Seminars in washington, this is about 55 minutes. A quick reminder, we will be on television. When you have a question, please go up to the q a mike and say your name, your school, and keep your question concise. Thank you. It is my distinct pleasure to , an americanlippe political consultant, a Senior Adviser to Hillary Clinton once she became secretary of state in 2009. In 2010, promoted to the position of Deputy Assistant secretary of state for strategic communications. For a number of political campaigns and holds a bachelor of arts degree in Political Science from Columbia University school of general studies. We have an example of what you can do with a Political Science bachelor great. I will not take any more of his time and i look forward to a great presentation. [applause] good morning and thank you for having me. Thanks to julia and ann and kevin. I did not know this would be on tv. I want to say a few things up front quickly and then get right to hearing from you guys. Up until 8 00 p. M. On Election Night last november 8, i could not fathom the idea of Hillary Clinton not being the president of the united states. I was wrong is anyone. 1, things started to make a little more sense to you i will start from having 2020 hindsight. History andence. Olling a lot the problem is people can say all polling was wrong. Polling was right and polling was wrong. At this point to not have any conversation about what we are history, yes, history was upended last year but it was upended in 2008. It does not mean it has no bearing. Part of that is our probably be a little annoying and do the, can you imagine of this happened when Hillary Clinton was president and can you imagine if it happened when president obama was president . I try to do that less and less but i think it is important because to me, the greatest threat right now is the normalization of what has happened. There is a term i read, and i do not know who to credit to, malignant normalcy that is a big part of what happened what is happening. That scourge needs to be stopped. I will say the greatest perpetrator in my mind is donald trump. There is noy saying more important thing to do right now than get donald trump out of office as fast as possible. That is where i am coming from. Please do not hesitate to challenge. If i do not like it, i will snap back at you or something. Most importantly, i will be negative about things when it is negative. Do not leave here dissuaded or demoralized personally. I have worked for Hillary Clinton since july of 2002. 15. 5 years. She is one of the most beloved, less beloved, polarizing people in america. I think people automatically assume that because i worked for her and i am a democrat, that my views are lefty and liberal. They are often not. The point im am trying to make is i never felt as much as a democrat as i have since last november. Has tof what i believe happen and is coming from that perspective of the damage being done to our country and not just what is evident shortterm but what will last probably for decades. Opening, uplifting kevin, did you want to . Or should i just open it up . If you would like to start with a comment or a question, please come to the microphone. State who you are and where you are from. Someone told me there are harvard extensions here. I did a couple of semesters in my trek to getting a degree. Yes. Hello. Im andy from jersey city, new jersey. My question is, looking back on the 2016 election, do you think Hillary Clinton did an adequate herselferly campaigning and getting herself out to a large majority of americans because there was a lot of criticism on how she faltered or did not campaign herself enough. Good question. I assume that is asked in the context of not going to wisconsin. I think a couple of things p or when people ask me about wisconsin, it is a package with michigan and pennsylvania. While everyone upsets is about toconsin, she did not go wisconsin, and i hate to say it, not to talk down to the cheese state or whatever it is called, she lost by more than the margin of wisconsin. It is not an excuse but i say to look at it, you cannot make the argument about pennsylvania. The lady practically moved to pennsylvania. No one did not take pennsylvania seriously, including the other arms of the Democratic Party. Toyou remember and look back april, may, maybe a little later , one of the had packs spending a great deal working toward electing a democrat, they immediately identify pennsylvania as a key state, a must win. They poured tens of millions of dollars in. The campaign itself did. The campaign pulled regularly, outside groups polled regularly, pennsylvania papers and academic institutions pulled regularly. It is hard i understand the wisconsin point, and i do not know. Maybe had she spent as much time in wisconsin as in pennsylvania, i would still be standing here not having anything to do today because donald trump would be president. I understand the point but one we will hopefully get to it of someone asks about conspiracy theories, but one ridiculous thing is painting Hillary Clinton as anything other than energetic and spry. It is hard to keep up with her. She campaigned her tail off. N a lot of the right places she won places like nevada that were not gimmicks. , that, to me, if you do not solve pennsylvania, you do not solve the whole thing. Thank you very much. My name is rachel and i with the harvard extension school. Speaking from your 2020 , what wouldat began you do differently in campaigning . Philippe do not forget they give for credits to a chorus and when you transfer somewhere else, make sure they give you four. On transferring so were good. Hindsight, i think you have to break it down to the larger strategic question of going back to 2015 when she decided to run and what that would look like and tactical decisions in 2016. This third bucket of external factors. In no particular order, if theres something i could do differently, i would have waited outside jim comays car on july july 5 before his Infamous Press conference and tackled him until someone was able to say this is very inappropriate which are about to do. Strategically, i dont know. In hindsight there were some very big problems that would have affected any democrat. Im also going to be, let me just say it up front, i dont think any democrat would havebeaten donald trump aside from president obama. And i think that because, all come back to that but because if you look atthe polling, i think one out of every five voters came out is thatthey voted for donald trump. They voted for barack obama in 2012 and they continue to approve of the job barack obama was doing last year. Thats pretty interesting. I think its been hard for people to grasp that, but the reason that that is important is, if you had replaced Hillary Clinton with joe biden , joe biden, whom i love and if he runs, best of luck not beating to knocking donald trump outcome of metaphorically. Although i think they did challenge each other to a he would have been bogged down by obamacare, he wouldve been bogged down bytrade, he would have been bogged down by being in washington for decades and those things alone were probably dispositive, and i think the other point is everyone assumes when they say x would have one, won, they assume ask would have gotten what Hillary Clinton got and added some and i think thats a really silly way to look at it. Other people would not have gotten what she got, either with specific demographics or subgroups, so the strategic question is pretty hard to answer. He will be accused of Sexual Assault and harassment and no one cares. Hewill be showing that he went back to him bankrupt and no one cares. She would be left out of the room. Obviously what she did, she became the first woman candidate on the Major Political party. She is not going anywhere. People have wanted her voice to leave for decades, and thankfully she never listened to them, whether it was running for senate in new york, becoming secretary of state in 2009 or running in 2016. You know, she writes that voters a basket of trump , deplorables, was not the greatest idea. Although i think she was plenty accurate at the time and , especially in hindsight. About ere comments made workers that were taken differently then she meant. And when you lose by 70,000 votes, you can sit here and list 10 things that made the difference. Fingers, itnap my would be july 5 when james comey went to the podium like this and told the world that she was innocent, or he was not pursuing anything, that no reasonable added 15r would, but minutes of commentary that makes you think she was al capone. It was inappropriate. It was out of line. Hate Hillary Clinton have said that. Ostensibly he was fired by donald trump because of that. Obviously thats not very believable, but we had to live with that. And obviously, what he did in october, he kind of doubleddown on that. Im not sure if that covers. It probably answers some other questions, so thank you. Im not useded to having an hour. I go on fox or nbc i go on fox or msnbc and you have two minutes. Hello. Im abby chase from connecticut , and you were obviously tasked with portraying donald trump in debate with hillary, to practice for the televised debate. And in what ways have you seen the change between the candidate donald trump and the president donald trump, and one of the implications of any changes you have seen, if any . I see none. I think the only changes have been the effect. I did play donald trump, there were three general election debates between the candidates and its a big deal. Its one of the few times you see the candidates together. Secretary clinton took them very seriously, and someone said i had been training my whole life to be donald trump and i just didnt know what. [laughter] and it was a real window into things. Foremost, itt and is remarkable to go through life never suffering consequences, never. Never once. Goes out of business, declares bankruptcy, more people come along and lend him, no organization has the cleared more bankruptcy more office than trump casinos. He offends literally every group. Theres not a demographic in this room who was not offended by donald trump. Well,hat worked really couple that with someone who was lying very well and not getting called out on it, or people were just getting desensitized to it, it worked. Whenever people say, how did she lose to him . Say, remember 70 republicans lost to him, and these were extensively i didnt care for a lot of them but a lot of them were seasoned politicians who served in public office, who had a lot of money, who were not idiots, and he steamrolled them. The primaries were not close. He barely lost iowa and never looked back. And i think a lot of why election day was a shock was because people thought that routine wouldnt work to a broader audience. You could dominate the Republican Party with 50 of whoever these people are but when the rubber hit the road, he didnt. There were no consequences to anything he said or did. Now, there are still no consequences, but he is not succeeding. I mean if you define success , simply as did you win the presidency, he was extremely successful. I mean what he did was shocking, its understandable in hind sight in hindsight but it was , remarkable. Which isas done since, basically nothing different, has not worked out. It just has not. Tax reform was their first and its because its the thing that the Republican Party, you know, joins hands about most. So his style is not translating , or it is and we will find out the hard way. But he is not, for someone who wants to beloved, i dont know how he looks at a piece of paper, i dont know whether quinnipiac has his approval, but if i went down and said, 32 of america cruise of me, and a 70 thinks i should be investigated for this, or 60 cant think of a single nice thing to say about me, i would maybe do something a little different. He doesnt have to become a nice guy. He could just dial some stuff down, but he has no plan. He has never had a plan. The analogy that i used once was , you know a pinball machine. , hes not the guy standing here doing this. Forsorry to the mike guy doing that. He is the ball. Hes just hitting random bumpers and the lights are going off, and the sounds are going up. He has no plan. Ad if you think he has got plan and you say it out loud, his new plan will support you by doing the opposite. So his biggest problem now is that he hasnt changed but hes not going to change. He is incapable of changing. Why would he change . Things have never gone wrong for him. He is the president of the united states. He is one of 44 people to hold that office. Why would you change anything . Thats why he yells at his staff all the time about you told me to drop out after access ollywood. You dont know what you are talking about. And you know, someone might be standing there 10 years from now saying, thats how we won two terms. I hope not but hes not when a change and its folly for real people who are naive or overly hopeful to always wait for when is the pivot coming . When is he going to stop tweaking, like a crazy person . That, and i dont know how many time has to go by before you accept the fact that time hasknow how much to go by before you accept the fact that hes not going to change. This is where we are, this is whats going to continue, one thing i learned when i was studying my own prep for debate was, he is the most predictable unpredictable person of all time. And thats why i dont understand where people are surprised. And that is why if the overly long answer to your question. Thank you. High, my name is sienna. Im from the university of massachusetts lowell, and i was actually wondering about something you mentioned in your introduction, after the election something inside of me changed. I was wondering what intrinsically moved you to switch things that you believe , or what is something you would do differently now that you didnt before . I think the tax package is wrong. Weve never passed taxcuts at never passed tax cuts at the time of Economic Growth in our countrys history. Theres usually a reason why you cut taxes. So, hes running around saying its the best economy ever. Its pretty transparent what hes doing, but im not going to the mat. My head is not exploding because he passed tax cuts. To me the worst moment of this year, well, what changed on 801 08 01 was he had made it okay to say whatever he wanted, and with him we knew what he was saying, and most of the time its just flatoutdumb. Just flat out dumb. But he was unleashing a hate that was not going to dissipate. I think there is a combo of his basically giving everyone a get outofpoliticalcorrectness jail card and his behavior so the most dispiriting moment and angering moment for me was his speech to the boy scouts. , in any way, justify that and say its okay. I went back and i looked at president s all the way back, i think at least to nixon, addressing the jamboree and what he said is crazy. Its crazy. I think what he is doing withthe constant fake news and the disparaging people is, i dont have kids, and there are times i wish i did. Right now, im glad i dont. Because what he is doing to an entire generation of children is horrific. You hear stories about kids coming homeand their parents oning, what is with the c your report card, and they say its a fake report card. Or bullying, sexual harassment, domestic violence, i think were going to see over time that these numbers have exploded. He could leave office tomorrow and will be dealing with this for generation in terms of that kind of thing. And thats what kills me. If you want to wake up every day and focus on tax cuts or infrastructure, i would disagree with him. I would not be screaming from the rooftops. It is this constant attacking every single part of society and he is testing it. It untilthe term, band it breaks. He doesnt care about bending it. I think he is just swamping thesystem. He has got to be stopped. Thank you. Youre welcome. I currently attend Miamidade College. Im interested in the progress of the Democratic Party since the election. Since they lost a huge base with this election and wondering what the party might revisit the message that they were trying to convey during the 2016 election or will they try other , strategies to get the base but that they lost . Thats a good question because thats a big debate. I dont know the answer. I can tell you what i see which is i think you have this in two sections, your the 2018 midterms , which is shaping up to be the ballgame. If you can flip the house that is really going to make a difference in terms of slowing him down and depending on what , the muller investigation finds, actually taking steps, and then the second basket is 2020. And i think you have many people in the party now saying impeach, impeach like tomorrow or the minute we get control, because he is committing high crimes and misdemeanors. The threshold of being impeached, not to mention the 25th amendment which, people who lose their minds should not be president of the united states. And i dont know the answer to that. I do know, and heres a good example of what i was saying up front, history tells us 2018 is going to be ugly for him. It was ugly for barack obama, it was ugly for bill clinton and i would throw in their2006 was and i would throw in there, 2006 was ugly for george bush. But each of those things to me had a reason. Bill clinton it was failure of healthcare and thebudget deal. With barack obama it was obamacare, with george bush it was iraq. I dont know, and this is the question youre asking in the whether just sheer hatred in the Democratic Party for this man is the equivalent of republicans getting worked up about obamacare or bill clinton or democrats in iraq. I think it is. But on the flipside you have people saying, including the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, thats not our message. Stop saying impeach. You literally have people like tom stier who is very wealthy. I dont know his background exactly, but he is very wealthy and he was a big, he was involved in politics for environmental policy. Himselfas taken it upon for this group, need to impeach, and is focused on it. I, for one, i agree with that. I think the man has met the threshold and thats all thats important. I dont know. I think if it were held tomorrow it would be a bloodbath. The biggest indicator to me of that which i have noticed, is how many republicans are not running. Not a week goes by where a republican, and i dont just mean junior members, people work , Committee Chairman and who have really big jobs are saying , i think its time to retire. It is over two dozen. Then you get to 2020 which , becomes a much harder problem. Lets assume hes still in office. Lets assume he hasnt lost his mind any more than he already has. I think it is going to be a bit of a circus in the Democratic Party. I think we can all probably name 30 people who might run and not just a lot of people, but new types of people. Are going to have, i think the businessman, businesswoman category, whether it is howard schultz, mark zuckerberg, mark cuban, youre going to have celebrities. I dont even know who. By the way has my vote as of now. [laughter] honestly, thats a good point. ,ecause i am not sure who else what it is going to take to beat them. So you have this new category of business people, you will have a celebrity category and a large category of governors, senators, and house members. I think there will be a lot of house members running, which you dont see. Usually these guys try to leapfrog and i think theyre going to cut that. So, the problem, there are multiple problems. A lot of people with money have not run for president because they are not willing to spend a billion dollars to lose. I think Mike Bloomberg is a good example of that. But what donald trump did, he won with 60 million out of his own pocket. Now, if anyone here has 60 million in packet change, god bless you, you should run but there are a lot of people out there, celebrities and otherwise, that 69 million is pocket change. That will increase and then the biggest thing to me is, do people really think they will be able to outtrump donald trump . He didnt change the rules. He didnt abide by them. Thats a big difference. If someone says, im going to and i could shoot people on broadway, and i could have nine affairs and go out of business, and stay say, incredibly stupid things, and set the world we live in, they are going to lose. On the flipside, i dont know how not doing. Again, he has not change the has not changed the playing field. He has just been this unique person who skates through life , and i hope this all corrects itself. I dont know that its going to correct itself in that form. You joke about the rock, but it really might take someone who is literally bigger than life to say this guy is an idiot. Its hard imagining a governor or member of the senate, hes just going to say you are a product of the swamp, you just vote you dont do anything, im , the one who fixed everything, youre threatened by the success. So im bullish on 2018, bearish on 2020 and i dont know about the message. I think if it was held tomorrow it would be a bloodbath because his people, in the last month or two, what im about to say, people have been less angry than they were in 2016. I dont know if its because russia didnt work, or they were just so happy that they could run around saying and doing anything they wanted but, the imbalance between passion on the democratic side and at least some steadiness on the republican side is a good fight. I worry about the fight of anger versus anger. I just dont think democrats are very good at translating anger into something. Because we dont resort to the same tactics. But if i had to pick between the two i would pick between running to ground what happened with russia, and if necessary running on that. It is warranted. Im a film major at Miamidade College located in south florida. And Hillary Clinton has been described before as good leader but a bad candidate. So, what you believe should be done in a system that prefers candidates that know how to speak to a crowd as opposed to candidates that display Leadership Qualities . [laughter] there arent many president s walking there is. She is one of them. And it is hard for me to think, shes not a good candidate because i think thats the way. I understand your question, but its sad that thats not considered the best way. The one thing i would add is, you mentioned his speaking style, or speeches. And the bit about her yelling is a pretty clear window into how male candidates and female candidates are treated differently. If barack obama was loud, he was if bill clinton was loud, he was passionate. If Hillary Clinton is loud, shes grating. And that stuff. And that is tough. So, back to what were just talking about, i dont know what style of campaigning is going to work. Its possible that the style of campaigning is not only problematic for the hillary world, but for everybody. Again, he steamrolled through the Republican Party. But, she is, sometimes i think this is a bad analogy because its comparing them. But jack kennedy was more of a politician than people realized and Bobby Kennedy was moreof a substanceore of a person. That and irealized , think that goes for bill and clinton, the notion that smart politician in the family, she understands people. She understands whats going on. People in this room have ever been around her, or met her . Or but the single thing you hear most, after people meet her is, she is nothing what i thought. Which is what i thought when i interviewed with her and shes much more beautiful in person than on tv. Which sounds funny because do they realize thats not a compliment. So you know, i dont know. I dont know if elizabeth one runs whether her passion i dont know if elizabeth runs, whether her passion is considered passion or woman being louder than they should. Thank you. My name is andrew. My question for you is, a question was asked earlier about how you have the job donald trump, being donald trump, as you prepare for the debate. I just wondered what are some of the tactics to used to get inside the secretaries had or what you employed . So it was sort of scary. I think we are all seeing it now, i just had a year head start on it. I think there are two parts to that. The marching orders i was given and what i saw. The marching orders i was given and the people who lead her debate prep who have done this multiple times, theyve done it for president obama, both elections. They are the best out there. Its really remarkable. Onceinageneration superstar. His guidance was pretty interesting. Its a misnomer that he doesnt have policy. The policy might be wrong, it might be weird, but he has it. But its just scattered. He might have one of his people on tv saying something thats effectively policy. Every now and then he might give a speech. So youve got to know that. Two, he relishes hitting his opponents and he seems to spend, to whatever extent he spends time practicing or thinking through debates, it tends to be on that side. Which isnt surprising given what we know about how he approaches interpersonal relationships. Part, what icond learned was, he doesnt come on the opposition side he doesnt , make stuff up out of whole cloth. He exaggerates horribly. So for instance, he would attack john kasich by saying youve got a 2 billion deficit in ohio. And you frack and now it is in the hole. Now, thats an exaggeration, but ohio did have a 600 or 800 deficit. We have john kasich saying hold on a second, thats not right we thats not right, we only had a 600 million deficit. And youre watching this, and s like trump just one trump just won. He would lie, or hit them, but within a couple of he would stay within a couple of iterations of the truth and it made it much more effective. I watched debates, primary debates three times over, once normally, once just him and once with the sound off and hes not a good debater. And the moments that people calling did well, like job low energy or marco rubio little marco, he only resorts to that when he is incredibly frustrated by that person. I mean, it was there was no one , who got under his skin more than jeb bush. And when he got to the low energy put part or making fun of his wife or whatever it was , it or whatever it was, it was after an exchange of five minutes where he is turning red and just cant handle it. He snaps. This notion that he just flipped jeb bush off, you could see it. Not to get the psycho babbling, but bush was always on top of him. Because the polling was usually next to him and he was the only person taller than him, and i think in the back of his mind he feared bush because he had the money, he was the establishment. If he was going to lose it would be to bush. But, its a scary place to go because again, you can really do what you want and say what you want. Hes the most predictable unpredictable person so, but its hard to get that out of my head. Good morning, thank you for being with us this morning. My name is Jocelyn Joseph alvarez. I am coming from the harbor extension. Is it possible for a modern appealingo be somehow american, maybe a democratic populist, with a ofial Media Campaign to kind revealed Donald Trumps self advocacy . Thank you. It is a good question. Ill unpack that a little bit. The social media part is a great example. It had a huge impact, but it had a huge impact and still has a huge impact particularly his twitter feed, because he is as much as it drives people crazy, and to be honest with you what is interesting is that 70 of all americans, including republicans say they wish he had stopped. So theres something about that that everyone is recognizing as embarrassing. What hes doing is very smart. He did it during the campaign and continues to do it, hes just giving talking points straight to his people which is really, really smart. Straight to his people which is really, really smart. So yes, 2020, democrats have to be shrewd about social media. But is a democrat really going to lie via twitter . And are they going to get away with it . Is the media just to say donald trump changed the rules are now everyone can lie . Of course. You have some poor candidate who says im in a do it his way and there to get swamped and then you get into the larger problem, the example that i like to use is fake news, which i really, really wish everyone was dark fooluld start calling news. Because if you buy into the whole conceit of fake news on his side, his people, you are being taken as a fullf ool fool. You have used that as the simplest form of conversation in a pathetic way. I just wanted to get that off my chest, but look at one of the examples of something that was thrown at her last year. So there was something going around facebook, god knows what else, and let us not forget for a moment, where it started. That the pope endorsed donald trump. Ok . Lets set aside the whole area of that, because the only president ial candidate that i sacked the pope was donald trump and even more so, the only person to attack back by a pope. Now, it was very effective. You had people who bought it and not challenge it, they were fools. As fulls and they said hey, i believe it. I am a catholic. Is the head of the catholic religion is saying, vote for now, what with the democrats supposed to do about it . Where we supposed to send out a fact check of the Washington Post or factcheck. Org saying in seven paragraphs this is what , donald trump has said about the pope and this is the truth and push it out via twitter and facebook . That would not have worked. Should we have sent out something that said the pope has announced that anyone who votes for donald trump is going to a specific place in hell, and god told him that . That mightve worked better, but we would never do that. Is the tactics is aalance imbalance real problem. The fascination with Conspiracy Theory or the up session with it, i cant understand it. I guess a trump supporter would say believing in russia collusion is a Conspiracy Theory. So lets just, thats one if you want to spot them on. It got pedophilia in the process, in the form of pizza recipes. They believed that Democratic National Committee Staffer was murdered. Hillaryieve that clinton was concealing some kind of crazy illness. I mean, it goes on and on and on. The means how you fight that whether its social media or tv , ad or speech, it doesnt matter. Of you do not need to win 100 of the electorate. Thankfully, his 40 has become so, that gap, the people who voted for him who are disappointed in him, who i dont know what on earth these people thought they were so, that gap,t i dont know what kind of person appeals to them. Whats really remarkable is look at the electoral maps going back to reagan. Reagan won four tiny states and 84. In a 1984. 1970 and 49 states in 1972. If you look at bill clintons 1992 and 1996 states, it is crazy. Hes winning south dakota, north dakota, louisiana and since core it has been a, 50 50 country. I dont know, it might be as simple as taking back michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, restoring the socalled blue wall. Now who does that . Do they have to be a populist . I dont know that donald trump outdonald trump. Trumped. Donald in the democratic primary, it is going to be very similar 2006 midterm in that there is zero, and the 2007 president ial primaries, there is zero tolerance for anyone who supported iraq in any way. If you voted years after we went to iraq to provide funding for the troops, it was zerotolerance. And i understand that. If you apply that same sort of you replace iraq with donald trump in 2019 and its whos the angriest democrat, i dont know that thats going to translate wellin well in 2020. You might have a populist democrat who is really liberal. So i was stalling to say, i dont know. [laughter] my name is rachel craig, im a graduate student at Sussex University in boston and so Bernie Sanders had a larger , amount of millennial support, but didnt have a ton of turnout and millennials in general didnt really turn out for the general election and there was low enthusiasm. So my question is, do you think theres anything specific that the democrats can do to get more millennials actually out to the polls to vote for them . I need another hour to make fun of millennial and all sorts of things. I would like to think they wake up and realize that not voting was not a good idea. , whats her face . Either gary johnson or jill stein, was not a good idea. If you look at a lot of these s, if even 20 of the stein and johnson voters had shifted, Hillary Rodham clinton wouldve won. People who protested, if someone protested hrc because Bernie Sanders touted free college and she lived on planet earth and said, that the problem. I am going to get united 9 there. I dont know what that millennial got out of 2016. Donald trump is not giving anyone free tuition. He is taking away stuff from teachers and education. He has put probably the most ofualified person in the top the secretary of education. But i do not know how millennials think. It is unclear what will get them going. Someone like sanders or warren seemed to tap into that, but not if you cannot do it at the expense of waccamaw wacko whackaamole. It goes back to a narrow saying about you cannot just assume that people last year wouldve gotten what hrc got, and added onto it. Its not like that is some sort of bedrock. She put 1 billion into it, it was not a gimmick. But i think that millennials have to, they have to more than anyone else have to say, this is not normal. There is a lot of pressure to shut up. Donald trump and his people want everyone to shut up, get over the election, Hillary Clinton go away, thats in their best interest, but thats not how it works. We are supposed to oppose what we disagree with. And, i hope millennials dont lull ofto a accepting, this is what it is. God knows how many of them will see their taxes go down and base it just on that. But yeah, they are a key oddly inic that voted 2016, and i am not sure people understand how to get them to vote productively. In 2020. Thank you. Alright, we are out of time. On behalf of the Washington Center we would like to present you with this. Oh a gift [applause] thank you. How is it . Amazed that in one hour, no one asked about russia. It is interesting. Is it because everyone realizes that its such a mess that hes guilty, that they did, and enough everyone noticed that steve bannon is quoted in a new book coming out that don junior and the crew taking this meeting in trump tower was treasonous, so im glad you have set your minds already. The you see enough evidence on that. But you do not have any questions. Thank you again for having me. It has been a lot of fun. [applause] new york governor gave his speechf the state today. There have been tweets saying that he has been posed a antisexualharassment package that would spare taxpayers from paying for settlements involving Public Officials and by the government from entering into secret settlements. A transit reporter sent the message cuomo who controls the mta gave very little time to transit in his address, after a year during which that subways spiraled into crisis mode. A new York Resident saying that we had a record long speech from Governor Cuomo there we minutes. Here is part of the speech. I understand the emotions. The country is searching its way changing time. The unnerving, constant pace of change in society. Is at its fever peach. You feel it around your neck. And now there is a negative synergy, a sense that we are out of control. And that leads to fear which breeds anger, which breeds division. And that division makes us smaller and weaker. Division is a cancer to our body politic. Is our federal government furthering the division. Dividing. N by winners versus losers, rich versusmiddleclass, poor rich, black versus white, documented versus undocumented. Jews versus christian. Muslim versus jews. Always pitting one against the other. Always a conflict. T is always either or and much harm has been done. As the greatest republican president , ever hum lincoln said a house divided against itself cannot stand. [applause] cuomo but our obligation as leaders is not just to say what we are against, but also what we support. Our obligation as leaders is not just to criticize, but to offer an alternative. And region. New york follows a different path. New york believes there is no future builds through division, that only through unity. To believek way is that diversity is not a liability, it is the exact opposite. Diversity is our greatest asset and we celebrated. The new york way is that tolerance is expected from all. Announcer you can watch all of his address tonight at 11 30 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. Sunday on cspan q a i propose action instead of words i propose action now before it is too late. I propose it for the sake of a better world. And i say again, again and again, that i propose it for our american self interest. With his book Arthur Vandenberg the man at the middle of the american century. Inhe finds himself opposition when fdr is elected and the democrats, in the 1930s the senate. Ority of he was in opposition for the next 12 years which meant that to get anything done, which often meant resisting some of fdrs initiatives, there needed to be a coalition. He had to reach across the aisle. Q a, sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Againuse and senate vote the house and senate both began their session today. Leader began by welcoming the new senators. Bore

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