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Were hopefully electric with red the auto and mobility show who is the driving license, free opal rocks, e the future gens e commuter. This one is made for 1516 year old teenager is the potentially carbon free hyper loop. The future of rapid inter city travel the thing that will would be do i am driving a hyper moving yes and is worry free battery swapping and autonomy tech. Going to make neo, the joker not of the future. I can say this cough one of the best cause i ever throw over my life. If not even the best for many urban runabouts, high tech e, vs, and mobility revolutions of the future. Now on ref, i this fully electric vehicle can be driven by youngsters without the car license. This one is made for 1516 year old teenager oval faith. This one is not a car, its some sustainable urban mobility and was that welcome to laura d. Headlight and the panoramic roof campus founded in this su am i can tell this car has a rather roundish and sweet design. And you can not in some detail, is this the front or the rear . Yes, you can tell there is no license plate. But at the rear there is a license plate. This one is a german one. You will usually find that on scooters are faster. E bikes, which is for vehicles that do not drive faster than 45 kilometers now. And that does also apply to the rocks. You can drive it from the age of 15 with the according drivers license, of course. And how cool is that . There is no more need to be on your scooter in the winter, and its all cold or its raining. You would just get into that small car, you have a roof, you will just get to where you want to go. Pretty neat. As you can tell, the car is rather compact to meter 41 in lane. And su, ive seen it looks just the same from the front and from the bag. Why is that . It is built symmetrically. What is the advantage of that . You can build 2 parts which are just the same, then you put one in the front, one in the rear, that cost way less than if you were built 2. 00 different parts. That also goes for the doors. What does that mean . If you open that one, it will open just like your regular car door and this one openness, the other way around. Ah, this is all you will get as a window. Of course it is because the car needs to be cheap and thats why you would build windows like these. Furthermore, you dont have very much here in the interior. As you can tell, there is a steering wheel, but no buttons whatsoever, because there is no infotainment system. There is just holder for your smartphone, and here a us be flawed, so you can charge it while youre driving. And then theres this button here, but its only for ventilation. There is no air conditioning in this vehicle because it will obviously even lower the rate. You can get optional because in the interior to play music from your smartphone. The oval rocks, edith neither half drunk nor frank. So whatever you want to transfer, you can do it in the interior, for example, right here. And there is a space for a little trolley, just like you know that from the airplane. And if youre on your way alone, you have enough space to put whatever you got in your shopping spree right here. And you also have a little bit of space in the door, and right here at the top, these can also be taken out. So you can clean or replace them. Ah, if you can tell the thieves, do look rather simple as well. The padding is not that big, so it is okay, but you would not want to sit on those for several 100 kilometers, but thats no problem. Since the car can only go to 75 kilometers according to w l t p. Thats okay. Ah, to put its to driving, you simply turn around the key, and then right next to the seat, you have d and r, and thats it. Put it to d. And lets go. The roxy is available in 3 different versions that mainly differ by then note, gemini, it can be purchased stuffing at 7990 u. S. I mean, you can hear it. It is pretty loud in here. This car has almost no installation. It is just made to get from a to b without getting yourself wet and that is pretty good. This one is made for 1516 year old teenagers that get their 1st own. Busy vehicle they will be on their way, they will visit their friends, go to the cinema to the mall. And for that it is definitely pretty neat. In from the citron brand also has a similar vehicle under the name on the apple. Roxy, is it counterpart for the gym and market . Talking about the driving . Such the car will go to a maximum speed of 45 kilometers an hour. At 1st glance i would have said 45. 00. It lacks 5 more kilometers an hour to go 15. If they would make the car 5 kilometers an hour faster, they would lose the possibility to drive it with that special license. So meaning from 15 years on and then it would just be like a regular car. And you would need to be at least 17 or 18 to drive it. So as i mentioned, there is less ventilation right here and you can of course eat the windscreen. But if you press this button, it is only no 2 functions on oral one important question, of course, how do you charge the car oprah decided to put the cable right here behind the passenger door is simply pull it out. Its connected to the cart 3 meters of cable, and then you can put it in your regular household socket. There is across an adapter for charging stations, but most of the time you will charge it at home or at your friends home. And that way this is a good thing. You definitely wont be able to forget your challenging cable event. My final verdict on the new opal rocks. It is a very sweet and small vehicle. It will get you from a to b without getting wet and thats its main point. What i think is that this car is good for suburbs all the countryside where you wont have good public transportation. So the boss is coming every 3 hours and the train once a day and there you can go to the next city, visit your friends, or gets to the supermarket that is 5 kilometers away. And to sum up, he gets a compact spot in vehicle for little money that offers more safety than escalator, especially suitable for rural areas where public transport doesnt run often. However, it lacks air conditioning and an air bag. So 15 year olds should participate before writing the rock. See on there with why is this will look ahead at the future world of trouble if so, the 1st test run of a high phillip with passengers on board ended up being something of a successful sneak preview. Ultimately, the pods are set to raise down. The chiefs at speeds of up to 1200 kilometers an hour. It seen that we would be driving a hyperlink . Yes. It would drastically reduce journey times in the united states. The trip from cleveland to chicago would take just 28 minutes, 3 times quicker than current in line options. But how safe is it you can do a sub with or not that promote site . Its easy. Many questions still remain. If the hype loop going nowhere fast, or is it an outright revolution . This man came up with the idea in 2013. This man has also brought a lot of money on board. But for once, this fellow billionaire isnt yet involved. California by type a t t is among the companys looking to protect the concept it as a staff of 800 worldwide and 28000000 euros in seed funding. But with a new technology 1st needing approval, the firm has been working with the german inspection agency. We had this broken over racial technologies and things in before the nation. So we were working baby bit hard or so were the 1st company developing we to shoot a completed with the framework the end of the day. We have a request, a time where we can not, which people like or even multiple constructing hyperlink tooth is inexpensive. Undertaking one kilometer would cost about 53000000. 00 euros. The plant roots in india from pruning to moon, by its underground, making it even more costly, but reducing the risk of terror attacks. Building that route would cause 7000000000 euros. Some scare off investing. We demonstrate that i could be bribing the finance and you know, could have payback periods. So her on 25 here. So basically thats great. I will be sure to see this one touch base and one and the numbers were based on the 5. The ticket was like 75 percent of the cost of the upload because you know, for the same groups in all the modules transport, facial traveling by hype and has a lot in common with the journey into space. Astronauts surrounded by vacuum. The near vacuum conditions in the hyperlink tube serve to reduce air friction and drug making super high speeds possible. But if the put developed to leak, the passengers would be dead within seconds. None of the high glue projects have found a solution for that yet, including the german one based in munich, because he was in that event, the pod would have to break very swiftly. My passengers would get oxygen masks as in an aircraft. Theyre all possibilities. We can consider for certain areas, actually, because if its too cost intensive, it wont make sense financially. It cant be made a success if i have huge safety problems. Or if i have to install very, very expensive systems to solve them. The theme so well, the hype and do remain just to dream. The logistics in the 3 hope not process of the freight is definitely easier than passengers because the safety requirements are low. You know, people on board the part of handbook is working with hyper loop t t on new concepts will speeding up contain a transportation. I pretty quick like hyperlink is not suitable for short distances. For middle or long distances. You know, thats, thats what were considering is an in landry crossing more than 300 kilometers, connecting to really big hubs, a root carrying very large quantities of containers over a dependably long period. Oh, likely would make sense in that context. And then the next step is to build proper longer test, including bens which are challenge due to the fees involved. The hyper loop would then be able to prove its feasibility for long and will travel and keep up the pace behind. If you want more ref, check out our youtube channel. If you want regular features about new cars and car culture and about mobility around the world rep can make you very happy vintage classics and future check or just some of the exciting content waiting for you. Subscribe to us said you tube slash dw rep, and youll always be up to speed. And nina e. Com that is throwing down the gauntlet to the likes of tesla. And portia on a quest to conquer the world. The neo e t 7 is a sport sedan of this occur this of the rise. He it comes with a 1000 kilometer range from one single charge. Regardless of the weather. Its also accompanied by world 1st batteries flopping system, packed with 648. 00 horsepower. It makes the dash to 100 Kilometers Per Hour in 3. 9 seconds near as visionary, c. E. O has grand plan for the 87. 00. Its a 2nd living room with cutting edge technology. And a big factor in those plans is a combination of digital tech, artificial intelligence, and a committed community toys, you know, id like the futuristic aspect and the design a whole lot. I tried and true, its a leading global brand and electric vehicles. And it was with a global reach in mind that william lea unveiled his latest model in ching, do in early 2021. The 87. Isnt she a beauty in dad . This car is the purest example, yet futuristic design. Like tesla new is targeting young tech savvy urbanites. And its building an entire Community Around its grand. Over and over, were neo drivers. Were part of the neo family acting even a year. Just its made in china. Its Chinese People who are building neo cars with either cheese. Wow. Near day is an annual extravaganza. Open to all car owners and the Company Space no expense recruiting from of chinas biggest celebrities. Will he event like rock singer one finn but the real star of the show is another man, founder and c o. William lee, idaho. Hello everyone. She knew faith and courage are what dr. Us welcome. I am william lee until he didnt leave founded mio, in 2014. When he was already a self made millionaire, he made his fortune from various internet startups, including a website for trading used cars. The key to his success was being more innovative and was to developments than the competition neo stock sought over the course of 2020. As to that of tesla. The story of william d as similar to that of eden musk, the founder of his american rival, more so than established comic his neo invested in a sense of Community Among its customers. While relatively new in china, it has proven a hit. Drivers have set up their own clubs like this one in we show well i gun plus that be compared to tesla. Nia was a brand that really understands Chinese People lapse. They miss organized outings and Charity Events and communicate regularly with the company. Mia has an active commitment to its uses as customers are called a lot of owners install an app on their phone that keeps them in Constant Contact with neo. And in many cases, queries are answered by the c e o himself. China is home to the worlds biggest market for electric cars and one boosted by government subsidies. Im in the hot your do you agree . I chose it because its more enjoyable to drive because im how you can do i up. Well you dont have to worry about anything. Its under the built in neo software enables uses to link up with popular apps like we chat and the digital assistant know me. I know me back open the drivers window. All this is intended to appeal primarily to the young online generation. Always sounds in new york, so its hung out. We believe that our model will be in demand in any country with the creative and beat lifestyle family. Go courtyard doyle down and you go some me live functional, changed it is the german engineer. Now based in china, hes the chief of technology at then on automation ensued. Show and was one of me, us 1st customers for 2 years now. Hes been driving and e s 8 trainers 1st premium electric as you the the what i really love for this call is power 650 picos power is actually a lot neo is one of the 1st companies to make racing cars for, for me ladies in 2018. It moved on to designing su these for the Chinese Market targeting well of families with prices ranging between 45. 70 euros. E t 7 is aimed at is 40 a clientele. It was 650. 00 horsepower and a solid state battery with 150 kilowatt hours in the biggest version neo promises a range of 1000 kilometers or more, which has caused quite a stir. The automotive industry. After all, thats a fit and no other electric car has ever managed. Since its a lot of to move our main competitors for now are traditional combustion engine, cars in the same price bracket shield. So if we compare ourselves to them, i dont see any disadvantages. Whether its the performance, the integration of intelligence systems, interior design, the digital experiences autonomous driving features like 8 or our service quality. Would i think were very competitive on all fronts. Tomeka formula, dosa, you had brought it to them. Youll see. The new e t 7 is not yet available for testing, but function lynch, that treats us to a sneak preview in his 2 year old e. S 8. It already has some of the same autonomous driving features like lane keep assist. Technology that enjoys stay subsidies as does the infrastructure use it always and for sure will overrule if necessary. But i know what is possible, what not. So i can already see you and its a little bit tricky avenue to leave. Actually now we changed the expressway. So youre not doing anything. No, everythings free. I have whether my feet under pedals, no. My hands on steering. So now it will be a little tricky. But for a lecture comic his range remains the biggest challenge. And this is where the tiny company has found a neat solution, enabling customers to swap empty batteries. For one moment you see we have 2 cars in front of one is in. So we have to wait a little bit. Can check the app also. So 1234, im a parent the, the company has a little more than 200 swap stations around china. Most of them in big cities are alongside highways, with an eye on people making long distance. Trips for shorter journeys calls can be reached, charged a charging stations. The battery swap takes less than 10 minutes. Its fully automated with the empty unit being removed and replaced with a new one. In a procedure that knows supercharger no matter how fast can compete with neo also of his batteries on a rental basis. Which allows customers to avoid the financial risk of a battery defect or failure for me or to so goes fund them. We have a number of algorithms to analyze the batteries. Hell. If a battery is not in good condition, its withdrawn from the cycle. Thats an advantage of our swaps system. Well, we can guarantee our customers that they will always have a healthy battery in their car. Goal, so you dont say its in confidence, but longer trips within china still need to be carefully planned and broken down into states, so as not to exceed the given range. Swap stations in rural areas of few and far between. In january functional instead embarked on an adventurous 11 day trick from his current residence in the east in china, to the Tibetan Plateau in the west of the country, covering over 6000 kilometers. Ah, is this actually does st already been 4300 made a height and one morning we have some snow and ice on the road when its so beautiful and up here to the neo did just fine clench that had discussed his plans beforehand with the company and wherever he needed to charge up, they had a team to help out something that really impressed the german engineer. And level of service in line with me as ambitious goal to become the company with the highest Customer Satisfaction worldwide. In the automotive industry, ask even in denied to us the people, they always have. Some people from service, they can give you some support. But as faithful as many fans, all the Company Wants to see a lot more of them. The Neo Community is getting bigger and bigger. Last year we added 43728 new car owners. In total, weve already exceeded 75000. 00. That said, the numbers arent yet that impressive for a market that sells more than 20000000. 00 calls a year. Even looking at the 1300000. 00 new electric cars sold in china annually. Mio is a minor player. Sluggish sales almost lead the company to bankruptcy prevented only by a government bailout funding demila you go to, we were facing the most complicated situation that a startup can face and were grateful to our users for standing with us and difficult time to function. There have also been technical setbacks. One time in year was stuck in the middle of the road in downtown basing due to an untimely system update. A p r. Disaster changed it also sites a few other minor flaws such as the air conditioning controls. But overall, hes very much as satisfied neo usa this call has all properties to be successful in germany. Im a german engineer and i can say this cost proof to yes, this is one of the best cause i ever drove in my life. If not even the best asia, europe and then the world willingly has high hopes for the neo e t 7. A 1000 kilometer range together with a solid state battery, a winning combination, but no other electrical concurrently, much more future mobility. Next time on rev ah, with soccer sports for many colors and the children in this Mountain Village to know them. All. Huh. Wheres blue . The color of her favorite, a sex its traditions. Prevent her from going to games and play an insurmountable obstacle, hulu. Girl football on the page in 15 minutes on d w. Oh. Are you ready to didnt weeks . These places in europe are smashing all the records. Stepped into a bold adventure. Just dont lose your grip. Its the treasure map for modern globetrotters. Discover some of europes wykard breaking sites on you tube and know also in book form ah, can i hold your hand . Ah, it seems to be in the lofton comment. Can this become love love i dont got vulcan eye on me. They thought they could have been, i can artificial intelligence, combat loneliness, i like to seniority. High and i love stories from the future. Starts february 14th on d, w. In many countries, education is still a privilege. Hummadi is one of the main causes some Young Children walk in mind trav instead of going to class others can attend classes only after they finish working with millions of children, all over the world cant go to school. We ask why . Because education makes the world. I make up your own mind. D. W. Made for mines. Ah, ah ah this is the w news live from berlin, boosting the true presence more us soldiers arrive in Eastern Europe to bolster nato allies. It will, and russia has nearly enough forces to place potentially a new invasion on ukraine. Ah, and india declares 2 days of National Morning for singing legend latin. When jessica, she embodied music and melody for generations of indian

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