has been the hardest year for us as IsraelIs, we have seen wars and terror'>Attacks, but never In our hIstory have we seen so many beIng slaughtered brutally, barbarIcally, lIke hamas dId at october the 7th. Hamas terrorIsts shattered famIlIes, kIlled babIes In theIr beds, kIlled chIldren In theIr pyjamas. These type of thIngs wIll never belIeve that wIll happen In our country, and as you saId, there was stIll thIs open wound of 101 hostages. Maw; as you saId, there was stIll thIs open wound of 101 hostages. Many of the'>Hostaue Open Wound of 101 hostages. Many of the'>Hostage FamIlIes open wound of 101 hostages. Many of the'>Hostage FamIlIes do open wound of 101 hostages. Many of the'>Hostage FamIlIes do not open wound of 101 hostages. Many of the'>Hostage FamIlIes do not belIeve l the'>Hostage FamIlIes do not belIeve that the strategy that the IsraelI leader,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, has adopted Is the rIght one, they have been callIng for ceasefIres, callIng for a dIfferent approach to try to get'>FamIly Members home. I get theIr'>FamIly Members home. I thInk It Is quIte clear that the'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon Is not playIng by the rules of a democratIc country, so hamas Is not Interested In releasIng these people, that Is the maIn problem. So as you know, there was the bIden proposal, sInce when Israel agreed three dIfferent tImes, three dIfferent proposals, more or less In the same framework, wantIng to release fIrst of all the people that are stIll alIve, that was the maIn goal of the government, and I can completely understand that. We want to save lIves, we dont want those people to be executed or tortured, lIke they are at the hands of hamas, and we wanted to make sure that all of the people alIve would be returned to theIr loved ones, and unfortunately hamas refused to you need to understand that the government Is not In a dIlemma when we saId yes and hamas saId no. � , dIlemma when we saId yes and hamas saId no. 3. , ~ dIlemma when we saId yes and hamas saId no. � ,. ,. , saId no. Lets talk about events In recent days. SaId no. Lets talk about events In recent days, Israel saId no. Lets talk about events In recent days, Israel has saId no. Lets talk about events In recent days, Israel has been recent days, Israel has been targetIng hezbollah, seen by the'>Uk Government as a'>Terror Group, and'>1 MIllIon people have now been dIsplaced, cIvIlIans are losIng theIr lIves,'>Health FacIlItIes have been hIt. Why Is It that Israel belIeves that the loss of cIvIlIan lIfe Is worth It . I belIeves that the loss of cIvIlIan lIfe Is worth It . LIfe Is worth It . I thInk we need some'>Context LIfe Is worth It . I thInk we need some context here. LIfe Is worth It . I thInk we need some context here.'>L LIfe Is worth It . I thInk we need some context here. Israel had'>L LIfe Is worth It . I thInk we need l some context here. Israel had no Interest In any of those wars, we never wanted a war wIth lebanon, we were In a sItuatIon that on the 8th of october, hezbollah made a strategIc decIsIon to joIn hamas as part of the'>RIng Of FIre that Iran wanted to surround Israel through Its proxIes and fIred nonstop on IsraelI cIvIlIans. IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and man of IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and many of our IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and many of our vIewers IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and many of our vIewers worry IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and many of our vIewers worry that IsraelI cIvIlIans. Your allIes and many of our vIewers worry that your response as a democracy has not been proportIonate, tends of thousands of cIvIlIans have lost theIr lIves'>In Gaza, now cIvIlIans In lebanon are losIng theIr lIves too, and'>1 MIllIon people have been dIsplaced from theIr homes. When wIll you say enough . When our people are safe. We want peace, we want 60,000 people who are dIsplaced from the north and cItIes, to return to theIr homes. WaIt a second. I thInkjust by speakIng about cIvIlIans, you lose the context of why the cIvIlIans had to leave theIr homes. They had ammunItIon and rockets In theIr homes, hezbollah used them as human shIelds. ThIs Is hezbollahs fault. SIttIng on our border In the south of lebanon, not In complIance wIth'>Un ResolutIon. We are about'>Un ResolutIon from 2006, full ImplementatIon of that. Hezbollah should not be on our doorstep. Hezbollah was plannIng to do the same'>Ground InvasIon hamas planned. Israel cannot afford another 7th of october. He Israel cannot afford another 7th of october. , october. He mentIoned the'>Un ResolutIon october. He mentIoned the'>Un ResolutIon 1701, october. He mentIoned the'>Un ResolutIon 1701, the october. He mentIoned the'>Un ResolutIon 1701, the us october. He mentIoned the'>Un ResolutIon 1701, the us has october. He mentIoned the un | resolutIon 1701, the us has saId what Israel Is doIng In the'>West Bank Is a hIghly concernIng pattern of the use of force the un. KeIr starmer has had a better future for Israel wIll not be won by traumatIsIng and openIng another generatIon. Does netanyahu not lIsten to allIes callIng for restraInt . LIsten to allIes callIng for restraInt . ,. , �. , � , restraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns su ort, restraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns support. BrItaIn restraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns support, brItaIn Is restraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns support, brItaIn Is a restraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns support, brItaIn Is a'>Great RestraInt . We apprecIate brItaIns support, brItaIn Is a great ally of| support, brItaIn Is a great ally of Israel. At the same tIme, what would brItaIn do If It was under 10,000'>Rockets Nonstop . Can you ImagIne'>LIverpool And Manchester beIng abandoned for a year . I cannot ImagIne ten mInutes your'>PrIme MInIster would allow a'>Rocket Attack on your northern cItIes, people beIng evacuated, and the IsraelI government Is doIng the very basIc thIng every government should do, to promIse the people to lIve peacefully and safely. Your'>Leader BenamIn peacefully and safely. Your leader'>BenjamIn Netanyahu peacefully and safely. Your leader'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has peacefully and safely. Your leader'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has warned I peacefully and safely. Your leader'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has warned there wIll be a strIke on Iran In some form after they attacked Israel a few days ago. WIll you rule out attackIng Irans'>Nuclear SItes whIch Is what'>PresIdent BIden wants you to do . I Is what'>PresIdent BIden wants you to do . ,. ,. ,. , do . I tell you what Israel Is defInIte to do . I tell you what Israel Is defInIte to do, do . I tell you what Israel Is defInIte to do, to do . I tell you what Israel Is defInIte to do, to remove I do . I tell you what Israel Is I defInIte to do, to remove the threat. Iran attacked Israel twIce, the 14th of aprIl, just a few days ago, wIth hundreds of mIssIles. Those mIssIles were targetIng cIvIlIans, they could kIll thousands of people, If Israel dId not have such a good protectIve system. At the same tIme, very dIscIplIned cIvIlIans In shelters. We are not Interested to be under a'>MIssIle Threat from Iran, we are not Interested to be under a'>RIng Of FIre from proxIes. ThIs Is why we wIll dIsmantle the threat. It Is for the cabInet to decIde how but we wIll dIsmantle the threat. No country wIll tolerate that. Could that Include country wIll tolerate that. Could that Include a country wIll tolerate that. Could that Include a'>StrIke Country wIll tolerate that. Could that Include a strIke on country wIll tolerate that. Could that Include a strIke on Irans I that Include a strIke on Irans nuclear facIlItIes . That Include a strIke on Irans nuclearfacIlItIes . Because that nuclear facIlItIes . Because that would, nuclearfacIlItIes . Because that would, perhaps you would acknowledge thIs, many western leaders thInk It would move the whole world Into a new phase of danger. PresIdent bIden has asked Israel to rule out attackIng Irans'>Nuclear SItes, wIll you . AttackIng Irans'>Nuclear SItes, wIll ou . ~. , you . We wIll do everythIng. If the world wants you . We wIll do everythIng. If the world wants to you . We wIll do everythIng. If the world wants to prevent you . We wIll do everythIng. If'>Thej World wants to prevent somethIng lIke that, fIrst, we need to prevent Irans nuclear abIlItIes. If thIs Is what It was doIng wIthout nuclear abIlItIes, can you ImagIne what thIs regIme of terror, It does not care about our values, agaInst any western lIberal values, can you ImagIne what It would do . Netanyahu has saId he wants ImagIne what It would do . Netanyahu has saId he wants thIs ImagIne what It would do . Netanyahu has saId he wants thIs moment ImagIne what It would do . Netanyahu has saId he wants thIs moment to has saId he wants thIs moment to brIng about a change In the'>Balance Of Power In'>The MIddle East. What do you mean by that . What does he mean by that . You mean by that . What does he mean b that . , ,. , by that . Very sImple. The 7th of october, by that . Very sImple. The 7th of october. We by that . Very sImple. The 7th of october, we realIsed by that . Very sImple. The 7th of october, we realIsed we by that . Very sImple. The 7th of october, we realIsed we cannot| by that . Very sImple. The 7th of. October, we realIsed we cannot lIve wIth a genocIdal'>Terror OrganIsatIon on our doorstep and we are makIng sure that terex organIsatIons wIll not exIst by elImInatIng the leaders, makIng sure they wIll not have the Infrastructure'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons. And reducIng the mIssIles they have. OrganIsatIons. And reducIng the mIssIles they have. However many cIvIlIans are mIssIles they have. However many cIvIlIans are caught mIssIles they have. However many cIvIlIans are caught up mIssIles they have. However many cIvIlIans are caught up In mIssIles they have. However many cIvIlIans are caught up In the cIvIlIans are caught up In the mIssIon . CIvIlIans are caught up In the mIssIon . ,. ,. ,~ , mIssIon . Israel Is makIng sure every cIvIlIan wIll have mIssIon . Israel Is makIng sure every cIvIlIan wIll have enough mIssIon . Israel Is makIng sure every cIvIlIan wIll have enough tIme mIssIon . Israel Is makIng sure every cIvIlIan wIll have enough tIme to cIvIlIan wIll have enough tIme to get to a safe place. CIvIlIan wIll have enough tIme to get to a safe place. That has not haened get to a safe place. That has not happened In get to a safe place. That has not happened'>In Gaza, get to a safe place. That has not happened'>In Gaza, ambassador. J get to a safe place. That has not happened'>In Gaza, ambassador. That sImply hasnt happened. Lute happened'>In Gaza, ambassador. That sImply hasnt happened. Happened'>In Gaza, ambassador. That sImply hasnt happened. We moved the oulatIon sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon In sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon'>In Gaza sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon'>In Gaza a sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon'>In Gaza a few sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon'>In Gaza a few tImes sImply hasnt happened. We moved the populatIon'>In Gaza a few tImes to populatIon'>In Gaza a few tImes to very desIgnated places wIth the un aId. We operated on the best way to the army can operate In a place wIth 100 usIng In a cynIcal way chIldren and women by hamas as human shIelds. ThIs Is hamas creatIng the'>War CrIme usIng Its own people as human shIelds. You cannot blame Israel. They used hospItals, kIndergartens,'>CIvIlIan FacIlItIes as a bIg storage of rockets agaInst Israel. You cannot blame Israel for that. Israel dId so much to make sure the populatIon'>In Gaza wIll be safe. And out of harm. PopulatIon'>In Gaza wIll be safe. And out of harm out of harm. Your allIes are very concerned out of harm. Your allIes are very concerned that out of harm. Your allIes are very concerned that your out of harm. Your allIes are very concerned that your response I out of harm. Your allIes are veryl concerned that your response has out of harm. Your allIes are very concerned that your response has not been proportIonate and your allIes In the uk and In the us stIll belIeve In the long term the only way through thIs Is a two'>State SolutIon for the palestInIan people to have a land of theIr own. Is that'>On The Table . Just to have a land of theIr own. Is that'>On The Table . On the table . Just thInk about. Gaza Is a good'>On The Table . Just thInk about. Gaza Is a good'>Example. On the table . Just thInk about. Gaza Is a good'>Example. 2005 l'>On The Table . Just thInk about. Gaza Is a good'>Example. 2005 Israel left gaza to gIve them the opportunIty to buIld statehood, to buIld a better lIfe. Some people saId gaza has the potentIal to be a mIddle east sIngapore. Look what they turned gaza too, that theyd'>Terror Monster that attacked Israel on the 7th of october. There Is no trust. People attacked you In your'>Bed And Slaughter and rape you, they are not people you want to say, award you wIth a statehood. That Is the actIvIty of award you wIth a statehood. That Is the actIvIty of hamas award you wIth a statehood. That Is the actIvIty of hamas not award you wIth a statehood. That Is the actIvIty of hamas not ordInary l the actIvIty of hamas not ordInary palestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes. PalestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes, but In order palestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes, but In order to palestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes, but In order to have palestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes, but In order to have a palestInIans lIvIng'>In Gaza. Yes, but In order to have a better but In order to have a better future, we sIgned peace wIth egypt and jordan, the problem Is when the palestInIan people are hIjacked wIth genocIdal Ideology, you cannot start workIng thIs path before you have a better educatIon'>In Gaza. Does workIng thIs path before you have a better educatIon'>In Gaza. Better educatIon'>In Gaza. Does the ath to better educatIon'>In Gaza. Does the path to peace better educatIon'>In Gaza. Does the path to peace Involve better educatIon'>In Gaza. Does the path to peace Involve palestInIans| path to peace Involve palestInIans'>In The End havIng a land of theIr own . ,. , own . The leadershIp of the palestInIans own . The leadershIp of the palestInIans must own . The leadershIp of the | palestInIans must recognIse own . The leadershIp of the palestInIans must recognIse the rIght of Israel to exIst. At the moment unfortunately you have a corrupt leadershIp In the'>PalestInIan AuthorIty alongsIde people that are supportIng hamas and hamas barbarIc attack on the 7th of october. There Is a long way to go. The IsraelI ambassador speakIng to me. KIer starmer has been callIng for restraInt In thIs dangerous sItuatIon. Peter kyle, cabInet mInIster, sIgned secretary. Let us start wIth what Israel mIght do next In terms of Iran scIence secretary. Does the'>Uk Government'>Support Israel attackIng Iran . Lute'>Support Israel attackIng Iran . We are'>Support Israel attackIng Iran . Are'>UrgIng RestraInt. Iran fIred hundreds of rockets Into Israel recently. Israel has the rIght to defend Itself. But we urge actIon to be taken that Is proportIonate but also wIll need towards the escalatIon of the overall sItuatIon. By escalatIon of the overall sItuatIon. By Iran fIrIng the rockets, they escalated the sItuatIon. It was a terrIble sItuatIon for them to engage In. We go back a year, IntervIews you gave at the begInnIng, wIth the'>Hostage FamIlIes, IncredIbly movIng. We do understand deeply what Israel has suffered In thIs year, but the only way forward Is restraInt, ceasefIre to create space for a polItIcal solutIon because thIs Is gettIng more complIcated, though war Is deepenIng, It Is not movIng towards the peace we need. We are urgIng the steps that wIll take us towards the peaceful settlement. In steps that wIll take us towards the peaceful settlement. Peaceful settlement. In terms of ura In peaceful settlement. In terms of'>UrgIng RestraInt, peaceful settlement. In terms of'>UrgIng RestraInt, doesnt peaceful settlement. In terms of'>UrgIng RestraInt, doesnt mean I peaceful settlement. In terms of I'>UrgIng RestraInt, doesnt mean you are sayIng Is a government to Israel, do not attack IranIan'>Nuclear SItes . Israel, do not attack IranIan'>Nuclear SItes . ~. ,. , ~'>Nuclear SItes . We are workIng wIth InternatIonal'>Nuclear SItes . We are workIng wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes,'>Nuclear SItes . We are workIng wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes, In'>Nuclear SItes . We are workIng wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes, In the'>Nuclear SItes . We are workIng wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes, In the last'>InternatIonal AllIes, In the last few days the'>PrIme MInIster has spoken to'>PresIdent BIden, presIdent macron, chancellor schultz, we are workIng In lockstep wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes, we cannot Instruct Israel as a sovereIgn state to do anythIng. But as key allIes, we can advIse them. The advIce Is very clear and It Is unanImous from our'>InternatIonal AllIes that we must exercIse restraInt. Our'>InternatIonal AllIes that we must exercIse restraInt. Does that mean. Must exercIse restraInt. Does that mean the must exercIse restraInt. Does that mean. The ImplIcatIon must exercIse restraInt. Does that mean. The ImplIcatIon Is, must exercIse restraInt. Does that mean. The ImplIcatIon Is, do must exercIse restraInt. Does thatj mean. The ImplIcatIon Is, do not attack'>Nuclear SItes . Lute mean. The ImplIcatIon Is, do not attack'>Nuclear SItes . Attack'>Nuclear SItes . We are not aaIvIn attack'>Nuclear SItes . We are not gIvIng operatIonal attack'>Nuclear SItes . We are not gIvIng operatIonal InstructIons I attack'>Nuclear SItes . We are not| gIvIng operatIonal InstructIons to Israel, but It Is very clear from the words Im usIng and the'>PrIme MInIster Is usIng that actIons that lead towards a restraIned polItIcal solutIon based on a ceasefIre, those outcomes to determIne the actIons that need to be taken that would lead to It and I thInk It speaks for Itself. , , lead to It and I thInk It speaks for Itself. ,. ,. ,. , Itself. The uk has helped on some of the occasIons Itself. The uk has helped on some of the occasIons when Itself. The uk has helped on some of the occasIons when It Itself. The uk has helped on some of the occasIons when It has Itself. The uk has helped on some of the occasIons when It has defended l the occasIons when It has defended Itself from IranIan mIssIles, but would you rule out the'>Uk MIlItary beenIn would you rule out the'>Uk MIlItary been In any way In any'>Attacks on Iran . ,. ,. ,. ,. , Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons that Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons that must Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons that must be Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons that must be taken. Iran . These are operatIonal decIsIons that must be taken. That decIsIons that must be taken. That Is a'>QuestIon DecIsIons that must be taken. That Is a'>QuestIon Of DecIsIons that must be taken. That Is a questIon of prIncIple, It Is dIfferent. Is a questIon of prIncIple, It Is dIfferent Is a questIon of prIncIple, It Is dIfferent. ,. , dIfferent. They wIll be taken by the'>Defence Secretary dIfferent. They wIll be taken by the'>Defence Secretary and dIfferent. They wIll be taken by the'>Defence Secretary and the dIfferent. They wIll be taken by the'>Defence Secretary and the prIme I'>Defence Secretary and the'>PrIme MInIster and the'>ForeIgn Secretary, these are delIcate negotIatIons, delIcate sItuatIons, brItaIn wIll do what It needs to do to support allIes In a tIme of need, but It Is very clearfrom allIes In a tIme of need, but It Is very clear from what we have saId publIcly that brItaIn wIll use all of Its Influence, all of the tools we have at our dIsposal, to move towards a swIft dIplomatIc solutIon based on a ceasefIre as quIckly as possIble. We are workIng very closely wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes, we wIll take actIons In concert wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes. Ida we wIll take actIons In concert wIth'>InternatIonal AllIes. InternatIonal allIes. No sIgn of a swIft dIplomatIc'>InternatIonal AllIes. No sIgn of a swIft dIplomatIc resolutIon'>InternatIonal AllIes. No sIgn of a swIft dIplomatIc resolutIon In I'>InternatIonal AllIes. No sIgn of'>Al SwIft dIplomatIc resolutIon In the last ten days, dIplomacy faIled to stop'>Attacks comIng. ThIs Is a questIon for some people In your own party of prIncIple, It Is ok and some peoples vIew to'>Support Israel when It Is defendIng Itself, our jets to be In aIr wIth mIssIles raInIng down on tel avIv, but It would not be acceptable for the'>Uk MIlItary In any way to play a part In Israel attackIng Iran. That Is a questIon of prIncIple. Would you be comfortable wIth the'>Uk MIlItary helpIng'>Israel Attack Iran . Lute helpIng'>Israel Attack Iran . We sIml helpIng'>Israel Attack Iran . We sImply do helpIng'>Israel Attack Iran . SImply do not know the cIrcumstances of what mIght or mIght not happen In the days ahead. All of your vIewers would understand why I am not goIng to get Involved In operatIonal cIrcumstances for an actIon that may or may not happen and we dont know the detaIls of In the days ahead. These are decIsIons that. I have beenIn these are decIsIons that. I have been In these rooms when the'>PrIme MInIster has led through tImes of dIffIculty In the short tIme our government has been In offIce and I can tell you our'>PrIme MInIster acts wIth real steadfastness,'>Thoughtfulness And Deep ConsIderatIon for the rule of domestIc and InternatIonal law. That wIll guIde all of the decIsIons the government takes. Lute wIll guIde all of the decIsIons the government takes. WIll guIde all of the decIsIons the government takes. We know the last'>Government Government takes. We know the last government chartered government takes. We know the last government chartered a government takes. We know the last government chartered a'>Plane Government takes. We know the last government chartered a plane from I government chartered a plane from lebanon to brIng home brIts leavIng today. After that are you poIsed to use the'>Uk MIlItary to get people out . ~. ,. , use the'>Uk MIlItary to get people out . ~. ,. , out . We have laId on three flIghts whIch have out . We have laId on three flIghts whIch have got out . We have laId on three flIghts whIch have got people out . We have laId on three flIghts whIch have got people out, out . We have laId on three flIghts whIch have got people out, a out . We have laId on three flIghts I whIch have got people out, a fourth one lIvIng today, we are on standby. If there Is demand, we wIll use whatever Is needed, whether more chartered flIghts, whether It Is the mIlItary, ready to do what needs to be done. The vast bulk of people who have requested to leave, we have managed to deal wIth. I pay huge trIbute to our dIplomatIc servIces In lebanon and the regIon but also the'>ForeIgn OffIce who have done thIs In a steadfast way, not as part of a last mInute crIsIs. We have been preparIng for some tIme and you can see the actIons we have taken have worked really well. Lute can see the actIons we have taken have worked really well. We should also remInd have worked really well. We should also remInd people have worked really well. We should also remInd people practIcal have worked really well. We should also remInd people practIcal advIce| also remInd people practIcal advIce If they have famIly there If they are there, they can regIster onlIne wIth the'>ForeIgn OffIce to make sure there Is help If they need It. InterestIng thIs mornIng the'>PrIme MInIster has wrItten In'>The Sunday TImes'>Notjust About'>UrgIng RestraInt In the regIon but about the Impact thIs conflIct has already had and may have on pensIons In thIs country. At'>Protest Yesterday on tensIons. There were people carryIng'>Placards Yesterday sayIng they loved hezbollah. The government says It Is a'>Terror Group behInd many'>Attacks on Israel. The dIvIsIons are here, what wIll you do about that . It Is true, what wIll you do about that . It Is true. When what wIll you do about that . It Is true, when there what wIll you do about that . It Is true, when there Is what wIll you do about that . It 3 true, when there Is conflIct In'>The MIddle East, dIvIsIons and urge elsewhere around the world. We see It In our country. Yesterday In the protests, there was a lot of peaceful protest but there were people carryIng sIgns, as the one you have descrIbed, It Is a crImInal act, supportIng a proscrIbed'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon such as hezbollah. The home secretary, the'>PrIme MInIster, they saId yesterday the polIce have our full'>PrIme MInIster, they saId yesterday the polIce have'>Ourfull Support should they take actIon agaInst people carryIng sIgns lIke that. What Is the concern'>KeIr Starmer Is gettIng at when he warns about thIngs gettIng worse here, about the conflIct beIng felt In thIs country . From the polItIcal poInt of vIew, labour lost a lot of support and some constItuencIes to a handful of pro palestInIan rIghts Independent candIdates. What Is hIs fear . There are eole candIdates. What Is hIs fear . There are people throughout candIdates. What Is hIs fear . There are people throughout thIs candIdates. What Is hIs fear . Tues are people throughout thIs country are people throughout thIs country who have lIved experIence or connectIons to dIfferent sItes on the conflIct and It Is a complex conflIct. It Is complex and'>The MIddle East, In the regIon. Therefore, It Is complex In thIs country. We have come from a perIod In the prevIous government that use dIvIsIon Is a tool for polItIcal advancement. We are strIvIng to brIng communItIes back together agaIn. It Is extremely dIffIcult when there are Issues whIch are the Issues In'>The MIddle East and the war Is deepenIng for us to do that and achIeve It here. What the'>PrIme MInIster has done Is beIng honest about the fact there are communItIes In thIs country who feel deeply alIgned. DIfferent reasons to dIfferent partIcIpants In the war In'>The MIddle East and we do not want that to fall out Into dIvIsIons wIthIn our own country between dIfferent brItIsh communItIes, dIfferent brItIsh communItIes, dIfferent brItIsh communItIes, dIfferent brItIsh cItIzens. SometImes dIfferent communItIes wIthIn neIghbourhoods. We are doIng everythIng we can. We are InvestIng In communIty support, doIng everythIng we can from leadershIp, from the top wIth the'>PrIme MInIster to use language that unItes the country, and we wIll act swIftly where there Is support for'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, wIth the full force of the law to make sure It does not become the norm In thIs country. But where there Is actIvIty whIch Is dIvIsIve and where hate can come Into the'>CommunIty RelatIons, we need to make sure we are doIng everythIng we can to take'>Language And BehavIour out of local'>DIscourse And BehavIour out of local dIscourse and the way we deal wIth Issues as a country. 50 and the way we deal wIth Issues as a count. , and the way we deal wIth Issues as a count. , ,. , country. So many thIngs we would have lIked to country. So many thIngs we would have lIked to talk country. So many thIngs we would have lIked to talk to country. So many thIngs we would have lIked to talk to you country. So many thIngs we would have lIked to talk to you about country. So many thIngs we would | have lIked to talk to you about and we wIll have you back another tIme to talk about what Is goIng on your department of scIence and technology. You wIll know we have talked a lot on thIs programme about the safety of chIldren onlIne and we have talked to famIlIes who have spoken movIngly about theIr experIences. We know there Is a new bIt of law, onlIne safety bIll, the'>Regulator Ofcom Is consultIng on exactly how the new rules wIll work. WIll you connect to use your power to get the regulator to fIll In some of the loopholes that contaIners for kIds and dIgItal'>Safety Experts have already IdentIfIed, for'>Example the rules as they stand would allow unknown adults to ask theIr kIds to be a frIend onlIne, to send'>FrIend Requests . Just one'>Example. You have the power to tell ofcom to fIll In the power to tell ofcom to fIll In the gaps that some campaIgners are worrIed about. WIll you do that . I have already exercIse those powers sInce I was appoInted, and I wIll close loopholes. I really hope I can come back on the show on talk about all the opportunItIes we have If we get technology and the harnessIng of the dIgItal world we are movIng towards rIght. We can only exploIt these opportunItIes If we get'>Safety RIght at the begInnIng, I am lookIng at all the InternatIonal evIdence at the moment, because some countrIes lIke australIa movIng towards a ban on mobIle phones. I am open mInded about how we keep kIds and young people safe, partIcularly those wIth vulnerabIlItIes, and I am lookIng at ways to buIld evIdence. One of my frustratIons wIth the'>Tech Sector Is that they have not Invested In real evIdence about the Impact theIr products have on young people, and they are the only sector I can thInk of that can release products wIthout provIng they are safe before that. I exercIsed my powers to get IntImate Image abuse, what Is called revenge porn, from beIng a problem, so that I would they have to prove algorIthms wIll drIve theIr behavIour away before they come onlIne, and they must act swIftly If It Is brought to theIr attentIon, otherwIse they wIll face very heavy fInes, so these are creatIve uses of the powers I have to make sure that safety Is there at the start, not pIckIng up the pIeces afterwards, and IncreasIngly you wIll see thIs government workIng wIth the us and partners abroad to make sure that safety Is proven before the release of products, that Is where we need to get to. Really InterestIng, do come back to talk about that, I know the audIences Interested. What do you thInk . Let us know emaIl us at kuenssberg bbc. Co. Uk or on socIal, use bbclaurak, and well try and share some of the converatIon later In the show. Lets see what our panel have to say about that. What dId you thInk of what we heard from the IsraelI ambassador and how she was defendIng theIr actIons In recent weeks . So when I lIstened to the IsraelI ambassador, I have a lot of sympathy wIth Israel, IsraelI demands for securIty, I have been to one of the kIbbutz Is 700 metres from gaza, I have heard the storIes and seen what happened there, and It was horrIfIc, so I totally understand that Israel Is a traumatIsed country whose cItIzens desperately value theIr securIty. Where I part company wIth her Is the means to achIeve that. I also went Into gaza, as you saId, you cannot go In Independently, so I went In wIth the IsraelI army, but even wIth the IsraelI army, goIng across the'>MedIterranean Sea corrIdor, you can see that the place Is totally devastated. I dIdnt see a sIngle buIldIng that hadnt been devastated. And that Is no way to buIld the future of gaza. You have got, as'>Zarah Sultana saId,'>2 MIllIon people whose houses have been destroyed, there are people starvIng, completely sufferIng, so you have to fInd a way to move to a polItIcal solutIon, you have to fInd a way to rebuIld gaza, and my worry Is that the IsraelIs are begInnIng to do the same In lebanon that they have done'>In Gaza, that Is the real concern. I understand the need for securIty, I am wIth them when they want to degrade'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, be It hamas or hezbollah, but vIolence wIll only get you so far. It was very tellIng when she saId, we wIll say enough when she saId, we wIll say enough when our people are safe. IsraelIs wIll not be safe wIthout a polItIcal solutIon. ~ ,. ,. ,. , solutIon. When you lIstened to your former colleagues solutIon. When you lIstened to your former colleagues tryIng solutIon. When you lIstened to your former colleagues tryIng to former colleagues tryIng to carefully step through thIs sensItIve Issue, do you thInk, on the left, that people. How would they vIew the'>Uk Government gettIng Involved In an attack on Iran . There Is no scenarIo Involved In an attack on Iran . There Is no scenarIo where Involved In an attack on Iran . There Is no scenarIo where that Involved In an attack on Iran . There Is no scenarIo where that can Involved In an attack on Iran . There Is no scenarIo where that can be Is no scenarIo where that can be justIfIed. Is no scenarIo where that can be justIfIed, and I fInd It hIghly concernIng that he could not rule'>Out BrItIsh concernIng that he could not rule'>Out BrItIsh Involvement In'>MIlItary ActIon'>Out BrItIsh Involvement In'>MIlItary ActIon If'>Out BrItIsh Involvement In'>MIlItary ActIon. If we look at the last few decades actIon. If we look at the last few decades of brItIsh'>MIlItary ActIon In the decades of brItIsh'>MIlItary ActIon In'>The MIddle East, lessons have not been learned, and when we look at what been learned, and when we look at what the been learned, and when we look at what the brItIsh publIc thInk,'>56 of the what the brItIsh publIc thInk,'>56 of the brItIsh publIc back and'>Arms Ban on of the brItIsh publIc back and'>Arms Ban on weapons, only 17 oppose that, ban on weapons, only 17 oppose that, 67 ban on weapons, only 17 oppose that, 67 belIeve Israel has commItted'>War CrImes, and 84 want netanyahu commItted'>War CrImes, and 84 want netanyahu arrested If he enters the uk. Clearly there Is a detachment from uk. Clearly there Is a detachment from brItIsh'>PublIc OpInIon and what the government are sayIng. And from brItIsh'>PublIc OpInIon and what the government are sayIng. The government are sayIng. And yet ou are a the government are sayIng. And yet you are a strong the government are sayIng. And yet you are a strong supporter the government are sayIng. And yet you are a strong supporter of you are a strong supporter of palestInIan rIghts, except If you were, do you understand the need for'>Safety And ProtectIon for IsraelIs . I often get asked If I belIeve In the IsraelI rIght to defend Itself, and what the IsraelI rIght to defend Itself, and what we see Is 42,000 people dead In and what we see Is 42,000 people dead'>In Gaza, dIsproportIonately women dead'>In Gaza, dIsproportIonately women and chIldren,'>Health Infrastructure dIsmantled, unIversItIes destroyed. That Is not theIr unIversItIes destroyed. That Is not theIr rIght unIversItIes destroyed. That Is not theIr rIght to defend Itself, that Is why theIr rIght to defend Itself, that Is why the Icj Is puttIng'>Israel On TrIal on Is why the Icj Is puttIng'>Israel On TrIal on charges of genocIde. There are two trIal on charges of genocIde. There are two very trIal on charges of genocIde. There are two very dIfferent thIngs, and the IsraelI are two very dIfferent thIngs, and the IsraelI ambassador has rejected palestInIan'>Statehood AspIratIon sInce palestInIan'>Statehood AspIratIon sInce 2013, she says thIs land Is ours, sInce 2013, she says thIs land Is ours. All sInce 2013, she says thIs land Is ours. All of sInce 2013, she says thIs land Is ours, all of It Is ours, she Is tryIng ours, all of It Is ours, she Is tryIng to ours, all of It Is ours, she Is tryIng to achIeve global recognItIon for Illegal settlements. She called the nakba and arab lIe, thIs Is not a partner the nakba and arab lIe, thIs Is not a partner for peace. You mentIoned hIstorIcal events, a partner for peace. You mentIoned hIstorIcal events, and a partner for peace. You mentIoned hIstorIcal events, and Is a partner for peace. You mentIoned hIstorIcal events, and Is a a partner for peace. You mentIoned hIstorIcal events, and Is a long hIstorIcal events, and Is a long servIng cabInet mInIster, you have seen many dIfferent mIddle east crIses comes through, where do you thInk'>The SolutIon mIght be here, because If thIs Is the IsraelI ambassador, she doesnt see a solutIon beIng stoppIng thIs anytIme soon . LIstenIng to the other sIde, there Is no sIgn that anybody on the other sIde would want to stop thIs anytIme soon. You are quIte rIght that a solutIon wIll not be soon, but what Is that a solutIon wIll not be soon, but what I that a solutIon wIll not be soon, but what I ,. ,. , but what Is needed, both from the IsraelIs but what Is needed, both from the lsraelIs and but what Is needed, both from the IsraelIs and the but what Is needed, both from the IsraelIs and the palestInIans, but what Is needed, both from the IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is I IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is leadershIp IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is leadershIp that IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is leadershIp that Is IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is leadershIp that Is prepared I IsraelIs and the palestInIans, Is leadershIp that Is prepared to I leadershIp that Is prepared to forget leadershIp that Is prepared to forget the leadershIp that Is prepared to forget the past leadershIp that Is prepared to forget the'>Past But LeadershIp that Is prepared to forget the past but to leadershIp that Is prepared to forget the past but to move I leadershIp that Is prepared toI forget the past but to move on leadershIp that Is prepared to I forget the past but to move on to a polItIcal forget the past but to move on to a polItIcal dIalogue forget the past but to move on to a polItIcal dIalogue and forget the past but to move on to a polItIcal dIalogue and the forget the past but to move on to a| polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the mIlItary polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the mIlItary sIde polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the mIlItary sIde of polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the mIlItary sIde of thIs polItIcal dIalogue and the proposals once the mIlItary sIde of thIs has. Once the mIlItary sIde of thIs has completed once the mIlItary sIde of thIs has completed. One once the mIlItary sIde of thIs has completed. One thIng once the mIlItary sIde of thIs has completed. One thIng has completed. One thIng has fundamentally completed. One thIng has fundamentally changed I completed. One thIng has fundamentally changed compared completed. One thIng has fundamentally changed compared to every prevIous fundamentally changed compared to every prevIous crIsIs fundamentally changed compared to every prevIous crIsIs that fundamentally changed compared to every prevIous crIsIs that Israel I every prevIous crIsIs that Israel has faced every prevIous crIsIs that Israel has faced. We every prevIous crIsIs that Israel has faced. We have every prevIous crIsIs that Israel has faced. We have four every prevIous crIsIs that Israel has faced. We have four arab I has faced. We have four arab governments. Has faced. We have four arab governments, the has faced. We have four arab| governments, the neIghbours has faced. We have four arab I governments, the neIghbours of Israel. Governments, the neIghbours of Israel. Egypt. Governments, the neIghbours of Israel, egypt, jordan, governments, the neIghbours of Israel, egypt, jordan, unIted I governments, the neIghbours of. Israel, egypt, jordan,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates Israel, egypt, jordan,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates and Israel, egypt, jordan,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates and bahraIn, Israel, egypt, jordan,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates and bahraIn, who Israel, egypt, jordan,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates and bahraIn, who have I emIrates and bahraIn, who have establIshed emIrates and bahraIn, who have establIshed'>DIplomatIc EmIrates and bahraIn, who have establIshed dIplomatIc relatIons| establIshed dIplomatIc relatIons wIth Israel. EstablIshed dIplomatIc relatIons wIth Israel, have establIshed dIplomatIc relatIons wIth Israel, have recognIsed I establIshed dIplomatIc relatIons I wIth Israel, have recognIsed Israel, exchanged wIth Israel, have recognIsed Israel, exchanged ambassadors, wIth Israel, have recognIsed Israel, exchanged ambassadors, and wIth Israel, have recognIsed Israel, exchanged ambassadors, and whoI wIth Israel, have recognIsed Israel, I exchanged ambassadors, and who have not exchanged ambassadors, and who have not they exchanged ambassadors, and who have not they have exchanged ambassadors, and who have not. They have crItIcIsed exchanged ambassadors, and who have not. They have crItIcIsed the exchanged ambassadors, and who have not. They have crItIcIsed the way not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel has not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel has behaved not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel has behaved In not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel has behaved In the not. They have crItIcIsed the'>Way Israel has behaved In the last not. They have crItIcIsed the'>WayI Israel has behaved In the last year, but they Israel has behaved In the last year, but they have Israel has behaved In the last year, but they have not Israel has behaved In the last year, but they have not broken Israel has behaved In the last year, but they have not broken relatIonsl but they have not broken relatIons as you but they have not broken relatIons as you mIght but they have not broken relatIons as you mIght have but they have not broken relatIons as you mIght have expected, I but they have not broken relatIons as you mIght have expected, fromj as you mIght have expected, from arab as you mIght have expected, from arab governments. As you mIght have expected, from arab governments. Why as you mIght have expected, from arab governments. Why have I as you mIght have expected, fromj arab governments. Why have they as you mIght have expected, from arab governments. Why have they done that . Partly arab governments. Why have they done that . Partly because arab governments. Why have they done that . Partly because they arab governments. Why have they done that . Partly because they loathe that . Partly because they loathe hamas that . Partly because they loathe hamas and that . Partly because they loathe hamas and hezbollah that . Partly because they loathe hamas and hezbollah as that . Partly because they'>Loathel Hamas and hezbollah as'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, hamas and hezbollah as'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, accordIng hamas and hezbollah as'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, accordIng to hamas and hezbollah as'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, accordIng to the l organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh what organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh what we organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh what we say organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh what we say they organIsatIons, accordIng to the brItIsh what we say they are I brItIsh what we say they are terrorIst brItIsh what we say they are'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, I brItIsh what we say they are'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons,'>Butl BrItIsh what we say they are I'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, but the egyptIan'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, but the egyptIan government,'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, but the egyptIan government, the I'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIons, but the egyptIan government, the jordanIan government. EgyptIan government, the jordanIan government, unIted egyptIan government, the jordanIan government, unIted arab egyptIan government, the jordanIan government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, I government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, but also government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, but also because government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, but also because they government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, but also because they share government,'>UnIted Arab EmIrates, but also because they share wIth I but also because they share wIth Israel but also because they share wIth Israel a but also because they share wIth'>Israel A LoathIng but also because they share wIth'>Israel A LoathIng of but also because they share wIth'>Israel A LoathIng of the but also because they share wIth'>Israel A LoathIng of the current. Israel a'>LoathIng Of the current regIme'>Israel A LoathIng of the current regIme In'>Israel A LoathIng of the current regIme In Iran,'>Israel A LoathIng of the current regIme In Iran, because'>Israel A LoathIng of the current| regIme In Iran, because behInd'>Israel A LoathIng of the current regIme In Iran, because behInd hamas and hezbollah. RegIme In Iran, because behInd hamas and hezbollah, neIther regIme In Iran, because behInd hamas and hezbollah, neIther could regIme In Iran, because behInd hamas and hezbollah, neIther could operate. And hezbollah, neIther could operate but for and hezbollah, neIther could operate but for the and hezbollah, neIther could operate but for the IranIan and hezbollah, neIther could operate but for the IranIan cut and hezbollah, neIther could operate but for the IranIan cut not and hezbollah, neIther could operate but for the IranIan cut not just but for the IranIan'>Cut Notjust polItIcal but for the IranIan'>Cut Notjust polItIcal support, but for the IranIan'>Cut Notjust polItIcal support, but but for the IranIan'>Cut Notjust polItIcal support, but the but for the IranIan cut not just. PolItIcal support, but the supply but for the IranIan cut not just polItIcal support, but the supply of weapons polItIcal support, but the supply of weapons In polItIcal support, but the supply of weapons In the polItIcal support, but the supply of weapons In the so called polItIcal support, but the supply of weapons In the so called strategyI polItIcal support, but the supply of I weapons In the so called strategy of usIng weapons In the so called strategy of usIng these weapons In the so called strategy of usIng these proxIes weapons In the so called strategy of usIng these proxIes to weapons In the so called strategy of usIng these proxIes to Impose usIng these proxIes to Impose maxImum usIng these proxIes to Impose maxImum sufferIng usIng these proxIes to Impose maxImum sufferIng on usIng these proxIes to Impose maxImum sufferIng on Israel. | usIng these proxIes to Impose I maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We usIng these proxIes to Impose maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hoInu In a maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hopIng In a second maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hopIng In a second to maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hopIng In a second to speak maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hopIng In a second to speak to maxImum sufferIng on Israel. We are hopIng In a second to speak to a hopIng In a second to speak to a polItIcIan In Iran, an unusual thIng to do, we are tryIng to get the lInes sorted to speak to them shortly. But as edItor of the economIst, as well as somebody coverIng foreIgn polIcy, behInd all of thIs, we talked about the'>CommunIty Effect wIth'>Peter Kyle, but there Is also, If thIs carrIes on, If they spIrals out of control, the effect on everybody� s wallets could be very sIgnIfIcant, rIght, In terms of oIl and Its Importance In the regIon . What Is the rIsk there . If you have all out war between'>Iran And Israel, It could have very damagIng consequences. The prIce of oIl Is currently lower than It was on'>October The 6th last year, so thus far there has been relatIvely lIttle effect. There has been an Impact on global shIppIng because the houthIs have been lobbIng mIssIles and shIps now have to go around afrIca, but thus far I thInk we havent seen It. But you are rIght, In the absolute worst case, you would have'>Notjust A completely horrIfIc war between Israel and Iran, but global consequences. I thInk the questIon that Is paramount Is avoIdIng that, and the key to thatIs Is avoIdIng that, and the key to that Is really, I thInk, the unIted states. It Is Important, what peter because It was Important, and the uk does play a role, but the real play Is the unIted states. But does play a role, but the real play Is the unIted states. Is the unIted states. But wIth an electIon pendIng, Is the unIted states. But wIth an electIon pendIng, there Is the unIted states. But wIth an electIon pendIng, there Is Is the unIted states. But wIth an | electIon pendIng, there Is almost Is the unIted states. But wIth an electIon pendIng, there Is almost no sIgn that netanyahu has been lIstenIng to the us In the last few months. �. LIstenIng to the us In the last few months. , � ,. , months. PresIdent bIden Is In a nowIn sItuatIon, months. PresIdent bIden Is In a nowIn sItuatIon, because months. PresIdent bIden Is In a nowIn sItuatIon, because he. Months. PresIdent bIden Is In a nowIn sItuatIon, because he cannot no wIn sItuatIon, because he cannot do anythIng other than really'>Support Israel, because of the rIsk of It hurtIng hIm on november the 5th. At the same tIme, he has been really hurt In mIchIgan, whIch has a bIg arab populatIon. Netanyahu was waItIng for the results of the electIon and crossIng hIs fIngers that'>Donald Trump wIns, because'>Donald Trump just last week saId It was tIme to hIt the'>Nuclear SItes. InterestIng that'>KeIr Starmer Is raIsIng the rIsks of'>CommunIty RelatIons here, and we have seen protests, we have seen what happened In the general electIon, Is that somethIng that you worry about . In somethIng that you worry about . In terms of'>CommunIty RelatIons, I thInk terms of'>CommunIty RelatIons, I thInk often what Is happenIng In the mIddle thInk often what Is happenIng In'>The MIddle East gets dIvIded Into bInarIes of muslIm communItIes and jewIsh bInarIes of muslIm communItIes and jewIsh communItIes. What we see In the streets jewIsh communItIes. What we see In'>The Streets Of London and across the country'>The Streets Of London and across the country communItIes of all backgrounds, all ages, of all demographIcs, comIng together because demographIcs, comIng together because they do not want to see'>Uk ComplIcIty because they do not want to see'>Uk ComplIcIty In'>War CrImes that takIng'>Place ComplIcIty In'>War CrImes that takIng place thIs complIcIty In'>War CrImes that takIng place. ThIs Isnt about communItIes, and I place. ThIs Isnt about communItIes, and I understand there has been a rIse In and I understand there has been a rIse In IslamophobIa and antI semItIsm, We Saw some of that play out antI semItIsm, We Saw some of that play out In antI semItIsm, We Saw some of that play out In the rIots over the summer. Play out In the rIots over the summer, but when we use that poInt often summer, but when we use that poInt often It summer, but when we use that poInt often It Is summer, but when we use that poInt often It Is to summer, but when we use that poInt often It Is to undermIne the legItImate grIevances about'>War CrImes legItImate grIevances about'>War CrImes. Ls legItImate grIevances about'>War CrImes. LegItImate grIevances about'>War CrImes. ,. ,. , crImes. Is It legItImate for people at a protest crImes. Is It legItImate for people at a protest In crImes. Is It legItImate for people at a protest In london crImes. Is It legItImate for people at a protest In london to crImes. Is It legItImate for people at a protest In london to be crImes. Is It legItImate for'>People L at a protest In london to be holdIng up at a protest In london to be holdIng up a sIgn sayIng. . At a protest In london to be holdIng up a sIgn sayIng. . At a protest In london to be holdIng up a sIgn sayIng. . Absolutely not, and there are up a sIgn sayIng. . Absolutely not, and there are laws up a sIgn sayIng. . Absolutely not, and there are laws In up a sIgn sayIng. . Absolutely not, and there are laws In place up a sIgn sayIng. . Absolutely not, and there are laws In place that and there are laws In place that wIll deal and there are laws In place that wIll deal wIth that, but up to 800,000 people attended a demonstratIon yesterday, and If we are goIng demonstratIon yesterday, and If we are goIng to use one or two fIgures that completely dIstorts the realIty of the that completely dIstorts the realIty of the people that are takIng part In these of the people that are takIng part In these matches and what theyre callIng In these matches and what theyre callIng for In these matches and what theyre callIn for. ,. ,. , callIng for. You are rIght to say that communItIes callIng for. You are rIght to say that communItIes are callIng for. You are rIght to say that communItIes are not callIng for. You are rIght to say that communItIes are not a callIng for. You are rIght to say. That communItIes are not a solId bloc yeah, people have dIfferent vIews In the same communIty. Lastly you, sIr malcolm, havIng seen lots of conflagratIons over the years, do you have any optImIsm that thIs Is fIxable In any perIod we mIght descrIbe as soon . I fIxable In any perIod we mIght descrIbe as soon . FIxable In any perIod we mIght descrIbe as soon . I was the'>ForeIgn Secretary who descrIbe as soon . I was the'>ForeIgn Secretary who commItted descrIbe as soon . I was the'>ForeIgn Secretary who commItted the descrIbe as soon . I was the foreIgn | secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Back secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Back to secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Back to a secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Back to a two secretary who commItted the unIted'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State Secretary who commItted the unIted|'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In the'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In the 1990s,'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In the 1990s, and'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In the 1990s, and I'>KIngdom Back to a two'>State SolutIon back In the 1990s, and I never back In the 1990s, and I never changed back In the 1990s, and I never changed my back In the 1990s, and I never changed my vIew back In the 1990s, and I never changed my vIew on back In the 1990s, and I never changed my vIew on that. Back In the 1990s, and I never changed my vIew on that. But| back In the 1990s, and I never changed my vIew on that. But look at some changed my vIew on that. But look at some of changed my vIew on that. But look at some of the changed my vIew on that. But look at some of the other changed my vIew on that. But look at some of the other problems changed my vIew on that. But look at some of the other problems In changed my vIew on that. But look at some of the other problems In the I some of the other problems In the world some of the other problems In the world that some of the other problems In the world that were some of the other problems In the world that were thought some of the other problems In the world that were thought to some of the other problems In the world that were thought to be some of the other problems In the'>I World that were thought to be unable to be solved world that were thought to be unable to be solved. The world that were thought to be unable to be solved. The cold world that were thought to be unable to be solved. The cold'>War World that were thought to be unable to be solved. The'>Cold War ended to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout a to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout a shot to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout a shot beIng to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout a shot beIng fIred, to be solved. The'>Cold War ended wIthout a shot beIng fIred, whenl wIthout a shot beIng fIred, when gorbachev wIthout a shot beIng fIred, when gorbachev and wIthout a shot beIng fIred, when'>Gorbachev And Reagan wIthout a shot beIng fIred, when'>Gorbachev And Reagan and wIthout a shot beIng fIred, when'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher ot'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher got to'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher got to speak'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher got to speak to'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher got to speak to each'>Gorbachev And Reagan and thatcher got to speak to each other. Got to speak to each other. ApartheId got to speak to each other. ApartheId In got to speak to each other. ApartheId In south got to speak to each other. ApartheId In'>South AfrIca I got to speak to each other. L apartheId In'>South AfrIca was dIsmantled apartheId In'>South AfrIca was dIsmantled by apartheId In'>South AfrIca was dIsmantled by agreement. I apartheId In'>South AfrIca was I dIsmantled by agreement. Not apartheId In'>South AfrIca was dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but by dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but by the dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but by the leader dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but by the leader of dIsmantled by agreement. Notjust by mandela but by the leader of the mandela but by the leader of the whIte mandela but by the leader of the whIte'>South Mandela but by the leader of the whIte'>South AfrIcans. Mandela but by the leader of the whIte'>South AfrIcans. And mandela but by the leader of the whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, when whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, when we whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, when we had whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, when we had the I whIte'>South AfrIcans. And Inl brItaIn, when we had the Ira whIte'>South AfrIcans. And In brItaIn, when we had the Ira for a whole brItaIn, when we had the Ira for a whole generatIon, brItaIn, when we had the Ira for a whole generatIon, terrorIsts whole generatIon, terrorIsts attackIng whole generatIon, terrorIsts attackIng people. Whole generatIon, terrorIsts attackIng people. That whole generatIon, terrorIsts attackIng people. That was. Whole generatIon, terrorIsts attackIng people. That was solved. Now. AttackIng people. That was solved. Now. The attackIng people. That was solved. Now, the common attackIng people. That was solved. Now, the common bond attackIng people. That was solved. Now, the common bond wIth attackIng people. That was solved. Now, the common bond wIth eachI attackIng people. That was solved. I now, the common bond wIth each of these now, the common bond wIth each of these three now, the common bond wIth each of these three solutIons now, the common bond wIth each of these three solutIons Is now, the common bond wIth each of these three solutIons Is that now, the common bond wIth each of these three solutIons Is that when I these three solutIons Is that when each sIde. These three solutIons Is that when each sIde. Not these three solutIons Is that when each sIde, not one these three solutIons Is that when each sIde, not one sIde, these three solutIons Is that when each sIde, not one sIde, each these three solutIons Is that whenj each sIde, not one sIde, each sIde produced each sIde, not one sIde, each sIde produced statesmen each sIde, not one sIde, each sIde produced statesmen who each sIde, not one sIde, each sIde produced statesmen who were each sIde, not one sIde, each sIde produced statesmen who were prepared not to forget produced statesmen who were prepared not to forget the produced statesmen who were prepared not to forget the past, produced statesmen who were prepared not to forget the past, but produced statesmen who were prepared not to forget the past, but to not to forget the past, but to actually not to forget the past, but to actually negotIate not to forget the past, but to actually negotIate and not to forget the past, but to actually negotIate and makel not to forget the past, but to I actually negotIate and make the compromIses actually negotIate and make the compromIses that actually negotIate and make the compromIses that are actually negotIate and make the compromIses that are requIred. | actually negotIate and make the compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses are compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses are there compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses are there to compromIses that are requIred. And these compromIses are there to be I these compromIses are there to be made. These compromIses are there to be made. Thev these compromIses are there to be made. They were these compromIses are there to be made, they were all these compromIses are there to be made, they were all almost these compromIses are there to be made, they were all almost made I these compromIses are there to be I made, they were all almost made by yItzhak made, they were all almost made by'>YItzhak RabIn made, they were all almost made by'>YItzhak RabIn and made, they were all almost made by'>YItzhak RabIn and yasser made, they were all almost made by'>YItzhak RabIn and'>Yasser Arafat made, they were all almost made byI'>YItzhak RabIn and'>Yasser Arafat many years ago'>YItzhak RabIn and'>Yasser Arafat many ears auo. ,. ,'>YItzhak RabIn and'>Yasser Arafat many ears auo. ,. ,. ,'>YItzhak RabIn and'>Yasser Arafat many earsauo. ,. , years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy can sometImes years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy can sometImes work, years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy can sometImes work, so years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy can sometImes work, so a years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy can sometImes work, so a'>Note L years ago. PolItIcs and dIplomacy| can sometImes work, so a note of optImIsm from your experIence of the past. On frIday, Irans'>Ayatollah AlI KhameneI warned Iran would strIke back agaInst Israel agaIn If necessary. Over now to tehran, where were joIned by masoumeh ebtekar, who was a'>VIce PresIdent In the IranIan cabInet tIll 2021. Thank you very much Indeed for joInIng us thIs mornIng. Isnt Iran responsIble for escalatIon by attackIng Israel, fundIng Is'>Bullock And FundIng hamas, whIch are both repeatedly attacked Israel . WeIll. And fundIng hamas, whIch are both repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look at repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look at the repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look at the hIstory repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look at the hIstory of repeatedly attacked Israel . Well, we have to look at the hIstory of thIs have to look at the hIstory of thIs regIon, thIs was a peace lovIng regIon, thIs was a peace lovIng regIon, people from dIfferent backgrounds, dIfferent relIgIons lIvIng together, lIvIng together In all dIfferent countrIes In thIs regIon, but somethIng happened In 1948, and the creatIon of a state I948, and the creatIon of a state where, for Its exIstence, It had to expel the local communIty, the IndIgenous people there, and then we had refugees, thousands of people beIng expelled from theIr homes, and then InsecurIty, InstabIlIty and stewed. It Is not somethIng that we just look at the recent events and analyse It, It Is somethIng that we have to look at the hIstory. And have to look at the hIstory. And hIstory cannot have to look at the hIstory. And hIstory cannot dIsappear, and yet we must talk about what Is happenIng now and hezbollah and hamas, both consIdered by'>Terror Groups by many governments around the world, are beIng funded by Iran, and thIs week to Supreme Leader saId that Israel should be annIhIlated. Surely you must admIt that Iran bears some responsIbIlIty. Ifa If a natIon Is legItImately defendIng Its home, defendIng Its exIstence, securIty, It Is not a terrorIst, It Is a resIstance group. ThIs Is where we have to make our defInItIon Is clear. We cannot use double standards, we cannot apply InternatIonal regulatIons and norms whenever we lIke but when It Is a state lIke Israel undermInIng every sIngle InternatIonal norm has been undermIned In the past year by the zIonIst entIty, they have done everythIng whIch Is country to the human rIghts charter, to the geneva conventIons. Human rIghts charter, to the geneva conventIons conventIons. What about the actIvItIes of conventIons. What about the actIvItIes of hamas conventIons. What about the actIvItIes of hamas and conventIons. What about the actIvItIes of hamas and hezbollah . Hamas called more than'>A Thousand IsraelIs, took more than 200'>People Hostage In a year ago. Are you suggestIng those actIons were legItImate . It suggestIng those actIons were legItImate . SuggestIng those actIons were lecItImate . ,. ,. , legItImate . It dId not start on the 7th of october. LegItImate . It dId not start on the 7th of october. Everyone legItImate . It dId not start on the 7th of october. Everyone knows l legItImate . It dId not start on the 7th of october. Everyone knows that. It started way before. That 7th of october. Everyone knows that. It started way before. It started way before. That Is not my questIon It started way before. That Is not my questIon I It started way before. That Is not my questIon. I am It started way before. That Is not my questIon. I am askIng It started way before. That Is not my questIon. I am askIng you It started way before. That Is not my questIon. I am askIng you If I It started way before. That Is not I my questIon. I am askIng you If you justIfy the appallIng'>Attacks where more than 1000 people were kIlled by hamas and 200 hostages were taken. Can you justIfy those actIvItIes . Nobody justIfIes can you justIfy those actIvItIes . NobodyjustIfIes cIvIlIan deaths, nobody justIfIes cIvIlIan deaths, but nobodyjustIfIes cIvIlIan deaths, but when It happens at the scale It has happened In the past year, agaInst the people of gaza, and now just In the past week agaInst the people of lebanon, we have over 2000 cIvIlIans kIlled In lebanon only In the past week. ThIs Is what we are speakIng about. A natIon, all the natIons In thIs regIon, they are legItImately defendIng themselves, defendIng theIr Independence, IntegrIty. They are defendIng theIr rIght to lIve. IntegrIty. They are defendIng theIr rIght to lIve IntegrIty. They are defendIng theIr rIaht to lIve. ,. , ,. , rIght to lIve. There are many people In our rIght to lIve. There are many people In your own rIght to lIve. There are many people In your own country rIght to lIve. There are many people In your own country who rIght to lIve. There are many people In your own country who are rIght to lIve. There are many peoplel In your own country who are appalled by the actIons of the IranIan regIme whIch Is not a democracy, looks are people who dIsagree wIth them. How can you be tellIng other countrIes. . Can you be tellIng other countrIes. Can you be tellIng other countrIes. ~. ,. , countrIes. . A lot of people are now demandIng countrIes. . A lot of people are now demandIng a countrIes. . A lot of people are now demandIng a serIous countrIes. . A lot of people are now demandIng a serIous'>Change J countrIes. . A lot of people are I now demandIng a serIous change In the polIcIes of western governments. We saw yesterday a natIonal day of protest agaInst the polIcIes, agaInst the palestInIan people, Tens Of Thousands of people were marchIng In the us and many countrIes In europe IncludIng the uk. People are protestIng. They are not satIsfIed wIth the polIcIes of the government. The solutIon Is clear. I wIth the polIcIes of the government. The solutIon Is clear. The solutIon Is clear. I thInk we have just'>The SolutIon Is clear. I thInk we have just lost'>The SolutIon Is clear. I thInk we have just lost the'>The SolutIon Is clear. I thInk we have just lost the lIne'>The SolutIon Is clear. I thInk we have just lost the lIne to'>The SolutIon Is clear. I thInk we l have just lost the lIne to tehran. That was speakIng to masoumeh ebtekar. Thank you forjoInIng us. A glImpse of the thInkIng of IranIan polItIcIans Involved In'>FundIng Hezbollah and hamas who are consIdered'>Terror Groups by many governments. InterestIng to hear the vIew from tehran. At the tory'>Conference BIrmIngham thIs week, the shadow'>ForeIgn Secretary told the conference that Israel had the rIght to defend Itself. But there was of course concerned about what was goIng on. Andrew mItchelljoIns us thIs mornIng. Thank you for comIng In. We have spoken to the lebanese, IsraelIs, and they glImpse from tehran thIs mornIng. What Is your assessment of the sItuatIon . InternatIonal'>Development Secretary In cabInet, you have seen these crIses, but perhaps not one as dangerous as thIs. It perhaps not one as dangerous as thIs. , perhaps not one as dangerous as thIs. ,. ,. ,. , perhaps not one as dangerous as thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs In a world thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs In a world that thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs In a world that In thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs In a world that In recent thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs In a world that In recent years I thIs. It Is a very dangerous crIsIs | In a world that In recent years has become more dangerous than at any tIme In our lIfetIme. But I thInk If you focus on what Is happenIng In lebanon, you see that Israel absolutely has the rIght of'>Self Defence, no government would allow an InternatIonally proscrIbed'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon to set there lobbIng rockets over the border and movIng Its populatIon, kIllIng Its populatIon. More than 60,000 IsraelIs have had to move south. The rIght approach Is not a ceasefIre. The rIght approach Is for hezbollah and Its IranIan masters to abIde by un'>SecurIty CouncIl ResolutIon ten two and pulled back behInd the lakhanI rIver. That would end the conflIct. ImagIne If the brItIsh government was In the posItIon of the IsraelI government. We would not stand for that. Israel has the rIght of'>Self Defence and Is exercIsIng that. Of selfdefence and Is exercIsIng that. Of selfdefence and Is exercIsIng that. , ,. , , that. There Is the sense many people are holdIn that. There Is the sense many people are holdIng theIr that. There Is the sense many people are holdIng theIr breath that. There Is the sense many people are holdIng theIr breath and are holdIng theIr breath and wonderIng how Israel wIll retalIate Iran whIch we expect In next couple of days. We asked'>Peter Kyle If the uk could or should be Involved In retalIatIon, help Is avaIlable In an attack. In your vIew, should the'>Uk MIlItary help Israel In an attack on Iran . , ,. ,. , Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weaons Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weapons have Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weapons have been Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weapons have been helpIng Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weapons have been helpIng as Iran . The'>Uk MIlItary personnel and weapons have been helpIng as well| weapons have been helpIng as well stop the IncomIng rocket stop mark whIte thIs Is a dIfferent questIon. I am not goIng to second guess what the'>PrIme MInIster and the government wIll be doIng. HelpIng Israel stop the IncomIng rockets. ThIs Is a dIfferent questIon. It Is thIs Is a dIfferent questIon. It Is rIaht for thIs Is a dIfferent questIon. It Is rIght for a thIs Is a dIfferent questIon. It Is rIght for a very thIs Is a dIfferent questIon. It 3 rIght for a very strong posItIon to be taken over defence of Israel. But I thInk we have to move to what sIr'>Malcolm RIfkInd descrIbes so well as the opportunIty for people to lIft theIr rIse to peace. I make thIs poInt, It was followIng the IntIfada we got to the'>Oslo Accord. The darkest of days. We got to the'>Oslo Accord whIch very nearly worked. When the guns are sIlenced and fInally thIs awful slaughter we have seen over the last 12 months comes to an end, buIldIng on the abraham accord, a real opportunIty now for the regIon to engage on a serIous polItIcal dIalogue whIch leads to a two'>State SolutIon and to draw the poIson that has caused such trouble In the regIon and InternatIonally. The abraham accord, the last tIme there was anythIng lIke InternatIonal agreement about how to go forward. We heard from the IsraelI ambassador earlIer today who sat In her vIew a two'>State SolutIon essentIally cannot be'>On The Table at the moment and many western leaders clearly, they mIght not say It publIcly, but prIvately, they are warnIng and'>UrgIng RestraInt to netanyahu, It appears to be fallIng on deaf ears. Do you thInk the IsraelI government Is lIstenIng to Its allIes at the moment . IsraelI government Is lIstenIng to Its allIes at the moment . BrItaIn Is a staunch ally Its allIes at the moment . BrItaIn Is a staunch ally of Its allIes at the moment . BrItaIn Is a staunch ally of Israel Its allIes at the moment . BrItaIn Is a staunch ally of Israel but Its allIes at the moment . BrItaIn Is a staunch ally of Israel but has a staunch ally of Israel but has also been a crItIcalfrIend. The last conservatIve government had strong dIscussIons because of the frIendshIp wIth netanyahu. But the poInt I would make Is that there wIll be a two'>State SolutIon by defInItIon at some poInt. BrItaIn has made It clear, the last government made It clear and thIs government, that we wIll recognIse the palestInIan state. But at the rIght tIme. It should not be at the begInnIng of the process whIch would look lIke a reward for the slaughter perpetrated just a year ago. {lIne look lIke a reward for the slaughter perpetrated just a year ago. Perpetrated ust a year ago. One of the Impacts perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of course perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of course of perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of course of thIs perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of course of thIs Is perpetrated just a year ago. One of the Impacts of course of thIs Is the | the Impacts of course of thIs Is the effect on ordInary cIvIlIans whose lIves have been turned upsIde down. The uk Is an Important aId power. He Is to be the'>InternatIonal Development secretary. Robert jenrIck, one of the candIdates who wants to be the leader of your party, he saId the foreIgn'>AId Budget Is bloated. If party, he saId the foreIgn'>AId Budget Is bloated. Party, he saId the foreIgn'>AId Budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated. Budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated we budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated. We have budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated. We have seen budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated. We have seen an budget Is bloated. If only It was bloated. We have seen an enormous amount of'>AId Budget goIng to pay for the asylum seekers In brItaIn, thatIs for the asylum seekers In brItaIn, that Is absolutely wIthIn the rules, but It Is an enormous amount of money. Jeremy hunt was persuaded to provIde addItIonal money to compensate. One of the key focuses of the upcomIng budget Is whether rachel reeves wIll provIde a sImIlar amount. If she doesnt, the effect on the lIves of hundreds of thousands of chIldren In the poorest parts of the world wIll be very bleak Indeed. Parts of the world wIll be very bleak Indeed. Robert jenrIck Is wronu bleak Indeed. Robert jenrIck Is wrong about bleak Indeed. Robert jenrIck Is wrong about that . Bleak Indeed. Robert jenrIck Is wrong about that . Understand bleak Indeed. Robert jenrIck Is wrong about that . Understand what hes sa In wrong about that . Understand what hes sayIng about wrong about that . Understand what hes sayIng about the wrong about that . Understand what hes sayIng about the Importance I wrong about that . Understand what hes sayIng about the Importance of| hes sayIng about the Importance of IncreasIng expendIture but to descrIbe the'>Development Budget as bloated are sImply not true. That contest Is runnIng, bloated are sImply not true. That contest Is runnIng, It bloated are sImply not true. That contest Is runnIng, It seems small beer compared to the bIg Issues, but vIewers are Interested In who wIll be the next leader of the opposItIon. The next round of votIng Is thIs week. Who wIll you back . So far I dont know who I would want out of the last two. Far I dont know who I would want out of the last two. Partly because I dont out of the last two. Partly because I dont know out of the last two. Partly because I dont know who out of the last two. Partly because I dont know who the out of the last two. Partly because I dont know who the last out of the last two. Partly because I dont know who the last two out of the last two. Partly because I dont know who the last two are. | out of the last two. Partly because | I dont know who the last two are. I have been fIghtIng to keep people In,'>Mel StrIde In the fIrst round,'>Tom Tugendhat In the second. ThIs week on tuesday I wIll vote for'>Tom Tugendhat agaIn. Tugendhat agaIn. CurIosIty of the conservatIve tugendhat agaIn. CurIosIty of the conservatIve'>LeadershIp Tugendhat agaIn. CurIosIty of the conservatIve'>LeadershIp Contest I conservatIve'>LeadershIp Contest where people fIght to keep people In. Andrew mItchell, thank you for comIng In andjoInIng In. Andrew mItchell, thank you for comIng In and joInIng us people vote to keep people In. FInal word wIth the panel about everythIng we have been talkIng about thIs mornIng. We can show you what Is happenIng In beIrut. We wIll do that In a few mInutes. Let us check In wIth the panel as we come to a close. InterestIng to hear'>Malcolm RIfkInd before talkIng sayIng he does feel optImIstIc, zanny. I rIfkInd before talkIng sayIng he does feel optImIstIc, zanny. I would love to share does feel optImIstIc, zanny. I would love to share that does feel optImIstIc, zanny. I would love to share that optImIsm. Does feel optImIstIc, zanny. I would'>L Love to share that optImIsm. Malcolm rIfkInd, you are rIght, when thIngs seem darkest, eventually, conflIcts come to an end, eventually there wIll be peace In'>The MIddle East, so I shower you are goIng, however, when I hear you had from Iran, perIlously close to sayIng Israel had no rIght to exIst, she started sayIng problem started In 1948, when you hear the IsraelI ambassador sayIng a two'>State SolutIon Is of the table. Indeed If you look at'>PublIc OpInIon, the IsraelIs, It Is off the table. Really hard to get where we are now to where we need to get. We have wrItten edItorIal after edItorIal layIng out how to get to peace In'>The MIddle East, ceasefIre, parted two'>State SolutIon. There are some reasons for optImIsm. You are rIght, the fact no arab country has cut tIes wIth Israel, the fact we have the abraham accord. But It wIll be really hard. As the conflIct wIdens and as Is well under netanyahu wIll become more hubrIstIc In lebanon and try to thInk everythIng can be done by force, I thInk that there Is further ahead thanIt thInk that there Is further ahead than It should be. For thInk that there Is further ahead than It should be. Than It should be. For'>People WatchIn than It should be. For'>People WatchIng thIs than It should be. For'>People WatchIng thIs mornIng, than It should be. For'>People WatchIng thIs mornIng, so I than It should be. For people I watchIng thIs mornIng, so many dIfferent strands to It, Is It the case In your vIew that what Is behInd thIs Is the Intense rIvalry between'>Iran And Israel . Is that really If we peel back everythIng . I really If we peel back everythIng . I go along wIth what zanny sayIng. I was once go along wIth what zanny sayIng. I was once told a pessImIst Is someone who belIeves thIngs cannot be worse. Is who belIeves thIngs cannot be worse. Is someone who belIeves thIngs cannot be worse. Is someone he knew they could be. A fInal short Is someone he knew they could be. A fInal short'>Example. I was In Israel for a fInal short'>Example. I was In Israel for a funeral fInal short'>Example. I was In Israel for a funeral after hIs assassInatIon. The followIng day I was tourIng'>The MIddle East and I went was tourIng'>The MIddle East and I went to was tourIng'>The MIddle East and I went to gaza and I met'>Yasser Arafat. Went to gaza and I met'>Yasser Arafat. He went to gaza and I met'>Yasser Arafat. He was not exactly a frIend of Israel~ arafat. He was not exactly a frIend of Israel~ I arafat. He was not exactly a frIend of Israel. I met hIm once before and he saId of Israel. I met hIm once before and he saId on of Israel. I met hIm once before and he saId on thIs occasIon, we can only he saId on thIs occasIon, we can only meet he saId on thIs occasIon, we can only meet for half an hour. Why . Because only meet for half an hour. Why . Because I only meet for half an hour. Why . Because I am beIng drIven to Israel thIs afternoon to go and see rabInem thIs afternoon to go and see rabIne. If he could go to the wIdow rabIne. If he could go to the wIdow of rabIne. If he could go to the wIdow of an IsraelI'>PrIme MInIster assassInated. The hIstory of these peoplem assassInated. The hIstory of these people. When the people are rIght, you begIn people. When the people are rIght, you begIn to people. When the people are rIght, you begIn to make progress. Do people. When the people are rIght, you begIn to make progress. You begIn to make progress. Do you thInk there can you begIn to make progress. Do you thInk there can be you begIn to make progress. Do you thInk there can be progress . I you begIn to make progress. Do you thInk there can be progress . You I thInk there can be progress . You have to belIeve thInk there can be progress . You have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn the have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn the mIddle have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn'>The MIddle East have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn'>The MIddle East as have to belIeve In that. We cannot consIgn'>The MIddle East as a I have to belIeve In that. We cannotI consIgn'>The MIddle East as a regIon that wIll consIgn'>The MIddle East as a regIon that wIll always consIgn'>The MIddle East as a regIon that wIll always be consIgn'>The MIddle East as a regIon that wIll always be seen consIgn'>The MIddle East as a regIon that wIll always be seen that, I that wIll always be seen that, hundreds that wIll always be seen that, hundreds of that wIll always be seen that, hundreds of thousands that wIll always be seen that, hundreds of thousands of that wIll always be seen that, I hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there has hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there has to hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there has to be hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there has to be a hundreds of thousands of people dyIng, there has to be a'>ThIngs L hundreds of thousands of'>People L dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change the dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change the uk dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change. The'>Uk Government dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change. The'>Uk Government as dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can. Change. The'>Uk Government as well dyIng, there has to be a thIngs can change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a rote change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a role to change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a role to play change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a role to play and change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a role to play and so change. The'>Uk Government as well as the us has a role to play and so far the us has a role to play and so far It has the us has a role to play and so far It has faIled the us has a role to play and so far It has faIled In the us has a role to play and so far It has faIled In doIng by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and now by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and now lebanon by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and now lebanon but by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and now lebanon but also by the people of the mIddle'>East And Gaza and now lebanon but also our I gaza and now lebanon but also our'>Home Gaza and now lebanon but also our'>Home PaputatIon Gaza and now lebanon but also our home populatIon. Gaza and now lebanon but also our home populatIon. FascInatIng to have ou wIth us home populatIon. FascInatIng to have you wIth us thIs home populatIon. FascInatIng to have you wIth us thIs mornIng. Home populatIon. FascInatIng to have you wIth us thIs mornIng. I home populatIon. FascInatIng to have you wIth us thIs mornIng. I feel you wIth us thIs mornIng. I feel lIke we have talked about lots of dIfferent strands, really InterestIng InsIghts from all three of you. Thank you for your tIme. We can show you agaIn before we leave what Is happenIng In beIrut, the lebanese capItal, hIt agaIn by Israel last nIght. HopIng we can show you the pIctures. You can see the smoke hangIng over the cIty after more IsraelI strIkes as lebanon and the lebanese capItal and lebanese people IncreasIngly become caught up In thIs terrIble tangle. Our colleagues on the ground In lebanon and In Israel wIll brIng you everythIng you need to know In the comIng days. Our polItIcIans In the uk are repeatedly tryIng to call for calm but no doubt the sItuatIon Is tense and dangerous and seems to be rIsIng. Ill be wIth'>Paddy Oconnell for'>Sundays Newscast later. You can fInd that on bbc sounds, or Ill look forward to seeIng you next sunday, same tIme, same place. ThIs Is bbc news. LIve from Israel. One year after the horrIfIc'>Attacks of october the 7th. The headlInes thIs hour. Israels bombardment of lebanon contInues. MassIve explosIons rockIng the capItal through the nIght and Into thIs mornIng. Smoke hangs over the'>BeIrut SkylIne as lebanese offIcIals say 23 people were kIlled In IsraelI strIkes saturday. Hezbollah has been fIrIng more rockets Into Israel the'>Iron Dome Defence system has blocked some, whIle others have landed In the countrys north. And calls for the release of hostages and a'>CeasefIre Echo In protests around the world as the annIversary of october seven approaches. In other news. Tech'>BIllIonaIre Elon Musk joIns republIcan nomInee

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