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Jerusalem. So what do we know about where thesE Bodies were found . The reaction from officials. And is there any definition yet any clarity around the description of therE Being found being killed a short whilE Before they thE Bodies were discovered we know that they were found in a Tunnel In Rafah in the south of gaza during ongoing Combat Operations by the idf. But on that specificity of the amount of time that they were killed before the troops got there. Thats not clear. We dont know how they died and we dont knoW What led the troops to that tunnel during that combat operation. So theres a lot of unanswered things here. And in that vacuum a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, a lot of angry accusations that the vast majority as you were saying of the families of the hostages, are saying that the Prime Minister should take responsibility and own the fact that it is his own personal style of negotiating and terms of negotiating that have led to the deaths of these hostages. The Prime Minister in his recorded statement has pushed back very strongly, putting thE Blame for all of this on hamas we shall in recent days, as israel has been holding intensive negotiations with the mediator and a supreMe Effort to reach a deal. Hamas is continuing to steadfastly refused all proposals even worse, at the exact same time, it murdered six of our hostages who whatever murders hostages. It is not want a deal for our parts, we will not relent the government of israel is committed and i am personally committed to continue striving towards a deal that will return all of our hostages mean ensure our security and our existence and i think what makes the pain of all this so much morE Bitter is noW We know from two senior israeli officials who was talking to our colleague, Jeremy Diamond that in fact three of the hostages, three of these people, these young people, were about to be released had that deal gone ahead, among them was hersh goldberg, Polin Israeli american, born in berkeley, california Happy Go Lucky as Harris Family described him and he was brutally abused and used and hamas Propaganda Videos as well. Hes a young man who lost his left arm trying to save others during thE Brutal attacks on october seventh it has to add another layer of pain for this for these families, knowing that they were slated for release. Just just quickly, nick, could you tell us a littlE Bit about how the country, how israelis are reacting especially as you hear from the hostage Families Forum calling on israelis to mobilize it and mass protests yeah, im pretty much sure youre hearing from all the principal Opposition Leaders. Jaeger land, yair lapid, benny gantz, all essentially calling on people to come out on the streets and protests. Indeed, weve heard from the mayor of one municipality who has said his municipality is going to go on strike tomorrow. That is something that hes asking other mes to do. And we may see that that catching on so not just street protests, but at so some of the functioning of local government being shut down in protests in essence, to try to bring down the prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to change The Negotiations for the hostages. Nic robertson. Thank you. We are hearing from some of the families of those hostages this morning. The family of Hersh Goldberg Polin, said in a statement with broken hearts, the Goldbergpolin Family is devastated to announce the deaths of their beloved son and brother, hers the family. Thanks you all for your Love And Support and asked for privacy at this time, Elliott Gotkine joining us noW With more elliott youre learning about each of the hostages. What do you what do you learning . Amara well. As nick was saying, perhaps the most one of those visible hostages was hersh goldberg, polin, not just because he was Israeli American but because his parents were so visible and vocal in their advocacy for getting their son released and all the other Hostages Released. They met with President Biden, they spoke at the democratic nationaL Convention ten days ago, as well, and got the whole crowd chanting, bring them home, bring them home, which is something the Hostage Families havE Been chanting ever since their Loved Ones were kidnapped during the hamasled Terrorist Attacks of october the seventh. And as nic was also saying, hersh was also notablE Because we saw video in the aftermath of those october the seventh attacks have hersh being herded onto thE Back of a truck with his left arm blown off at the stump there and we then later heard from from a friend of his that he had taken shelter in a small Bomb Shelter nearby, and that the militants are caught up to them. And were throwing Hand Grenades into the shelter that hersh had been throwing thE Back out of the shelter and thats how he came to lose half of his left arm and that stump was also clearly visible in that Propaganda Video that nic mentioned. Just now as well, which was broadcast, which just put out by hamas in april in on top of hersh as well. There was at and your show me a 24yearold woman who was working as a bartender at the Nova Music Festival. She had her sisters on the phone during her hourslong ordeal. Dont forget, it took hours for the idf for the authorities to get down there to try to help some of those who were subject to perhaps the site of the most murderous part of Hamass Rampage that day, for hours on end, she was speaking with us. This is on the phone trying to find cover, trying to hide she was eventually discovered and her last words to her sister shani, they caught me, carmel gat, 40yearsold, the only one of the six whosE Bodies were discovered on saturday, who was not at the Nova Music Festival. She was visiting nearby kibbutz beeri. She was visiting her parents. Her mother was killed that day. Her father survived and she was described by some of those Hostages Release to in a one and only Hostage Ceasefire Deal back in november as a Guardian Angel and was said to havE Been teaching Yoga And Meditation to those who were in captivity with her. Our moxa rusi, 27yearold man who was with his girlfriend or five years, she was shot as they were trying to escape. He stayed with her to try to help her and wound up being kidnapped himself. There was Alexander Levin of a russian israeli Citizen 32yearsold from ashkelon, just north of the Gaza Strip. He helped people seek refuge in The Nearby area, forest, but they were discovered. He was kidnapped and during his captivity his wife gavE Birth to his second son, whos now five months old and will never meet his father. And then finally, theres already done nino, 25yearsold took a number of festival goers to safety in his car, and then instead of staying in safety himself turned back around and went back to the site of the Nova Festival to try to rescue more people. One to be kidnapped himself. I should say, victor and amara, that there is still 101 hostages in the Gaza Strip to two of whom were four of whom, excuse me, were kidnapped before october the seventh, around a third of those arE Believed to be dead. And the calls of that they are running out of time. Theres no time left to do a ceasefire hostage deal. Will ring true than ever to the families of those whosE Bodies were discovered on saturday, victor amara. Oh, Theyve Gotkine joining us from london. Thank you so much with me now is former State Department Apartment negotiator for the middle east, aaron david miller. Aaron. Good morning to you the idf says that these six they were killed shortly before they were discovered in this tunnel. Whats the strategy behind keeping them captive and alive for 11 months . And then killing them i mean, im thinking the hostages are hamas is leverage. Is there some other consideration here . Why killed them to no good thanks for having me of what the calculations of yehiya sinwar, the architect of the October 7 Terror Surge who is clearly ensconced somewhere, and even a little rough perhaps in a Tunnel Structure which is happy The New York Subway system ways calculation. At this point really is clearly this was based on intelligence reports. Hamas intended to take costs, probably surprised by large number that they were able to take and they understand sinwar served 20 plus years in israeli prison. He knows the attachment to which the idf, the israeli public, the political establishment attaches to redeeming, not just the living, but the debt as well from thE Battlefield so we understand is that the psychology. And frankly so far, this brutal, sadistic strategy appears to be working these hostages according to Admiral Hagari the Idf Spokesperson were killed shortly before the idf arrived. And there were other defensE Briefings indicator katie, that hamas has told the guards that hes hostages that if confronted with the idf or shortly before that, they are to kill them whether this was intended a willful signal on the part of sinwar that his toughening his terms psychological pressure on the israelis, hard to say, but the mixture of grief, of Anger And Outrage could, could create any could create a new Pressure Point on a Prime Minister thats been reluctant to say the least, to engage in an earlier deal for the redemption of many of these hospitals. Yeah, lets talk about that. This potential Pressure Point because you and i have had this conversation before and midmay when there were several bodies of hostages discovered, there were protests. There were calls for deal to release the political strategy of netanyahu didnt change and the idf continued the strikes. Same thing happened about five weeks ago in july, the same trajectory why would this be considered potentially a different outcome . We just watch this several times over the last several months you know, it may not to govern his really need 60 Plus One in an Israeli Knesset or 120 Benjamin Netanyahu has 64. Its a Very Coherent Go Recent Coalition Composed and ultra religious parties and extreme religious zionists is conceding People Board that some members of the likud and ditching House Own Party May press and push to accelerate the deal. You have the Prime Minister is administered defense, golan. Last week engaged in a Shouting Match with the Prime Minister over his reluctance to do this deal. And basically said to the Prime Minister, you have a choice you could have my hostages back or you can have the Philadelphi Corridor, which is the quarter which separates egypt from gaza which the Prime Minister has demanded and israeli presence there in order to defer there for Prevent Hamas from resurging. So pressure is rising. Then remember, last year for 40 plus weeks and it will Hundreds Of Thousands of israelis mobilized the streets in order to turn back the prime Minister Determination to rearrange the israeli political system and emasculate the Power And Independence of the Israeli Supreme according so it couldnt be a new factor but you saw the Prime Ministers statement. Hes doubling down and basically said negotiations with an organization that willfully kills hostages. Its not going to happen. Well see in the hours anD Days to come whether or not that pressure months the. Prime minister, one that vote on holding the Philadelphi Corridor 8to1 with one abstention. I wonder if there will be any deterioration of that coalition that supported him after that that as you describe it accurately, Shouting Match last thursday, let me ask you about what the u. S. Does now, because as weve talked about, all morning, one of thosE Bodies discovered was an Israeli American Hersh Goldberg Polin does this change the u. S calculation and im not talking like thE Broad headline of support for israel but in The Nuances of diplomacy does blinken push a button, pull the lever that up to this point, he has not or does all of this Stay Status Quo for the u. S. You know, its impossible to answer that question. You can only look at the past 11 months, victor, where despite anger, frustration, and annoyance with some of the Prime Ministers policies with respect to this war, the administration has really been reluctant to impose a single Cost Or Consequence on this particular government. Most extreme and rightwing in Israels History as a consequence, i suspect the fact that hamas murdered these hostages brutally, three of them were said to be exchanged in whatever the deal was. And when it would occur, i think administration wilL Continue to press on this, but i dont think that the administration is going to press push and make it clear publicly that the Prime Minister has no choicE But to basically give into hamass demands, particularly in the wake of these of these murders. And remember, were 70 plus days from one of the most consequential well elections in modern american history, which raises the political stakes of appearing at pressure on the israelis inside with hamas. Again, its hard to imagine if there is pressure. Richter, i think it wilL Come it must come for me, israeli public and the political establishment thats where i think the Prime Minister would suffer the most no, the israeli public, a majority of them are putting that pressure on. Well see if the political establishment joins in. Aaron david miller, thanks so much. Our coverage of Breaking News In Gaza continues here on cnn this Morning Weekend after thE Break, what we know about the six hamas hostages, including an really american, who were all found dead in a a tutunnel in rarafah saturdrday syscscall, Cnn M miss Takingng Break Frfrom breakining news to aiair. Have i gogot news for you . Breaking g news. Im gettia sasandwich. We need to talk about what constitutes Breaking News. Provide got News S for you. Premierere saturday,y, Septembe 1414th At Ninene on Cnn Anand streamaming next day. H heres s to gettingng bett with Agege Appearsrs to be nice every Thurursday Help fuelel to with Boooost H high proteiein compmplete nutrirition, you U N Ththe Flavor Y you love. E. So s toto now. Now availilable, Boosost M Our right toto reproductctive Healalth Care Isis being s stol from us. 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Ryan r reynolds Heh Fofor i guess,s, My Hundrereds to o our show dont know its ununlimited Prpremium Wirereles 15 5 a month. M me honestlyly, i started d this, i Ththought O Have T to be like e for power re still l people payaying two oro three titimes that m my should i shououldnt t be vicictim Bla Hehere its still 1 15. A mont so W Whenever yoyoure ready bu all l that Produduction Valulue diabetetes. There e is no slowo Down Eacach day is a a U Uniqued of People E to see andnd things do thahats Whwhy You Choooose Glissandndo to Help P managE Bl sugagar response, unique we designed with carb steady glue sirna, bring on the day five good things listen wherever you get your Podcasts News this morning about the deaths of six hostages held by hamas In Gaza has sparked anger toward israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government for failing to secure a deal to bring the Hostages Home. The hostages Families Forum says five of the individuals were taken from the Nova Music Festival on October 7, while the sixth person, carmel gat, you see there was captured from a nearby Farming Community or Kibutz Israeli officials told cnn that three of the six, including Israeli American hersh goldbergpolin, were expected to be released during the first phase of a planned ceasefire agreement. A former israeli hostage has accused netanyahu of murdering the hostages by refusing to accept that deal with danielle man, jimmy, netanyahu says that those who murder hostages do not want to deal. But he repeatedly puts a spoken the wheel and refuses a deal. He murders the hostages. Every day that passes is a Death Sentence for our hostages i know this because i was there and survived this hersh goldberg, was a California Native who became a symbol of the international hostage crisis. Its parents havE Become some of the most outspoken among the families urging netanyahu to strike a deal for their Loved Ones release their efforts have taken them to meetings with World Leaders and last month they addressed the crowd at the democratic nationaL Convention in chicago at this moment 109 treasured Human Beings arE Being held hostagE By hamas In Gaza. They are christians, jews, muslims hindus, and buddhists. They are affirm 23 different countries the youngest hostage is a oneyearold redheaded Baby Boy and the oldest is an 86yearold mustachioed grandpa among the hostages are eight american citizens one of those americans is are only son his name is hersh. This is a politicaL Convention but needing are only son, and all of the cherished Hostages Home is not a political issue it is it is a humanitarian issue the killing of these hostages is raised new questions about where a potential hostage and Ceasefire Deal stands. President biden has weighed in on that. 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ThE Bodies so six hostages in Hamas Control tunnels In Gaza the idf says that hamas killed the hostages right before they could be Rescue Demonstrators have already taken to the streets in israel. They demanded immediate Ceasefire Deal. President Biden Weight in Last Night shortly after learning about thE Bodies of the hostages being found here thats what he said its time is poor and run the Verge Agreement this time to time to finish somatic editor Nic Robertson has been following all the developments since The News broke. Hes joining us now from jerusalem with the very latest nick, theres been so much reaction a lot of Heart Wrenching reaction from the families of these hostages who are found dead. What . More are you hearing a lot of the reaction is really coalescing around the fact that this represents what, 62 of the population of Israel Feel is that the Prime Minister is handling this wrong, that he could have had these hostages freed by now, if only he would make a deal. So with hamas, thats the feeling of most people and thats really a very strong and painfuL Center that we get from the Hostage Families, from their main forum that are saying that the Prime Minister has prioritized himself and his political future over that of the hostages. They want a deal done to bring the rest of the hostages suggests that this can be done. The Defense Minister here has taught, has asked the Prime Minister to call another Cabinet Session to revisit his decision to keep troops on thE Border between gaza and egypt. The socalled Philadelphi Corridor, which seems to be one of thE Big Issues Block in the hostage deal. The Defense Minister essentially telling the Prime Minister that he is undermining negotiation process. And on thE Back of all of that, you have the main Opposition Leaders here all telling their supporters to come out on the streets and protests. And there will be protests around israel tonight, this evening, protests in Tel Aviv protests in other cities. And what are the latest developments weve heard from the mayor of a municipality just outside of Tel Aviv saying that his new municipality will go on strike on monday, has calling for other members to do the same. It is a strong public expression of disapproval with the Prime Minister ive disappointment over the way hes handling it. An absolute despair for the families who are so desperate and have lost any chance of seeing at least these six hostages alive again, nic, the hostages Families Forum headquarters released the statement said the country will tremble. We call on the public to prepare. We will stop the country. Theyve also asked for the Prime Minister to speak live to the, to The Nation is there any plan to do that . We know that there was a full Cabinet Meeting scheduled for today that has been canceled. When do we expect well hear more or again from netanyahu . I think the Prime Minister is being very careful with his messaging and thats why this was a taped message that he gave when the Prime Minister is confident he will, he will put himself in a position. And weve seen it before where he where hell be prepared to take questions where hell put it himself on the spot to be asked those tough questions. Hes not doing that today. The emotions are really high. The Prime Minister has shown his talent for political survival by letting the emotion and the grief and the anger against him sort of Overrun Outrun Flow away. And then he will step back into the stream again. And thats one of the ways that he manages his to continue politically. But at the moment, his coalition remains politically strong but the way that he is handling it, at the moment is to let Others Speaker not put himself in a place where he could be asked those tough questions and emotional questions that the majority of the country wants and to answered. And a sympathetic towards all the Hostage Families robertson, appreciate your reporting. Thank you. Also, the first round of Polio Vaccinations for children arE Being given and gaza, what we know about this temporary pause in the Israel Hamas fighting to prevent a Polio Outbreak in the war ravaged region Kamala Harris, yellow trump the debate. Everyones been waiting for follows cnn for complete coverage and exclusive pre and postdebate analysis. As cnn special event, the abc News President ial debate Simulcastst Septemberer at nine on C Cnn and Strtreaminn Max Whatatever lighthts, Roaoadr Waway Justst y your dad while Ininspector Hahas Flflagged dap lawyers Ththe Momost of any Y L Firm in americica. 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I wowont lelet my modererate to sevevere Plaque E Psoriaiasis sympmptoms define e Me E emerge you u with Trumpmp Viaia most P Sasaw 90 clear of S Skin Eye f months and thehe Majority Y Sta clear r eyed five e yeyears. Cbs Allerergic Reactitions M occur,r, can fire,e, may incncr Yoyour Risk Ofof i infections s lower Yourur Ability T to fight thatat. Tell youou, doctor, i haveve an Infectction Or Sympto or if yoyou had a vavaccine, no plplan to emerge as s you emere trim fivive, a ask your dodocto about T Trump via a your b best defensnse against T Erosion Ana cavities i is strong enanamel. Nothing g beatats it. I rerecom Pro Enamelel active shshields because Itit Activively shieldle enamel to o defend against Erosion And D cavities. I thi that this product is a Game Changer for my patients, try pronational mouthwash i am Tony Hawk and like m many of yo, i take a Statin Toto reduce cholesteterol, but statatus can also depeplete Coke E you ten levels doeoes so my dodoctor recommendeded qn alL C Coc Uten Kuno has The Numumber one cardiologist recommended form of coke uten kunal, thE Brand i trust i hanako montgomery in tokyo. And this is cnn the u. N has now begun its campaign to vaccinate thousands of children In Gaza against polio. The first group of babies has already received their first vaccine. So the u. N. Says they have to next tonight more than 600,000 children across gaza, a tenmonthold recently tested positive for polio. And remember gaza had reached nearuniversal Polio Vaccination Coverage before the war it sits dropped below 90 . Israel has agreed to daily temporary pause this is in fighting to allow the children to be vaccinated, to enter right now, is the Director Of Communications for the united Nations Relief and works agency juliette touma. Juliette. Good morning to you. More than 600,000 children under ten, youve got in this first period three threeday periods between now and the 12th. How do you get it done thanks for having me, victor. And good morning to you and everyone. Look. Its a huge, huge undertaking we have just started this morning the first few hours were actually a vote are we good sign in the sense that lots and lots of moms and dads came over to the Unrack Cleanings to vaccinate their children. So they really, the key is for parties to the conflict to respect this area poses what we call, so that we can reach as many children as possible and reach the target 600,000 kids. You know, thats interesting you said there were lots of moms and dad to have come over and i want to talk more about logistics, but there has to be also this relationship of trust because tens of thousands of palestinians havE Been killed over the last 11 months they faced Food And Insecurity and homelessness and losing their Loved Ones. Is there a risk or are you concerned about a significant number of parents not trusting coming to get the children . Vaccinated only time with them, but youre absolutely right no place has been spared In Gaza no place is safe and no one is safe In Gaza. And what these poses should guarantee is exactly that is the 50. And its a reminder also to all those fighting In Gaza the united nations facilities and other civilian infrastructure like hospitals and schools and other basic facilities should be protected at all times which they havent been are you confident that you will actually have these 33 pauses and as i understand it from the secretary general, the head of the w. H. O. That theres a four Week Wait for the second shot in this vaccination that youll get what you need in the future . Thats correct. Victor, we need to vaccinate their children In Gaza twice so this is the first phase and where were going to drops in the mouth of every Boy And Girl under the age of ten. And it is really up to the party hes too the conflict to allow us to do this when it comes to prepardons, we are absolutely ready. We have our teams. You should have seen the footage is was really moving of all these mothers and fathers and all our medical teams, The Nurses, the doctors, the call boxes were doing this in partnership with the World Health Organization and with unicef. And really, we hope hope that it works because polio is a very vicious virus that doesnt know borders, doesnt need visas to cross and it is a matter of time if we dont do the vaccines that more children suddenly will be paralyzed. And this is the last thing that anyone wants yeah. I mentioned at the top there is that ten month old who was confirmed a case of polio. But there were these six positive tests, the Sewage Tests back in june, which is a lagging indicators. So is it your expectation that well see more positive . Tests for polio we do hope not. And this is exactly why its absolutely critical for this campaign to succeed. And that we reach every trial. Look, ivE Been to gaza during the war the conditions there absolutely appalling didnt have sewage overflowing. You have duty water, people dont have them thE Basics that we all take for granted like soap and clean water. So while its very alarming that we had this one case confirmed, it should not be a surprise. I think really wants is shocking is how quickly polio has comE Back into gaza after 25 years eradication. I worked in other conflict settings and in syria as an example, the first case of polio popped back 25 years later, but it took 3. 5 years of war here it took us just over ten months it says a lot juliette touma. Thank you for the work youre doing and thank you for spending a few minutes with me this morning we are just 65 days out from the president ial election. Vice president Kamala Harris and running mate tim Walz Kick off their nationwide fighting for reproductive freedoms of bust for this week, right . In the former president Donald Trumps own backyard well have the latest the athletetes, natoto york, p pushing Thehe Li of What Isis capable ready t to showow the worldld how good d i ive trainined all over r the globe. A and thats what Y Youe going i i see an Awowol Whwhole different T Speech we E Wednesd Ninight Dynamitete Aid on tbs. How longng have you u lived her0 yeyears. And h how are thehe Restauaurants Arouound here . A the e good bad M Man W with the average hohousehold income. Isi there a a mall . I dodont knkno hair salonon. Where dodo you ge your haiair done . Y you got lououisville. W Wh Weweve G got to go thoususand marks s wE B bring you t thE Be neighborhood info, holmes. Cocom Longng John silvers haveve a wildcardrd alaskan C Christie i Treasure M map, the in a a soft Flflour Tortilla T to tacos for fivE Bucucks in an hour. 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Someme people takin tesla hahad depressionon, suici thoughtsts, or Weighghtloss U Respiratorory Tract Ininfection and headacache may o occur W W been cleleaR Skin. Girls D Day is a g gooD Day ouout who liliv the momement. Thats your D Docr about t oh tesla we e all need Fiber Fofor our digegestive hea, but leless than 10 of us getg upup each h day. Good D Thing M Missssile Gummieies arent easy way to g get prebiototic planttbased Fiber Fofor the S Amountnt O of Fiber Asas two Cu Granger for the ones who get it done the lead with Jake Tapper weekdays at four on cnn closed captioning brorought to Yoyou B memeso mesobobook. Com ifif you loved onone have knenees with helium up, well send you a freE Book to answer questions you may have Call Now and welL Come to you, 808 to 14000 right now protesters in israel are slamming prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding that a deal be done to bring home the remaining hostages. Some are even planning a strike, a Rally Tomorrow six israeli hostages were found dead In Gaza saturday, according to israeli officials, three of them including Israeli American hersh goldberg, polin, or set to be The Next hostages to be released as part of the current negotiations . Now, President Biden told reporters Last Night that negotiations are on the verge of an agreement and Vice President Kamala Harris weighed in as well this morning. She said she the president are staying committed to bringing Hostages Home. With us. Now cnns arit john, of course, the Vice President , will face some questions on the Campaign Trail about this she has balanced or tried to balance support for israel, support of palestinians what are we expecting from her as she talks about this on the Campaign Trail . I think thats exactly right up until this Point Weve seen the president and the Vice President tried to strike this balancE Between saying israel has the right to defend itself in america supports that right, and saying that that defense must be articulated in a way that preserves Human Life preserves innocent Human Life In Gaza but, you know, were in a different situation noW With this terrible news. And i think the administration is going to face a lot of pressure of how are you going to get, what are you doing to get this deal done as quickly as possible and were going to see harris talking about that on the trail. Were going to weve already seen in the statement that she put out today that there is more of a focus on were going to bring home the hostages and also more of a condemnation of Hamas Harris and walz. Therell be on the trail again, Itll Kick off tuesday, which is their 50 stop Bus Tour. The Reproductive Rights Bus Tour. And theyll kick it off right. In trumps backyard. What is their strategy . Reproductive rights. Thats like the top issue that harris wants to talk about in this campaign democrats know that especially young woman voters, this is an issue where they are very motivated and its really symbolic that theyre starting this in florida. Florida is a state that obviously has drifted away from democrats in recent in cycles, but its also a state where governor Ron Desantis signed a Sixweek Abortion Ban and there is a Ballot Initiative on thE Ballot in november that would enshrine Abortion Rights in the constitution. I was going to take 60 of the vote to get that passed, but were seeing democrats are say this is something that could rally support that could get voters energize, not just in florida, but across the, across the country. And i think thats why were seeing them launch this Bus Tour, bring out these Abortion Rights storytellers as they had at the dnc to really rally an energized supporters across these its Battleground Districts arE Battleground states on an issue that democrats really have a strong advantage on all right, array. John good to see you. Thank you. Joining us now is lynn sweet, washington Bureau Chief for the chicago suntimes. Lets start with thE Breaking news that wevE Been following all morning. Six hostages found dead in a tunnel under rafael. One of them being in Israeli American, a very familiar face Hersh Goldberg Polin, we know his parents havE Been very vocal and public about pushing for some kind of deal to bring the Hostages Home. Sadly, he has now, among those whovE Been found dead, how does this apply more pressure to thE Biden administration and to Kamala Harriss campaign. Do you see anything changing in the way that the u. S is involved in mediating these talks well, the parents, jon and rachel, wevE Been following closely at the suntimes because they grew up in chicago and her shock was a memory now, she has family in chicago, so were still very familiar with them and i was at the democratic nationaL Convention when his parents spoke at the Harris Convention so that tells you one thing that the campaign did care about making a point of paying attention to the hostages. Now, Vice President harris said in her message that i think tried to weigh the two also include in her message the interests of palestinians, where she said that after her condolences from herself and her husband, that the palestinian people have suffered under Hamas Rule or nearly two decades. I think that tells you the Message Map the policy of the united states too. The Granite Kate hamas is a threat to both the palestinians and israeli people. I think thats a message that may sound simple when im saying it to you, but has been enormously complex and trying to explain to the world to palestinian to palestinians and gaza but, and around the world, so many hoops live actually in the Chicago Area that there are multiple conflicts concerns here. Now, the question of is exactly what she will do different timE Being. Nothing except negotiate for a ceasefire and to get the hostages out. Does this complicate the message . Think for Kamala Harris as she is embarking on this Bus Tour through battleground states on tuesday actually, basically, no, her campaign manager, jen omalley, dillon, just put out in the state of the Race Memo this morning on the 65 days left and on the top issues she listed crime, democracy, abortion, healthcare, and gun violence. So this is an issue that is enormously important especially in thE Battleground state of michigan, but is not listed on the issues that may motivate mobilize voters in what will be a razor thin says the campaign analysis, election before harris and walz embarked on this reproductive freedoms Bus Tour Harris And Biden will be appearing together for a joint Campaign Appearance on this Labor Day monday in pittsburgh. Its been feels like its been quiet the rare to see joE Biden, president joE Biden out and about and having public events. How do you expect the Harris Campaign to deploy biden . For her campaign strategically strategically and targeted pennsylvania is a state that he has campaigned in and is appeared in countless times. This president has rich, there in scranton we have all heard so many times about his scranton upbringing. So this is this does President Biden is an enormous asset used in a sense, where he could do the most good. That is true of other surrogates. I dont want to say that the president is just another surge that he obviously has head and shoulders above others. But in any campaign the most important thing is to use it the time of the people who could help you. And the most wisely. And i would think it would be pennsylvanias good place to start i do want to ask you about some postconvention polls and the latest one that weve seen postdnc, obviously from the Wall Street Journal shows that the race is still quite close. Theres no clear leader sure this survey found harris with 48 to trumps 47 in a headtohead matchup. And its also similar when you include the independent and Third Party candidates, 47 for harris, 45 for trump but if you look at this survey it also shows the Enthusiasm Level for the democrats. At 90 . And at 2 for the republicans, should wE Be focusing more on that . And why didnt we seE But did we see much of a boost, a bump from the dnc well, we did more money, more signups but again, looking at the memo just out this morning, the campaign manager, jen omalley, dillon, is saying, were the underdogs. We are just trying to eke out a win. Now some of that is you know, i dont blame them for not wanting to be overconfident, but the reality is, they may not have much to be overconfident about the match the state of the race at this point. Lets wait. Thank you so much for your time this morning. And thank you for being with us as youvE Been, its been a busy morning for us here on cnn this weekend stay with us throughout the day for the latest developments out of Israel Inside Politics sunday with Manu Raju starts after a break. Plus be sure to tune in monday for a two hour special of the whole story with Anderson Cooper for a live for a look at five key issues, i should say from both president iaL Candidates ahead of The November and reelection. 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