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Invisible filth in shoe horns here your foot slides into place to try skechers slip in tonight are three 60 bodycam footage youll see first on three 60 of new york Police Moving in on protests Columbia University, that a new details from cnns Julia Vargas Jones, who brought us Exclusive Reporting Last Night from campus as it all went down. Also tonight, live reports from coast to coast is potent spread to more schools with communities and police struggling over how to respond and with his trial and recess today, the former president goes campaigning, trying to make student rest of voting issue good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin again tonight with the latest from University Campuses nationwide, where in just the last 24 hours, hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested. The lions share at new Yorks Columbia University Late Last Night last night we brought you an exclusive look. Has it happened from cnns Julia Vargas Jones and her photographer with the only Television Crew broadcasting live from campus. Now, tonight, another exclusive seen as john miller himself, a former new York Deputy Police commissioner, is the first and only reported to obtain nypd Body Cam Video from officers as they carried out but the operation last night he joins us now. So i havent seen the video tell us about it. Well, you know, weve been talking past 24 hours about according to Columbia Universitys President A Protester snuck into the building and then hit there till after the building was closed. And then covertly lead in dozens of other people who then took over the building, barricaded it with an elaborate network and layers of debris and furniture and chains and locks and bicycle locks and smashed all the Security Cameras so police to retake that building really had their work cut out for them. And this is their video from their body cam of going into Hamilton Hall. Lets take a look. The retaking of Hamilton Hall by the nypd at the front door, students singing a protest song this is to the first layer, a tangle of Barricades Metal Tables and chairs stacked and tie hi to the doorway outside police break a window through a vestibule. More furniture and debris the door change shut police use a high powered electric saw then a hydraulic tool, the jaws of life in an attempt to breach the door. But it wouldnt budge finally they break through confronted by another tangling layers your furniture, chains. And metal grading police, said unable to see beyond the barricades, they deploy Distraction Devices upon entry with loud bangs and blinding flashes the disorient anyone who might have posed a threat it took six minutes and 40 seconds to reach the layers of barricades to reach the protesters who had been holding the building as one protester appears to advance towards police. A second protester wrestles him to the Ground Police reach a stairwell and advance upwards through the building finding more locks, chains barricades but no more protesters and you just got to new information from the nypd about who they arrested last name. So rest at about 40 people that were in that first floor of the building and they have now taken that identification of the 40 people, their names, pedigree in provided that to Columbia University. So the university can determine how many of these people were students how many, if any, were not students and where they were from. I just want to bring in columbia Graduate Student and cnn reported Julia Vargas Jones, who brought us Exclusive Reporting from campus, just steps away from Hamilton Hall as police went in julia, first of all, you in your photographer did a great job. Who is your photographers name . In qatar by n. Okay. You guys did a great job last night. What you did this on like your cell phone. I know your battery was dying. Thats one . Yeah. That was it. The broken one. Broken screen. Yeah. Well, we appreciate it. So what does it like seeing that you were on the outside and the beginning of that, you saw that that line that were just seeing . Now for the first time. Well right when that started, we couldnt see any of that. Right. So they push us out and i was live with you at the time they pushed us out about at least 50 yards and there was blockage in a way we couldnt see anything that was happening aside from police lines and lines of Police Officers going past the now the bleachers for the Graduation Event thats coming up in a couple weeks and then coming back on the other side. So we had the we were in this blind spot, but we did know from being there all day that there was a lot of stuff just keeping police from me as well as a few dozen students on the outside. Now, im interested in that number of about 40 people inside because we really didnt know how many people were the protesters. Im you were out there. They werent really talking to anybody with a camera who was there. Not just anybody with it . Camera even student press. It was really difficult and i think in their attempt to protect their identities, to try and remain anonymous, i think that ended up Crania Big Barrier for us. So just get some of the basic information out. I want to play john some sound from the New York Police department, Deputy Commissioner of intelligence, intelligence and counterterrorism these students dont come in the doors knowing how to barricade themselves behind barriers that theyve created, right . These are all skills that are taught and learned and that presents a problem yesterday, new yorks mayor had talked about outside agitators. That is, there may be people from outside. We dont know the makeup of the people inside the building yet. The outside agitators is kind of a common trope. Also use just against protesters in past decades, frankly, going back for a long time. So is it clear who the people in the building i mean, were they all students . Were some of them outsiders. Do we know . So theyre still going through that, but i think what the mayor was talking about was an extraordinarily well National Figure in the protein thats movement. Lisa fithian, 63yearold protest organizer from austin, texas. Part of occupy wall street, part of occupy city hall, part of so many protests, seattle across the country arrived at columbia on monday afternoon that was just before they took that building shes on video helping students with a table that they are using a barricade the door. So the question that the nypd was looking at is as this encampment on the west lawn was losing steam bid, a professional organizer come in and say if you want to have an impact, you need disruption. Now, lisa fithian, for the record, talk to us. Its cnn and said, we werent there to take over the building that just happened but the question that did Deputy Commissioner for intelligence my former job rebecca weiner, raises is, where did they suddenly get this idea . And all the tactics and techniques for the kind of barrier. When you see this video, i mean, what stands out to you is as we watch it what stands out to me is this was this was extraordinarily well planned and not something that they would have thought of on their own based on the tactics and techniques they used. Entering the building, having an agent hide inside, then breaking all the Security Cameras to cut off the view of i mean, there is a history of taking over buildings. Columbia going back going back to 1960 days, they held people hostage and in fact, in 1968, Hamilton Hall, this was the first building they took over and the Police Response was a lot more violent and aggressive in terms of how the students and Police Fought there in this case, it just seemed that their negotiations reached an impasse. And the coincidental arrival of a National Person who trains protesters is something that caught authorities attention. Whats campus like today would are pretty action benign. Its quite a different scene, anderson, its it was quiet, it was eerie there werent a lot of students and campus, as you know, not many students were allowed in general. And only few live there for your essential staff. So it was weird to see campus so empty, so close to finals, i mean, at 10 00 a. M. Usually its packed before late for class theres life, but in clusters are done. Its now people studying for finals there are still classes. I am still in classes, but now theyre all on zoom, right . And everything is digital now. And then there is something that struck me this morning as i as i walked outside of pulitzer hall, was seeing the marks of the tense that they left on the lawn. Im sure youve seen that picture of just that thats to me was kind of a poetic scar of a columbia has been through in the past few weeks and especially in the past Graduation Ceremonies when may 15th, because that would obviously be targeted for protesters if theyve theyve asked please to stay on campus because i think what columbia has experiences they cleared that west lawn once before. Thats where they have the commencement. And now its okay. Weve taken the ground again, weve taken the Building Back now we need to hold it between now and commencement. John miller. Thank you. Julia vargas jones. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Coming up next to los angeles where there was violence helen incident on the ucla campus involving israel supporters and antiisrael demonstrators after which classes were canceled today soon as nick watt is there for us tonight, so whats been the reaction, what happened last night . Anderson, people are shocked and stunned by what happened last night. The College Spokesperson said this, that they are sickened by the senseless violence. And it must end. I spoken to some jewish students here who were also shocked. The protestors themselves listen they are very rightly rattled by what happened, but they are determined to stave during the daytoday. Theyve actually been reinforcing these barricades behind me, which is exactly where this incident happened last night take a look at just what happened here late night into the Early Morning at ucla counter protesters pro israel protesters, among them clearly not students breach the barricades around propalestinian and cabinet. A firecracker thrown in cones and more flying through the darkness. He first great from inside that tamp, the College Newspaper photograph to counter Protester Spraying from an aerosol can daily bruin reporters on the scene. Were slapped an indirectly sprayed with irritants . Absolutely detestable violence said, las mayor karen bass you see Officials Say 15 injured, one hospitalized, and they promise an independent external review ever since this encampment sprang up thursday morning, tension has been mounting. The first scuffles thursday afternoon, more over the weekend hence, the barriers and the buffer zone that was breached last night, the university has allowed the protesters to control who enters the camp monday, a jewish student posted this protesters wealth outside of their encampment. He says, blocking his way. Theyre not letting me walk in. My class is over there. I want to use it that entrance ucla called this a parent and remove those barriers then last night, this is what happened last night was an attack on our encampment by Zionists Thugs that the university did nothing to stop this morning at the University Of Wisconsin Madison Law Enforcement did get involved Campus Police clashing with protesters while clearing a propalestinian encampment for Law Enforcement officers were injured, dozens of protesters arrested. They started pushing them, they started shoving them students were held down with pitons. Most were released without citations. College Officials Say its unclear many were affiliated with the school. They say some resisted arrest and say peaceful protest that abide by campus rules are still a land. Just know tense. We are grateful that our protests refresh still here and they are exercising their First Amendment right back at ucla today. Much more Law Enforcement on site and all classes or canceled the buffer zone between the encampment and everyone else has expanded to about half the length of a Football Field this afternoon, just outside the barrier, faculty in solid day arity with the pro palestinians, shame on you, shouted down by proisraeli protesters. Just a couple of faculty and students from either side trying to find even a sliver if Common Ground so were there no Campus Police at the very least at that location last night. And has the Police Response last night or lack of have been viewed by the community . There there were very few Campus Security here and they frankly didnt do much. And there has been a lot of criticism of the response governor gavin newsom posted this morning, the limited and delayed campus Law Enforcement response at Ucla Last Night was unacceptable and demands, answers. Weve asked for answers. Were still waiting for them. Ucla says that theyre carrying out an internal investigation gathering information, but listen, whatever College Administrators do, theyre going to get criticized. You see what happened at columbia last night at wisconsin this morning where they go in heavyhanded, they get criticized you see what happened here. They hang back, they get criticized. But there is now a very different posture. Im looking at about a dozen lapd officers there. Weve had california Highway Patrol here all day. Lapd choppers circling around. So they are clearly theyve clearly learned a lesson from last night and they do not want that to happen again. But right now, the reality here, anderson is, youve got protesters in there who were scared. Youve got jewish students out on the campus who were scared. No one is happy and there doesnt seem to be any end in sight either the president of the whole Uc System Today said that they will clear this encampment, but only at the appropriate time. Now, i dont know what that means and the commencement the main Commencement Events here arent until the middle of june, so the using system is saying we will not divest, which is the demands of the protesters. The protestors saying they we will not leave. So what do you got . Youve got classes canceled and youve got dozens, if not hundreds now, of officers on this campus trying to keep an uneasy peace and no one feels safe and no ones happy. And thank you. Appreciate it. Next to the former president and blaming the current one for campus on ras, what voters make of that issue and others personally knew numbers from cnns harry enten, and later the next strange twist and republican Marjorie Taylor greenes push to unseat the republican Speaker Of The House when with democrats may do to help him actually keep his job. Thats ad our biggest challenge. Uncertainty. Hidden fees, surcharges. 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Day to fly. Luxury mattresses made of four House Solomon in new york and this is cnn with his new york Hush Money Trial and recess. The former president spent the day campaigning in the midwest. So to stop and wisconsin, he praised New York Police for taking action last night, calling it quote, a beautiful thing to watch he also said this about President Bidens relative silence on Campus Unrest he hasnt been heard from, you know, hes the president when you have a problem like that, you should go out and talk about it and talk to the people. Crooked joe is now reportedly planning. This is wonderful those for you people in wisconsin, de bring massive numbers of gazans from The Middle East well, live to your american towns, your town because in villages is just determined to create the conditions for an october 7 style attack right here in america well, that last bit refers to discussion for puerto by cbs news about bringing a limited number of people from gaza with close american relatives into the country not massive numbers as the former president was saying, and its not administration and policy yet. From wisconsin, the former president went to freeland of michigan. Cnns Kristen Holmes is there for us. Tonights the prison, just wrapped up remarks in michigan, what more do it . What more can you tell us anderson in his one day out of the courtroom, he spent here in Michigan Railing against that new york Hush Money Trial complaining about the gag order and attacking the judge. All of this course, just one day after that, judge, find him 9,000 for violating the gag order in the first place, he has another Gag Order Hearing tomorrow. Now, you mentioned some of what he said in wisconsin then i want to point out two other notable moments. One, he said that people were thrilled at the overturning of roe v. Wade. This is particularly notable given what today is. It is a day that that sixweek abortion ban was put into effect in florida. Florida is something that people are not overwhelmingly thrilled with. The other thing that he mentioned was something that had been deeply reported, but to my knowledge, he had never said in detail was about january 6. He actually confirmed the reporting that when he got it into his car that day after his rally, he told the Secret Service to take him down to the capital. He wanted to see what was going on and they told him he could not go these again with things that we had not heard all the way into that detail before. Its also telling that his first day of rallies during this trial is spent in michigan and wisconsin, both states that he lost, but the races there were very close yeah he won in 2016 lost in 2020. And if you talk to any of his advisers, they call the mustwin states and they really acknowledged that hes probably going to have to win those to statements if he wants to go back to the white house. So youre going to see him here a lot more. They are trying to find voters outside of his base to court. They believed that his voters will show up. His base will show up if no matter what, but what theyre going to do here for strategy is trying to find voters who maybe have a preference or have thought about voting for donald trump and bring them out to the polls in november, housing been spending the bulk of his time when hes not in the well, a lot of it is complaining that he should be on the Campaign Trail, but this is really the first time that we had seen him do events even today, he said he had to do two events today because he wasnt the courtroom. But this is the first time weve actually seen that. No, no, its not all because of his own issues. We know that there was a Weather Issue at a rally uh, two weeks ago, but besides that, he has had dinners at trump tower. He wouldnt played golf at bedminster. He has held fundraiser after fundraiser, and they have had some local Campaign Stops politically motivated stop to a bodega. He also went and spoke to a Union Workers of Construction Workers trying to chip away at bidens Working Class voter all in new york. So he could stay there because he has to for the trial. Now, when it comes to next week and the week after, we know this weekend, hes going to be at florida for the rncs spring, were treat but after that, we dont know what actual events he has. He has one rally in a saturday, next wednesday on clear unclear what hes going to be doing around his court date we do know he doesnt a series of fundraisers, some at least two weeks from now on a wednesday, he has to fundraisers backtoback anderson, Kristen Holmes. Thank you. As kristen mentioned, the form president weighed in on abortion today. This comes as floridas sixweek abortion ban went into effect. Just kristen said and Vice President harris and jacksonville made sure to put a Return Address on it. Trump was the president who took away the protections of road because of donald trump, more than 20 states have abortion bans. Trump abortion ban from abortion ban, Trump Abortion Ban former President Donald Trump did this a second trump term would be even worse. Trump wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban if donald drunk trump gets the chance he will sign a National Abortion ban. This truly is a Health Care Crisis and donald trump is the architect so with one side highlighting abortion is one voting issue and the other side leaning into student on ras, the question is, what kind of a punch does each carry with voters here with some numbers, senior data reporter harry enten. So when you look at issues like Abortion Law And Order israelhamas war, who to voters prefer biden i will tell you President Biden is praying, praying to the electoral gods that the 2024 election is about abortion. It is a rare issue on which voters favorite him over former president trump. Its a doubledigit that vantage. He does not want this election to be about Law And Order where Donald Trump Holds a doubledigit advantage. He does not want it to be about the israelhamas war were again, trump holds the advantage and more than that, it divides the Democratic Base between older democrats were more favorable towards israel and younger democrats who are more favorable. Towards the palestinians. And obviously he doesnt want the election to be about the economy either, which is another, of course, important issue. So wouldve voters say are the most important issues right now . Yeah. So if you look at it, i dont think its a big surprise that donald trump is trying to turn the israelhamas war into a crime issue into Law And Order issue. Why its because if you look, the israelhamas war in terms its a voters who say its extremely important to your 2024 vote. Its only 26 a considerably higher portion of the electric, say, crime is important, right . And thats of course an issue in which donald trump, houlton edge now obviously, joe biden wants to have this election about abortion. But again, that comes in under, comes in under crime, and more but then that i mentioned the economy that actually is the number one issue thats more than 60 of voters say thats extremely important to their 2024 vote. So basically anderson, if youre looking at the top issues, those match up much more highly with the issues that donald trump does well on. And compared to abortion, which of course ranks lower down. And when it goes to the israelhamas war or where does that compare to other conflicts . Yeah. So we were talking before, before we came on here and, you know, i mentioned the vietnam war, the protests, a lot of people, especially who are propalestinian for these protests, want to make comparisons. The vietnam war and those protests, right . But if you look at the polling, americans do not see them on anyway were near the same level back in 1968, if you ask, what was the most important problem number one was the vietnam war that was well into the 40s. You look now at the most important problem. You know where the israelhamas war ranks. It ranks 17th on the list of issues. Just 2 of americans say thats the most important problem right now. So these are just not anywhere on the same level, despite the fact that many on the propalestinian sayyed want to put on the same level as the vietnam war protests. Harry enten, thanks very much. Thank you. Coming up congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene says next week, shell pull the trigger on a vote to oust House Speaker johnson. Now republicans dont sound thrilled, but the question is, will democrats . Actually come to Speaker Johnsons aid . 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Whydoc preferred better science, better results closed captioning is brought to you by skechers handsfree slip ends step in the future like i did when you handsfree skechers slipping, the secret is flip ends have an invisible builtin shoe horn, so your foots slides into place to try skechers slip in one week ago today, House Speaker mike johnson was in new york at Columbia University and demanded is president resign if she couldnt quote, bring order to this chaos while tonight, fellow congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greenes has its johnson who has to be ousted next week on a razo has alleged in the chaos inside the Republican Party i really dont give a rats what anybody up here says about what im doing. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene is finally ready to make good on her threat to force a vote, ousting speaker mike johnson. I voted for mike johnson because his Voting Record before he became speaker lets conservative. But once he became speaker, he has become a man that none of us recognize theres a problem she doesnt have the votes bless her heart. I think this is all about wanting more attention. Not producing actual results. 48 of us find a disgusting. Retire the chaos retired or the anarchy gets the wrong move at the wrong time by the long people. This is a distraction thank good. Its a mistake. Would they one vote margin . Johnson lacks the votes to stay in power with gop support alone, but democrats, plan to save him in next weeks vote. This is unprecedented that somebodys foe in leadership, the leadership of the Democratic Party would offer to save the leader of the Republican Party. Top democrats praise johnson for cutting the series of bipartisan deals, including advancing 61 billion in aid to ukraine even though it in real, the right wing, its time to end this chapter of pro putin obstruction. Its a shift from almost seven months ago with democrats voted with eight republicans to make Kevin Mccarthy the first ever speaker, ousted and the floor. Kevin mccarthy, you guys voted him out why now, whats different now i think what we saw with former Speaker Mccarthy was he wanted to blame democrats the entire time. I disagree with Speaker Johnson and a number of ways. But he lived up to his commitments to put this bill on the floor. They well democrats are objecting. I certainly will not be voting to support mike johnson. We cant continue to do this every time they want to they want to vacate the speaker. Yet johnson has the support of gop congressman matt gaetz, who led the charge to oust mccarthy, i think in an Election Year right now it probably doesnt portend it too well gop critics agree, are you going to support them very troubled by the leadership weve seen . We havent had conservative leadership. I dont think the timing sorry for that. But republicans worry greenes effort will hurt their chances in november, we have to understand this is not a Junior High School Reality Television show. Everything that we do in the House Of Representatives should be in the best interests of getting donald trump reelected this guy right here mano joins us now from capitol hill. So how did the former president factor into this yeah, actually this is a rare situation where there has been some daylight between Marjorie Taylor greene and the former president. Actually in fact, donald trump is it publicly express some support from my johnson, especially when they were down in maralago together, trump also did not come out and finally, opposed that 61 billion in aid to ukraine. And he also has indicated he has some concerns, but moving down the road of vacating the speakership, but nevertheless, Marjorie Taylor greene has the gotten another route ive put the question to her twice today about whether she was doing this in defiance of donald trump. First, she put on her maga hands and theres no bigger support or that hurt than then there have donald trump than her. And then later tonight, i asked her about the concerns from a number of trump allies if this got hurt down, trumps ability to take back the white house and she said, Quote Mike Johnson is hurting our efforts to win. She said mike johnson is absolutely destroying our efforts to have the majority in november. So you can see anderson, shes still pressing ahead. The question is if and when this sales next week that she continued to try to force a vote, she did not answer that question earlier today modern thanks very much. As you heard, democrats are divided about whether they would assist Speaker Johnson just prefer airtime. I spoke to democratic Eric Swalwell about the feelings inside his caucus kurtzman swalwell, i appreciate you joining us. Where do you stand on this . Do you think democrats should save Speaker Johnson job next week . Its not about Speaker Johnsons job, its about doing the job every day that americans expect us to do, which is to get things done. So to pay our bills and lift the debt ceiling to avoid Government Shutdowns to help keep ukraine in the fight. And on all of those votes, the majority of the votes came from democrats. And so if chaos agents like Marjorie Taylor greene and others want to just send us in dissents back into chaos at the expense of getting things done. I do agree with our democratic leadership that we should avoid that. Whether we are in charge of the house are not getting things done has to be the priority. So i wanted to play something that Marjorie Taylor greene said about House Democrats and Speaker Johnson earlier today mike johnson is not capable of that job he has proven it over and over again now, we have Hakeem Jeffries and the democrats coming out embracing mike johnson. With a warm hug and a big wet, sloppy kiss so congresswoman green and congressman massey, who is also supporting the effort to oust johnson, are saying that this will provide voters with a list of members who stand with the speaker going into elections, youre running for reelection this year. Are you worried about losing votes if if you save Speaker Johnsons job effectively . No, i promised i promised from the very beginning, when i went to congress died work with anyone who wanted to work with me to get things done. And i think thats the mindset of our leadership and Marjorie Taylor greene wants to say that democrats are embracing Speaker Johnson with a warm hug. Its not so much that as we are issuing a stay away order to Marjorie Taylor greene and the other chaos agents who are seeking to just bring this place to a standstill is theres so many issues that we have to work on it. Were not going to agree on everything. Was Speaker Johnson certainly but on the priorities that i just laid out earlier, avoiding shutdowns, paying in our bills, helping ukraine where theres consensus, we will continue to deliver on it. I mean, what does it say to you that so many of your house colleagues on both sides of the aisle are tired of the drama chaos, and actually agree the green is basically wreaking havoc in congress its not a bad thing and i hope that it leads to us taking on more issues now, the select committee on china of bipartisan effort, put out a lot of recommendations on what we can do to counter china. And i hope again, we find ways to Work Together on that and bring that legislation to the floor. We have a potential shutdown again in september. And so well need Work Together to avoid that. It actually feels good to vote with republicans for the sake of the country, rather than the partisan politics that the Marjorie Taylor greenes and the Donald Trumps i would rather see us engaging yeah, it does she didnt have anybody to take the speakers job and even clear who she has in mind theres no one who could win on the republican side. Again, they just want chaos and Hakeem Jeffries has essentially been the functional speaker and the case will have to make to the voters is that he should be the formal speaker because he has kept us the united, he has collaborated when it means getting things done and we cant give the keys to Government Back to many of these individuals who will, again, just gum up the works because theyd rather have the fame then doing anything to help people that represent congressman Eric Swalwell. Thank you. Coming. I pleasure coming up protests unfolding on yet another new york campus in an Instrument Prokupecz is there for us tonight . Also the question weve been asking every ever since these demonstrations began. Just whos taking parts, some answers at one university at least ahead when youre the leader in disaster clean up and restoration, how do you make like an effort even . Now and happened theres a pro for served, grow like it never even happened. My grandfathers run mar the header for over 75 years now, 99 years old and he come im days a week if we let them shaped his grade to college life, had to swell lid for your bathing, finding the exact date on ancestry at that our Family Business was founded, really struck a chord with my grandfather hi everyone that was seen this before look at it. What from all the stories that hes been able to hand me throughout the years for me to handle them that information. 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So like other people have it and its not recover bag and the Newscaster Field Or Healthy Plus lawn through today he hated the nypd says it arrested at least 15 people today after Clearing Protesters from another University Even hadnt this time at fordham university, which is almost a straight shot down the west, side from Columbia University. Or someone prokupecz was there earlier today. He now joins us from a third new york institution, New York University there south in manhattan. Whats it like there anderson, a very large crowd gathered here outside an encampment, actually that the university has on campus i am very large encampment. Its on the university property. And whats really interesting here is that theres actually nyu you security that is guarding the encampment. Encampment, making sure that only nyu students are entering the encampment quite different from what we saw saw the other night when we went to the University Of Pennsylvania and philadelphia to try and figure out exactly whos behind some of these protests, whos attending . Nam, whos sleeping in the encampments. And heres what we found the, campus at the University Of Pennsylvania is open to the public you guys are students here are they students are run do you work for the school or thank you for more than a week the encampment has grown tents filled with people, but who are they im asking the suspicion runs both ways. I dont know. Are you on what cnn and we were just asking people are you in your frame . Were cnn, one man who was showing his finances, having a tough time with the crowd here. This man sole supporter of israel, hes actually not even from israel. Hes not israel hes not shes actually christian, but he said he felt the need to come out here. Noise is support for israel interesting every time he speaks at every time, he says something they group here, they follow him around. They put this blue tarp behind and they tried or interrupt what hes saying so theyre bringing out the speaker now to try and drown. Now, what out, what hes saying so now they have the speaker out we spot a person named charlotte waving the flag of a terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Limit Variation of palestine where was that flag that you were carried . Shes not talking. I understand. But what was what was what was that flag you were counting . I dont do you know that thats liga you were carrying . Its a terrorist organization are you aware of that you were waving it . Charlotte. Charlotte. You were waving a very proudly charlotte they dont want to speak with us and flee before we can ask any more questions. Youre not a student, right . Okay. And hes not a student okay . So how come youre here if youre not students were supporting okay. But this is supposed to be for students, right it, this is im just curious. Thats what i thought, but it seems like yes, people yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, uh, suiting here at this at this school could be a could be not. Okay. When youre first he said no, so i dont know. Im just thats the question for the cops when they come out okay. Are you a student here do you know are you as students here . No. Okay. Youve been camping here on campus and youre not a student. Look, theres a lot of pace he does a lot of Community Members who so was it clear to you what percentage of that group was actually students at upenn . No, it wasnt clear most of the people anderson that i spoke to were actually not students. There were a few students, but most of them were outside the encampment. And every time i try to talk to them they would refuse to speak to me as he saw there. But now it wasnt clear if no pen is a very open campus. There are many entrances and and out of the campus. So people can easily just come on campus. But the police are there. Theres really no one asking any questions and theyre just allowed to remain in this enhancement of there are some hostility towards some other there are jewish kids who had approach, approach. The encampment and you could just tell that there was a certain tension there. The longer we stay, the more tense it became. I really was quite different than any of the other encampments that i had been to like at columbia. Certainly this one here at nyu its just quite different in trying to ask people questions about who they simply were and they just refuse to speak to us someone broke best. Appreciate it. Thank you. Were next on the war at the center of these demonstrations and how its being waged. Weve got an update on a deadly israeli airstrike in gaza. We told you about just two weeks ago a young girl named sure. Head, one of ten children killed while playing outside or Jeremy Diamond had been trying to get answers from the idf from the Israeli Military. Now, theyve finally responded what they are saying and not saying about the strike. Next welcome to the roots of our legacy where excellence comfort and electricity are forever in blue welcome to beyond. The mercedes. My buck eq suv everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile, news censored in clinical white provides two shades, whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitive your production. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients from pep in their step to shine in their coats. And people switch their dogs foods. The farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic but theres no magic involved its just smarter, healthier pet food. 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This is 10yearold shahid ahead, who was playing foosball with her friends when she was killed in an airstrike she nine other children were killed that day at the time, the Israeli Military didnt say much about the strike. Now, they finally responded to our questions from Jeremy Diamond, who has also spoken with schatz family. Heres his report this grainy home video is the closest Mona Owdetallah will ever get to seeing her ten yearold daughter a stack of School Certificates a wardrobe of her favorite close, the perfume she used to wear all that remains of the daughter, mona poured everything into there is no shah had now every time she came in, she said mom, i would say my soul, my so my soul has gone through shahzad was one of ten children killed when an israeli airstrike hit the Crowded Street in the Almohads You Refugee Camp where she was playing with her friends for pink pants impossible to miss among the small bodies splayed around a Foosball Table in the chaotic aftermath two weeks later, the Israeli Military still wont take responsibility for the strike that killed her cnn provided the idf with the coordinates and time of the attack based on metadata from two different phones in the immediate aftermath the idf said they did not have a record of that strike. They said they carried out a strike at a different time than described, and that the Collateral Damage as described in the query is not known to the idf. The idf makes great efforts to mitigate harm to the civilian population from areas were strikes are being carried out evidence recovered and documented by cnn at the scene of the strike, paints a very different picture of Israeli Military responsibility. This Circuit Board and bits of Shrapnel Walls and shop steps distinctively pockmarked and a small crater, barely of foot wide all pointing three Munitions Experts to the same Conclusion Carnage was likely caused by hi a precision guided munitions deployed by the Israeli Military. Saying these stripes so many times, those are relatively small crater in the road thats how large truck holes or fragmentation holds. It would have been which would have been caused by say, a mortar round or an artillery the fragmentation is consistent. So in your view, this strike was caused by a precision guided drones fired missile absolutely. This is an israeli militia. The local militias, the local forces do not have anything with this amounted sophistication before carrying out the strike, israeli drones would have Surveil The Mahasi Refugee Camp from above seconds later, the missile hits the street below landing in the middle of the road, just a few feet away from the Foosball Table were shot ahead and her friends were playing that de delivering certain death against all odds. These children he returned to play at the very same Foosball Table, including some of shy heads, friends but it has to i miss her a lot, some says wearing a necklace shy made her. What she says she was nearly killed with her friends going home moments before the strike to drink water others were not as lucky eightyearold ahmed is fighting for his life, bleeding from his brain, his skull fractured, his chances of surviving are slim. His doctor explains he is fighting not to become the 11th child killed in that same strike german down and joins us now from jerusalem the idea that the kids are now playing that exact same spot on the foosball. Its just, its rafiq, jeremy to be clear, youve been pressing the idf for answers about the strike for two weeks they still cant locate this specific strike into records frankly understand this idea of statement raised more questions than it answered. The Israeli Military says, yes, there was a strike, but that it wasnt at the time that we have provided based on the metadata from the phones, based on eyewitnesses, and theyre not aware they say of anyone being killed and nowhere in that statement, anderson they pledge to investigate this to look into a strike that killed ten children. The evidence weve collected is now out there for the world to see. And i certainly hope that these really military will reconsider and investigate this shaw had lujain yusuf and the seven other children who were killed in the strike. I think they certainly deserve that minimum. So theyre not saying the Israeli Military is not saying there was a target in this area. And therefore, thats why theyre right, theyre just theyre just not acknowledging that there was a strike at all they say that there was a strike at a different time in that same area, but theyre not saying what time that strike was what the target of that strike was. And theyre saying that theyre not aware of any casualties. So frankly, thats clearly not the strike that that we have documented here and that we have described to them. So there and sir, frankly, was was nonsensical at times, it didnt it didnt amount to what weve seen on the ground and what weve documented. And like i said, it just raises more questions than it actually answered. Jeremy diamond. Thank you very much. The news continues here on cnn right next, Breaking News, trump lashing out on the Campaign Trail moments ago, slamming the judge in his name york trial just hours before that judge holds another trump Gag Order Hearing and more Breaking News at this moment, the nypd tonight going into another city campus the biggest city in america, as violence spreads around the country on campuses new york city mayor eric adams is out front, plus Marjorie Taylor greene saying she doesnt give rats. You know what about what her party thinks that she plows ahead with her plan

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