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Of the council of the republic, i mean a senator. Im doing different things, then somehow ill tell you. Here, uh, in general, a father of many children, i also have four wonderful children, two boys , two girls. Uh, so i think well find what to talk about. Today great you got it in one minute. We have 100 children in the studio, each of them has a question for you. Lets see how many of them you can answer. Guys who are the first to ask a question hello, dmitry, my name is matvey and at what age did you first go on the ice and can you convey these feelings . Well, in fact, from soviet childhood, yes, and in my soviet childhood, in almost every yard, there were such simple hockey rinks, that is , wooden boards from a hose. Filled. Naturally, ice and the boys and i are there, and with the girls, too, those preschool years, they tried to play hockey there, and when for the first time i went on the ice already, as it were, at a conscious age in a Hockey School, youth got great pleasure and immediately realized that i would not try other sports. Applause, please, move on to the purple sector. Dmitry from the right of you, you always wanted to be a goalkeeper, or did it happen, it happened by chance that i was a striker at all, probably, until 12 to 13 years old i played in this role and, probably, i it seems that the role of an attacker is more suitable for me in terms of temperament and other qualities, but it so happened that once in uh at the Training Camp we were uh all our team born in 78 and i broke my arm and could not do technical tasks such as seeing the puck and the coach talking. Listen, well, what are you, here you are sitting here with a cast, the only goalkeepers, there work out and he insisted and put me in the goal. I didnt get anything right away. But i really wanted to catch up with all the guys who had already become gates, for many years and pro subsequently caught up and overtook a few and at the age of 17 he already went to the European Championship at 19 he went to the world cup, and at 18 he already lived and played in the Canadian Junior League then who is more difficult to be a goalkeeper or a striker and what qualities should a goalkeeper have, if you make a mistake, no one will correct the goalkeeper. Yes, we get naked and start to recoup, so the goalkeeper is like a border guard, you know, that is, he must have such iron, stamina , strong psychology. Uh. Well, probably yes. The most important thing is such a psychological moment. Hello, my name is nastya, did your parents support you in your passion for hockey or were they considered that it was temporary and everything was not interesting, in general, my mother believed that i should grow up as a professional violinist. Yes, i played the violin for 6 years and came to hockey a little later and did it again. This secretly tried to combine. Uh, playing hockey and violin at the same time was difficult. But its all revealed. Once when my childrens coach came to our house. Uh to discuss uh, what period . Uh, im going to a sports camp. You represent surprise my mom more than that after this coming. They forbade me to play hockey, so that i , uh, continued to play the violin. Uh, a few months. I looked like Nothing Happened and the violin teacher told my mother that i no longer became a violinist, so im glad that my mother heard and understood and allowed me to play hockey. The next question is the black sector on your left hello dmitry my name is irina what was the worst moment in your life that happened when you were a child . Worst moment in life as a child, i had to accompany my father to the Railway Station when he left us for my school period. E to another family. And after that i didnt see him for almost 30 years. My friend has the same story, he grows up without a father. And what would you advise him. How old is he my age. I was a little older when my father left us. So, in fact, i matured early and learned to make decisions on my own. Therefore, in principle, it helped me in life, but, uh, we should be able to forgive our parents. Yes we are we dont understand many things adults in childhood, yes, but this life is not easy, it is complicated, therefore, firstly, everything can change. It is not known yet. At what age can a father return to your friend. For example, in my life it so happened that i did not see my father for about 30 years. And thats a few years ago. He called me and asked. Uh, help him here in minsk with his eye surgery. And it so happened that we met, by the way, he did not recognize me waiting at the station. Here, but he came, and i managed to help him and i asked him to know that my mother lives alone, and she is already old and today she is 84 years old. And i asked him to stay, well , to look after, in fact, each other. And now, you know, at this age, my parents have already united again and lived together for several years. Unite parents, it was a very good deed. They managed to forgive his father after all. After all this, of course, i forgave inside myself, despite the fact that it is very difficult. We are moving on to the purple sector dmitry just aired, then dmitry my name is misha and i want to ask a question. In childhood. You always told the truth to your parents. Its just one of those questions. When you can take a quota do not answer yes, take advantage of no. Have i always told the truth to my parents to my shame . Of course not, but for example, my mother never knew about my injuries that i had there, yes, she already found out. After i was already in the hospital, relatively speaking, and when we calmed her down there, everything was in order. Its okay, an open fracture of the nose, but everything will be fine. Even once i remember such a story. I was driving along the brest highway. The training was in brest, we played for the brest hockey club, we had an accident. The Traffic Police arrived and brought me to testify. Naturally. I was sober, there were no violations. And at that moment my mother called and said, hello, son. How are things already . I trained and had lunch and now im going to sleep. Oh listen , usually some guys let themselves go oh mom. You know, i had an accident, everything is so bad here. Oh well, you imagine mom when shes 150 for 200. Kilometers cant change anything see understand see heres her condition, thats why i always protected my mother from this kind of situation. I have such a question, i will come out and say that you are the father of four children. Heres how your outlook on life has changed when a fighter is on the table, of course, its still early, but be prepared that when you have a baby. Your life will never be the same again and thats it. Not even on these sleepless nights. There, diapers , diapers, vests, this is a matter of responsibility, because when one is born child, you are already responsible for the little person who will face different situations in life. You must be there in everything to help him support and give the love that the child needs, yes. Well, personally, im trying to balance between uh love tenderness and the need for austerity. Dmitry please, look to the left. There you will find the question of the red sector. Would you like to install another baby. You know, i was in a similar situation. My sister died and left one minor boy. That is, he was left an orphan, he was taken to an orphanage. And then i was still a professional hockey player, traveled from city to city, played for different teams. Here but i realized that i did not want us to stay there, and in a few months i got custody and became a custodial parent. What do you think, did you manage to become a good father for your nephew . Well, this is more of a question, of course, to him. He is now an adult guy, he already has his own children. Well , at least i tried. Thats for sure, and i remember there were such situations that came to us social services. Well, they looked like i was basically alone. Yes, i have been engaged in this education for a long time, because we traveled with him from city to city e. Well, as i said on the teams that i played. So, naturally, they were worried about how i would raise an underage teenager, but when on a scale of, uh, fifty, mm pluses or minuses, there were 48 pluses and 2 minuses, otherwise, probably, i was a good parental parent. Please, black microphone dmitry turn around libya your Children Play hockey. Im not one of those parents who put before are such goals that your child must become an olympic champion, a professional athlete there or there. Probably i would like them to become just worthy citizens of their country and it doesnt matter. In what area they will achieve, success, for example, here is my eldest son, he is 20 years old, he has never been a professional hockey player, but today he is happy to play in the amateur team sonya and 8 years old, and she just saw that there is, uh in our olympic palace figure skating section, the girls skated there, she she said i want too. I bought her figure skates. She worked out for several months. I saw that she did not get pleasure from this and did not force her to continue doing this; now we tried gymnastics. Here she is now, uh, doing gymnastics with pleasure. Sanya is small, he is 4 years old. Ill put it in the pool. Here, uh, the coach is working with him to learn how to swim. Anyuta is very small and has just turned a year old, so she is just learning to walk. Pay attention to the yellow sector will have to turn around. Dmitriy hello dmitry my name is maria so do you think that children, in principle, must go in for sports, or is it better to spend this time studying . Oh well done, good question. I believe that sport is necessary simply for the Harmonious Development of the individual, but i also think that it is necessary to uh maintain a balance, that is, it is impossible not to study well at school. For example, i was such a round goodlooking. Well, i studied well, allowed me to enter a noncore university for sports education. Uh, because everything happens in life. Uh, not everyone, people become professional athletes at some stage, they, uh, may end their career, and then another life comes, which you have to be ready for. Hello dmitry my name is polina and i have a question for you. Do you believe in god . My mother was a sister of mercy for many years in the church of all sorrowful joys from childhood taught me to the church. Therefore, yes, i always have a cross on my chest and i often went to church, i go periodically now, i believe in god. I believe that there is some higher power that is above us, so, well, i used to be more fanatical. Yes, now, as it were, more restrained to this. Dmitry will again have to turn around the red sector. What signs do hockey players believe in . Someone, for example, is tying skates in order first left, then right. Someone goes on the ice with a certain foot. Right or left there. Yes . Someone like recently, here one of the players of the Dynamo Hockey Club gave an interview. Uh, what does he eat before each what guys eat . Yes some just dont talk on game day. I remember in my youth. Before important matches, i just tried to be distracted, i went to the cinema to see some interesting film , i watched it, i always took forbidden food with me. Sort of like chips. Yes, there is some kind of soda, well, these are forbidden athletes, but in this way i somehow relaxed myself. Uh, i got some kind of hormone of joy and in this way. Here he was preparing for important games. The black sector, in my opinion, hockey players must have a certain aggression of strength in order to succeed. Here, what were you like in school, did you bring neodes in your diary or do any gaffes . Well, we agreed to tell the truth, yes, so i ll tell you everything now. To be honest, we were, well, in a good way we were hooligans, yes , well, firstly, because we were already assembled in the fourth grade, you can imagine the sports class, here are 36 boys, not a single girl, each with their own principles, morals, orders, foundations. We passed everything to each other several times. Its true, so we wont have been in diaries regularly. Then, as it were, this the period of establishment has passed, but still we remained such one big closeknit team that did everything together. My name is victoria and my question is next why doesnt coward play hockey . Why is it cowardly playing hockey, this question has become irrelevant since the time when a goalkeeper appeared in our country by the name and surname vitaly is a coward, but seriously, then well , imagine a goalkeeper who becomes a captive at the gate. Uh, such, well, quite heavy, uh, such, uh, pieces of rubber. Yes, you see the pucks that weigh there about 170 g flies at a speed of more than 100 km h. Well, how will the coward stand there . Yes, that is definitely an athlete. Any athlete, in my opinion. Yes, even if he is afraid of something, then in the process of his development in sports. E, wins not only rivals, but also tries to defeat himself. Here in this fear. I agree with your point of view also. How many times i would not attend hockey matches. I wouldnt watch hockey on tv, i constantly notice that you are fighting, that is , with every game there is a fight, she always is present. Maybe not always, but there are fights in hockey, really. Uh, the first time i came across this was when i came to play in canada at a young age. I was 18 years old and in the Junior League of canada they really fight in every match. This is actually an element of the show saying, listen , so many viewers have come. Lets make a beautiful show, fight and these fights are real , they are not artificial. The purple sector is located please tell me you are a vulnerable person. Well, probably, yes, yes, because that even sometimes i can watch a movie, and it can affect me very deeply and bring tears to my eyes. When was the last time you cried in your life . I wont say it happens often, but it does happen intermittently, but its not straight up sobbing. Yes, but wet eyes appear. Yes, i have, but it could be related to, uh, having my children, for example, yes, losing a loved one. Well, such moments. Thanks a lot. The next question asks the black sector, to your right. Is it possible to say that now the level belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher , it can be unequivocally, so to say, that the level of belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher today, uh. Here, look at my childhood. Yes, we had an adult championship. Yes, there were only four teams in belarus. And here are the four teams. It was necessary for all hockey players in the country to get in. Today we have 12 professional teams in the adult, national championship. Plus, we will also take the Youth Hockey League, where there are 14 more teams, plus we have the main team of the country this is a Hockey Club Dinamo minsk, which plays in the continental hockey league, uh, the Youth Hockey League is played by the dynamo car team , bobruisk, which also plays in the russian youth team, so we have, uh, a serious level of hockey and if we talk about our national championship, it has leveled up very much, 12 teams have leveled out , where each each team can beat each sector your question and what kind of person gives numbers to hockey players and how to get a beautiful number, in fact, when we were little, yes, we did not choose numbers, that is, roughly speaking, if we were in the team, there were 30 people, then we just took from the first to the thirtieth. Uh, the coach gave us one by one. There , maybe alphabetically there, maybe by location in the locker room, as a rule, goalkeepers took the first twenties, and already with age, every e could, in principle, choose his own number. Someone chose the weather of birth, someone by date of birth. Yes, someone, lets say, like me at a young age. Um, of course, i read a book about a third player and saw his games on tv. This is, well, this is a real soviet legend vladislav he played on the twenties number, therefore, well, actually, i took my father later, when hmm we were older, i saw on tv a brilliant game of the new york goalkeeper. He played on the thirtyfifth number. I also wanted to play with that number because, well, i was impressed with his play. Everyone has their own story. The next question from the red sector you will have to turn around dmitry raise your hand. Dmitri i want to ask you one more question. Most girls like athletes, but this is not surprising. They are so beautiful purposeful rich. And here, where most girls. Its good here too. Tell me, in high school you were popular with the opposite sex. What qualities are you appreciated for . Well, definitely not for wealth, because senior classes at the institute. We didnt have money, we played hockey for love, huh . What qualities are we valued for . Well, probably, i guess we were active. Yes, we were athletic, strong, physically difficult, we tried to dress fashionably. Well, you can say they stood out from the crowd, so the girls paid attention, but what concerns wealth, by the way, yes here. It seems to me that in todays modern world it is no longer fashionable to marry for money. Well , because in my opinion, its not futile. Well, imagine, here is some rich guy. Yes, but at the same time he is rude stupid not caring. Yes, and you connected your life with him, built some kind of family, gave birth to children, and then he took and put all his money in the wrong place and became no longer rich. What will you do, therefore in my opinion, you need to marry those people whom you love, who love you, with which you can build such an interesting one of your own. Yes, you will go through a good life together, certain difficulties, and then i will do better and get rich together. But tell me, please, what qualities do you appreciate now. Well, here you know how it is, as they say, call a friend. Yes, you could now call my wife to ask her. And you know how ill tell you a story. I was 10 years old. And my mother and i were in the crimea, resting on the sea. It was the month of august. It was my birthday, and we walked along the embankment and they sold such musical cards. You know, these open music plays. Yes, so, here, my mother , then gave me this postcard, and then she wrote congratulations on the First Anniversary of the decade, and as i remember now, there were such words to grow up brave, honestly and kindly, and thats throughout my life. I try to match it. Were moving on to the black sector. Good afternoon dmitry my name is roman and here is my question. They say that the first love is the strongest. This story is about you. My first love was in kindergarten. Im straight i remember this girl. Her name was masha and sometimes i could not fall asleep at a quiet hour, because i watched her sleep. By the way, interesting story. That was actually in life, then after a long time. I was in the eleventh grade already met with another girl. So this masha somehow turned out to be a girlfriend. Heres the girl i met at school. And her name was natasha, we understood this, you know, when we came to visit her. She took out her childrens album and showed a photograph from kindergarten, in which i saw myself. It was just a total shock to me. I just look at these photos and understand that i have the same one at home. Do you remember your first kiss . Where was it . How old were you . In my childhood, we spent time every summer in pioneer camps. Yes, and we came there with the whole team. We lived that, uh, interesting pioneer life, but at the same time, we trained twice a day, and so then actually. That s all. The most interesting thing happened. Yes , that is, we, uh, waited until the girls from neighboring detachments fell asleep and came with toothpaste in order to smear them. I dont know if you had such stories in your life, no, yes, but you see, it means that nothing has changed. Yes, by the evening the girls were already cooling down and even some of them did not hesitate to invite us to slow dances. Well, actually, it was in such camps that the first kisses happened. Thank you. How did you meet your wife . And i met my wife, by chance i then came to play in brest as a young guy. She had an internship. After the first course institutes hairdresser worked moonlighting as an administrator. And i just saw the sign. Eh, hairdresser, there cleopatra seems to have decided to go in for a haircut , met alexandra later. Uh, lost it for a while, then again. Ah, i met you by chance. Now we live happily ever after. My children know and understand for sure that this is the greatest love in my life. Hello, my name is evgenia aa. Tell me who dressed you up for tonights show because you look pretty stylish. Thank you very much, really no one picked up, er, but periodically i advise my wife. Yes, she can tell me, well, gray and not very. Yes, today he said, normally , you can go like this. We move on to the red sector. Many people think that hockey players earn a lot, however, this is either a myth. Hockey players hockey players earn in different ways, as well as, in fact, all people in different industries. If you achieve Great Success and become. Well, conditionally there is a top level. Yes, then, of course, you earn big money. But this is a unit. Actually a unit fall into the nhl in the khl there are huge salaries out there. For example, i didnt earn a lot of money in sports. Yes, that is, i played in different teams. Uh, somewhere i received 200 dollars, somewhere 3,000, somewhere 5,000. Yes, that is, well, in different ways, so hmm, i was not such a top hockey player who, well , like ours, some, yes, isolated cases of belarusians. Misha grobovsky there ruslan vladimir tsyplakov, uh, two bone brothers who left for the nhl signed. Uh, huge contracts and became millionaires. That is, it is a unit all over the world . My name is nikita and i would like to know with heights of experience already passed in life. How to overcome irresponsibility . How to overcome irresponsibility often encounters such a problem, and how does it manifest itself i will tell you . Well, i forget something, some Little Things about housework or in general. I just treat the task with disdain, then. I will answer shortly, just make it. Hello, my name is lisa and i have a question. If you were offered right now to fly to anywhere in the world, where would you fly and why exactly there . Well you know i in fact, he traveled to a lot of countries when he was a hockey player. I lived in canada for a year, played in the new york league, was in america , traveled to many european countries, were in poland , czech republic, slovakia, germany, austria, denmark, france , holland, i saw a lot. In fact , i have experienced many countries and have already chosen for myself. Where to live for sure. I will live only in belarus yes, but todays my life e senator. Yes, it implies moving to those corners of our country. Uh, in which i was not i for myself. Now at that age i discover many beautiful places that i go to with pleasure. Here. Eh, i think that in the summer i will definitely take my family and go. She is a slavic lake. To your right is the black sector, which likes to ask very original questions. I have a question for you. Do you have bad habits, if we are talking about classic bad habits that are commonly said, then no, i probably dont smoke and havent smoked, calmly, i treat alcohol, especially i dont use drugs. But if you asked this question to my family, for example, yes to my wife, she would definitely say hmm that there is one bad habit, which for someone may not be harmful at all. Well, for example, work, yes, that is, i am such a classic workaholic, you can say, uh, because of this, i have little time left for free time for my family. Therefore, if this can be called a free habit, then there is one. We turn from bad habits to the yellow sector dmitry a. Here i am always right, the coach in my soviet childhood again. Yes it was accepted consider that the coach is always right and there is even such a joke, paragraph one the coach is always right paragraph two, if suddenly the trailer is wrong , see paragraph one, but uh, in fact for us, uh, in childhood, the coach has always been a Huge Authority unquestioned authority. Dmitry return to the black sector. And as far as i know, you trained Nikolai Lukashenko and Alexander Grigoryevich lukashenko. What is the difference between their training . Uh, it was actually his father who started training nikolai, when he was very young, there were more of them. Uh, baby ice games. Yes, er, here, and already from the age of six. I must have started exercising. Uh, nikolai, it s fucking individual training twice, sometimes three times a week, but it wasnt really difficult to train uh. Why because both nikolai and our president are very demanding of themselves and set a very high bar for themselves, so uh, i just had to come up with some interesting exercises in order to make it interesting and fun. And if we talk about the potential of nikolai, then in fact his physical condition is his potential. The attitude to training is always so serious and at such a high level that i am simply convinced that if he had chosen the path of a professional hockey player, he would have achieved very good results. Arent you afraid to make comments, for example, to the president or his son . E makes a remark to the president , of course, im afraid. And who is not afraid to make remarks to the president . Uh, well, seriously, then , during the game, i try not to make comments to the president and nikolai and other players of the president s team, but, on the contrary, somehow to correct and prompt in certain moments in order to improve our game as a whole. Purple sector you had to communicate with the president. And what kind of person he is. Ive known the president since 97, just then the president got on skates for the first time, and then the president s hockey team was formed, and then i was the oldest goalkeeper in the youth Hockey School , so it happened that in the president s hockey team and there were no goalkeepers and they were attracted. Thats it for us pupils of the school, therefore , throughout this long time, and i could get to know the president very well. I remember very well, those years of the nineties, which were difficult not only for our country, but for the entire former soviet union, saw the formation of the president , saw how he had to build many processes in our country. And as you know, already in my life there was no father, and at that time, seeing what a president , what a big workaholic he is . How can it work 24 7 by what principles . He lives how honest and decent he is. I chose such a landmark for myself, and in many respects i took example from him red microphone please raise your hand. Tell me how you think sport can be out of politics. I believe that sport should be out of politics for a long time, it really was out of politics. Once, when the president of the International Ice Hockey Federation arrived in minsk, after which they canceled, uh, the world championship, which was supposed to be held in minsk, i remember, uh, he said then to meet the president. He says the world has gone mad. These were, indeed, his words. Sport should be out of politics, but today its for many. Uh, the leaders of International Organizations becomes just a political tool. And some of them have simply forgotten about their purpose. Eh that they should be promoting it, and they become just objects. Here are some political games, but you know how convinced i am that hmm, all these double standards of politics in sports will someday pass. And we are moving to the black sector a little to the left of you , the International Olympic committee allowed to compete in belarus under a neutral flag. What is it like to perform with her under your own flag do you know countries . I recently. Here was on the message of the president. He was also asked the same question. I dont know how to perform. I mean, ive been lucky in my life. I did not have such moments when i attacked under a neutral flag. We always dressed with pride dressed tracksuits. Outfit jackets of their own country. We always came with our flag and were proud, when our flag was raised and we heard our anthem, but today is such a time, yes, when we just need to survive, and if it happens that some of our the belarusian athlete will perform under a neutral flag, but at the same time he will sing our belarusian anthem in his soul and come here. Uh, he will return to our country, get off the plane , unfurl our belarusian flag. Well, then we, at least, will all understand which country he played for and and for whom did he try . Please Pay Attention to the yellow sector. I think everyone knows the story of the dog oddie, how he lives now, how they live. Children in normal families. Yes, eats, drinks, walks, rests , enjoys life. Why do you think some people treat animals so badly and how to deal with it, now, in fact , a lot of work is being done at the legislative level in this regard, but i can say that no matter what laws are created. Actually. We must all understand that everything depends on ourselves, how we will treat animals, how we will teach our children to treat animals, yes, that is, i remember when i was little i bought all the hamsters, parrots there, and i learned to take care of them yes , in the same way i try to take care of my children learn. That is, this is a living being, which needs to be taken care of. Sometimes even when i swear for certain wrongdoings. My kids are already coming to the defense for him, so, well , i think the lessons are going well. Applause questions from the black sector before you entered the studio. I saw that you were alone. Can you invite her to the studio. Lets try together. Well come here. Go, dont be afraid alone. Come here, come to me. Oh my god, come here, come. Here is our one. Please meet. Everything, and you can stroke him, sure come here. Just a wonderful moment in our program, but the question is the questions. Lets move on to the red sector. My name is matvey what kind of superhero power would you like to have, if such a thing were possible. Well, i know exactly what kind of superhero power my son, who is 4 years old, would like me to have. He would definitely want me to be spiderman. He loves this hero, yes, and always talks about him, they buy spiderman costumes. He always says that if you were spidermans dad, it would be so cool. If you had the opportunity to change one thing, what would it be i would probably not let my best friend go to grodno when he left, and then did not return and died on the track. Why do athletes, bloggers or artists go into politics . Probably in order to change life for the better. Well, to be a deputy conditionally or politicians. Er, thats right. Not good. Own. Yes, but a blessing that should be for the whole country. And why exactly did you become a senator . In our country, senators are generally elected by eight people, from each region of the city of minsk but also there is, uh, one of the president s, too, out of eight people , the president never uses u entirely his quota, but it is in my story. Uh, the president appointed me a member of the council of the republic, this was september 14, 21. Thats why i actually became a senator according to the president s quota. What do you do at your job . After the president , by the way, appointed me a senator. He said one phrase, if you saw it on tv or on the internet, your main task is to help people, in fact, i and my colleagues, in fact, this is what they are doing. Yes we help people, we try to do our best to help uh separately. E to every person who comes to the reception of citizens. E, in general, we make sure that the laws are implemented. Well , of course, we make some adjustments to them with what questions, perhaps problems , you most often come to personal meetings. And how are you trying to help them . Well , the questions are completely different. Yes, there are, of course, complex global issues. These questions. Impossible to decide only one there the senator, or all the members there, the republic needs support and assistance e a comprehensive solution e the Relevant Ministry of departments , but most often people come who care about simple at first glance issues that do not concern the global country as a whole, but they are also very important arrangement of road yards, construction houses and you know how, regardless of the complexity and issue, every citizen of our country has the right to count, coming to any senator has the right to count on his objective and, well, aggressive help. Tell a. You always keep your promises. What was the last promise you made and did you keep it well, i promised, in fact , to my wife, that sunday will become a family day, right, yes, that i will not leave on a business trip, i will not organize any meetings of the trip i wont work on sundays. And so far, i manage to devote at least one day of the week completely to the family. Dmitry my name is also dmitry , please tell me what you are most afraid of what am i most afraid of . You know i i honestly dont know what im afraid of. Uh , there were a lot of things in my life that gave me strength, uh, patience. Uh, and in some moments that taught me to conquer fear. Here. But i would probably say, maybe such simple primitive things that uh often say, maybe even top models at the Miss Universe pageants yes, uh, or hmm in my childhood. This was also said, but i did not betray this significance. I definitely do not want to have warriors in our modern world. So that we all have mirnoe without a head. Are you on 100 happy with my life im absolutely definitely happy with my life because uh, im hmm like i told you at the beginning. I always dreamed of being a cool hockey player. Yes, i spent an interesting hockey life, that is, i found all the steps. Uh, in fact, from an ordinary degeneral, what is happening today in my life. Yes, the fact that i have the opportunity to influence the development of sports in general and which ones in particular . Yes, it gives me additional opportunities and i am absolutely happy about it. This signal means that the time for questions to the hero and glass dmitry now you have to choose the best questions. But in fact, you know how very difficult it is to choose the best question, because all the questions were interesting. Uh, all the questions made me plunge into my childhood past. I reminisced with pleasure about what happened to me in life, therefore, to be fair. I would like to all here to all participants of this project. Uh give a small gift. You asked me a lot of questions about hockey. We have a new khl season starting in september, and so i i am pleased to invite all of you to the home opening match at the minsk arena. E hockey club dynamo minsk i will definitely pass on invitations to everyone, and a special prize so that no one is offended. We will give a gift, the youngest to todays participant. This certificate is lefthanded, e, for individual tailoring. Uh, a Bomber Jacket can be sewn into a dynamo junio ​​jacket. Yes, you can wear any jacket you like. Embroidery with initials or Something Else girl i congratulate you on such a gift. According to the rules of our program today only the author of the best question should have received the gift, but i think all the children received it. Thats great applause to dmitry now you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions okay . Well, lets just talk about hockey a lot. Which of you was at the minsk arena or at some other hockey match. Oh, so many people, right . Excellent excellent. Well then, just say what you liked or didnt like, i liked the beginning of the hockey game. This is when all the hymns everyone dances, that is, everyone sings. Its true. Yes, excellent. So what is also very important for me at any event is the atmosphere and the people. This is what i notice always and everywhere and the atmosphere when everyone empathizes together, especially when the flight is already clogged. This is the treasure puck. This is something incredible. What else i like is that in the first president ial hockey at the end they throw toys to everyone. And secondly, that e always win. I have never been to hockey when they were losing. Hmm youre lucky cause everyone loses sometime, next question dmitry what would you like to change for the better in our state. I would like to change the fact that the athletes find a better way to play, so that our state becomes the first passport, uh, and wins all the championships, well done. Im sure our athletes will hear you. Thank you for having dmitry behind you. I saw hands reaching out. I would like the majority of young people to go in for sports, because a lot of young people go the wrong way, not because the direction they need to go 100 agree this is also my sincere desire, so please deal with this and the third question. So, what is the meaning of life in your opinion . Who is ready it seems to me that the meaning of life is to be kind. I dont know, it just seems to me that now there is a lack of this kindness among other people, everyone is very, as it were, immersed in a career, uh, money is something material. It seems complete to me to try. Everything, well, within reason, of course i wanted to say that the meaning of life. This is not just some kind of ordinary life, it needs to be very interesting and, most importantly, to find yourself to your destination. Heres how you do it, for example, hockey. And for me, for example, dancing. I want well every person to find something for themselves. And what . Well, the soul wants it. Thanks a lot. Dmitry, its time to say goodbye to our audience, the head coach of the president ial hockey team, dmitry baskov, today is visiting the program 100 questions for an adult. Dmitry is waiting for you at the entrance to the site. Thank you linger. Thank you , what are your feelings from the conversation. I had a wonderful time immersed in certain emotions. With pleasure, the children survived them , they surprised you with something, and the children really did. I was just pleased. Yes, they asked interesting questions. It seems to me that we found contacts with them, and everyone enjoyed this event. Today you managed to answer 47 questions. Tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to our audience, do you think that our hero today was the most revelation with you . Yes, i would very much like to have more such programs when people are famous. This is how you people opened up to us more. To me i really liked the atmosphere, everything is very comfortable and cozy. Some questions were easy. It was easy to lie, since we cannot find out the exact truth, but what was said was felt, though dmitry, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word. I am very grateful to the children for this openness for their questions, for the fact that i plunged into this atmosphere and really enjoyed it. Thank you very much national assembly. Hockey players head coach of the president ial hockey team for adults see you in a week. And he suffered. The lord helped the sun and his lord god of the heart of the heroic union tsar great sinner tsar, lord have mercy british phantom pandemics flat insurance or the announcement of a premiere newcomer they would like to live in manhattan immigration collapse in a big apple forward to the Southern Belt in anticipation of space trophies from the moon 25. You look around the planet, we are on the tv channel

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