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The dow coming off its first close ever above 30,000. Still down 180 a lot of focus continues to be on the socalled cyclical trade, energy, banks, airlines all pacing for their best month ever rob, its good to see you again. I come to you first because your note to our producer today really piqued my interest. The last three weeks, you say, were transformational. How so i think going into this, scott, we did not have a prospect for a stimulus plan it pivoted focus to the virus and the virus count really, really increasing. Since then youve had three months of very, very positive news on the virus front. Youve had an election outcome that appears to be more and more benign with the actions of the with the actions of our president elect. Specifically nominating janet yellen it looks like it was an outcome that was squarely middle of the fairway that was not too far left, not too far right. Really goldilocks like from my perspective. Now youre at a place where when you look at major pivot points historically, whether it be coming out of the Gold Standard or volcker in raising Interest Rates in the 80s, the tech bubble, the financial crisis, those have been major pivot points for markets and youve seen major shifts in terms of how investors are allocated. And i think this latest move could be the beginning of such a shift. Im not saying tech needs to underperform im saying i think the whole market can go up, and i think where investors want to be is in the catchup trade i dont think thats sorry. I dont think thats a straight line, though and i think you can pick your spots. But certainly looking out into mid21 as they accelerate and news trickles, i think its going to be positive you and others agree, clearly for what the landscape holds moving forward. Carrie, lets set the scene, if you will i look to come out with these lists and have us debate sort of where we are and what the state of play is we know that stocks have run a lot. Dow, 30k, thats a milestone s p, new record. The vaccine, i wonder if its baked in at this point, at least some people are wonder whether the markets tired or it needs a breather yes, you have the transition under way. Key nominees are known, as rob said janet yellen got the market all excited yesterday. What, though, the catalyst now to take stocks higher, lets say, over the next couple of months is there a catalyst left well, i think one of the best catalysts we could come up with is the market is broadened remember, for the first nine months of the year it was really a tech and platform communication kind of market the number of s p names that had beaten the s p as of the beginning of this quarter was about 38 or less. And now its 60 of stocks are beating the s p. That had to happen in order for the whole market to move higher. It was getting too narrow. In addition, if you look at earnings estimates, those numbers are also starting to inch upward. Even if we look at first and Second Quarter earnings for 2021, when well still have covid through the country. Everyones not going to be vaccinated those numbers are moving up. Third and Fourth Quarter 21 numbers are moving higher. Most companies in the s p beat their estimates on revenue and for earnings in the third quarter. That wasnt that difficult. That wasnt that difficult, right . Of course, of course. And you could have beat the estimate, right . Absolutely. Lets temper the enthusiasm a little bit based on where expectations were. My question, steve weiss, now, is okay, a lot of stocks focused around the reopen have already moved a lot. The boeing at 50 . The airlines, the cruise lines, some of the retailers. We went through the list yesterday. Nordstrom right now, monthtodate is up 139 in this month. Hotel stocks im looking at, more retailers like kohls up 50 . Is there room left in the near term for them . In my view, i dont think they should be where they are. I think theyve gotten ahead of themselves, clearly ahead of the fundamentals its not just that things arent going to return to normal for a while. Particularly with the airlines and Business Travel thats going to be, i think, permanently impacted its that these stocks are trading as if covid never happened no matter that youre closed, a lot of them, and taken capacity out of a lot of them in terms of store closings, et cetera, now you expect those stocks to do better than they were doing better before where you still have the same issues affecting those industries so i think thats purely been momentum trades. Momentum trades go until they dont go, but theyre not trading up on any type of reasonable fundamentals. They should not explode when a vaccine is actually in the market theyve exploded already but does that mean i cant buy any if im watching today . Im sorry to interrupt you if im watching, i cant buy any of the socalled reopen or epicenter stocks i mean, how do you make the differentiation of ones that shouldnt be where they are versus ones that still have a lot of room to run well, i think you can buy some the ones you can buy have been ones that have changed their Business Model a little bit. That have responded to that are seeing increased interest in what they do and what they bring to the market versus before. So, to me, that includes some of the Technology Names to me, that includes, if you take a you know, a salesforce they look at slack as we may talk about. But thats not an epicenter stock. Come on, thats not a reenter stock. Lets talk about honeywell, a stocky recently bought honeywell is look, theyre doing more and more both on the esg side theyre doing more in the automation side. So, theyre positioning themselves better for the work from home, the stay at home, the work anywhere type environment the autos, youre going to see less people taking Mass Transportation so, you can still buy those. So, yeah, there are some you can buy. Can you still buy zoom here . Zoom is staying with us forever. But is the valuation staying with us forever . I dont think i think so i think much of the inroads have already been made. Joe, maybe the socalled reopen or epicenter stocks are getting harder to fine, ones that are okay to buy after the kind of gains that i laid out for you. However, leave it to tom lee, our buddy tom lee to find more because hes added now 14 names to his, quote unquote, epicenter trifecta list. They include a number of energy stocks, discretionary names, hasbro, polaris, financials, mgic, jb hunt, energy, helmerichip and national oil well, pioneer, hollyfrontier, marathon petroleum, phillips 66, sonoco, vornado. Maybe hes searching far and wide to find new names do these make sense to you toms done an excellent job identifying stocks that are highly heaviered to the announcement of a vaccine and the expectation for a quick reopening. Two names stand out here for me. Number one would be j. B. Hunt. That is a name that youre purchasing not just specifically on reopening but also the quality of its Balance Sheet vornado, that is directly related to a reopening here in new york city. They have a lot of real estate assets that are tethered to new york city. So i think what tom is doing is answering your uestion, scott. I think youre trying to identify whats the difference between an epicenter reopening stock and then a stock that really is a falling knife that seems to be rallying here in the last five to ten days. Let me just give you a quick illustration on that if i go back from when the Pfizer Vaccine was announced on monday the 9th, the s p is up about 3. 5 if i look at the Top Performing 100 stocks in the s p 500, since that moment, do you know, scott, only five of those stocks are actually higher yeartodate so, that tells you what weve kind of transitioned towards here this is really about the falling knives beginning to participate, in addition to a lot of the epicenter stocks that had already been participating toms done a great job identifying those already. Yeah. Jon najarian, what do you make of these additions are we trying too hard to find other reopen or epicenter stocks that are worthy of buying right now . It is getting harder. And i think to everybodys point, when you have some of these stocks, even the vegas stocks, scott, and we know how its been impacted, whether its vegas sands, whether its winn, mgm, cesars, a lot have come back to, within, 75 or 80 of where they were prior. And yet the business is nowhere near that level. To steves point so, one of them that i talked about yesterday for unusual, sabre is less than half of where it was back in januaryfebruary time frame where we got this hammering. So, i think that is what youre looking for. Youre looking for stocks, scott, that are somewhere in that 50 or less even, if you can find them, range of their january and february numbers not necessarily chasing the ones that are already up there 75 or 80 of it. Yes, there is still alpha in some of those names, but i think theres far more in a stock like sabre that, you know, we all know if youre booking hotels and airfares and moving onto things like that, if people are starting to get rolling again in that space, these guys are right at the epicenter of that, to borrow from tom lee. So, thats what im looking for, scott. Those are the ones that im still adding to. The others are the ones that im lightening up on am i exiting completely . No but am i lightening up or selling at the money against it . Yes. Youre still going to have this debate. Its not going to go anywhere. Its going to continue into next year over growth versus value, what is deemed to be cheap, still cheap or a willingness to continue to pay up for growth. You know, as you look at the stocks that have had great runs. That leads me to the salesforce and slack news that the wall street journal has broken steve weiss mentioned salesforce, in talks and has been in talks, apparently, to buy slack. I want to welcome in josh brown, whos called in on the brown he used to own slack, if you recall so i wanted his take on this from somebody who knows that Company Better than most josh, thanks for calling in. Yeah, so, scott, this was the deal that i always thought made the most sense and that i thought would some day happen and we dont know if it will definitely happen, but this is such a nobrainer. Its such a home run for salesforce its a great exit for slack shareholders, assuming no activist comes along and tries to stop it and for users, its going to be incredible because im a huge salesforce customer. Salesforce has a service full of chatter built into it. And my employees sometimes use it but prefer slack. I can see salesforce removing chatter, having slack be that inhouse employee dialogue engine, and then employees could assign each other salesforce tasks directly in slack. It would just be a phenomenal combination. And the other thing i would tell you about this, this pits salesforce against microsoft this is going to be absolutely epic microsoft has up to 75 million teams users. Slack is at 12 million users which is impressive. They were at 6 million when microsoft invented teams but theyre so far behind that i almost feel like they need to do this deal. And then salesforce on day one, once this closes, could zoom that number up salesforce has 150,000 paying customer companies, about 83 of the fortune 500 companies, using salesforce those are all potential slack users. So a couple of questions off that, if you were optimistic about slack for so long, when you owned it, why did you ever get out of it . I just felt the pressure being put on the company, and Stewart Butterfield has been quoted saying microsoft is killing slack, there were easier trades to make i bought slack the day it ipod. I added to it, i added it to in april when markets were crushed and i got out at 29 on august 24th i had to look back i probably left some money on the table but there were too many other trades that i felt were easier. The other interesting point, i think, is it speaks to the overall conversation, josh, that were having, and we have every day about the willingness to pay up for growth. Not only as were now learning from investors themselves, but from companies that want to do deals with these companies that no one had heard of a year ago now youre willing to pay up if youre a salesforce for the kind of growth that a slack would deliver for you that would enable you to better compete with microsoft in certain areas. Now, salesforce is up 56 yeartodate our dom chu points out on twitter, thats a lot of capital to work with if youre salesforce, and the journal talks no price he with dont know what kind of premium were talking about, but slack has been no slouch when it comes to its own stock gain. Those are all kind of things to consider in the context of this potential deal yeah. So, heres whats important. Its like a chicken and egg thing. People say, oh, facebook stole instagram. They got it for 1 billion instagram would never have grown to the size that it did had they not been bought by facebook. And facebook mapped its entire social graph over to instagram and tens of millions of new users within the first few months started using the app so, its salesforce takes slack, they can use slack as almost like a premium way for people to start slowly coming into the salesforce ecosystem, who could then be upsold that Enterprise Software so, slack has more potential as being part of salesforce than it does on a standalone basis because of the might that salesforce has and its inroads into the fortune 500. Thats really what the potential look, its transformative for salesforce, i think. It will be the biggest acquisition theyve ever done. Enterprise value right now is assuming this is the premium already. Youre talking like 20, 21 billion. The only ordeal theyve done close was tableau and that was probably transfirmtive i think benioff is the guy that could really build slack so, if youre a salesforce shareholder, i think that thats how you win. Yeah. Thats exactly why i wanted you to call in i so much appreciate your insight. Thank you, josh. Well see you later on closing bell. Happy thanksgiving. Love you guys. Happy thanksgiving. You can catch josh on closing bell. Jon najarian, i dont think you own slack but everybody owns microsoft so you can address it from that angle, if youd like yeah. Well, number one, scott, there was huge buying on slack calls today just ahead of this announcement somebodys going to take a hard look at that and just as we were coming on air, the volume in the calls was up over 67,000 to 14,000 puts. Thats way above normal. And now its right now at 119,000 calls. So, its almost doubled while weve been on air, the number of volume traded in the calls, upside calls of slack, scott i got to believe this deal, if a deal indeed does happen, and it certainly seems like it, happens north of 40, probably 41, 42 the june high was right around 40 and even though weve gone nearly parabolic here, scott, breaking to 38 or thereabouts just moments ago, i think it goes north of 40 on a deal that doesnt mean we go there today. To your point about microsoft, this is still the killer microsoft embeds this with everything thats part of that ecosystem, scott, which means you subscribe to microsoft 360 youre getting all of the goods with that, and then they just keep making things like teams better google has meet. Again, zoom. Both of those guys going after zoom and now youve got microsoft obviously with a real focus on slack. And you dont think that focus gets even more so if this goes over to crm salesforce i think benioff has a real im not saying theres only going to be one. This isnt highlander. But i do think youre going to see microsoft really go after crm in a big way here. So, another microsoft holder, carrie, your thoughts . Well, we own a lot of crm, more crm than microsoft. I think this is a great deal for them if it happens remember, in the middle of august, crm was 60 billion lower in market value than it is now. So, this deal can cost them 20, 25 billion. Its not going to touch the gain weve had in appreciation on the salesforce stock itself. And remember that during all of covid, what youve this is an acceleration of adoption, of various crm systems across the world as people have been able to integrate their entire enterprise thats been remote in a way that it would have taken years for that to happen for salesforce so, i think this is a perfect time to do it. And i think they would welcome the competition from microsoft i love microsoft, but a huge fan of salesforce. I also like to its rate what you said about the growth side of things. It just shows that where theres growth in sales and earnings, its worth something and its you have to Pay Attention to that relative to the valuation that weve now given to, you know, some of these reopen plays, the value side, the cyclical side. They do not have that type of upside and just if you could put that chart up, theres a little table that vin made for me today crm is a pretty expensive stock, but still the Growth Potential in deals like this is much more than what youre going to get out of the reopening trade some of those stocks, as you said, are getting pretty expensive and trade pretty close, very close to where some of the Big Growth Companies are trading right now. Weiss, youve got to pay up if you want some of the action, right . Thats what weve learned, if nothing else, throughout the pandemic yeah. And youre paying up for quality. And i dont want to pay up look, heres how i look at it. Youve got to be youre either a stock investor or a fundamental investor if youre a stock investor and when im investing in honeywell, i think its a little elevated in valuation, its because i think it will go higher. As a fundamental investor and a stock investor, im getting that in some of my other names. Those are my longterm plays so, thats whether its qualcomm or whether its jamia, also a stock and fundamental play, thats where i get that. So, you have to know what youre doing and why youre doing it. In terms of salesforce, if theyre using stock for this acquisition, then they should go do it. The stocks gotten not cheap its expensive i think it will continue to be expensive, because it always has been, but you should use it as a currency its a phenomenal currency to use. But i dont mind paying up, taking a longterm view, a year, two years, three years, five years for a core position if i think its going to eventually exceed what i paid for it. But, i mean, im looking at some of the moves youre making. It strikes me that youre trimming from areas that have had big growth, particularly in the last few months. You know, apple notwithstanding. Thats had great growth all year long youve tripped apple, you trimmed qualcomm, you trimmed qorvo. Does that tell me youre rethinking the runway thats ahead or at least the power play in these stocks moving forward that maybe they take a little bit of a breather or a backseat to where we started the show with these reopen and cyclical and economic comeback stocks no. And the majority of my answer is no ill tell you why. Ive been looking at trimming those names because they performed so well. Skyworks i trimmed earlier theyre all still core positions, putting apple aside, which is a core position they just got way too big. Once the momentum, once the stock traders, those momentum traders stepped aside t means they would come back to earth. So, come back to normal portfolio positions. So, i see better opportunities to generate alpha in some other areas. So, the point of it is, is that i wouldnt say i was loose with my Risk Management i was on top of it all the time. But all of those positions were way, way too big so, im just cutting them back so, its portfolio management. And that has been my intent. We saw jimmy say, look, ill own roku until it stops going up and he got rid of it all that was a complete trading position these are fundamental. And i owned an oversized core position until they stopped going up and so i think theyll reassert. I dont think it will keep going down and those are tenyear plays, for sure. Roku hasnt stopped going up, thats the only problem. I didnt say jimmy was right. Im just saying you thats something ill never say. But if you want to use that as an example, there obviously are examples where you think that something has stopped going up or the momentum has seemingly stopped, but this market can make you pay in other ways with these kind of names that continue to go up. Joe, i want to come to you, before i take a break, to go over some of your moves. You sold abbott labs you sold extra space, which is exr for those playing wherever youre playing today, exr, and texas capital, tcbi. I think that was an energy play through a financial stock. But you tell me. Yes, sir. So, i sold those three names those are three names that have benefitted significantly on the announcements of a vaccine im paring back, obviously, selling out of those, raising some cash. Instead of holding what would be the kind of melting Ice Cream Cone of cash, im reinvesting that money into the strategy thats represented in my index, which is the joe t the joe t. Etf tracking viewers can always assume im going to put money if i cant find an individual equity name, im not going to put the money in cash. Im going to put it into the strategy just real quick if i could, scott, real quick on this crm, theres a trade here and i believe the trade consistent with what carrie is saying is to buy crm youre talking about the reopening and looking forward to 2021 dont you think capx is going to in 2021 on the reopening accelerate dont you think i. Tmpblts spt. S going to accelerate . Salesforce reports earnings next tuesday. I believe december 1st theyre going to report. This company is a buy. Theyve done a phenomenal job integrating tableau in the past. If this is going to be an acquisition theyre going to be successful on, its signaling to you i. T. Spending is coming back on the reopening salesforce is repositioning for it its a name i would consider buying and i probably would sell adobe to raise the funds to do it. Interesting lets do this. Carrie, i want to take a break and then ill come to you about yo you are move, which is interesting, too let me get a commercial break in straight ahead well talk to carrie about the moves she made and a downgrade for an auto stock thats moved up 30 in the last three months. You can always watch or listen to us live on the go on the cnbc app. Sue herera has the headlines for us i do, indeed, scott heres whats happening at this hour new york state reporting another big increase in covid19 infections with more than 6,000 confirmed cases in just the last 24 hours that is the most for that state in a single day since april. In southern california, fire watches will go into effect on thanksgiving due to concerns about heavy winds. Southern california edison says its considering shutting off electricity to 76,000 customers to avoid starting wildfires like those we saw earlier this year in pennsylvania, a state court has ordered state officials not to take any further steps following the certification of the states president ial election results. Nbc news says the lawsuit is unlikely to succeed in reversing bidens win. A Court Hearing is scheduled for friday and one of the greatest soccer players ever has died Diego Maradona led argentina to the world cup title in 1986 with one of the best goals ever as well as the controversial hand of god goal. He was 60 years old. You are up to date, scott. Thats the news update ill send it back to you happy thanksgiving to you see you on the other side of the holiday. Carrie, fortive and vonteer, you bought more of both . Yes weve been adding to those fortive, vontier was a spinoff theyre both industrials they were both spun out of daniker which is a health care Instrumentation Company they are both pe, particularly vontier to the extent they do the measurements and they do a lot of the kind of finetune testing at filling stations and other types of gas and fuelrelated mobility centers. We thought they were both reasonably attractive stocks they attractive in terms of industrials, which we think is a reopening play and we were light on industrials they have a runway of, id say, gdp growthle going forward, if we have the vaccine and more reopening, driving, of course, has been picking up for months we dont see that thats going to slow down over the next year and fortive does an increased number of Instrumentation Panel Measurement Systems for, you know, highly tuned and specific types of Capital Equipment companies. And on their own, we think theyre better within danaher and both very attractive here. Thank you for that. Lets go through some of the calls of the day, if we could. First up, weiss, ford, downgraded to equal weight, Morgan Stanley they say their electric vehicle strategy is not clear. The target remains 9 bucks you own shares of letter f. I do. Its been a great run. Let me ask you this, when they do reveal go ahead and ask. Their electric strategy, whats the stock going to do why are you asking me the stocks going to go up. Do you want to call Morgan Stanley . I want you to see what it feels like to sit on this side of the desk. Can anybody get weiss in touch with Morgan Stanley about their ev strategy . James gorman sometimes watches this show, by the way. You heard this, mr. Gorman, from steve weiss. You can address it directly to him. Yeah. Ill tweet out my phone number look, im staying with ford. Lets stocks trade in unison theres very little divergence ford does have an ev strategy when it becomes the clear the stock will take another step up. I did buy gm, followed my good friend jim labenthal into it ford will keep going up because its a cheap stock its very cheap. Im sticking with it dont mock farmer jim without farmer jim you wouldnt have gotten into general motors. The price target, by the way, goes to 53 at the aforementioned Morgan Stanley, the firm thats done that. Tell me about that jims had a great call. I do wish i had listened sooner and got on board sooner. You can stop right there. Well hold this tape forever compliments from you, few and far between. Weve got to hold this and rerack it every time we need one. I throw them around like Manhole Covers doc looks very good playing king leer in his throne room. But gm will keep going higher. Theres a scarcity value thats why i bought gm. Fisker, jon, price target 26. You own fisker calls, you own neo calls, you own tesla calls, you own lee calls. You previously owned nikola calls. See, this happens its really incredible. Its incredible how often that happens with jons mike. Its at least once per show. Fascinating its fascinating ill just give you names sensada technologies, which is delivering the electrical components into these evs. Its a small cap, ive been in it unfortunately, i shook myself out of it too quickly. Forward value looking pe around 30 thats a nice complement to some of the ev trades that have been suggested previously the Ticker Symbol on that is st. Assuming we can hear from jon again, we will do his unusual activity trades next prosecute before we go to bt me show you the s p sectors with the s p giving some back today do we have that . Discretionary, technology, staples are in the green the s p is down nearly 10. The dow is down nearly 185 after hitting 30,000 for the First Time Ever yesterday. And closing above that level black friday is here early. So get the 5g americas been waiting for. Verizon 5g is next level. announcer unlimited plans fit everyone in your family, starting at just 35, with 5g included at no extra cost. Plus, youll get the entertainment and gaming the whole family will love. 100 obsessed with the mandalorian. man i watch a lot of sports. woman it has all my favorite shows. announcer switch now and get 1,350 off our best 5g phones. Its like a gift on top of another gift. Gifts keep coming at you. Everywhere. announcer this is 5g from americas most Reliable Network. And distributing fresh hass avocados, serving customers in over 25 countries. And we are thrilled to list our company on the nasdaq. We will continue to focus on longterm growth, innovation and Strategic Investments and we will continue pioneering the worlds avocado revolution. Welcome back time for unusual activity. Jon najarian is back, at least for this moment. What do you have at least for this moment. Scott, we have some real strong activity in palantir i talked about how the feedy frenzy was going on in work options, which is now up over 180,000 calls. In palintir, this is big buying. Theyre buying aggressively up to the may 40 calls. This is a stock that came public basically just about six weeks ago, scott, at ten and now its already pushing into the high 20s. I bought the january 30 call, scott. Like i say, theyre buying all the way up to the 40s out in may. Theres a feedy frenzy in palantir over 380,000 calls double what we see in work right now. Second trade, scott, lows. The march 170 calls, aggressively bought. This is one you normally see a lift into march and that is baz because, of course, people go in there to buy their early plantings, so forth, get a headstart on springtime. Im buying these calls the nov 170s at about 153 bucks a shot thanks for that speaking of lows, steve weiss, you sold lows. Tell me why. When they reported the quarter, which by the way i thought was a pretty good quarter, and i said, ive been thinking of selling it anyway. Waiting to recover it to the old high and look at getting out i just decided that the stock is acting tired and even if it recovers to the old high, i have other places to put my capital, which i think will generate much larger returns ive done that and i also think that theres been a lot of pull forward to all these Companies Going back to what we discussed before. And thats not going to follow through to ad infinitum. Thank you for that. Coming up, ask halftime is next. You can send it in by video, well play it on air, you can send them in ismi ufoste congp r ev wes. S decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. 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A video question for steve weiss on alphabet and it comes all the way from ireland hi. This is govinda from ireland, dublin i would like to ask advice on google, if i could keep it, sell it or add to my position thank you. Okay. Thank you for your question. All the way from dublin. Steve weiss, google, what to do. Do i keep it do i sell some what do you think . First of all, love dublin, city ive been to. Great city, great country. In terms of google, i own it its right up there in one of my top positions. I would say its number six or seven. I think you hold it. Google was a major underperformer relative to the other big cap techs for a long time now its come into its own in the last quarter where they finally controlled spending. I think the momentum continues in the stock its not going to be up 5 or 10 every week or every month, but it will march steadily higher you do have the Political Risk of the antitrust hearings but that will take so long to wind their way through the courts and at the end of the day, if they break up google, this is one where the sum of the parts is worth more than the hole. I continue to like it. I would hold it. Im not adding at this level, but stay there right now joe, for you from yash in new jersey, is Morgan Stanley a buy . Be careful, joe. Weiss is already on gormans list, so i dont know if you want to be there, too. I wait a second let me clear that i think hes a great analyst. Its too late you already dug your hole. Joe . Amongst many holes hes already dug. Morgan stanley, scott, you cant say this about other financials, can you . Traded to its highest level yesterday since 2007 so there is certainly a lot of strength both in terms of quality and momentum behind Morgan Stanley i own the name im going to stay with it. On a forwardlooking basis, again, its cheap. The pe is 12 they just did the etrade acquisition. They have a lot of strength fundamentally in the Business Model, both on the Wealth Management side, m a, investment banking. They really have recreated and positioned themselves for the future, fantastic job. Congratulations to james gorman and the Management Team there. They really are hitting it out of the park. Wow what a suckup scott, scott, id like to id like to echo everything that joe just said. Okay. Jon najarian to you from tyler in new jersey. With black friday coming up, what is your top pick in the retail names thats from tyler in new jersey. Jon . All right, heres my pick number one would be lulu, number two would be target stores, tgt. I loved lulu before. I love it even more now that courtneys on their board. I know shes not setting strategy there yet, scott, but i think that this is a great stock to own long term target, same thing brian cornel, hes hitting the ball out of the park the reoccurring revenue from their subscription model also works for them much like it does at costco, walmart and amazon. I think these are two to own for a long time, scott. Thats what happens with the najarian brothers. You ask about a specific stock and target comes up. Big shock. Yep, it does. Wasnt even the focus of the question why am i not surprised boston scientific, 25 peak to trough and it hasnt kept up with the market or the medical devices industry what do you do well, tony, i guess im a gluten for punishment. Weve owned it all the way down. They had a recall. I think theyve taken the lumps. They should start to accelerate. They can focus on the present and the products that are in the market and have more people do elective surgery therefore, i would hold it right here okay. Rob, finally, stacy in miami wants to know about oil. What do you think about oil . I understand the temptation to get involved. Its the worst performing sector of the year. Down mid30s, up high 30s month to date so i understand the desire to chase. I would say short run, i think it may continue to run as we get into year end, could face some taxselling pressure and more intermediate, theres too many headwinds for me to be involved in the energy sector. Gold is down 5 this month ldot xtoue trades for y wel ine an advisor to help you build a flexible wealth plan. Youll have access to taxsmart investing strategies, and with brokerage accounts online trades are commission free. Personalized advice. Unmatched value. At fidelity, you can have both. Unmatched value. May your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. 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Its time for the futures outlook. Gold is higher on pace for its fourth straight monthly loss for more lets bring in kkm financials jeff kilburg. You are a buyer at these levels . I am. I am a buyer at these levels i think rob hit the nail on the head earlier, judge. He talked about the pivot in the marketplace. Its really interesting to see how allocations, not only from Family Offices but Financial Advisers but active investors. Weve seen a pivot point, and the major shifts in the allocations and gold will receive a higher allocation. Theres a lot of technical reasons. To your point you did see a 5 pullback, nearly hat 2,000 and here at 1,800. This is where i want to be a buyer. Looking at a target up to 1850 me hand michael have been stopping at 1775, judge. Therefore, im risk 2,500 to make 5,000. Good stuff. Happy thanksgiving, jeff, to you and your family. See you on other side. Appreciate it happy thanksgiving, pal. Lets go to cnbc. Com to read about why the bull market in gold may not be over goldman and citi see prices soaring much higher xteane yr. Final trades are next. No one likes to choose between safe or sporty. Modern or reliable. We want both we want a hybrid. So do banks. Thats why theyre going hybrid with ibm. A hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences with watson ai while helping keep data secure. From banking to manufacturing, businesses are going with a smarter hybrid cloud, using the tools, platform and expertise of ibm. We started by making the cloud easier to manage. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. Lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. 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Youre nothing if not predictable. Happy thanksgiving, by the way. Joe, what have you got . Welldeserved love. I want to buy salesforce and sell adobe to raise the funds for that trade. Okay. Carrie, is it . I love it booz allen, hamilton. Quick names, john and then rob. Wba, bought it as we just came back. Rob vxf in the Pittsburgh Steelers on thanksgiving eve not anymore. That game was moved to sunday. Happy thanksgiving. The exchange is now. That was brutal thank you, scott welcome to the exchange everyone and on this thanksgiving eve im kelly evans. Home for the holidays. The Housing Market is hot and soaring prices and are both housing and stocks getting a little too hot well ask. Plus, special delivery Pharma Companies are readying to ship vaccines, so how will the states actuall

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