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Artyom good evening good evening, if you hear a Foreign Language in the zone of your own. Yes, this is customary, but the latest information about the englishspeaking cabinet of ministers in ukraine seems difficult to me, though it was in ukraine that zelensky proposed to consolidate this special status of the english language, and that prosecutors and officers and officials also speak it. Yes, and plus to this legalize marijuana, maybe by combining it yes, something will work out i dont know, but how did it happen, that they wanted to abolish russian culture, yes , but they themselves are being abolished. So it happened that those who conceived all this, they conceived exactly this. You understand that there is no ukraine and no ukrainians, as such, for those who are everything. Eh, so to speak, i thought it over and put it together, and not in the fourteenth in any year, but much earlier, and this needs to be unwound, and we probably dont have time for this. This needs to be rewound back to the First World War and so on. The ones who put it all together. Ah, they did, its not for the sake of ukraine and ukrainians. They they did it in order to have something that would be antirussian. And thats why they were going to do it exactly, and thats why this english language and this englishspeaking office. And this is heresy about e marijuana and this is it. Uh, so, uh, constant e here on one leg of walking about this whole heresy with lgbt legalizes onesex. Uh, samesex marriage, its already been declared. So. After all, im talking to you about the question about the civil war, about the image about the image of the future, this todays, and the socalled ukraine is such for this and created to fill it with what it is not, so that it ceases to be what i assure you, that ukrainian nationalists , after a step for the owners, and well, lets say, for the curators of this whole action, they will become exactly the same enemies as they are today. We just need them today. Today they are needed, well , just like hitler once cut the rems stormtroopers. You understand that at some next step, when todays broadcast means ukrainian lads who think what it means uh, washington london liberals are for this or that all in order to they walked there with forelocks and built their own nanka, when they realize it will be too late what it is different from the situation when they thought the same thing in the forties during the fascist occupation. They thought that hitler would give them freedom, and this stylish ukraine itself will organize it for sure. They thought so, then so it is part of the plan, part of which therefore, honestly you recognize me. This is all the flirting there with the english language with lgbt was lgbt, it does not surprise me at all, because within the framework of of the project in which today i am why am i calling so many write to me even with ukraine , you call something all the time. I say this because this is not ukraine, this is antirussia, which in essence is. And antiukraine, because you are molded into something that you are not, and todays current so called. Here, uh, the Ukrainian Government wants it. Well, you know, this is what she looks from below all the time. Well, take us, we are your bourgeois, what do we need to do, we need this is good. We will make english well the english we need. How many how many boys we need, it means to burn the ukrainians there, and another 60,000 is good , give money there, give it. Yes, all right. So we collect. Thats what its all about, tin, but for me its all. Eh, long enough. Especially at this stage, it became so completely clear that for todays hmm ukrainian socalled e, i cant even call it a state of this project. For them , this is a completely commercial story. And we adapt to you. We fight for you, we carry out your tasks. And you to us for this pay and give us the rest there. Nishtyaki and so on and so forth all this, in principle, the idea of ​​​​mercenary mercenaries does not care what form to wear oblivion of the native language it s more like the last shirt, well , there is nothing more to sell exactly a year ago in may 22 , information appeared that 53 of all ukraines Agricultural Land was sold to three american agricultural corporations the largest recently it turned out that against the backdrop of the war, this sale continues with enhanced methods. That is, millions more hectares are being sold and already sold. Yes, and so, who and when will stop this lawlessness, and then what will happen to this land, in your opinion, do you understand . I know and agree everything here, its not yesterday. Not the day before yesterday i became aware of the fact about the land and again returning to what you said earlier in the same way as nazi germany in echelons. From there, this black soil was taken out in this sense, nothing changes. Ukraine is , as it were, a territory that, if it is, well, lets say, part of our something. I dont even want to talk now. Here is the russian world. This is a very complex polysemantic, but if it is part of our common something , but some project of our common, and which slavic from brest to vladivostok we will call the east there, but ours in general, not perfect with her jambs with her stupidities with her mistakes, of course, but of our common, uh, she works anyway, as if for herself, but in any other capacity, as torn out of this, she cannot work for herself, because everyone who is her in this in this case is engaged. It interests them, only somehow a resource for the export of something, be it the earth, or whose children are already starting. Eh, its possible to test me, its easy now, under any pretext and without a pretext, to remove refugees from ukrainian families in europe, just under the pretext and demon, my acquaintances from italy send a huge number of these links and say, well, do something. By the way, Pay Attention ukrainians living. Well normal in italy they understand that in no one will do anything in todays ukraine to save the ukrainian children who are taken from seven refugees in europe. Unfortunately, you and i understand, why, just like factories for the removal of organs from people, which exist unconditionally. Remember, this is also all the same that the kosovars did. All the same is happening today, that is, ukraine, which does not exist in our common space. She is interested in those who use her, either as a source of these resources that they just take, or as something that is perpendicular or contradicts us, they are all ukrainians themselves and ukraine does not matter to anyone. Were they . Uh, fascist, nazi, germany in the second world war, be it now the anglosaxons, and all this company now model does not change anything, well, not to mention the fact that in the First World War all this ukraine as political ukraine was used by german and austrohungarian intelligence. How to say a disruptive factor. And, well, its just that history cant be argued against. And it repeats over and over that shes here in this our union it is, with all the difficulties for all , of course, not life, in general, such a thing is imperfect, it still flourishes and well , everything that is built in todays ukraine , when were they built and and and by whom . Its clear when i dont say that russians or russia. When we were together, all this was being built, ukraine left the soviet union with one of the richest industrial potentials there, yes, the public and so on , you know, and well, how they still eat everything up what is, well, spitting on everything, it is ours in general, that is, it turns out. Here it is the situation with the autocephalous is all in the same, of course, that is, they are needed. They themselves are not interested in everything they are interested in. It is that by tearing them away from the church, from language, from culture, from literature, from connections, they are torn off making us weaker, because we understand that, of course, we are all together, that is, and this is the only thing they are needed for. They dont understand it. And the last thing in this topic that ukrainians dont understand, if well, some ukrainians who dont agree with me there or watch us there or here, i dont know what they are talking about should think. I described this very importantly some time ago in my telegram in this one. Well, in a metaphorical sense, eh . Ukraine for todays and for all past owners is like a woman who wants to be recaptured from another, but exactly at the moment when she is recaptured, she becomes uninteresting. She is only interested in being recaptured, no one is interested in making a woman taken from someone, taken away from her family , happy and prosperous, and so on no at the moment when she is taken away from there, she becomes uninteresting. This is exactly the same thing, that is, they are for this very thing. Uh, the west is not important anglosaxon. We will not go into this now. They are exactly the same russians for them as we are all these stories, that they are somehow separate for them. They understand this difference. They are exactly the same russians for them, but they are just the same look at any hollywood any hollywood film from any hollywood film it is quite obvious that a native of the soviet union is a russian georgian lithuanian, who are you all of them russians and this is actually in hollywood its not because they dont understand. They just perfectly understand that for them we are all russians and therefore they are one against the other. Well, thats it, this is the last scandal, yes , which is connected not just with the church, but with the sale of spiritual values. Yes, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reports that the values ​​are russian values. Kiev pechora lavra. Yes, hundreds of icons of the power of the power of Ilya Muromets and nestor the chronicler will be taken out with the assistance of unesco yes, from ukraine to western museums in italy to france to the vatican some of the already russian icons are already there. Yes, thats what awaits these spiritual values ​​in the future, if they believe at all. The news is that ukraine or the ukrainian space will someday see this. We remember what happened to the scythian gold. Look at the theft. So this is theft. See. Lets just name things. Directly naming things at the level at which they are theft is unconditional. But it already has several levels , it is clear that those who are specifically specific things are also taken out by those who take them to a particular museum. They they are engaged in theft. In this sense, at this level , there is a difference between the export of land, the export of children and women, and the export of human organs and the export of valuables. Here, on this materialistic level, for those who take away there is nothing; they use ukraine as , roughly speaking, a cash resource, from which everything that can be taken can be taken as long as it is theirs. Yes, but on a spiritual level, on a spiritual level. They also tear them away from us, because, well, how would you understand that the kievpechersk lavra is from which all this is taken out, which is sacred for all of us, it ceases at this moment, and from their point of view, being saints for us, it will still remain for them, these are commercial interests for sure, but here is a very important nuance. I would like you to respond taking it from us take it. Is it like an asset . At the same time , they actually put on one ruler. These are the Financial Resources that were frozen from russia and are now discussing how to steal them more conveniently while remaining clean. Yes, they are just looking. A legal tool for stealing beautifully, the same thing happens with spiritual values. Yes, we say that this is a banal theft. Well, i absolutely agree with this message, but the debt is growing every month. Ukraine is on the content to pay with something necessary. In the long term, there is nothing to pay with, this is payment. I think that on some tactical level, maybe this is also payment from a materialistic point of view, but i think that this is payment in a much more important and meaningful sense, they allow its all to take out and in the material sense of the word to steal. They pay for these loans that they were given money loans pay for them exactly with the goods under which they are given these loans. They are given loans for the product called you are making yourself antirussian. You are outliving yourself everything, culturally, but linguistically, and from the point of view of the faith, you are outliving, that is, roughly speaking, what they were contracted for by this todays project by the fact that it refuses everything russian or east slavic that it has. They it is needed, therefore this is retribution, that is, for the west it is a very successful project for the west this , unfortunately, is a fairly successful project today and , in fact, and, uh, tearing it away from you, you understand that, well, uh, there is not yet. But if, roughly speaking, as it is planned by the west for 1015 years , people grow up within the framework of this incomprehensible one. Uh, it is not clear what sect that they made instead of orthodoxy still arises. And this is, uh, well, lets say this is this gap, which will already happen with some. Uh, its hard to make up for. That is, what they are paid for. They pay exactly this they are paid for tearing themselves out of our common space. Artyom well, once we have already touched on the topic of children a little. Yes , they are paid. Im not talking about ukrainians. I say current. Ukrainian project, which signed up for all this. I agree, we touched on the topic of children a little. Yes . Here it needs to be touched a little deeper, because it is terrible, much more terrible, maybe even than Financial Assets and excuse me, even spiritual values, because children are not just our future. Yes , they say it so pathetically, but we are always on this basis, we reflect very strongly. Here on the iphone of the war , what happens in a particular case , a freak was detained in ukraine who sold children for organs. But after all, we are also trying to shake this topic, but shake it. How exactly now in the International Criminal court want to force to consider the topic, what about the children who come here from the new russian territories . Yes, from the donbass of zaporozhye from the kherson region , they rest here on vacation. Here two or three weeks from shelling and then they return to their place that we belarusians are stealing these children. And now, we really do kidnapping. Yes, they are trying to blame us. Its good to write about it. Why is this nonsense in the heads of europeans, in general, in principle, possible. I am familiar with this topic because , by the way, i met talalay in the donbass. To your paralympians, which i am so may one of those to whom it is his foundation is engaged in the recreation of children. His background is in the recreation of children. We are familiar with him. We communicate with him. And in particular about this problems. Im at my place, so i understand perfectly well, but what is it about at the practical level, when you say, uh, its some kind of something here too. We have one like that. Well , not that its a mistake. Well, maybe even our mistake. We have all done it at one time or another. You say that here, well, i understand when the europeans. Do you want to say that todays europe and todays europeans are something that in the intellectual, spiritual, cultural sense, and in the humanistic sense, is worth it . You also believe in ordinary americans in onestory america whom you learned. Yes . I have practically nothing to do with them, it doesnt depend on them or there is nothing left of them, because they are there and the same thing. I hope that there are thinking people in europe as well. There is onestorey europe, and there are thinking people. There are understanding people. There are people who understand what is happening there , of course there are, and they, because when i was talking about what they send me, for example, from italy, my friends, and there, well, they left ukraine back in the days of the ussr and etc. There from mariupol and so on, but they are sent all this and italians too, who are horrified by all this. Yes, and very many of them in europe, of course, they begin to see clearly. By the way, recently, literally in the last week, there has been a lot of such news that all of a sudden there was the administration of something there, something over there, and noted, what does it mean in ukraine that many crimes are being committed against volunteers, humanitarian workers are arrested there which at last he received his sight. Yes, at last he saw the light, there and that a crime against children is being committed, there and so on and so forth, that is. Uh, the dialectical law is the transition of quantity into quality at the level of these thinking people. He, of course, is going on listen, well , the american senators about the fact that azov is a Nazi Organization in the seventeenth year. They understood everything perfectly, they understood everything, they described that they should not be given weapons. Then it turned out that they could be given them on an excursion. Then, when it will be necessary to remember again that they considered them nazis. You understand this. This is the management. Uh, like external control. It is, as it were, arranged in such a way that we need to see it, and not you dont have to see, so the europeans, uh, who are still there. Of course they see everything. Of course, they understand everything in the same way as those very europeans in whom you believe and many americans, in whom we also believe. Hmm, they understand someone, and someone intuitively feels that, by and large, in our confrontation with so called todays europe, we are in many ways the bearers of European Values, too, if only to talk about export. Uh, these, uh, spiritual relics, but you understand perfectly well that a there in europe there are already churches. In which all this could be there in the churches already that in many bars there is a gym. I am not saying this over the internet. When i had the opportunity to ride, i saw it all. Theres a bar , theres a restaurant, theres a gym, theres a disco, there back and forth, and there are many europeans who, lets say, are so conservative. They are just in well in russia in the broadest sense of the word. They just see, here are European Values, also their christian and family, and this is this, and this is a very important substitution, that when we talk about conflict, e russia or the russian world with europe this is all presented as a conflict between European Values ​​and antiEuropean Values. This is the best substitution for this conflict, and this lies in the fact that there are already anti european and antihumanistic and anti christian values, which are, well, even now i dont want to pronounce these words, than well, demons, in short, here, and we are trying to resist this with our own names. We are trying to resist this. Not being any there flawless. Not being some irreproachable ones with all their mistakes with all their own, uh, sins, and so on and so forth, but basic at this level. Thats where the contradiction lies. Do we know exactly how to start the morning right . I hope you didnt have breakfast today, because im going to feed you and cook a breakfast of champions with you. Add light , calm music or more, saturated, depending on what mood for the day. Do you want to ask yourself, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast, and this was talked about and will say 1,000 more times breakfast is the main meal, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently. Today we will have beetroot with bulgur. It sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it is difficult and we will get the charge of the necessary energy on the right hand. We put it, spread the sandwich with butter on top with the left hand, scroll the shoulders back. We make a full circle , we feel how our shoulder blades are going to shake up and cheerful cheerful went to the new Day Breakfast of champions. Watch on tv channel belarus 24 forces can be defeated weaker opponent. But with the mind you can defeat anyone opponent. I have very serious ones, but we will win with our heads and play with our heads. I hope it doesnt work. The academy of which club is lamasia sergei barcelona barcelona in our program, the participants will fight for victory, answering questions at speed decipher the abbreviation from ts nastya than we can play at the Training Camp Training Camp, well, in know our clips of the sports hero know ours. How many medals did Darya Domracheva win at the Olympic Games christina six six medals absolutely. Watch the intellectually sports show heading on the belarus 24 tv channel, each of the heroes of the project is doing a very important thing. If we cannot change the fate of the child. We can give him, happy childhood, 14 speech therapists. Nine psychologists do not have this in any center. Antosha tickled on the palm we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. Each of us came here to help our little patients find their place in life. Thats as much as me and my team. Here appreciate this life today. Now its also worth a lot, we offer to spend one day with specialists and learn all about the intricacies of their work, the psychologist must undergo personal therapy himself, the psychologist must attend some supervisory events to some extent or earlier, using wayne about the myths of the space industry. Now it is quite actively used in medicine not rehabilitation. A very complex science. There are a lot of factors that affect the final result, see belarus 24 tv channel. Here, at a recent meeting with Security Officials and journalists , our president directly said our president that we have a single fatherland from brest to vladivostok, i was present at this meeting. He emphasized this thesis several times, while he emphasized that we are a sovereign country and independent, but in the united fatherland, thats what you think. And what is more important for russia, a strong and independent republic of a dash, a reliable ally or part of the russian world is a little bit different in the sense in which you wanted and is everyone in russia capable of doing it right evaluate it . But ill answer right away from the beginning, heres the second part of the question, but in russia, of course, not all. We are able to correctly assess this, because this is a very complex issue. This is a question of how many have a head, and how their e, historical and political reflection is arranged, both since the time of the soviet union and after the collapse of the soviet union in relation to belarus, and so on. In this sense, i dont. Uh, as you said, by the way, irony is a good story, even if it was irony, an authoritative russian, which means that there leading. I also went through these and different stages of perception, and then belarus and ukraine, because, of course, we all grew up in the soviet union and got used to perceive, because we alone are used to perceive it. Like what it was, what it was, as we grew as well inseparable parts and over time. Yes, this is how it was perceived that this is for some such, well, by coincidence of a number of historical ones. In general, in some tragic circumstances. We began to live separately, but how would such a long period be enough, but its not like its real. Well, you know, there is from the series of belarus well, how is it separately, belarus well, that is, you know , it seems that many had it, but someone left such that its all like this. Well, heres a strange game that in the ninetyfirst year everything was broken. Why, in the ninety first year, everything was pretend, that it was a mistake. And this was in many ways a tragic mistake, another thing is that, well, its impossible to turn the stuffing back and there is no subjunctive mood, and so on and so forth similar and now we should, as it were, agree and disagree that it was we should see. Live and build the most effective for us for all. Well, how would the path be in the future, yes, and in fact, only this will make us stronger, when we are already exactly the one about which your question is, when will we start thinking about it, and not reflecting . Well, how was it right there, or , before me, putin very correctly said everything about this, that the one who does not regret about this, that one, has no heart, but the one who wants it to glue, as if he had no head to glue, as it was no longer possible, therefore, we need to build something new now to the first part of this question, which is more important for us, firstly for me. This is not a thesis or an antithesis. This is not a contradiction, a separate independent, sovereign belarus and a part of our common common house or Political Science projects and so on. Ill tell you more. I talked about it at the time. Eh, even on the air then even many of my friends did not understand me, but i remained with this point of view. I just think that perhaps, for all of us together, as for our here is this unity of cultural historical mental against. First of all, we are being waged a mental war. This is what they are doing now with ukraine, this is, first of all, a mental war, because they were reflashed like this. Belarus as we call it or belarus as it is officially called here, and which lives as a separate country while realizing itself as part of our unity. I think that for us its like to say it in a cultural historical, whatever geopolitical sense. This is a very important resource. I will explain why, because when in the ninetyfirst year our common project ended there , the soviet socialist and so on and so forth, there were several different options for getting out of this way out of this and moving into something else, and russia chose or was forced to follow one path, belarus went differently. And the results that we have achieved to date, they give me reason to believe that much of what was done in belarus was a softer and more gentle way of transition period and exit from the fact that that is, russia rushed or was abandoned. Now we are not discussing this with our heads in this wild, capitalism in the era of the initial accumulation of capital in russian statehood. And this is all that we went through, a very sore subject, belarus. Not to be more precise, at some point moved away from this and went a different way, it has its advantages. He has his downsides. He has his own difficulties. It has its advantages and an alternative that you see before your eyes. She always very important when we have. Here is russia with its pluses and minuses. Here we have belarus with its pluses and minuses. And here we would also have ukraine with its pluses and minuses, based on the fact that we are all, as it were, one, but still some. Well, lets just say the mentality, its all the same in something. Uh, its not because were russians and belarusians and ukrainians there. Listen, you are coming to the penza region. There are also some mental differences. Yes, here and now belarus is coming, so you look at the path. Yeah, this is what they have, uh, this is what they have, its cool interesting, yes, but a concrete example for you. Im here yesterday because of the airport. I was driving at night, the driver tells me. And we re driving at night. And i say, what are we talking about at every traffic light, and he says, and this is our red wave at night, not the green wave of traffic lights, but the red wave traffic light, i say, and why, so that they dont drive you understand . Thats what i immediately thought. This is an interesting approach. With us, on the contrary, its like its night, like time, lets drive there, but here its not, so that they dont drive. So good, let let here it will be so, but it is very important that we be at the same time a unity, so that a we are communicating vessels. And when you have it here, you can also look about it here , its there, its different with privatization there , its different with that there. Well, these are all the differences it will be for guidance. This will be an indicator for each individual of our countries. Oh, look, they have it, and ours also see it. What is there so you understand, well, from a completely banal sphere. Er, well, thats probably known to everyone here, but still. For me, this is a very important example. A c what expression in russia pronounce the words belarusian products, you know, tasty belarusian belarusian products are at the level of the practical result of the fact that at one time, belarus chose a little bit another way in something a little bit. In a way, they are a little. Yes, and they are now what they are, right . And i remember that in some fifteenth or sixteenth year. Ah, just when my wife and i, well, we were here in belarus, we stopped, so there in the populated area, as he and uya are called. Uh, yes, ivye is there too there is such a store, i wont say its name on the air, otherwise it will think that it was the advertisement that came here, it means there here we are there, well, we just had to eat, we bought bread and sausages. And uh, well, they cut it. Well , they just started eating in the car and the wife said, listen, something says something, otherwise i say so. Well, of course not. All the same , you understand the present, it is not something that smells like sausage there. Well, sausage, it is, it is sausage. Yes, you see, this is a very small banal example. Can go further there are a lot of them to deploy, so i think that if we have a variety of approaches, and there are some options, if we can save it and use it as a resource in order to learn mutual lessons from this, this will definitely strengthen us. Thats all, so for me a very important point. You told everything so beautifully , you know, i want to, however, with the rights of a person who runs this program. Yes, you have such a right in moscow, i have it here for understanding. Everything is very simple, if we are independent. Sovereign country we have enough mind. A i am sure that with our president it will always be enough for us not to become antirussian. And accordingly, we will be able to be friends with each other, communicate, watch who has it better to share this and remain independent sovereigns at the same time. What else do we need . This is exactly what we need for you and us, despite the fact that we speak exactly the same language now yes i cant help but ask one question. You have, as we say, a contemporary of a professional person. Heres how you watched our attempt in 2020 coup detat and why didnt we have an intervention, huh . You said the word how i observed, i did not observe, i ended up in the thick of these events, working where i work, because, by the way, this is about the question of our uh that we are different countries, by the way , this is the idea that we have one people, but different countries, and to climb an elderberry in ukraine, he said the same thing in everyone. Here is his books there, this is the idea that the people are one, and the countries are different, someone argues with this. Some people agree with this. So, since we still have one people and we we perceive what is happening in our neighboring brotherly country as our own. For us , it was television then, too. Of course, there was a very significant story , and we practically only discussed it while all this was going on. And understanding that this is a story that takes place in belarus but this is a story that is model. From what would it be called honed or practiced . That is, it is a model story, which is applied there by some mechanisms. Eh, they hone and work out. Its just that in ukraine they decided to work out one scenario. E to force. E, in including some historical prerequisites, and so on and so forth, you understand, well , at least simply, because thats why the military scenario worked there, well, bringing it to ukraine and here it, most likely, was not planned and could not, but because that the belarusians did not swear allegiance to the nazi reich. Well, here, they just didnt take the oath, but the ukrainians. Eh, this is a historical fact for many, we made a big mistake that at one time about the strength of historical causes of mental causes and so on. There, this division was very clear east west, that is, very sharp in this i mean, there is a completely different design, and therefore, when they announced recruitment in the division. Ss there were people signing up voluntarily here it was not. We didnt have divisions you didnt have any divisions led. And no one there burned khatyn, not belarusian policemen, but ukrainian banderas, and this is also we in the soviet union for the sake of friendship of peoples, we kind of forgot this a little, it was necessary to do thinner and smarter. We thought it would undermine. And we seem to be blind, but in the end , this is what i am for, therefore, from belarus worked out. Here is this scenario through uh, the internet to the issues of mental warfare. That is, it was an attempt of such a more mental coup through the internet and so on and so forth, but i have a personal account, but i say this with a reasonable share and irony so that no one would attack there. I have a personal account of those who started all this, because i was pulled out of vacation for this business. I, uh, i used to guess my vacation around the second of august. That is the second of august, and then it went. And so i just started and here artyom grigoryevich will be dark. Lets arrive and here, please, the air is there. Here is such a story. Say you were invited to this previous one. In general, they just love so much, but to say that belarusian journalists have been replaced by russian ones right in the control rooms and studios. In general, im being, working. Uh, on channel one. In general , in a sense, uh, worked. Practically discussing the belarusian events precisely because for us these events were not strangers, not about strangers and not about something else, because we understood that those people who do this are those the people who are running it. These are the people who are pulling the strings. These are the same people who pull. Just different threads of other projects in ukraine, which are pulling the strings of other projects that we have. We understood that these were, uh, like threads of the same web that we tried. Here, it means stretch, so i worked it all out live. I worked it all out, what is called on a daily basis. And i didnt just watch it. And i tracked it all daily, studied, lived , passing through myself also because i i understood that this scenario here, uh, flashing the brains of people, primarily young people, is not uniquely belarusian, but it is possible that they are working out in belarus because the country has a smaller population , less accessibility, more, which is roughly speaking, well, on a model situation, uh they work out, as it were, a broad, what works, what all these mechanisms for collecting all these protesters, all these messengers. All these here, uh, oh absolutely. Thats exactly how i worked it out, realizing that this is not about any kind of freedom, there is belarus or about some kind of freedom there democracy in belarus, not about any in the same way as we talked with you about ukrainians, not about any, not about belarusians, not about such or not about such why didnt it happen . Here you have drawn a conclusion for yourself. Why in belarus there are no cases of you, as in ukraine in belarus it did not happen, how in ukraine uh for uh, reasons in my opinion, uh operational, because the country uh, the population is smaller . And controllability is better mentality, and more such a weighted and the number of those who could be reflashed. Or fool around it turned out to be below the threshold a Critical Mass that could flood all this on the one hand, and on the other hand , what we are talking about the different paths we have taken. Well, because the system of state administration, including the power, component, and so on in belarus is set up in this way and then, so that those who leave the edges, so that they do not leave the edges. Some may not like it, but if a country is focused on security, well , there is such a thing as a social contract. Yes, so, here is the social contract in belarus such that, uh, here is stability, calmness quality of life and so on and so forth is ensured and guaranteed. And in exchange for this, yes, there is a power component, there is a right , a legal Law Enforcement component. Yes, not everyone likes it quite strongly in terms of stories about certain people. E stands for democratic rules and values. Let these people try to go to europe and do something there, they need to be stuck with their heads in the asphalt, because they simply never dreamed of, and even watching, many are quite tough. Uh, scenes then here in august twentieth year. I sort of understood and repeatedly demonstrated this, that if it seems to you that it is the Belarusian Security forces that are doing something so unimaginably incredible. As it was presented in the western press. Take it later. Actually, before that, there was a view, take any dispersal of a covid anticovid rally. In europe, where people are poisoned by tanks, where people are stuck, and their heads are in the asphalt. Yes, the guys acted tough , moreover, in some situations, we still pulled out all the people of them so that i understand. Im all for now frames. I analyzed it on the air and i understood that in some situations these guys pulled them apart so that they acted tough, so that they would be somewhere else, so that later they exceeded where they exceeded, so that everything would be blown out of this. And this was also a part, as it were , of manipulation, which was then worked out more than once, and before that it was worked out on our example. You are a tv man. You understand very well, first they beat a policeman, then several policemen come running. They begin to release it, it is pulled out. Only the last part and all therefore, the answer to your question from my ties sounds like this in belarus did not work out, because those who planned it all and, lets say, developed this technology. They did not take into account many things , primarily mental, but also political. And the quality of the Belarusian Society is different, they were not subject to this technology, which, well, sharpes genies books, we all read the revolution and so on, and they acted according to certain methods, but here are not all of these manuals. Uh, worked out in force including, yes, and here, probably there is nothing offensive. But what is the mentality of the belarusians . He is so balanced well, you know what im talking about, here, that is, relatively speaking , forged here, so this training manual that worked perfectly on the maidan it didnt work here, it worked with someone, but i say kriti again

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