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Thanks for joining me. Im Jim Acosta in for fredricka whitfield. We are heading into the Home Stretch in the race to the White House the president ial election is now just about one month away, and both campaigns are pushing hard for those still undecided voters and critical that Battleground States. And with voting states, polls of course, showed this race is still very much Neck And Neck, both Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump, are campaigning as some big News Stories are reshaping the race as we speak in the War And Lebanon to the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene and a surprising jobs report, but its still unclear how all of this will affect the rest of this Race Today though, the former president is returning to the scene of his first Assassination Attempt in battleground, pennsylvania, trump is set to hold a rally later today. In butler and the western part of that state, he narrowly survived an attempt on his life on July 13 at that location when a gunman opened fire and a bullet grazed his ear, one attendee at that rally died, two others were injured. And Cnns Alayna Treene joins us now from butler, pennsylvania. Alayna, i know youre there as well. And so of course, im sure youre looking around and trying to figure out whether or not the Security Precautions or any different this time around, what can you tell us . Well jim, i today we are back in butler, you know, just a couple of months after that first Assassination Attempt in july, i can tell you there is a massive crowd here today. The crowd in Butler Today compared to when we were here in july, is much bigger than it was back then. Now, they have really amped up security day, even just being on the ground and in comparing it with my own eyes, i can tell the area over my right shoulder also over where Donald Trumps right shoulder will be when he takes the stage. That is the direction from where the bullets had initially actually came from during that first Assassination Attempt by the ajr buildings. Thats over there. They have big trucks now lining up to block your view from that they have fallen far more Law Enforcement on the ground, both Secret Service and local Law Enforcement. You can see that with your own eyes, but were also told that was the plan for today. They have many more barriers, so theyve really amped up now i can tell you, we were told that Secret Service has created one unit for both their operations and local Law Enforcement that did not happened back in july. So thats a new change that they added to make sure that today was more secure. They also have done more with their Drone Enhancement to have the drones flying around, something that should have picked up on Thomas Crooks being on top of the roof back then, but did not. So that is also in place today, something that is also different. But look, i talked to many he people on the ground. Jim, who told me some of whom were here back in july, some of whom are coming here for the first time had never been to a trump rally. They actually told me they were in that concerned about their safety today, despite what had happened just a couple of months ago, they said they believed security would definitely be more enhanced and then also they felt that if Donald Trump is going to come back after getting shot, that they feel like they should be able to do so to i want you to take a listen to what some of them told me ive ever she mr. Trump . Mr. Vance, mr. Musk, happy to be here. Im glad youre here is going to be a lot more Security Today i think this would be the last place they want to try again. So and im from New York and i figured thats going to be only rally i would make it two and was probably going to be one of the biggest ones. So here this is my last chance. Everything is way too expensive. Shes not going to do anything about it. I believe he has another thing we will be expecting today is theyre going to be a lot of high profile people appearing with Donald Trump. We know that elon musk, of course the Tesla And Twitter are now X Ceo will be here. Hell be arriving with trump. I am told weve never seen him at a rally before, so Id Watch for that. Were also going to see his running mate, jd vance, some of his family, including Eric Trump and laura trump. The family of corey comperatore, the man who was killed back on July 13 during that first Assassination Attempt, his family will be here today. I know Donald Trump is going to dedicate much of his remarks to the family and to korea, as well as the other victims who were injured by the shooter. And those bullets. Look, when i talked to trump his campaign, they say that they are really trying to make this a different rally. They, they want they want Donald Trump to make it feel somewhat of a remembrance for the victims, for the people who were here who felt that their community was really up ended by what had happened in july. But i also expect youre going to hear a lot of the typical political lines that he likes to share. Are these events as well. Jim all right. Alayna treene. Thanks very much. In the next couple of hours, Vice President Kamala Harris will head to North Carolina to survey the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in the remnants of that storm in that state, she is scheduled to arrive in charlotte this afternoon where she will get an ontheground briefing on the States Recovery efforts thats the western part of North Carolina, of course, suffered catastrophic damage when helene swept through the region last weekend, cnn, Sunlen Serfaty joins us now sunlen, this is a big visit for the Vice President. What can you tell us . Yeah, certainly is jim, the Vice President , certainly eager to show competency, eager to show leadership in this moment as a South East continues to reel and dig out from those devastating sitting in storms last week. Now the Vice President , as you said, will visit charlotte, North Carolina. Todays she will be on the ground seeing firsthand the damage speaking from with directly with people whose lives have really been up ended by this storm shall take note of the Recovery Efforts and she will be planning to speak on the federal Recovery Efforts. What the administration is doing to help them recover from this storm. Now, the Vice President is notably making this trip in her capacity as the Vice President. But it certainly comes at a critical time on the Campaign Trail. Now, just 30 just over 30 days to the election and notably, she is traveling to to Battleground States earlier, i traveled to georgia to talk about the Recovery Efforts today. Of course, in all important North Carolina. So that tinge of politics certainly part of that the visit today, even though she is in their official capacity and it comes as weve seen, her opponent, former President Donald Trump out there in georgia talking about the recovery and injected dean politics, pointing a finger out the administration saying without evidence that they are withholding aid to some so certainly part of her visit today, jim will be a visual Representation Patient of what the administration is doing, what she is doing as Vice President , trying to get aid to these people who still need it. And also certainly showing that she has leadership in this now moment of natural disaster. Jim all right. Sunlen serfaty at the White House. Thanks so much. Lets talk more about whats happening out on the Campaign Trail is very busy weekend one month out from the election, joining me now cnn political analyst, julian zelizer. Julian great to see you as always. What do you make of that back to butler, Pennsylvania Today . Well, this was an iconic moment for him. It was obviously a terrifying moment, but it turned into a defining moment going into the republican convention. I think he wants to return to the scene and show that he is still the figure of strength that, photograph conveyed to many of his supporters, but now hes doing it in a very different race, different opponent and a tight race thats 50, 50, but its all about pennsylvania. This is in pennsylvania and hes bringing all of this together if he can and you have the Vice President down in North Carolina getting an update on Hurricane Relief efforts, Storm Relief efforts in that part of the country. I mean, obviously, North Carolina is a critical battleground state. And so i think every move that she makes there is going to be pretty closely scrutinized. Just to see how she handles things. I mean, thats important for the state itself, but also, yes. I mean natural disasters historically can be important in elections in 1992, President George Hw bush suffered some think because of his response to Hurricane Andrew theres a long history of this, so i think its about the state, but its also about showing leadership, showing what the administration is doing. And obviously combating the false information that the former president is putting out there about what the administration is not willing to do yes. I mean, since you brought that up, i mean, join you have studied so many president ial campaigns. I mean, what do you make of it just seems like a Tidal Wave of disinformation that were seeing out on the Campaign Trail. Much of it obviously the coming from the former president , the way he has been describing Storm Relief efforts. I mean it is it is becoming very difficult for the voters out there to sort fact from fiction because it is just like a fire hose, right now. I think thats right. And the former president has a huge platform, Social Media. Some stations where he can promote this and i dont think its obviously not going away in the next few weeks. So essentially the democrats have to figure a way to campaign around that. And to understand that a lot have those arguments. A lot of those assertions are going to sink in with parts of the electorate, even if you have 1 Million fact checkers responding to what the actual truth is yeah youve got. To go out there and find those trusted sources of information, not just go off of stuff that youre seeing on Social Media when its this close to an election and julian, i wanted to ask you about this moment that we saw yesterday of Vietnam War Veteran presenting a Purple Heart to the former president. Lets Show Moment of that exchange i couldnt think anybody more deserving of a Purple Heart. Thank you very much. Youre took it. You laid down there. You got back in first words out of your mouth was fight, fight, Fight Joe Only of course, trumps critics pounced on this immediately, noting he did not serve in vietnam, claiming he had what did you make of that moment . Look ordinarily and many campaigns that could be a defining moment. It can be very powerful to see a person do that to a candidate and given award to the candidate, essentially that they earned. But you can bet that the former president will say many things about veterans as weve seen in the past that will undercut the power of a moment like that. And thats, thats the story of his campaign. Just wait a few hours and he will say things that move his own good moments away from the new cycle yeah. And i did want to ask you, i mean, we saw something very interesting yesterday and the White House Briefing Room, president biden made a Surprise Visit into the White House Briefing Room. Lets listen to a bit of what he had to say about the upcoming elections because asked if the election was going to be free and fair. I thought this was very interesting. Lets listen to this im confident itll be free and fair i dont know whether it will be peaceful the things that trump has said and the things that he said last time out. What he didnt like the outcome of the election, were very dangerous have you noticed i noticed and Vice President s or republican candidate did not say hed accept the outcome of the election i have even accepted outcome last election. So i am concerned about what theyre going to do and julian coronary about this. I mean, a couple of things. One is i mean, i was at the White House covering the White House four years ago when Donald Trump was asked whether or not he would go along with a peaceful transfer of power and he essentially said, and this was before the election that he said, it depends on how things go during election. And then we saw how all of that played out and to see his successor Joe Biden in the Briefing Room almost getting the same kind of question and saying, hey, we just dont know whats going to happen because of Donald Trump its unsettling to have the president feeling the need to say that and saying it based on something very real that happened in the 2020 election, january 6, and everything that surrounded it the kinds of it have information in the recent unsealed report from jack smith. This is very real and i democrats have focused on a campaign of vibes and hope which might be most effective. But this underlying fear will the Election Results be challenged . And what we have another repeat of 2020 . I think is very, very real were seen it in many ways the president is sending a Warning Sign and a Warning Signal to the country lets keep our eye on that democracy. And make sure this doesnt unravel. But look in the the Vice President ial debate the republican Nominee Wouldnt be clear about who won the 2020 election. Election. Denialism is still there and thats connected to unsettling our democratic processes. All right, joining. I know youll be studying all of this as all of it all unfolds over the next several weeks, julian zelizer, thanks so much great to see as always much appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Still ahead. Israel launching new strikes across lebanon are cameras capturing rising smoke in beiruts Southern Suburbs earlier today as israel killed a commander of hamas, one of hezbollahs allies, in a rare airstrike in northern well lebanon. We are live in the region max, stay with us you, look at the news of the week and ask questions like, what does a Comedy Show doing on cnn thats too much one donald, now can you slice that nine on cnn i was stuck unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. 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The city has not been targeted by israel since the 2006 the. Conflict with hezbollah. Were also seeing new airstrikes on both sides of lebanons border. Cnns cameras captured some smoke rising from israels attacks on beirut suburbs while Hezbollah Launched Rockets into Northern Israel and a short time ago, hezbollah confirming it has lost contact with the man who was considered a potential successor to Hassan Nasrallah hello. He was targeted by israeli strikes in Southern Lebanon yesterday, cnns Nic Robertson is in Tel Aviv for us. Nic, whats the significance of this this leader potentially being killed . They, ali, and the north of lebanon and in the city of tripoli on the coast. Its significant because it does show that the idf continues to go after the leaders of hamas even when they are not in gaza. And weve seen that because theyre targeting hamas also in the west bank, they continue to target them in Gaza And Theyve taken out a number of the commanders of hamas as they call them, over, over many months now, in 11 dead fact that it was in tripoli in the north of aaa, i think is indicative of the fact that israel, the idf, the Air Force feel emboldened, encouraged able safely, able to go after targets that are way up in the north of lebanon. Theyve been after targets around beirut in the bekaa valley, tripoli. This is perhaps the first strike in tripoli, but again, this is, it appears to be israel continuing to take down all elements wherever they are of hamas it says leadership yeah, nic, were still waiting to see if and how israel respond to Irans Attack from earlier in the week. Whats your sense of things right now . Look, i think secrecy is the biggest watchword for the israeli government and their Decision Making at the moment, weve just gone through two days of rosh hashanah, the high holidays i think there was a general sense that if Israel Hadnt Strike before then and they werent going to strike during that period because it would mean that people would be waiting for a response from iran and therefore more home front commands would be instructing people not to gather in large numbers, which is exactly what theyve been doing gathering as families during this period. So i think now thats server and the weekends over that does sort of open up the space potentially for strikes now, but then you have the October 7 anniversary on monday and of course, people are going to want to come together for that. Theyre going to want to join hands and remember all the people who were killed, the 1,200 who were killed and more than 100 who are still being held hostage inside gaza. So theyre going to want to remember that. So theres a feeling that perhaps the strikes werent in on iran wont happen until after that. But i think it comes down to secrecy. The military Well Strike when the government tells them, when they feel that they can achieve their targets. I think thats the simplest way to look at it, jim all right. Nic robertson in Tel Aviv for us. Thank thank you very much. In the meantime, the Death Toll climbing in the wake of Hurricane Helene as more than a half million customers across five states still have no power coming up. Ill speak to a man from one of North Carolinas hardest Hit Towns about how the community is rallying to rebuild. Thats coming up publicly, what people are say and turns out i have enough i could just shut up and batches i Cant Tonight at seven on cnn for fall, right . Yeah. He too low now to strengthen roots all winter for a better loan next spring, i didnt know all this says it right there on the back. Yes. 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The town is about 20 minutes outside of asheville, one of the hardest Hit Cities of course by Hurricane Helenes Flooding And Aftermath joining us now from Black Mountain as a member of that church Nathan West nathan, good to see you. Glad glad youre doing okay. There give us a sense of how things are going right now. Hey, thanks, jim. Thanks for having us theyre going pretty good. Were still kind of in the sprint phase, deploying, deploying into areas in trying to get some water, water filtration, things of that nature, food and into some of the outlying communities that are further back in the mountains but were starting to get there and were starting to think about the Marathon Portion of this well, lets get into that. I mean, what do you mean by that . How are things looking yeah. So i think this first were about eight days in now, i believe. And i think the adrenaline has been high, so theyve been coping pretty well. Weve had a lot to do get people out into the community, providing for the community are culinary partners here in town, have been serving about 7,000 meals a day were thankful. We partnered with the World Central Kitchen this morning and able to lift some of that burden. But the Rebuilding Phase is really kind of, kind of what were facing the roads are barely left and were doing a good job of trying to bring some of that back, but its not its not a its not a thing that were going to be able to do in the next two weeks. Its going to be months for us to rebuild and then rebuilding the community alone. And i mean, you mentioned World Central Kitchen. We love those guys, Jose Andres and his outfit that they do amazing work. So glad youre getting help whats the as far as you can tell . I just anecdotally speaking, whats the State Response been like the federal Relief Response . Do you feel like their present in the community or is this really all about local folks having to roll up their sleeves to get the job done . Or is it a combination of all those things . What do you think . So far its really been about the local folks. I mean we were we were operational and deploying supplies the day after the hurricane. Our local Pd And Stuff those guys are local first responders, were out tirelessly going and going and going in a few days, we started getting some Fire Departments from other counties, surrounding counties, and it appears now that the federal and State Emergency officials are starting to have their plan together and starting to deploy some of those resources weve really been relying on locals. Weve had we were sending out probably 40 to 50 trucks a day back into the community, cutting trees out and delivering generators for medical emergencies, or thankful that Senator Tillis is office, was able to make contacts with lifestraw. So were deploying Community Water systems that can filter straight out of the creek and provide Drinking Water for some of these areas that are harder to reach, makes it a lot lighter for us to get in, but really, the locals have stepped up and weve just since so many supplies into the community that its just amazing. Its been rough but im thankful to have been doing this for the last seven or eight days because the devastation here is its going to be really hard for people to deal with as things start to calm down. Well, and i mean, every day the Death Toll is going up now its a 225. And so i have to think, as youre reaching out into the community that you and the folks that youre working with are coming across other people in the community who are feeling those losses who are experiencing those losses themselves yeah and its still pretty hard to talk about because for the first days we were out i was out deploying stuff and its tough theres a lot of a lot of kids lost, a lot of parents lost a lot of entire families lost and to see people that you know and have to have to see that in the aftermath of all this has been has been pretty difficult but were a strong community and were coming together and we will get through this and we will rebuild Black Mountain swannanoa, and old four and the other 20 counties that were affected by it. This well, sunny, all the strength that we can and hope that you get the help that you need as soon as possible. I know that was yesterday. You need it right away. You need it right now. But in the meantime, Nathan West, thanks for what you do. I know that people in your community greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for your time. Thanks, jim alright as of residents in these areas, dont have enough to worry about officials are concerned. Another storm could hit the Gulf Of Mexico just a week after Hurricane Helene, a tropical depression has formed in the area and could bring lifethreatening Storm Surges to florida, joining us with the latest is Meteorologist Elisa Raffa at least i hate to even talk about this because i know the folks along the Gulf Coast and in the southeast are just weary from all of this already, but we have to tell them that there could be a pretty major hurricane heading their way. What can you tell us . Yeah, its been a pretty active season and we are looking at again, our next system, tropical depression 14 is sitting in the Gulf Of Mexico just wrong off the coast there of mexico. And it is trying to gain its strength, intensify and get a center. It will start to really feed off of some of these Ocean Temperatures that are incredibly warm. This Will Fuel Rapid Intensification over the next 36 hours and they will become a hurricane by monday, probably when looking at a tropical storm sometime, maybe Tonight Or Tomorrow and then a hurricane going into monday and then it heads towards the florida peninsula, possibly as a category two hurricane. When you look at the track, you can so you again, it picks up some speed, gain, some strength looking at maybe a Highend Category two and look at the cone here. It stretches from the Big Bend down to miami. So theres a lot of ground that could over here as far as where exact that center will go. But regardless, its going to cause some heavy rain again, remember, hurricane is not a point. Youll have these outer bands lashing the entire peninsula as tuesday landfall, maybe sometime late tuesday into wednesday. But again, a lot of rain here, looking at some four to six inches of rain possible again, for a lot of the peninsula, maybe some totals a higher than that. Again, especially where you get some of those heaviest bands and Storm Surge could be a problem as well. Jim all right. Elisa raffa, i mean, im looking at tampa right there. That looks like it could be in the bullseye. Its very early. And as you said, that that cone of uncertainty is pretty broad at this point, but everybody along that stretch of the Gulf Coast needs to really pay attention to these weather forecasts. Elisa, thank you so much. Appreciate it. And people who live across helenes 500 Mile Path of necessities, were waiting as you can help go to cnn cnn. Com impact. Also for President Donald Trumps spreading lies about Disaster Relief while surveying the damage from Hurricane Helene and georgia, how members because of his own party are pushing back on those false claims. 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States hit hard by Hurricane Helene and pushing falsehoods about fema and Disaster Relief money while in georgia yesterday, trump again, falsely claimed that Hurricane Relief bunny was instead being spent on undocumented immigrants a lot of the money that was supposed to go to georgia and supposed to go to North Carolina and all of the others is going and has gone already. Its been gone for people that came into to the country illegally and nobodys ever seen anything like that. Thats a shame now all is true. If fema does manage grants for shelters, housing, and helping migrants, that money comes from a separate and unrelated account, which as for president , should know, is the case, whether he does or not he repeated the light later in the day okay. This is maybe the worst Hurricane Weve ever had. And hes got no money and cliche. What happened to them and they were given billions of this he spent it on illegal migrants coming into the country again, not true. This was not the first lie. Hes told about the Relief Effort on monday, he falsely suggested that president biden wasnt taking calls from Georgia Governor Brian kemp. A Suggestion Youll see and hear is debunked by kemps own words just hours before, take a listen i the governors doing a very good job. Hes having a hard time getting the president on the phone, i guess theyre not responsive. The federal government the president just called me yesterday afternoon. I missed him and called him right back. And he just said, hey, what do you need . And i told him we got what we need. Well work through the federal process. He offered that if theres another things that we need just to call them directly, which i appreciate that im joined now by Christine Todd Whitman. Shes a former Epa Administrator under President George W bush, is the former republican governor of New Jersey governor. I mean, i will also say this. Fema says it has enough money in his coffers to respond to early assistance efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene this is what Fema Spokesperson said. They posted this on x. Fema has what it needs for immediate Response And Recovery efforts but theres all were just sort of Lost At Sea and this tide of disinformation and so much of it coming from Donald Trump. Whats your response to all this . Well, i mean, its doing real damage. Its doing damaged by undercutting Peoples Confidence in the federal government by undermining the work thats being done, it is it destroys the morale of those people who are working 24 7 from the federal Government Sidebyside with locals. This is an incredible Disaster And Everybody is working as hard as they can and its, its an absolute truth that when somebody loses everything, you cant do enough for them fast enough i mean, it just thats the way it is. Its frustrating because for them, because theyve lost everything. But by doing and saying what hes doing by constantly lying, he is creating this drumbeat, which has to his advantage, he believes in this campaign because hes told us hes going to undo the federal government when it gets in. So this is building on that. Its telling people she they can you can do this job. Theyre not doing it. Bidenharris are terrible in spite of the fact that his own party members are telling him no, the federal government is working with us. Its giving us everything we need at souring their relations with the federal government. Thats what theyre worried about. Its not because this government doesnt do what he did in a previous its major storm where he actually said he was not going to give money to california in those fires until somebody told them, well, there is where is where you got your biggest vote . I mean, its unconscionable the way he has played politics with every aspect of government and hes doing it now to his own benefit for he believes. And do you think sometimes folks in the press and so on, they get a little uncomfortable using the word lie governor, do you think he has repeated these falsehoods to the degree that it is okay to call them lies. Hes just lying yes. Yes. I mean, why wouldnt you its factually untrue if you say something thats factually untrue, you are at least thats the way i was brought up. I was lying and i would hear about it from my parents if i said something was factually untrue, thats a lie. And thats what hes been doing and he knows better. I mean, this is this is not because he doesnt understand. This is because he doesnt want to give any credit at all to a democratic administration. And thats whats wrong with our country today. We have these two parties that are to have gotten such control over the country and there are various districts where you either have a republican candidate to vote for, for congress or senator, or you have a democrat, you dont have a choice until many of these elections. And thats why i believe we need a Third Party and im part of the effort of the forward party yeah. But you have backed Kamala Harris for president if thats right heading campaign but i do want to ask you. So what is it . Why do you think the race is so close right now . Why is it Neck And Neck of Donald Trump is out there day and and day out telling these lies and stirring up all, all of this, studying these games with things like a hurricane for goodness sake. Why is the race so close . What is going on in your view as you said, well, i think part of it is and hes been doing this for four years. Hes been preparing for this race. Hes been telling people that the election is going to be stolen if he doesnt win his death an issue of a free and fair election as he wins period the end and Kamala Harris as Vice President. You dont control policy, you do what the principle thats the president tells you to do. And what we wait, they give you to do. So she hasnt been out there that much. He hasnt been known. And so its a question of all of a sudden there she is and shes your candidate and for a lot of people that they just dont know her well enough. And unfortunately, there seems to be a great deal of sexism as well how can a woman do this job . Is she tough enough . I want to tell you as a prosecutor, you just asked know that people she put behind bars and theyll tell you if shes tough enough. But i think Thats Part of it and were not very good at admitting when were wrong. And people have been listening to trump for so long and buying his misinformation. We can tell call it that back then. Maybe if you want to be generous. His mission. For so long that now if they suddenly say no, its all live theyre having to admit they were sucked in by this. And thats hard for people to accept im hoping that the polls are wrong because its so difficult today with all the different methods of communication to make sure youve gotten to enough people and abroad enough sample that make it make a difference. Im hoping its not as close. And that harris is doing better than we say the poll say, but it clearly white men are an issue all right . Or governor Christine Todd Whitman thank you very much for your time. Hope to have another conversation soon about all this. Really appreciate it. Look forward to it. Thank you. Appreciate it. Up next multiple Bomb Threats have recently targeted synagogues in New York. How officials are beefing up security as we enter a period three to jewish holidays come upon one year since the October 7 attacks in israel. 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Im sure there for folks in New York, what can you tell us several cities around the country are now taking precautions ahead of October 7, important to emphasize we heard from governor Kathy Hochul here in New York yesterday. There were several Bomb Threats called into synagogues ground the state, but those threats were deemed not. Write a ball. Now the governor has deployed the State Police to work with local Police Departments to ensure that community these around this state are safe, given that we are in the middle of the high holidays for the jewish calendar, and we have the upcoming firstyear anniversary for a mercenary of the October 7 attacks were standing outside of Temple Emanuel here in manhattan. This is one of the largest temples in the country, and we have seen please, around the perimeter of the temple as well as inside. You have to go through a Metal Detector in order to get indoors and we expect this similar hello are presence around different houses of worship around the country and around the state here in New York. Now it is not just here in New York Law Enforcement is on high alert and other parts of the country the fbi and the department of Homeland Security said yesterday that given the upcoming anniversary of October 7, evan as well as the rising at turmoil and the ongoing tensions in the middle east. And that could serve as motivators for acts of violence by extreme three mass. Now it is important to highlight there have been no credible threats identified here in New York or in other parts of the country so far. But the nypd the will maintain its presence for the next two weeks as we get into the anniversary on monday and we enter Yom Kippur War later in the week that is, of course partly as the holiest day in the jewish calendar. And there will be on high alert for that as well. Jim all right. We hope everybody is safe. Through all of this, Gloria Pazmino. Thanks so much. We appreciate it. Well be right back culture over the edge. People are watching and then our World Change then explosive Reverberation Tv on the Edge Tomorrow at nine on cnn how far would you go to set your Home Ambiance try airwaves, essential miss diffuser. Its perfectly portable and glows with a regnant missed transform more space with Eric Essential missed consumer cellular is lowering the price for those 50 enough get to unlimited lines for 30 each. Thats just 60 a month so switch to the carrier ranked Number One in network covered satisfaction. Is it consumer cellular. Com today my Name Age Braden i was 5yearsold when i came to change how Try And Shore and gown the story shell, and then having these headaches that when i go away my mom just trying. 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So why wouldnt we be this Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer weeknights at six point cnn my catch, a Brandnew Episode of of Have I Got News For You with Host Roy Wood jr. And team captains, Amber Ruffin and michael ian black. Tonights special guests, political Commentator Ana Navarro and comedian andy richter. Heres a preview. Senator Klobuchar Spin Closet Chat with Jake Tapper and dana bash. It was indeed interesting, but not for the reasons you may think. Lets watch that again and i want you all to watch the lower left corner of the Screen Meaning like his whole goal was about trying to promote Kamala Harris is that Lionel Richie and listen to her thats how they turned the chairs around on the Boys Episode of Have I Got News For You airs tonight at 9 00 p. M. Right here on cnn im

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