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Forces is doing. What general jeremy diamond. Thank you. An, that's it for us. The news continues the source with kaitlan collins starts now taking the source tonight, vice president harris at the border right now in her first visit as the democratic nominee, trying to cut into donald trump's immigration edge as he mocks her for showing up. Meanwhile, a hospital that was surrounded by hurricane helene's floodwaters, the dozens trapped on the roof, including patients. We're going to show you that dramatic and dangerous rescue that happened today also, we're tracking new explosions in beirut tonight israel, israel's targeted thank the leader of hezbollah, launching a strike in the heart of the capital. I'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source moments ago, vice president kamala harris was just visiting the u. S. Southern border for the first time since she became in the democratic nominee really confronting what has been one of her biggest political vulnerabilities immigration harris isn't one of those critical states ahead of this election. That is, of course, arizona and she gave a tougher speech on immigration than we've seen most major democrats give in years. That means again, working together in real time grounded on finding common sense approaches not just about some rhetoric at a rally, but actually doing the work of fixing a problem to reduce illegal border crossings. I will take further action to keep the border closed between ports of entry we will pursue more severe criminal charges against repeat violators as president, i will make it a top priority to disrupt the flow of fentanyl coming into the united states and we need clear legal pathways for people seeking to come into our country. We're the remarks like those harris is trying to close the polling gap that she's had with donald trump. She went after him tonight for his role in sinking that bipartisan immigration bill on capitol hill earlier earlier this year. Essentially equating his role in all of it to sabotage donald trump tanked it. He picked up the phone and call some friends in congress and said stop the bill because you see he prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem and the american people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal political future trump, for his part knew that speech and have part of it was coming. He tried to undercut harris before she even arrived in arizona, saying in michigan earlier that he did not block the bill she wants to save him. She could salvage make up some lies like she said, about the border bill that trump stopped. Let me tell you. Number one, i didn't stop it. The senator stopped it. But that's the worst bill ever drawn that is not what donald trump said back then a lot of the senators are trying to say respectfully, they're blaming it in me. I said that's okay. Please blame it on me. Please harris said tonight that if she is elected, she will not only try to bring back that legislation to sign it if she's in the oval office, she also assured voters that she will go even further. My political sources are here at the table with me tonight. Former new york city mayor builds blasio i mean, that is not a speech that you'd typically would expect a democrat to be giving. We've got 39 days to go before the election. What did you make of what she had to say tonight? i think it is honest response to a problem that got out of hand and look, we have to remember, it's the bidenharris administration, but who was making decisions with all due respect to joe biden and i think it's been a great president. I think the border situation tremendously alienated people in this country. They felt there was a sense of disorder. They felt there were not rules. And i'm i'm a progressive person. I want this to be a humane country with really clear asylum policy for people in need. But i don't want to see lawlessness. I don't want to see open borders. I want to see some kind of rules actually work. So i think she's responding to what people feel. And if you look at what she's talked about, what that previous legislation she's saying here are some constructive things we could do more border security agents, a better asylum process and she's reminding people donald trump's stood in the way of it. I actually think it makes a lot of sense given the way things have played out. This is her first time at the border since 2000. Harry's laughing. Marc just has such a smile on her face. She says, teed up ready to go. Well, i just wonder because it is her first time the border since 2021, i was let's say she talks a lot more about her time as california attorney general didn't really as vice president, obviously, we've seen what the numbers are. We can see politically why she's doing that. But i wonder what you made of what she had to say tonight from a republican perspective. Well what i love first is that the progressive new york mayor of buildup blasio is saying that essentially conservative border speech by the democratic nominee makes a lot of sense that just shows how much the overton window has shifted to the right from the democratic party. I mean, basically the policy she laid out today equates to the mainstream republican position in 2012. I mean, i wrote a book about reviving the republican party to connect you a new generation in 2011. And the immigration chapter that i wrote about secure the border everify, make sure that people are working legally, create a pathway for citizens who are people who are here, who have been working in paying taxes for years were down sharply. Only difference. The only difference between her speech and what republicans thought then was that fentanyl is now an issue. And she said, we have to prosecute people who are coming in with fentanyl. There are two cartels we have to give the border security money to do. I mean, this is a conservative borders policy. Circa you know, pretrump era. And democrats would never have supported this previously. But it is the practical political reality i'm totally for it, by the way. This is what has to happen. I mean, that we know how to solve the border. This is not a mystery. It's just that both sides, democrats and republicans over the last 20 years have wanted the politics of the issue on their side, not the practical solution. Well, and that was the point she made tonight about trump. And you're trying about republicans said they probably wouldn't recognize this plan either. It's not something that you'd hear from from donald trump and rewind the tape and listen to mitt romney or frankly john mccain, or george bush circa 22,004, 2006 after he won, he tried to get immigration reform with ted kennedy it looked and sounded a lot like this. I look, this is electoral politics at its finest, right? how many days a week until the election was it not 39? i was going to say 40 will go to 39 and we know in poll after poll, after poll, when asked, who is more trusted on the issue of immigration, it's donald trump, our cnn, paula last cnn poll had trump up by double digits over kamala harris on this particular issue. When you ask americans what's the most important issue, what's the biggest problem facing this country? immigration has consistently listed neither first position, second position, or third position. The bottom line is if this election is about immigration than donald trump's going to win this election. What kamala harris is going out and trying to look, she's not going to win on the issue of immigration, but she's trying to cut the margins down at least a little bit. And this is part of the effort, whether it works who knows it may be a little too much, a little too much, a little too late but the bottom line is that this type of speech definitely reflects a political realities of today. Well, she always goes after him for his role in tanking the senate bill, which i think lankford would agree with her. I and i would agree. It's a good political attack because if you look at the polling, most americans approved of that particular bill, but i think donald trump wants to keep the issue at the forefront, and that is why he, let's, be honest, tried to tank that and was ultimately successful. Quite what he's saying because she said he wanted to run it, but listen to what she said to make a she went even further than just on that bill tonight. This is what she had to say about donald trump he separated families he ripped toddlers out of their mother's arms put children in cages and tried to end protections for dreamers he made the challenges at the border worse and he is still and he is still fanning the flames of fear and division and let me be clear that is not the work of a leader that is not the work of a leader. And that is in fact, i think we all believe an abdication of leadership is, mr. Mayor is what harry is saying, is that enough is criticizing donald trump on that. Is that going to help cut those margins for her? well, i think what she's saying jared, i want to note the sort of synthesis of her true belief, which i feel right there that a lot of what trump did was divisive racist, antifamily. Let's go down the whole list and that is historic democratic position, and that's not changing but also a recognition that the situation the border up until now has been an unacceptable status quo i think she is trying to knit the pieces together to me when i listened to that, i say a lot of people are going to resonate with that when member during that crisis at the border, i was down there as mayor and i saw those detention facilities for the unaccompanied young people i think america was repulsed by that. I think people across the board felt that that was not consistent with our values at the same time. I think as people have seen, the border situation become more and more complicated. They do want to see order and they do want to see something that feels better. So i think she's striking the right balance. And i think she's right to say trump created not only a lack of ability to get to a solution, he also infused the whole discussion with a negativity towards people from other countries that actually doesn't fit the american history. I think that's right. I think she's in her own voice adding humanity to the issue that donald trump hasn't added. I mean, donald trump has vilified mexicans rapists from his very first speech when he entered the scene coming down the golden escalator and work to, in his rhetoric, dehumanize migrants who have come across the border and she's here trying to try, trying to strike a tone of seriousness and yet and yet it a sense of empathy and humanity this notion that it isn't consistent with our values i mean, we all know that. And by the way, the reason donald trump had to fix the border crisis when the children's should child separation policy was in place, was it was it was so unpopular with evangelical christians, a major base of the republican party i just think also, look trump has a record to run on. He has his what he promised in 2015, 2016 is that he would build a wall and mexico would pay for it. And now he is promising not just to really saying the wall part anymore, but he's saying he's going to round up 11 million people and ship them home, right so i just i think you know, she you have to take both of them what they're saying at face value and consider what's real and what's not. But but what she's saying strikes me as far more credible then what he's saying. I would just say support for the border wall is actually its all time high. He should go back to that, but of course, as donald trump normally does, he goes to foreign, leaves an opening for, let's see if she's able to take it. Well, i would also contradict with his claim that he built the border wall. So you can say you're going to build it if you're arguing that donald trump contradicting himself, i would never have heard such a thing. Thank you all so much for being here very up. Next we're going to take you to coverage that we had here last night. Unbelievable rescues that happened just hours ago as the danger from hurricane helene still not over tonight. There was one hospital where patients and staff were stranded on the roof by rising floodwaters. It was too dangerous from boats they had do bring in helicopters to save people. Plus explosions are still rocking beirut tonight on the heels of israel's massive strike earlier targeting a major terrorist leader yachts cnn has arrived. We look at the news of the weekend as questions like, what does a comedy show doing on cnn? though people have spoken i have something racist? you go got hell and all wait up freestyle. 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So sparks are right for you at rodak coast last sparks on pete muntean at reagan national airport. This is cnn tonight, we're learning more about the devastating impact that hurricane helene has had, leaving at least 45 people dead across five different states. In asheville, north carolina. Today, there was devastating and historic flooding from the storm and drown the city of several feet of water. People they are describing what they said was complete pandemonium. As government officials put the city under a curfew, it's 7:30 p. M. In tennessee today, a dangerous rescue mission unfolded after rising floodwaters from the hurricane completely surrounded an entire hospital that caused more than 50 patients and staffers to be stranded on the roof. Trump and others on rescue boats who had nowhere to go. Eventually, helicopters were able to land on the roof. And tonight we can report all hospital personnel and patients have gratefully been rescued joining me now is the irwin police chief reagan tilson. He was there on the roof rescuing people today. Chief, it's just great to have you can you just first i mean, seeing that video itself seems almost just surreal. Tell me what, what happened today. It was the water rose very quickly the dam broke over north carolina and while we were there trying to evacuate patients to avoid this, we ended up being surrounded by the water and we're able to get to the roof myself, several team members from the pd johnson city search and rescue to swiftwater rescue team and the hospital staff were able to get everybody the roof and virginia state police sent two helicopters and the tennessee mean national guard sent two helicopters and we were able to evacuate approximately 64 people from the roof, be at patients and staff. And the first responders but it was absolutely catastrophic so when you got there the one you were conducting rescues that was before the water had gotten as high as we can see here where it's where it's nearly at the roof. Is that right? yes ma'am. When we first got there, it was very easy to access and while we were trying to move patients, the water rose very quickly. My understanding is that dam broke over towards asheville and it caused our river to rise even more and by the proximity to mount its mountains, it was it real quick and that happened within 15 or 20 minutes. We were unaccessible even by boat because of the swiftness of the river the interstate is still shut down on ai 26. It went all the way across and building itself has actually compromised but thanks to the pilots and the staff of those aircraft, we were able to get everybody out. And obviously it's a lot of a lot of nurses there, but also in doctors, but patients as well. I mean, these are people who are in a hospital for a reason that they have their own medical issues. And i imagined that played a factor i mean, was there a moment ever were you were on the roofs thinking to yourself how are we going to get these people out of your safely yes, ma'am. Absolutely not going to lie. It was very meta on the chaotic, but concerning that we weren't going to be able to get anybody much less the patients out. And again, it's not for those helicopters i don't know what would what happened. Did you have any more time left to spare? would you say think no, we didn't they got us out at the precise moment otherwise, i don't know what would have happened i imagine everyone was incredibly grateful when they were able to get off that roof. What did they say lot of things going on and we had a command post set up and we were getting to patients there. We had ems from other counties because we lost most of our ambulances during the rescue allows for police cruisers. We lost a fire truck however, we didn't lose any lives and it was because of the teamwork from everybody that came to help us we really need to them and they were there in our time of need had you ever witnessed anything like this in your time as the chief of police you know, man, i've been chief fierceness 2008. I've never seen anything like this ever chief reagan tilson, you did some heroic work today. I mean, just seeing those videos alone would give anybody chills. Thank you for what you did today and thank you for joining me tonight. Yes, ma'am. I appreciate you all, but i promise you it was all good team it wasn't just me well, thank you for being so gracious. I really appreciate you. We also have joining us now, the chairman and the ceo of ballot health, alan levine, who is also there this afternoon. I mean, alan, just to hear what this was like today is just remarkable markable you're someone who has a lot of experience with natural disasters. This is not something really that it's like you've never worked in this before, had to deal with this what did you make of what happened today and what unfolded? well, the chief is right. It was a very difficult situation. This morning, we started to evacuate the hospital and we learned quickly that we weren't going to be able to get people out safely. So i actually reached out and spoke directly about 10:15 this morning to the director of the tennessee emergency management management agency and immediately the governor of tennessee, the governor of virginia, and their teams got together and started putting a plan together you know, each of the steps of the plan we found we're failing the boats. We couldn't get the boats in and out safely we made a decision to get the patients that could get to the roof and impotent boys to the roof and there were a lot of praying and but really today, a lot of people work together. Two states got together and came up with a plan and they saved about 60 lives. And we're very grateful for that the building the hospital it's it. Was one of america's newest rural hospitals. We were proud to open in about five years ago it's a total loss. But thankfully, no lives were lost. And the chief is right there were a lot of heroes today and we're grateful for all of them. Well, i mean, if you're from a rural area, you know, how valuable these hospitals are. Two people, there are few and far between. Unfortunately, these days, but but when i heard the chief say that they didn't have a lot of time to spare before. Luckily, these helicopters did show up to help get people out of their i mean, is this ever? crisis that you thought you'd confront and that you'd be having to plan for no. In fact there was a point today where i had a chance this afternoon to go out there with our congresswoman and a state representative and actually lay eyes on the hospital after everybody it was rescued. And i'll be honest, i don't know that how that building is still standing it this could easily have gone the other way and the fact is, i don't know how much longer that building will stand, but it could have been a lot worse. And thankfully, everybody was safe. I had a chance to talk to each of the patients they're all safe tonight at other hospitals and the employees are home with their families, which is where they belong. And you know, look, it there wasn't the chief is right. There wasn't a lot of time to spare the hospital was not safe and the fact that they were able to land blackhawk helicopters on top of that hospital is as difficult of a shape, the hospital was in it was a miracle to be honest with you yeah grateful for that miracle and grateful for everyone who is able to work together. Alamo dean, thank you for joining thank you. Up. Next, we're going to take you to the middle east because israel is striking inside lebanon's capital. Tonight they have been on a mission to kill a leader of hezbollah, the leader of hezbollah. We're seeing more explosions tonight. We'll tell you why plus, we're going to dig into that awkward meeting earlier between ukrainian president zelenskyy and former president donald trump we have a very good relationship and i also have a very good relationship, as you know, with president putin we have more we're going takes two to tango, you know the wait is over. Tim walz and j. D. 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The world's news network some breaking news for you this hour as we were looking at live pictures of beirut right now, it's dark, but you can see in the background large explosions that are happening across southern lebanon tonight as the israeli military is striking a series of buildings in lebanon's capital city, buildings that the idf claims are storing hezbollah's missiles and these hits are coming just hours after his really sources told cnn that the leader of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah, and other senior commanders were the target of a strike that. We saw happen just a few hours ago. Right now, a senior israeli official tells us it's too early to say whether nasrallah was hit and killed and if he was killed, i do caution if it would be a huge blow not only to hezbollah, but also to iran. We do know the strikes hit what is usually a densely populated area. Rescuers tonight are continuing to search for victims joining me now is cnn's chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt. And alex, we're waiting to see what happened. It doesn't even appear israel well knows if nasrallah was actually in there. Obviously they were targeting him. But what he did for hezbollah in order to build it up to become one of the biggest nonstate militias. I mean, it would be kind of hard to overstate what his death would actually mean. It's extraordinary to think that israel actually decided to go after hassan nasrallah. He is a legendary figure within this iranian axis he's, he brought, hezbollah up to this extraordinary force. Of course, with the help of iran i don't know that i would have bet that israel would have actually gone after him because of the massive repercussions, except for the fact that we have seen this growing series of strikes against more and more toplevel has bullet commanders. You and i were in a briefing earlier today, they estimated they've taken out more than half of hezbollah's top commanders, if not more than that. So this really would be a stunning decapitation of what is really a iran's most powerful proxy now, you look at those pictures and we believe that huge 2000 pound bombs were used in southern beirut and that very densely populated area of dahiyeh. And you can see why it's going to take some time for them to figure out whether he was actually in there. The israelis are saying it was a very tough call to decide to go after him. But if he was indeed killed, were told it would represent a potential pivot in this conflict because of how important he is, because he he is irreplaceable because the israelis believed that he represents such a force within this organization so you could see a scenario in which they are significantly weakened. This is really an existential question for hezbollah. And obviously we're waiting to see how iran would respond to all of that. What those repercussions could be this happened while netanyahu was in new york today, he's here for the united nations general assembly. He gave a speech earlier. What do we know about how the white house, if they had a headsup that this was coming from what i understand the israelis have told the us generally we are going after top hezbollah commander. So that would include nasrallah this happened that the greenlight was given by netanyahu while he was here here in new york. In fact, he was in a meeting with some of our israeli colleagues giving a briefing to israeli reporters when this news broke and he walked out after just a couple of minutes in that briefing was canceled so we are told firmly by the administration they did not know president joe biden himself saying on the record, we did not know about this. We weren't not involved in this in this in any way. The secretary of defense, lloyd austin says that he was only told during while the operation was actually underway. There is a real communications question right now because the white house put out that 21 day ceasefire plan on wednesday which netanyahu came out and essentially rejected right off the bat and we were told earlier today that there was just an honest misunderstanding between the israeli and the u. S. Sides whereby the israelis thought that this was beginning of a process of to negotiate this proposal while the u. S expected it to be put into place imminently is clear that the u. S and israel right now are on two different brynn tracks in the u. S. Is very, very worried about the escalation that this strike and all these others could cause. And we can we're watching why tonight with these strikes, alex marquardt, great reporting. Thank you for that. We also want to get perspective now from someone who served in international affairs for three separate administration's. Most recently, donald trump's national security adviser, ambassador john bolton ambassador if nasrallah was killed, how big of an impact is this going to have on what we are watching play out in the middle east right now well, i think it will show what should have been obvious beginning on october the seventh that what we're seeing in the middle east is the unfolding of iran a10s ring of fire strategy. The white house for nearly a year now has had its head in the sand about what's going on across the region. I think israel and the netanyahu government understand it precisely. And i think that's why this attack, if it has taken as rule out it's so significant. And let me say the vibes out of the israeli defense forces. And what's coming out of iran to seem to signal that they both think that it was a success and may well be a success beyond just. Now as rula, that many other top hezbollah officials were also caught there so this this could lead to further israeli attacks to go after what the real threat from hezbollah is it says this extraordinarily large arsenal of missiles, but they've largely gotten from or have been financed by iran and if in fact that does follow, that has enormous significance for how the ring of fire strategy plays out. All of it negative for iran yes. And as israeli officials were telling alex and i earlier, sometimes it's hard to know if they actually killed their intended target because they tried to hide the intelligence. But ambassador bolton, while i have you here, i want to ask you about the other global conflicts that we're covering right now ukraine, we also saw president zelenskyy here in town and there was just this remarkable scene that played out in trump tower today, donald trump is standing right next to president zelenskyy. Just listen to a bit of what they said in front of the cameras so we have a very good relationship. And i also have a very good relationship as you know, with president putin. And i think we went, i think we're going to get it oh, very quickly. Very worried. I really think we're going to get more mature nations will go but, you know, it takes to that tango, you know, and we will we're gonna have a good meeting today and i think the fact that we're even together today is a very good sign. Flee. We'll have a good victory because he had this side wins. I don't think you're going to have victories with anything to be honest with you i mean, it points ambassador. It sounded like trump was describing just kind of a dispute between two parties, not an invasion of another country. I mean, how do you think zelenskyy heard donald trump saying for good? relations, it takes two to tango yeah, look if people couldn't see how uncomfortable zelenskyy looked in that picture? i don't know what else to say to describe it. It reminded me of the picture of zelenskyy and trump together in september of 2019 when they had their first inperson meeting at the united nations in opening of the general assembly in new york when zelenskyy looks just about as uncomfortable. I think everybody should understand and particularly republicans who hope that trump will continue support for ukraine if he wins. That is not going to happen. I think trump is serious when he says he's going to try and cut a deal between zelenskyy and putin and the terms of the deal, senator vance announced a few weeks ago, russia keeps everything that it has. Ukraine says it won't go into nato. And sweetness and light will break out. That's what's coming for ukraine. If trump gets elected so why do you think he met with zelenskyy today think political reasons, i think he knew that obviously zelenskyy had been in washington. He had met with president biden he had met with vice president harris. I think it's designed to calm the nerves of some republicans who are who despise trump and don't want to vote for him, but are afraid of the radicalism of the democratic party and they're rationalizing and their own minds surely trump won't sell out ukraine. So that this is the kind of picture that helps convince them that indeed trump won't be so bad. I just like the break that bubble because i think it's in terms of american support for ukraine, if trump wins, i think it's toast when trump said today that putin wants this war also stopped. I mean, is that your view of what the russian leader wants? absolutely. Absolutely he wants it stopped as soon as he as soon as he can just get a little bit more ground, he'll be ready to go. Look. I think putin knows that he has, although he's doubled the amount of territory in ukraine that russia controls since 2014, they have paid a high price for it. He'd like to put draw a line under this we can help recover the russian economy, convinced the europeans to buy natural gas from russia again and reequip and retrain his my so that he can go after ukraine again in a few years. And that is exactly what he will do if there's a ceasefire along the lines, trump is talking about ambassador john bolton. Thank you for your time tonight thank you up next it's something that you really just have to see to believe the sitting mayor of new york as he walked into court this morning to be arraigned. That was just steps away from his office at city hall will tell you what happened once he got inside on the edge sunday at nine on cnn high, grandma. I played baseball today. Oh, that's what position did you play? first base. That's to grapple. I used to play. 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Prosecutors are accusing atoms of soliciting illegal foreign campaign contributions, taking lavish she airline upgrades and also accepting stays at luxury hotels. All of that allegedly and return for political favors that benefited turkish interests outside of court today, we heard from mayor adams, his attorney previewing how they plan to fight these charges there are no emails, text messages, or any corroboration whatsoever that the mayor knew about anything having to do with these campaign donations. This case isn't even a real case. This is the airline upgrade corruption case i want to get straight to retired new york state supreme court judge justice jill konviser and veteran new york political reporter and consultant at actin andrew kirtzman. Great to have you both here. Judge. Just first off, tell us your thoughts on this because we were heard from you yet on on mayor adams. Well, i read the indictment. It's a 57 page indictment that lists everything about the corruption, but not just about the benefits and perks you receive for travel, but also about the manipulation and of the matching funds, the manipulation of the straw donors where he was taking according to the indictment matching funds to the tune of $10 million to which he wasn't entitled because the money really came from the turkish government. You can't take money from a foreign governments. So i think that you could hear alex spiro say on that on that piece of video, this is he had hotels, it's a luxury hotel case. It's not it's a bribery case. It's a corruption case. It is a very serious matter because the indictment also alleges that he pressured fire department officials in new york city to let the turkish consulate opened up early when turkish officials, i believe the president isn't that was coming to new york. That's right. The president of turkey, erdogan was coming to new york and he wanted to be in his big big new fancy, shiny building. The building department had issues with that. The fire department had issues because of safety issues. So they called atoms and if you believe what the indictment says, of course adams is innocent until proven. Otherwise, it says they called him up. You always a favor we want to be in that building and his response, according to the indictment, is, amman it this will be taken care of by monday. And is your cursor you were here with us when this news broke earlier this week, you predicted that eric adams would come out, that he would play the race card in terms of a political gold sense of how he's trying to maintain his support. What do you make of today him showing up for the arraignment, what this all has looked like since then, i think you're going to see a pattern of that going forward. I mean, his press conference he held yesterday, he surrounded himself with black clergy. And other black leaders. He's already kind of invoke race and his response to aoc calling for him to step down. And it's cut it's consistent with his pattern going back years and years. He's very, very quick on the draw at to accuse people of racism. And boy, does he, you know, he doesn't have a lot of courts to play right now and this is what's going and a helped kind of keep kathy hochul and check not to remove him from office. It's going to he hopes, i guess, keep chuck schumer from calling for his resignation no. No democrat in new york can afford to disenfranchise their black support. It's absolutely impossible will to win a race without black support if you're a democrat. Well, and so far we've seen congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez even before the indictment came down and call for him to resign. But can i ask you to judge about what we saw happen today? it is one of adams is closest allies as chief advisor, her name is ingrid lewismartin she had her phone seized today. Her house was searched by state investigators she just got off a plane. I believe a trip from japan made it through customs. They took her phones at the airport. She was speaking out tonight about in a radio interview about what this what she believes is happening. This is what she had to say we are imperfect but when that the u. S. And i do believe that in the end that the new york city public will see that we have not done anything illegal to the magnitude or scale that requires the federal government and the da's office to investigate us know i should note, she was making those comments to the host is her defense attorney, arthur aidala, who our audience would be very familiar with from during the trump trial. But what do you make of the fact that this is now ensnared another person in his orbit, potentially, i think this is somewhat it's typical, not surprising when you're doing an investigation as a prosecuting authority, whether it's the federal government or the local district attorney, you investigate, you speak to a lot of different sources. Their are tentacles going out there and you follow leads where you find them. So someone with whom they are speaking to and we know they're speaking to a lot of people worked for adams because they're listed in the indictment, they're not named, but they talk about this programmer and this assistant and so on. So they're speaking to people in whatever information they have if they're cooperating with the government, the government says, you tell me everything you know, you don't get to pick. You will be violating your cooperation agreement if you don't tell me everything in some way on his anc, something about lewis and what's interesting also is that, you know, that it wasn't just the fed's that came after ms lewis, but locals. Right. So bragg's office did. So there's some parallel type investigation but there'll be tied into each other to such a good point because it was the sdny, the federal that indicted him. So we'll see what plays out here. Governor hochul, she didn't put out that statement last night. It seemed to say those should consider what they should best do in this position. Can she remove mayor adams from his position? yeah. She's legally entitled to do so. There was a process for doing it, but she's the only person who can who could remove him. If i guess you could make a case that the right thing to do is would be to remove the man because we're about to enter this kind of unknown, six to 12 months in which in which city hall will basically function just around this i'm criminal situation and everything was ground to a halt. But, practically speaking, it is a huge step for a governor to remove mayor. Also, you're talking about two very unpopular politicians his popularity is in the 20s, hers are in the 30s. So this all thumbs really kind of a political calculation more than anything else to say. And they've had a feud going on between the two of them. So we'll see how that plays into all this. Andrew kirtzman, judge konviser, great to have both of you here tonight, also, among the many rescues in the wake of hurricane helene, a best friend, got his buddy is working on it, getting into the biggest football game of the season. One of them at least that's happening in tuscaloosa tomorrow. 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Next on cnn closed captioning brought to you by mesobook. Com if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and will come to you 808 to 14000 the presidential campaigns that to blitz college football this weekend is donald trump is going to attend the much anticipated. And for me a little bit anxiety inducing showdown that is happening tomorrow night in tuscaloosa between alabama and georgia trump is of course, the sitting president. The last time he saw these two teams play in 2018, that was when the crimson tide won the national title. I should note. Meanwhile, tomorrow we're also going to see democratic vice presidential nominee tim walz and the big house when michigan host minnesota joining me now to talk matchups is damon amid d'allara, host of the da show with bob chapek on siriusxm's mad dog sports radio. A great to have you here, but let's just talk about the politics of this first, because also say, what's burned in the memory of alabama fans is when trump came, when we played lsu at home and he was in office alabama lost worst game of my life because i did get on air force one when he left halfway through and there's a wifi for reporters on air force one side is she didn't even know the outcome of the game until we landed in new york, we lost but politically speaking, what do you think that trump and tim walz, what do they get out of this? going to games and having fancy them in this place. Well, and ask our parlance, this is called bump drafting, where you take somebody else's momentum and he get to draft off the back of it for trump goes into georgia, alabama. It's a massive game. The biggest game so far a season in an area of the country that obviously usually goes red and fertility walz, you have one of the preeminent programs in and branch in college football, michigan, in a battleground state. And so i think it just as strategically place, your place yourself amongst excitement, optimism, energy the flag, and show that you are a sports fan. Yeah, and of course georgia, they've got a lot of voters there though i mentioned, we'll see what happens what's your prediction? just asking for a friend for tomorrow night, asking for a friend. I like alabama. I'm not just kissing up by like alabama 28, 24 there at home. I didn't like the way the georgia played against kentucky. I think it comes back to biden bar. Yeah, kentucky kind of choked at the end of that game. That's right. They had them and let them off the hook. Georgia is a really good team, but haven't played there complete football yet the season playing in tuscaloosa is tough. That's a really good tied team. Yeah, tough. It's an evening kicks golf. I mean, that's like, you know, when you go in the stadium, it kind of makes the hair on the back of your neck stand out because it's dark. There's like the light show. It's like it's a pretty fierce environment, but i don't know how nervous about georgia because i mean, obviously kirby smart they have a great dynamic defense well, they have tons of talent, fivestar recruits all over the place. And so this is such a great even matchup, but i think of nick saban who was on the sideline for alabama. You wouldn't feel so nervous because it's an unknown of kalen deboer. Suddenly there's nerves, right? but i think the tide pull it out and boy yeah, big night game of the scc. There's nothing like it. Yeah. And i think could show bore has done a really good job so far. I mean, i've been so different than nick saban, but he's been really impressive. Wheels are ryan williams on our side, so that's the other thing given me a little bit of hope as 17yearold i do want to ask you though, we have trump is sitting in a box of this businessman from alabama, rick mayors, and he was asked about what trump for question for the box. And i got a big kick out of this was to fillet of fish sandwiches with cheese from mcdonald's stadium dogs says the stadium hot dogs, domino's pizza, and a diet coke. What's your favorite out of that order? boy, it would probably be the stadium hot dogs. It's a class she it's a tradition, but that feels like a lot of sodium. It's 70yearsold. You got to watch out. That makes you a little puffy that's that's a lot of different salty items there, david. Great to have you. Thanks for being here. Thank you all so much for being here on a friday night, cnn newsnight with abby phillits right now kamala ha

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Southern Border , Southern Border , Vulnerabilities Migration , H Tonight , Migration Bill , Future Trump , Border Bill , City Mayor , Hand And Look , Bidenharris Administration , Border Situation , Asylum Process , California Attorney , York Mayor , Migration Chapter , Border Everify , Security Money , Borders Policy , Migration Reform , Cnn Poll , Senate Bill , Bill Tonight , Fear And Division , Mr. Mayor , Trump Hasnt , Escalator And Work , Empathy And Humanity , Reason Donald Trump , Border Crisis , Separation Policy , Wall And Mexico , Wall Part , Beirut Tonight , Cnn And Stream , Max Luck , Loss Plan , Plans News , Plan Today , Cash Back , Della Rocket Money , Rocket Money Today , Money Today , Management Medicine , View Shouldnt , Semaglutide Or Glp1 , Thyroid Cancer , Neoplasia Syndrome , Syndrome And Type , Lump Or Swelling , Pancreatitis And Gallbladder , Rest Depression , Risk Cost , Cost And Coverage , Increases Water , Rodak Coast , Pete Muntean , Cnn Tonight , P. M , Tennessee Today , Irwin Police Chief , Police Chief Reagan , Reagan Tilson , People Today , Pd Johnson City , Johnson City , City Search , Search And Rescue , Hospital Staff , Virginia State , Work Today , Tennessee Emergency Management , Emergency Management Management , Management Management Agency , Management Agency , Heroes Today , Point Today , Lebanons Capital , Explosions Tonight , President Zelenskyy , T Walz , Walz And J. , D. Vance , Diet And Exercise , Provider Today , Com Slash , Flu Symptom Relief , Symptom Relief , Dayquil Honey , Intruder Deterrence , Id Think , Inference Lifelock , Americas Number , Move Today , Wealth Management Advice , Management Advice , Yoyu Need George , Need George , Food Program , Worlds News Network , News Network , Lebanon Tonight , Rescuers Tonight , Security Correspondent , York Today , Hezbollah Commander , Joe Biden Hself , Biden Hself , Communications Question , Day Ceasefire Plan , Ceasefire Plan , U. S. , U. S , S And Israel , Security Adviser , John Bolton Ambassador , Bolton Ambassador , A10s Ring , Fire Strategy , Ambassador Bolton , Tower Today , Meeting Today , Zelenskyy And Trump , Inperson Meeting , Zelenskyy And Putin , Senator Vance , Sweetness And Light , Zelenskyy Today , Trump Wont , Te Tonight , Clear Captions , Insurance Or Medicare , Captions Phone , Glp1 Journey , Com Strikes , Mommy And Daddy , St. Jude , Childhood Cancer Awareness , Cancer Awareness Month , Awareness Month , Jude Childrens , Childrens Research Hospital , Research Hospital , Research And Treatment , Debit Or Credit , Jude Tshirt , Childhood Cancer , Smear Portant , Life Fact Dotnet , Hadnt Today , Bribery And Fraud , Court Today , Case Isnt , Airline Upgrade Corruption , Upgrade Corruption Case , York State , Court Judge Justice , Judge Justice Jill , Justice Jill Konviser , Reporter And Consultant , Actin Andrew Kirtzman , Page Indictment , Luxury Hotel Case , Hotel Case , President Isnt , Gold Sense , Today H , Keep Kathy Hochul , Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio , Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , Radio Interview , City Public , Magnitude Or Scale , Defense Attorney , Trump Trial , Ms Lewis , Investigation But Therell , Governor Hochul , Situation And Everything , Judge Konviser , Tuscaloosa Tomorrow , Purchase Sequence , Sple Management Fee , Magnetite Or Glp1 , Coveralood Pressure , Blitz College Football , Bit Anxiety , Tomorrow Night , Alabama And Georgia , Crson Tide , Nominee T Walz , Host Minnesota , Da Show , Sports Radio , Office Alabama , Air Force , Trump And T , Course Georgia , Light Show , Night Game , Theres Nothing , Mcdonalds Stadium , Dominos Pizza , Cnn Newsnight ,

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